Hey all, happy full moon in Virgo - ECLIPSE! Turn around... Bright Eyes... Hope you're all doing well out there. This moon is asking us to clear out what is no longer working for us - ideal for Spring Cleaning and Royal Flushing! The advice is to retreat into one's "cave" to do the necessary reflections and meditations, which is appropriate since BOTH Venus and Mercury are heading into Retrobats Town. Take it easy and be kind to yourself.
My special guest is sake sommelier, photographer and tour guide Kelly Haavaldsrud! She is the quintessential Virgo. Super organized, intelligent and salubrious. You can check her out on Instagram. We sat down to talk about many things and sang a wee Stevie Nicks number together. By the way, we are doing a show together on May 3 at Lighthouse, Kokubunji. Do come on down if you're around!
Cover song - "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac
Hey all, hope you're surviving out there in the Wilderness. It's a Leo Full Moon which is one for the Cat People among us. Big hearts and big hair vibes win the day. If you're a grumpy cat, that's OK too. So am I. Take a nap and get some cuddles. I have not one, but two tarot cards from "The Light and Shadow Tarot" and hopefully the insights will benefit us all.
Original Song: "Highest Height"
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Happy Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake! Hope you are all well and surviving on Gaia as we enter into 2025. It's a big time for upheaval, but it's like the shedding of a skin. Painful, but necessary.
I'm joined by my Partner in Time, Dandelion Jackson for a segment called "Aspirations and Celebrations" - and we shoot the breeze on various things from Rainbow Serpents to Pilgrimages.... you can check out our "Jillgrimage to Yamagata" video series here on YT.
Original song: "Year of the Snake"
Hola amigas and welcome to the last Spellcast of 2024! Thanks for being on this journey with me - here's to more spellcasting in the new year. This full moon is full of Trickster vibes, but also very motivating as Jupiter is jumpin' alongside Luna and the two of them are having a right laff at us - and probably at themselves too. Wishing you all a magical Solstice!
Original song: "Royal Jelly" - by Sorcha and The Sinners (2012)
Time to check in with our superpowers - our Five Senses. There's also that special one we have in our throats - that superpower called Voice. It's a Taurus Full Moon conjunct Uranus, which calls for the weird turning pro, radical pro-noia and fierce creativity. Make some art, sing a song, get a massage and treat your magical spacesuit to a nice massage or culinary feast. Taurus loves Beauty, and since its ruler is Venus, She is requiring some love and affection right now. There's a spell for money in this episode, a bit of a heads up from the Goddess Tarot, and a song to keep your spirits up.
Original Song "Light in the Darkness"
Hallo Weeeeeenies! Greetings all ye Wise and Wyrd Sister Witches... can you smell that? Yes, that is the sweet smell of apple cinnamon tea, autumnal leaves decaying, fizzing faeries frolicking in the gloaming... and the smell of success. I invite you, dear listener, to join me on a journey... it is not for the feint of heart, but Halloween just HAPPENS to fall on a Scorpio New Moon, so I thought I'd put the call out and see if any of you would like to do some magical "housekeeping" with me... We have a very feisty tarot card from the Thoth Crowley Harris deck to assist us in our work, and there's a poignant song for you as well.
Original song: "The Burning Times"
It's Ramalama moon time and you know what THAT means - yep, it's all systems GO. No rest for the wicked! We are now into the second half of the year, what with "Belloween" upon us again, and we all may be feeling a little frazzled. Aries rules the head, hence the "Golden Brain" reference. There's a cool little meditation in this month's spellcast that you can try if your brain is ramrodding itself like mine is right now... Also, there's a serene little oracle card from the "Literary Witches Oracle" to help us cool our jets, and a Sorcha song to cap it all off... must be the season of the witch!
Original Song: "Wolves"
Greetings Fish Folk! It's a Pisces Full Moon eclipse which is making us all feel a bit slippery, sensitive and maybe even a bit sooky. But that's OK. "Be like Water" as Mr Lee once uttered... swim, float, tread water. The landscape may have inexorably changed, but maybe it's all for the best. This month I consult the Emily Dickinson deck and the tarot card, fittingly, is the "Brother of Cups". I hope the spellcast gives you some consolation and comfort. We're all going through this thing called Life together!
Original song: "House on the Hill" (from the "Shells, Rocks and Bones" EP 2020)
Hey there my magical mates, on this month's spellcast I talk at length about the Aquarius Full Moon upgrades with not one, but TWO T-squares happening all up in the heavens, not to mention Mercury Retrograde conjunct the SUN. It's all good as long as you keep your eyes on the prize and your mind like a steel trap. I had a lovely chat with local Tokyo majo (witch) Yukiko Tamura who is a master yoga instructor and designer of beautiful artisanal bags, clothes and textiles. Her exhibition "mun mun" runs from September 2-9 in Gallery Okariya in Ginza. Check out her designs here!Original song: "Boiling Bitter Wine" (Hymns for Her 2016)
Hey kids, it's the second full moon of the goat and this horny beast is asking us if we are indeed, the GOAT. I am pleased to bring you yet another WWSC and in this episode we talk about Capricorn's tetchy conjunction with Lord of the Underworld Pluto - there's a whole lotta rattling bones to succor! Merc is about to Jerk us around again, but fortunately there's a feisty goddess who's got our back from Doreen Virtue's "Goddess Oracle" deck. Also, I'm debuting my wee song baby "Strangerland" for the first time!
Original song: "Strangerland"
Well, fancy meeting you here! It's been a long time no see kinda deal hasn't it? Yours truly was in Radio Silence Land for a spell, but now she's BACK with a NEW SPELL! See what I did there? lol. Anyhoo, I hope this Solstice finds you well dear listener, and here's a wee 30 minute vocalization into the Void from the laptop of this Analogue Girl living in a Digital World... there's a few live songs on this one, a couple of random tarot cards to help us through this thing called LIFE, and a bit of astro about the Full Cappy Sea-Goat Moon.
Follow me on IG: flyingsorcha
Original song: "Prayer"
Murder Ballad: "Lady Isabel"
Greetings All, Here is your spellcast for the Pisces New Moon! The Cosmic Fishes are telling us to keep the faith, stay flexible and fluid as we head into Eclipse Season. I consult with the faeries from the Froud Faery Oracle deck, and there's a special dedication song for all me women listeners for International Women's Day on March 8.
Take care out there all you Merpeople...
Original song: "Dear Lady" (feat. Morgan Fisher and Kaoru Arai-Colucci)
Happy New Year everyone! It's the Lunar New Year of the Wood Dragon which falls on the new moon in Aquarius. It's the true beginning of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere, as the planet continues its dance around the Sun in its place among the Stars. I chat with visual artist, painter and teacher Divya Marie Kato about "dragon hunting" and connecting to Source, and a powerful Hindu Goddess has got our future all sorted. Thanks for listening!
Original Song: "Mastery"
This episode is a rather cathartic one. The Gemini Moon astrology wants us to THINK before we act, and make sure we've done enough research to support our perspectives on things. The Tarot is warning against apathy and laziness of mind, and we are being asked to seek answers within our deepest, most sensitive selves. I interviewed the enigmatic Sarah Furuya about her pheonix journey into sobriety and peri-menopause, and there's a piano song that will pull at the heart strings for you as well. Thank you for listening this year. Bring on 2024.
Original Piano Instrumental - "Lady Lagonda"
Hello Friends in Near and Far Away Places, tis a full moon eclipse in the sign of the Bull. No BS. Literally. Taurus hates change, but recognizes that it's no good to stay stuck, no matter how bull-headed one might be. It's time to own it like you mean it, face up to your own BS and see it as something to compost! Carnage, carnival and carne (pleasures of the flesh) are the themes of this moon. Halloween/Samhain is the traditional time of the ancestors, and a time to enjoy the skin you're in, so live it up my pretties and your little dogs too! Hee Hee Hee!!!
Original song: "Sing the Land"
Konnichiwa my comrades! It's a vibrant Aries Full Moon coming fast on the heels of the Equinox. It's Mabon/Ostara and the year is shifting again. Be bold and brave fearless warrior, and mighty forces will come to your aid. Aries is the Initiator, so keep working on that inner healing and tune into mental disciplines to aid in your new found energy to action. We are the Future Dreamers.
*Please excuse my laziness this episode regarding Greco-Roman god names and attributions! (Venus = Aphrodite, Juno = Hera)
Original song: "Ostara/Kore chant" - music by Sorcha Chisholm, words by Starhawk
Hey y'all, it's fishy-wishy moony moon time, and Mercury has gone AWOL again, but all is good, just keep on dreamin' the good dream! I had an extraordinary chat with Gayle de Angelis about her acapella group "Heartstrings", the power of Leonard Cohen's songs, ranting at the radio and herbal remedies from her love garden.
Cover songs:
- "If it be your Will" - Leonard Cohen, sung by Heartstrings- "Blue Moon" - Rodgers/Hart, sung by Sorcha
Hi there Moon Children! How you coping out there with all the zaps from the Aquarius moon/Venus retrograde?? Never fear! Your trusty Sorcharess is here to help you navigate these wyrd waters. Also, I had a heart opening chat with the fiesty Hilda Green about the moon's influence on creativity, her time in Tanzania and the EP she is putting out next month!
Original songs: "Garden Grows" and "Entirely Open" by Hilda Green
Hey all, it's a Capricorn Super Moon which is bleating at us to get on with the Work, but also to take a moment and take in the view from the top of the mountain that is YOU - what's ahead, sure, but more importantly, how far you've come. Give thanks and gratitude and celebrate the wild in whatever way you deem fit, Child of Earth!
Cover song - Climb Every Mountain (Rodgers/Hammerstein)
Hey there my beautiful beasts, it's a Beltane full moon lunar eclipse in sexy, strange, seductive Scorpio! My birthday happened to fall on the same night as the full moon so I decided to do a random party recording and some dear friends dropped in for some deep musings on this powerful Sabbat. I hope this lunar eclipse assists you in your transformation from scuttling Scorpion to exultant Phoenix!
Original song: "The Garden"
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