
  • Davis K. Brimberg, Ph.D., has written a book about the paranormal phenomena, and in this episode, we explore some of the topics in there. Get ready for a conversation about what traditional academic psychology leaves out!! Davis K. Brimberg is a psychologist, a Scorpio rising, and admirable unafraid of wild animals.

    TAP in as we discuss themes such as:

    Psychic experiences

    Major figures in the field of parapsychology

    Abraham Lincoln’s precognitions

    Inner awareness and external reality

    When there is no evidence that life is going to change

    Psychic experiences around emotionally intense situations

    Owl handling and owl symbolism

    Owls in ancient Egypt

    Owls and Lilith- and the idea that psychic abilities are dangerous and bad

    Owls as great listeners!


    Premonition – a forewarning

    Reflections on phobias being connected to past lives

    Children remembering previous personalities

    Birthmarks that point to past lives

    I hope you enjoy this episode!

    See below for more on Davis and her book.


    Mannahs website:

  • Dr. Owen Roberts, PhD, has been offering shamanic training for over 30 years and has advanced experience with shamanic healing. Today we speak about how he says, that the planet cannot sustain either our current global economy or anywhere near the current population levels. Dr. Owen Roberts have been working to avert the climate crisis via shamanism since 1979, but now believes we have passed the point where it can be averted, and now entered the stage of collapse they sought to avoid. His focus is now on developing social, agricultural and spiritual structures to save the best of what we have as we move into the next dark age.

    TAP in as we speak about:

    Can you call yourself a shaman, and is it possible to curse someone? Treating nature as a family member The heart is the source What the spirit guides of the time said about Covid and the decline in health The wave of beings currently working to destroy humanity If you exceed your climate limits, your civilization will collapse The system is designed to exploit Shorten the distance people have to travel Ceremony of little bits of life Connection with the environment The importance of examining your values It's not the consumer that's the problem Invest money in renewables Nuclear power – the mother earth will curse you Shamanic systems of resistance Technological determinism A heartfelt connections to nature and spiritual beings Detecting and understanding the spirit beings which are called “social media algorithms” Psychic manifestations of the human race (this point is so interesting!!)


    Find more on Dr. Owen Roberts here:

    Mannahs website is:

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  • Welcome to the third and - for now - last segment with John Clarke, a passionate and dedicated IFS teacher and podcast host (Going Inside). In this episode, we explore the theme of anxiety through the lens of working with parts and Self. While this concludes the planned little series on IFS, I’m hopeful that John Clarke will come back for more IFS insights sometime in the future.

    NOW for this this episode, we discuss:

    - Threat Response in the nervous system

    - Downward Arrow Technique (used in several therapies, NARM included) to really located the core fear/belief

    - How parts hold and express anxiety and fear and the practise of being okay without knowing

    - Is anxiety a part? (We who have seen "Inside out 2" kind of think it might be this orange part??)

    - Fear of being taken advantage of

    - What happens when a part has no translatable message when interviewed (by yourself or in a therapy session)

    - The importance of starting the process by working with protectors

    - Understanding the inner critic as a protective response

    - Repressed anger and its impact

    - Fear / Anger that don’t need to be acted out

    - Expressing emotions from multiple parts to acknowledge yourself, without focusing on the responses from other people

    - In therapy session - how do we work with unfinished business, in the active imagination

    - Collective anxiety and the importance of validating the difficulty of not knowing what the future holds

    - BEING WITH (as oppose to doing something

    - And two points in the end: From John about feeling fear and doing it anyway as one way of healing the anxiety - and from Mannah just the sense that it holds spiritual importance to overcome fear and anxiety and enter into peace of mind

    Happy you are with us - I think we need this if we want to overcome anxiety, to speak openly about it, try and understand it to transform it & liberate from it.


    Find more on John Clarke:

    Going Inside Podcast:

    My website:

    Hey if you want to the video versions, they reside here:

  • Phil Mollon PhD is a psychoanalyst, clinical psychologist, and energy psychotherapist. He has pioneered the development of Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy and teaches Blue Diamond Healing, which he will guide us through in this interview. Get ready to tap into deeper healing work and explore the philosophy of healing from an energetic standpoint. Phil Mollon’s journey can perhaps be seen in his authorship—I ask him about that, and he says it’s on a continuum. Here are his books listed; I just like the sound of the titles even:

    The Fragile Self: The Structure of Narcissistic Disturbance
    Multiple Selves, Multiple Voices: Working with Trauma, Violation, and Dissociation
    Remembering Trauma: A Psychotherapist's Guide to Memory and Illusion
    Freud and False Memory Syndrome
    The Unconscious
    Releasing the Self: The Healing Legacy of Heinz Kohut
    Shame and Jealousy: The Hidden Turmoils
    EMDR and the Energy Therapies: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
    Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy: Inspired by Thought Field Therapy, EFT, TAT, and Seemorg Matrix
    The Disintegrating Self: Psychotherapy with Adult ADHD, Autistic Spectrum, and Somato-psychic Conditions
    Pathologies of the Self: Exploring Narcissistic and Borderline States of Mind

    AND the one we speak of today:
    "Blue Diamond Healing: Exploring Transpersonal and Trans-Dimensional Aspects of Energy Psychotherapy" from Karnac 2022

    In this chapter of TAP we talk about themes such as:

    -Energy Psychology Approaches
    - Freud and Libido - similar to descriptions of life force
    - We do the actual Blue Diamond healing!
    - The energy system is where information is stored
    - Congruence and coherence
    - Unconscious objections and sabotage patterns
    - The American commercial culture in the energy healing business - yet they all work very well by activating the subtle energy system
    -Creating necessary entropy in the too-ordered patterns in the mind

    - Pathogens and parasites and intrusions that give rise to dysfunctional patterns

    -Errant coding that can exist in a number of higher dimensions

    - The reason why psychedelic work

    - The Blue Diamond Healing and the high heart point as direct access point to the unified field

    - The work of William Tiller

    - Why we attract more of the same


    -Transference in a new light

    - How the blue diamond field will bring about what we ask, if we dont have internal objections - but what if we have unconscious traumatized parts of us that do object to healing?

    - Coherent thoughts expressed in coherent sentences that can work like magic

    And much more


    Find the book we speak of right here:

    Phil Mollons website:

    Phil Mollon also recommends the website of Noel Tobin, who describes very clearly some of the background science:

    Mannahs website:

  • Do you know about and or practice Energy Psychotherapy? Our guest today, Ruthie Smith, is the Director on a Training Programme teaching energy psychotherapy to counsellors and psychotherapists (run by Energy Psychotherapy Training Ltd.)

    I (Mannah) am over the moon about her book, "Energy, Soul-Connecting and Awakening Consciousness: Psychotherapy in a New Paradigm", as it serves as an essential meeting place for different methods and ways of thinking within contemporary trauma therapy, while being rooted in ancient wisdom.

    I had an extended interview with Ruthie because the information in her book is vast. You can choose to listen, pause, and come back to it as many times as needed. Personally, I love the long format, and you might too as you join us.

    Here’s what you’ll hear about if you choose to stay with us:

    Ruthie Smith weaves together insights from neurobiology, epigenetics, and consciousness studies, presenting a framework that alleviates trauma and fosters self-awareness and personal transformation. The meaning of multidimensionality The interconnections of mind and body. How to experience ease and grace in the flow. Methods for clearing trauma from both past and present life. Realising Interdependence From 3D to 5D Quantum Mechanics A glimpse of awakening Manifestation David Hawkins scale (levels of consciousness) The Veils of the ego Past lives coming through into this life Clearing repetition compulsion The aquarian age and aquarian technology How to feel better much quicker The way out of suffering Clearing the clouds of our emotions SHAME Exploring the shift in consciousness and accessing different timelines as part of personal healing and growth. Heart consciousness - PRESENCE Synchronicity Pure Awareness- the light of our true nature A snake unwinding The 4 ways to handle poisoned plants - different antidotes to negative emotions The path of liberation Tantra, the path of joy Dharma - discernment Spiritual principles The noble truths Dhogzhen Are we egoistical or coming from the heart? Traumatic invalidation - when ones own perception is being invalidated - scapegoat archetype Energetic Boundaries Our DNA, how we come from the starts and originally had 12 strands of DNA God Eternal within the body The wisdom in the unconscious The trauma of our age as being disconnected from soul

    Thank you for listening- Be aware of a correction from Ruthie: "Made a mistake with yanas around 56/57 minutes – I say that the first ‘noble truth’ of the Buddha is to do no harm – I was muddled and this is incorrect. I meant to say

    ‘the first teaching of the Buddha– i.e the first turning of the wheel of the dharma’ - was to do no harm

    Similarly it isn’t the 2nd ‘Noble truth’ with Mahayana –

    instead say ‘the second teaching of the Buddha– i.e the second turning of the wheel of the dharma’ "


    Here is the book Energy, Soul Connecting and Awakening Consciousness - Psychotherapy in a New Paradigm:

    Learn more about Ruthies work: Contact: [email protected] Find Mannah:
  • Let’s tap into embodied learning, the role of neuroscience in therapeutic work and energetic experiences. I’m so pleased to welcome therapist, teacher, and speaker Kim Barthel. She is a seasoned educator with 40 years of experience- Kim Barthel travels the world providing workshops and mentorship to therapists, educators, social workers, physicians, special-needs care providers, and parents.

    With her Sagittarian storytelling and value put on the experienced insights, we are well set up to tap in to these themes:

    - Neuroplasticity and its role in knowing

    - Why embodiment might come first

    - Kim’s definition of healing

    - The power of alignment and the expansive tension in us

    - The difference between delusional optimism and having hope

    - Spiritual connection and its relationship with the nervous system

    - How polyvagal theory can ease shame

    - The neurobiology of compassion and connection

    - The attachment center in the brain

    - Astrology’s transformative help—when it’s truly felt

    - Staying curious and evolving our knowledge beyond the current research is essential

    - Can talk therapy address somatic issues?

    - Neurodevelopmental treatment and its impact

    - Learning as an ongoing, layered process

    - The magic of presence and energetic experiences that are not measurable

    - The need for multi-sensory engagement in effective therapy

    - The missing emphasis on energy compared to earlier

    - Keep learning!!!

    Plus, a quick look at the astrological archetypes of Sagittarius, Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius.

    Much love and thank you for listening!!

    Learn more about Kim Barthel here:

    My website is:

  • Happy New Year! I want to sprinkle some good energy in yor direction, so I’ve invited a great astrologer and writer. Gray Crawford is a full-time astrologer, and as he shares in this episode, his career really took off with Neptune in Pisces. Now, Neptune is changing signs, coming into a conjunction with Saturn. Mercury will be up to all sorts of tricks, the nodes are shifting signs, we got eclipses, Mars-Pluto dynamics — there’s a lot to look at! Gray is incredibly helpful in this episode, guiding us through what it all might mean and I do recommend his writings - see links below.

    Best wishes — and remember, YOU HAVE A PLACE TO CALL WHOLE — even if you find yourself alone on New Year’s Eve, surrounded by annoying people, or experiencing anything in between.

    Let’s catch up in the new year! We’ve still got lots to tap into, and I personally have a few solo episodes I want to create as well — let’s see how it will all go down in 2025!


    FIND MORE ABOUT Gray Crawford right here:

    I recommend his blog:

    His youtube is:

    My web is:

  • “Someone who senses other people’s needs, problems, feelings, or pain and shows compassion for what the other person is going through.” This is the definition of sensitivity that Brid O'Donoghue writes about in her book "The Mystery of the Sensitive Child":

    How can something so loving pose a challenge? We explore exactly that in this episode. Meet Brid O'Donoghue, author and spiritual healer, for a deep and meaningful conversation. Find links to her book and other work below.

    Here are some key points we discuss in this episode:

    Levels of sensitivity

    Sensitivity connected to spirituality

    Being grounded to not be pulled into other peoples energy

    The difference between disconnecting and switching off emotions

    Dissociation, How to emotionally step out and then not being able to remember school

    It’s not daydreaming — it’s survival

    Are you okay? Being a caring person versus what do they want from me?

    The habit of switching off as an adult

    Remembering that it’s safe to be in your body and be present

    The concept of running two emotional programs simultaneously

    T-shirt exercise

    The energy that impacts us the most is the one that was around us when we were small

    Anger - picking up on frustration

    Not understanding sensitivity can lead to great trauma

    Fight-or-flight response - the flaw - and living on the edge

    Even when we want to keep everyone safe, we can become the bear Identify the triggers and talk them off the cliff

    Calming tools for when kids are overwhelmed in class

    Different types of coping to try and control the situation

    Talking the day (I may have misheard this, but I liked it anyway) to come up with a strategic plan for the next day

    To not like the texture of things for example - figuring out what calms them and using it to their advantage- finding something they like the feeling of in this case Child friendly ways to bring them into the present

    I hope you enjoy this episode and discover the hidden gems in it about this massive theme of sensitivity and Brid O'Donoghue's remarkable work in the field.

    - Mannah

    THE BOOK we speak about:

    Find more from Brid right here:

    My website is:

  • "Being isn't selfing — selfing is something we do to get something right. But if we approach life as though something is wrong, we become obsessed with what is right."
    (Quote from Dr. Michael Smith around 70 minutes in)

    There’s no way I can summarize this conversation!! You just have to lie down, press play, and soak in Dr. Michael Smith's incredible inspiration.

    I know Michael from the podcast Primordial Dao, Present Dao, but he is also an internationally respected clinician, author, speaker, and professor. As a doctor, he combines Functional Medicine, Evolutionary Nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Meditation, Breathwork, and Qi Gong to support individuals with autoimmune conditions, complex trauma, and addiction. I copied this intro from his website, which you can find below.

    What I can summarize is that we speak about something like this:

    Assessing clients

    Intimacy and wisdom

    The difference between knowledge and wisdom

    Not practical but practicable

    A bit of Aries combat and survivalism

    Boundaries and how to care for your energy and woundedness

    Trauma bonding

    The authors of the DSM

    The DSM in the context of an industrial process

    Mercury in Pisces, because interviewing Michael feels out of this world

    The need for four hours of silence — the hippocampus can grow back

    If you keep waking up in the middle of the night, it might mean you need more silence

    Anchoring your spirit

    Exploring PTSD from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective (Qing Zhi Bing — Traumatic and Emotionally Disorienting Wounds)

    Recognizing capacities and limits

    The skill set needed for helping people

    Emotionally disorienting wounds

    Your state of being — the person's vibe

    Your story and your "why"

    What we are certain we need to do

    The scars we have as the tapestry of our soul

    Imitating the client to better feel what life is like for them

    Ancient languages with verbs — sharing in relation, in experience

    What the client thinks of the world

    Metaphors to understand a quality

    How we all orient toward meaning

    Adaptive capacity

    Why TCM doesn’t really diagnose people

    Caring for clients’ symptomatic well-being while also helping them heal themselves

    The Six F's — we explore fawning

    The universe finding the center

    Different PTSD expressions

    Treating the sense of self

    How maturing spiritually changes how you relate to your symptoms

    A wound in the stomach (gastric ulcer) and how to relate to that "stress place" metaphorically


    The importance of bonding with others rather than shaming experiences

    When soothing your pain makes you feel isolated and deep in existential pain

    When life becomes a matter of just getting through the pain

    The distress caused by diagnostic labels

    Training the mind and heart

    The self as a date at the prom

    Behind spirit is soul — but what is it like? Reorienting ourselves from literal phenomena to mindful awareness

    A rite of passage to let your self go

    Coming to truth rather than bouncing between extremes

    How healing begins with grieving and ends with gratitude

    I really hope you enjoy this as much as I do.

    — Mannah

    LINKS to find more on Dr. Michael Smith:

    Embodied Psychotherapy, Spiritual Recapitulation, and Traditional Chinese Medicine course:

    Connect with Michael online:


    [email protected]

    Books (Kindle)

    Qi Gong Book – Beginning Your Qi Gong Healing Journey

    Returning to an Ancestral Diet

    The podcast I know Dr. Michael Smith from - recommend it:

    Mannahs website:

  • Is it a part or your Self? Can I be in Self 100 percent while still wanting my clients not to hurt themselves? Is who I think I am truly me, or a manager? When an exile has been healed, do I still carry it within me? How do I know my parts are real and not just something I’ve made up? If you sometimes wonder about questions like these, this episode is for you!

    This is the second episode in the series with John Clarke, helping us tap deeper into Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Parts Work. John is the Clinical Director of Calm Again Counseling, a member of the IFS teaching staff at IFSCA, and the host of the podcast Going Inside: Healing Trauma from the Inside Out.

    Listen in as we speak about topics such as:

    ⎯ Honoring your parts by naming them
    ⎯ Being Self-led
    ⎯ How we quickly get into our parts, for example when it becomes really important to be understood
    ⎯ Noticing your body as your parts ask if their services are needed
    ⎯ Understanding the truth of the part
    ⎯ Managers burning out is one reason we go to therapy
    ⎯ Addictive parts and their intention
    ⎯ Having compassion for others softens their parts
    ⎯ Listening to angry parts
    ⎯ Asking parts: How are you trying to protect me?
    ⎯ How validation can lead to healing
    ⎯ Protectors, exiles, and perceived threats
    ⎯ We only get to know a handful of the players in our internal system
    ⎯ Parts mapping to deepen connection to parts
    ⎯ Restoring internal attachment: Will you be here when I need you the most? How much do I matter?
    ⎯ Adults still waiting for their parents to apologize
    ⎯ The self-like agenda in therapist parts that want to rescue clients
    ⎯ Protectors hurting for a good reason
    ⎯ Why it’s not helpful to shame protectors
    ⎯ Moving beyond a top-down approach that only manages symptoms
    ⎯ Why the goal is not to stop the behavior
    ⎯ Honoring separateness — don’t jump into the hole with people
    ⎯ John Clarke’s 84-year-old therapist’s words of love
    ⎯ The real job of a therapist/what therapists owe their clients
    ⎯ The paradox of healing: When you no longer need the client to get better, the client gets better
    ⎯ Empathy versus compassion
    ⎯ Why compassion fatigue doesn’t exist

    Thank you for being here — there’s definitely a part of me that wants you to stick around.

    - Mannah


    Find more on John Clarke:

    Going Inside Podcast:

    The podcast episode I mention in the end that hits home for me speaking about religious trauma, is right here:

    My website:

    Video version:

  • Welcome to the fourth chapter in the series about the work of Dr. Claus Springborg, who has a new book out — and it’s not a small one. We have plenty to talk about, and in this episode, we explore themes of agency, creating one’s own life, and how responsibility easily gets confused when situations are classified in certain ways.

    Tap in as we talk about:

    When and how we use automatic habits to create negative inner states, such as anxiety, nervousness about public speaking, and feeling personally attacked when given feedback. How we create our lives through unconscious processes and become alienated from our own creation and the world. Energy efficiency First, we create it, then fight it. Recognizing one’s own agency. If you are unaware that problems are your creations, you will not accept responsibility — how can we recognize what is within our control and what is not? Getting the identity upside down — the essence of who you are being confused with how you structure your experience. Seeing the machine room. Logical categories of learning with Gregory Bateson. "You can’t step into the same river twice," but the only way we can learn by trial and error is by classifying experiences as if they were the same. Classifications create the world to which you are reacting. Classifications that are unconscious and habitual. There is no true way of classifying situations — but one’s classifications have real effects. Not wanting to be mansplained to — and how to avoid it without having to change anyone else's behaviour. When the problem shows up in therapy several times but hasn’t been healed — and why that is not necessarily a problem.

    Find more on Dr. Claus Springborg right here:

    The book:

    Mannahs web:

  • Join us in tapping into a real 9th house discussion as we explore insights from the book "Where - The Metaphysics of Matter" by my guest Dennis CobĂ©lean. I highly recommend sticking around for this one, as it only gets better when we tap into topics like the universe, matter, energy, consciousness, and ultimately, the point of it all.

    Topics we discuss include:

    The idea that nothing is meaningless Treating everything as important and meaningful Creating balance and understanding energy patterns The story of Hakuin "When you let the energy from God or soul flow through your consciousness to your mind-body, it energizes the physical world" (quote from page 51) What matter is and what we are meant to do with it The Stone Ape Theory and its implications around psychedelics The relationship between beauty, matter, and the non-physical aspects of objects "You cannot manifest anything that your consciousness does not find useful for your journey"—what this means for personal development (quote from page 74) How non-moral beliefs become societal norms The mind’s challenge in grasping timelessness The tyranny of the mind and time Little mind and timeless mind The role of the hermit and loneliness in spiritual growth

    And much more. This episode is especially for those reflecting on the meaning of life and existence. As I said, 9th house matters.

    The astrology I mention is that Dennis was born on a lunar eclipse - An eclipse is a season finale, where everything is peaking, and when you are born on an eclipse, you can feel the pressure of everything that has been held back for generations, It also brings to a person that feeling of something special and of higher forces - kings and queens and other public figures are often born on eclipses - but what it means for a person in general is that there is so much happening through him, which can be overwhelming, and the person might slow it down in order not to drown in it.


    The book:

    My website:

  • "You are in a new phase of the Earth, and the old decisions with predictable outcomes are not necessarily there." This quote from author and spiritual channel Kim Chamberlain captures a central theme of her chapter: everything is shifting! Some souls are leaving to assist us from a higher frequency.

    Join us as we explore this new phase of the Earth and dive into key highlights from Kim’s contribution to the collaborative book Channelled Soul Messages: Guidance for Thriving in the World Today, written alongside six other authors. Each look at 14 life issues - its pretty cool put together!

    TAP in as we discuss:

    Ascension How Kim channels The bumps and the songs Change is coming, and you chose it Your visible and invisible work Attuning to a higher vibration to come into individual power and purpose Fear of missing out - and what you allow into your funnel The need to pause and slow down, especially because of INFORMATION OVERLOAD We vibrate at different levels Kids being born today as very different humans Is it possible to see your entire timeline? Society off track – the spiritual perspective Two aspects of loneliness The void and the need to retreat to reconnect with the soul Aries in the 12th house can mean: active self being spiritual connected- Pioneering for the collective purpose - Creative Intelligence (that comes from who knows where) (Kim shares a powerful affirmation fitting the Aries archetype: "Your way is your way," while the 12th house represents "the great unknown," which she mentions in the very beginning "do not go where the path may lead" as this piscean archetype is "the great unknown"-- and she expresses those spirit energies through her Mars (ruler of aries) in the third house, in her writing)

    I hope you enjoyed this insightful talk, and yes, its a new jingle playing, how are you coping? : -)

    Links to discover MORE about Kim Chamberlain:

    The Facebook group she runs ''Channelling Development & Spiritual Growth"

    Mannahs web:

  • Meet Anthony O’Connor for a wonderful conversation about Nature-Based Healing. This is a must-hear episode. Anthony is an East Asian medicine practitioner, writer, educator and host of the podcast “WesHtern Philosophy”. I heard him there, and KNEW I needed to speak with him. You might feel the same as you meet him here- when we discuss themes such as:

    -The enemies of healing
    -The illness is not the enemy
    -Not to blame yourself for being sick
    -Acknowledge, do not try to change it
    -The Liver sends the Qi up
    -Yin and Yang can be divided into different numbers of segments – all are valid
    -The 5 Phases
    -The model the patients need
    -What TCM and astrology might have in common
    -Back pain makes one seek alternative help
    -The biomedical framework is based on completely different principles than the 5 phases and acupoints
    -Intuition versus technique - Pisces-Virgo- Raw Nature versus intervention
    - When a treatment is not enough – move toward self-compassion
    -The smallest change that will have the largest impact
    -How to eat rather than what to eat
    -Herbal formulas
    -From working with the body and organs to working with words
    -The body can heal itself – not to chase every symptom
    -Mannah’s story of over-accommodating in therapy education rather than speaking up and risking it
    -Feeling better in the body from what happens in community
    - Setting off the mousetrap !!
    - Boundaries (Pisces theme of lacking them)
    - Heat that flares upward and rebellious qi
    - Regulating a pathology
    - Following a diet, feeling it’s a jungle of herbs and lifestyle advice
    - What is medically essential
    - Feeling over-responsibility for other people that illness is showing
    - Healthy adrenaline cycles versus chronic stress

    -Anthonys vision of community in stillness centers is a great match for that piscean transcendence of material needs ...just saying. Replenishment and sense of oneness.

    - The evolution of the soul (when speaking of astrology) and the importance of being process-oriented in reading for clients. It could be you patronize the client, and he feels boxed into some shadow he was in years ago- or the other way around: that you think, oh he has so much pisces, must be a saint, yet its more like an alcohol problem at the moment... point being: meeting the chart-owner will open the doors to what archetypal information is relevant and helpful

    - In the archetype of Pisces/Neptune, we want to live a happy life – Neptune has been in its own sign of Pisces since 2011 and that cycle ends in January 2026 (but already in march/april 2025 we have a taste of whats to come, when Neptune goes to Aries, its just that it retrogrades again into pisces) which symbolizes nature in its purest, untouched state, no interventions, the untamed and pristine wilderness. This influence is beyond the egoic control and it does dissolve what we think we know (depends on when it hits your specific chart per transit, but collectively speaking), leaving us to the wilderness, the unknown, simply said.


    Find the Weshtern Philosophy Podcast:

    The mentioned article:

    Anthony O'Connor’s website:

    Mannahs web:

  • Meet author, healer, and yoga teacher Helen Jane Rose who has channeled the book "The Coming Times: A Pathway to Inner Peace" through automatic writing. It comes from The Divine Council - Quote from the book:

    "The Divine Council explain themselves as an extension of Source energy, just like we are. They say that they are no different to us, only that they have remembered exactly who they are. All the beings in the council have had Earth lives and understand how hard it can be to return to the truth of who we really are. All council members achieved enlightenment whilst being on Earth"

    Our conversation about the book reveals precious information for the shift that is happening within and without. The book is a pathway out of darkness and it is infused with energetic codes to help us remember who we are and what we deserve and are capable of. If you feel the world is overwhelming, chaotic, or confusing, this conversation will offer guidance, and hope for navigating these transformative times.

    Helen Jane Rose had The Divine Council come through her, as she was writing. I hope you will listen in as we speak about:

    The planet is based on lies The New Earth activation within Transcending fears How to channel and automatic writing That we are supposed to feel good and have abundance and be selfish Shift in consciousness and ending generational trauma - Things aren't as they seem Divinity as our true nature What a new earth in fact means Out of the mind, into the stillness Become your true soul self Deconstruct history So much of what we are told isn't true Live from the soul If you have the need to fight the system, you still have inner work to do The need for change in the world and the inner shift that can bring that change From awakening to enlightenment Everything has a purpose Living in two realities A bit of 101 astrology

    You can find the book on Amazon or here:

    (we mention the small - and free- version here:

    Find more on Helen here:



    Mannahs website:

  • This episode is the first with John Clarke, who is a trauma therapist, IFS teacher, and host of the show GOING INSIDE. I (Mannah) truly believe that therapy can be life-transforming, but it's not always so right? It really depends on the type of therapy. Today, we are talking about the plural model of the mind, which I genuinely believe we need to carry into the future if we want to solve our major problems in the world. Well, let's start immediately, the future is now. I am so glad to be joined by John Clarke and since you are here - you are in for a treat too!

    John Clarke is a competent teacher; I know that from his online content and also from his birth chart, where it is evident that he only pursues reliable practices tested over time. JOIN US as we tap into the inner system of parts with protective roles or wounded parts and the Self, which is an innate presence in humans. Dick Schwartz has identified these qualities of the Self: curiosity, calmness, connectedness, clarity, compassion, caring, creativity, and courage—qualities that are accessible to everyone when parts separate. In this chapter, among other issues, we cover:
    — How traditional therapies relate to clients with depression and how a parts paradigm looks instead.
    — Therapeutic alliance through both lenses.
    — Neurodivergent ways of accommodating therapy.
    — CBT versus IFS.
    — Caution around working with parts, as it can be destabilizing.
    — Crisis counselors and the standard questions instead of looking behind the words "I am fine" (this is based on an example of mine, but really it highlights the need for a shift in how we treat and understand the human psyche).
    — Relating to ADHD parts through parts work, for example in context of dissociative parts
    — Derek Scott as one of John Clarke's main teachers and the grief from the loss of him in physical form.
    — Saturn and Uranus! Bringing evidence-based systems into the future requires a higher awareness and vantage point for us to thrive.

    GOOD NEWS: I have planned more meetings with John Clarke, as I love his approach and the way he works with precision and respect for the craft of therapeutic interventions. Subscribe so you know when the next part comes along.

    Links to find out more about John Clarke and his great work in the world:

    My web is:

  • Magali Morales is an Evolutionary Astrologer, Shamanic Healer, and Spiritual Counselor. In this chapter we talk about the nature of trauma therapy, how astrology can add to its effectiveness and how shamans retrieve soul parts, as well as finding wholeness through the newer non-pathologizing trauma-focused therapies.

    - Giving credit to psychologists who were also astrologers
    - To not stay stuck in anger, let it move through and get the message
    - How Shamanism understands that a part of your soul energy can separate from you at a time of trauma or loss
    - Fright or "Susto" as Mexican Shamans understand it: receiving a terrible shock
    - Soul retrieval - a shamanic healing practice aimed at recovering fragmented parts of the soul that have been "lost" during traumatic experiences
    - Empowerment - Extraction - Soul Retrieval--in this case, by the spirit of the Crow
    - Psychiatry as coping, not healing
    - Mexico has been reenacting the violence of colonization
    - Our current situation with refugees
    - The understanding that individual healing is not enough to heal a society. We need to understand and dismantle all the oppressions--including racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, disability oppression--in order to have true societal healing
    - And a lot more

    Find Magali Morales right here:

    Me Mannah here:

  • CeeJay Barnaby is a seasoned experiencer of contact with spirits, aliens, UFOs, fairies and multidimensional beings. As the host of the "Supernormalized podcast", he engages in conversations with people about their encounters with the "other," while exploring spiritual growth as a journey we all share.

    TAP in for an exploration into the extraordinary, CeeJay Barnaby, when we discuss themes such as:

    - The vision behind Supernormalized Podcast
    - How yoga was once seen as odd................
    - The shame surrounding spiritual encounters (possibly due to historical punishment—just my thought!)
    - Intuition and connecting with the "other"
    - Gemini and Scorpio Moon-Neptune: the importance of speaking your truth, when it’s scary, dark and mystical
    - Doorways to other universes
    - Meditation and dreamwork
    - CeeJay’s personal experiences with strange occurrences
    - Spirit Groups and the other side
    - Why we’re here in physical form
    - Whose dream is reality?
    - Letting spirit guide our life choices
    - When CeeJay stopped breathing as a communicator worked on him
    - Integrating experiences with otherworldly beings

    To find more on CeeJay, check out these links: Sign up for CeeJays upcoming book:

    Me, Mannah, here:

  • Indra Rinzler teaches Vedic astrology and the Enneagram (among other modalities), and in this conversation, we explore the combination of the two. Indra walks us through the Enneagram from his spiritual perspective and explains how he can see it reflected in a chart. Lean into this information-rich conversation as we discuss:

    - Indra's journey from astrology to spirituality
    - Enneagram as the 9-sided figure
    - How the Enneagram can teach us our core triggers and invite us to live in the moment
    - The core intelligences
    - A walkthrough of the Enneagram personality types
    - How we accommodate low energy/weak planets
    - Comparing instincts to the elements
    - How to find your type—and when you can't
    - The reality that if something disturbs you, you can change it within yourself instead of blaming outside energy
    - Vedic astrology predictions
    - The need to communicate and share, rather than the need for anyone to hear it
    - What personality type you gravitate towards when stressed
    - The wheel of totality
    - Blank spots and ignorance we don’t work on until after 50 years
    - Learning who you are—and letting go of it
    - The division chart
    - How you can see the chart of your spouse—or it might actually be your higher self
    - The healing process and the opportunity to grow—with a partner to mirror you
    - Resolving into seeing all points of view
    - The 4 doorways: Observe your reactions and thoughts - Let go and release what doesn't serve you - Stay with feelings as they run their course - Love yourself - Live in the moment

    Thank you for listening—I felt vibrant in this teaching. What about you? Leave a comment or send me an email.

    LINK to Indra Rinzler:

    To Mannah:

  • Glenn Harrold is a much-loved hypnotherapist whose hypnosis and meditations have and have had for many years a wide-reaching impact. In this episode, we tap into the incredible transformations possible by working with the unconscious mind. TAP in with us as we explore the following topics:

    The philosophy behind Glenn Harrold’s series of Solfeggio recordings and their ability to shift heavy emotions like guilt and shame Glenn Harrold’s journey to becoming successful, influential, and fulfilled in his personal life coming from a traumatic upbringing How to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma If hypnosis is so powerful, why aren’t we doing it all the time? (Hint: We are!) How sound and vibration can transform emotional states Glenn Harrold’s recommendations for self-hypnosis, including the best times when you are most open to trance Exploring the Astral Plane—projecting into the astral to feel free, raise your vibration, and stay safe in LOVE Understanding the spiritual war and how to heal Using frequencies to clear trauma and family karma ABUNDANCE—how meditation can help you attract financial wealth Why Glenn believes in soft selling and how true abundance involves giving How Glenn Harrold’s birth chart reflects his deep connection to collective service and global impact The importance of inner work—it’s everything!

    Keep raising your vibration!

    I hope you feel the powerful and light energy from this episode—I sure did! Thank you for being a part of this journey. Absolutely go enjoy the great productions of Glenn Harrold, if you haven't already—or repeat, repeat!


    Find out more about Glenn Harrold here:

    Watch for free on YouTube:

    Find Mannah for consults: