Have you ever wondered if God might get so mad that he flings poo at someone like an angry chimpanzee? If so, this is the week for you to check in here!
We're taking a break from our LIES series to talk about one of my favorite subjects: The Bible itself! We'll play a game (yes, there are prizes!) and examine how we get the book that we read and also run down the pros and cons of some popular translations.
What could reading the Bible regularly mean for your faith? And what could it break? If you believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by the inspiration of God and that they only constitute the Divine rule of Christian faith and practice, you might want to be particularly mindful about what and how often you read them. Just saying. -
If there is a Disney Princess story in the Bible...
The story of Esther is NOT it.In Sunday school, we tell it as if it is, but this (like the story of Samson) isn't a story meant to be told to children. It's a very adult story, filled with very adult themes. From sex trafficking to murder to politics and scheming to the death of tens of thousands, this is a story written to bring attention to God's love in a very subtle and unusual way...
We can only hit the highlights today, so listen to today's teaching as a guide, then go read the whole thing for yourself. Questions, comments, and discussion are always welcome! -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We're taking a short break from our Sunday School Lies series, but will resume it next week! This week, we need to talk about something else...
Aren't we all basically good people? That's the central question of our Bible exploration today. The answer? Well... We'll consult with psalmists new and old and prophets and apostles and this guy named Jesus who you may have heard of. To reach a conclusion, we'll need to use our internal organs to make a very external decision and then live it out. What does that mean? Join us, and find out! -
The children's story of Zacchaeus the tax collector teaches kids that short people are inferior, rich people are evil, and that if you have enough money to spread around, both of those can be overlooked.
This isn't even close to what the story is really about.
In fact, it seems possible that Zacchaeus is neither short nor a thief.
So what IS going on, and what are we supposed to make of it?
Grab your Bibles and be ready to follow along in Luke 19 for this week's study! -
As a child, I was taught again and again that the glory of God was somehow shined up by the genocidal destruction of Jericho when Israel entered the Promised Land. As an adult, I've heard and been taught and had it explained that this is true and that it is a good thing. That there can be Holy War where we kill our enemies and their children and their animals and God loves it.
Here's the problem:
That's not true.
It's not what this story is about.
It's not what we are supposed to get from it.
And it isn't AT ALL the intent, purpose, or hope of God.
In fact, the story isn't even really about Jericho. This is Rahab's story. And it matters to you and I today, if we have ears to hear it. -
Why did Jesus heal people? Was it because they came to him, repentant and ready to work for him, so he fixed them? Was it because he couldn't be around people who weren't perfect? Was it a way of buying their loyalty? Or was something else going on?
Today we look at the story of a man who was paralyzed being brought to Jesus. But making that man's body work the same way as everyone else's wasn't at all what Jesus thought was important. Please join us for this week's look at the lies we are taught in Sunday School...
He's been called the Superman of the Bible, but that's not at all who or what Samson was. The example of this strong man is found in how weak he really was...
Today we share the REAL story of Samson, one that should never be in a children's Bible. Join us? -
There comes a moment in every boy's life when his father takes him up on a mountain to kill him... No, wait. That's not right, is it? And yet, somehow, we have got the idea in our head that God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac is a great story about a man willing to do whatever his god asks of him.
That's NOT what this story is about. If it sounds messed up from beginning to end, that's because it is. Which leads (or should) to some pretty big questions about what was happening, what should we make of it, and is there anything in here which we can use to make our lives and our world better? Or is sacrificing our children necessary to sway the actions of the LORD? -
There was this group of people called disciples who followed Jesus.
How many were there and who were they and what did they do and was it the right thing or not?
You probably think the answers to those questions are simple, because that's what our Sunday School stories suggest. The truth, it turns out, is much more complex, more rich, and far more compelling of a story... -
I don't think Sunday School Teachers set out to lie to their charges - it usually happens because they are passing on wrong things they have been taught. They just don't take the time to research something that they think they already know. Or they teach from their modern point of view, missing or ignoring what the author(s) intended.
Which is how the story of Jonah stopped being a tale of God's amazing grace and became about a man and a whale...
Which is very much is NOT. -
It's not unusual for people to simplify things for children. But when we do that with scripture, we can lose the original intent or even change the reason the story was included. This is BAD. Why? Because when you tell the story wrong, you always lose something. Sometimes you lose everything.
For example, the story of David and Goliath is NOT about a small boy beating a giant. It's also NOT about the underdog taking on impossible odds. Is that the story you know? Then you'd better join us for today's dive into the true story.
Christmas is over. What was the point of it all anyway? Why do we always seem to leave the holiday season with the feeling that something was or is missing? And is that something that can be fixed, or is it just the way things are?
Today we look at God's goal for his creation and the true meaning of the Christmas story. It's perhaps not what you thought and it's so much more than we usually celebrate about it. -
Dear Magi,
Thank you for bringing gifts to help with the raising of our child. They sure came in handy! It wasn't more than an hour after you left that we needed to pack up and move to another country, and we never would have been able to do that so easily without the extra funds you provided. Thank you! We enjoyed having you as our guests.
I'm not so sure that the other parents in the area have quite the same fond memories of your visit...
We'll be sure to stop in if Joe and I ever head over your way! We're married now, so we can travel without bringing all the chaperones, but I suppose you know what it's like traveling with a crowd.
With gratitude,
Mary (and Joseph and Jesus)
You know all those pictures of the blonde women with harps and halos and swan's wings flying over a bunch of shepherds and some sheep while spotlights from heaven light them all up while the birth of Jesus is announced?
Where does any of that come from? Because it isn't from the stories in scripture. What does the Bible say happened? Oh, it's something so much better...
Join us for the third week of Advent and the true story of why it mattered to shepherds that this particular baby was born where and how he was.
We've grown a whole tragic mythology around the Christmas story that makes me CRAZY. This is supposed to be a CELEBRATION, people! Why do we insist on ignoring all the joy and adding false horrors into a tale that has enough difficulty of its own?
This Christmas, try sticking to the scriptural story of Christmas and see if the true story isn't a thousand times BETTER than the one you see on TV.
There is HOPE in the real story of Christmas that you'll never find under a tree. There are examples of people who have been clinging to the world's shame and condemnation accepting - if somewhat dubiously at first - that God can and does love and care for them for who and what they are. And that if that is true, which it IS, then the opinions being heaped on them by their family, their culture, and their world, do not matter one donkey dropping in the deepest desert.
This is the Advent story we all need to know. -
A lot of stories people tell over and over take on a mythic quality. The story of the first American Thanksgiving is one of those. Happy Pilgrims and happy Indians planning out a feast of turkey and pumpkin pie is a fairy tale, not a history.
Many of the stories from scripture are the same. What we are taught isn't what you read. Sometimes the things you read are colored by your expectations and sometimes bits are skipped to make the story say what the narrator wants it to say. The REAL stories are often better, deeper, and maybe more uncomfortable...
One example is the story of King David getting involved with a woman who was the wife of one of his warriors... -
"Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!" has been a humorous non-swear swear for a long time. But who was Jehoshaphat and why was he so jumpy?
This week I'm going to tell you a story from the Old Testament which highlights the difficulty of remaining at peace during times of way and how fight or flight are not the only options. There is a third way, a choice we can each make, one that involves following the Way of the LORD.
Which way did Jehoshaphat jump and which path will you choose?
We live in a world full of violence and pain. Our culture celebrates retribution and preemptive strikes - the destruction or at least submission of our enemies as payback for what they have (or might have) inflicted on us.
The Bible certainly contains many stories of the same kinds of struggles, of harm being done to the people of God and of their responses. Obviously, this provides a righteous path for us to respond to those who would harm us or our families or friends with the same kind of brutality and death they visited on us, right?
Our final Horror Story of the Bible for this season is one of the deep craving we have to visit the pain we feel onto those we hold responsible for it and anyone associated with them. What does God call on his people to do in the face of violence being done to them?
It may be that Old Testament vengeance isn't what you think it is.
This week, the Return of Horror Stories from the Bible continues with a tale of ghosts or demons responding to a call from King Saul. Why would Israel's first king turn his back on the commands of God to chase after messages from the dead? And what will he do when the message he gets is not at all what he hoped?
Grab your popcorn and sit near a friend while we dig deep into this dark story from a dark time. - Laat meer zien