
  • “You can’t pour from an empty cup!”
    There is this long-standing narrative that women should practice filling their cups so they have something in their proverbial cups to pour out and share with others in the form of time, energy, love, and/or care.  
    This narrative reinforces that women should take care of themselves for the purpose of being better caretakers of others. Because, as the cultural narrative goes, caretaking at home, at work, and in our communities is a woman’s primary role. We are trained from a very young age to be self-sacrificial at every turn like martyrs marching through life every damn day.  
    I led a training last week on how women leaders can support their teams during these extraordinarily challenging times. I kicked off the event by explaining that while the training was an opportunity for attendees to learn how better to take care of their teams during this time, I was first and foremost concerned with them taking care of themselves and filling their own cups. But… NOT for the sake of pouring into someone else’s cup.  
    You deserve to fill your cup just for the sake of having a full cup. Not for the sake of sharing anything in our cup with anyone else. You deserve a full cup that is just for you. 
    There are enormous costs when we fill our cups only to pour into others. Over time, our physical and mental health are compromised. We find ourselves constantly on the brink of burnout, if not in full-blown burnout. We miss out on opportunities for advancement because we are so busy helping to advance others.  
    In this episode, I share examples of what it looks like to fill your cup just for you, how to break lifelong patterns of self-sacrifice and self-abandonment, and how filling your cup opens the door for others to pour from theirs (and why this is so important!) 
    Links Mentioned:

    Join ALIGNED - my 6-monthWomen’s Leadership Incubator. We are currently accepting applications on a first-come, first-served basis. This incubator runs from April through September. 

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  • "I see you pulling a Beyoncé here,” I said to my client who was really tapping into her own inner Bey.  
    I’m referring to how Beyoncé broke the mold and rewrote the rules for herself—without anyone’s invitation or permission—to win her recent Grammy for Album of the Year. I saw the same thing with this client: breaking the mold and rewriting the rules for herself, without waiting for anyone’s invitation or permission.
    In fact, a number of the women leaders I work with are doing incredible work to figure out how to create new leadership opportunities for themselves because old-school systems and structures have kept them confined in their current roles for far too long. 
    In the work I’m doing with these women leaders, there are a few key steps I designed for them to take as part of a larger leadership growth strategy. 

    These are steps anyone can take when they are ready to forge a new path in leadership development - without waiting for an invitation or permission:
    1. Define your top 5 leadership values.
    2. Actively embrace your leadership values to amplify your leadership brand.
    3. Advance your thought leadership to think more expansively about what is possible outside of your current role.
    4. Identify opportunities to BE SEEN in places and spaces outside your current role.
    5. Start making connections with leaders who openly embrace the same leadership values you do.
    6. Position yourself for invitations to show up as a subject matter expert in your field.

    This is how Beyonce was able to rewrite the rules and forge a new path to her Grammy success – and how you can do the same thing. In this episode, I share with you exactly how to integrate these strategic steps into your current work. 
    When you are stuck inside a system that doesn't work for you, it can be really challenging to see outside of the system. There are often multiple concentric circles of power (if not systems of oppression) that put a massive buffer between you and new opportunities. To cut through the junk (old school systems), you must take strategic steps over time to circumvent the systems that are holding you back. Of course, you can do this with a coach (Hi, that's me!). Or, you can start on your own by following the steps above to channel YOUR inner Beyoncé!

    Links Mentioned:
    Women Leaders! Join me for Rooted & Rising: Grounded Leadership for Turbulent Times on February 19th. This free workshop is a virtual workshop to connect with other women leaders and gain new tools and insights to carry you through this challenging season of leadership. Register for free at 
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  • Every single time I mention being diagnosed with ADHD in my forties, women reach out to me. This has become the thing middle-aged women want to connect with me about the most.
    10 years ago, I could have never guessed I would be talking about the importance of brain health for women leaders. This wasn’t something that was on my radar until two things happened:

    I realized through a series of doctors and diagnoses over the course of a decade that my brain is not average. 

    Women all around me started hitting their mid-forties and questioning, “What is even happening in my head?!”

    Brain health refers to the overall well-being and optimal functioning of the brain throughout a person's life. This includes various aspects of cognitive, emotional, and neurological functioning. In addition to our brain health is our mental health. Mental health refers to our emotional and psychological well-being, including how we think, feel, and act. Our brain health can definitely impact our mental health and vice versa.  
    There is so much information coming out about women’s brains and ways in which our neurodiversity has been overlooked for generations. On top of this, many women are having stunning realizations about their brain health at a time in their lives when so many other aspects of our health and well-being are running wild (hello, perimenopause!)  
    The more we talk about what is happening with women’s brains in this season of life, the more we can get the support we need to thrive in our personal and professional lives and the more likely we are to be able to maintain function optimally in all the roles that are most meaningful to us.  
    In this episode, I talk about my own brain health, my path to multiple diagnoses, and how I’m currently taking care of my brain. I want you to see this example of how a neurodiverse leader is still SHINING in this extraordinary season of life. It took me years (decades) to put all these pieces together. My hope is that sharing my story will help other women connect essential dots in their lives much more quickly! 
    Links Mentioned:

    ADHD Coach for Women, Emma Magenta:

    Emma Magenta on Facebook:

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  • The chaos and overwhelm you are feeling in this first month of 2025 is by design. The fear, if not panic, that strikes you every time you see a new news story is intended to break you down. Your worry about all the what-ifs has been strategically created so you stay distracted and disheartened.  
    Being a sociology nerd at heart, I found myself at my desk last week making a list of all the ways systems of oppression are being intentionally woven into our US culture (on top of the systems of oppression that already existed). It didn’t take much time to draw some distinct conclusions about what is happening right now.  
    One of the first things I noticed is that, for women, we have been here before. We are all probably aware of larger and more obvious historical systems of oppression that we have endured - not being allowed to vote, have a credit card, take out a mortgage, run in marathons, work in certain environments, have bodily autonomy, etc.  
    Beyond all that, one of the most insidious long-term systems of oppression that women have (and continue to endure) is diet culture. When I started drawing connections between the decades of brainwashing and indoctrination we have endured around our bodies and the intentional chaos we are enduring now as women and as other people carrying marginalized identities, I felt like I unlocked the puzzle.  

    Systems of oppression have some key characteristics:

    Institutional legitimacy and normalization - they embed themselves in laws, cultural practices, and social institutions, making them appear normal or natural rather than constructed. 

    Control of resources and opportunities - the dominant group restricts access to things like education, jobs, housing, healthcare, and other essential resources to maintain power over the oppressed.

    Internalized oppression - oppressed groups begin to internalize and believe the negative messages they are hearing about themselves. This causes them to retreat or turn on each other.

    Divide and conquer tactics - marginalized groups are pitted against each other, preventing unified resistance. This can include creating hierarchies within oppressed populations.  

    Punishment of resistance - there are severe consequences for those who challenge the system (violence, legal penalties, social ostracism, or economic retaliation).

    Control of information and narratives - education, media, and historical narratives are controlled and contrived in a distorted way that shapes how people understand themselves and society, often erasing or skewing the experiences of marginalized groups.

    All of these elements are present right now. This is why you feel so unnerved. This is why you feel like your power is slipping away by the day. All of these elements have also been present for decades as women have been conditioned to hold our bodies in disdain. So, none of this is new.  
    Rest assured, taking away aspects of your power does not make you powerless. The system is designed to make you feign powerlessness. You are NOT powerless. In this episode, I help you unravel what is happening so you can make informed decisions to keep moving forward in your day-to-day life. 
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  • I’m not a doctor or any sort of expert on women’s health. But I am an expert on my body, as I’ve had 49 years to get to know her. We’re pretty tight. I like to think I know everything about her. However, a recent doctor appointment taught me so many things I didn’t know about her! At 49 years old, this body of mine is teaching me so many new things.  
    I never planned to do a podcast episode about my body at age 49, but I recently overheard a guy say, “So many more women are getting menopause these days.” In that moment, I realized there are people out there who have no idea about the things that all women born with uteruses endure. Rest assured, men, the same amount of women are “getting menopause” as always. It’s not like a new epidemic or anything. Calm down. 
    I’m talking about menopause on the podcast today not because I’m particularly excited about it or educated on it, but because I deeply understand the consequences of women staying quiet. Women have been conditioned to push through pain, ignore our bodies' signals and symptoms, not cause a scene, not be self-advocates, and definitely not make others uncomfortable. We pay dearly for our silent discomfort. We lose job opportunities, endure preventable chronic illnesses, ride uncontrollable waves of emotions, are dismissed by healthcare providers, aren’t given the resources we desperately need, and feel like we are all alone with bodies that seemingly betray us over and over as we age. 
    Enough of that, thank you very much. 
    We need to start talking about all this menopause we are “getting” and not stop talking about it until there is a universal understanding of what women go through and corresponding resources, respect, and grace given in the workplace, in our communities, and in our homes. 
    In this episode, I talk about symptoms of perimenopause (you might be surprised by some of these), my recent physical where I learned my estrogen is 4 times higher than it used to be (maybe thaaaaaat’s why I can fly into a fit of rage in 3 seconds flat?!?), what you can do to better advocate for yourself and your health, and why all this impacts our work as leaders in significant ways.  

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  • “Sara, should I stay or should I go?” 
    This is a very common conversation I have had with coaching clients over the years. 
    Because I have the great honor of helping women deeply (re)connect to their sense of self, my clients frequently find themselves in a position of having outgrown their professional roles. As they learn about themselves, embrace their strengths and talents, and challenge themselves to grow in new ways, there is an almost inevitable realization at a certain point, “I think I’m ready for something more…”  
    With this growth often comes a clarity in values and connection to core beliefs that illuminates things that once seen and felt cannot be unseen or unfelt. Once my clients start to feel this, there is a yearning to find new options and opportunities. 
    One of my clients told me early in our coaching journey that she envisioned herself staying at her current company for another 3-5 years. After working together for a few months and becoming more clear on her values and the value she has to contribute to the world, she felt she could no longer ignore the ways she has been consistently overlooked and dismissed at her current company. She had a newfound urgency to find a role somewhere where her values and her value were not being compromised at every turn. Her 3-5 year timeline shifted to 3-5 months!
    When my clients find themselves in this position, there is a lot to consider and process. In many cases, I don’t recommend my clients jump ship. In fact, I think there can be great value in a “strategic stay” where one stays put for a while longer in order to make a thoughtful transition without risking their personal and professional security and stability.  
    In this episode, I talk through how to know if you’ve outgrown your role and/or organization, considerations to make before making a move, and reasons you might consider staying put for a while longer in order to make a more strategic (and beneficial) transition.  
    It is my hope that learning and practicing my GAP Strategy will allow you to hold space for others in a way that advances your relationships and your leadership.  
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  • Have you ever gone to someone you trusted to seek help and they became defensive instead of holding space for you?
    Have you ever been in a conversation and felt yourself getting defensive as someone shared information with you?  
    You’ve likely been in both of these situations at some point, perhaps in personal and professional settings.  
    I found myself in the first situation a while back. I took a very serious concern to two leaders I trusted and I left feeling stunned that two leaders I trusted couldn’t hold space for me in a vulnerable moment. It was so disappointing and left me reeling for days. I kept rerunning the conversation in my head trying to figure out what went wrong and why I felt so defeated and hurt after the fact.  
    With some time and reflection, I was able to identify that the reason I was so upset was because I didn’t feel seen, heard, held, or valued in a moment where it felt really important to me to feel seen, heard, held, and valued.  
    As I processed this event, I spent a lot of time thinking about how I would have handled the situation if the tables were turned. I questioned myself, “How do I hold space for people when they show up and need me to sit with them and hear them out - even if what they want to share is difficult to hear?”
    My work demands this of me. I have to sit in hard conversations with coaching clients all the time. I preach confident communication to leaders all day long. I started to think through what my specific process is when it comes to holding space for others and I was able to put it together in a really clear and simple way that can be easily replicated in many different sticky situations and tough moments.  
    In this episode, I talk you through how to use my 3 step process, my GAP Strategy, to practice Gratitude, Acknowledgement, and Partnership in these challenging communication moments. I give you brief, clear statements you can use to immediately help the person sitting across from you feel seen, heard, held, and valued. These are the statements I wished I had heard in that conversation a while back. I wish the people who sat across from me were able to apply this strategy so we could have worked together toward a solution instead of leaving the situation feeling awkward, incomplete, and let down.
    It is my hope that learning and practicing my GAP Strategy will allow you to hold space for others in a way that advances your relationships and your leadership.  

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  • Every year I host an Annual Planning Workshop for my business coaching clients. This is a time for folks to look back at their wins from the past year, do some visioning for the upcoming year, and get crystal clear on the specific strategies and action steps they want to take to be successful in the new year.  
    As I was leading this workshop in early December, it occurred to me that you all, my lovely leader listeners, could benefit from the same exercises I take my business coaching clients through. In this episode, I walk you through 10 simple, but essential, questions to ask yourself as you plan your upcoming year.  
    I don’t believe in resolutions. I don’t believe you need to flip your life upside down and make 734 changes on January 1st. I do believe you need to own wins from the past year so you can see the proof of what you’re capable of moving forward. And, I do believe that you should take some time to reflect on what you want to make happen over the course of the next year sometime in the month of January so you can begin to build the necessary momentum to actually accomplish all you want to accomplish in the next year. 
    Here are the 10 questions I walk you through in this episode:

    What are my 2024 wins?

    What do I want more of in 2025?

    What do I want less of in 2025?

    What do I want to be most proud of on December 31, 2025?

    What are my Big 3 for 2025?

    Why do these Big 3 matter to me?

    What support do I need to go after and accomplish my Big 3?

    What will change for me when I attain my Big 3?

    What are the costs of not attaining these Big 3 this year?

    What specific steps will I take in the next 90 days to work toward my Big 3?

    Like many recent years, 2025 will be a year of change, uncertainty, and quite possibly chaos. The more you can be clear on what you want to accomplish, why you want to accomplish it, and how you’re going to accomplish it, the more you can stay grounded when the going (inevitably) gets tough. 
    Happy 2025! You got this and I’m thrilled to be on this journey with you!
    Link Mentioned
    To get notified of my upcoming events, workshops, and retreats for leaders, email me at [email protected] with the subject line “Events!” and I’ll make sure to notify you as I roll out 2025 events! 

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  • I have used stories in leadership for some time now and have found them to be such a powerful way to engage people as well as a means to appeal to people’s heads and hearts. Years ago, I started studying how other speakers I followed used stories and I took notes. As I’ve learned more about the power of storytelling from a theoretical perspective, so much has clicked for me in terms of how to use storytelling as a leadership tool and strategy. There is no doubt that stories drive authentic leadership, allowing you to humanize yourself and display vulnerability in front of those you lead. This can be pivotal in building trusting relationships. If you’re looking to build trust, cultivate vulnerability, and build team relationships on a foundation of psychological safety, start telling stories. Daniel Coyle, author of The Culture Code, reminds those leading others through change, “Stories are not just stories; they are the best invention ever created for delivering mental models that drive behavior.”In the vulnerable space of a story is an opportunity to create a connection. Connections pave the way for relationships. Relationships become the platform for which we can show our full range of humanity and hold space for other's full range of humanity.Stories can be used to inspire, motivate, build trust & rapport, model humanity, humility, vulnerability, imperfection, instruct, demonstrate, teach, mentor, celebrate, and advance organizational culture. I often have the opportunity to teach leaders how to use stories during leadership training I facilitate. It is one of my favorite activities to facilitate and to observe. Most leaders walk away feeling a sense of lightness in their leadership they couldn’t previously find. For many, this lightness is a gratitude for the permission to share parts of themselves that are imperfect, goofy, messy, soft, sensitive, joyful, and playful. In this episode, we will talk through how to use stories, as well as tips for telling impactful stories. Links mentioned:Book: The Culture Code by Daniel CoyleCheck out my other podcast: The Shameless Mom AcademyLearn about my speaking, training, and coaching: saradean.comConnect with me on LinkedIn: love the sponsors that make this show possible! You can always find all the special deals and codes for all our current sponsors on our website: in becoming a sponsor of the Shameless Mom Academy? Email our sales team at [email protected] more about your ad choices. Visit

  • In the last episode of Shameless Leadership, I spoke about 5 Challenges Facing Women Leaders in 2025. While that episode had plenty of reasons to get us motivated and fired up, I am excited to kick off a conversation that leads with a positive edge this week.
    When we only focus on the challenges we face as women (or as a member of any marginalized group), it can feel harder to harness our power. So, how about we focus on our competitive edges, shall we?
    In this episode, I’m so excited to talk through with you the following 5 Competitive Advantages of Women Leaders 2025:

    Emotional Intelligence and Psychological + Relationship Leadership

    Innate Adaptability, Adaptivity, and Resilience

    Capacity for Ethical Development and Innovation

    Modeling and Creation of Futuristic Leadership Paradigms

    Competency in Creating Connections and Advancing Ecosystem Development

    There are many aspects of our socialization as women that we tend to under leverage in leadership. Enough of that. 2025 is a year to create opportunities for us to lead in areas where our male counterparts often fall short (often due to their socialization). We have a unique opportunity to lead with our differences, intentionally do things differently, and be culture shifters and culture shapers who challenge the status quo and change patterns of socialization altogether.  
    By harnessing our emotional intelligence and relationship-building skills, we can create more collaborative work environments that drive better business outcomes. By embracing our natural ability to see systemic interconnections and balance multiple perspectives, we can excel at complex problem-solving and change management. By amplifying our adaptability and adaptivity (and knowing the difference between the two), we can demonstrate creative resource allocation and strategic prioritization while driving innovation. See, I told you there is a lot to get fired up about here.  
    2025 is not a year for us to sit back. It’s a year for us to stand up, get loud, and own our place in the game.  
    Link mentioned:
    Shameless Leadership Episode 917: The 5 Biggest Challenges Facing Women Leaders in 2025
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  • To be honest, I was hesitant to spend thirty minutes pointing out the challenges facing women leaders, as I’m not sure we need to be reminded of what’s not working in our favor. However, as I started putting my notes together, I quickly decided that if I provide this list as a bit of a “Hey friends! Just a heads up…” and included some options for strategic responses we can all enter 2025 feeling better informed and well prepared to do our work to the best of our ability.  
    So, here we go!!
    For me (and I hope for you!), when the world gets messy, my values become more clear. When my values are more clear, my decision-making becomes easier. When decision-making is easier, I can mitigate a lot of mental gymnastics and get to work.
    In 2025, I plan to get to work. I’m not wasting time dilly-dallying in decision fatigue. I am clear on my values, the work I want to do, the impact I want to have, and how I can best share my gifts with the world. I am ready to GO.
    I am acutely aware of those who are relying on me to be clear-headed and focused. I am prepared to show up for them. In calling out our challenges and creating strategic responses, we can focus on our vision and stay in momentum even when things are falling apart around us. 
    In this episode, I address these 5 challenges facing women leaders in 2025:

    Professional Landscape Challenges

    Persistent Gender Inequities

    Technological Disruption, Distraction, and Bias

    Emotional Labor and Mental Health Management

    Unsupported Caregiving + Sandwiching

    Systemic Chronic Inner Critic, Imposter Syndrome, and Poor Confidence

    After I talk through these challenges, I provide strategic suggestions which I hope will offer you some HOPE. Will 2025 be hard? Absolutely. But, hard isn’t new to us. So, we got this.  

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  • This might sound counterintuitive, but great leaders aren’t afraid to be a little messy. Being messy is not a hall pass to be careless or cause harm. Being messy is about being your most authentic, imperfect, high-integrity self who isn’t afraid to make mistakes and be fumbly in front of others. This is an invitation for women leaders to embrace and model imperfection as a transformative professional strategy. Being an imperfect, messy-at-times leader can be a massive demonstration of strength, self-trust, and confidence. Leading with this level of vulnerability challenges long-standing workplace myths about how women should show up at work while deconstructing the unrealistic expectation that we must be superhuman performers. This opens the door to reimagining leadership as a dynamic, authentic, constantly evolving-for-the-better journey of continuous learning and growth.
    In this episode, I unpack how modeling mistakes creates psychological safety within teams and organizations, reducing a culture of anxiety and fear of failure. By openly acknowledging our own learning processes rather than putting on airs about having it all figured out, women leaders can dismantle harmful stereotypes that suggest competence at work requires flawless execution. I also share how emotional intelligence and genuine self-awareness actually build deeper, more trusting relationships, signaling to team members that professional development can be a non-linear path filled with exciting opportunities for innovation, self-improvement, and personal transformation.
    If we check our egos, let go of our internalized perfectionism, and embrace the humility that comes with not having to get it 100% right all the time, we will start to see that being imperfect, modeling learning from mistakes in live time, and letting others know that we don’t always get it 100% right is the pathway to building trust, advancing relationships, unlocking creativity, and driving better outcomes.

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  • Through my own evolution as a business owner in recent years and then through watching my son evolve as an athlete recently, I’ve had the opportunity to personally and professionally consider how our culture's obsession with performance and winning consistently creates toxic narratives that tend to diminish our inherent human value. In this episode, I do a deep dive into separating self-worth from achievement - something I have had to work really hard on as someone who likes to achieve, achieve, achieve at every turn! I have found that when we let go of our ego and lead with an intentional combination of heart and heart and a healthy dose of self-compassion, we begin to own our inherent worth rather than constantly trying to earn it, allowing us to redefine our success in more fulfilling ways that extend far beyond traditional parameters.
    I am hoping leaders—especially women who have been conditioned to prove their worth through constant high achievement—will find this episode liberating. This is an invitation to untie your self-worth from external validation and implement new strategies for developing a more curious, compassionate, growth-oriented mindset. 
    As you consider how you judge yourself, how you judge others, and how you demonstrate a sense of self-worth to the world, I invite you to think about what would it be like if you disconnected your self-worth from winning, success, and high achievement at every turn. What would it be like if you knew you were innately worthy no matter how you performed? What would it be like if you could confidently walk onto the proverbial field without fear of peer judgment? And, if your life and/or work plays out on a field of constant judgment, what would it be like to find another field to play on?
    This episode is an opportunity to challenge the traditional leadership paradigm by suggesting that true power comes not from constant winning, but from understanding our intrinsic value, supporting collective growth, and co-creating psychologically safe environments. My hope is that you'll see yourself—and your potential—through new eyes, unshackled from the damaging belief that your value is something to be constantly proven.  

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  • As you spend time within your team and organization ideating, creating, and growing, are you conscientiously co-creating a place where each person can participate fully with their best gifts? Is there enough safety and trust for people to take creative risks and ask seemingly silly questions? Have you created a culture where people feel safe to make mistakes?
    An excerpt from an exhibition on place at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington DC defines “place” as… “about geography - but also about memory and imagination. People make places even as places change people. Places are secured by individual and collective struggle and spirit. Place is where culture is made, where traditions and histories are kept and lost, where identities are created, tested, and reshaped over time.”
    When we think about the places you co-create with those you lead, how are you creating a place with intentionality and sensitivity to the impact that place will have on all those who inhabit it? People make up a place and each person’s unique gifts, talents, and struggles make that place entirely unique. For a place to be secure enough to build culture and traditions, there must be a foundation where the basic needs of security and safety are met. People must have enough trust in this place and the people who inhabit it that they can show up without fear of judgment, criticism, or harm. From there, the people can co-create a place where members can connect with others over shared values, common goals, and a similar sense of meaning and purpose.
    In this episode, we talk about the importance of place, the steps to take to establish place, and how to overlap and collaborate with other people in other places in mutually beneficial and ethical ways. 
    Links and Resources Mentioned:

    Shameless Leadership Episode 906: The Myth of “Safe Spaces”

    National Museum of African American History and Culture 

    Gonzaga University Center for Community Engagement

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  • Shame can be a pervasive and isolating experience, but by examining your relationship with shame more closely, you can gain the tools to understand better and transform it. When you’re experiencing shame, it’s important to ask yourself a series of thoughtful questions designed to break down shame’s hold over you. These questions begin by addressing the specifics of a situation, identifying your feelings about the situation, and acknowledging the story you’re telling yourself about the situation. Recognizing the stories that fuel your shame can be the first powerful step toward reframing them in a way that aligns with your true values and goals.                      
    When you challenge shame with curiosity, asking yourself, “What else is true in this situation?”, “What is mine to own here?”, and “What is not mine to own here?”, you can more accurately assess how you want to untangle your shame in order to move forward from it with valuable lessons learned. By considering both responsibility and release, you can find a path to emotional clarity and identify whether apologies or reconciliations might be necessary steps for growth. 
    If you are carrying shame, it’s important to understand how it is holding you back and acknowledge how releasing it will free you. In this episode, you will learn how to rewrite your stories and reframe your narratives around shame in order to move forward with a more compassionate, supportive, and productive inner dialogue. Ultimately, reframing your shame and releasing its stronghold on you will allow you to be a more resourceful and resilient leader. 

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  • When I facilitate conversations about inclusion and allyship with groups of women, someone inevitably says, “Men need to hear this too!” When I lead mixed-gender rooms of people through similar conversations, I am consistently heartened by how open to listening, learning, and practicing the men in the room are. In my experience, many male leaders want to be better allies, advocates, and accomplices. So, today I’m excited to talk about exactly how to make that happen!
    In this episode, I unpack the concept of allyship and how male allies can support women through active, meaningful engagement. I introduce a spectrum of allyship, from Allies who support but may not yet take significant action, to Accomplices who leverage their privilege to challenge oppressive systems, often at personal risk. Further along, Advocates bring visibility to issues, promoting gender equity by calling attention to injustices. And, Activists, the most visible allies, directly address social and political issues, often leading change movements to deconstruct systems of oppression. By understanding where they fall on this spectrum, men can find ways to support women in ways that go beyond token support.
    Allyship becomes actionable when male allies engage deeply with feedback, prioritize active listening, and amplify women’s voices in their networks. True allyship requires men to listen to women’s experiences and thoughtfully respond to their input, creating spaces where feedback is valued and action is taken. Allies can further their impact by recognizing their own privilege, acknowledging how it affects their perspectives, and then using it to support and advance women’s visibility and credibility. When men publicly support women’s ideas and contributions, they can combat the common invisibility barriers women face in leadership and contribute to a more inclusive culture.
    Creating inclusive environments requires men to go beyond merely designating “safe spaces.” Instead, they can work to establish trust, connection, and belonging in spaces that prioritize diverse perspectives. Furthermore, by promoting women’s career advancement through mentorship and sponsorship, allies actively work against the systemic limitations placed on women’s growth. Male allies who mentor women provide critical access to skills, knowledge, and networks, helping to bridge the gap to leadership positions.
    Ultimately, allyship is a continuous journey of learning and growth. There is no final destination. True allies engage in ongoing education around gender diversity, emotional intelligence, and inclusivity. This commitment to lifelong learning is key for allies who aim to dismantle systems that only provide advantages to select people and desire to create lasting change in their communities and organizations as part of their leadership legacy. 
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  • I have had the opportunity to be in the room with some incredible groups of women leaders recently. One of the conversations that has come over and over again is mentorship and modeling. A question I’ve been inviting women leaders to play with is, “What kinds of values do you want to be modeling to other women leaders? Are there any values that you tend to abandon (likely unconsciously) in your leadership that you would like to do a better job of honoring?” A few things commonly come up as women dig into this question:




    Because women have been conditioned to constantly over-give, overdo, and over-prove ourselves, it’s quite common for us to struggle to:

    Set boundaries

    Say “No” 

    Delegate tasks 

    Give ourselves the appropriate downtime to rest and recover on a regular basis  

    We are socialized to constantly self-abandon and self-sacrifice in our roles as employees, leaders, caregivers, wives, neighbors, and community members. What messages are we modeling to other women when we don’t set boundaries, trust others enough to ask them for support and give ourselves permission to rest? And, when we self-abandon in front of other women, how are we undermining women in leadership everywhere? 
    These are tough questions that take a decent amount of self-reflection and critical thinking. This episode is an invitation to start thinking about these questions in a new way that will not only position you to be a better leader but also to take better care of yourself. In this episode, we dig into four ways to improve your leadership by doing less and four small steps you can take to start today.

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  • In anticipation of basketball tryouts today, my 12-year-old went to the park to get in some practice with friends last night. When he got home, he proudly shared that an older kid at the park complimented “hoops”. On the way to school this morning, he told me that he’s feeling really nervous about tryouts. It’s the first year the kids will be divided into varsity and junior varsity teams. This is big time! As we were walking, I talked to him about the close, often overlapping relationship between nervousness and excitement.  
    “Mom, I know. You already told me being nervous and being excited are the same thing.”  
    That’s not exactly what I had previously told him…. They are not the same. But if you understand how they are the same and how they are different, you can often use your nervousness to strategically channel excitement.  
    In this episode, I’ll tell you what I told my 12-year-old on the walk to school. Additionally, we’ll dive into the fascinating relationship between nervousness and excitement and how women leaders can leverage one over the other for powerful results. Both emotions share similar physiological responses—like increased heart rate, sweaty palms, and heightened awareness—because they are both driven by adrenaline. The key difference lies in how we interpret the situation: nervousness tends to arise when we see a challenge as a threat, while excitement comes when we view the same situation as an opportunity. Understanding this can be the first step in transforming fear into anticipation, empowering women to thrive under pressure.
    Listen in to hear me share actionable strategies that women leaders can use to shift their mindset and embrace excitement in high-stakes situations. From reframing nervousness as excitement, to focusing on purpose and meaning, to coaching yourself with evidence-based positive self-talk, these techniques are designed to help women leaders feel strong and grounded when stepping into something new, big, or perhaps scary. By connecting to your “why” and viewing leadership moments through a lens of possibility rather than fear, you can approach stressful situations with confidence. This allows you to shift your focus from potential risks to potential rewards creating the excitement needed to succeed.
    Whether you're preparing for a big presentation, leading a high-profile meeting, or stepping into a new leadership role, this episode will give you practical tips on how to harness excitement, reduce nervousness, and leverage your full potential as a leader.

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  • Ahhh, the elusive chase of work-life balance - increasingly referred to as life-work integration. Almost every time I am interviewed I am asked how women leaders can attain a better balance between their personal and professional lives. The struggle to achieve life-work integration impacts most women in leadership. Today, I’m going to invite you to forget about striving for the perfect balance. It’s time to rethink how you can blend your personal and professional life in a way that feels fulfilling, manageable, and aligned with your values. 
    I’m going to share with you three mindset shifts that will help you see life-work integration through a bit of a different lens. Many of the women I coach tell me, “I’m completely failing when it comes to work-life balance”. What if the reason so many of us feel this way is because we have been socialized to be self-sacrificial at almost every turn to prioritize other people’s happiness and comfort over our own; we have to out-hustle our male counterparts to get half as far as them; and many of us have to work full-time hours (or more) while also being full-time caregivers.  
    By the time we get done over-producing, over-giving, and over-proving ourselves each day, we have given the best parts of ourselves to everyone else and all we have left for ourselves is what feels like moldy leftovers. When we take a critical look at why women leaders feel so “out of balance” when it comes to our personal and professional lives, we can see how a shift in perspective can also lead to a shift in behaviors.  
    In this episode, I offer actionable tips around calendar management, saying, “No”, modeling boundaries, and establishing personal accountability to help you practice reclaiming your time and energy while creating healthier personal and professional boundaries. Your leadership doesn’t have to be self-sacrificial at every turn. In fact, you will be a better leader if you learn to navigate life-work integration in a way that consistently acknowledges and prioritizes your needs and wants. 

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  • You may know by now that I could preach all day about how women are programmed by the patriarchy to show up in this world in very specific ways that primarily (and almost exclusively) benefit white men. Please know when I say “patriarchy” I am referring to a system that is not only harmful to women but also undermines and completely stunts the emotional development of most men. This system benefits few, but the few who benefit have the most tremendous power - globally.
    Our patriarchal society has created numerous social constructs that lead us to unknowingly behave in ways that benefit some (mostly men) while holding others back (including but not limited to: women, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, people with neuro diversities, people with disabilities, and people with larger bodies).
    Over the years, I’ve talked about mom guilt as a social construct and imposter syndrome as a social construct. Both of these social constructs are part of a system that intentionally makes women and moms think and behave in specific ways that ultimately limit how they show up in the world. These limitations create more space for others (most commonly white men) to have more opportunities to find success, build wealth, and amass power.  
    In today’s episode, I’m going to talk about perfectionism as a social construct that largely impacts women. We will dig into different forms of perfectionism, as well as how you can start to reject perfectionism to get out of your head and get on with your life. Once you see perfectionism for what it is, I hope you are able to reframe your mindset around it to release some of the internal expectations that have perhaps been holding you back for years - if not decades. Buckle up. This is a good one!  
    Links mentioned:

    NYU Article: Problematizing Perfectionism: A Closer Look at the Perfectionism Construct

    Harvard Business Review Article: How Perfectionists Can Get Out of Their Own Way

    Harvard Business Review Article: Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome 

    Book: Inclusion on Purpose by Rushika Tulshyan

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