
  • Introduction:

    Hello, beautiful souls! It's Lana Manikowski and I'm thrilled to share some major life updates and inspiring insights with you today. This episode is dedicated to all the incredible women who are not sure what to expect of your life childless after infertility and IVF. It's a journey filled with unexpected turns, but together, we can find joy and purpose beyond what we initially envisioned.

    Big Announcement:

    I have some exciting news to share—I recently resigned from my corporate job to fully dedicate myself to my coaching practice and advocacy work. This decision wasn't made lightly, but it felt necessary to truly serve our community and make a real difference. By leaving my job in early July, I plan to create more resources and support for women like us.

    The Journey to This Decision:

    For years, I balanced a demanding career while also trying to grow my coaching practice. However, after speaking with hundreds of women in our community, it became clear that there's a significant gap in post-treatment support for those who leave fertility treatments childless. Many of us feel abandoned and without direction once treatments end, which is why I’m determined to be part of the solution.

    Why This Matters:

    Living childless after infertility is not something we planned for. The lack of support and follow-up from fertility clinics only adds to the feeling of being lost. I've chosen to channel my energy into advocacy and support, creating a space where we can find our way together and redefine our lives with new expectations.

    Previous Episode Shoutout:

    Before diving deeper into today’s topic, if you haven’t yet, make sure to listen to Episode 126. It’s all about dealing with birthdays after infertility—a time that can often feel heavy when life hasn't turned out as planned. It’s a must-listen if you’re struggling to find joy in celebrating another year.

    Main Discussion: Redefining Expectations:

    Today, I want to talk about expectations—specifically, the expectations we set for ourselves. From childhood, we have ingrained expectations about our lives, but when faced with unexpected outcomes like living childless, it can feel like we’ve lost our North Star.

    Here’s what we’ll explore:

    Understanding Expectations: Reflecting on the expectations we had and how they change when life doesn’t go as planned.

    Setting New Expectations: How to create meaningful and achievable expectations for ourselves in this new chapter.

    Handling Conversations: Strategies for managing conversations about infertility and childlessness, and setting expectations for how we engage with others.

    Future Goals: Envisioning and working towards a future that feels fulfilling and joyful, even if it looks different from what we once imagined.

    Personal Insights:

    I share my personal journey, from feeling like a deer in headlights after my treatments ended, to discovering that life can indeed be fulfilling without children. It's about having the expectation that things can get better, and believing that we deserve happiness and freedom.

    Empowering Yourself:

    You deserve more than just acceptance of your circumstances—you deserve to thrive. It’s about shifting from a mindset of limitations to one of possibilities. Let’s work together to set expectations that bring joy, purpose, and lightness to our lives.


    Thank you for joining me in this transformative journey. Remember, you are deserving of happiness and fulfillment, and together, we can navigate this unexpected path with grace and strength. Stay tuned for more resources, discussions, and support as we continue to build this incredible community.

    Call to Action:

    Listen to Episode 126 if you haven’t already.

    Reflect on your current expectations and consider how they might be reshaped to better serve your journey.

    Share your thoughts and experiences with me on social media or in our community forum.

    Until next time, know that you can embrace the unexpected and live your life to the fullest. I am here to help!

  • In this episode, we explore the intricate emotions surrounding birthdays if you are childless after infertility. Inspired by recent gatherings celebrating The Other’s Day Brunch, I highlight the complexities of navigating birthdays and offer insights on how to approach them with strength and hope.

    Celebrating The Other’s Day Brunch:

    Reflecting on recent events likeThe Other’s Day Brunch in Chicago and an ambassador-hosted event in Seattle, I acknowledge the increasing awareness of the challenges faced by women who are childless not by choice. These gatherings provide a supportive environment for sharing stories and finding solace amidst shared experiences and I am thrilled with the media attention given to this celebration and the awareness that was built about the complexities Mother’s Day offers so many women.

    The Birthday Reflection:

    Yesterday I celebrated my 50th birthday, and shared my candid journey of grappling with the anticipation of another year passing. This week I explore common sentiments felt by women facing infertility, such as questioning accomplishments, feeling the weight of time passing, and envisioning a future without motherhood.

    Finding Meaning Beyond Motherhood:

    The narrative shifts to empowering you to redefine your identity and aspirations beyond traditional expectations of motherhood. Despite the absence of children, there are numerous opportunities to pursue fulfillment and purpose.

    Embracing Change and Self-Compassion:

    Acknowledging the fear of failure and uncertainty, I encourage listeners to embrace change with self-compassion. By reframing narratives of disappointment and embracing vulnerability, individuals can cultivate inner strength and create new paths filled with meaning and joy.

    Crafting Your Future:

    I am urging you to reflect on their achievements and aspirations, regardless of societal pressures. By setting intentions and embracing personal growth, individuals can reclaim agency over their narratives and envision a future filled with possibilities.

    A Letter to Yourself:

    A poignant suggestion is made to write a birthday letter to yourself, celebrating your journey and path through infertility. This practice fosters self-appreciation and serves as a reminder of one's inherent worth and meaning.


    As the host extends birthday wishes to herself, she emphasizes the transformative power of self-love and inner strength. I encourage you to revisit this episode whenever you need encouragement and to remember that your life and your journey is worthy of celebration. Always.

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  • When you're childless after infertilityMother's Day can be a challenge. It's a time that can feel heavy with reminders and emotions, but fear not, I'm here to walk you through it with care and compassion.

    Finding Peace Amidst the Mother's Day Buzz:

    Acknowledge Your Feelings: It's okay to feel a mix of emotions during this time. Whether it's sadness, anger, or even ambivalence, give yourself permission to feel what you feel without judgment.

    Create Boundaries: Opt out of Mother's Day-related emails and social media if they're triggering for you. Your mental health comes first, and setting boundaries is an act of self-love.

    Crafting Your Own Meaningful Mother's Day:

    Plan Your Day: Take control of how you spend Mother's Day. Whether it's hosting a gathering, indulging in self-care, or simply taking a quiet moment for reflection, prioritize activities that bring you peace and joy.

    Write Yourself a Letter: Channel your inner Hallmark and write yourself a heartfelt Mother's Day card. Celebrate the qualities that make you proud, and affirm your worthiness of love and recognition.

    Cultivating Gratitude and Connection:

    Express Appreciation: Reach out to the people in your life who've supported you on your journey. Let them know how much their presence means to you, and express gratitude for their love and understanding.

    Remembering Your Worth Beyond Motherhood:

    Reflect on Your Significance: Take time to reflect on the meaningful contributions you make to the world, regardless of your parental status. Your worth is not defined by motherhood, but by the unique essence of who you are.

    As you navigate Mother's Day, know that you're not alone. Your journey is valid, and your feelings are heard and honored. Take this time to care for yourself, to acknowledge your strength, and to embrace the beauty of your unique path. You are worthy of love, celebration, and belonging, today and every day.

  • This week we are tapping into the concept of welcoming in happiness as you are navigating life after infertility and a new norm without the children you thought you were supposed to have. Discover practical tips and heartfelt insights on finding joy, embracing gratitude, and celebrating the beauty in everyday moments.

    In today's episode, I expand on episode 123, diving into the concept of happiness is not a destination but a journey, especially for those who are childless not by choice. If you missed last week's episode, I encourage you to catch up as we dive deeper into this topic.

    As Mother's Day approaches, I invite listeners to consider self-care and connection, highlighting the importance of support for those who may find this holiday challenging. Reflecting on the purpose behind The Other’s Day Brunch in Chicago, I emphasize the power of seeking connection and support, especially during times that may trigger feelings of sadness or heaviness. Join us this year in Chicago and help us create a supportive community where all experiences are valued and celebrated.

    In today's discussion, I address the misconception that happiness is your consolation prize for not becoming a mother. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, I encourage you to embrace the joys and beauties present in their lives, without comparison to motherhood or societal expectations.

    As the episode progresses, I guide you through practical strategies for cultivating happiness and gratitude in everyday life. By acknowledging the beauty in small moments and celebrating personal achievements, we can create a more fulfilling and joyful journey, regardless of our path to motherhood.

    Let's talk about embracing happiness beyond traditional notions, finding strength in the experiences you are having, and recognizing the abundance of beauty that surrounds us. Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of The “So Now What?” Podcast. Remember, happiness is not a destination but a journey filled with moments of joy and gratitude. Embrace the beauty of your life, celebrate your victories, and cherish the happiness that surrounds you.

  • As we usher in a new month, I welcome you to pause and reflect on your path. What are you choosing to focus on this month? Remember, there are no boundaries to the richness your life can attain, even when the dream of motherhood didn’t happen for you.

    But before we dive into the core of today's discussion on happiness, remember to get your tickets for The Others' Day Brunch. Scheduled for May 11th in Chicago, this event promises camaraderie and support as we navigate the complex emotions entwined with Mother's Day.

    Now, let's unravel the essence of happiness and the expectations you have put on yourself to find happiness after your infertility journey left you childless. In Episode 123, I unravel the myth that happiness is a destination and not a journey. Being happy is shoved down our thoughts and when you find yourself unhappy - you’ve been conditioned to believe you’re doing something all wrong.. This week I confront the fallacy of "toxic positivity," urging you to embrace the tapestry of your emotions.

    Drawing from my journey toward certification in grief and post-traumatic grief, I illuminate the significance of acknowledging and honoring all emotional facets, even those that defy society's expectation of perpetual happiness.

    On a side note - I am looking for volunteers that will do practice coaching with me. Part of my certification requires me to meet a certain number of hours coaching on grief, so if you are willing to hop on a 30 minute call with me to coach on any topic you are feeling grief around, please send me a DM.

    Happiness isn't confined to societal norms or the façade of perfection. It resides in the small, everyday moments—the laughter shared with a friend, the warmth of a pet's companionship. Grant yourself the spaciousness to experience the full spectrum of emotions without judgment for how you are feeling.

    In my eyes, the pursuit of happiness shouldn't overshadow the intricate tapestry of life's complexities. Embrace your journey, embrace yourself, and know that happiness, in its myriad forms, is always within reach.

    Join me next week as we continue to navigate life's labyrinthine twists and turns, with a reminder that it's never too late to unearth your purpose. Until then, cherish the moments, embrace the journey, and find solace in the knowledge that you are never alone.

  • This week we wrap up our discussion on body image, particularly for those navigating life post-fertility treatments. As you reflect on your own journey, consider this:

    What beliefs do you hold about your body?

    I share personal insights and encourage you to redefine your body image positively.

    But before we dive in, I reflect on a heartwarming weekend with loved ones, emphasizing the importance of nurturing connections, especially with the younger generation. It's a reminder that bonds transcend traditional roles, echoing the theme of self-compassion and connection discussed in today's episode.

    Throughout the episode, I challenge common narratives surrounding body image after fertility struggles. I am highlighting the impact of self-talk and invites you to reconsider ingrained beliefs about your body's purpose and capabilities.You're encouraged to shift from viewing your body as a source of disappointment to one deserving of love and appreciation.

    I will also prompt you to envision a future where self-acceptance replaces self-criticism, paving the way for healing and empowerment. As you listen, consider the small steps you can take towards fostering a healthier body image. Whether it's acknowledging your body's resilience or practicing self-forgiveness, every effort contributes to a more positive self-perception.

    I am also extending an invitation to The Other's Day Brunch, a gathering dedicated to celebrating connections and community. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and embrace a supportive environment.

    So, as you reflect on today's episode, remember: Your journey towards self-love begins with a decision to redefine your body image and prioritize self-compassion. And if you're considering attending The Other's Day Brunch, seize the opportunity to connect and celebrate your journey with others who understand and support you.

  • Introduction:

    Welcome to The "So Now What?" Podcast, where we embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-love after infertility. Today, we're diving into the power that comes with embracing our bodies and fostering a positive body image amidst the challenges we've faced. But first, let's celebrate the upcoming Other's Day Brunch – a safe haven for women like you who are seeking connection and empowerment on a weekend that traditionally seems so hard.

    Other's Day Brunch:

    Mark your calendars for May 11th in Chicago – it's the third annual Other's Day Brunch! Created for women who are not moms, may not have traditional mother figures or who feel disconnected during Mother's Day, this event is a celebration of sisterhood, connection, and self-love. Tickets are available at or reach out on Instagram for more info. You deserve joy and celebration, not sadness, on Mother's Day.

    Empowering Exercise:

    In last week's episode, we explored guided meditation as a tool for self-awareness and forgiveness. If you haven't tuned in, check out episode 120. Today, let's delve into a powerful exercise inspired by personal reflection. Picture this: sitting poolside, faced with your reflection, and feeling disconnected from your body. It's a moment of realization, a moment where you decide to love your body despite its changes – be it post-infertility or menopause.

    Embracing Self-Love:

    Your body has been through so much, and it's time to show it the love and respect it deserves. Challenge the negative self-talk and societal standards by asking yourself: "Is this the love my body is seeking?" Just like salty snacks may not nourish your body, negative thoughts and judgments don't nourish your soul. Make choices that align with self-love, whether it's nourishing foods, positive affirmations, or embracing your body as it is.


    As you navigate the complexities of body image post-infertility, remember that self-love is a journey – not a destination. Embrace every curve, every scar, and every change as a testament to your strength and resilience. Join us at The Other's Day Brunch for a celebration of sisterhood and empowerment. And always remember, it's never too late to discover your meaning and embrace the beauty of who you are.

  • In this episode, I dive deep into the intricacies of body image, offering insights and strategies to help you break free from societal norms and redefine your relationship with your body. It's time to unwind the narrative that may have taken root in your mind, not because you did anything wrong, but because we often get caught up in societal expectations.

    What to Expect This Month:

    Throughout March, we're dedicating our episodes to the theme of body image, with today's installment promising to be particularly insightful. I provide valuable tools to help you create a new and positive image of yourself, even if your journey to motherhood took an unexpected turn.

    Special Announcement: The Others' Day Brunch! 🌾

    Before we dive into today's topic, a quick reminder that early bird tickets for the Others' Day Brunch are now on sale! Treat yourself to a day of connection, empowerment, and celebration with other incredible women. Hurry, as discounted tickets are available for a limited time.

    Embracing Your Body: A Journey to Forgiveness

    I address the deep-rooted perception that your body may have failed you due to infertility challenges. It's time to shift the focus from what your body didn't achieve to all the amazing things it does every day – breathing, moving, supporting you.

    In a powerful exercise, our I guide you through a body scan, encouraging you to express gratitude and forgiveness to each part of your body. This experiment is your opportunity to decide what you want to believe about your body, with no grading scale attached.

    Reconnect and Reunite: A Body Love Experiment

    Imagine the liberating feeling of not critiquing your reflection or feeling pangs of envy when seeing a baby bump. I share a simple yet transformative experiment to kickstart your journey toward self-love. By acknowledging and thanking each body part, you can begin to rebuild a positive relationship with your body.

    How to Start the Experiment:

    Find a quiet space.

    Close your eyes.

    Express gratitude for your presence and commitment to self-love.

    Begin a head-to-toe body scan, thanking each part along the way.

    Acknowledge your body's strength, resilience, and the unique journey it has taken you on.

    Focus on forgiveness, particularly for the organs involved in your fertility journey.

    Embrace your body as your best friend, vowing to love and appreciate it every day.

    Conclusion: A New Chapter of Love and Acceptance

    Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of self-love and acceptance. This simple yet profound experiment could be your first step towards that reality. Challenge the societal norms, release the judgments, and start a beautiful journey of reconciliation with your body.

  • I'm beyond thrilled to be back in Chicago after a whirlwind of adventures. If you've been tagging along on my YouTube journey, you've seen me bouncing from one place to another. But now, I'm back in the Windy City, feeling immensely proud after taking a whopping 17 days away from home – a significant feat for this recovering workaholic.

    Now, let's dive into the exciting updates and some heartfelt moments from my time away. A big shoutout to my amazing co-worker and the fantastic students who joined me on the road, making this hiatus truly memorable.

    But wait – have you heard about The Others Day Brunch? Brace yourself for an extraordinary experience!

    If you attended last year, you know I throw an unforgettable party. And this year? It's going to blow your socks off. Head to for early bird tickets priced at $60, including a sumptuous lunch crafted by a talented chef, a bottomless mimosa bar, and a swag bag worth hundreds. Plus, the chance to connect with phenomenal women who, like you, navigate the complexities of being childless, not by choice. Save the date – May 11th, our third annual Others Day Brunch in Chicago. Check out discounted hotel rates on the website!

    Now, let's talk March themes! Relationships last month, and now, brace yourself for the empowering conversations about BODY IMAGE.

    Ladies, let's go beyond the superficial. I'm addressing women who are childless, not by choice or childless after infertility – your body image runs deep, deeper than we often discuss in our community. This month, we're delving into various aspects of body image, exploring the areas where you might feel disconnected or disappointed by your body.

    But here's the exciting part – this isn't just about how your body looks. It's about the internal struggles, the emotional weight, and the areas we rarely shine a light on. If something resonates with you today, share your thoughts with me. DM me on Instagram or shoot an email to [email protected]. Your insights might shape upcoming episodes.

    Let's get real about body image – it's more than the physical appearance.

    As a woman who has faced the challenges of infertility, you might have felt your body let you down. This month, we're exploring the emotional and internal dimensions of body image. From feelings of brokenness to comparisons with others, we'll cover it all. Stay tuned for my personal weight loss journey, how hormones during fertility treatments affected my relationship with my body and food.

    We're diving deep into the comparison game, exploring how your body image might be influenced by societal expectations and exhaustion from fertility treatments. Feeling disconnected? It's normal. You haven't given up on your body, and your body hasn't given up on you – perhaps a reconnection is in order.

    Get ready for a magical and transformative experience!

    Join me on The "So Now What?" Podcast this month as we navigate the complex terrain of body image. Let's recalibrate our perceptions and learn to love ourselves without waiting for external changes. If you've been yearning for a space to explore these feelings, this is it. The mirror won't be the same after this transformative journey.

    So, beautiful soul, hop on board and let's make this month about self-love and embracing the uniqueness of your body. You're not alone, and you don't have to wait for any changes to start loving yourself. This is your moment – the journey starts now! 🌟

  • Workplace Relationships as a Childless Woman


    Warm greetings to all our listeners. Still on the road, recording from a different location.

    Recap of the month-long focus on relationships, covering spouses, friends with kids, and now, colleagues and coworkers.

    Travel and Relationship Adventures:

    Detailed overview of recent travels, including experiences in Grass Valley and Sonoma.

    Insight into the effort invested in maintaining a strong relationship, emphasizing the importance of taking time for oneself.

    Teasing a potential course based on lessons learned during the vacation.

    Professional and Personal Connections:

    Shift to discussing relationships in the workplace and the unique perspective of being childless.

    Balancing personal adventures with work commitments while traveling through California.

    Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Yourself:

    Encouragement to set boundaries at work and avoid volunteering for extra responsibilities.

    Challenging the notion that childless individuals must always be available for additional work.

    Highlighting the importance of prioritizing personal time and saying 'no' when necessary.

    Water Cooler Talk and Self-Ownership:

    Addressing the potential feeling of inadequacy when sharing weekend activities without children.

    Encouraging childless women to take ownership of their unique experiences and not shrink away.

    Inspiring confidence in sharing personal adventures, whether it's a spontaneous drive or trying something new.

    Workplace Dynamics and Being Childless:

    Discussing the dynamics of being the only one without children in the workplace.

    Addressing situations where childless individuals may feel compelled to take on additional work.

    Advocating for setting boundaries and having open conversations with colleagues and managers.

    Compensation for Extra Responsibilities:

    Suggesting negotiating compensation for taking on extra work, challenging the idea of doing it without recognition.

    Offering alternatives like additional time off or spot bonuses for the additional workload.

    Acknowledging that personal time is valuable, regardless of parental status.

    Conclusion and Reflection:

    Wrapping up the month-long series on relationships with a focus on workplace dynamics.

    Encouraging listeners to reflect on their workplace experiences and share any additional insights.

    Reminding everyone that it's never too late to prioritize personal well-being and discover one's meaning.

  • Navigating Friendships After Infertility - Episode 117

    Welcome back, beautiful souls! Today's episode takes us to the stunning Pacific coast of California, where our host shares her recent experiences coaching remotely and working from beautiful locations. A dream come true! Now, let's dive into a topic close to many hearts: navigating friendships after infertility.

    Episode Highlights:

    Last Week's Recap: Intimate Relationships and Infertility

    Episode 116 delved into the impact of infertility on intimate relationships with partners. If you missed it, be sure to catch up!

    This Week's Focus: Friendships and Childlessness

    Being the only one without kids in your friend group can be isolating. The episode explores the challenges and emotions tied to feeling invisible in conversations about parenthood.

    Validating Your Emotions

    Acknowledge your feelings of isolation and invisibility. You're not a bad person for feeling this way. Infertility can stir up complex emotions, and it's okay.

    Navigating Social Situations: What Can You Do?

    Recognize that it's okay not to be part of every conversation. Understand that some outings may not align with your interests, and that's perfectly fine.

    Communication is Key

    Consider having open conversations with friends. Express that certain topics are challenging for you, and it's okay if you step away during those discussions. Honest communication strengthens bonds.

    Accepting Change in Friendships

    Friendships evolve, especially when friends become parents. It's natural for conversations to shift. Embrace the change, and recognize that it doesn't diminish the value of your friendships.

    Exploring New Connections

    Friendships aren't limited to a certain mold. Attend events specifically for childless individuals, explore virtual meetups, and be open to creating new connections outside your current circle.

    Empowering Yourself

    Lana shares upcoming events, like the "TheOther's Day Brunch", offering opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals. Early bird pricing is available, so consider making it a priority for yourself.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Navigating friendships post-infertility can be challenging, but remember, it's never too late to discover your meaning. Embrace change, communicate openly, and empower yourself to cultivate connections that resonate with your journey.

    Sending love and strength your way. Until next week, have a beautiful one! đŸ’–đŸŽ™ïž

  • Introduction: Wishing everyone a joyful Valentine's Day, whenever you may be listening. Today, on the 14th of February, let's delve into a significant topic – the dynamics of relationships post-infertility. We'll explore the journey, the challenges, and strategies to reignite the spark in a partnership.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Challenge of Female Factor Infertility:

    Delving into a personal experience with female factor infertility. Examining the emotional toll and potential strain on relationships. Reflecting on the envy and perceived unfairness associated with the burdens of infertility treatments.

    Navigating Resentment:

    Discussing moments of resentment towards partners for differing roles during infertility struggles. Acknowledging the validity of these emotions without casting blame. Encouraging open communication between partners to address underlying feelings.

    Rebuilding Connection:

    Sharing experiences of overcoming resentment and fostering a stronger connection with a spouse. Asserting that regaining partnership is feasible after the challenges of infertility. Encouraging listeners to communicate feelings openly, emphasizing understanding and empathy.

    Evolution of Desires:

    Addressing the changing desires and interests in a relationship post-infertility. Embracing personal growth and recognizing that desires evolve over time. Stressing the importance of open dialogue regarding evolving expectations and aspirations.

    Valentine's Reflection:

    Urging listeners to reflect on the unique qualities of their partners. Encouraging couples to envision a future without children and explore ways to fulfill their marriage. Reminding everyone that it's never too late to find deeper meaning in their relationships.

    Conclusion: As you navigate love after infertility, remember that many share this journey. A partnership can thrive with open communication, understanding, and a commitment to mutual growth. Embrace the unique bond you share, and let this Valentine's Day serve as a reminder that love evolves but remains resilient. Wishing you a beautiful week filled with love and self-discovery. Until next week, remember, it's never too late to discover the deeper meaning in your relationships. Much love to all!

  • Welcome to a new month, and if you're here, you're already taking a step towards creating a life that aligns with your true self. In this episode, we delve into the excitement and challenges of February. If you started the year with ambitious goals, now is the perfect time to evaluate whether they resonate with your authentic desires.

    Reflection and Redefinition:

    Discover the joy in evaluating and dropping goals that don't align with your passion.

    Episode reference: Explore choosing goals that feel easy and fun, avoiding the burden of heavy expectations.

    February Focus: Relationships After Infertility:

    February is all about relationships, especially for those who've undergone fertility treatments without becoming parents.

    Relationships change post-infertility, causing unease or a sense of detachment.

    Throughout the month, we'll explore managing and redefining relationships with partners, friends, family, and colleagues.

    Fluidity in Relationships:

    Challenge the idea that relationships must last a lifetime; fluidity can lead to personal growth.

    Embrace change in relationships; it might open new opportunities or redefine existing connections.

    Finding New Connections:

    Discuss the challenges of making new friends when childless.

    The importance of seeking like-minded individuals, leading to the creation of supportive communities like Lana's Chicagoland meetup group.

    Wardrobe Analogy: Relationships as Clothes:

    Relationships, like clothes, can be go-to staples or items you cycle out over time.

    Embrace change, allowing relationships to evolve or gracefully conclude.

    Invitation to Free Coaching Sessions:

    Lana is pursuing an advanced certification in post-traumatic grief.

    Seeking volunteers for free coaching sessions to strengthen her skills in supporting those experiencing grief after infertility.

    Reach out via Instagram DM or email to participate.

    Thrive After Infertility Program:

    Lana announces the start of her Thrive After Infertility program.

    A unique approach, different from previous classes, designed to support personal growth after infertility.

    Encourages those who couldn't join this round to consider future classes.

    Others Day Brunch:

    Mark your calendars for the Others Day Brunch on May 11th in Chicago.

    A gathering for women facing various challenges related to motherhood, including those without a mother or strained relationships.

    Book your ticket or join the waitlist for an elegant, champagne-filled event.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Emphasizes that it's never too late to discover your meaning and encourages listeners to embrace change.

    Expresses love and wishes for a beautiful week.

    Join us next week for more insightful discussions. Until then, remember, it's okay to evolve, it's okay to embrace change, and it's never too late to redefine your path. Have a wonderful week!

  • Introduction:

    I want to share a part of my personal journey, the return to work after realizing motherhood wasn't in my cards. It was a challenging transition, and I struggled with anxiety, questioning my alignment with my career path. This episode is about recognizing your worth beyond predefined roles and titles.

    Segment 1: Redefining Success:

    Reflecting on my career achievements, regardless of winning titles or contests, I've come to understand that success goes beyond external validations. It's about being proud of your journey and acknowledging your accomplishments.

    Segment 2: The Deservedness Dilemma:

    Let's talk about why many women, especially those who've faced infertility, feel undeserving in various aspects of life. We explore the self-doubt, the questioning of worthiness, and the societal influences that contribute to these feelings.

    Segment 3: Unpacking Deservedness:

    Breaking down the belief that some are more deserving than others, we discuss the defense mechanisms we adopt and the impact of societal conditioning. What if we embraced the idea that every individual, regardless of their past, deserves everything they dream of?

    Segment 4: Claiming Your Deservedness:

    Exploring the power dynamics we create in our minds, we challenge the idea that certain dreams are too big or unattainable. I share insights on claiming your deservedness, even if your path to motherhood took an unexpected turn.

    Segment 5: Embracing a New Narrative:

    Life without children doesn't mean a life without fulfillment. I discuss the transformative experience of discovering a more meaningful and purposeful life beyond the traditional expectations of motherhood.

    Closing Thoughts:

    I encourage each one of you to recognize your inherent deservedness. Whether you're secretly dreaming of something big or navigating a path without children, know that you are deserving of every beautiful thing life has to offer.

    Upcoming Events:

    Don't forget, the next Thrive After Infertility Mastermind class starts in February. Join the waitlist now for an exclusive one-on-one planning session with me, and let's create a plan for you to make the most out of the 12-week mastermind.

    Thank you for tuning in, and remember, you are deserving of all the incredible things life has in store for you. Until next time, thrive on, beautiful souls! 🌟

  • Embracing Fulfillment Beyond Motherhood

    Hey there, wonderful listeners! Last week's episode was a blast, sharing all the exciting things happening behind the scenes:

    The Other's Day Brunch 2024 My Advanced Coaching Certification in Grief and Post Traumatic Growth The Thrive After Infertility Mastermind in February My First Book!

    The response to my announcements has been incredible, and I can't thank you enough for your encouragement! Many of you are curious about the timing of the book. I'm aiming to complete the writing by August 2024. If all goes according to plan, I hope to have it on the shelves by the end of 2024 – a perfect Christmas gift for yourself or a loved one.

    I'll be reaching out to you for support in bringing the book to your local community. If you're interested in hosting a book reading, signing party, or helping me find a location for a launch event in your area, let me know. Your help will be invaluable in reaching those who may need the message.

    Now, let's chat about something that's been on my mind – our bodies. Do you ever catch yourself comparing what your body can do to others? It's a common struggle, especially for those navigating infertility. We often feel like our bodies should fulfill certain expectations, and when they don't, disappointment creeps in.

    I recently joined Solidcore, a workout that resonates with my body as I navigate the changes that come with aging. This got me thinking about how we perceive our bodies and the unnecessary comparisons we make.

    Comparison truly is the thief of joy. As a woman who is childless after infertility, you may compare your life to those with children and tell yourself you are lacking. You may compare your body and be disappointed that it didn’t create a child. Society encourages it, but you can shift your mindset. Instead of feeling less-than when comparing yourself to others, let's explore what you truly want and focus on that. Abraham Hicks teaches us to think about what we don't want in a way that guides us to what we do want.

    For those facing infertility, it's easy to see your body as a disappointment. But let's turn that around. Identify what you don't want – perhaps loneliness or a sense of purposelessness. Then, focus on what you do want – connection? Fulfillment? Joy?

    Motherhood isn't your only path to a fulfilling life. I've found my life without it to be unexpectedly rewarding. We often limit ourselves by lumping everything into the concept of motherhood. There are countless ways to find fulfillment beyond external factors.

    The key is realizing that relying solely on external things for fulfillment leads to a sense of incompleteness. Discovering the beauty within you, tapping into your own resources, is liberating. It's never too late to learn these tools, and if you want to dive deeper, consider joining the Thrive After Infertility Mastermind.

    Remember, it's never too late to discover your meaning. Sending love, and I can't wait to talk to you soon!

  • Hey, beautiful souls! Welcome back to another empowering episode. I'm Lana Mankowski, and this is the space where we delve into the intricate journey of being childless after infertility. Last week, we explored setting attainable goals, understanding their significance, and breaking them down into manageable steps. Today, we're continuing that journey with Part Two, sharing insights on creating accessibility for you, my incredible community.

    Creating Achievable Goals:

    Whether your goal is fitness, nutrition, or mindfulness, it starts with small, doable steps. The key is to give yourself wins, building a foundation for the life you want to lead. I've personally experienced the pitfalls of following plans that weren't aligned with my deeper goals, and I'm here to guide you through finding your path.

    Grief Certification for Coaching:

    One aspect often overlooked in fertility treatments is grief. I'm thrilled to share that I'm undertaking a grief certification for coaching. Grieving isn't just about tangible losses; it's valid for lost dreams around motherhood too. As a woman who is childless not by choice, I want to offer you the tools to navigate and heal through this grief that is often pushed under the rug and not recognized as grief by those around you.

    Thrive After Infertility Mastermind:

    The Thrive After Infertility Mastermind is evolving, becoming even more impactful. If you've been part of Thrive before or are considering joining, exciting changes await. The next class starts in February, and the application process ensures I can tailor my coaching to those who genuinely resonate with my approach.

    The Other's Day Brunch:

    Mark your calendars for the third annual Other's Day Brunch on May 11th, 2024. It's a unique event, deliberately scheduled before Mother's Day, offering solace and connection for those who may not fit the traditional celebration mold. Get on the waitlist; you won't want to miss this transformative experience.

    Book Announcement:

    In 2024, I'm fulfilling a long-cherished dream – I'm writing a book. This resource aims to represent your journey and provide tools for personal growth. My dream is for it to become a go-to resource to women who find themselves unexpectedly childless after infertility. I will also make it my mission to connect with fertility clinics and healthcare providers to make them aware of the needs their “failed infertility patients” are seeking so they can refer to this book as an offer of support for those navigating life without children post-treatment.

    Closing Words:

    This year is about transformation, and I'm here to guide you. Say yes to yourself, whether it's through Thrive, The Other's Day Brunch, exploring my book, or tuning in to the podcast. I've been in your shoes, and together, we're creating a supportive space for growth and healing.

  • On today's podcast episode is a heartfelt discussion on setting resolutions, especially after navigating the complexities of infertility. It's a topic close to my heart, and I want to share my perspective on how we can approach the new year with authenticity and self-compassion.

    But before we dive in, let me update you on my journey. I recently wrapped up a successful year in my corporate sales job and eagerly await the news on my President's Club nomination. Winning this award holds immense significance for me, representing not just professional success but a personal triumph after facing the challenges of infertility.

    For those who've walked a similar path, you understand how infertility can impact career choices and personal goals. It's a unique journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Winning President's Club is more than a title; it's a symbol of resilience, recommitment, and the belief that life after infertility can be fulfilling and purposeful.

    On a related note, I'm excited to announce the upcoming round of the Thrive After Infertility Mastermind in February. This program is designed for those seeking to create a life they love without children. If you've been feeling stuck or weighed down by the challenges of infertility, consider joining this transformative community. Visit or reach out on Instagram @Lana.Manikowski for more information.

    Now, let's delve into the heart of today's conversation—setting resolutions after infertility. The pressure to conform to society's expectations can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to New Year's resolutions. Many may feel compelled to announce jaw-dropping goals, but I advocate for a different approach.

    After facing infertility, the journey to motherhood may have taken unexpected turns, leaving us questioning our purpose and direction. I've been there, and I understand the struggle. When it comes to resolutions, I encourage you to focus on what feels authentic to you in this moment, not who you were during fertility treatments or before.

    Infertility can leave us feeling lost in our careers and hesitant to pursue new goals. For me, winning President's Club is not just about the title; it's about rediscovering my strength and committing to a path that aligns with who I am today.

    As you contemplate your resolutions, consider starting small and focusing on achievable milestones. It's not about impressing others but about honoring your unique journey and celebrating the wins, no matter how small. The key is to approach your goals in a way that feels nourishing, aligned, and, most importantly, true to your present self.

    Infertility may have altered the course of your life, but it doesn't define your future. Embrace the opportunity to set resolutions that resonate with the person you are now. Small, meaningful steps can lead to significant transformations, and it's never too late to create a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.

    So, as we step into this new year, let's navigate our resolutions with compassion, focusing on what feels right for us on this post-infertility journey. Remember, you're not alone, and your journey is uniquely yours. Wishing you strength, resilience, and the courage to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

  • Reflecting on Resilience:

    As the year comes to a close, I've been reflecting on the resilience that comes with the journey of being childless after infertility. It's not just a personal triumph but a testament to the strength and courage you've displayed throughout your unique path.

    Acknowledging Achievements:

    This year, my focus has been on closing it out strong both in my career and in supporting the Thrive After Infertility community. I attribute much of my success to life coaching, which has allowed me to manage challenges with excitement and abundance. This is a significant accomplishment for me, considering the emotional toll of my fertility journey.

    Gratitude for Community Connection:

    Amidst the holiday hustle, I've had the pleasure of participating in a heartwarming childless/child-free gift card exchange aand also hosted an innagural gift exchange for my Childless and Childfree Meetup Group. The connection with other women who understand the journey has been truly uplifting.

    Navigating the Feeling of Invisibility:

    Now, let's delve into the heart of today's discussion – navigating the feeling of invisibility during the holidays. Many women who are childless after infertility may find themselves feeling unseen, especially in gatherings where conversations often revolve around family and children.

    Recognizing Your Strength:

    Feeling invisible may stem from not recognizing the strength you've shown throughout your fertility journey. This episode is an invitation to reflect on the incredible journey you've been on – saying 'yes' to treatments, facing uncertainties, and ultimately finding resilience in being childless.

    You Are Seen and Valued:

    Regardless of whether others understand your journey, know that your visibility begins with acknowledging your own strength. This holiday season, let's shift the focus from what others might see to what you see in yourself – a woman of immense strength, courage, and purpose.

    Closing Words:

    As you navigate the festivities, embrace the truth that you are seen, valued, and deserving of joy. Whether you choose to share your story or keep it close, remember that your journey is meaningful, and you are not alone. Wishing you a holiday season filled with self-love, connection, and the knowledge that you are truly seen. Until next week, take care and much love!

  • Embracing Value in Childlessness: A Journey of Self-Discovery

    This week I found myself reflecting on the values that truly matter, particularly as someone who has faced the challenges of infertility. In today's episode, I invite you to explore the profound topic of self-value and the treasures that lie within us, often unnoticed.

    Discovering Personal Values:

    Let's take a moment to reflect on what we truly value about ourselves. Often, we spend time dwelling on what seems unfair or what we lack. But, this week, I encourage you to shift that focus onto the unique qualities that make you who you are. In my own journey, I've come to cherish lessons learned, the knowledge acquired, connections made, and the intuitive wisdom that guides me.

    The Symphony of Breath and Intuition:

    One aspect I want to delve into is the power of breath and intuition. Have you ever tuned in to the rhythm of your breath, especially during moments of discomfort or joy? It's a subtle yet profound guide, revealing insights about our inner state. Similarly, the voice of intuition often goes unrecognized. Today, let's celebrate these gifts and acknowledge their immense value in shaping our experiences.

    Navigating Life's Crossroads:

    When faced with significant decisions during my fertility journey, I discovered the importance of trusting my judgment. Whether contemplating adoption or getting and egg donor, the key was recognizing that every decision made was right for me at that moment. I encourage you to revisit your past decisions, acknowledging the strength and wisdom that guided you through challenging times.

    Valuing Infertility's Unexpected Gifts:

    A surprising revelation on my journey was coming to value my infertility. Beyond the struggles and heartaches, it opened doors to new perspectives and opportunities for personal growth. I've found fulfillment and meaning in unexpected places, and I want to encourage you to explore the unique gifts that your journey has brought into your life.

    Embracing Childlessness with Purpose:

    Embracing childlessness doesn't mean settling; rather, it's about recognizing the opportunities and desires unique to your path. I invite you to consider what you have, be it relationships, personal strengths, or unexplored possibilities. It's about finding joy and purpose in the present moment.


    As you embark on this journey of self-discovery, remember that your story is still unfolding. It's never too late to find meaning and purpose. Embrace what you have, stay open to new possibilities, and fuel your life with the things that truly bring you joy. Wishing you a beautiful week filled with self-discovery and love.