
  • Many people go to great lengths to view eclipses, sometimes traveling thousands of miles to witness the shadow of the Moon passing across the Sun or the shadow of the Earth crossing the Moon.

    In Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology, however, such events can be seen as inauspicious, and the recommendation might be that we take shelter from them rather than expose ourselves to them.

    But such things are not so cut and dry. In this episode, Thom proposes that the impact of an eclipse depends, as does the impact of most things, on the consciousness state of the observer.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Parashara Saṃhita

    [02:40] Self-referral Consciousness and Object-referral Consciousness

    [05:59] What's in the Sky and What's Not in the Sky

    [09:00] Who are You and What are You?

    [11:10] What is the Nature of the Knower?

    [13:15] Degrees of Suffering

    [16:23] Reinforcing Totality Consciousness Through Vedic Meditation

    [18:58] A Little Bit of a Muddying Effect

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  • When we think of quantum mechanics, most of us conjure up images of nutty professors and blackboards filled with incomprehensible equations. Though quantum mechanics does indeed have a lot to do with seemingly incomprehensible math, the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics are well worth understanding as they give us a fresh perspective on which to view the Universe we live in.

    In this episode, Thom gives us a lay-person overview of the essentials of quantum mechanics. Importantly, he explains how our consciousness shapes our world and why we should always question our assumptions.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] The Quest for Quarks

    [04:33] Ignore That

    [07:28] The Ultimate Discovery of Physics

    [09:30] Consciousness in Physics

    [11:28] There Are No Particles

    [13:01] Questioning Assumptions

    [15:50] You Live in a Universe that is a Response to Your Expectation

    [19:15] The Aristotelian Demand

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  • Listeners are running the show again today, with another of our popular Q&A sessions.

    This time around, Thom tackles a question on spiritual mediums, and whether we can trust what they say. His answer may surprise you.

    He also answers a question about right and wrong, using the Bhagavad Gita to set the context for spontaneous right action.

    And he also puts a listener’s mind at rest, in answer to a question about whether a Vedic meditator can successfully be in a relationship with a non meditator.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Q - Are spiritual mediums communicating with people who have passed away?

    [01:11] A - Accuracy and Purpose of Mediumship

    [03:26] A Misunderstanding of What It's Like to be Dead

    [05:30] Communicating from One State to Another

    [07:13] How Exact Are the Medium-Delivered Messages?

    [08:40] Vedic Meditation is More Effective Than Seeking Messages from the Departed

    [10:16] Limitations of Mediums in Spiritual Communication

    [11:55] Controlling Behavior Towards the Departed

    [13:29] Let Go of the Need to Control and Embrace Self-Sufficiency

    [14:49] Q - Is There a General Right and Wrong in Life?

    [15:50] Q - The Paradox of Right and Wrong

    [16:54] The Bhagavad Gita

    [19:08] Thinking From the Narrow End of the Funnel

    [21:41] Spontaneous Right Action

    [23:52] Q - Can a Vedic Meditator be in a Relationship With a Non-Meditator?

    [24:46] A - We Want the Pizzaz

    [26:56] Consciousness Dynamics in Relationships

    [29:03] Embrace and Learn from Each Other’s Views

    [30:46] Being Different Makes Relationships Better

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  • Ceremonial fires have been used in most cultures for millenia. Often these fires just have a symbolic purpose, but the Vedic worldview has a particular use of fire, in combination with sounds and offerings, which has a specific impact on consciousness itself.

    In this episode, Thom gives an entry-level view of yagyas, a fascinating and specialized process that can be used to awaken impulses of creative intelligence and allow us to reveal more of what Nature intends for us. A yagya is a bridge between desire and manifestation, so to speak, giving us a helping hand to make our potential a reality.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Sanskrit - The Unambiguous Language

    [03:41] Awakening the Impulses of Creative Intelligence

    [05:59] Name and Form are Infinitely Correlated Indeed

    [07:50] Serving the Intention of the Knower

    [10:38] Stirring the Depths of Consciousness

    [12:27] Agni - The Sound Nature Makes When Intending Fire

    [15:29] Bring Forth All the Gifts

    [18:22] Favorable Conditions in the Consciousness of the Knower

    [20:06] Increasing Capability

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  • Sanskrit terminology has been slowly creeping into common usage outside of India, quite often incorrectly. Yoga, for example, has a widely understood meaning outside of India, which doesn’t reflect the actual meaning of the word.

    In this episode, Thom explains the meaning behind many of the titles applied to or bestowed upon various positions within the Vedic realm. You’ll learn the definitions for titles such as swami, yogi, yogini, and guru and understand the true meaning of these terms.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Umbrella Terms

    [02:22] Acharya

    [04:04] The Figurative Meaning

    [05:59] The Connotative Meaning

    [06:32] Grihasta and Grihasti

    [09:15] Vanaprasta and Vanaprasti

    [12:04] Sannyasz

    [15:58] Yogi

    [16:57] Guru

    [17:44] Mahamandaleshwar, Swami and Akhara

    [20:51] Maharaj

    [23:37] Pandit or Pundit

    [24:50] Maharishi, Maharishika

    [26:50] Satguru or Sadguru

    [28:43] Sadhu, Saddhaka, Saddhaki

    [30:03] Shishya or Shishyi

    [30:03] Swami

    [32:01] Yogi, Yogini and Yoga

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  • The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most pivotal spiritual texts of all time. Its teachings have been taught for millenia throughout India, and outside of India for the past 100 years or so, inspiring billions with insights into how we can reduce suffering in our own lives.

    In this episode, Thom gives us a brief introduction to the Bhagavad Gita as a primer for his upcoming three-day course in which he’ll take a deep dive into the subject, alongside fellow Vedic Meditation Initiator and Vedic literature aficionado, Jamey Hood. You can find out more about the upcoming course at

    Note: The prerequisite of Thom’s new course on the Bhagavad Gita is the completion of a qualified Vedic Meditation training.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Song of God

    [04:46] The Mahabharata

    [07:21] Veda Vyasa

    [10:27] The Kurus

    [14:02] A Battlefield at Kurukshetra

    [16:46] A Deal with Krishna

    [19:05] Arjuna - The Invincible Archer

    [21:09] I Won't Fight!

    [24:03] The Despondency of Arjuna

    [26:07] Learning to Meditate on the Battlefield

    [29:44] Transcend the Problem

    [31:28] What Makes a War Story so Pivotal?

    [35:30] Fulfillment is a Consciousness State

    [37:26] The Ultimate Spiritual Experience

    [39:13] A Study Course with Thom

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  • What does it mean to be masculine in the modern age?

    In this episode, Thom strips the discussion back, questioning not just the premise of masculinity, but also the premise of modernity.

    Thom invites us to reset our expectations of ourselves and others, and to reevaluate our apparent need to compartmentalize behaviors.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Terribly Modern

    [03:16] What Does It Means to Be a Human?

    [05:31] Journey from Zygote to Human

    [07:27] Omnisexuality: Our True Nature

    [11:22] The Crazy Tiger

    [13:58] Cultural Inventions

    [16:14] Ardhanarishvara: The Balance of Masculine and Feminine

    [18:04] Being vs. Doing: What It Means to Be Human

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  • In the modern world, mantras come in all shapes and sizes. Though they originate from the Vedic tradition, it’s becoming more and more common to see/hear mantras used in a more modern context, as political slogans or even as a rallying cry to get people behind a common cause.

    Modern and ancient mantras all have a similar purpose, to alter the thinking of the listener and/or the speaker of the mantra.

    In this episode, Thom Knoles delves into the origins and concept of mantras, and explores the various functions and intentions of some mantras that have been used consistently for thousands of years.

    Thom explains the functional differences and applications of these mantras, including their role in Vedic Meditation and their broader use in various aspects of life. It’s a deep dive into the scientific and practical aspects of mantras, providing insights into their transformative potential.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Name and Form are Infinitely Correlated

    [03:09] Denotative vs. Connotative Meaning of Mantra

    [04:44] Nivar Tatvam - Go Where You Are Not

    [08:00] Bija Mantra - Working on the Level of Sound

    [09:51] Right Mantra for the Right Person

    [11:48] Drawing Towards the Source of Thought

    [13:34] Effortlessness is a Skill Set

    [16:02] Vaidya Mantras

    [18:53] Om and Omkaraz

    [22:01] Gayatri Mantra and Surya Namaskar

    [24:25] Rishi - A Seer of Vedic zSounds

    [26:40] Sanskrit: The Sound of Nature's Intention

    [29:24] Expressive vs. Symbolic Languages

    [31:13] Thought-inducing Mantras

    [33:02] Mantras for All Occasions

    Useful Links

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  • Most of us attempt to control other people or situations more often than we like to admit it. Much of the time we’re not even conscious of it, but control shows up in our lives in so many ways.

    In this episode, Thom addresses the fallacy of control. This is a series of curated questions and answers from Thom’s online Satsang community, a resource for receiving lectures, sharing group meditations, and submitting questions for Thom to answer in real time. If you’d like to know more about Satsang, please visit the website.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Satsang

    [01:26] Is IVF Unnatural or Controlling?

    [02:05] Where Do Babies Come From?

    [03:33] Hit and Miss

    [05:27] Is It Charming?

    [06:13] A Bizarre Comparison

    [08:26] Another Analogy

    [09:55] A Growing Body of Knowledge

    [11:41] A Beautiful Soul Wanting Embodiment

    [13:36] Simple, Natural, Innocent

    [14:58] Responding to Nature's Invitation

    [17:30] How Can I Release Control in Professional Situations?

    [18:01] Loyalty-Based Administration

    [19:06] Fear-Based Administration

    [20:02] The Absolute Theory of Management

    [22:06] Be an Exemplar

    [24:10] How Can I Align With My Partner when Our Communication Styles Differ?

    [24:24] Get Rid of Our Superiority Complex

    [25:12] Birds of Different Feathers

    [26:21] What's Your Point?

    [28:02] Be Willing to Invest the Time

    [29:12] Satsang

    Useful Links

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  • The pinnacle of the journey for any meditator is to become an Initiator of Vedic Meditation.

    Not only does it give you the tools and opportunity to teach the technique to others, but it also gives a quantum boost to your own evolution.

    The opportunity to spend 12 weeks in the birthplace of our technique, absorbing Vedic wisdom from Thom and other course leaders, and the chance to develop lifelong bonds with new friends and colleagues from far and wide is unequaled.

    In this bonus episode, Thom extends an invitation to join him in January for our 2025 round of Initiator Training. Get ready to be inspired, and to maybe make the potentially life-changing decision to apply.

    Listen to the episode, then go here for more details:

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] A Sacred Setting

    [02:11] Program Structure

    [03:25] High Rounding

    [04:54] Representing the Shankaracharya Tradition

    [05:48] Independent Initiators

    [07:28] A Life-Altering Endeavor

    [09:04] Apply to Create the Fondest Memories of Your Life

    Useful Links

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  • This episode of The Vedic Worldview explains the significance of Guru Purnima, which falls on this weekend, July 20-21. Vedic meditators are invited to join Guru Purnima celebrations with Thom and other Vedic Meditation Initiators around the world over the course of the weekend. If you'd like to join these celebrations, please visit for details of events near you.

    The Vedic calendar is full of days of celebration, but one of the most revered of these celebrations is Guru Purnima.

    It’s a day where we honor all the teachers, and the teachings in our life, the lessons that have contributed to our evolution.

    In this episode, Thom discusses the origins and significance of this important and much-loved celebration.

    Los Angeles Guru Purnima Celebration -
    Los Angeles Celebration with Thom Knoles -

    Episode Highlights:

    [01:23] Movable Dates

    [04:29] Soma Chandra

    [05:50] Many Moons Ago

    [07:18] Apaurasheya - Not Authored By Anyone

    [10:15] Vyasa Purnima

    [12:29] Guru Puja

    [13:58] The Waxing Full Moon

    [16:37] Holding Awareness of Life's Teachers and Life's Lessons

    [18:11] Guru Deva

    Useful Links

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  • In this episode, we're celebrating the student-guru relationship, and the role it has in our evolution. Each year we celebrate this relationship, and the all the teachers and teachings in our life, with Guru Purnima. Vedic meditators are invited to join Guru Purnima celebrations with Thom and other Vedic Meditation Initiators around the world during the weekend of July 20-21, 2024. If you'd like to join these celebrations, please visit for details of events near you.

    The word Guru is very much misunderstood outside of India. Parodies often show the Guru as being someone who makes demands of their followers, and the disciple as being one who blindly follows the instructions of the Guru.

    But the truth of the relationship is much deeper than that, and it goes both ways.

    The wisdom of the teacher is brought forth by curiosity of the student, which in turn leads to a level of earned trust in the teacher from the student. Thus the student follows the instructions of the teacher with eyes wide open, not blindly, as most Western mischaracterizations of this relationship suggest.

    In this episode, Thom previews the Guru Gita, the song of the Guru, which eloquently and elegantly explains the teacher-student relationship. It gives us a benchmark to know when we’ve had the well-deserved great good fortune to invite a Guru into our life who is worthy enough to support our evolution.

    Episode Highlights:

    [01:33] The Process of Illumination

    [04:14] Grades of Manifestation

    [06:54] Elements of the Self

    [09:41] Expanded Awareness

    [11:17] Sensing the Cascades of Cause and Effect

    [13:42] Skanda Purana

    [16:10] The Song of the Guru

    [18:56] Sweet Surrender

    [21:58] Stop Trying to Control Everything with Thinking

    [23:42] Guru-Disciple Relationship

    [25:39] How to Make Use of the Guru Gita

    [28:06] Nama Rupa Sahitam Bhavati Eva

    [30:09] Well-deserved, Self-created Good Fortune

    Useful Links

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  • The pain a mother experiences when giving birth is an experience that only a mother could know. Though it’s often overplayed in movies and on television, it’s a sacred experience that brings extremes of emotion into play.

    In this episode, Thom leans heavily on the experience of midwives and mothers, and shares how the Vedic perspective on pain can be applied to the process of labor and childbirth.

    He also shares why Vedic Meditation is not recommended during the process of childbirth.

    Whether you plan on giving birth or not, this is an episode we can all learn from and apply to other experiences of pain in our lives.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] The Greatest Act of All Time

    [02:12] 400,000 Births per Day

    [03:48] Embrace the Situation

    [06:02] A Necessary Level of Intensity

    [08:26] Facilitating the Movement

    [10:30] Avoid Meditation in Labor

    [11:54] Necessary Stress Chemistry

    [14:21] Indie Birth

    Useful Links

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  • Vedic meditators are blessed with a life-changing technique that can make a profound difference in their lives.

    Many meditators, though, seek to progress even further, and tap into the vast well of Vedic wisdom that is available to us all.

    One avenue for further progress is knowledge of and initiation into practicing the “Siddhis.” These advanced practices allow us to tap into extraordinary human capabilities and realize more of our human potential.

    In this episode, Thom gives us a brief overview of Mastering the Siddhis, his popular course which covers a vast array of the Siddhis practices, and is available only through approved Vedic Meditation Initiators.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Maharishi Patanjali

    [04:02] Yoga is a State

    [06:47] Sutra - A Short Aphorism

    [09:22] Closing the Gap Between Individuality and Universality

    [11:36] Siddhi - Extraordinary Human Capability

    [13:07] A Foundation for Greater Capabilities

    [15:23] The Ability to Master and Capture Cause and Effect

    [18:12] MTS - A Course of Six Instalments

    [20:51] Enjoy Life to the Fullest More Easily

    Useful Links

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  • As Vedic meditators, we have the distinct advantage of knowing that evolution is the only thing ever happening. So, if this is the case, do we ever need to make things right?

    Aren’t they right already?

    In this episode, Thom reminds us that we aren’t just pawns in some cosmic storyline that’s out of our control and that we aren’t just here to witness the story as it unfolds.

    In fact, as Vedic meditators, we have an additional responsibility to not just perceive when things need to be put right, but to step up and do what’s needed to maintain the evolutionary storyline.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Has Anything Actually Gone Wrong?

    [02:27] Vedanta - The Final Conclusion

    [04:10] The Big Bang

    [06:09] What Happened?

    [07:55] Who is this I?

    [09:53] Am I Being Called to Make Things Right?

    [11:47] Influencing the Storyline

    [13:28] Extended You

    [15:08] Scratching the Itch

    [16:37] Invitation and Capability

    [18:52] The Mahabharata - A Cracking Good Tale

    [20:57] This Isn't How I Want the Story to Go

    [22:46] You Can't Just be the Knower

    Useful Links

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  • Spiritual principles can sometimes seem straightforward when we hear them, but when we put them into practice, we might find them difficult to uphold.

    This is especially the case when the principles have been misunderstood or misinterpreted.

    In this episode, Thom tackles some misconceptions about “charm,” wealth, and vegetarianism in answer to some listener questions.

    These are important principles to understand correctly so we can transcend old ways of thinking and get closer to achieving the 200% of life that Thom often refers to.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Q - Is it evolutionary to move towards greater suffering?

    [02:57] A - Dynamic Interaction

    [05:26] The Demands of Social Relevance

    [07:47] The Interactive Edge of Your Inner Potential

    [09:12] A Sustainable Lifestyle

    [10:42] Q - Is Wealth Compatible with Spiritual Principles?

    [11:20] A - False Assumptions

    [13:44] Desire and Fulfillment

    [16:27] It Would be Good to Have a Helicopter

    [19:36] The Universe Itself Desiring

    [22:29] The Formula - Transcend All of This

    [24:55] Transcending Transport

    [26:51] The Ultimate State to Be In

    [28:45] The Master of All You Survey

    [30:51] Q - Do you have to be vegetarian to be spiritual?

    [31:12] A - Follow Charm

    [32:38] Deer Hunters

    [34:55] State of Consciousness is Primary

    [37:39] Transcend

    Useful Links

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  • As humans, we often draw conclusions based on observations. However, these observations can frequently lead us down the wrong path.

    Take, for instance, the assumption that wisdom or enlightenment demands an austere or stoic life. This belief stems from centuries of observing monastics and ascetics, who have traditionally been custodians of wisdom.

    This can lead people to think either, a) that they must lead an austere life to become enlightened, or b) that enlightenment is out of reach for them because they can’t imagine themselves leading an austere life.

    Thom sets the record straight in this episode, exploring the history of the custodians of Vedic wisdom, and the origin story that led to this misunderstanding, at least with respect to Vedic knowledge.

    It will come as a relief to many and put enlightenment back within reach of those who might think it’s beyond their scope in this lifetime.

    Thom also shares the technique that we can all use to accelerate the process.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] False Assumptions about Enlightenment and Monastic Living

    [02:46] Living a Tasteful Life in Enlightenment

    [04:51] Origin of the Misconception

    [06:36] Shukadeva's Vision

    [08:45] Geography's Role in India's Civilization

    [10:40] Shukadeva's Foresight

    [12:41] Emergence of Monastic Orders

    [14:50] Colonization and the Monastic Tradition

    [16:38] Buddha's Pursuit of Enlightenment

    [18:29] Transitioning from Monastic to Householder Enlightenment

    [20:32] Maharishi's 200 Percent Joys of Life

    [21:58] We Cannot Gain Enlightenment by Suffering More

    Useful Links

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  • Sacrificing the comforts of life is often seen as part of the “spiritual path,” so it might seem unusual to hear from a Vedic master that, “You deserve the best.”

    Yet this is one of the key teachings of Swami Bramhananda Saraswati, Thom’s master’s master, also referred to as Guru Deva.

    In this episode, Thom clarifies the meaning and intent of Guru Deva’s quote, reconciling the notion of deserving the best with the “pervasive guilt” that often holds us back from claiming or accepting the best. It’s an episode you deserve to listen to…

    Episode Highlights:
    [00:45] Your Birthright

    [02:38] In the Best Interests of All

    [04:12] Pervasive Guilt Consciousness

    [05:37] Living Your Best - Tat Wale Baba

    [07:46] A Dark Cave in the Jungle

    [09:19] As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

    [11:08] Lean Into the Best

    Useful Links

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  • “The truth hurts!”... or so we’re often told. Many of us have no problem being truthful, even if the recipient gets hurt in the process.

    After all, isn’t honesty the best policy?

    On the other end of the spectrum, for those who have difficulty telling the harsh truth, a “white lie” can often be a compelling and justifiable alternative.

    In this episode, Thom argues the case for something in between—the sweet truth—not only because it has a more unifying effect, but because the “truth” itself, isn’t as black and white as we like to think it to be.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:59] The Idea of Sweet Truth

    [02:55] Dressing Up Truth

    [04:35] The Absolute Truth

    [06:57] The Only Truth: Unified Field of Consciousness

    [08:44] Trotaka's Story

    [11:10] Temporal Nature of Truth

    [13:15] Absolute Truth Without Cruel Truth

    [15:41] Embrace Sweet Truth With Meditation

    Useful Links

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  • What’s the distinction between mind, intellect and ego? And what are their functions? Unlike many modern psychological approaches, the Vedic worldview honors and celebrates the role of all three.

    While they may not always function perfectly – like the 'mistaken intellect' often discussed by Thom – each of these elements plays a specific and essential role in our evolution.

    Thom explains in this episode, that rather than putting our efforts into “getting rid of the ego,” we’re best served by enlisting our ego as a cooperative component in our quest for enlightenment. Ironically, it’s allowing the ego to transcend itself, that gives it the ability to truly know its ultimate, unchanging essence.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:45] Vedic Psychology on Mind, Intellect, and Ego

    [02:32] Manas

    [03:53] What Remains Unchanged Within Us?

    [05:21] Mind Stays the Same

    [06:39] Two Elements of Manas

    [07:49] Buddhi

    [08:54] Ego in Western Psychology

    [11:47] Vedic Ego (Ahaṃkar)

    [13:32] Intellect's Role in Ego Formation

    [14:41] The Ego Structure

    [16:22] Ahaṃkar in Vedic Meditation

    [18:03] You Minus All the Thoughts

    [19:24] True Nature of the Self

    [20:48] When Mantra Surpasses Ego

    [22:31] Ego's Experience of The Unbounded Field

    [24:03] Ego + Cosmic Consciousness

    [25:57] No Ego, No Enlightenment

    Useful Links

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