
  • Are you managing the thoughts that come into your mind? Our mind is the most valuable real estate in our body and if we can protect it, we can make a dramatic difference in how we live, function, and see God in our everyday lives. Join me as I explore the concept of a mental gatekeeper including why they are so important and powerful strategies to develop a mental gatekeeper that will help you discover more confidence, joy and peace!


    [03:30] We Don’t Have to Accept Every Thought That Comes Into Our Mind

    [06:30] Who Do You Have “Manning The Gate” When a Thought Comes in?

    [09:00] Why is a Gatekeeper So Important? Our Thoughts Shape Our Brains

    [13:03] Four Patterns That Present As Gatekeepers - What Are Yours?

    [21:10] We Want a Gatekeeper That Models The Holy Spirit’s Voice

    [24:17] Addressing Your Gatekeepers with the Christian Mindset Makeover


    Ready for a step-by-step plan based on the Bible + brain science to identify + rewire subconscious thoughts so they line up with your true identity in Christ? Join us in the Christian Mindset Makeover!

    Are you constantly stressed, like life’s demands steal your peace + purpose? If so, check out the Christian Mindset Refresh Bundle — your brain-science and Bible-based mindset toolkit designed to guide you back to Christ-centered peace, godly self-worth, and the heart of God’s unfailing love.

    Tired of up-and-down feelings stealing your peace, sabotaging your relationships, and filling your mind with self-defeating thoughts? If so, make sure to join the launch team for my new book, “Emotional Confidence: 3 Simple Steps to Manage Emotions with Science and Scripture”, coming November 12th!


    258: When You're a Human "Doing" Instead of a Human Being

    259: Triggers + Responses: How Did You End Up Here?

  • So often we want to jump right past difficult emotions or get a three-step plan to fix them
but what if sitting in those emotions is the key to allowing God to heal them? Join me today as we discuss how God-centered mindfulness can help us address our emotional triggers and break the patterns underneath our emotional responses.

    Looking for a mental refresh this summer? Check out the Christian Mindset Refresh Bundle for Christ-centered meditations, affirmations and Bible study that restore your heart with peace and calm.


    [02:00] What is God-Centered Mindfulness?

    [07:01] Mindfulness Gives Us The Ability to Accept What is

    [13:09] Mindfulness Does Not Keep Us Stuck in Self-Pity

    [15:33] What Are The Deeper Patterns Under Your Emotional Triggers?

    [20:15] Making Space with Intentional Practices to Step Into The Presence of God


    Are you constantly stressed, like life’s demands steal your peace + purpose? If so, check out the Christian Mindset Refresh Bundle — your brain-science and Bible-based mindset toolkit designed to guide you back to Christ-centered peace, godly self-worth, and the heart of God’s unfailing love.

    Discover how God's love radically changes your identity, your perspective and your ability to find peace in the “I Am Loved” Bible Study!

    Ready for a step-by-step plan based on the Bible + brain science to identify + rewire subconscious thoughts so they line up with your true identity in Christ? Join us in the Christian Mindset Makeover!


    116: Mindset Matters: What Is Mindfulness and Is Mindfulness Appropriate for Christians?

    220: How Can Christian Meditation Help You Better Manage Stress?

    222: How to Manage Emotional Overwhelm with Christian Meditation

    258: When You're a Human "Doing" Instead of a Human Being

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  • Stuck in a season of overwhelm and want more life balance? Whether or not you struggle with workaholism, we can easily forget that we are human beings rather than human doings. In this episode, you will learn how overcoming burnout is crucial if we want to follow God’s plan for our lives and ways that we can receive replenishment in this season.

    Make sure to join me over the next four weeks to help you slow down, listen to God, and set the re-set a more restful pace for your life!


    [04:13] Are You Slipping into Burnout? Learn to Notice Your Burnout Signs

    [08:12] Is Making Everyone Happy Keeping You Stuck in Overwhelm + Burnout?

    [11:28] We Need to Stop, Be Still, and Sit at The Feet of Jesus

    [15:30] Training Our Souls to Notice Beauty + Abundances Within Our Boundary Lines

    [19:29] Two Ways I’m Receiving Replenishment in a Burnout Season

    [25:12] Where Do We Go From Here? Using The Goal Setting Workshop + Christian Mindset Makeover


    If you’re tired of living day-to-day in exhaustion and overwhelm, I want to show you how to recenter your life on what matters and find new purpose. You're invited to step out of the chaos + join me for a fresh touch from God at this Goal Planning Workshop!

    Ready to refresh your mind, body, and spirit as you explore one of the world's most beloved regions? Join us for an unforgettable 10 days of rejuvenation, exploration, and fun in beautiful Tuscany, Italy! Learn more about this incredible retreat here.

    Ready for a step-by-step plan based on the Bible + brain science to identify + rewire subconscious thoughts so they line up with your true identity in Christ? Join us in the Christian Mindset Makeover!


    125: How the Hustle Culture + Need to Achieve Nearly Took My Life

    246: Join Me Italy in 2025 for a Rest-Filled, Christ-Centered Travel Retreat for Women!

    247: Avoiding Burnout: Finding Emotional + Mental Rest Despite Life’s Everyday Chaos

    253: What Does Realistic Rest Look Like When You’re Tired of Being Tired? with Jess Connolly

    257: Can Boundaries + Limitations Be a Gift? with Sara Hagerty

  • Do you find yourself resenting your limitations and boundaries of this season? What if living with limitations can be a gift? Best-selling author Sara Hagerty joins us today to share that finding peace and contentment in our limitations is not only possible but life-changing when we accept them


    [03:53] Do You Feel The Pressure to Optimize Your Life?

    [06:33] Naming and Grieving Our Limitations Gives Us Freedom From Them

    [12:22] Has Daydreaming Lead to Bitterness About Your Limitations?

    [17:22] Freedom Is Found in Accepting Our Boundaries and Limitations

    [21:53] Rest and Receiving Can Be The Most Life-Giving Gift

    [26:14] What If You Aren’t Meant to Overcome But to Submit to Your Weaknesses?

    [28:23] Alicia’s Reflections: What Can Nature Teach Us About Boundaries?


    Stuck in the overwhelm and exhaustion of perfectionism, people pleasing, or trying to prove yourself worthy? This doesn’t have to be your reality! Sign up for the Free Workshop, Break Free From Feeling Never Enough, to find healing from a lifetime of worry, shame + striving.

    Connect with best-selling author Sara Hagerty

  • Can we be real? Motherhood is relentless–even if it is a blessing. How can we have the right perspective about our ability to be “enough” as moms, despite ongoing parenting struggles? Our guest today, author, speaker and mom of 8 Bethany Kimsey, shares powerful advice on renewing our motherhood mindset for any mom feeling disillusioned, tired, or worn out.


    [04:51] Have You Put Filters on How You Show Up As a Mom?

    [08:38] Thoughts of Performance & Comparison Originate From The Enemy

    [11:08] Who Sets Your “Pace” for What It Means to Mother Well?

    [20:20] Finding Contentment in Motherhood Seasons Where You’re Not Seeing the Fruit

    [27:22] A Warrior Mama’s Prayer Journal - The Importance of Praying For Our Children

    [30:13] Alicia’s Reflections: What Mindsets Cause You to Feel Hopeless as a Mom?


    Looking for a simple way to bring more peace into your day? Check out my Christian Meditations for Daily Calm where you can refresh your mind + dwell in God's peace (in about 5 minutes!) when life is stressful.

    Connect with author and speaker Bethany Kimsey

  • Find yourself trying to perform and overachieve yet always feel like you’re coming up short? Our guest today, author Becky Beresford, shares with us a new perspective on women’s empowerment and why we need to bring God back into the equation. Join us as Becky and I discuss feelings of inadequacy, where self-empowering messages are lacking, and how to restructure self-confidence mantras to reflect godly confidence.


    [05:40] Becky’s Story: Feeling Inadequate and Believing All the Lies

    [11:30] [11:30] It’s Not Self-Dependence, It’s God Dependence

    [15:00] Learning to Speak THE Truth as We Speak OUR Truth

    [20:58] Doing Hard Things (The Easier Way)

    [26:02] God is Here to Open Up Doors For Us

    [27:46] Confession, Repentance, and Forgiveness
 as Christ-Centered Empowerment

    [34:20] “Put Jesus Back Into Self Empowering Messages”

    [36:03] Alicia’s Reflections: The Other Lies That Becky Confronts In Her Book "She Believed HE Could, So She Did”


    Stuck in the overwhelm and exhaustion of perfectionism, people pleasing, or trying to prove yourself worthy? This doesn’t have to be your reality! Sign up for the Free Workshop, Break Free From Feeling Never Enough, to find healing from a lifetime of worry, shame + striving.

    Connect with author, speaker, and coach Becky Beresford

  • Is it possible to stop people pleasing when you have spent your entire life seeking approval from others? If you were raised in chaos and dysfunction, you probably spent your childhood years searching for connection and security in your life - and have now carried this pattern with you. Author Courtney Burg and I discuss helpful strategies for people pleasers, the impact of staying tethered to our family of origin, and how to build God-centered confidence.


    [03:13] Where Does The Pattern of People Pleasing Come From?

    [08:44] Implementing Healthy Confrontation Instead of Gossip

    [11:48] Are You Wrapped Up in The Narrative of What it Means to be Caring, Hardworking, and Loyal?

    [15:40] We Aren’t Meant to Stay Unhealthily Tethered to Our Family of Origin

    [19:43] “There's A Lot of Freedom When We Unhook From Being Each Other's Messiah”

    [21:35] How Did Jesus Manage The Line of Pleasing God versus Not Pleasing Man?

    [26:42] Ways We Can Start to Work Through People Pleasing

    [32:02] Alicia’s Reflections: Can We Implement God-Centered Confidence and Move Forward With Change in Our People Pleasing Patterns?


    Stuck in the overwhelm and exhaustion of perfectionism, people pleasing, or trying to prove yourself worthy? This doesn’t have to be your reality! Sign up for the Free Workshop, Break Free From Feeling Never Enough, to find healing from a lifetime of worry, shame + striving.

    Connect with author, speaker, and teacher Courtney J. Burg

  • Have you ever found yourself pushing past the point of exhaustion even though you are completely overwhelmed and tired? So many of us are experiencing burnout and mental exhaustion yet we feel as if something is wrong with us for needing rest or we are scared of slowing down. Today I am joined by Jess Connolly, author of “Tired of Being Tired”, to talk about the importance of giving things over to God, ways that we can implement rest into our lives, and self-care for women (which goes much deeper than quick fixes).


    [03:27] “Receive God's Realistic Rest for Your Soul-Deep Exhaustion”

    [07:58] We Need to Be Renewed by God Before Realistic Rest Can Work

    [11:51] Equating Our Spiritual Worth in How Much We Can Do - Pushing Past The Point of Exhaustion

    [19:59] Giving Things Over to God - Practicing for Heaven

    [23:11] You Aren’t Broken If You Can’t Carry The Weight of The World or Handle The Pace of Our Culture

    [27:01] It’s Scary to Slow Down and Rest - Rest Takes Courage and Bravery

    [30:19] What Are Some Real Ways That We Can Make This a First Step of Change?

    [34:51] Alicia’s Reflections: Where in Our Lives Do We Need Rest in This Season?


    Looking for a simple way to bring more peace into your day? Check out my incredible resource, Christian Meditations for Daily Calm, where you can refresh your mind + dwell in God's peace (in about 5 minutes!) when life is stressful.

    Grab Chapter One of Jess’s Book “Tired of Being Tired” for free!

  • Do you find yourself staying in your comfort zone because of anxious thoughts and fear of the future? I have seen so many women wanting to move toward what God has called them to do but have not learned how to move with fear. Join business coach and best-selling author Jennifer Allwood and I as we share about moving forward despite fearful thoughts, including how courage and confidence build as we work through fear (not vice versa).


    [03:27] We Must Choose to Work Through Fear Instead of Run from Fear

    [08:10] We Have Been Trained to Not Trust Ourselves

    [11:39] If We Pay Too Much Attention to Our Feelings, They Will Always Steer Us in The Wrong Direction

    [15:27] “Confidence is a Crock of Crap”

    [25:54] “You Cannot Ask God to Show You What He Wants You to Do If You've Been Ignoring What He's Been Whispering in Your Ear for Years”

    [35:58] Alicia’s Reflections: Am I Letting Fear Get In The Way of What God Has Planned For Me?


    Need support for navigating new beginnings, creating new routines, or chasing divine dreams? Join us in the Onward + Upward Collective: A Christ-centered community offering the accountability, support and encouragement (plus optional 1:1 coaching) that Christian women need to boldly pursue God's good plans. Go here to learn more and join us (doors close April 15)!

    Grab Chapter One of Jennifer’s Book “Fear Is Not The Boss Of You” for free!

  • We often hear about the fear of failure but there are so many more types of fear such as the fear of success that play a role in holding us back from our dreams. Listen in as I share Bible stories about fear, why it is important to face fear rather than run from it, and a few personal stories around how I am navigating my fear of success.

    Need support in overcoming fear to fulfill the dreams God has put in your heart? If so, apply now for the Onward + Upward Collective - spots are limited!


    [01:44] Where Does The Fear of Success Come From?

    [09:16] “Lord, Will I Be Able to Handle This Success?”

    [16:28] Differentiating Between Pachad Fear and Yirah Fear

    [21:05] We Need Others to Help Motivate Us and See Things We Cannot See to Help Us Fulfill Our Dreams


    Need support for navigating new beginnings, creating new routines, or chasing divine dreams? Join us in the Onward + Upward Collective! Coaching is by application only and spots are limited (plus we start April 15) so sign up today!


    248: Going through Life Changes (or Need to Make Some Changes?) You’re Invited to Accountability, Encouragement and Support in Group Coaching

    250: What Character Trait Would Make Your Current Life Season Easier?

  • Have you ever thought about how developing different character traits could make your current life transition easier? The traits we have ingrained in us are automatic responses, which can save us time and energy. Join me today as I talk about four different character traits with practical examples of how they can help us, why we need to be mindful of our thoughts, and how we can develop new character traits.

    Want to work on building different Christian character traits with 1:1 support? If so, apply now for the The Onward + Upward Collective- spots are limited!


    [02:32] Let’s Navigate Lifestyle Change Well in the Onward + Upward Collective!

    [05:15] Allow God to Transform the Way You Think

    [07:05] Character Traits are a Repeated Set of Actions That Have Been Ingrained in Us

    [10:05] Four Different Character Traits That Can Help You in a Life Transition

    [13:45] How Can We Start to Develop New Character Traits?


    Need support for navigating new beginnings, creating new routines, or chasing divine dreams? Join us in the Onward + Upward Collective! Coaching is by application only and spots are limited (plus we start April 15) so sign up today!


    247: Avoiding Burnout: Finding Emotional + Mental Rest Despite Life’s Everyday Chaos

    248: Going through Life Changes (or Need to Make Some Changes?) You’re Invited to Accountability, Encouragement and Support in Group Coaching

  • Ever desire to dream big for God and have expectant faith
 but wonder, “how does that really happen when life feels hopeless and I have no idea how to make these dreams a reality?” Today we’re talking about taking the first step toward a dream (even when we’re full of fear and need help finding hope). Listen in to find biblical encouragement and to learn the first steps toward believing God to bring big dreams to fruition.

    P.S. We aren’t meant to make changes alone! if you want 1:1 help working through obstacles, and to find accountability, encouragement and community as you pursue God-sized dreams, apply now for the The Onward + Upward Group Coaching Program!


    [05:07] We May Have Faith
 But Do We Have Expectant Belief in God’s Unseen Plan?

    [08:06] How Do We Handle Doubt, Especially When We’ve Made Mistakes?

    [11:50] Will You Emotionally Dwell in the Victories or the Challenges?

    [13:24] God Shows Us the Next Step After We’ve Taken the First One

    [16:19] Let Me Help You Work Through the Obstacles and Make Your God-Sized Dream a Reality


    Need support for navigating new beginnings, creating new routines, or chasing divine dreams? Join us in “The Onward and Upward Group Coaching Program”! It is by application only and spots are limited so sign up today!


    239: Stuck in An “Expired” Season? Seeking God for Perspective on What’s Next with Shayna Rattler

  • Are you walking into a new life season and need personalized encouragement, accountability and community? If so, you’re in luck because I am welcoming the next group of women into The Onward and Upward Group Coaching Program starting in April. Let’s talk about why this program is the perfect mix of goal setting and Christian coaching to help you live out the dreams that God has placed in your heart!


    [02:58] Desiring change? Get much-needed support in The Onward and Upward Group Coaching Program

    [07:09] What makes this Group Coaching program different?

    [09:54] Study the Bible with Me LIVE Using the Spiritual Growth Rhythm

    [12:32] Apply for Coaching today to grab one of the limited spots!

    [14:16] You don’t have to walk through life’s changes alone. Let us help you walk through change together!


    Need support for navigating new beginnings, creating new routines, or chasing divine dreams? Join us in “The Onward and Upward Group Coaching Program”! It is by application only and spots are limited so sign up today!

    Looking to refresh your mind + dwell in God's peace (in about 5 minutes!) when life is stressful? Check out Alicia’s “Christian Meditations for Daily Calm” resource.

    Ready to refresh your mind, body, and spirit as you explore one of the world's most beloved regions? Join Alicia in September 2025 for a life-changing travel retreat to Italy!


    235: Join me! Group Coaching: Let’s Go Onward + Upward in Your Godly Calling in 2024

  • Tired of living exhausted from life’s everyday chaos? We’re each responsible for finding rest (mental rest and emotional rest) but how? Listen, we need accountability and community to create these new rhythms of rest, and today I’m sharing practical tips for mental rest and emotional rest, and also several powerful ways to create self-care rhythms in order to avoid burnout.


    [01:21] Alarming statistics about burnout

    [08:48] What is emotional rest?

    [13:35] How is mental rest different from emotional rest?

    [22:45] Three ideas for emotional rest - let’s build rhythms together!

    [28:36] Tools you can use for mental rest - let’s take back control of our thoughts!

    [33:54] Need support in creating rhythms of rest? Join us in “The Onward and Upward Group Coaching Program”


    Need support in creating rhythms of rest? Join us in “The Onward and Upward Group Coaching Program”! It is by application only and spots are limited so sign up today!

    Looking to refresh your mind + dwell in God's peace (in about 5 minutes!) when life is stressful? Check out Alicia’s “Christian Meditations for Daily Calm” resource.

    Ready to refresh your mind, body, and spirit as you explore one of the world's most beloved regions? Join Alicia in September 2025 for a life-changing travel retreat to Italy!


    Self Care Podcast Episodes

    231: Italy Trip Recap! When A Dream Comes True (All the Feels + Surprising Challenges)

    246: Join Me Italy in 2025 for a Rest-Filled, Christ-Centered Travel Retreat for Women!

  • How’d you like some spiritual replenishment
 while enjoying beautiful Italy?! I am thrilled to announce that I’m hosting a Christian Women’s retreat in September 2025 in Tuscany! Today I’m sharing the details of this life-changing retreat including our destinations, daily activities and of course all those amazing things about Italy like the food and culture! Listen to my conversation with Karolina, our trip event host and planner, and hear more about this intimate and personalized experience for women focused on soul rest. PS, If you are interested, sign up soon because spots are limited!


    [00:39] You get to come to Italy with me for a life-changing retreat!

    [06:05] What does Tuscany have to offer? Hint: it’s the best of everything

    [09:10] The best aspects of traveling with someone who knows the area

    [14:28] The incredible places you will experience when you join me on the Italy Retreat

    [26:36] The FOOD! We will be enjoying five-course meals at the villa

    [30:20] This retreat will bring some life-changing energy to your life

    [32:15] The personalized care and support that this retreat offers


    Ready to refresh your mind, body and spirit as you explore one of the world's most beloved regions? Join Alicia in September 2025 for a life-changing travel retreat to Italy!

    Check out Alicia’s Christian Meditations for Daily Calm to refresh your spirit when life is overwhelming and stressful.


    231: Italy Trip Recap! When A Dream Comes True (All the Feels + Surprising Challenges)

  • Ever wonder “What is God’s purpose for my work? Does my work matter for eternity, even if I’m not a missionary or don’t work for a church?” Best-selling author Jordan Raynor and I share about unspoken mindsets in the Church regarding secular work and life purpose, the Bible’s surprising wisdom on the type of work God sees as valuable, and how to discover new enthusiasm for the daily work God’s given you in this season.


    [04:48] Is the Great Commission the Church’s Only Mission?

    [08:33] Are Those Called to Secular Work on the “Junior Varsity Team for God”?

    [11:40] “God values our work and delights in every project we manage”

    [14:47] But won’t any work outside of sharing the Gospel be burnt up on Judgment Day?

    [25:41] On the pressures Christian women feel to call our businesses a “ministry”

    [33:59] “If you're seeking first the kingdom of heaven, then nothing you do is secular”

    [36:28] Alicia’s Reflections: Do you carry the mental weight of believing that your job isn’t valuable?


    Go here to get Alicia’s FREE WORKSHOP: How to Break Free from Feeling “Never Enough”

    Connect with best-selling author Jordan Raynor and get his new book, “The Sacredness of Secular Work”

  • Although living with anxiety, fearful thoughts, and fear of the future feels like a burden that we have to carry with us throughout our lives - this can be changed. Today we are talking about how we are wired to depend on God when we are managing fear and how we can develop a plan that can help us work through our anxious thoughts.


    [01:50] Is it possible to have a different response to fear and anxiety?

    [04:16] We have to have discipline around our fear

    [07:44] We are wired to depend on God

    [10:55] Developing an anxiety management plan


    Check out Alicia’s Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit to create your custom plan to manage your anxious thoughts.


    163: How I Take Courage, Manage Anxiety, and Release Fear with Amy Debrucque

    201: It's Time to Make a Plan to Manage Anxiety, Release Fear and Stop Worry

    242: “How Can I Manage My Fear of the Future?”

    243: What to Do When Fear Strikes (3 Steps to Living in Peace + Hope)

  • When anxious thoughts strike, many of us start to develop a fear of the future. In this episode, you will learn 3 steps you can take to turn your fearful thoughts and anxiety into healthy coping strategies for managing fear and bringing more peace and hope in your day-to-day life.


    [02:06] How can we have compassion (instead of condemnation) for fear?

    [05:24] Changing worldly fear into godly fear

    [11:55] Where are we emotionally dwelling?

    [15:25] Developing healthy anxiety coping strategies + your anxiety management plan


    Check out Alicia’s Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit to create your custom plan to manage your anxious thoughts.


    163: How I Take Courage, Manage Anxiety, and Release Fear with Amy Debrucque

    201: It's Time to Make a Plan to Manage Anxiety, Release Fear and Stop Worry

    242: “How Can I Manage My Fear of the Future?”

  • Do you struggle with anxiety around managing fear of the future? You are not alone. In this episode, you will learn how to combat these anxious thoughts and break free from the cycle of fear so that you can surrender to God.


    [01:43] Is fear bad?

    [04:36] What is the difference between worldly fear and godly fear?

    [08:00] The concept of pachad and yirah

    [12:14] Are you stuck in the fear coping mechanism cycle?

    [14:05] What is a healthy coping mechanism to deal with fear?

    [15:06] Are there “cracks in your foundation” when it comes to trusting God?


    Check out Alicia’s Calm Your Anxiety Tool Kit to create your custom plan to manage your anxious thoughts.


    163: How I Take Courage, Manage Anxiety, and Release Fear with Amy Debrucque

    201: It's Time to Make a Plan to Manage Anxiety, Release Fear and Stop Worry

  • Is better health a New Year’s resolution for you? Join me for this fascinating conversation with today’s guest exercise physiologist and nutrition coach Laura Lindhaul as we talk about the role that mindset and mental health plays in losing weight and building a healthy body. What distorted body mindsets have you adopted over the years? How can we as women find healing and body acceptance from these mental patterns? Let’s talk about it!


    [03:25] “The Church Doesn’t Talk Enough About Body Image”

    [09:09] Asking Ourselves, “What Mental Agreements Do I Have About My Body?”

    [13:38] Wait, Don’t We Just Need More Body Positivity?

    [15:47] The Opposite Side of The Spectrum - Body Shaming

    [18:19] Body Neutrality: “My Body is The Least Important Thing About Me”

    [23:11] What’s Your Why for a Healthier Body?

    [26:27] Are You Trying to Control the Outcome of Your Health Instead of Contributing to It?

    [29:31] Is It Time to Admit that Body Image Is a Problem?

    [35:02] Alicia’s Reflections: What Trips You Up in Your Body Image?


    Go here to get Alicia’s FREE WORKSHOP: How to Break Free from Feeling “Never Enough”

    Check out Alicia’s 4-week “I Am Loved” Bible Study Course to rediscover the gift of knowing you’re loved by God.


    123: Overcoming Body Image Issues + Finding Body Confidence with Rachael Gilbert

    Connect with exercise physiologist and nutrition coach Laura Lindhaul