
  • Is your message falling flat and failing to attract clients? Do you know how does a weak message is holding you back? You have to learn how to create a powerful, impactful one. We all know the frustration of putting time and money into marketing efforts that don’t pay off. If your phone isn’t ringing off the hook, your message might be to blame.

    Many people don’t realize their messaging is ineffective. If your message doesn't translate into new clients or cut through market noise, it's weak. Marketing should activate ideal clients and drive engagement. The common mistake is focusing message on oneself rather than the client’s problems. Effective messaging must be client-centered. Your message must be directly relevant to the audience’s current needs.

    Get Booked and Get Paid, designed to help you navigate this challenging environment. For more information, visit

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “Men and Women need spaces that are unique to them because men don't really fully understand everything a woman's going through, and women don't fully understand everything a man's going through.”

    How powerful thought leadership in fitness can truly transform lives? Have you ever thought how the people around you influence your journey to health and fitness success? In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding the time and motivation to focus on our health and fitness can be a real challenge. Many of us struggle with weight issues, confidence, and the daunting task of starting a fitness journey.

    Hammer Fitness Club stands out from other coaching programs due to its holistic and individualized approach. Its coaches are not just fitness experts; they are mentors who provide continuous support and motivation. Being part of a positive and supportive community is invaluable when it comes to achieving fitness goals. The people you surround yourself with can significantly influence your success in any endeavor, including fitness. Reevaluating your personal circle and ensuring that you have a supportive network of like-minded individuals is crucial.

    Expert action steps:

    You're capable of more than you think you are. Trust the process. Show up for yourself every day. “You get to”. Once you start saying you get to, changes everything. Do it even when you don't want to.

    Follow Lexi Ward on Instagram Lexircise, Hammer Fitness, and Lady the F Up for more tips and inspiration on fitness and nutrition.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

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  • Are you treating your business like a hobby or like a true enterprise? If you’re a coach, consultant, author, or speaker, who’s selling your expertise to make a difference and earn a living, it's time to look in the mirror and affirm, "I am a business owner, and I am a master at sales and service.”

    Sales isn't just about transactions; it's about serving others with your expertise. When you integrate this mindset, you lay the foundation for a business that not only sustains but flourishes. Commit to mastering sales. Embrace the journey from beginner to expert, accepting initial challenges as opportunities for growth. Engage in continuous learning through masterminds, coaching, and professional development.

    Understand the distinction between treating your passion as a hobby versus a business. While hobbies are enjoyable, turning your expertise into a profitable enterprise requires a shift in mindset and commitment. Invest time and resources into your growth. Be relentless in your pursuit of excellence, leveraging every opportunity to enhance your skills and achieve victory in your endeavours.

    Also Mentioned:
    Robin Sharma

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “There is nothing worse than having a negative environment because that won't be conducive to your goal.”

    How does a top fitness coach transform lives with just a few key changes? Are you someone striving to improve your fitness, nutrition, and overall health? We all want to feel our best, look our best, and perform at our highest level, but sometimes we need guidance to get there.

    Join us and discover body transformation, exploring practical tips on nutrition, the importance of physical activity, and the power of consistent, small changes over drastic overhauls. Magda Bañas works with my GOAT mentor, Amer Kamra, and brings a wealth of knowledge and energy to the table.

    Expert action steps:

    Do something for yourself at least 30 minutes a day. Stop drinking your calories. Replace sodas and frappuccinos with water. Find a community or accountability that supports and elevates you.

    If you're ready to take control of your health and start making meaningful changes, don't wait. Follow Magda on Instagram @magdañas and book a call with her through the link in her bio.

    Also Check out Amer Kamra Fitness:

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • Ever wondered how top thought leaders transform their visions into six and seven-figure realities? Ever found yourself feeling isolated at the top of your game, needing that extra push to go further? Some people are in the same boat, striving for success while navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur, coach, or consultant, you've likely faced challenges in scaling your business, finding your voice, or navigating the complex landscape of thought leadership. You're not alone, and today's episode will provide insights from those who have been in your shoes and successfully navigated those challenges.

    Bringing together a powerhouse panel of thought leaders to share their journeys, challenges, and triumphs in building successful businesses, packed with practical advice, inspiring stories, and actionable strategies that you can implement in your own journey to thought leadership and business success.

    Success is not a solo journey. Surround yourself with a community that lifts you up and holds you accountable. Keep pushing boundaries and achieving greatness.

    Marc Von Musser:

    Matthieu Mehuys:

    Dia Burger:

    Michael Ostrolenk:

    Michael Matthews:

    Dwayne Richards:

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “I wanted to give people an idea of what the experience was actually like to someone who did it”

    Have you ever considered moving from a blue state to a red state? What it's like to leave a liberal stronghold and move to a more conservative region? Many of us have felt the pressure of political and cultural shifts in our hometowns and have considered relocating for a better lifestyle.

    Roger Simon is a highly acclaimed prize-winning author, Oscar-nominated screenwriter, and founder of a leading alternative conservative media conglomerate, who left Los Angeles and now writes for the Epoch Times, a publication known for its conservative viewpoints. He is also the author of the brand new book, American Refugees: The Untold Story of the Mass Exodus from Blue States to Red States. Roger shares his firsthand experience of moving from Los Angeles to Nashville, that are both personal and widely relevant.

    In Roger's new book, "American Refugees: The Untold Story of the Mass Exodus from Blue States to Red States", he shares the ups and downs of his family's relocation experience. From the political and ideological shifts to the personal and emotional challenges, Roger provides a candid look at what it's really like to make such a major life change.

    If you're intrigued by the political landscape in America and the significant movement of people from blue states to red states, be sure to check out Roger’s book:

    American Refugees: The Untold Story Of The Mass Exodus From Blue States To red States

    Roger L. Simon on Epoch Times

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • Are you tired of feeling stuck, like you're just coasting through life without any real motivation? What if the key to unlocking your true potential lies in understanding something called "The Apathy Zone"? We all know that feeling of being caught in a rut, where things are just okay but not great. It's a dangerous place where our dreams can wither away, and today’s episode is here to change that.

    People change when they are either extremely dissatisfied or incredibly excited about their future. However, many get trapped in a middle ground where the discomfort isn't enough to spur change, leading to stagnation and missed opportunities. Break free from the apathy zone and reach your full potential. Don’t wait for tomorrow—start today. Remember, don’t settle for mediocrity. Strive for excellence and live the first-class life you deserve.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “The intersection of entrepreneurship and freedom... that’s very exciting to me.”

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to truly champion freedom in today's complex political landscape? Whether you're a business owner, an entrepreneur, or simply someone who cares about the future of Toronto, you know that strong leadership in both business and politics is essential for a thriving community.

    In today's rapidly changing world, the intersection between business and politics has become more crucial than ever. Business leaders are not just creators of economic value; they are also influential figures within their communities.  Your involvement in politics is not just beneficial but essential. Your businesses are cornerstones of the community, and your leadership can help bridge the gap between economic growth and community well-being.

    Anthony Furey is a City of Toronto mayoral candidate and has been endorsed by none other than Jordan Peterson. He is an experience journalist and a committed champion of freedom. With 15 years as an editor at the Sun Post and experience hosting various TV programs, He brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective on the interplay between business and politics.

    He talks about how the current political landscape, particularly in municipal politics, impacts businesses directly. Issues like infrastructure, transportation, and urban planning profoundly affect the day-to-day operations of businesses and the quality of life for residents. By actively participating in politics, business leaders can ensure that their voices are heard and that policies are crafted with the best interests of both businesses and communities in mind.

    Learn more about Anthony's vision, visit

    Expert action steps:

    If you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, don’t get sidetracked by other people. Get out there more with whatever you’re doing. Bring your passion to the public. Get out there and do what you’re passionate about.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “It is never too late to transform your physique. Your mindset too, but your physique, it's never too late, you're never too old.”

    How can women break free from fitness myths and transform their bodies and mindsets? Many women struggle with fitness myths and body image issues, especially as they age.

    Train your mindset, embrace the journey, understand that progress is not always linear, and be patient with yourself. Consistency is key, and small steps forward each day will lead to big changes over time. Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and encourage you, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Remember, you have the power to create the life and body you desire, so believe in yourself and keep pushing forward.

    Janet Brown made a significant career shift to follow her passion in fitness, leveraging her business awareness to inspire and empower others. She works alongside the GOAT mentor Amr "The Hammer" Camera, and she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in transforming lives, especially for women who want to embrace their power and beauty. Janet's unique blend of corporate expertise and fitness coaching makes her an exceptional leader in the industry.

    If you're ready to break free from fitness myths and transform your body and mindset, connect with Janet Brown on Instagram (@_coachjanet_)

    Expert action steps:

    Evaluate Your Life. Take Calculated Risks. It's Never Too Late to Transform.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “Refocus on you defining what you want and you selecting yourself and you presenting yourself for opportunities that make you want to jump up and be excited and get out of bed in the morning.”

    Have you ever felt stuck in your career, unsure of how to move forward after hitting an unexpected roadblock? Ever felt like you were holding back, not because you lacked ambition, but because the next level seemed so out of reach, so out of sync with who you believed yourself to be?

    Many of us have faced moments in our careers where progress seems to halt, and self-doubt creeps in; moments where self-doubt or external perceptions have hindered our progress, whether in our careers or personal lives. Whether you're a senior executive or climbing the corporate ladder, understanding how to navigate these challenging times is crucial.

    Courtney Intersimone is a world-renowned thought leader and coach. Courtney specializes in working with high-achieving corporate leaders who have plateaued in their careers. With a background that includes a master's degree in psychology and over 26 years of experience in human resources on Wall Street, she brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the table.

    [email protected]

    Expert action steps:

    Define Your Terms. Take Responsibility. Be the Solution.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “If you really start turning inward and tapping into that inner wisdom, the people who are supposed help you on your path are going to come.... You’ve got to trust it, you can’t question it.”

    Have you ever felt trapped in a life that doesn’t fulfill you, despite achieving what society considers success? What if the path to true healing lies in transforming your deepest traumas into your greatest strengths? Are you someone who feels stuck in a cycle of dissatisfaction despite your accomplishments, or if you’re searching for deeper meaning and impact in your life?

    Dr. Cindy Starke, an internal medicine physician with 30 years of practice under her belt. Regardless of her success, she felt a frustrated as her patients kept coming back with the same issues. This realization led her to discover self-healing, where she let go of her childhood traumas and found a new calling. Today, she serves as the Medical Director of a hospice, helping people die dignified deaths, and the Director of a home health company, aiding patients in their convalescence at home. Dr. Starke is also the founder of Soul Circle Academy, where she helps people discover their true selves and what lights them up inside.

    If you want someone who can help you uncover your true path and achieve genuine healing and fulfillment, visit Dr. Starke’s website: to schedule a call.

    Expert action steps:

    Spend some time alone and get honest with yourself. Don’t let external things distract you from looking inside yourself. Journal. Write down the things that you’re holding on to. Turn inward and learn to listen to your spirit. You will attract that people that are meant to come into your life to help you.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “Most entrepreneurs, they struggle more with, ‘How do I build a successful team, how do I find people I trust, how to delegate so I don’t have to be everything to everyone?’”

    Are you struggling to find reliable, skilled employees for your business? Do you feel like you're always settling for less than the best? We all know that finding the right people to join our team can make or break our business. Whether you're a small business owner, an entrepreneur, or someone in the trades, the challenge of hiring can often feel overwhelming. But what if there was a better way?

    Ryan Englin is the founder of Core Matters, a company dedicated to teaching entrepreneurs how to hire better people faster; individuals they can trust and delegate to, so they can truly thrive in their businesses. He's a firm believer that recruiting is not just an HR task but a marketing activity. You need to compete and sell your hiring when you can't always match market rates. You need to change the way you communicate to attract the right people.

    Visit to get your hands on a free, signed copy of Ryan's book, "Hire Better People Faster," and start transforming your hiring process today.

    Expert action steps:

    Become attractive to attract the right people Get clear on who the right people are that you need to hire Care about your employees as much as you want them to care about your business.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “Right now, building a business is like running in a marathon... So the first you have to decide is are you willing to win? And if you’re committed to win, are you willing to pay the price that success demands today..? The strong are going to survive.”

    Are you worried about what the future holds—your job, paying rent, driving a car, even affording groceries and energy bills? things have changed dramatically since the pre-COVID days. Back then, buyers were more confident, and a quick pitch could seal the deal. But now, in a post-COVID world riddled with economic uncertainty and skepticism, buyers are far more cautious and demanding. Remember when the recession hit right after COVID? It compounded the uncertainty and made people even more skeptical. Many have been scammed, making them savvier and more discerning. They need to know they can trust you before they make a purchase.

    Today's buyers are spending more time researching and evaluating their options. Ever find yourself scrolling through countless product reviews before hitting that "buy now" button? You're not alone. As a business, understanding your audience is the key to success in this new landscape.

    Joining us, again, in this enlightening episode, Marc Von Musser who is an expert in comer behavior. He shares insights on why accountability through coaching is critical. It's all about making you do the things you're not comfortable doing and believing in your own. It's not just about having the right strategy but also about doing the things you're not comfortable doing. If you don't believe you'll succeed, you won't. Mindset is everything.

    Introducing this Signature program, Get Booked and Get Paid, designed to help you navigate this challenging environment. For more information, visit

    To have a conversation, go to to get on Nicky’s calendar.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “It's about the quality of your work, not the quantity. Scaling too quickly can cause details to get lost and diminish the quality of service you provide.”

    Ever wondered what it takes to overcome serious health challenges and transform your life completely? why maintaining muscle mass is crucial as we age? Did you know that without resistance training and proper nutrition, we start losing muscle mass around the age of 30?

    We’ve all been there - struggling with health issues, feeling the weight of societal expectations, and trying to find our way to a healthier, more confident self. Today, we have an amazing guest who has been through it all and came out stronger on the other side. This episode is all about transformation, resilience, and the power of proper nutrition and fitness.

    Lexie Ward is one of the founders of Lady the F Up. She's a former national trampoline champion who has faced and conquered numerous health challenges. Lexie is now dedicated to helping women all over the world achieve their best selves through fitness and nutrition. She started gymnastics at just two and a half years old, tried various sports, and eventually focused on trampoline, where she achieved national success. But despite her athletic prowess, she struggled with her health for years, dealing with misdiagnoses and chronic issues.

    In today's fast-paced world, where demands from work, family, and personal life often compete for our attention, prioritizing our health can feel like an uphill battle. With constant distractions and obligations, finding the time and motivation to incorporate healthier habits can indeed be challenging. Despite these challenges, prioritizing our health is crucial for our overall well-being and longevity. Incorporating healthier habits doesn't have to be a monumental task. It can begin with small, manageable steps that fit into our daily lives. Whether it's making smarter food choices, finding time for regular exercise, or prioritizing self-care practices like adequate sleep and stress management, every little effort counts.

    Follow Lexi Ward on Instagram @lexircise and Lady the F Up for more tips and inspiration on fitness and nutrition.

    Expert action steps:

    Pay attention to how you feel day to day and what you're eating. Always have a goal to work toward. Make time for rest and play.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “People need to wake up and stop being afraid.”

    Have you ever been cancelled within your community? a phenomenon increasingly prevalent in today’s society. Facing cancel culture doesn’t mean the end of a career or the silencing of a voice. Instead, it can be a catalyst for growth, creativity, and the establishment of new platforms that champion freedom of thought and expression.

    Kevin Sorbo, known for his iconic roles in movies like "God's Not Dead," "Let There Be Light," and of course, who could forget his portrayal of Hercules? Kevin takes us on a journey through his fascinating life story, from growing up in Minnesota to finding faith at a Billy Graham event at just 13 years old. He shares how his youth pastor played a pivotal role in shaping his understanding of Christianity, and how his journey eventually led him to pursue acting.

    You need to have a sense of resilience and unwavering faith. Stay true to our beliefs and continue to fight for what’s right, despite the obstacles because with determination and faith, we can overcome any challenge.

    Head over to Sorbo Studios' website and check out Kevin's latest projects. Support his mission to bring inspiring and uplifting stories to the screen.

    Don't forget to mark your calendars for the release of "The Firing Squad" on August 2nd.

    Expert action steps:

    Eat your vegetables. Don't let fear control your life. Don't let anyone set your limitations, especially yourself.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “One of the most important things about communication, of course, is authenticity.”

    “When your communication isn't lean, people check out and they check out quickly.”

    Have you ever struggled with public speaking? Don't let fear hold you back. Overcome your fear and practice public speaking through various life experiences. Becoming a great communicator isn't about being a "natural." It's about putting in the reps and embracing failure along the way.

    Communication skills are not innate talents bestowed upon a lucky few. Instead, they're cultivated through dedication and effort. Just as you wouldn't expect to become a skilled musician or athlete without consistent practice, the same principle applies to communication. Whether it's mastering the art of public speaking, refining your writing skills, or perfecting the nuances of interpersonal communication, it all comes down to putting in the work.

    Along the way, you're going to stumble. You're going to have moments where you don't quite hit the mark, where your message doesn't land as intended, or where you feel like you've fallen short. But those moments of failure are not setbacks, they're opportunities for growth. By embracing failure and learning from your mistakes, you're able to refine your approach, hone your skills, and ultimately become a more effective communicator. It's a journey of continual improvement, one that requires perseverance and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone.

    Geoff Weinstein is a star client from our exclusive mastermind, E-Circle Academy, and a leading global authority in communication. He talks about the importance of persistence and practice in becoming a great communicator. Geoff's journey took a significant turn when he transitioned from working in the hospitality industry to a role in communication within a bank's head office. It was in this new environment that he discovered his true passion for communication and realized the transformative power it held. As he pushed himself in the intricacies of communication within the corporate world, Geoff found himself drawn to the challenge of unraveling its complexities and unlocking its potential for positive change.

    Expert action steps:

    Learn about human motivation. Cut the fluff. Be a chameleon.

    Connect with Geoff Weinstein:Website: Visit to explore more about Geoff's work, his insights, and his upcoming events.

    Head over to to grab a free PDF copy of Geoff's book and exclusive discounts for his lean email masterclass.

    LinkedIn: Geoff Weinstein
    Twitter: @weinsg
    Instagram: @GeoffWeinstein
    Facebook: Geoff Weinstein

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “Really, you have a hand full of decision makers that would tell the story: the narrative. And they’re all part of a little club. But we broke that cartel with citizen journalism.” “You might say, ‘What’s their level of professionalism?’ Well they know how to point a camera, and the reason why that’s important is that people can see for themselves.”

    In a world inundated with false narratives and charlatan marketers, let's advocate for a return to principles based on truth, urging everyone to defund mainstream media and support independent outlets like Rebel News. The psychological impact of going along with false narratives and encourages listeners to seek out alternative sources of information.

    The landscape of news has shifted dramatically. Now, anyone with a cell phone can capture and share stories, ensuring that the truth isn't just in the hands of a select few. Unlike major media outlets, we're not part of some exclusive club. We break the mold by empowering citizen journalists and relying on your support to keep us going.

    Ezra Levant is not only a true hero of independent media but also a fearless advocate for truth and freedom, unapologetically speaking truth to power and standing up for what he believes in. He began in undergrad business school and later led him to law school. He realized that his true passion lay in journalism, which eventually propelled him into the world of political journalism. Over 30 years ago, Ezra had the privilege of working alongside the esteemed Preston Manning, which ignited his passion for politics and journalism.

    Ezra has been involved in various media ventures, including the Western Standard and the Sun News Network. However, it's his role as the founder of Rebel News over the past nine years that truly highlights his commitment to freedom-oriented, grassroots journalism. With a team of 40 staff members, Rebel News operates on a crowdfunded model, empowering citizen journalists to report on stories that matter.

    It's time to shake things up. Let's defund the mainstream media and put the power back in the hands of the people. Privatize or sell CBC—it's time to take it out of the hands of those in power. Understanding the psychology of people, we know that many are inclined to follow false narratives. But together, we can challenge that status quo.

    Be sure to catch all the latest updates on and follow us on all our platforms—X, YT, and Rumble.

    And don't forget to check out Rebel News store for some awesome swag and t-shirts.

    Also Mentioned:

    David Calado from Abacus Research

    Expert action steps:

    Don't be afraid to be a non-conformist. Be a gentle dissenter. Follow the facts wherever they lead. It’s ok to evolve your Trust the people. There’s a wisdom in the common man. Education or not doesn’t determine wisdom and intelligence.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “Don't give up, don't let anybody tell you to give up. If somebody says something negative to you, it's their projecting themselves onto you. One thing I've learned is everything is a projection and nothing is personal. So in other words, if somebody is projecting that you're no good, he's got one finger pointing at you and three fingers pointing back at himself. So don't ever let anybody discourage you, no matter how bad things were, no matter how downtrodden you get, just keep trying. Don't stop.”

    In a society where law enforcement encounters can sometimes escalate unnecessarily. Life is often marked by inflection points—moments that test our resilience and redefine our path forward. Resilience in the face of adversity serves as a beacon of hope for anyone grappling with their own challenges. Be reminded that setbacks are not the end of the road but opportunities for growth and transformation.

    Dr. Belfar lost everything – his practice, his reputation, his family, even his home. Stripped of his identity as a respected physician, he faced isolation, despair, and overwhelming uncertainty. But within the depths of despair, he discovered the resilience to rebuild his life from the ground up.

    Dr. Belfar shares a powerful formula for overcoming adversity, which he calls ACCEPT:

    A - Admit your mistakes and take full responsibility.

    C - Cut out toxic influences from your life.

    C - Contribute to society and yourself with your talents and values.

    E - Exercise and take care of your physical health.

    P - Find your purpose and let it guide you.

    T - Never give up, no matter the obstacles you face.

    Expert action steps:

    Seek Support. Eliminate Toxicity. Persist.

    Check out Dr. Belfar's book, “Mess to Success” that offers genuine insights into navigating challenges and designing a path to success without the need for medications.

    To learn more about  Dr. William Belfar's, visit his website at

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • Today's episode is all about unwavering support and belief in oneself, we talk about what sets us apart: our dedication to being there when you need us most. No scheduled calls or confining support to certain times – if you need us urgently, we're there. We're professional believers in people, because everyone deserves unwavering support when self-doubt creeps in.

    Explore how we study the wobble, reminding you of your greatness and standing with you until your confidence steadies. While we can't do it for you, we can certainly be your champions, your allies in the journey to success. In a world where other organizations may leave you to navigate alone, eCircle Academy is different. We're in the arena with you, facing challenges together until you emerge victorious. At eCircle Academy, we don't just offer programs; we stand with you every step of the way. Whether it's boosting earnings, mastering sales tactics, or navigating the challenges of podcasting, our commitment to your success knows no bounds.

    So, don't wait any longer. If your year isn't shaping up as you hoped, take action. Discover your unique point of difference and let it shine. Your extraordinary life awaits. Remember, you deserve to win, and we're here to help you achieve it. Join us in the revolution.

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

  • “The team is the new leader. The team will come up with better solutions when given that kind of support than any individual leader ever could”

    “Your calling in life is more of an archetypal energy. It's not a doing, it's not a job or a career.”

    Finding balance between exerting effort and embracing surrender in our training regimens, while pushing ourselves to excel is essential, it's equally crucial to recognize the value of recovery and restorative practices.

    Our returning guest, Mark Devine is a retired Navy SEAL, bestselling author, and the founder of SEALFIT. He is an expert in mental and physical training, with a remarkable background that spans from the corporate world to the elite ranks of the Navy SEALs. He's the mastermind behind Unbeatable Mind, a holistic approach to personal and professional development.

    Navigating the bureaucratic structure of the military presented significant challenges for Mark. While he cherished the early years of operating as a SEAL, leading small teams, and embodying the elite Navy SEAL energy, he found himself increasingly constricted by the bureaucratic environment as he progressed in his career.

    Expert action steps:

    Embrace the present moment. Cultivate a powerful morning ritual. Harness the power of breath.

    Check out Mark's best seller book, Unbeatable Mind, available on Amazon.

    Tune in to "The Mark Devine Show" podcast, where Mark shares his wisdom through engaging interviews and discussions. Available on all major podcast platforms

    Visit the Unbeatable Mind website to explore a range of courses and resources designed to help you unlock your full potential.

    Have questions or want to learn more about Mark's work? Reach out to the Unbeatable Mind team at [email protected].

    Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.