No new episode this week folks - we've been running around being Vikings and whatnot for half term! Instead here's an info dump of where we are going to be performing live this year... that's nearly as good as an episode isn't it?
Oh, alright, it's not. Don't look at us like that. We'll be back as soon as we can with a fresh episode of squishy and silly history we promise!
Until then... k thanks bye!!!!
Thanks to ZapSplat as usual!
Let’s get this labour MOO-ving dear listener! No, it’s not the Cretan Bull again, but the famed red cattle of Geryon! (you remember them kids!)
Roll up Roll Up to the poorly lit carousel of slightly different voices – TWENTY-TWO this week!
We really need to stop those boys, they’re out of control…
Larks of course! The boys do a great job under trying circumstances. Those circumstances being ACTUAL SUBSTANCE to this episodes Myth.
We’ll meet Giants!
Rando God’s we probably won’t see again!
A Herdsmen and his dog (for those fans of Countryfile)
And so many demi-gods getting whacked you’d think they’re an endangered species.
Big thanks to ZapSplat for music and general screaming
Henry Mahy at BattleForge Productions for his sweet track Through Fire and War (which I’m now calling Heracles’ lovely club-spree choon)
Lord Fast Fingers for the Intro
AND YOU DEAR LISTENER for giving us some support on Kofi ...drat…we’ll get you next time.
If you’re unable to kofi, why not give us a rating and review on your chosen podcast platform?
Cheers all and happy labouring!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Back once again with the renegade master... of England. It made sense when I started writing it.
It's the grand finale of the story of Bad King John STOP CALLING ME THAT! GIVE ME THE KEYBOARD YOU LITTLE PUNK.
Did you?
Thanks as ever to Zapsplat for the awesome noises and music.
Thanks to Scott Buckley for his incredible music.
And thanks to you for listening, Dear Listener!
Uncle Bob Bob is nowhere to be found and the Silly Boys are once again suffering under the lash of ENGLAND'S GREATEST KING! WHO READS THIS RUBBISH ANYWAY? BLAH BLAH BLAH EPISODE CONTENTS BORING.
Thanks as ever to Zapsplat for the zips and zaps and music.
Thanks to Scott Buckley for the music.
Thanks to Lord Fastfingers for the intro music.
And thanks to you for listening!
100 Episodes! Can you even believe it, dear listener?
Also Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanks as ever to Zapsplat and to Scott Buckley for the amazing sfx and music.
Thanks to Lord Fastfingers for the Theme Tune
And thanks to YOU for listening to over one hundred of these things!
He’s back in the booth dear listener! It’s Heracles! This week he has to go shopping for a belt, or is it a girdle? Come join our hero, and some of the Argonauts, for the mother of all shopping trips to the Edge of the Known World (accessories dept.)
A nice Kate Spade holdall for our friends at ZapSplat
Some sort of nice floaty scarf for Lord Fast Fingers for his intro music!
Come give us some girdle money on our Ko-fi
Check us out on our socials, Insta & Facebook
Please do leave us a review, they help they really do!
Pop your jim-jams on dear listener and get ready to be snug as a bug in a rug. It's bedtime 3! Join the Pear Bear as he indulges in some classic tales from the county of Norfolk, in a lovely bedtimey way.
Thanks to The Guild of Ambience for the relaxing and snuggly music.
Thanks to Hugh Lupton. Nice book sir.
Nighty Night!
The King of Killer Wales rides again!
The Second branch of the tale of Gruffydd ap Llewellyn pits our army of idiots against a deluge of dark aged danger!*
Waling Mid Walians, lethal Irish Vikings and very Nasty Normans are all set to topple the Last King of Wales from his cheese of toast throne!
Will they succeed?
Or will the Last Action King of Wales side step them with a surprisingly Saxon alliance with an absolute Svein of a Godwin!
Join the Silly History Boys for a Wales of a time!
Please do rate and review and why not tell a friend or a neighbour who you one day seek to supplant as the greatest Kingdom in all Britain!
Enjoy this rip roaring Norman stomping romp through some little known history? Buy us a Ko-Fi and keep the show going!
The Glory of old Rome belong to Farya Faraji for his track the Sons of Mars.
Dioch to Puremusic
Dioch to Tuttkile
And of course to ZapSplat for scrums and scrapping noises!
And big sweaty cutch for Time Travelling musicologists Jonny and Vicky at Sounds of Time!
Tom Jones turns his chair round for Lord fast Fingers for the Silly History Boys show theme!
And big up to Dan Danny Bradley of Daniel Bradley Music
A Chippy lane black card for Jez Hewitt's incredible Epic Version of Sosban Fach!
*alright early medieval
Hi Listener,
Sometimes it's very hard to make things silly, so this time we're not going to. This is a show Tombo wrote many moons ago after he spoke to some people who were genuinely in the history and did the history... and it wasn't always nice.
CONTENT WARNING!!! This episode features actual history where not everyone makes it to the end in an actual serious way that isn't funny.
It's really important though, because perhaps if we hear what people in the past had to do we can try and avoid having to do it again...
Thanks to Zapsplat for the SFX as always.
Thanks to Scott Buckley for his amazing music.
Thanks for listening.
Remember what others did folks... Then maybe we and our children won't have to do it.
It's spooky season once again, dear Listener, and the Silly Boys are off earning a crust all over the land. Pear Bear and Bob Bob present a pair of ghastly tales to give you the chills.
Thanks to ZapSplat for zips zaps boings and music and thanks Scott Buckley as always for the awesome music.
Happy Halloween!
Hello Listener you still look jiggered!
Come on luv, you’ve worked hard enough, running round pits school yard crying "Surprise! I'm Richard III" (as your mam downloads all the Heracles episodes).
Its time to cuddle up in bed with your flat cap…and a story!
Continuing our new feature, Bedtime Stories
But don’t worry the screeching and explosions will be back next time.
For now cosy up with…some Forgotten Yorkshire Folk and Fairy Tales;
The Donkey, The Table and The Stick
The Potato and the Pig
and Potter Thompson
Sithee on t'morrow
Stories Sourced from Forgotten Yorkshire Folk and Fairy Tales
Music used with Kind Permission of the Guild of Ambience.
Hold your horse’s listener, it’s dinnertime! And Heracles is taking us out on a hot date to the Kingdom of Thrace. But wait- are we the appetiser?
On the menu are Wicked Kings, Troubled Gods and Flesh-Eating Horses!
Call ahead for a reservation to avoid disappointment!
A big thanks to ZapSplat for scuffles and tussles.
A heavily reduced Mount Olympus summer ski-lift pass to Scott Buckley for his tracks The Summoning and Titan.
All the veggie porridge Lord Fast Fingers can eat for the intro.
Come get us on our Socials (Insta & Facebook)
Pay the ferryman for us? No silly, not Charon, but Ko-Fi
Please do rate and review and why not tell a friend (or even better, an enemy?)
Another deep dip in the dark ages with the Silliest Boys in history!
...this week we're swimming with Wales!
Join us for battles, betrayal, Brummies and boyos as we begin the tale of...
Gruffydd ap Llewellyn the Last Action King of Wales!
Can squirty young Griff become King of the Britons because a stew told him he would...or will his wicked Uncle, mean Sister and legions of Mercian Brummies blunt his horns?
There only one way to find out...the silly way...tidy!
A cutch for ZapSplat for music and SFX for this tale from the land of song.
Dioch to Scott Buckley for his epic music.
A peck on the cheek from Katherine Jenkins for Lord Fast Fingers for the intro.
Dioch to Dan Bradley of Dan Bradley music and a Sospan of Cuddles for Jen Hewitt Music!
Come scrum down in our socials Insta & FB @SillyHistoryBoys
or buy us some cheese on toast and a SA Dark on Ko-Fi
Listen butt why not give us a rate and review on your chosen platform? You knows it clart!
Thanks all!
Hello Listener you look tired!
Come on you’ve worked hard enough today its time to cuddle up in bed with…a story!
A new feature for us silly boys with a little screeching and explosions to lull you to sleep!
But don’t worry the screeching and explosions will be back next time.
For now cosy up with…some Tales from Wales.
The Eagle and the Wren and the Coat of Beards.
See you next time Nos da!
Music used with Kind Permission of the Guild of Ambience.
Someone has cut off the hair of the Goddess Sif, and she's super unhappy about it. So unhappy that she's made the Silly Boys all be in the same room to record her saga!
Join us as we venture back to Asgard again, live before ourselves.
It's a tale of origins, of weapons, of stubby handles.
Thanks to as always for their zips, zaps, boings and whatnot, and to for his awesome music.
Our hero is struggling with his mental and personal wellbeing as he approaches his 7th labour.
Is Heracles having a mid-labour crisis?
Has he fallen out of Love with Labouring?
Perhaps wrestling a good looking bull will help? We're talking Chris Hemsworth levels of beefcake yo.
Join Heracles as he goes on a bit of a jaunt with daddy Zeus to visit Uncle Poseidon to witness how Minos became King of Crete.
(and perhaps find out how the feared Minotaur came to be)
Such a jam packed show with barely any source material!
A ton of bull puns to ZapSplat for music and SFX
A barn load of bull wordplay to Scott Buckley for his medium well music
A bolt gun of bull puns for Lord Fast Fingers for the intro.
Come wallow in our socials Insta & FB @SillyHistoryBoys
or buy us a steak on Ko-Fi
Please do rate and review :)
Thanks all!
OMGosh are we wilfully niche for you this time listener! What starts off as an episode about The Percy Family, turns into a deep dive on Wressle Castle and it's ownership!
Some say this conflict over Wressle Castle starts the feud between the families Percy & Neville; which in turn may have given the Wars of the Roses a big old push in the fight direction.
This episode is ram packed with interesting tidbits listener! Why it has contract law, local and not so local caretakers, and many familiar characters from History.
Why there's Henry Percy (you can call him Harry Hotspur), his son Henry Percy, and who can forget Henry Percy's son, Henry Percy?
You'll laugh with Henry VI, cry with Richard Duke of York, and be slightly weirded out by the Kingmaker himself, Richard Neville Earl of Warwick.
If we could bequeath a wressle castle shaped prezzie to ZapSplat for music and sfx we would!
Big Scotty Buckley get all the roses for his tracks Absolution and Legionnaire
Brian Bolger gets a cinnamon bun from St Albans market for his track Black Mass
and Lord Fast Fingers Rob Tristram gets to keep being our friend.
Chuck us some Coin on Ko-Fi?
Get us on Insta and Facebook - the silly history boys
Please do rate and review! Give five stars if you were confused by this episode! It's how we roll.
Nail the doors shut, barricade the fridge, the Silly History Boys are back…and so are the Vikings!
Rollo and his gang of idiots return laying siege to the mighty city of Paris.
Only two hundred brave souls, a few croissants and quite a lot of hot wax stand between the Viking Horde and the conquest of France…only bickering can stop them…and giant cross bows.
Join the Silliest boys in history for a most irreverent dive into Abbo Cernuus Bella Parisiacæ urbis and discover how Viking Hot Bod Rollo the Walker founded the Duchy of Normandy!
A big pile of tax free Danegeld to ZapSplat for music & SFX
Scott Buckley will be placed in a Longship and set on fire to thank him for his glorious music!
We honour Lord Fast Fingers and his very fast fingers for penning the intro
Hit us up on our Ko-Fi and your place in Valhalla is assured!
Please Rate and Review and Odin's Ravens will fly down from his throne and do the washing up!
Its the Silly History of England Part two: Return of Jafar!
Swotty Uncle Bob Bob is back for part two of the Silly History of England!
A special 'talky' podcast where everyone's favourite History Pervert attempt to bridge gaps in people's knowledge and explain complicated terms that a silly person can understand.
This week he over stretches himself by trying to get through the Hundred Years War (and the wars of the roses but he does not get there)
A generational dust up between two neighbours who have more in common than they'd care to admit!
Longbows, underpants and well baked saints are the order of the day as one silly boy wrestles with 116 plus years of awfulness!
Tune into our regular show in two weeks time where they'll be just as much talking but way more explosions!
Mr Ritchie there’s something happening in 9th Century France!
There's many a Dane axe to be ground in the story of ROLLO THE WALKER...not to mention FEUDS, people falling in the water and HAIRCUTS worse than DEATH!
Join the exiled ROLLO and his extremely SILLY band of VIKINGS as they travel to FRANCE in search of riches and ADVENTURE...which another way of saying STEALING and murder...we remind you this is still supposed to be a show for families!
It's just that Vikings are horrible!
Next week the siege of Paris, the birth of Normandy and more people going 'ARGH' as they fall in the water await!
A big pile of tax free Danegeld to ZapSplat for music & SFX
Scott Buckley will be placed in a Longship and set on fire to thank him for his glorious music!
We honour Lord Fast Fingers and his very fast fingers for penning the intro
Hit us up on our Ko-Fi and your place in Valhalla is assured!
Please Rate and Review and Odin's Ravens will fly down from his throne and do the washing up!
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