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Hosted by Hallie Bulkin, a Certified Myofunctional Therapist™ (CMT®), Feeding Specialist and Speech Therapist, The Untethered Podcast focuses on the latest research and clinical evidence in Myofunctional Therapy, Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs, AKA Tongue Tie, etc), Airway and Pediatric Feeding. Produced with both providers and parents in mind, episodes include interviews with experts, personal stories from parents, and Q&A from our listeners.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sherry the Dog Training is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer with All About Training Dogs. In this podcast, she reveals all of her puppy training tips and reactive dog strategies to help you with leash aggression, barking, biting, snappy and fear so you get an easy dog that you love to be with and take out. You get real-life advice based on the science of positive reinforcement dog training that is safe and humane for all dogs. You’re not born knowing how to raise and train a dog, stop struggling and learn how to get the dog of your dreams.
Hjallastefnan heima er ætlað að vera stuðningur við barnafjölskyldur og gera fjölskyldulífið og uppeldið ánægjulegra. Við deilum lykilþáttum í hugmyndafræði Hjallastefnunnar sem við vitum að virkar vel í öllum aðstæðum.
Í þáttunum er rætt við skólastýrur, kennara, foreldra og aðra góða gesti sem veita góð ráð sem nýtast heima fyrir. -
How can I have a stronger connection and relationship with my horse? How can I turn my passion for horses into a career? How can I build my confidence and overcome fears with my horse? How can I develop a well-rounded horse program that serves the horses and clients? Do I need to go to college for a career in the horse industry? How can I grow myself to help serve my horse better?
Hey Folks and welcome to the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast where we will answer ALL of these questions and many more! Every week, your host Colton Woods brings you horsemanship hacks, business tips, equestrian motivation, personal and inspirational stories and even guests on the show that will help YOU take your horsemanship, relationships, careers and self to the entire NEXT LEVEL! Colton takes it the extra mile as he shares with you the practical and achievable steps he has taken to go from a childhood nonexistent with horses to traveling the world and teaching clinics, building the highly sought after horse and human development program at Colton Woods Horsemanship and not only making a living in the horse industry but loving the time he and his horses spend together.
Horsemanship is not just a way to train a horse but it is everything we do with our horses and in our lives. That is right, this podcast is dedicated to helping fellow horse people learn more about their horses and themselves. Here on the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast we keep it fun, we keep it informative, we keep it real and we keep it positive. Thanks for tuning into the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast, now lets dive in. -
Sometimes challenging, sometimes inspiring. Always authentic. A radio show for real people experiencing divorce and family breakup.
Alternative Divorce is about staying out of court, protecting the children and saving money by getting the information and inspiration you need to divorce amicably, and to create healthy blended co-parenting families. -
The Storying Project is a podcast about collaboration and the power of storytelling.
Our journey starts with the simple question: What do children need to hear right now?
Join our host, author David Sewell McCann, for a series of collaborative conversations as each guest shares their perspective on messages that the world’s children need to hear … through story. -
The Get a Calm Dog Podcast by Dog Liaison is dedicated to teaching dog guardians how to train their dog or puppy. Deep dive on dog training tips and dog behavior science.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Fred Campos, @FullCustodyDad on Twitter, shares his unique experience of winning a paternity suit and being full custody, of his then 4-year-old daughter. As a non-attorney but a male parent, he shares unique ideas on how to be a better parent and ultimately win a child custody suit. Fred's goal is to help good parents caught in the complicated process of divorce or child custody. This show has parenting and custody tips as well as attorney interviews from state to state.
Leðurblökur eru skuggaleg og skringileg dýr sem hafast við í dimmum hellum og skúmaskotum. Þær eru sjaldséðar hér á landi en slæðast þó hingað af og til. Í Leðurblökunni er fjallað um ýmsar ráðgátur og sakamál, og önnur dularfull og sérkennileg mál úr sögunni. Þættirnir voru áður á dagskrá Rásar 1 árið 2014. Umsjónarmaður: Vera Illugadóttir
Það er von eru góðgerðarsamtök sem leggja sitt af mörkum til þess að aðstoða fólk sem glímir við fíknivand.
Það er von podcastið er gert með það í huga að fræða og opna umræðuna. Hvað getum við sem samfélag gert betur til að aðstoða fólk með fíknisjúkdóma og þá sem glíma við fíknivanda til að finna leiðina að batanum? Markmið okkar eru einnig að vinna á fordómum og skömm. Fíknisjúkdómur er ólæknanlegur en samt vel hægt að lifa með honum með góðu aðhaldi og aðstoð. -
Allir hafa sína einstöku sögu!
"Takk fyrir Sóttkví podkastið - Þetta er svo frábært og vel gert hjá ykkur. Takk fyrir að deila ykkur með okkur"
"Það er svo yndislegt að hlusta á Sóttkví, fyllir mig svo mikilli ró, eina sem ég hlusta á"
Hlaðvarp þar sem allir eru heyrðir og allt fær að flakka.
Vilt þú vera heyrð/ur? -
Through interesting conversations (or at least I hope so!), I want to help you improve your French listening skills or maybe just get you familiar with the French language. If you like my podcast and you wish for some more content, you can help me by contributing on :
For some questions, you can contact me on my instagram account : -