Happy Midwinter, friends.
The Winter Solstice is here. The longest, darkest night of the year. Many a tradition are drawn from this night. It's a night of magic and mystery. One of my favorites of the entire year.
For my last dispatch of the year, I thought I would take part in the tradition of Yule Ghost Stories. Like the strange people of the Victorian era, I'm here with two classic tales to entertain you on this dark night.
The Story of the Goblins Who Stole a Sexton by Charles Dickens & Christmas Meeting by Rosemary Timperly.
I hope you enjoy them, and I'll see you all after the New Year.
The Strange Dispatch is written and produced by Andrew Juhl. Music by Andrew Juhl.
Check out Strange Days for more high strangeness!
Today on the Strange Dispatch Andrew is joined by an old friend to discuss a few mysterious entities who are said to bring misfortune with them wherever they go.
For hundreds, if not thousands of years, run-ins with certain mythical creatures have plagued bystanders with calamity and, sometimes, even death. From black shucks in the UK to banshees in Ireland and the Little Red Devil in Detroit, we dive into the lore behind these so-called harbingers and the superstitions they bring with them.
The Strange Dispatch is written and produced by Andrew Juhl. All media is used under the protection of fair use. Original score by Andrew Juhl.
Check out Strange Days for more high strangeness!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Today on the Strange Dispatch, Andrew and Ian delve into some of the strangest sounds ever captured. They listen to and discuss all sorts of sonic weirdness, like the infamous hum that plagues thousands of people worldwide, eerie Soviet number stations left over from the Cold War, a bone-chilling EVP, and more. Andrew and Ian also toss in a couple of stories of weird sounds of their own. Some first-hand experiences that haven't been shared anywhere else.
This episode is full of the bizarre stories we love. Don't miss it!
The Bloop
The Upsweep (My apologies for referring to it as the "unsweep" half of the time!)
Taos Hum
Lincolnshire Poacher
UVB 76
Lost Cosmonaut
Astonishing Legends Sallie House Series
The Strange Dispatch is written and produced by Andrew Juhl. All media is used under the protection of fair use. Original score by Andrew Juhl.
Check out Strange Days for more high strangeness!
After taking nearly a full year off, The Strange Dispatch is back! Today Ian and I catch up after a long break. First up, we discuss the latest report on UAPs. Several interesting things jumped out at us in the new report, and we thought it was an appropriate way to restart our conversations on the Dispatch.
Then we delve into one of the most extraordinary pieces of UFO folklore in US history: Valiant Thor. Valiant Thor was allegedly an alien ambassador from Venus who secretly lived in the Pentagon for three years in the late 1950s. Val was sent here with a mission to save humanity from causing further harm to ourselves and our planet. Unfortunately for Val, the American ego was strong and political leaders were not quite ready to accept the help this bible-thumping Venusian had been sent to offer. That didn't stop him from trying.
Stranger at the Pentagon
Val Thor Photos
The Strange Dispatch is produced and scored by Andrew Juhl.
Hi all! Today I'm bringing you an episode from the Strange Dispatch archives. This episode was originally released on our Patreon about a year ago. But don't let that dissuade you! It's one of my favorite episodes from our back catalog, and it's a truly bizarre story. If you're one of our Patrons, you've probably heard this episode already, but maybe a year later is a good time for another listen!
In 2014 a family in Westfield, NJ, was preparing to move into their recently purchased dream home when they started receiving bizarre and sometimes threatening letters from an anonymous author. It seemed as if someone in the neighborhood had a vendetta against the family and was attempting to stop them from occupying the old colonial house. The person, who referred to themselves as the Watcher, made it clear that there was more to the house than meets the eye and that the family was not welcome there. What at first seemed like an alarming prank escalated into a life-altering situation that tore the family apart and ostracized them from their community.
In this episode of the Strange Dispatch, Ian and I discuss the peculiar, unsolved mystery of the Watcher.
Happy Holidays! After a long hiatus, the Strange Dispatch is back, and we're talking about one of my absolute favorite cryptids of all time - the Michigan Dogman.
Legends of the Dogman in the Great Lakes State go back centuries. Tales of this elusive creature are some of the most terrifying encounters I've ever read. While the beast's roots aren't exclusive to Michigan, it is undoubtedly one of the state's most notorious monsters.
In this episode, I'm joined by a long-time friend, Vince Suchanek, to discuss the Dogman. We cover some of the most infamous stories to come out of Michigan, a weird encounter we had years ago in Manistee National Forest - a Dogman hotspot - and a first-hand encounter we heard directly from a man who had an absolutely terrifying run-in with one of the creatures in rural Tennessee. While his story didn't occur in Michigan, it was too incredible not to share on this episode.
If you've had an encounter with a Dogman, or any other strange or unusual experiences, we'd love to hear about it. Send us your story at
I hope you enjoy this episode while you take a break from all of the holiday festivities! Thanks so much for listening, and a special thanks to my co-host for this episode.
Stay safe, stay strange.
Show Links:
Dogman Onstar Incident
The Legend of Dogman w/photos
Happy Autumn, everyone!
I'm excited to share a very special episode of the Dispatch with you all today. I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Greg D'Alessandro, the editor-in-chief of the Weekly World News! We discussed the history of the WWN, some of his favorite stories, and the strange state of the world today. It was an incredibly fun interview. The Weekly World News is a staple in the strange world that we're so happy to be a part of, and I can't thank Greg enough for coming on the show.
I hope you enjoy it! Thank you very much for listening to the Strange Dispatch! Be sure to check out the Weekly World News and Strange Days online.
Weekly World News
Strange Days
Today on the Strange Dispatch, we delve into a topic that's become a topic of contemporary folklore for several years - wildmen living in the United States. Is it possible that some of the vast wildernesses of our country are home to wild, undomesticated humans who have been living in obscurity for years? These beings are different than sasquatch, yet rooted in similar lore that goes back centuries. We discuss multiple wildmen encounters from all across the country and end on a strange missing person case that has become infamous for its possible wildman connections.
We happened to pick a particularly noisy day in my neighborhood, so apologies in advance for the annoying background noise! This was the first episode in nearly 9 months in which we were able to record the Strange Dispatch in person, so please excuse us we settle back into Strange Days HQ.
Thanks for listening!
For over seven decades, the US government has taken the same stance on the UFO phenomenon. Programs like Project Blue Book and AATIP have worked hard to dismiss the idea that UFOs regularly visit this planet. With the recent release of the Preliminary Assessment on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and multiple leaked videos of UFOs in US airspace, it seems that the subject may finally be given the time and attention that it deserves. In this extra-long Strange Dispatch, Andrew and Ian discuss this report, as well as the 74-year history of unidentified crafts. From Roswell to the UAP task force, we dive into the history of the United States' War on UFOs.
Three UFO Videos Filmed by US Military
Pentagon Confirms Leaked UFO Images are Authentic
The US Navy Filmed Pyramid Shaped UAPs
Transmedium UFO off California Coast
60 Minutes UFO Special
UAP Buzzes A10 Warthog