
  • Institutions bring people together to achieve impact, to deliver change, and to solve some of societies largest problems. Facing concurrent crises of conflict, health, climate, inequality, and even democracy -- humanity has never needed institutions more. Yet in recent years, research shows that too many of our institutions have become less trusted, seen as less relevant, or inefficient. Many are generations old, having been envisioned and created following the second World War. All too often the incentives that drive them are outdated or even prevent progress on the biggest challenges we face. Given how much has changed in societies, the urgency for diversity & inclusion, and the transformation opportunity that the digital era brings – we think it is time to reimagine institutions so they can be reformed and rebuilt .... and more fit for today’s world and the future. In our pursuit of contributing to a better world for humanity, later this year the Yellow House will be launching a discussion series around the future institution. we want to hear ideas and perspectives from a diverse group of people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, ages, positions, from inside institutions and outside institutions, and of course, impacted people themselves.

    We want to hear your ideas on how institutions can deliver better on impact and how they can regain trust.

    Email your ideas to [email protected] Find The Yellow House or Shanelle Hall on LinkedIn or Instagram
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