
  • On today’s episode, we’re diving deep into what it feels like when your dreams start to feel like that favorite sweater that’s gone through the dryer one too many times—tight, itchy, and just plain wrong. Meg Thompson is here to spill the tea on why this happens, how to stop clinging to outdated dreams, and what it really takes to step into your expansive self. Here’s what we’re unpacking:

    Why Your Dreams Feel Like They Shrunk in the Wash
    Learn why outgrowing old dreams is a sign of growth, not failure, and how to gracefully let go of what no longer fits without spiraling into an existential crisis.Reality is Optional, Babe
    We’re flipping the script on what’s “realistic” and redefining what freedom and abundance look like on your terms.Navigating the Awkward Gap Between Who You Were and Who You’re Becoming
    There’s a chasm between letting go of the old and embracing the new, and it can feel like you’re free-falling. We’re talking tips, tricks, and mindset shifts to help you make peace with the in-between.Bitter Medicine and Sweet Harvests
    Not every seed you plant is gonna taste like candy. Sometimes, the fruits of your labor are a little
 bitter. And that’s okay. Discover how to use those less-than-sweet moments as compost for your next big leap.

    Tune in and get ready to break up with smallness. Your bigger, more authentic self is waiting!

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  • Embrace the Cosmic Shifts: Riding the Tides of Change

    Harvest Season: It's time to reap what you've sown. Reflect on the seeds planted in spring—are you satisfied with the fruit, or are you tasting the bittersweet of outgrown dreams? Remember, it's natural to evolve beyond what once fit.Week 1 - Purification:Clear the Clutter: Pause and purge what's no longer yours, whether it's physical, mental, or emotional baggage. It's a season of abundance, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed—make space for what truly matters.Astro Insights:Uranus & Pluto Movements (Sept 1st): Expect pivots and changes. Uranus nudges us to clean and purify, while Pluto's final dance in Capricorn urges us to reclaim our power from outdated structures.New Moon in Virgo: Balance and boundaries come to the forefront. Avoid burnout by taking responsibility for your energy—let go of the need to do it all.Eclipse Portal: Brace for a feeling of being pushed. It's a transformative time, inviting us to shed the old and root down into deeper spaces of home and self.Week 2 - Creating Space:Distance for Clarity: Use this time to recalibrate your nervous system and understand who you are without constant enmeshment with others. Lean into symbiotic relationships over codependent ones.Astro Insights:Mercury Re-enters Virgo (Sept 9-15): Revisit themes from early August with a clearer mind. Take this opportunity to clean up loose ends and embrace slower, more deliberate steps forward.Eclipse Energy Intensifies: The cosmic shifts ask us to take space and allow what's not ours to fall away. Keep grounded as Sun squares Jupiter and Venus trines Jupiter.Week 3 - Embracing Mistakes:Mistakes as Growth: How do you handle missteps? This week, reframe your perspective—what if mistakes are simply a testament to your engagement with life?Astro Insights:Venus Trine Jupiter (Sept 15): Indulge in what feels expansive and pleasurable.Sun in Virgo, Moon in Pisces (Sept 17): An eclipse brings clarity and illumination. You might feel foggy or confused as Neptune weaves its mystical and compassionate energy, but stay curious and present.Week 4 - Navigating New Energies:The Weird & Wonderful: The world feels different, and that's okay. Embrace the disorientation and focus on finding your inner light to guide you through this transition.Astro Insights:Pluto Sweeping Through Capricorn: It's clear we can't go back—2025 promises a whole new wave of energy.Mercury Movements (Sept 25-26): As Mercury opposes Neptune and moves into Libra, expect creative but hazy vibes. This is a time for diplomacy and open communication. Keep your mind balanced as new ideas emerge.

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  • Welcome back to another episode of "This Crazy Little Thing Called Life" with your host, Meg Thompson! In this episode, Meg & resident Astrologer Stevie Calista dive deep into the Akashic and Astrology forecast for August, exploring the transformative energies that are awakening humanity.

    The Akashic Forecast for August reminds us that amid the wild winds of change, our very existence was born from chaos. This month, it's crucial to center ourselves, reconnect with our bodies, and create safe spaces for ourselves and others during these times of transformation.

    Week 1 (August 1-4): Tests our resilience, urging us to release what isn't ours and stand firm in our truth.Week 2: Challenges us to embrace change like a beautiful, fleeting sunset, focusing on its beauty rather than fear.Week 3: We are called to recognize ourselves as miracles, straddling between the past and the future.Week 4: Brings a wild, transformative energy as we choose ourselves over old habits.Week 5: Invites us to reflect on the month's journey and prepare for future transformations.

    Astrologically, August is a roller coaster of expansion and contraction. The Leo New Moon on August 4th encourages us to roar our individual truths and plant new seeds of self-expression. With Venus in Virgo, it’s a perfect time for organizing and productivity. As Mercury retrogrades, we face moments of stillness and introspection, revisiting unfinished projects and unresolved conversations. The peak of Leo’s energy during Llamas highlights the need to embrace both light and shadow. The Mars-Jupiter alignment on August 14th brings big, awakening energy, perfect for new ideas and projects. The Aquarius Full Moon squares Uranus, creating an electrifying tension that urges us to find our individual place within the collective.

    Tune in to this enlightening episode and join Meg & Stevie Calista as she navigates the cosmic currents of August, offering insights and guidance to help you ride the waves of change with grace and resilience.

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  • Today’s episode is a deeply personal one. I’m sharing my journey of how I’m finally living my 10-year plan after 13 years of trials, spiritual work, and countless failures. It’s been a long road, but I’m here to tell you it’s possible.

    When I had my daughter, all I wanted was to slow down, enjoy good food, and reconnect with my roots. My big dream was to work from home, raise my child and chickens, and return to the land. It’s taken over a decade and a lot of shifting from the Achievement Mind—constantly seeking external validation—to tuning into my own system, dreams, and goals.

    Now, I’m living on a small farm, raising chickens, growing a massive garden, and watching my two kids play outside while I work from home. It wouldn’t have been possible without the shifts I’m sharing with you in this episode.

    We’ll dive into the difference between the Achievement Mind and the Belonging Mind. Have you ever found yourself chasing goals, only to feel unfulfilled? Or questioned your worth, asking, "Who am I to pursue this dream?" If so, you’re in the right place.

    We’re exploring the true nature of imposter syndrome and why these doubts arise. It’s time to stop asking "Who am I to?" and start embracing "Who are you not to?" We’ll uncover practical strategies and evidence-based insights to help you overcome these mental blocks and start sharing your unique gifts with the world.

    This episode is for you if:

    You're shifting from the addiction that comes from external validation into internal validation.You’ve been working on your business / personal dreams but inner doubt is causing you to question their value.You convince yourself through vast daydreams that your creations are insignificant and no one really cares what you have to say.You know it feels good to get your ideas and make excuses that you're too busy when really you're afraid of failure.You’ve found yourself stuck in the if/then paradigm: "If I achieve this goal, work with this spiritual teacher, I will then arrive and feel the way I want to feel and life will be dandy."

    Join me as we explore these themes and I share my personal experience of moving from self-doubt to self-belief. Trust me, it’s going to feel incredible when you finally let go of those doubts and step into your power! đŸ€Ș

    Don’t miss this empowering episode. Tune in now and let’s journey together towards a life where your achievements and sense of belonging coexist beautifully.

    Big love,

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  • July Akashic & Astrology Forecast - "Oh Hell Yes!"

    Week 1:Slow down and savor the season, embrace changes in home and family life.Neptune retrograde brings introspection and magic amidst confusion.New moon in Cancer at 14 degrees encourages fresh starts and emotional nurturing.Week 2:Embrace your true self and avoid playing small.Venus sextile Uranus and Sun trine center promote harmony and creative flow.Venus moves into Leo, inspiring creativity, playfulness, and self-expression.Week 3:Continue creating beauty and value in your unique way.Uranus and Mars in Taurus urge authentic actions and self-expression.Sun sextile Uranus and Mars move into Gemini offer new perspectives and reinvention.Week 4:Maintain balance and avoid overextending yourself.Sun in Leo encourages playfulness; Mercury in Virgo supports routine and asking for help.Reflect on healing as Chiron retrograde begins.Week 5:Prepare for a shift in consciousness and embrace ancestral wisdom.Tune into ancient traditions and prepare for personal and collective transformations.

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  • In this episode we delve into the multifaceted journey of achieving our goals. This week, we explore the intricate dance between discipline and devotion, the push of chasing dreams versus the pull of magnetizing opportunities, and the balance between practical scheduling and creating space for gratitude.

    Topics Covered:

    Discipline and ForcingChasing and Assembly LineDevotion and GroovingMagnetizing and MysteryPant Suit Lady in Life Groove, Space, and GratitudeParenting, Gratitude, and Self-Reflection

    Join Us: Tune in to this episode for an insightful exploration of how to achieve RESULTS in the most magical way possible. Whether you're struggling with discipline, looking for ways to attract more opportunities, or simply trying to balance practicality with gratitude, this episode has something for everyone.

    Subscribe & Connect: Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more episodes filled with actionable insights and inspirational stories.


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  • Akashic & Astrology Forecast - June 2024

    Welcome to our June 2024 Akashic and Astrology Forecast with Meg Thompson & Stevie Calista! This month, embrace the divine and human within you. Trust your inner wisdom and integrate your ego with love. Let's explore June's cosmic magic!

    Week 1: June 3rd - 9th

    Reclaim Your Power
    Lean into your inner wisdom and let it guide your daily actions. Jupiter trines Pluto, bringing transformative energy perfect for reprogramming deep-seated beliefs.
    Astrological Highlights:

    June 6th: New Moon in Gemini – playful and curious energy.June 9th: Mars moves into Taurus – grounding and sensual pace.

    Week 2: June 10th - 16th

    Embrace the Wild Energy
    This week, take risks and embrace your wild side. Squares between planets push you to take bold action.
    Astrological Highlights:

    June 11th: Mars Square Pluto – intense, combative energy.June 12th: Mercury Square Saturn – overcome self-criticism and act.June 14th: Sun and Mercury conjunction – clarity and fruition of past efforts.

    Week 3: June 17th - 23rd

    Integration and Celebration
    Slow down and celebrate your journey. The Summer Solstice marks a peak of light, perfect for reflecting on your achievements.
    Astrological Highlights:

    June 21st: Full Moon in Capricorn – set future intentions.June 17th - 23rd: Mercury, Venus, and Sun in Cancer – focus on home and emotional integration.

    Week 4: June 24th - 30th

    Magnetize Your Desires
    Explore the power of magnetism. Allow your desires to come to you and embrace both the acceptable and taboo.
    Astrological Highlights:

    June 26th: Mercury Trine Saturn – harmonious communication.June 29th: Saturn Retrograde – focus on discipline and devotion.

    June is transformative and playful. Trust the stars and your inner wisdom.

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  • Welcome to "This Crazy Little Thing Called Life," where we journey through the cosmic dance of the universe and dive deep into the mystical realms of the Akashic and astrology. In this episode, we embrace the magic of May and march forward with the confidence of self-belief, creative power, and divine guidance.

    Week 1: May 1st - 5th: Choose Curiosity Over Judgment
    Embark on a journey of self-discovery and sensory exploration. Taurus season invites us to embrace pleasure, values, and beauty while Mars ignites our self-focused drive. Embrace the momentum and find healthy outlets for your fiery energy.

    Week 2: May 6th - 12th: Confessions and New Intentions
    Release what no longer serves you as Mercury meets Chiron, bringing clarity to old wounds. Set new intentions under the electric influence of the New Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus, and Venus, sparking sensual and innovative energies.

    Week 3: May 13th - 19th: Birth of Creations and Deep Reflection
    Share your creations with the world and detach from emotional baggage. Mercury's shift into Taurus encourages a slower, more logical approach, while Uranus and Jupiter prompt personal growth and innovation.

    Week 4: May 20th - 26th: Embrace Nature's Rhythms
    Attune to the natural rhythms of the Earth, breathe, and ground yourself amidst the chaos. With the Sun entering Gemini and Jupiter's move, embrace curiosity, learning, and expansion.

    Week 5: May 27th - 31st: Embracing Miracles and Letting Go
    Peel away the layers of 'shoulds' and embrace the miracles unfolding around you. Mercury and Uranus offer change and ah-ha moments, while Mars meets Chiron, urging us to release old stories and embrace healing.

    Join us as we navigate the celestial energies of May with grace, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace the miracles of life. Remember, you are not lost; you are simply on a journey of self-discovery. Shine your light and trust in the magic of the universe. Welcome to May, dear listeners.

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  • April is here and with it comes BIG astrology. You ready to roll? Ready to use this forecast to make the most out of this month?

    What you can expect:

    In this episode resident Astrologer Stevie Calista & Akashic Practitioner Meg Thompson weave the energies from the stars & channelled through the great Akash.

    Week 1: Speaking to Your Heart

    It's time to connect directly with your heart's wisdom. To do this, pause, breathe, and bring your awareness into your heart space. Listen, ask questions, and be open to surprises. Astrologically, Mercury in Aries retrograde urges self-reflection and getting into your body.

    Week 2: Dancing the Dance

    This week is about embodying both the human and divine aspects of yourself. Utilize your tools, reflect on past healing, and set intentions as Mars meets Saturn, initiating a new cycle. Embrace the spicy energy and take care of your nervous system.

    Week 3: Trusting Your Divine Embodiment

    Remember your divine purpose amidst the chaos. Uranus meeting Jupiter brings breakthroughs and urges authenticity in earthly matters. Trust in your skills and navigate the week with a balance of human and soulful perspective.

    Week 4: Integrating and Digesting

    Take space to integrate the month's energies. Ground yourself in nature, slow down, and indulge in physical pleasures. Mercury goes direct, signaling clarity, and the Scorpio full moon calls for chilling the mind and embracing the body.

    Week 5: Sharing Your Magic

    Step into sharing your gifts with confidence. Venus in Taurus invites sensual self-nourishment, while Mars meeting Neptune dissolves boundaries. Embrace solitude, tap into your individuality, and share your unique magic with the world.


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  • March Overview: Embrace the dance of life and death, rebirth, and growth. As nature stirs in the northern hemisphere, awaken your inner self. Trust your powers and connect with the Earth's cycles.

    🌟 Week 1: Anchor new beliefs, align with inner wisdom, and trust your desires. Pay attention to thoughts as Saturn in Pisces creates new realities.

    🔼 Astro: Moon in Virgo influences, urging responsibility for reality creation. Sun sextile Jupiter prompts self-reflection and new visions.

    🎭 Week 2: Embrace change like shedding snake skin or bathing in a waterfall. Feel deeply, dream, and play as Neptune and Uranus energies inspire transformation and liberation.

    đŸ’« Week 3: Choose alignment with your desires over old habits. Get out of your mind and into your body to integrate winter's dreams into physical reality.

    🌌 Astro: Seek solitude for inspiration, as Venus in Pisces fosters creativity and compassion. Uranian and Neptune energies encourage starting anew from imaginative realms.

    🌀 Week 4: Connect with wisdom beyond time and space through meditation. Aries season signals independence and bravery, while Mercury-Chiron conjunction invites healing and clearing of past wounds.

    đŸ”„ Week 5: Integrate lessons since December 2022, facing fears and releasing patterns during eclipse season. Lunar eclipse in Libra prompts letting go, trining Pluto for transformation.

    ✹ Key Themes: Shed layers, confront feelings, and embrace change. Mercury retrograde slows mental activity, fostering reflection and tech slowdown.

    Listen, reflect, and let this month's energies guide you towards self-nourishment and growth. Trust in the cycles of life and the wisdom within. đŸŒżđŸŒ•đŸŒ±

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  • Welcome to today's episode where we dive into MAGIC, MEDICINE & THE GREAT MYSTERY with Herbalist & Channel Aurora Wellise . We dive into a topic that is crucial for our overall well-being: regulating the nervous system.

    If you've been searching for practical tools to ground yourself more deeply into your body, you're in the right place. Join us as we explore the transformative power of co-regulation and its impact on self-love, trust, and connection with the world around us.

    Key Points:

    The Invisible RealmsThe Internal LandscapeCo-Regulation Amplifies Self-LoveCo-Regulation with OthersBasic PracticesGuides and IntuitionPersonal Journey - Aurora's StoryThe Habit of Co-RegulationMoving Beyond EnmeshmentInviting Joy and Balance


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  • Don't miss out on this episode if you're a coach or healer looking to navigate the transformative energies of February and delve into deep soul work. Gain insights on embracing change, aligning with purpose, and taking transformative action to elevate your coaching or healing practice.

    This is the Akashic and Astrology forecast by Meg Thompson & Astrologer, Stevie Calista.

    February Overview: Move with the Wind and Flow with the Tides

    Embrace the inevitability of change and the need to be adaptable in mindset.Release rigid beliefs and habitual patterns, particularly in relationships.Open up to new possibilities by changing perceptions of self and others.Week 1: Entering a New Stage (Feb 1-3)Feel the inner pull toward something more aligned with purpose and growth.Practice being present and shedding projections of how things "should be."Celebrate Imbolc, marking a significant point in the wheel of the year.Week 2: Writing Your Reality (Feb 4-10)Beware of manipulative energies and write your desired reality.Reflect on activities that disrupt your center and make space for your essence.Navigate shadow aspects of Aquarius in technology and group dynamics.Week 3: Devotion and Discipline (Feb 11-17)Explore the edges of what's possible for your purpose and listen to soul messages.Embrace synchronicities, ask for guidance, and open to the great mystery.Engage in deep soul work and alchemize by taking transformative action.Week 4: Remembering Who You Are (Feb 18-28)Allow yourself to be happy and embrace moments of magic.Radically change perceptions about people, situations, and the future.Tune into your reservoir of wisdom and act accordingly.Astrology Highlights:Plutonian influences urge deep soul work and transformational action.Chiron's presence emphasizes healing past wounds and stepping into the healer role.Pisces season calls for sensitivity, creativity, and taking responsibility.Closing Thoughts:Tune into soul purpose and embrace the evolving truth within.Take responsibility for your actions and engage in transformative self-reflection.


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  • This is a year ahead Astrology & Akashic forecast to help you navigate the cosmic tides of 2024 with ease, grace and a little cha cha. Today, Astrologer Kacy Danae walks you though the TOP energies, transits & astrological map to navigate this year all woven together with the Akashic Records forecast with Meg Thompson.

    January - Prepare the Body:
    Set the tone by preparing your body for desires. Embrace fasting, cleansing, and ketosis to reset body and mind. Anchor into your center, clearing mental clutter.

    Astro - January:
    Pluto in Aquarius brings societal shifts until 2043. Recognize your body as your wisest teacher.

    February - Embrace Change:
    Flow with change, letting go of hard truths. Prepare for liberating magic.

    March - Cycle of Rebirth:
    Align with the earth's awakening. Libra eclipse on March 25 signifies breaking patterns in the body.

    April - Walk Home:
    Journey into the heart within. Aries eclipse emphasizes the sacredness of desire.

    May - Shine Your Light:
    March forward with confidence. Jupiter in Gemini encourages curiosity and community building.

    June - Dance with Love and Acceptance:
    Trust yourself amidst ego desires. Dance as both divine and human with love and acceptance.

    August - Shelter in the Storm:
    Remember your origin and create sacred spaces for intentional change.

    September - Reap the Harvest:
    Trust seeds planted in spring. Celebrate wins and recalibrate with self-reflection.

    October - Commune with Ancestors:
    Connect with ancestral wisdom. New moon eclipse in Libra fosters new structures.

    November - Slow and Still:
    Prepare for winter by slowing down. Dance with natural rhythms within.

    December - Awaken to the New Dawn:
    Engage with the new world, preserving traditions and passing down wisdom.

    As we honor our why and trust intuition, let's anchor in traditions and magic on this transformative journey through "Embodied Wisdom."

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  • Dive in for cosmic weather of January 2024 in this Akashic Forecast.

    Meg Thompson goes through the play by play of energies to expect broken down each week in this episode.

    In the deep winter of January, we find ourselves in a sacred space within, a time to reset both body and mind.

    Week 1: "Ask and You Shall Receive"
    This week, we dive into the power of asking for what you want.

    Week 2: "Preparing for Miracles"
    Preparation is key as we make room for miracles.

    Week 3: "Embracing Change and Shaping the Future"
    Fear not the changes on the horizon.

    Week 4: "Anchoring in the Midst of Global Shifts"
    Amidst global shifts, anchor yourself in your roots.

    Week 5: "Opening Doors to New Possibilities"
    As January transitions into February, feel the palpable energy change.

    Remember, the universe is in constant motion, and so are you.

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  • In this powerful episode with Lacey Eshelman, we dive deep into the often overlooked and misunderstood realm of self-care for mothers.

    Meg & Lacey reflect on the importance of having open conversations about this topic, shedding light on the disparity between the public portrayal of maternal self-care and its true, complex nature.

    Key Points:

    The Deceptive Facade: Explore the misleading image of self-care as portrayed in the public eye and dissect the unrealistic expectations it sets for mothers.Weaponizing Self-Care: Examine how societal structures and systems have weaponized the concept of self-care, turning it into a consumerist and capitalist tool rather than a genuine investment in oneself.Initiation of Motherhood: Uncover the profound transformation that occurs with the initiation into motherhood, challenging traditional narratives and questioning the ancestral trauma that mothers often carry.Breaking the Cycle: Address the internal struggle to break free from societal conditioning and ancestral trauma, emphasizing the need to prioritize personal well-being over societal expectations.The Myth of Replenishment: Challenge the misconception that a simple act like a bubble bath can magically replenish a mother's energy, highlighting the ongoing work required to achieve true self-sustainability.The Price of Complacency: Expose the danger of complacency in the societal narrative surrounding motherhood, urging mothers to resist the pressure to give without receiving in return.

    Join us for a raw and authentic conversation that transcends the superficial notions of self-care, delving into the profound journey of motherhood and the reclaiming of one's identity amid societal expectations. It's time to peel back the layers and embrace the transformative power of true self-care.

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  • Spilling the tea on December to support you to prepare for the twists and the sun's returning.

    Week 1: Unveiling the Next Chapter (Dec 1-7)

    Reflect on the past year and open up to shocking fears around personal evolution.Dive into the transformative potential of embodying fulfillment, pleasure, play, and satisfaction.Practice self-love through failures and allow the divine to guide you into deep reverence for your journey.

    Astrology Highlights:

    Venus moves into Scorpio (Dec 4) - Dive into shocking intimacy with intuition and feelings.Venus trines Saturn (Dec 5) - Explore shocking expansion and contraction in your emotional landscape.Neptune goes direct (Dec 6) - Connect with the divine, create, and meditate in shocking ways.Jupiter opposition and Mercury trine (Dec 7) - Take shocking responsibility for yourself.

    Week 2: Shocking Awareness (Dec 8-14)

    Navigate deceptive energies with shocking curiosity and discernment.Practice shocking boundaries as Mercury goes retrograde and the Sun squares Neptune.

    Week 3: Danger and Role Clarification (Dec 15-21)

    See the shocking roles you've played in relationships.Embrace shocking discomfort, magnetize a community resonating with your authentic self.Astrology: The week of the solstice - Sun moving into Capricorn celebrates the shocking return to light.

    Week 4: Shocking Surrender (Dec 22-31)

    Surrender to mixed emotions, savor shocking small moments, and release the need to fix everything.Practice shocking forgiveness, especially towards yourself, as the year comes to a close.

    Astrology Highlights:

    Venus trining Neptune (Dec 25) - Enjoy shocking loving moments and acknowledge the spiritual in the everyday.Full Moon in Cancer (Dec 26) - Experience shocking emotional release and ancestral healing.

    Join us as we navigate the shocking dance of change, unity, and self-discovery, wrapping up 2023 and stepping into the magic of the unknown in 2024.

    Love the Akasha.

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  • Hosted by Meg Thompson & Lacey Eshelman

    In this episode, we delve into the intricate dynamics of raising children in an ever-changing world. We explore the art of embracing the changes in our children while navigating our own internal transformations. Our focus is on supporting mothers in showing up for their children to the best of their ability while addressing the challenges that arise from societal expectations and personal growth.

    Episode Overview:

    Adapting to Change in ParentingEmbracing the perpetual changes in children as they grow.Navigating our personal evolution while guiding our children through theirs.Support and ResilienceStrategies to show up for our children while honoring our own emotions and experiences.Building resilience in both parenting and adapting to shifting family dynamics.Navigating External ExpectationsAddressing the influence of societal norms and family opinions on parenting.Standing firm in your parenting choices while respecting advice from elders.The Intersection of Tradition and ModernityBalancing traditional parenting wisdom with contemporary approaches.Embracing change while honoring the value of time-tested methods.The Evolution of ParentingAdapting to the changing landscape of parenting in a technologically advanced world.Addressing challenges unique to this era and finding effective parenting solutions.Closing ThoughtsEncouragement to embrace change and growth as a mother, honoring the transformative journey of parenthood.Recognizing the unique challenges and gifts that come with raising children in an ever-evolving society.

    Join us as we explore the nuanced journey of motherhood, navigating the ever-changing landscape of parenting and embracing the challenges and blessings that come with raising children in a dynamic world. This episode is an insightful guide for mothers seeking to navigate change, both within themselves and in their children, with grace and resilience.


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  • Hosted by Meg Thompson & Astrologer Stevie Calista

    November brings a mix of transitions and opportunities for growth, offering a chance to wrap up loose ends from the past while welcoming new beginnings. This month’s astrological alignments encourage reflection, release, and a shift towards fresh starts and responsibility.

    Week 1 (Nov 1-4): Wrapping Up and New BeginningsReflect on the past three months for closure.Purge, pack, and make room for the upcoming season.Mercury's opposition to Uranus and a North Node eclipse signifies tension and fresh starts.Week 2 (Nov 7-11): Unveiling Realities and Seeking SupportThin veil between realms, seek support from ancestors and guides.Encourages introspection, shadow work, and seeking protection.Emphasis on relationship dynamics and seeking clarity.Week 3 (Nov 13-18): Unity and Conscious ConnectionNew moon in Scorpio symbolizes change and setting intentions for growth.Energies align for compassion, creative projects, and intimate conversations.Emphasis on unity and deeper connections with others.Week 4 (Nov 19-25): Embracing Sudden ChangeSudden changes as a result of past efforts manifest.Focus on nervous system care and honoring the body for unexpected opportunities.Theme of welcoming change, whether positive or challenging.Week 5: Exploring the Heart and Mind ConnectionInvitation to explore forgotten stories within the heart.Reclaiming lost aspects for a better understanding of the present and future.Emphasis on courageous exploration and the heart-mind connection.

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  • Hosted by Meg Thompson & Astrologer Stevie Calista

    In this enlightening episode, Meg Thompson and Astrologer Stevie Calista delve deep into the cosmic energies of October. They guide you through the celestial currents, offering insights and guidance for a transformative month ahead.

    Grounding and Balance (October 1 - 9)

    To thrive and break free from old patterns, focus on your roots.Pluto goes direct on the 10th, causing potential irritations. Stay hydrated and keep your body moving during this intense period.

    Power Dynamics and Healing (October 12 - 19)

    Mars moves into Scorpio on the 12th, urging you to explore your inner depths and revisit past traumas.Mars in Scorpio amplifies action and drive. Embrace intimate experiences and personal growth.

    Eclipse Energies (October 20 - 23)

    A powerful eclipse season begins with Pluto, Scorpio, and Mars, inviting you to honor your darker side and ancestral wisdom.The New Moon solar eclipse in Libra on the 20th marks a reset and karmic endings.

    Mind and Communication (October 20 - 22)

    Sun and Mercury converge, illuminating mental projects, learning, and communication. Be aware of tension due to the square with Pluto.Practice mindfulness to calm your thoughts and connect with your body.

    Diving into Scorpio Energy (October 22 - 27)

    Mercury enters Scorpio on the 22nd, intensifying your thoughts and communication.Venus trines Jupiter, igniting desires and expanding love. Seek joy during this week.

    Embracing Scorpio Season (October 23 - 27)

    As the Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd, honor your intuitive and magical nature.Create an ancestral altar for reciprocity and healing. Allow yourself to embrace the scary.

    Lunar Eclipse and Transformation (October 28)

    The full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio and Taurus activates last year's nodes. Taurus focuses on the physical and material aspects, addressing trauma and abundance.Venus trines Uranus and Pluto, offering possibilities for growth and breaking free from old patterns.This eclipse season is a time for profound transformation and healing, especially in your physical body.

    As October unfolds, embrace the energies of Scorpio, dive into introspection, and honor your roots and ancestors. This month holds the potential for deep healing and powerful transformation. Stay tuned and stay in tune with the cosmic rhythms guiding your journey.


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  • There is so much wisdom that lives in the body. Are you accessing it? Has motherhood cracked you open? Are you ready to dance with motherhood and afraid of what will happen?

    Are there any fears that come up around your root chakra? Your needs being met?

    This podcast is a deep conversation around the body, needs, pain, pleasure, joy and the pure magic that comes from living EMBODIED.

    Lacey and Meg speak today about the deeply transformative space of stepping into the body. Nothing will get your attention like the body. Pain is not something to be avoided, it is a teacher.

    When the shiny thing is opening up your 3rd eye and becoming psychic where does the BODY and PHYSICAL come in? Especially in motherhood. The physical is such a powerful tool for transformation if you are willing to feel a lot of the things you didnt want to feel.

    This is a candid conversation woven with real truths from two women who've entered into the motherhood contract from different places and are growing together. Intentional motherhood is both joyful and messy and it's done better together.

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