
  • In today's episode:

    * I'll be reading a thought-provoking story from Osho's book about an emperor visiting heaven.

    * I'll also be reflecting on lumi's application to Y Combinator and the valuable lessons I learned, even though we weren't accepted. This includes the importance of following intuition and staying focused on our core mission.

    * While we didn't get into Y Combinator, Lumi is forging ahead with exciting new features and a potential trip to Silicon Valley for fundraising and networking.


    * Join the my lumii early-access

    * Emotional Wisdom Podcast

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode:

    * I share why following your intuition might not lead to success, drawing insights from Osho’s controversial yet thought-provoking book on intuition.

    * A behind-the-scenes look at my intense week working on my startup, my lumii, and the creative challenges we face.

    * The launch of our new podcast, Emotional Wisdom, where we dive deep into emotional health and awareness.

    * Reflections from my peaceful retreat to the Austrian countryside, balancing the hustle of city life with moments of tranquility.

    * A powerful passage on true happiness versus societal success, featuring thought-provoking ideas from historical figures like Buddha and Jesus.


    * Join the my lumii early-access

    * Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic by Osho

    * Emotional Wisdom Podcast

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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  • In this episode:

    * Celebrating the milestone of reaching episode 50 of the Unreasonable Art of Living podcast

    * Reflecting on the journey of starting the podcast and its evolution over time

    * Discussing the impact of sharing personal experiences, leading to deeper connections with listeners

    * Exploring the concept of intergenerational trauma and its significance in personal growth and healing

    * Emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and emotional health in creating a better world and breaking cycles of trauma


    * Join the my lumii early-access

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode:

    * My experience attending an Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Therapy (IoPT) workshop

    * Facing and starting to heal my childhood traumas

    * Reinforcing my purpose

    * Opening up the discussion on traumas


    * Join the my lumii early-access

    * Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Theory

    * Podcast: Your Trauma Is Ruining Your Relationship (Dr. Nicole LePera)

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode:

    * The real reason why we want something is often not so obvious

    * Why everyone has experienced at least one spiritual moment in their life

    * What you can do when you wake up at night and you can’t fall asleep

    * What science has to say about oneness


    * Join the my lumii early-access

    * The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality and Our Quest for an Inspired Life

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This week has unfolded like an intense rollercoaster, showcasing the two conflicting sides within me::

    * The fearless and fierce 'let’s go' persona, brimming with sheer belief and faith.

    * And the doubter, the self-critic, the seeker of external validation.

    It’s a powerful and beautiful dynamic, and the more you become aware of it, the deeper the learnings and insights you can gain.

    For these moments, it is such a blessing to have, what I call ‘a safe space to be delusional’: a journal.

    * Are you journaling?

    * What does journaling mean to you?

    Let me know :)


    * Join the my lumii early-access

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This week’s episode is about sharing the experience of the lumii founding boot camp in Malaga, reflections on what a company is and can be, my lumii product updates, what the lumiilympics are, and what most companies don’t get.


    * Join the my lumii early-access

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this week’s episode, I read a passage from the essay How to Do What You Love by Paul Graham, and share a little update on my lumii’s development process.

    If you want to try my lumii, your emotional and mental wellbeing companion, then join our my lumii early-access!

    Have a good day everyone

  • * my lumii update:

    * 200 early-access members

    * 12% week-to-week growth rate at this stage

    * One thing that stressed me:

    * Things are getting real:

    * The importance of seeking out uncomfortable conversations early on when founding a startup.

    * How to split shares?

    * What is fair?

    * How do we define the principles we want to live up to?

    * How do we make sure we plan for the worst case?

    * “Easy life tough talk - tough life easy talk”

    * One thing that humbled me:

    * We almost made a 35k euro mistake

    * The importance of compound effect in a startup

    * small steps every week instead of big jumps

    * One thing that gave me joy:

    * My dad is back

    * One thing that inspired me:

    * Reading Paul Graham's essay about startups

    * One thing to be grateful for:

    * To be able to do what I love


    * How to Do What You Love by Paul Graham

    * Join the my lumii early-access

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this week’s episode, I give a little update on my lumii development. We have some amazing news to share :-)

    Then I looked back at the previous week and thought about:

    * One thing that stressed me.

    * One thing that humbled me.

    * One thing that gave me joy.

    * One thing that inspired me.

    * One thing to be grateful for.


  • * Late-night rambling while sipping a Peruvian ceremonial cacao

    * The difference between emotions and feelings by Vivian Diitmar

    * Early childhood traumas

    * Why I quit social media for now

    * How can we create things that deliver TRUE value vs shallow value?

    * A little update on my lumii early access

    * Join the free lumii early-access


  • Just wanted to share something about ‘competition’ - it’s quite easy to fall into the thinking of seeing other companies as our competitors in the sense of “how we can we beat them?”. It’s just the game investors play, and the common language and mindset. But I feel many forgot the true meaning of competition: the root word for the competition is Latin - competere - meaning “to strive together”, i.e. working cooperatively towards a common goal.

    I see in all of them contributors/collaborators. Hence, we should always be striving for win-win, and honoring each other’s contribution.

    At worst we should inspire each other to create greatness, at best we will contribute and complement each other to solve this enormous mission ahead of us: healing people, elevating self-awareness, and finding their true selves again. By regaining a sensitivity and healthy relationship with their soul-mind-body connection 🙏✹

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Should you have a plan B, C, or a safety net?

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In today’s episode, I take you on a journey of enhancing productivity through the principles of doing less.

    This episode is sparked by an exploration into the concept that reducing work hours can significantly boost productivity. Drawing on insights from productivity experts and personal experimentation, I discuss how imposing strict work constraints forced me to prioritize effectively, focus more intensely, and achieve greater output in shorter periods.

    The core of the discussion is the transformative power of work compression. This idea suggests that by confining our work to fewer hours, we not only enhance our productivity but also unlock a suite of 'productivity superpowers' that allow for a more fulfilling work-life balance. It's a testament to the notion that constraints can catalyze creativity and efficiency.

    Throughout the episode, I challenge conventional work norms, such as valorizing long hours and multitasking. Instead, I advocate for the efficacy of dedicated work sessions, the strategic elimination of low-impact activities, and the critical importance of rest and recovery for maintaining high productivity levels over the long term.

    I also share personal anecdotes that underscore the effectiveness of these strategies, including my adoption of the impact-effort matrix for task prioritization and the substantial benefits of focusing on one task at a time. These insights go beyond mere theory; they are practical, proven methods that have fundamentally transformed my work habits and approach to productivity.

    For those eager to delve deeper into applying these principles, I encourage reaching out for a one-on-one session. Let's embark on this journey together, redefining what it means to be productive and discovering the vast potential of doing less to achieve so much more.


    * Rian Doris: The Most Overlooked Productivity Superpower

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Leave a comment on, or contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In today's episode, I dive deep into the essence of navigating life's uncertainties, a journey I've aptly named "Walking The Path Of Not-Knowing." This concept emerges from a blend of personal reflections and the realization that much of our lives are spent in pursuit of dreams and ambitions. We often find ourselves striving to map out our lives, seeking answers, and planning every step with precision. Yet, through my experiences, I've come to understand that our minds are not solely tools for plotting life's course but are meant for creativity, solving problems, and embracing the moment.

    It requires faith, trust, and most importantly, surrender. Surrendering doesn't mean giving up; it's about quieting the mental noise to create space for intuition, for communication without words. It's about walking without knowing, guided by an inner compass that steers us through the fog of life's mysteries.

    This week, I'm inspired to reflect on the difference between dreaming and surrendering. Dreaming is envisioning a future, often with our minds firmly in the driver's seat. Surrendering, however, is a delicate dance of faith, where intuition leads and the mind follows. It's a state of being where we accept that some questions don't have immediate answers, and that's perfectly okay.

    Understanding life's 'whys' isn't always possible, and what an uncomfortable truth that is. Yet, this discomfort is a necessary part of trusting our deeper knowledge and intuition. I emphasize the importance of rekindling our relationship with our inner selves. Human evolution must reconnect with our intuition and body, our ultimate sources of truth. These internal guides are more reliable than any external source of wisdom or guidance could ever be.

    I argue that this internal compass leads us to make decisions aligned with our true nature, decisions that foster joy, peace, love, and collaboration. Our true nature is inherently geared towards creating win-win situations for everyone involved.

    Through today's musings, I hope to inspire you to trust your journey, even when the destination isn't clear. It's a reminder that in silence and surrender, we find our most profound truths and the strength to embrace life's uncertainties with grace. Join me in this journey of self-discovery, and let's navigate the uncharted waters of life together, guided by the stars of our intuition and the compass of our inner wisdom.


    * Alan Watts - Just Let Go

    * The Art Of Non-Doing

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Then contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode, we dive into lumii's journey through its early-access phase, highlighting the intertwined themes of facing challenges, embracing failure, and nurturing optimism. Reflecting on lessons from a past startup failure, I've learned that beginning with the odds stacked against you is beneficial. It forces focus, prevents delusion, and fosters a mindset where optimism lives alongside fear and anxiety, each acting as a guide and teacher.

    This approach has informed our development of lumii, emphasizing that failure is not a setback but a step forward. Failing equals learning. It's a lesson in humility and the importance of luck in success. Believing too soon in one's infallibility can be a pitfall, hence the value of embracing each failure as a learning opportunity.

    Our journey with lumii is akin to archery. Initially, the target is a blur. The goal is not just to hit the target but to learn with each shot, refining our aim and approach based on feedback and introspection. This process has already led to over five major updates in just three weeks, each inspired by user feedback and our insights. This rapid evolution was unplanned but a testament to the importance of staying present, listening, and allowing creativity to guide us without ego.

    Creativity demands letting go of fixed ideas and being open to destruction as much as creation. This cycle of feedback, iteration, and learning is not just how we develop lumii; it's a philosophy for innovation. It's about understanding that progress is a journey of continuous improvement, driven by a balance between realism and optimism.

    As we move forward, the experience of refining lumii has been a powerful reminder of the value of perseverance, the insights gained from each failure, and the clarity that comes from focusing on the process. Here's to the ongoing journey of lumii, shaped by failures, learnings, and the relentless pursuit of creating something truly valuable for our users.


    * How Jeff Bezos Started Amazon | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

    * The Creative Act: A Way Of Being By Rick Rubin

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Then contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Welcome back to the Unreasonable Art of Living, where today we're exploring how your chronotype can elevate your productivity and well-being.

    A chronotype is your body's natural clock, influencing when you feel alert or sleepy. By aligning your daily activities with this internal clock, you can reach new heights of productivity and maintain a healthier lifestyle. As a certified High Flow coach, I've seen firsthand the incredible benefits of living in sync with your chronotype.

    In this episode, I break down the science behind chronotypes, how they differ from circadian rhythms, and their impact on your life. Understanding which of the four main chronotypes—Bear, Lion, Wolf, or Dolphin—you are, allows you to tailor your day for optimal performance.

    My personal discovery as a Lion transformed how I schedule my day, boosting both my productivity and health. I encourage you to find your chronotype using the self-assessment test linked in the show notes. It's a simple step that could dramatically change your approach to daily life.

    This conversation is about more than just productivity; it's an invitation to live more harmoniously with your natural rhythms. I'm excited to hear your experiences and questions as we embark on this journey together. Understanding and applying the science of flow and chronotypes isn't just about getting more done—it's about enhancing your overall quality of life. Let's unlock our full potential by embracing our natural tendencies.


    * Find Out Your Chronotype

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Then contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode of the I dive into the thrilling and nerve-wracking early access launch of lumii, our holistic well-being app focused on self-awareness. I share the blend of excitement and vulnerability that comes with releasing something I've poured my heart into, emphasizing the importance of creating with love and passion. This, I believe, is what truly resonates with users.

    I also talk about the inevitable presence of bugs in software development, likening it to natural processes where imperfections occur. It's a normal part of creating complex systems, and every bug reported by our early users is an opportunity to improve lumii. Their feedback has been invaluable, leading to rapid iterations and enhancements that better align with their needs and desires.

    Personal discipline and maintaining a balance between work, health, and well-being have been crucial during this intense phase. I stress the importance of meditation and structuring my day around my peak performance times, or "chronotype," to stay focused and productive without burning out. Despite the temptation to work late into the night, I've reminded myself of the diminishing returns of prolonged work hours and the value of rest and recovery for creativity and problem-solving.

    The goal is to work smarter, not harder, by aligning work practices with one's natural rhythms and achieving a state of deep, focused work that maximizes output in minimal time.

    The collaborative spirit of this project has been a source of joy and inspiration, and I'm eager to continue co-creating with our users to make lumii an even more impactful tool for self-awareness and holistic well-being.

    Thank you for tuning in, and if you're interested in trying out lumii and being part of this journey, I encourage you to visit to join us. Your support and feedback are what drive this project forward, and I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share this adventure with you.



    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Then contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @avocadohooman

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode, I explore the concept of 'Flow', a unique state of consciousness where one is completely immersed in an activity, leading to heightened focus and creativity.

    I kick off the episode with exciting news from lumii, our innovative team that's now grown to four members. We were thrilled to introduce two new team members - Maximilian Freiler, a leading Wim Hof instructor in Europe, and Miika Kuisma, an exceptional front-end engineer and musician. Maximilian is set to create an exclusive mini-podcast series about the Wim Hof method, while Miika will be composing music for our lumii app’s guided meditations.

    For our first-time listeners, lumii is more than just an app. It’s a comprehensive method designed to help you assess and improve various aspects of your life with the support of expertly curated tools and guidance. We're on the brink of launching early access to lumii. If you also want to get early access, visit!

    On a personal note, I am now a High Flow coach, certified by the Flow Research Collective. This organization, steered by the renowned neuroscientist Steven Kotler, dedicates itself to the neuroscience of peak human performance, focusing especially on the state of flow.

    The main segment of this episode delves into the intricacies of Flow. This state is where work feels almost effortless, and you find yourself completely absorbed in what you're doing. It's characterized by a sense of fluidity and an almost out-of-body experience in productivity.

    Flow is not just a fleeting moment of clarity; it's backed by extensive research. Over ten thousand papers have examined flow, linking it to enhanced learning, creativity, and productivity.

    Achieving flow is a skill that can be cultivated. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the father of flow, along with Steven Kotler, have identified several key aspects to achieving this state. These include recognizing and eliminating flow blockers like phone distractions, enhancing flow proneness by optimizing one's physiology and environment, utilizing flow triggers such as clear goals and immediate feedback, and understanding the flow cycle which emphasizes the importance of recovery after achieving flow.

    Looking ahead, I plan to delve deeper into each aspect of flow, offering more insights and practical tips in our upcoming episodes.

    Stay tuned for more enlightening discussions on harnessing the power of flow in our lives. Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey.


    * Flow Research Collective

    * Jeff Bezos on banning PowerPoint in meetings at Amazon

    Feedback, questions, or wanna simply say hi? Then contact me at [email protected] or on Instagram @thehighflowcoach

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode, I dive into a personal and passionate topic of mine: creativity as a birthright. I start by sharing my recent experiences with the intense development of the lumii app, which has shifted my focus slightly away from the podcast.

    The core message of this episode is about the innate creative potential within each of us, often suppressed by conventional schooling and societal norms. I introduce "The Creative Act: A Way of Being" by Rick Rubin, a book that struck a chord with me, shedding light on understanding and reclaiming our natural creative instincts. Each chapter is a revelation, inspiring us to embrace our inherent ability to create and innovate.

    I also reflect on my personal journey, from embarking on a PhD to creating a creative storytelling card game. This part of my story emphasizes the importance of divergent thinking and how traditional education systems often hinder this natural inclination. I discuss a NASA study on creativity, which shows a worrying decline in creative genius from childhood to adulthood, highlighting the negative impact of rigid educational systems.

    A clip from Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk further emphasizes this issue. He discusses how the fear of being wrong inhibits creative expression and how education often 'educates out' our natural creative capacities. I passionately argue that we need to redefine what it means to be an artist, broadening the term to include all forms of creative expression, whether it's in software engineering, surgery, or any other field.

    I encourage you, to embrace your inner creative genius, no matter your profession. The most important thing is the joy found in creation and the importance of loving what you do.

    This episode is not just a discussion on creativity but a personal invitation from me to you, urging you to break free from societal constraints and rediscover the creative genius you were born to be.


    * Article:

    * Ted Talk:

    * Article:

    * Book: The Creative Act: A Way Of Being

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit