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Suomi tarvitsee enemmän positiivista puhetta perhe-elämästä. Ruuhkavuosirakkautta-podissa keskustellaan perheestä, työstä, parisuhteesta, taloudesta, hyvinvoinnista ja koko elämän ihanasta härdellistä.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If Oprah and Howard Stern had a baby it would be Good Moms Bad Choices. Meet Erica and Milah, two uncensored sex and cannabis-positive parents who are redefining what modern motherhood looks like. Warning, this is not your everyday mommy Podcast! This audio diary is not only for parents but women who feel alone in their good and bad choices. Prepare to laugh, cry, and be inspired. Fellas, you’re invited too!
New episodes drop every Wednesday. Welcome to the Tribe!
Instagram: @goodmoms_badchoices
Watch our episodes on Youtube
For bonus content ---> -
OG Therapy Podcast (formerly Light The Fight podcast) is hosted by David Kozlowski "Koz" Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, High school teacher, and social health business presenter. OG Therapy Co-hosts are Jason Hewlett (Hall of Fame Speaker) Robert Johnson AKA Rojo (Former Tennessee Titans Free Safety) and Kenneth Scott AKA K-Scott (accomplished rap artist, author, TEDx speaker) The boys answer questions from teens, young adults, parents, and professionals. OG Therapy is all their life experiences and Koz's 24 years experience in mental health and teaching social health tools.
The Radical Parenting Podcast presents resources, books, and parenting approaches aimed at honoring and supporting your children’s autonomy, self-love, and confidence.
In parenting, there are no ends, there are only means. With that in mind, Radical Parenting is about considering the long-term impact of each moment on our children’s development. This podcast is for parents who wish to honor their child as a complete, autonomous being from day one and who have the humility to get out of the way of their children’s discovery and development.
Radical Parenting begins with absolute Acceptance. From there, we focus on understanding and connection. Understanding and connecting with our children, and supporting their understanding and connection with the people and world around them.
Parenting today can feel like an uncharted path, full of new unexpected twists and turns. This podcast is a space to exhale, to join a loving space where we bring the wholeness of our human experience to our parenting. This podcast is two experienced moms with a background in health and wellness having authentic, candid, and lively conversations about all that informs our parenting—science, spirituality, emotions, intuition, somatics. We are growing and learning together alongside our kids. Each episode will dive into specific challenges parents face today. Together, we’ll explore how to navigate the world of parenting in these challenging times. New episodes released every two weeks. We are so glad you are here!
Love is an action. Love is the words we use (or don't use). Loving our family is a choice we get to make each and everyday! Sometimes we forget what love looks like in our parenting. Sometimes, we were never taught how to parent from love. Sometimes we need to love ourselves more so we can show love to our families. Where ever you are today, for whatever the reason you are there, there is always a way to bring in more love to your family! Let's find the way to do it together, one small step at a time!
This podcast is individual conversations between Dr. Marcie and parents. Sometimes it is one parent and sometimes it is a couple. Parents share what is great about their family and what is challenging. Together with Dr. Marcie they problem solve new ways to move through difficult moments, new perspectives to understand what is unfolding in their homes, and new possibilities to build joy in their families.
Dr. Marcie believes small steps lead to big changes, so each episode ends with the parents sharing their the one small step they are committed to taking. The one nugget from the conversation that inspired them the most. You are encouraged to share your one take away in the comments.
Blue skies are ahead and we are going to get their together!
Podden som tar avstamp i moderskapet men också sträcker sig bortom bebisbubblan. I varje avsnitt möter jag, Lisa Näs, en mamma för att ta del av intressanta, rörande, tuffa och hoppfulla erfarenheter. Vad händer med oss när vi blir föräldrar? Vilka vägval gör vi på grund av att vi är mammor och vad gör livet med moderskapet? I mina intervjuer får det gärna vara roligt när det är roligt men jag backar heller inte för svåra ämnen eller känslor. Om Lisa Näs:Journalist och mamma till två barn
Följ Mammaintervjun här:
Onko äiti ikuisesti huolestunut, miten pelastaa parisuhde ruuhkavuosien tiimellyksessä, kuinka panna jauhot suuhun sovinistiselle appiukolle ja miten ihmeessä selittää puolisolle, että vauvan saaminen on jäätävä fyysinen ja henkinen ponnistus?
Vaikuttaja-kirjailija Irene Naakka vastaa näihin ja moniin muihin kysymyksiin ilman minkäänlaista ammattitaitoa, mutta sitäkin enemmän äititietoa Ärhäkkä kuin äidiksi tullut -podcastissa! Äititieto on meihin salakavalasti pesiytynyttä ylisukupolvista tietoa, jota emme välttämättä edes haluaisi tietää, mutta jonka puolivahingossa perimme ja joka tekee meistä arjen ahkeria metatyömuurahaisia ja maailman parhaita (joskin helvetin uupuneita) mikromanageroijia.
Kyllä äiti tietää!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Navigating motherhood can be puzzling enough on its own. When divorce, dating, and co-parenting are thrown into the mix, life can feel like it’s splitting apart at the seams — but it’s possible to move onward and upward.
Drawing from their own experiences, single moms Julie and Jesenia reflect on the triumphs and challenges of single motherhood in today’s world — interviewing celebs and experts, answering listener questions, and debating the most talked about topics in parenting along the way! -
Join me, Jess VanderWier, a registered psychotherapist, mom of three, and founder of Nurtured First, along with my husband Scott, as we dive deep into the stories of our friends, favourite celebrities, and influential figures.
In each episode, we skip the small talk and dive into vulnerable and honest conversations about topics like cycle breaking, trauma, race, mental health, parenting, sex, religion, postpartum, healing, and loss.
We are glad you are here.
PS: The name Robot Unicorn comes from our daughter. When we asked her what we should name the podcast, she confidently came up with this name because she loves robots, and she loves unicorns, so why not? There was something about the playfulness of the name, the confidence in her voice, and the fact that it represents that you can love two things at once that just felt right. -
More To Love -podcast avaa, mitä viimeisen 15 vuoden aikana rakastetun bloggaajakaksikon Pepin ja Mimmin elämässä on tapahtunut. Podcastissa käsitellään blogistakin tuttuja aiheita, mutta kuten tekijät, myös podcast kolkuttelee nyt keski-ikää ja onkin suunnattu aikuisille naisille.
Podcastin aiheet liikkuvat arkisen elämän kaikissa ulottuvuuksissa ja tarjoavat kuulijoille niin vertaistukea kuin samaistumispintaa. Mimmi ja Peppi luovat turvallisen tilan puhua myös kipeistä aiheista, ja syventyvät aiheisiin omien kokemustensa kautta. Keskustelun aiheiksi aukeaa muun muassa oman terveyden ja kehonkuvan kanssa kamppailu, lapsettomuus, merkityksellisyyden etsiminen, uupumus ja muut elämän kipuilut.
Onneksi jaksoihin mahtuu myös paljon naurua, tarinoita arjesta pienten lasten äiteinä ja puhetta avioliiton kiemuroista. More to Love -podcast herättää tunteita ja muistuttaa siitä, mikä elämässä on kaikkein tärkeintä: rakastaa itseään, vaikka ei joka päivä siltä tuntuisikaan!
Tuotanto: Asennestudio
Hosted on Acast. See for more information. -
Erokirja lasten vanhemmille – tietoa ja tarinoita eroprosessin tueksi.
Elatusvelvollisten Liitto ry on toimittanut kirjan Tule, tule hyvä ero – erokirja lasten vanhemmille. Kirja on kattava tietopaketti eroa koskevista aiheista lapsiperheissä. Kirja on julkaistu lokakuussa 2022 painettuna teoksena. Sitä voi tilata postimaksun hinnalla yksittäisenä tai useamman kappaleen erinä, vaikka omaan käyttöön, työpaikoille tai asiantuntijan lisälukemiseksi.
Kirja koostuu eri alojen asiantuntijoiden artikkeleista sekä eron kokeneiden vanhempien tarinoista. Kirjoittajia ovat mm. lastenpsykiatrian professori Kaija Puura, kasvatustieteiden tohtori Hannariikka Linnavuori, lastenvalvoja Katri Hyytiä sekä kouluttajapsykoterapeutti Iiro Leino.
Lukija: Ina Virkki-Ukeleghe -
Midwife and mother of four Clemmie Hooper (aka Mother of Daughters) chats to brilliant guests about the amazing and unique ways they had their babies, looking honestly at the highs and lows of childbirth in a weekly podcast.
*This podcast is not to replace medical advice. Always speak to your midwife or doctor if you have any concerns*
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Parents! We CAN change the world, starting with the way we're parenting our future.
Up to this point in history, children have been seen as less than and parented in a way that uses power over a child. Most of us were parented in this way but there is a shift in thinking about the way we raise our kids. Parents don’t feel good about using shame, blame, criticism, punishments, and even rewards, to get their kids to listen. Parents are wanting a different way because they know from their own childhoods this type of parenting hurts and leaves us with scars we take with us through our adulthood.
Each one of my episodes is designed to help you navigate the difficult journey of parenting but in a way that is more peaceful and intentional. I’ll show you how to get your kids to listen and cooperate without yelling, punishments and rewards. I’ll show you how to understand your own feelings and those of your kids.
My intention is to bring you to a place where you feel connected with your kids and yourself (we often get lost when we become parents!). Tune in weekly for all the inside tips, tools and tricks I teach my private clients to help you build the family you always wanted, and to become the parent you always envisioned you would be. I promise to provide you with fun and entertaining content that will leave you seeing your kids and your reactions in a whole new light!
Please make sure to share the episodes that give you goosebumps, and leave you feeling inspired! I am always grateful for every person who subscribes, leaves a review and rates my podcast 5 stars. -
We’re telling the stories of modern dads. These are the guys that are not only involved in their children’s lives, but active and engaged in the decisions, the drudgery, the pain, and the joys of parenthood. We know modern dads are out there, and they come in all stripes. With each episode, we'll talk about the issues modern dads are facing as we try to navigate work, parenthood, relationships, and play.
If you work with kids, families, or clients impacted by trauma, you’re in the right place.
The Attachment Theory in Action Podcast is your go-to podcast for real conversations about trauma, attachment, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of those you serve.
Every other week, host Kirsty Nolan sits down with experts in attachment, trauma, and child development to talk about the stuff that really matters—how trauma shapes behavior and development, how to build stronger relationships, and how to bring these insights into your daily work.
Looking for practical tips you can actually use? Wondering how to better support your clients? Curious about the latest research in attachment and trauma? We’ve got you covered.
With nearly 2 million downloads, over 300 episodes, and a loyal community of listeners, the Attachment Theory in Action Podcast helps professionals like you grow and learn—all in under an hour, every other week.
Whether you’re a therapist, counselor, social worker, parent, or simply someone who cares deeply about helping others, this is a space for learning, growth, and inspiration. Hit follow, and let’s dive into the work that changes lives.
The Attachment Theory in Action Podcast is brought to you by The Knowledge Center at Chaddock. The Knowledge Center has equipped thousands of educators, clinicians, and helping professionals on the latest trauma-informed, attachment based strategies. Visit to learn more.
Want to jump behind the mic and share your expertise? Visit to fill out our form to be a guest. -
Finding Florida is the podcast that takes you "from Country to Coast." Join your tour guides (an unlikely pair), City Girl Jaime ("Jemmy") and Country Boy Glenn, as they explore the amazing sights and sounds of the Sunshine State.
This podcast is an interactive experience for the listeners as we want your help in planning and joining us on our adventures. Then, go find YOUR Florida adventure!
Finding Florida Podcast:
Tour Guide: Jaime “Jemmy” Legagneur, Co-Host and Chief Enthusiasm officer: [email protected]
Tour Guide: Glenn the Geek, Co-Host and Chief Fun Officer: [email protected]
Voicemail line: (772) 226-0858
Check out the other shows on the Florida Podcast Network (
Copyright Flint Stone Media LLC, ( 2019. -
After you drop the kids off or put them to bed, turn on “Childish”. Hosted by real life friends, parents and award-winning podcasters Greg Fitzsimmons (Fitzdog Radio) and Alison Rosen (Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend), Childish will help you laugh about the struggles and joys of parenthood, grow closer to your children, learn something useful and maybe even put the spark back into your love life. This is safe for work. As long as you work in a meat packing plant.