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“Share Of Voice” is a podcast about the power of discovering your voice and sharing your truth in the process. Hosted by journalist Karin Eldor, each episode features compelling conversations with the wave makers and game changers on our radar. Less “how I built this” and more “how I make noise,” guests will share how they amp it up in their work. Do they express themselves boldly in their OOTDs or beauty looks, on their social media channels, or in every way, on the daily? It’s about creating ripple effects. Feeling heard. Shaking up the status quo and breaking way out of the boxes that society has imposed on us. We’ll discuss doubling down on yourself unapologetically, and raising your frequency so much that you take up ALL. THE. SPACE. Prepare for inspiring soundbites and mic drop moments, from the disruptors who have made a living from living out loud. You ready to get loud af? For more details on upcoming guests and past episodes, follow Karin on Instagram @alwayskarin.
Women of Wayland is a podcast born out of the core belief that the most unassuming women around us have the most remarkable of stories to tell. This podcast started in a small peaceful community of Wayland, in Greater Boston Area.
Stories of our women paint a beautiful inspiring picture. Even in a small town an individual can affect positive change that can impact the world. We want to celebrate them! Every episode, we will get into soulful conversations that explore a unique side of the guest. -
We explore the lives, careers, and advocacies of people who want to create positive impact in the world.
Reese Fernandez-Ruiz (founder of Rags2Riches and Things That Matter) and Tom Graham (founder of MAD Travel and author of The Genius of the Poor) are joined by other social entrepreneurs to discuss the ins and outs of doing good.
If you’re someone who’s looking for inspiration, positive stories, and opportunities to pursue meaning and purpose, you’re In Good Company. -
Guy Kawasaki is on a mission to make you remarkable. His Remarkable People podcast features interviews with remarkable people such as Jane Goodall, Marc Benioff, Woz, Kristi Yamaguchi, and Bob Cialdini. Every episode will make you more remarkable.
Using his decades of experience in Silicon Valley as a Venture Capitalist and advisor to the top entrepreneurs in the world, Guy’s questions come from a place of curiosity and passion for technology, start-ups, entrepreneurship, and marketing.
Listeners of the Remarkable People podcast will learn from some of the most successful people in the world with practical tips and inspiring stories that will help you be more remarkable.
Like this show? Please leave us a review -- even one sentence helps! Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally!
“Let’s talk about it.” Death and dying is one of those topics that’s just hard to talk about. We know that we will all have to face it one day, but we put that “difficult” conversation off until tomorrow. Or the day after… Well it doesn’t have to be that way.
The people we talk to on this podcast are people who do talk about it. They’re people who have learnt through personal experience how important it is to talk about our wishes before it’s too late, and they have a lot to say. Whether you’ve been bereaved, have a family member who’s approaching the end of life, want to support a friend, or just want to know how to start the conversation for yourself, this podcast is for you.
Dying Matters is a part of Hospice UK ( , the national charity for hospice care. Registered in England and Wales No. 2751549. Charity registered in England and Wales No. 1014851, and in Scotland No. SC041112. -
Welcome to the Great Escape Radio with Lori Allen and Jody Maberry, where you’ll meet everyday people who broke out of their regular jobs and opted for an exciting life of getting paid to travel. Come along for the ride as we learn about breaking into travel writing, photography, import-export, and other exciting ways you can see the world and make an income with very little set-up.
This is a podcast for people who build coworking communities.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Welcome to Edgy Ideas, where we explore what it means to live a ‘good life’ and build the ‘good society’ in our disruptive age.
This podcast explores our human dynamics in today's networked society. Addressing topical themes, we explore how social change, technology and environmental issues impact on how we live, and who we are - personally and collectively. Edgy Ideas podcast aims to re-insert the human spirit, good faith, ethics and beauty back into the picture, offering new perspectives and psycho-social insights. We pay particular attention to how the ‘unconscious that speaks through us’, entrapping us in repetitive patterns and shaping our desires. Each podcast concludes by contemplating what it means to live a ‘good life’ and create the ‘good society’. Enjoy!
Edgy Ideas is sponsored by the Eco-Leadership Institute
A radical think tank and developmental hub for leaders, coaches and change agents.
Join our community of practice and work live with many of our podcast guests
Discover more here: (
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Go For Broke is a podcast series about historic bubbles, the irrational enthusiasm that creates them, and the lessons we’ve learned (and the ones we haven’t) when they pop.In our first season, we’re examining the original dot-com bubble. From the meteoric rise of Netscape to the stunning fall of, we'll explore how venture capital money and stock market speculation, combined with the beginnings of Internet commerce, led to trillions of dollars created and lost — seemingly overnight.From Epic Magazine and the Vox Media Podcast Network.
Real, human stories with practical tips for leaders who want to evolve themselves and their teams, creating an evolved culture.
Dr. Laura Gallaher is an organizational psychologist who has been hired by Disney and also NASA to help transform culture. Her company, Gallaher Edge, has helped multiple small businesses grow to successful acquisition. -
Journalist Kate Sullivan transports you to restaurants around the country to hear the diverse stories of entrepreneurs, creatives, innovators and change-agents at their favorite restaurant. The show is a celebration of people who have taken an idea from ”inspiration to execution” through their own imagination and hard work and are now using their success to help others and ultimately change the world. It’s also a celebration of food and the place it holds in our life stories. Despite different races, religions, and beliefs, sitting down to a delicious meal over fascinating conversation can often get to the heart of what life is all about.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Über 8.000 Anleger haben in den letzten 10 Jahren Gold, Silber, Platin oder Palladium bei uns gekauft, um ihre Ersparnisse und ihr Vermögen vor der Inflation abzusichern, es bankenunabhängig zu lagern und finanzielle Sicherheit in unsicheren Zeiten zu erlangen.
Darunter Privatanleger (Väter, Mütter, Großeltern mit einem Gold-Depot für sich selbst, den Hauskauf, die Rente, die Familie und die Kinder), Angestellte (z.B. um die eigene Altersvorsorge aufzustocken), Selbstständige (z.B. mit der Edelmetall-Rente oder um unternehmerisches Kapital anzulegen) und Unternehmen.
Wie baust du dir auch in Krisenzeiten nachhaltig Vermögen auf, sicherst deine Ersparnisse vor Inflation, Krieg und anderen Eventualitäten ab und schläfst ruhig, weil du dich nicht um dein bares Überleben sorgen musst?
Mit der vertrauenswürdigsten Anlage aller Zeiten: Gold.
Langfristige Stabilität, weltweite Liquidität, Steuervorteile, unabhängige Lagerung und in den letzten 20 Jahren sogar eine ordentliche Rendite ohne finanzielle Verluste.
👉 Das sind unsere Kunden:
- Privatanleger wie Väter, Mütter, Großeltern, die für sich, die Familie und die Kinder etwas tun und finanziell für die Zukunft vorsorgen wollen (Edelmetall-Rente, Kinder-Goldsparplan u.v.m)
- Studierende und Azubis
- Angestellte, die wissen, wie der Zustand des deutschen Rentensystems ist und sich privat um eine stabile Altersvorsorge kümmern, auf die auch in 20-50 Jahren noch Verlass ist
- Selbstständige, die Steuerrücklagen in Gold anlegen, statt zuzusehen, wie ihr Geld auf dem Konto wegen der Inflation dahinschmilzt
- Unternehmen, die ihr Kapital langfristig erhalten, Gold in ihre betriebliche Altersvorsorge integrieren, ihr Portfolio diversifizieren, Steuervorteile genießen und ihr Kapital vor der Inflation schützen wollen
👉 Warum schätzen unsere Kunden die Zusammenarbeit mit uns? (Auswertung von mehr als 150 Kundenfeedbacks)
1. Keine leeren Rendite-Versprechen sondern langfristige finanzielle Sicherheit mit Schutz vor Inflation und Finanzkrisen.
2. Hohes Vertrauen in mich (Ronny Wagner) als Person und meine Expertise
3. Ruhigerer Schlaf und bessere Lebensqualität, weil Basis-Bedürfnisse (Sicherheit, Stabilität, Unabhängigkeit vom System) gestillt sind und der Blick ins Alter nicht mehr voll Stress und Sorge ist.
4. Deutlich besseres Verständnis für das, was im Finanzsystem geschieht und ein klarerer, ruhigerer Blick auf die Ereignisse
5. Anonymität und Diskretion
6. Keine Panikmache sondern fundiertes Wissen, seriöse Beratung und ein rundum gutes Gefühl beim Kauf von Gold, Silber und anderen Edelmetallen
7. Das “ganz besondere Gefühl”, wenn das eigene Gold auf dem Depot angezeigt wird oder zum ersten Mal in den eigenen Händen liegt.
Haftungsausschluss/Disclaimer: Die Inhalte des Podcasts dienen ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken und stellen keine spezifische Kauf- oder Anlage-Empfehlung dar. Der Podcastanbieter und der Moderator haften nicht für etwaige Verluste, die aufgrund der Umsetzung der Gedanken und Ideen entstehen. Die Meinung von Interviewpartnern stellt nicht die Meinung des Podcastanbieters oder des Moderators dar. Jeder Mensch hat nicht nur das Recht, sondern auch die Pflicht, sich aus verschiedenen Quellen zu informieren und daraus seine eigenen Schlüsse und Handlungsschritte abzuleiten. -
A podcast interviewing entrepreneurs and business leaders in the emerging market of East Africa. Host Sam Floy showcases companies operating across Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Find conversations with companies ranging from solar power and food production to smoothies and toothpicks.
Der glänzt mit #MehrWertWissen rund um die Hotellerie und Gastronomie. Garniert mit der typischen Prise klönt Sascha Brenning mit spannenden HOGA-Persönlichkeiten über Themen, die Hotels und Gastrobetriebe bewegen. Jetzt kostenlos abonnieren auf
Hey everyone! I'm Stanko Zovak and your host of the All Things Croatia podcast. Growing up as a member of the Croatian diaspora in Los Angeles, I was always involved in the community but wanted to do more. 3 years ago I quit my job and moved to Zagreb where I studied the Croatian language before eventually moving back to Los Angeles. With this weekly series, I want to connect the global Croatian community and allow people to share stories, learn about new ventures, and discover "All Things Croatia" as I talk (in English) with people both in the Homeland and around the globe who have connections to Croatia. You'll hear from athletes, returning diaspora, Olympians (believe it!), musicians, artists, and the biggest Croatian celebrities that will return my calls! I hope you enjoy these episodes as much as I do while recording them, and thanks so much for your support! Follow on Instagram at @allthingscroatiapodcast for more content and videos!
The From Within Podcast is designed to help you get clear on what you really want out of life. This will help you identify what’s holding you back from living a life you absolutely love. The delivery is real and raw and has been known to challenge old limiting thinking and patterns that are not serving you. If you’re serious about growing yourself or even a business, this will fit perfectly. A mix of powerful talks, top-level interviews, and live human development coaching. Get ready to move forward, have a listen and join the From Within tribe!
"Zdravo und Hallo aus Montenegro!" ist ein Podcast für alle, die sich für Montenegro und den Balkan interessieren. In jeder Episode beleuchten wir die Aspekte des Lebens, Reisens, der Kultur und des Geschäfts in Montenegro und seinen Nachbarländern. Hör Dir "Zdravo und Hallo!" an, um mehr über Montenegro und den Balkan zu erfahren und um einen tieferen Einblick in das Leben im Land zu bekommen.