
  • Join Pastor Seun Osigbesan on this transformative journey through the Scriptures in an episode that unlocks the secrets to living in abundance. With the title "Unlocking Covenant Prosperity," Pastor Seun delves into the profound lessons from Genesis 22 and Matthew 4, revealing the covenant of prosperity that God has established with His children.

    Discover the five compelling reasons why prosperity should be a believer's aspiration, from God's desire for His children to thrive to the necessity of resources for kingdom expansion. Pastor Seun emphasizes that prosperity is not just about wealth but about fulfilling God's purpose and enjoying His blessings without sorrow.

    With a powerful blend of biblical narratives and practical insights, Pastor Seun outlines the keys to accessing God's covenant of prosperity: worship, sacrifice, uprightness, and obedience. He challenges listeners to align with God's will, make sacrifices as led by the Spirit, and maintain integrity in their pursuit of divine prosperity.

    This episode is a masterclass in spiritual growth and financial stewardship, urging you to heed the now word of God for your life. As Pastor Seun leads a prayer for divine direction and open eyes, you too will be inspired to step into a new level of faith, where your jar of oil never runs dry and God's promises manifest in every area of your life. Tune in for a message that will equip you to unlock the doors to covenant prosperity and live the abundant life God intends for you.

  • In this riveting episode of The Seun Osigbesan Podcast, Pastor Seun Osigbesan, the lead pastor of Grace Made Christian Center, equips listeners with the spiritual armor necessary for life's battles. Titled "Dressed for Battle," this sermon delves into the depths of Ephesians 6:10-17, where the Apostle Paul instructs believers to don the full armor of God.

    Pastor Seun unveils the spiritual hierarchies and powers that operate in the unseen realm, emphasizing that our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against these spiritual forces. He breaks down the significance of each piece of the spiritual armor, from the belt of truth, which represents our grounding in God's Word, to the shield of faith that protects us from the enemy's fiery darts.

    With a blend of scriptural mastery and practical application, Pastor Seun encourages the congregation to live in constant readiness for spiritual warfare, highlighting the offensive power of the Word of God as our sword in the spirit. He challenges listeners to wield their authority in Christ with confidence, ensuring they are always "Dressed for Battle."

    This episode is a call to arms for every believer seeking to navigate life's challenges with spiritual insight and divine empowerment. As Pastor Seun leads a powerful prayer for the fullness of God's provisions, you too will be inspired to stand firm in your faith, fully equipped and ready to claim victory in every area of your life. Tune in for a message that will fortify your spirit and prepare you for the daily triumphs that await you as a child of God.

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  • In this profound and uplifting episode of The Seun Osigbesan Podcast, join Pastor Seun as he explores the intricate themes of destiny and divine purpose. With an invigorating sermon titled "Seeds of Destiny," he dives into the powerful truths of Romans 8:28-30, unraveling the concept of destiny and how it intertwines with God's foreknowledge and our personal choices.

    Pastor Seun challenges common misconceptions about destiny, dismantling the notion that our lives are merely scripts pre-written by God without room for human agency. Instead, he passionately argues that each individual is uniquely crafted by God, equipped with seeds of greatness destined for glory. He emphasizes that while certain aspects of our lives are shaped by divine foreknowledge, the ultimate outcome is influenced by the decisions we make.

    With an engaging mix of scriptural insights and practical wisdom, Pastor Seun encourages listeners to recognize and nurture the seeds of destiny within them. He paints a vivid picture of a future where listeners, as change agents, unleash their potential and contribute to the world in significant ways. Whether it's leading industries, shaping cultures, or simply excelling in personal callings, the message is clear: you are fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose that transcends the here and now.

    This episode is a clarion call to action, urging you to align with God's will and make choices that propel you towards your God-given destiny. As Pastor Seun prays for the congregation, he extends the same blessings to you: to be filled with the knowledge of God's will and to experience the fulfillment of your destiny in extraordinary ways. Tune in and be inspired to step into the fullness of what God has prepared for you, and remember, you are a work in progress on a journey to greatness.

  • In this empowering episode of The Seun Osigbesan Podcast, Pastor Seun offers invaluable wisdom on thriving in times of scarcity. With March declared as a month of good things, he embarks on a journey through scripture to reveal how God's children can flourish even in the harshest conditions. From the narrative of Joseph in Egypt to the lessons from the spies sent to Canaan, Pastor Seun illuminates the importance of words, trust in God, spirit-led decisions, ordered living, and the power of giving.

    Pastor Seun stresses that our confession shapes our reality, urging listeners to speak life and victory regardless of circumstances. He reminds us that our help comes from the Lord, not man, and that being led by the Spirit is crucial in making wise investments. With practical advice on financial stewardship and avoiding waste, he also highlights the transformative power of generosity, especially towards the less fortunate.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to navigate life's challenges with divine strategy and assurance. As Pastor Seun prays for strength, favor, and provision, you too will be inspired to declare, "This is my best season!" Join us for a message that will not only lift your spirit but equip you to rise above any situation and witness the manifestation of good things in your life.

  • In this podcast episode, Pastor Seun delves into the critical factors behind the success and failure of marriages. Starting with the alarming divorce statistics provided by the American Psychological Association, the discussion revolves around the primary reasons marriages fail, emphasizing the importance of preparation and understanding of God's love.

    Pastor Seun highlights lack of preparation as the first reason for marriage failure, drawing from biblical teachings to underscore the necessity of careful planning before entering into marriage. He emphasizes the importance of deliberate preparation, citing examples from personal experiences and scripture.

    Furthermore, the podcast explores the significance of understanding God's love in sustaining marriages. Pastor Seun distinguishes between different forms of love and underscores the need for agape love, characterized by patience, long-suffering, and kindness, as the foundation of a successful marriage.

    Drawing from personal anecdotes and biblical references, Pastor Seun encourages listeners to invest in their relationships by seeking knowledge, reading books, and seeking guidance from mentors. He stresses the ongoing need for growth and improvement even in long-standing marriages, urging couples to prioritize understanding and embodying God's love.

    Through humor and candid reflections, the podcast offers practical insights and encouragement for listeners to nurture healthy, enduring marriages based on preparation and a deep understanding of God's unconditional love.

  • Join Seun Osigbesan in this insightful podcast episode as he delves into the topic of invoking God's favor. Drawing from biblical principles and real-life examples, Seun shares practical strategies to unlock divine favor in your life. From the power of prayer to the importance of righteousness and cultivating an excellent spirit, Seun explores key elements that pave the way for God's favor to manifest. Discover how a shift in perspective and attitude can lead to profound changes in your circumstances. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion that offers valuable insights into experiencing God's favor in every area of your life. Tune in now and embark on a journey towards greater favor and blessings!

  • In this podcast, Pastor Seun delves into the essence of true worship, moving beyond location and external expressions. He highlights that worship is a deep connection born out of a genuine relationship and fellowship with God. The message emphasizes worship as a form of ministering to God, presenting one's life as a living sacrifice.


    A critical point emerges about God actively seeking true worshipers. The urgency is underscored as Pastor Seun asserts that God is tired of individuals merely playing church or religion. Worship is portrayed as an expression of genuine love for God, independent of personal needs or circumstances.

    The podcast concludes with a powerful invitation for listeners to reflect on their worship and relationship with God.

    Join us on this journey to discover the depth and significance of true worship—a call to intimacy with the Creator.

  • 💬 Show Notes

    In this stirring episode, Pastor Seun Osigbesan, the visionary Lead Pastor of Grace Made Christian Centre, delves deep into the enigmatic concept of Favour – an unseen yet palpable force that can radically transform lives. With his dynamic delivery, Pastor Seun explores the story of Mephibosheth from 2nd Samuel 9 and the profound insights of Romans 9, guiding us through the "Mystery of Favour" and its pivotal role in our spiritual and earthly journey.

    Pastor Seun's sermon illuminates how Favour isn't just about being liked or preferred; it's a divine endorsement, an aura that marks us for breakthroughs and divine settlement. He illustrates through scripture how Favour can break cycles of stagnation, restore what's been lost, and place us where we ordinarily wouldn't belong. With ten compelling effects of Favour and practical steps to invoke it in our lives, this episode is an invitation to embrace the Favour that can make this year unlike any other.

    As you listen, expect to be inspired to seek God's Favour through prayer and righteousness, and to anticipate those moments of divine coincidence that can lead to preferential treatment and life-altering opportunities. Pastor Seun's message is clear: Favour is available to all who earnestly seek it, and when it rests upon us, we are transformed into new beings, capable of achieving the extraordinary.

    Tune in to this transformative episode and let Pastor Seun's prophetic declarations over your life ignite your faith. You too can experience the mystery of Favour and step into your own story of divine settlement.

  • "I am moving from shame to settlement."

    In this episode, we journey to the heart of faith and perseverance with Reverend Albert Femi Oduwole.

    Reverend Oduwole's message, "From Shame to Settlement," is a clarion call to hold fast to faith, even when the odds seem insurmountable. He reminds us that our adversities are but temporary, and with unwavering belief, our moment of breakthrough is inevitable.

    Drawing from rich biblical teachings, Reverend Oduwole's anecdotes, filled with humour and depth, illustrate the power of faith and the importance of claiming God's word for our lives. He touches on the story of a woman from Luke Chapter 13, who was bent over for 18 years but received her healing through Jesus's proclamation, "Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity."

    Reverend Oduwole brings an electrifying energy that will compel you to rise from your seat and give praise. His message is clear: this is the year we have been waiting for, a year of testimony, of God's promises coming to fruition, and of spiritual settlement.

    Tune in, be refreshed by God's word, and step into your year of settlement. Let this be the year that you too can testify to the goodness of God in your life.

  • "You are divinely settled when you have comfort and rest on every side." - Seun Osigbesan

    As we enter the new year, it's not uncommon to seek a fresh start or a sign that the months ahead will bring better tidings than the last. Pastor Seun Osigbesan's latest sermon, delivered with the fervour of a man deeply rooted in Faith, offers just that—a promise of Divine Settlement in 2024.

    In this episode, Seun, the lead pastor at Grace Made Christian Center, doesn't just speak; he calls us to action. He draws parallels between the biblical stories of Isaac and the persistent prayer of Jacob with our contemporary struggles, urging us to see this year as one uniquely different from all others. His message is clear: with God, this year can be a turning point, a period of unprecedented fruitfulness and comfort.

    Seun's sermon is more than a call to optimism—it's a blueprint for spiritual success. He emphasises the importance of laying a foundation for the year through prayer and fasting, and the power of sacrificial giving. He challenges listeners to be resolute in their prayers, to be shamelessly persistent, and to trust in the providence of God who is able to make all Grace abound towards us.

    The pastor's words resonate with a truth that is hard to ignore. He speaks of Divine Settlement not just as a concept but as a tangible reality that can be manifested in our lives. He shares seven biblical meanings of Divine Settlement, from experiencing rest on every side to becoming a wonder and envy to others, and he backs these up with scriptures that serve as a testament to God's promises.

    As you listen to this episode, you can't help but feel a stirring within your soul, a spark that ignites Faith and hope for the year ahead. Seun doesn't just want you to listen; he wants you to act, to participate in the divine dance of Faith that leads to a settled life under God's Grace.

    So, take a moment to reflect on what you want this year to represent in your life. Are you seeking financial breakthroughs? Spiritual growth? A settled family life? Whatever it is, this episode of Seun's sermon offers the spiritual nourishment needed to fuel your journey.

    If you're ready to embrace a year of Divine Settlement, to see the fruits of your Faith and labour multiply, then this episode is an essential listen. Tune in, let Faith rise within you, and step forward into a year where God's blessings are not just a distant dream but a present reality.

  • "The Seun Osigbesan Podcast" is your guide to a purpose-driven life, hosted by Pastor Seun Osigbesan, the visionary Lead Pastor of Gracemade Christian Centre. Through insightful sermons and discussions, Pastor Seun combines timeless wisdom from Scriptures with real-life examples. His inclusive approach welcomes everyone, regardless of background, to explore spirituality and discover their unique calling. Join us for a transformative experience, gaining tools to navigate life's challenges and embracing the power of faith and purpose.

  • In this episode of the 'Seun Osigbesan' podcast, Pastor Osigbesan speaks directly to the heart of every listener, declaring that the struggles of the past will pave the way for a future filled with blessings. Whether you've been waiting for financial stability, seeking a life partner, or yearning for a career breakthrough, this sermon is a prophetic declaration that your time has come.

    Pastor Osigbesan's words are not just comforting; they are empowering. He proclaims that 2024 is the year where the heavens open up to shower you with the answers to your prayers. Imagine walking into a season where every financial barrier is lifted, where relationships are restored and strengthened, and where your career takes off in ways you never thought possible.

    But it's not just about personal growth; the message extends to societal impact as well. Pastor Osigbesan envisions members of the congregation stepping into roles of influence and governance, shaping the future of their communities and nations.

    The declaration is a masterful blend of biblical references and real-world applications, making it relevant to anyone listening, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. It's a call to action to step into the fullness of what God has planned for you and to embrace the spiritual gifts that have been lying dormant within.

    As you listen to this episode, you'll find yourself filled with hope and anticipation for the year ahead. Pastor Osigbesan's conviction that God will bring about a supernatural upgrade in your life is infectious, and it's hard not to be moved by his assurance that this year, you will be at least five times greater than before.

    Don't miss out on this life-affirming message. Tune in to the 'Seun Osigbesan' podcast and let Pastor Seun Osigbesan guide you into a year of divine settlements, where your dreams and aspirations align with heaven's best for your life. It's not just another sermon; it's a prophetic declaration that could very well mark the turning point in your life.

    So, are you ready to claim your year of divine settlements? Listen to the episode now and step boldly into a future where you are settled by the divine.

  • In this episode, Seun redirects the focus, correlating prosperity with spiritual advancement and obedience to God's design. He advocates for a paradigm shift, urging individuals to surpass each year in wealth and all facets of life.

    The key to achieving this divine prosperity lies in the practical yet profound prophetic insights Seun unveils. Drawing from Job 36:11, he reveals a promise of abundant days and years of joy for those dedicated to God's service.

    During a retreat at the Redemption Camp, Seun sought divine guidance for the upcoming year, receiving transformative revelations. He stresses the significance of obedience to God's word, adherence to divine instructions, and honouring spiritual authority. His message challenges listeners to reassess their service to God, emphasising consistency and joy regardless of life's challenges.

    Seun's sermon isn't merely a message of hope but a call to active faith—urging the embrace of God's word, its constant meditation, and decisive action rooted in the belief of assured success. It prompts introspection about spiritual well-being and aligning actions with God's will.

    You will be reminded of God's transformative love and its tangible impact when you choose obedience. This episode serves as a roadmap to a year brimming with divine blessings.

    Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and transformed for a prosperous 2024.

  • Amidst the chaos and uncertainties of today's world, Pastor Seun Osigbesan delivers an impactful message centred on the essence of hope and salvation found in Christ. He urges us to not only celebrate the festive season but to remember the true reason behind it all – Jesus Christ.

    Drawing from the Scriptures, particularly Romans Chapter Ten, Pastor Seun emphasizes the pivotal role believers play in spreading the gospel. He challenges us with a thought-provoking question: How can people believe in someone they've never heard of? This query stresses our responsibility to share the life-changing message of Jesus actively.

    Through his testimony, Pastor Seun shares a journey from a life of indulgence to discovering purpose and peace through Christ. His story serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith and highlights the potential each individual holds to impact countless lives.

    This episode isn't solely a sermon; it's an invitation for introspection. Pastor Seun challenges us to assess our influence and asks whether our lives reflect Christ in a way that draws others to Him. Are we actively spreading the love and hope found in Jesus, or are we missing opportunities to do so?

    Whether you're a steadfast believer or someone curious about the Christian faith, this podcast episode offers a moment of reflection and inspiration. Pastor Seun's heartfelt message encourages us to become agents of change, embodying the love and hope that only Jesus can bring.

    Tune in to this episode of The Seun Osigbesan Podcast and embrace the call to live purposefully, becoming catalysts of transformation in a world hungering for the love and hope of Christ. Join us in sharing Jesus in our spheres, making His love known to all.

    Listen now and embark on a journey of renewal and empowerment, as we collectively spread the transformative message of Jesus to the world.

  • In this episode, Pastor Seun Osigbesan delves into the enriching topic of Kingdom Giving. 

    Referencing Proverbs 11:24-25 and Luke 6:38, Pastor Seun emphasizes the significance of generosity and its correlation with abundance. He focuses on the concept of bountiful harvest and the impact of Kingdom Giving on both personal growth and community support.

    He elaborates on the biblical understanding of tithing, highlighting its essence as 10% of one's blessings and shares the perspective that God's blessings can be so immense that a calculator might be needed to account for them all. The sermon illustrates how a generous heart expands one's world while a stingy attitude limits it.

    Listeners are encouraged to embrace a mindset of abundance, giving freely and abundantly, understanding that the measure they use will be measured back to them. The episode inspires a spirit of generosity, tying it to spiritual growth and experiencing a more abundant life.

    Join Pastor Seun Osigbesan in this enlightening episode, where Kingdom Giving is explored as a pathway to a more expansive and fulfilling life in faith.

  • Pastor Seun kicks off the Bountiful Harvests series with a sermon titled 'Understanding the power of tithe', promising it will be a blessing for listeners. He explores the biblical foundations of kingdom giving and soul winning, highlighting passages in Genesis and Luke. The pastor makes bold declarations about God delivering enemies and overflowing blessings in response to generous giving. However, he acknowledges tithing can be controversial and aims to provide biblical clarity on this important spiritual practice. Listen for a challenging and encouraging teaching on aligning our finances with God's purposes.

  • This episode provides a compelling framework for achieving success through building strategic relationships, acquiring knowledge, and applying timeless principles. Pastor Niyi Adesanya analyzes patterns of achievement, emphasizing the importance of continuing education, communication skills, and creating a reputation of excellence. Concrete examples are given of leveraging relationships over time to create invaluable opportunities. Anyone seeking to maximize their potential will gain powerful insights from this talk.

    About Pastor Niyi Adesanya…

    Pastor Niyi Adesanya is a revered figure in Nigeria's leadership space, renowned for over two decades of transformative speaking and coaching. His influence spans diverse arenas, impacting corporate professionals and youth. As one of Nigeria's highest-paid business coaches, his Business Think Tank events command top fees, addressing millions and coaching executives while reaching thousands of professionals and young minds in tertiary institutions. Mentored by Pastor Sam Adeyemi, his impact on personal development and leadership transformation is profound, providing life-changing insights through his work and events.

    🗣️ Quotes from Pastor Niyi Adesanya:

    "I rarely accept invitations unless there is a relationship or God directs me."

     "What you know plus how you express it, multiplied by who you know and who knows you."

     "Understand patterns and how God speaks individually."

     "Success comes from applying God's principles rather than depending solely on prayer."

     "Become indispensable in your career and field of expertise."

  • In this episode, Seun Osigbesan delves into the transformative concept of Servant Leadership, drawing wisdom from John 13:1-17. He unravels the essence of Jesus' example in washing the feet of his disciples, setting the pinnacle of servant leadership.

    As Seun Osigbesan explores the biblical passage, he emphasizes the three defining parameters that make Jesus the ultimate leader: the depth of his impact, the breadth of his influence, and the longevity of his legacy. Through powerful insights, he emphasizes that everyone is a leader, wielding influence in their spheres, and dissects the crucial elements of self-leadership and group leadership.

    He passionately articulates that self-leadership is the cornerstone of effective group leadership, stressing the significance of self-discovery, awareness, and understanding. With a captivating blend of scriptural exegesis and relatable anecdotes, Seun Osigbesan navigates through the vital aspects of purpose, potential, personality, passion, and power, guiding listeners toward a deeper comprehension of their unique calling and capabilities.

    This episode challenges, inspires, and equips listeners to embrace the profound responsibility of leadership by first leading themselves. Join us on this enlightening journey as we learn to walk in the footsteps of servant leadership and embrace our roles as influencers in our spheres of life.

  • In this episode of "The Seun Osigbesan Podcast," your host, Seun Osigbesan, delves into the profound concept that "Ideas Rule The World." Drawing inspiration from key Bible verses, Genesis 1:1-3 and Hebrews 11:1-3, Seun unravels the transformative power of ideas and the role they play in shaping our destinies.

    Highlighting that creation itself began as an idea in the mind of God, Seun reminds us that, as co-creators, our own ideas have the potential to shape our world. Everything that has come into existence since Adam has been a product of human initiative and innovation. This underscores the importance of recognizing the creative potential within each of us.

    Seun emphasizes that ideas are the seeds that guarantee a bountiful harvest in life. Quality thinking leads to quality ideas, and the mind is the fertile ground where breakthroughs take root. To experience new things and achieve greater heights, our minds need to be open to change, breaking free from limiting programming.

    Throughout the episode, Seun shares valuable insights on generating ideas, both through natural and supernatural processes. He provides practical advice on turning ideas into reality, encouraging listeners not to wait for the perfect time, to take calculated risks, seek partnerships, and most importantly, to take persistent action.

    As Seun Osigbesan leads you through this thought-provoking discussion, you'll discover how to harness the power of your mind, unlock your creative potential, and bring your ideas to life. Join us in this enlightening episode and receive the grace you need to start taking action and shaping your world through the power of ideas.

    Power Quotes:

    "The reason you are struggling is that you lack ideas. Your ignorance is your mountain."

    "Embrace knowledge, embrace ideas."

    "Be open to partnership. If no one can eat from your success, you're not ready for success."

    "Nothing significant can be achieved by only one person."

    "Take persistent action. The world moves for the one who moves themselves."

    "Don't just talk about your plans, start taking action."

    "Ideas rule the world; they are the sparks of innovation and progress."

    "Supernatural process starts with prayer. You have to call on Him."

    "Meditation on the Word exposes your mind to insight."

    "God's word is powerful. It can pierce into the depths of your thoughts."

    "Traveling is seen as a form of education. When you travel, your mind gets exposed."

    "Life on the island is different from life on the mainland."

    "Exposure can lead to new ideas and opportunities."

    "You can receive fresh ideas that will change the trajectory of your life."

  • In this episode of "The Seun Osigbesan Podcast," we dive into "The Power of Selling" with a special guest minister, Dr. Stephen Akintayo, also known as "The Eagle." Dr. Akintayo, a Nigerian Investment Coach and Serial Entrepreneur shares his inspiring journey from poverty to success and offers valuable insights into the world of marketing and sales.

    Dr. Akintayo begins by highlighting the importance of salesmanship in various fields, drawing parallels between church, football, and music. He emphasizes the significance of simplifying your message for mass appeal, just as prominent figures like E.A. Adeboye and Cristiano Ronaldo have done. He explores the concept that people don't necessarily buy the best product but rather the best-known product, using examples from the music industry to illustrate this point.

    Throughout the episode, Dr. Akintayo emphasizes the need to organize your brand, define your narrative, and effectively communicate your core values. He also shares a personal anecdote about a chance encounter with a former governor and Speaker of the House of Representatives, highlighting the importance of being sophisticated and intellectually engaging in conversations.