The generous donation of yidden for the miahkan and especially by the women.
The holy anointing oil and the significance of the chof yevanis.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
The connection of Tetzave to 7 of Adar.
The aron and the kapores.
The two aspects of maran torah.
The level of dedication to Hashem at matan torah.
Bitachon and saying parshas hamon every day
Remembering yetzias mitzraim like shabbos.
The haftorah and the connection to 24th of Teves.
The deep connection between Hashem and the Yidden expressed in the passuk "beni bechori yisroel".
Yosef and his great grandchildren.
The one that completed the number of seventy souls when bnei yaakov came to mitzrayim.
The chanuka candles every night.
The positive ragarding the selling of Yosef expressed in pidyon haben and machtzis hashekel.
"Kutonti" - by Yaakov and the Alter Rebbe.
The blessing for Lavan in merit of Yaakov and the status of all nations in relation to yidden.
The blessing of Yitzchok to Yaakov in connection with his marriage.
The three prayers that were answered immediately.
The essence of self-sacrifice expressed un the akeida.
The connection between parshas Lech and 7 of Cheshvon.
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