
  • This week, we break down the latest federal polls and discuss whether or not they show a tightening of the race. We then delve into the Baie Verte-Green Bay byelection in Newfoundland and Labrador and the speculation of a snap election call in Ontario, and how those might be tied to Justin Trudeau's leadership. Plus, we have new numbers out of B.C. and a question from the mailbag on the federal byelections. Finally, Philippe has a Quiz on electoral landslides.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers, get early access to episodes every Thursday, an extended mailbag segment and bonus episodes every second week, you can become a member of our Patreon site here.

    A regular episode of The Writ Podcast will be back in this feed next week!

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox or at, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can also find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts!

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    LES CHIFFRES: Des congrĂšs, des congrĂšs partout Cette semaine au balado Les chiffres, Philippe et Éric discutent d'une fin de semaine particuliĂšrement chargĂ©e en politique quĂ©bĂ©coise, alors que trois des quatre partis reprĂ©sentĂ©s Ă  l'AssemblĂ©e nationale se rĂ©unissaient pour discuter de leur avenir prochain. QuĂ©bec solidaire tentait d'Ă©viter l'implosion Ă  JonquiĂšre, le PLQ cĂ©lĂ©brait son passĂ© et se prĂ©parait pour sa course Ă  la chefferie Ă  Bromont et la CAQ, rĂ©unie Ă  Saint-Hyacinthe, tentait d'Ă©viter de parler aux mĂ©dias. Sur la scĂšne fĂ©dĂ©rale, de nouveaux chiffres de LĂ©ger suggĂšrent une course Ă  trois au QuĂ©bec entre le Bloc, les libĂ©raux et les conservateurs, mais est-ce rĂ©ellement la tendance actuelle? Nous dĂ©cortiquons les plus rĂ©centes donnĂ©es. Vous pouvez regarder ce balado sur YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • The polls suggest that Premier Wab Kinew is in the midst of a honeymoon after the Manitoba NDP’s victory last year, but that honeymoon will be put to the test on June 18 when voters go to the polls in the riding of Tuxedo, the seat of former premier Heather Stefanson and a riding that nearly joined most of the rest of the city in turning orange in October’s provincial election.

    But Tuxedo won’t be the only Winnipeg battleground in 2024, as a federal byelection will have to be held in Elmwood–Transcona in the next few months. The federal NDP, not nearly as buoyant in the polls as their provincial cousins, could have a fight on its hands to hold off the Conservatives in this seat.

    To discuss the first months of Wab Kinew’s government and the upcoming electoral contests taking place in Winnipeg, as well as how the city is shaping up ahead of the 2025 federal election, I’m joined by Ian Froese, the CBC’s provincial affairs reporter in Manitoba.

    THE NUMBERS: On this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, available for Patreon members here, we chat about the upcoming byelection in Toronto–St. Paul's and what's at stake for the Liberals in what has traditionally been a safe seat. We also discuss the results in the Pictou West byelection in Nova Scotia, the upcoming Tuxedo byelection in Manitoba and new polls out of Ontario, Alberta and B.C.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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  • This week, we discuss another poll that shows a 20-point lead for the Conservatives, as well as some new numbers on how various religious communities are voting. We then delve into some provincial polling out of British Columbia and Quebec, and check-in on the Alberta NDP leadership race. In the mailbag, we chat about merger talks in B.C. and we close with a birthday-themed Quiz.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers, get early access to episodes every Thursday, an extended mailbag segment and bonus episodes every second week, you can become a member of our Patreon site here.

    A regular episode of The Writ Podcast will be back in this feed next week!

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox or at, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can also find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts!

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    LES CHIFFRES: Le Parti quĂ©bĂ©cois a-t-il plafonnĂ© ? Cette semaine au balado, Éric et Philippe discutent du plus rĂ©cent sondage quĂ©bĂ©cois de la maison LĂ©ger. Il semblerait que le PQ ait atteint un certain plafond, que les appuis de la CAQ se soient stabilisĂ©s et que QuĂ©bec solidaire ait perdu quelques plumes. Que nous racontent ces chiffres sur le portrait actuel de la politique au QuĂ©bec? Et est-ce que la glissade de QS dans les sondages pourrait influencer le dĂ©nouement du congrĂšs de QuĂ©bec solidaire Ă  la fin du mois ? Vous pouvez regarder ce balado sur YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservatives have been in power in Ontario for nearly six years, but the party’s polling remains robust and the PCs have just come off two byelection victories — including in a seat the Ontario Liberals were hoping to flip.

    What’s behind Ford’s enduring support, and what’s the state of Bonnie Crombie’s Liberals and the NDP under Marit Stiles as they start to look ahead to the next provincial campaign in 2026?

    To explain the state of Ontario politics today, I’m joined this week by Sabrina Nanji, author of Queen’s Park Observer, and John Michael McGrath, writer and co-host of the #onpoli podcast for TVO.

    THE NUMBERS: On this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, available for Patreon members here, we try to figure what is going on in British Columbia as more and more polls show the B.C. Conservatives closing the gap with (or even beating) David Eby's NDP. We also break down the results of last week's two provincial byelections in Ontario. In the mailbag, we tackle the polling woes of Justin Trudeau's Liberals and more. Finally, Philippe has another Quiz this week — though one that's a tad easier than last week's.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • On this episode of The Numbers, we discuss some BIG numbers that Pierre Poilievre and the Conservatives are putting up in both national polls and first-quarter fundraising. What does this mean for Justin Trudeau? Plus, we chat about an odd poll out of British Columbia ahead of that province's fall election.

    In our mailbag, we answer a question on Poilievre and the PPC vote, and Philippe takes no pity on me in my weakened state in this week's edition of The Quiz.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers, get early access to episodes every Thursday, an extended mailbag segment and bonus episodes every second week, you can become a member of our Patreon site here.

    A regular episode of The Writ Podcast will be back in this feed next week!

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox or at, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can also find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts!

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    LES CHIFFRES: QuĂ©bec solidaire en dĂ©sarroi Éric et Philippe discutent des plus rĂ©cents sondages au QuĂ©bec, de l'avance du Parti quĂ©bĂ©cois et des appuis au PLQ chez les communautĂ©s anglophones et allophones au QuĂ©bec. De plus, nous analysons la dĂ©mission de la co-porte-parole de QuĂ©bec solidaire, Émilise Lessard-Therrien. Est-ce que QuĂ©bec solidaire devra effectuer des rĂ©formes Ă  l'interne pour espĂ©rer une croissance de ses appuis ? Les membres de QS accepteront-ils des tels changements ? Nous discutons ensuite des plus rĂ©cents sondages fĂ©dĂ©raux qui nous indiquent que l'Ă©cart entre les libĂ©raux et conservateurs semble se creuser davantage. Selon LĂ©ger, Abacus Data et Nanos, le PCC mĂšne maintenant par 20 points (et plus) au pays. Vous pouvez regarder ce balado sur YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • More than a week after Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland presented her federal budget, we still don’t officially know whether it will pass a vote in the House of Commons as the NDP’s Jagmeet Singh hasn’t committed to supporting it. What’s behind his party’s will-they-or-won’t-they dance?

    Considering where the polls stand today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberals certainly need the budget to pass to avoid an election. They also hope it will start a positive trend that will help them close the gap on Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives. But early indications are that it isn’t having the desired effect — at least not yet.

    To break down the politics of the budget and where things go from here, I’m joined this week by Stephanie Levitz of the Toronto Star and the CBC’s Aaron Wherry.

    THE NUMBERS: On this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, available for Patreon members here, Philippe and I chat about the latest numbers on how Canadians are reacting to the budget. We also delve into some polling controversy in Quebec where two different polls report two very different situations in the province.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This week, we assess the pros and the cons of an election for the New Democrats as Jagmeet Singh mulls whether or not to support the Liberal budget. We also chat about an upset PC victory in a Newfoundland and Labrador byelection as well as another poll showing the B.C. Conservatives on the move. We answer listener questions, including whether there is a Joe Manchin-style riding in the House of Commons, and Philippe is put to the test with a Quiz about past busy electoral calendars.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers, get early access to episodes every Thursday, an extended mailbag segment and bonus episodes every second week, you can become a member of our Patreon site here.

    A regular episode of The Writ Podcast will be back in this feed next week!

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox or at, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can also find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts!

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    LES CHIFFRES: Le troisiĂšme rĂ©fĂ©rendum : une « certitude » Philippe et Éric discutent du discours de Paul St-Pierre Plamondon lors du conseil national du Parti quĂ©bĂ©cois, lors duquel il a affirmĂ© qu'il y aura assurĂ©ment un troisiĂšme rĂ©fĂ©rendum sur la souverainetĂ© du QuĂ©bec avant la fin de la dĂ©cennie. Était-ce une bonne stratĂ©gie ? Est-ce que l'aiguille des sondages bougera suite Ă  ce discours (d'un cĂŽtĂ© comme de l'autre) ? Nous discutons ensuite du dĂ©part du whip de la CAQ, Éric Lefebvre, qui portera les couleurs du Parti conservateur de Pierre Poilievre aux prochaines Ă©lections fĂ©dĂ©rales. Est-ce que d'autres dĂ©putĂ©s caquistes pourraient ĂȘtre tentĂ©s de faire le saut dans la prochaine annĂ©e ? Vous pouvez regarder ce balado sur YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • The federal budget is only being presented next week, but already we know a lot of its highlights — thanks to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau laying it all out for us ahead of time. What’s behind this unusual strategy, and will the Liberals be able to use the budget to change the dial?

    Plus, what position does Trudeau’s jurisdictional fights with the premiers put Pierre Poilievre in? And with the New Democrats losing three veteran MPs who won’t run in the next election, what’s the state of the NDP?

    To break it all down, the political pollsters are back.

    Dan Arnold, chief strategy officer at Pollara, was director of research and advertising in Justin Trudeau’s prime minister's office and the Liberals’ pollster during the last three federal election campaigns.

    Andrew Enns is executive vice-president at LĂ©ger. He conducted polling for the Conservatives in Stephen Harper’s last three campaigns and has polled for provincial conservative parties across Canada.

    James Valcke is director of research and strategy at Viewpoints Research, which has polled for the NDP in elections across the country. He has worked on various central campaigns, including Jack Layton's breakthrough 2011 election.

    THE NUMBERS: On this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, available for Patreon members here, Philippe and I chat about about fresh national polling numbers that suggest the pre-budget rollout the Liberals have embarked upon has not yet had an impact on public opinion. We also discuss the retirement of three veteran NDP MPs and some new poll numbers out of British Columbia and Alberta.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This week on The Numbers, we discuss the latest federal polls and whether or not the gap is narrowing between the Conservatives and the Liberals. We also delve into the question of whether Chinese interference in the 2021 election cost Erin O'Toole seats and his job. Plus, two byelections have been called in Ontario. What to make of the races in Milton and Lambton–Kent–Middlesex?

    In our mailbag, we answer questions on how upcoming provincial elections could impact the next federal election and whether voters care about jurisdictional squabbles. Finally, Philippe has a new Quiz format for me.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers and to get early access to episodes every Thursday, you can become a member of our Patreon site here. Every second episode of The Numbers (the episodes that are not in this The Writ Podcast feed) is for Patreon members only.

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox or at, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts! You can also find them at the links below:

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    LES CHIFFRES: Les GaspĂ©siens triomphent (malgrĂ© leur nombre) Philippe et moi discutent de l'abandon du projet de redĂ©coupage de la carte Ă©lectorale au QuĂ©bec. La GaspĂ©sie et l'est de MontrĂ©al garderont leurs siĂšges, alors que les Laurentides et le Centre-du-QuĂ©bec continueront d'ĂȘtre sous-reprĂ©sentĂ©s. Le gouvernement a-t-il manquĂ© de courage dans ce dossier ? Nous discutons ensuite des derniers chiffres fĂ©dĂ©raux de LĂ©ger au QuĂ©bec et ailleurs au pays, puis nous rĂ©pondons aux questions de nos membres et auditeurs. Vous pouvez regarder ce balado sur YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • The Alberta New Democrats are looking for a new leader to replace Rachel Notley, and the campaign got a jolt this week when Rakhi Pancholi, one of the top contenders, withdrew from the running to throw her weight behind former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi.

    It raises many questions about the state of the race — including whether or not it’s already over.

    To break it all down, I’m joined this week by two people who know the Alberta NDP very well. Leah Ward is vice president at Wellington Advocacy and Cheryl Oates is co-host of The Discourse podcast, and both previously served as director of communications for Rachel Notley.

    THE NUMBERS: On this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, available for Patreon members here, Philippe and I chat about the last week’s national polls, as well as some new numbers out of Ontario, B.C. and Alberta, in particular on the Alberta NDP leadership race.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This week, Philippe and I chat about some of the latest federal numbers and how a trio of provincial Liberal leaders have come out against the carbon tax, putting Justin Trudeau in a bind. We also discuss what the political future of Liberal MP Anthony Housefather could mean for his riding on the island of Montreal. Plus, we have provincial polling out of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Quebec, we answer some mailbag questions and Philippe puts me to the test with The Quiz.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers and to get early access to episodes every Thursday, you can become a member of our Patreon site here. Every second episode of The Numbers (the episodes that are not in this The Writ Podcast feed) is for Patreon members only.

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts! You can also find them at the links below:

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    LES CHIFFRES: François Legault est-il devenu un boulet pour son parti ? Cette semaine, Philippe et moi discutent du plus récent sondage québécois de la maison Léger. Le PQ a creusé davantage l'écart avec la CAQ et le taux de satisfaction du gouvernement continue de chuter. Sera-t-il possible pour la CAQ de remonter la pente et, pour y arriver, aura-t-elle besoin d'un changement de chef ? Nous décortiquons aussi les chiffres fédéraux du sondage, en particulier les données pour la région de la Capitale-Nationale. Le Bloc aurait-il dépassé les conservateurs à Québec ? Vous pouvez regarder ce balado sur YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Last fall, I was joined by David Coletto, Chair and CEO of Abacus Data, to take a look at the new voter coalition that the Conservatives were building with a deep dive into his polling data. It was a really fascinating dissection of the polls, so I invited David back again on this week’s episode of The Writ Podcast for another deep dive — this time into the demographics of the Canadian electorate.

    Using a compilation of multiple polls conducted over the last few months, we look at age, gender, education and occupational splits in voting intentions and whether there are any regional differences in each party’s voter profiles. We also discuss who those people are who have switched from one party to another and just what makes them tick.

    THE NUMBERS: On this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, available for Patreon members here, Philippe and I chat about the entry of Naheed Nenshi into the Alberta NDP leadership race. We also chat about the latest national polls, how the premiers are faring and answer listener questions, including on Conservative seat prospects in Quebec and on Vancouver Island.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, is the proof of the polls in Durham? We break down the results of this week's federal byelection as well as some new national polls. We then answer listener questions about the NDP's performance, the possibility of having an interim PM forced onto the hustings, and whether the Conservatives have the biggest tent. Then, Philippe tests my knowledge of a pivotal Ontario election.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers and to get early access to episodes every Thursday, you can become a member of our Patreon site here. Every second episode of The Numbers (the episodes that are not in this The Writ Podcast feed) is for Patreon members only.

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts! You can also find them at the links below:

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    LES CHIFFRES: Que restera-t-il du PLC au QuĂ©bec ? Dans ce nouvel Ă©pisode du balado Les chiffres, Philippe et Éric discutent du plus rĂ©cent sondage Pallas Data pour le QuĂ©bec. Les appuis aux PQ ont-ils plafonnĂ© ? La CAQ a-t-elle freinĂ© sa glissade ? Nous dĂ©cortiquons ensuite les derniers sondages fĂ©dĂ©raux au QuĂ©bec qui ont mesurĂ© une baisse importante des appuis aux libĂ©raux de Justin Trudeau. Que resterait-il du PLC au QuĂ©bec si ces chiffres devaient se concrĂ©tiser ? Nous rĂ©pondons ensuite aux questions de nos membres, puis Philippe soumet un quiz Ă  Éric sur des personnalitĂ©s politiques quĂ©bĂ©coises. Vous pouvez regarder ce balado sur YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • On Monday, voters in the Ontario riding of Durham will be going to the polls for a federal byelection to fill the seat vacated by former Conservative leader Erin O’Toole. It’ll be the culmination of what has been months of preparing for this contest. But what goes into running a byelection campaign?

    On this episode of The Writ Podcast, I’m joined by two seasoned campaigners to answer that.

    Fred DeLorey is a former national campaign manager for the Conservative Party and was also director of political operations under Stephen Harper. He’s now host of the iPolitics podcast, On Background with Fred DeLorey, and partner at NorthStar Public Affairs.

    Melissa Cotton spent over 20 years as a volunteer and staffer for the Liberal Party and provincially. She has managed or worked on multiple local election and by-election campaigns and served in several central campaign war rooms.

    THE NUMBERS: On this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, available for Patreon members here, Philippe and I broke down the latest federal, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada polls and set our over/under lines for the Durham byelection.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    Join me and Philippe J. Fournier on Monday night at 8:30 PM Eastern for our livestream of the Durham byelection results on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • A new poll shows the NDP within spitting distance (yes, Philippe, that's a real thing) of the Liberals in the race for second place. What should we make of it — and some recent controversies that are dogging the Liberals? We also discuss new poll numbers showing the Ontario Liberals well ahead of the NDP for runner-up status behind Doug Ford, as well as a survey on the race to become the leader of the opposition Alberta New Democrats. We answer questions on federal fundraising, the split on the right in B.C. and the linguistic split in New Brunswick. Then, Philippe quizzes me on some provincial premiers.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers and to get early access to episodes every Thursday, you can become a member of our Patreon site here. Every second episode of The Numbers (the episodes that are not in this The Writ Podcast feed) is for Patreon members only.

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts! You can also find them at the links below:

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This week on The Writ Podcast, I’ve reconvened the panel of political pollsters to discuss all the latest in federal politics, including Jagmeet Singh’s threat to pull out of his party’s agreement with the Liberals, the recent candidate nominations for the Conservatives and whether or not it’s a good idea for Justin Trudeau to try to tie Pierre Poilievre to Donald Trump. We also set expectations for the upcoming byelection in Durham.

    Dan Arnold, chief strategy officer at Pollara, was director of research and advertising in Justin Trudeau’s prime minister's office and the Liberals’ pollster during the last three federal election campaigns.

    Andrew Enns is executive vice-president at LĂ©ger. He conducted polling for the Conservatives in Stephen Harper’s last three campaigns and has polled for provincial conservative parties across Canada.

    James Valcke is director of research and strategy at Viewpoints Research, which has polled for the NDP in elections across the country. He has worked on various central campaigns, including Jack Layton's breakthrough 2011 election.

    THE NUMBERS: On this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, available for Patreon members here, Philippe and I chatted about the Liberals’ polling woes and the latest survey that puts the Saskatchewan NDP in first place. The next regular episode of The Numbers will be in this feed next Friday.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • This week, Philippe and I discuss the latest threats from the New Democrats to rip up their confidence-and-supply agreement with the Liberals and just how likely it is that this could lead to the fall of the government. We also chat about new polls on how Canadians view support for Ukraine and where the parties stand in Quebec as chatter increases on the possibility of a third referendum on sovereignty. Plus, we discuss an upset byelection win in P.E.I., answer listener questions and I put Philippe to the test with another Quiz.

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers and to get early access to episodes every Thursday, you can become a member of our Patreon site here. Every second episode of The Numbers (the episodes that are not in this The Writ Podcast feed) is for Patreon members only.

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    You can find The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres wherever you get your podcasts! You can also find them at the links below:

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Provincial byelections are happening in Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island, but those aren’t the only votes that are being chased in Atlantic Canada. With the polls suggesting Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives have made significant gains in the region, candidates are beginning to emerge as contenders to take on Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, who used to be the dominant force in Atlantic Canada.

    To update us on the latest in provincial and federal politics in their two provinces, I’m joined this week by Mike Connors, co-anchor of the NTV Evening Newshour and former legislative reporter, and Teresa Wright, freelance political journalist and former national reporter with the Canadian Press and Global News.

    (If you’re looking for this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, it is available for Patreon members here. The next regular episode of The Numbers will be in this feed next Friday.)

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Are cracks starting to show in the Liberal caucus — and can more of them be prevented if the polling numbers don't improve? Philippe and I also discuss views on health care, new numbers out of Alberta and dive into the listener mailbag. What happens if Donald Trump is unable to be the nominee? And what about the Conservatives' new star recruit in British Columbia?

    To join the Discord page for The Numbers and to get early access to episodes every Thursday, you can become a member of our Patreon site here. Every second episode of The Numbers (the episodes that are not in this The Writ Podcast feed) is for Patreon members only.

    As always, in addition to listening to the episode in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    If you want to add The Numbers and our French-language podcast Les chiffres to your favourite podcasting app, you can find them at the links below:

    Apple Podcasts: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    Spotify: The Numbers / Les chiffres

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • British Columbia, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick are all scheduled to go to the polls in October, making 2024 an election year in all three provinces. While voting won’t take place for months, parties in these three provinces are preparing for their upcoming campaigns.

    So, to keep you up to date on where things stand, I’ll be dipping into these three provinces periodically throughout 2024 on The Writ Podcast. To help me do that this week, I’m join by Richard Zussman, Global News legislative reporter in Victoria, B.C., Adam Hunter, the CBC’s provincial affairs reporter in Regina, Saskatchewan, and Jacques Poitras, the CBC’s provincial affairs reporter in Fredericton, New Brunswick.

    In addition to listening to this episode of The Writ Podcast in your inbox, at or on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, you can also watch this episode on YouTube.

    If you’re looking for this week’s episode of The Numbers podcast, it is available for Patreon members here. The next regular episode of The Numbers will be in this feed next Friday.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit