
  • I recently had a deeply insightful conversation with Dawn Apuan on the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast. Dawn’s story will resonate with anyone who’s ever felt stuck in their financial situation, wondering if there’s a way out.

    Dawn was living on $2,700 a month as a pastor, barely making ends meet for her family of six. After the birth of her daughter, she realized she couldn’t continue in the same situation, emotionally or financially. This led her to explore ways to work from home, and in an unexpected twist, she found a path to entrepreneurship.

    Her journey started with a small investment in an online course and a lot of self-teaching. In a few short months, Dawn went from making $3,000 in eight months to $35,000 by the end of the year. But what truly transformed her was the shift in her mindset—from scarcity to abundance. It was no longer about “just getting by,” but about learning new skills and expanding her belief in what was possible.

    In our conversation, Dawn talks candidly about the mental shifts she had to make, from overcoming limiting beliefs around money to learning how to value herself and her work. She shares how, despite her fears and doubts, she invested in herself and kept pushing forward—proving that anyone can rewrite their financial story with the right mindset and effort.

    I am offering you the same CURBS program that changed Dawn’s life for $500-$1,000 OFF before the official launch on October 10th.If you’re interested in joining, saving a lot of your hard-earned money, and being guided through a proven financial blueprint to eliminate money-stress, and building unshakable wealth regardless of the economy click this link to book our quick 15-minute chat to discuss your unique situation and see if you’re right for the community.
    Book your call now :)

  • I’m excited to introduce you to today’s guest, Josselyne Herman-Saccio. Josselyne is someone I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting through a mutual friend, and from the moment we connected, I knew her story and approach to life would resonate with you. Josselyne’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. She started out as an aspiring singer, only to be told by her father that art couldn’t be a career. Yet, just a few years later, she landed a record deal and had a number one hit. What I love about Josselyne’s story is her unwavering commitment to pursuing her dreams, even in the face of doubt.

    In our conversation, we’ll unpack what it means to be “unmessable with,” a powerful concept Josselyne uses to describe the ability to stay grounded in your vision, no matter what life throws your way. For over 25 years, Josselyne has worked with creatives, entrepreneurs, and high achievers, helping them break through limiting beliefs and take actions that truly align with their goals. Whether you’re an artist, a business owner, or simply someone who feels stuck in your life, there are valuable lessons here that will help you move forward with more clarity and confidence.

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  • In this episode, I open up about the dark moments that shaped my path, from losing everything and struggling to support my family, to discovering the principles that have allowed me to not just survive, but to thrive. I share how I turned my biggest failures into lessons that now guide my approach to money, health, and life.

    One of the most pivotal moments in my journey was when I realized that money isn’t just about numbers—it’s about mindset and behavior. Growing up in a challenging environment, I developed an intense drive to succeed, but that success came at a cost. I found myself in the same financial stress despite earning more money than I ever thought possible. This realization forced me to rethink everything I knew about money, and I learned the hard way that financial success without the right habits and understanding leads to a vicious cycle of earning and spending without true fulfillment.

    I discuss the irony of achieving financial success while sacrificing my health, leading to a complete collapse that taught me the true value of balance and the importance of investing in myself. This was when I developed the CURBS method, a system designed to help you manage your money in a way that builds real wealth and security. I also talk about the concept of "lifestyle creep"—the tendency for expenses to rise along with income—and how mastering spending is more crucial than simply earning more.

    Money, as I’ve come to understand, is a mirror that reflects our values and intentions. When managed well, it can lead to fulfillment and happiness; when misunderstood, it can cause anxiety and stress. That’s why I emphasize the importance of knowing your "Good Enough" number—a concept that’s crucial for financial peace of mind. Understanding how much is truly enough for you is key to living a life that’s rich in every sense of the word, not just financially.

  • This episode features Devin Norcross, a long-time friend and credit expert who has spent over a decade helping people navigate the complex world of credit and debt management.

    In our conversation, Devin and I tackled some of the most misunderstood aspects of credit. He explains how the credit industry often preys on young adults, offering credit cards with no education on their long-term impacts, highlighting the importance of understanding the system before diving in. We also discussed the critical difference between credit bureaus, which collect your financial data, and scoring agencies like FICO, which calculate your credit score. Understanding this distinction is crucial for managing your credit effectively.

    Devin introduced us to VantageScore, an emerging alternative to FICO. While it’s not yet widely adopted, it’s something to watch as it could play a bigger role in the future. One of the more surprising insights was how paying off old collections can sometimes lower your credit score—underscoring the importance of timing and strategy when managing debt.

    Devin also shared some practical tips, like keeping credit accounts open and active, and managing your credit utilization carefully. These small adjustments can lead to significant improvements in your credit score.

  • This time, I have the pleasure of sitting down with Rachel Luna, an incredible financial health coach and author. Rachel and I delve into a conversation that's close to both our hearts: mastering money.

    We start by tackling the common myth that earning more money automatically leads to wealth. Rachel shares her personal journey from financial instability to financial freedom, emphasizing how focusing solely on income can trap us in a cycle of earning and spending without truly building wealth. We both agree that understanding the difference between income and wealth is crucial. The key lies in creating a personal balance sheet, which serves as a financial health checkup, showing where you stand and helping you make informed decisions.

    Rachel highlights the importance of knowing your financial freedom number – the amount of passive income needed to cover your lifestyle costs. This number acts as your North Star, guiding your financial decisions and strategies. We discuss practical steps to begin building wealth, such as starting with small, consistent investments, even if you’re currently living paycheck to paycheck. This approach helps you create a strong financial foundation over time.

    A significant part of our conversation focuses on mindset. Rachel and I explore how our beliefs about money shape our financial reality. By developing a healthy money mindset, we can break free from limiting beliefs and start making choices that lead to financial success. Rachel’s story is a testament to this, as she transforms her financial situation by changing her mindset and adopting disciplined financial practices.

    I hope you find this episode as insightful and empowering as I do. Remember, wealth is a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to financial freedom.

  • In this episode, I had an enriching conversation with Jennifer Hill, an expert on human connection and psychological safety. We explored the growing epidemic of loneliness and the critical role of human connection in our personal and professional lives.

    One of the key points Jennifer highlighted was the concept of the "golden triangle of connection." This triangle emphasizes the importance of connecting with oneself, which then facilitates meaningful connections with others and a deeper sense of purpose. Jennifer shared her journey and practical advice on how to cultivate these connections in a world that often feels increasingly disconnected.

    We also delved into the significance of inner child work. Jennifer explained how acknowledging and nurturing our inner child can lead to better relationships and a healthier self. She described how this practice has transformed her life and helped her become more compassionate and less reactive.

    Another important topic we covered was the impact of social media on human connection. Jennifer discussed how our interactions on these platforms can either enhance or detract from our sense of connection, depending on the consciousness and intent we bring to them.

  • Recently, I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Boss Up Babes podcast with Karissa Adkins. This was an incredible experience where we delved deep into some of the core principles of the Wise Money Method and discussed practical strategies for financial empowerment.

    During the podcast, we touched on a variety of topics that I believe will resonate with many of you. From my journey in real estate and wealth management to the creation of multimillion-dollar businesses, we covered the essential aspects of financial literacy and personal growth. Karissa and I had a candid conversation about the challenges and triumphs that come with managing and growing wealth, and I shared some of the most impactful lessons I've learned over the years.

    We also discussed the importance of mindset in achieving financial success. As many of you know, shifting our mindset around money can be transformative. I shared personal anecdotes and practical advice on how to develop a healthier relationship with money, emphasizing that financial freedom is within everyone's reach, regardless of where you start.

  • I’m excited to share a special episode of the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast that dives deep into the world of stem cells and their potential for health and healing. In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing my friend, Christian Drapeau, a scientist whose journey is as unique as his discoveries.

    We were introduced through a mutual friend, Lynn Graft, and it's been a meaningful friendship ever since. Christian's background is anything but ordinary – from studying neurophysiology at the Montreal Neurological Institute to living in a monastery, his path has been a quest for deeper understanding and truth. During our conversation, Christian shared his transition into the world of stem cell research, which began with his study of a blue-green algae from Klamath Lake. His discovery that this algae acts as a stem cell mobilizer set the stage for his life's work.

    One of the most compelling parts of our discussion was Christian's personal story of healing and transformation. After a serious health scare that left me on five different prescriptions, I realized I needed a different approach to take control of my health. Christian's insights into natural healing and the body's innate ability to repair itself through stem cell mobilization resonated deeply with me. He explained how traditional medicine often focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause, and how stem cell therapy offers a more holistic solution.

    Now, Christian is at the forefront of research into plant-based stem cell mobilizers, showing how these natural compounds can stimulate the body's repair systems. His work has led to real-life stories of healing, from reversing chronic diseases to repairing severe injuries. Listening to Christian, it's clear that his belief in the power of plants and natural healing is backed by rigorous science and a profound understanding of the body's potential.

  • Last week’s episode of the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast was about the importance of selecting and perfecting your personal story to engage or inspire your audience. After listening to it, some of you requested that I share my story, so this week you’re going to hear all about me!

    Yes, this week, Ted Ryce interviews me on his Legendary Life Podcast. We dive deep into some of the most transformative moments of my journey.

    During our conversation, we explored some of the most transformative moments of my journey, including my near-death experience in 2013, which completely reshaped my approach to life and success. I shared how I spent nearly half a million dollars and nine months seeing 20 doctors to finally get a diagnosis and regain my health. This intense focus on achievement and financial success had led to severe health issues, culminating in a life-changing breakdown.

    We discussed the concept of "future tripping," where I sacrificed almost everything to create a future I didn’t appreciate when I got there. I also opened up about the impact of childhood trauma and how it contributed to my health crisis. These experiences underscored the critical importance of investing in personal health alongside building financial wealth.

    I believe this interview will resonate deeply with many of you, especially those striving to find a balance between professional success and personal well-being. Ted's podcast is known for its insightful and thought-provoking content, and this episode is no exception.

  • In this episode, Dino and I dive deep into his fascinating journey from childhood dreams of performing to becoming one of the most captivating speakers I’ve ever encountered. We first met at Mike Koenigs' Mastermind, and his ability to engage and motivate an audience is simply unparalleled.

    Dino shares how his passion for performing began at just nine years old, inspired by his early experiences with television and dreams of being a performer. His aspirations to be like Donnie Osmond and marry Marie reveal the depth of his childhood dreams.

    From working as a Disney dancer to navigating the hardships of early marriage and fatherhood, Dino’s journey is a testament to resilience and determination. Despite the challenges, he found ways to keep his passion alive while prioritizing his family. Learn how Dino transitioned from real estate to coaching and eventually found his niche in the orthodontics industry. His unique approach to speaking and training transformed many practices, showing how diverse experiences can converge into a successful career.

    Dino offers invaluable insights into the craft of speaking, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, storytelling, and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. His method involves not just speaking but performing, engaging, and leaving a lasting impact.

    We explore the significance of core values in building a successful business, a topic close to both of our hearts. Dino’s experiences with different business environments highlight the importance of aligning business practices with personal values.

    Some of the key moments from our conversation include Dino's realization that he could captivate an audience, not just through content, but through his performance and storytelling abilities; his story of how a simple real estate deal, buying a house for $10 and selling it for a $10,000 profit in a week, sparked his journey into coaching and speaking; the shift from acting to speaking in the orthodontics industry, where Dino found a unique niche that allowed him to use his talents in unexpected ways; his perspective on the importance of seeing things from an outsider’s viewpoint and how that fresh perspective can drive innovation in any industry; and the importance of core values and how maintaining them can lead to business success and personal fulfillment.

  • I'm thrilled to share with you the latest episode of the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast, where I had the pleasure of interviewing Trademark Attorney Joey Vitale. Joey is an expert in trademark law and has a wealth of knowledge to help entrepreneurs protect their brands.

    Joey and I met at a lawyer event, where we quickly connected over our shared interests in business law and helping entrepreneurs navigate legal challenges. Joey’s journey from working in a traditional law firm to starting his own practice is both inspiring and informative. In this episode, we delve into the importance of trademarks for business owners, common legal mistakes entrepreneurs make, and the critical steps to ensure your brand is protected.

    During our conversation, Joey shares his personal story of how he transitioned from being the peacemaker in a big Italian Catholic family to a successful trademark attorney. He explains how his initial struggles in a traditional law firm led him to discover his true calling in business law, particularly helping entrepreneurs avoid legal pitfalls.

    One of the highlights of our discussion is Joey's advice on the first steps to take when considering a trademark. He emphasizes the importance of conducting a comprehensive search to ensure that your desired trademark is not already in use. This step can save entrepreneurs significant time and money by preventing potential legal disputes down the line.

    Joey also shares a compelling story about a client who received a cease-and-desist order while on vacation, highlighting the real-world consequences of not securing your trademarks early. This story underlines the importance of proactive brand protection and the peace of mind it can bring.

    Additionally, we discuss the practical aspects of using the TM symbol as a deterrent to potential copycats. Joey explained that while federal registration provides the strongest protection, even using the TM symbol can signal to others that you are serious about your brand.

  • I'm excited to share with you a recent interview I did on the Conscious Millionaire Show, hosted by JV Crum III. In this engaging discussion, we delved deep into the essential money numbers for achieving financial freedom, a topic I am passionate about and have dedicated much of my career to mastering.

    During the interview, I shared my personal journey to financial freedom, highlighting the pivotal moments and decisions that shaped my path. I spoke about the common misconception that simply working harder in your business and focusing on top-line revenue will make you rich. Instead, I emphasized the importance of understanding and managing your financial numbers effectively.

    One of the key points we discussed was the idea of the "Freedom Number" – the amount of money you need to live comfortably without having to work. This concept is crucial for setting financial goals and creating a plan to achieve them. We also talked about the top ten financial questions every entrepreneur should be able to answer but often can't. These questions are vital for gaining a clear understanding of your financial health and making informed decisions.

    In addition, we explored the significance of financial literacy and why it's essential for every entrepreneur. I shared insights on how to master your finances by breaking them down into three main disciplines: earning, spending, and investing. By mastering these areas, you can ensure a stable financial future and achieve true financial freedom.

  • I’m excited to share the latest episode of the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast with you. This time, I had the chance to sit down with John Rowley. His story is one of perseverance, hard work, and overcoming significant challenges. On a personal level, I found many similarities in our journey. You might, too!

    In our conversation, John opens up about his journey from a small town in New York to becoming a successful entrepreneur and author, a journey that might sound familiar to those of you who know my background!. He discusses how he overcame a near-fatal accident, worked multiple jobs to support his family, and eventually built a top company in Manhattan.

    John talks about growing up in New York and wanting more than what he saw at home. Despite numerous setbacks, including a severe car accident that left him with significant injuries, John’s determination never wavered. He didn't rely on therapy but instead pushed himself to recover and keep moving forward.

    John shares how he climbed the corporate ladder in Manhattan real estate, from being fired due to company corruption to working multiple jobs, and eventually finding success. He started from humble beginnings, working as a janitor, and eventually opened his own company, navigating through economic downturns and bouncing back each time.

    John’s belief in hard work and honesty is evident throughout his story. He emphasizes the importance of integrity in business, noting how being genuine and truthful has helped him build strong, lasting relationships and a solid reputation.

  • Because of you, The Wealthy Wellthy Podcast ranks in the top 5% of all Podcasts in downloads per episode and the top 1% in the number of releases. It has been a pleasure and an honor to learn from my accomplished guests and share their genius with you.

    I’ve been told by many loyal listeners that they love learning from my guests, but they would also like to hear more from me. Since I take your requests to heart, I have started releasing podcasts that are a mix of guest content and my own content. From now on, every other week I will share with you the podcasts on which I am the guest and not the host.

    Today I bring you my interview on the I Own It Podcast with Ben Reinberg. In this episode, I share the significance of continuously growing beyond one's circumstances and mindset. I emphasize the importance of balancing business success with personal health and relationships, and the lessons I've learned from focusing solely on financial wealth to realizing the importance of holistic well-being.

    I discuss how to manage personal finances effectively and understand the difference between personal and business finance, as well as the distinction between using real estate for immediate income and investing for long-term wealth building, an important distinction. Additionally, I delve into effective approaches to risk management in real estate, particularly focusing on residential properties.

    Tune in to the episode and join me on this journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life. I hope you find inspiration and valuable insights that can help you on your path to success.

  • Welcome to the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast, where we explore the intersection of wealth, health, and relationships. I'm your host, Krisstina Wise, and in today's episode, I have an incredibly insightful conversation with Kristy Gaisford, a certified relationship therapist and expert in a specific type of marriage and relationship counseling called, Relational Life Therapy.

    Kristy and I delve deep into the challenges and triumphs of navigating complex relationships. She shares her personal journey of overcoming marital struggles and finding her path to self-discovery and relational healing. From practical strategies for improving communication, to the vital importance of self-esteem and healthy boundaries, Kristy offers wisdom that can transform the way you approach your relationships.

    Stay tuned as we uncover powerful insights and actionable advice that can help you build stronger, more fulfilling connections in your life. Please enjoy my conversation with Kristy Gaisford. Let's dive in!

  • Because of you, The Wealthy Wellthy Podcast ranks in the top 5% of all Podcasts in downloads per episode and the top 1% in the number of releases. It has been a pleasure and an honor to learn from my accomplished guests and share their genius with you.

    I’ve been told by many loyal listeners that they love learning from my guests, but they would also like to hear more from me. Since I take your requests to heart, I have started releasing podcasts that are a mix of guest content and my own content. From now on, every other week I will share with you the podcasts on which I am the guest and not the host.

    Today I bring you my interview on the How'd It Happen Podcast with Mike Malatesta. In this episode, I open up about my life, career, and the philosophies that have shaped my journey.

    During our conversation, I reflect on my early drive and the mentality that set me apart. From a young age, I’ve always been driven by a desire to innovate and think differently. I questioned the status quo and carved my own path, which often made me feel like a misfit. This drive, combined with a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom, has been a constant theme throughout my life, and it’s what has made me a successful entrepreneur.

    One of the most transformative experiences I discuss was my near-death experience in 2013. Facing a life-threatening challenge forced me to reevaluate my priorities and changed my perspective on success and happiness. This pivotal moment made me focus more on relationships and personal fulfillment rather than just professional and financial achievements. I realized that true success lies in meaningful connections and making a positive impact on others. .

  • A full 60% of Americans say their career is unsatisfying, and a whopping 19% say they are “miserable” in their job.

    If that’s you, this episode of the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast is just what you need!

    Today, I sit down with Cindy Ertman, a renowned coach and former mortgage executive whose personal journey is a masterclass in career transformation and overcoming adversity.

    Cindy’s initial venture into journalism didn’t fulfill her passion, which led her to the dynamic world of real estate. Despite early setbacks, including being reassigned against her wishes and grappling with a commission-only job while caring for a newborn, Cindy’s resilience shone through. Her decision to move to Southern California to reinvent her career in land acquisition marked the beginning of a significant transformation.

    In our conversation, Cindy candidly discusses how she navigated fears and uncertainty by embracing bold life choices. Her rise to Executive Vice President, the unexpected end of that role, and her subsequent venture into establishing a leading mortgage bank underscore her ability to turn challenges into opportunities.

  • Today, I introduce a new format to the Wealthy Wellthy podcast. I’ve been told by many loyal listeners that they love learning from my guests, but they would also like to hear more from me. Since I take feedback to heart, future episodes will be a mix of guest content as well as my own. From now on, every other week I will share with you the podcasts on which I am the guest and not the host.

    My purpose is to share MY money mindset and financial advice with you that I otherwise only share with other podcast host audiences. So, today, I share my appearance on Rocky Lalvani’s Richer Soul podcast. I really enjoyed this conversation with Rocky. We dive deep into having clarity about the life you want before setting on your money goals. Too many people base their money goals on what they see in the media or what they see next door. I call this, “Keeping up with the Joneses,” and it will keep you broke.

    Are you ready to unlock the secrets to living an abundant life? In this thought-provoking episode, Krisstina Wise shares her journey from chasing money and success to finding true fulfillment and purpose. Discover the importance of defining what a good life means to you, learn valuable lessons about wealth building, and gain insights on how to enjoy life to the fullest. Join us as we explore the intersection of money, meaning, and happiness. Get ready to be inspired and gain a fresh perspective on what it means to be truly wealthy.

  • Welcome to the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast, where we explore the intersection of Wealth, Health, and Entrepreneurship. I'm Krisstina Wise, and today I have the pleasure of sitting down with Kyle Gray, a professional storyteller!

    I first met Kyle through mutual friends, and I was immediately struck by his profound understanding of the transformative power of storytelling in business.

    Kyle started out with dreams of being a musician, but life had other plans. His journey took a dramatic turn when he faced a severe autoimmune thyroid condition while living in Thailand, a challenge that came from poor gut health. This health crisis led him to work with a company that helped people craft their stories to grow their businesses effectively. Since, Kyle has become a master storyteller himself and now helps other entrepreneurs learn how to create a narrative that resonates with an audience and inspires action.

    In our conversation today, Kyle talks about the importance of “crafting” a narrative that is clear and compelling while focusing on the essential elements that connect with an audience. He adds that the common thread he’s noticed among successful entrepreneurs is how they turn their significant challenges or 'dark moments' into greatness, that becomes a pivotal part of their hero’s journey, much like my own.

    Kyle believes that articulating one's story includes communicating one's core values and vision in a way that resonates with others. These key components are the elements that connect to and expand one's audience.

    Join us as we delve into these topics and more, unpacking the lessons Kyle teaches about storytelling. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a health professional, or someone passionate about personal development, you’ll love Kyle’s story on the importance of story!

  • In our latest episode of the Wealthy Wellthy Podcast, I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Bronson Kaufusi, whose life story offers profound insights into adaptability, resilience, and strategic thinking. I met Bronson at the Safe 2 Feel conference, a gathering dedicated to supporting adolescent mental health, and was immediately struck by his commitment to personal and community well-being. His narrative is not just about athletic prowess but also about thoughtful life transitions and financial savvy.

    Bronson’s early life was marked by diverse interests, including various sports and musical pursuits, laying a robust foundation for his adaptable approach to life and career. His time in the NFL with teams like the Baltimore Ravens and the New York Jets taught him about the ephemeral nature of sports careers and the critical importance of financial planning. After his NFL career, Bronson successfully transitioned into real estate, applying the discipline and teamwork skills he honed on the field. He emphasized the importance of mentorship and building relationships, which were instrumental in his smooth transition from sports to business.