
  • Making your routine work for you is essential in finding and sustaining success.

    It starts with your goals and figuring out what you need to do to accomplish them. A big part of this is understanding time management and when you can make the time. And we’re not sacrificing sleep for it.


    Make an Appointment with Yourself. Schedule it just like you would a doctors appointment. Keep yourself accountable to your schedule. Create a buffer/have a contingency plan. Things are not going to always go the way you plan or anticipate them to go. So what do you do? You don’t quit. You make room for things to go wrong or a scheduling conflict to pop up unannounced. You have a plan for your plan when your plan doesn’t go as planned. Communicate. Do not go this alone. Bring your people into your plan. Create a support system, create accountability; don’t let the fear of failure keep you from sharing your goals with others. Let them know how they can support you. If you’re creating a new bedtime routine, probably a good idea to let your spouse or significant other know so that they can make those changes with you. Be as transparent as you can.

    WHO ARE WE?Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website ⁠⁠. Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @‌kaseystevenswellness or visit her website ⁠⁠Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?Email us at ⁠[email protected]⁠Follow our podcast on IG @‌selfcareprojectpodcast

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @‌kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @‌selfcareprojectpodcast

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    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness Program Director and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @‌kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @‌selfcareprojectpodcast

  • Back to Basics: Healthy Habits!

    1️⃣10k steps2️⃣Drink 1/2 BW in water3️⃣Prioritize Protein4️⃣Intentional movement every day that you enjoy5️⃣Sleep 7-9 hours

    Ways to stay consistent?

    1️⃣Set up reminders, alarms, notes app, or tasks in google calendar have been great for daily habits. I love a good list. Being able to cross things off, getting that dopamine dump of positive reinforcement when I do, it keeps me going, it keeps me motivated.

    2️⃣ join a challenge or accountability group - take some inventory of who you surround yourself with. If you're constantly with people who don't have the same goals or at least see the value in what you're trying to accomplish, find some people that be supportive in the way that you need them to be. It doesn't mean giving up your friends, but it does mean you should expand your circle.

    3️⃣ hire a coach that fits your needs - listen, we're for it and we're here for you. If you're ready to get started, and you've been here and been listening and you're curious, reach out to either one of us and we're happy to help.

    4️⃣ habit stacking - we actually did a great 3-part series on this very thing and you guys know we love the book, Atomic Habits. Our first of the episode of the series, Building Better Habits, is a great place to start.

    Are you interested in taking the next step with your habits and your goals? This 15 Day Step By Step Online Course will take you through science backed habits with actionable steps to easily implement in your day as well as a community to share your progress!

    Registration is OPEN Use Coupon Code SELFCAREPROJECT to receive 10% off


    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website ⁠⁠. Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @‌kaseystevenswellness or visit her website ⁠⁠Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?Email us at ⁠[email protected]⁠Follow our podcast on IG @‌selfcareprojectpodcast


    Relax and reduce stress. Don’t be afraid to do a little trial and error here. When are those moments when you feel the most relaxed? What are you doing? Where are you? Who is with you? Being able to identify some of these are going to be instrumental and finding what works for you. Find ways to learn and be creative. What is something you have always wanted to learn? How do you like to be creative? Is it music? Art? Do you like to sew? Or maybe it’s as simple as coloring…but finding that space for it can do wonders for your mental health. Spend time in nature. Go for a walk, garden, hike, ride a bike, whatever it is, find what you connect with and do that. Maybe it’s just walking outside barefoot in the grass. But getting that fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun is going to be a win-win situation for your mind and mood. Connect with others. Show up to socials and do things that interest you. What kind of relationships do you want? Are you a big crowd, the more the merrier type of person or is it quality that you’re looking for? Knowing this will be extremely helpful when you’re trying to find ways to connect with your community. Look after your physical health. It increases dopamine and enorphins. It helps regulate sleep and blood sugar and you will never regret prioritizing your health. Try to get enough sleep. Make it a priority. Your body goes through a lot during a sleep cycle, so make sure you’re giving it enough time to get it all done. Environment and routine are going to be critical steps if you are someone who struggles with sleep. If you don’t prioritize sleep, here’s your sign to start doing so.

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @‌kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @‌selfcareprojectpodcast

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

  • This episode we’re talking about challenges we sometimes face when it comes to practicing self-care. And just know, that if you experience any of these or struggle with them in any way, you’re not alone.

    Feeling Guilty - we all have gone through this particular emotion which is often why we never fully commit to our self-care. Guilt over the things we aren’t getting done, the time we’re spending on ourselves instead of on our kids or family or job…we’ve been there and we get it. But let this be your reminder, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

    Lack of Time - your hosts over here are on pretty polar opposites when it comes to this one…and we’re also in very different stages of life. But the key here is learning to run your day vs letting your day run you. And to do this, you do need to make yourself accountable for what you have to get done and do it in a way that is going to allow you to create consistency. Stop trying to implement a way that you would like to adhere to and find the way that actually works for you.

    Manage your Expectations - If you’re not working with a contingency plan, now’s the time to get one. What are you going to do when it doesn’t go the way you want it to. Things aren’t always going to fit the way you anticipated and planned for. If you’re a parent, life is going to get messy and it’s going to happen often. Plan for it, expect it, find grace and learn to live in the moments that life is affording you. If you always expect perfection, you’re going to spend a lot of time disappointed. You have to manage your expectations and set them in the realm of reality.

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @‌kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @‌selfcareprojectpodcast

  • This episode is all about Burnout and Lack of Motivation. Whether is with a job, family, working out, or just the hustle and bustle of life, this episode is full of useful nuggets to help you maneuver those moments when you the weight of the responsibilities starts to feel too heavy.

    5 Things that can help Overcome Burnout:
    1. Take Breaks - if you're behind a desk all day, this is super important. It's not always best or the most productive to just sit and grind all day.
    2. Put away your digital devices - Especially when you're at home or on vacation. DO NOT take work with you.
    3. Do something interesting - something you actually want to be doing, especially when things start to feel like a burden
    4. Take long weekends; make it a stay-cation or go somewhere out of cell service and just unplug
    5. Focus on meaning; THE WHY. This is that reminder that we have talked about a lot and it just keeps popping up.

    Signs to look for when it comes to overtraining or burnout are going to be important for you to recognize the symptoms in order to address them and correct them.

    Lifestyle-related signs of overtraining:
    1. Prolonged general fatigue.
    2. Increase in tension, depression, anger or confusion.
    3. Inability to relax.
    4. Poor-quality sleep.
    5. Lack of energy, decreased motivation, moodiness.
    6. Not feeling joy from things that were once enjoyable.

    Taking some time to assess the situation and the emotions that come with it is a huge first step when deciding if what you're doing is what you should still be doing.

    Check out @hatchtribe for more on female leadership and productivity!

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @‌kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @‌selfcareprojectpodcast

  • How we SPEAK to ourselves can make ALL of the difference when it comes to your sense of self.
    Positive self talk can improve your mental health, lead to greater life satisfaction and can reduce stress. I am not asking you to be a STOIC but I am asking you to invest a little time in YOU and see how you can create a better relationship with yourself!

    Here are our top 3 ways to get you started:

    What are you saying to yourself, when are you saying it and how is it making you feel? If you are calling yourself a fat ass every time you eat something you feel isn't getting you to your goals then you're just shaming yourself! And shame leads to a lot of other unwanted behaviors first of all being that you are not believing you're not good enough.

    If you think its dumb and you wont do it then pick something else. You have to be willing to do the work and if your attitude around it sucks then it won't work.

    Find a friend, a therapist or a group! EVERYONE needs some type of support. And learn to support yourself. No one else can do it for you. You have to show up for yourself before you can expect others to show up for you.

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

  • Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website 
    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?  
    Email us at [email protected] 
    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

  • In this episode we're keeping it pretty simple, but talking about two things that we care a lot about. Self-Care and Self-Love. It's February, the month of love and who better to love than yourself. And we're talking about being self-absorbed and selfish. We're talking about prioritizing our self-care in order to maintain our physical wellbeing and practice self-love in order to keep our mental and emotional health in check.

    Self-care is taking care of yourseld physically and mentally. This can look like a lot of different things, so spend some time with yourself and what it is that you truly love and enjoy. What makes you feel better? What helps you lower your stress? However you answered those questions, do that.

    Self-love is about speaking kindness to yourself, while ending the cycle of thought that you don't deserve the same love and kindness you give to others.

    Practice gratitude, practice positive affirmations, and always remember why you started this journey in the first place.

    Thank you for listening and we hope your February is full of self-love and self-care and all the things that make your heart happy.WHO ARE WE?

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website 

    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?  

    Email us at [email protected] 

    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

  • So you've finally started and things are going well...until they aren't. This episode is all about your Why. What is it? Why is it important? What do you do when you keep quitting and not how to break the cycle?
    This episode gives you some necessary steps to consider so that the next time things go off the rails, you can find your way back.

    If you don't have a Why, this is where you start.
    1. Write it down.
    Who are you doing this for? Is it for your health? Is it for your family?
    2. Make it visible
    Where can you put it so you can see it? Is this your vision board? A post it?
    3. Make it tangible
    Can you see it? Touch it? Feel it? Imagine it?
    4. Revisit it often
    Have a meeting with yourself! This is so important. This could look like an EOM wrap up, end of the week, or even year, etc.

    Your Why will change as you progress. So you can't write and leave it. You have to come back to it regularly. Has it changed? Is it still applicable? Do you need to expand on it?

    Remembering why you started and where you are going are great strategies for getting back on track when things start to go off the rails...and they will, so you might as well plan for it.


    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website 

    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?  

    Email us at [email protected] 

    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast


    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website 

    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?  

    Email us at [email protected] 

    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast

  • Today we're talking about breaking it down to help each of you turn your dream life into a reality. So how do we do that?
    Some simple steps from an amazing book, Compound Effect, here's what we felt were 3 starter steps to get you going. The first step is the first step but beyond that, here are 3 steps you can implement today.

    Removing barriers. Now that the ball is rolling we need to remove as many barriers as you can. This is preparing your environment, scheduling and preparing so you have a plan and a routine. To remove your barriers you have to know your barriers and own them. Imagine yourself as that person. What does that person do all day? How do they show up? What time do they wake up? Go to bed? Eat for breakfast? BE SPECIFIC AF and then BE THEM! Be the version of yourself that has already accomplished that goal.This is where you're going to need to find more than just your motivation. You've got to find your discipline. Scheduling. If you know that you have big projects ahead of you, you need to schedule those the same way you would schedule a meeting. If you don't run your day, your day will run you.

    So take these steps, let us know how you're making them work for you and get the ball rolling on your goals.

    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority. Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business. She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition. Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition. You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website
    Want to be a guest? Have a suggestion for an episode?
    Email us at [email protected]
    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast


    What is a vision board? A visual representation of your goals! No matter how big or how small these can be POWERFUL but they don't work unless you do!

    There really aren't any rules about what your board should look like but the one rule is it should include YOUR vision. You are going to want to MANIFEST your goals through visualization and daily reminders.

    So what do you need and how do we get started? After running several different workshops focused around manifestation, goals and vision boards these are the things that I have found work!

    A vision! What do you see for yourself in 2023? What are your goals in 2023? Be serious about this. Take those smart goals we talked about AND if you have not listened to that episode yet GO BACK and listen! Gather your materials. Find objects that represent your vision. Want to travel more? Find an airplane or photos of your destinations. Want to start hitting the gym? Find some motivation quotes about being strong or being consistent. Want to eat better. Place images of the foods you want to eat on there! Place your vision board some place where you can see it every day. Do you do morning meditation? Use it to visualize during your meditation. Do you have an office you work at from home during the day? Place it in your office. If you want to have the goal of getting a promotion or being debt free or losing that last 10 lbs VISUALIZE yourself as that person! Make your vision board interactive. Cross things off as you accomplish them. One year I had the goal to be debt free to I added the balance of my last credit card to my board and created sticky notes for the small amounts I could pay off...think 1,000 dollars broken into 100 increments. I removed a sticky note with each 100 I paid. You can do the same for a weight loss goal or for a big item you're saving for.

    We hope this was helpful.


    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website 

    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?  

    Email us at [email protected] 

    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast


    1.  Realistic & specific with your Goals

    We totally have talked about this a few times and we will post the previous episodes in the notes but make sure your goals are attainable and realistic and when you know that you can get really specific.

    Go back and listen to our podcast from last week, we cover all of this and then some.

    2.  Have a strategy & Break down into pieces to progress.  Small and sustainable

    Once you have your goals you can create a road map.  Do your research, hire a coach to help, take an online course but figure out what you need and work to get there with some daily habits and small action steps.

    Assess your process. Atomic Habits teaches us that it's not the goal we struggle with, it's most often the process. We keep trying the same things over and over and they keep not working. So stop thinking this time, with the same strategies that you've always tried, will be different. If you want different results, you have to try different things.

    3.  Accountability.  Get a friend Get a coach Connect on SM

    Facebook groups are great for this!  Having a coach or a friend to join you is also great.  Even your partner, although that can get complicated!  

    Even as coaches, we need accountability. We stay accountable to each other in creating this podcast and these episodes. We are busy and our lives are in 2 very different places right now. One of the biggest things that we have found to help keep us on track and accountable is a website called Trello. It allows us to put our notes in, set deadlines, etc. that we can both see and it really helps keeps us organized.

    4.  Timing is everything!  No one will never be 100% ready but trying to accomplish something big when your life is a dumpster fire is not the right time!  

    Understand where you are and what your bandwidth is.

    You just have to still need some kind of plan, but there is a certain level of learning as you go that is acceptable. Those small manageable steps that we've talked to you about, that's your starting point. Just start there and keep going.

    5.  Set some boundaries!  This can be with your partner, friends, family....let people know what your goals are and don't be afraid to say no.  Its not intentional but when you are working towards something some of those around you can keep you stuck in the same vicious circle of try and fail.  


    Stacy and Kasey, both professionals, entrepreneurs and mamas chat about all things health, wellness and how we manage to make to make ourselves (or not) a priority.  Some days are better than others! Stacy is a Health & Wellness professional, working full time as a Fitness & Aquatics Program Manager and also owns her own Wellness Coaching Business.  She specializes in working with busy mamas who are ready to gain their confidence back through mindset, fitness & nutrition.  Connect with Stacy on Instagram at @stacygartner or visit her website Kasey is a certified professional who focuses on functional nutrition but is also a SAHM who homeschools all three of her children. She is truly the definition of "doing it all." She focuses on uncovering root causes through specific health protocols that help her clients heal their bodies through nutrition.  You can connect with Kasey on Instagram at @kaseystevenswellness or visit her website 

    Want to be a guest?  Have a suggestion for an episode?  

    Email us at [email protected] 

    Follow our podcast on IG @selfcareprojectpodcast