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Papupata is back! Uusia jaksoja Podimossa 2.7.2024 alkaen. Papupata on hyvän mielen lifestyle-podcast, jota juontaa näyttelijä-somevaikuttajakaksikko Sara Parikka ja Johanna Puhakka. Papupata on mitä parasta seuraa arkeen, sillä aurinkoinen kaksikko käsittelee aiheita humoristisella, kepeällä ja lämpimällä otteella – aivan kuin viettäisit kahvihetkeä ystäviesi kanssa!
Juontajat ovat kolmekymppisiä, energisiä innostujia, jotka jakavat jaksoissaan arkeensa liittyviä asioita. Sara on kolmen lapsen äiti ja Johanna odottaa esikoisiaan ja molemmille perhe on yksi tärkeimmistä elämänarvoista. Kesäkaudella kuulijat saavat siis näkökulmia aiheeseen niin konkarimutsi Saralta kuin vanhemmuuden polulla aloittelevalta Johannalta.
Perhe-elämän lisäksi molempia juontajia sytyttävät liikunta ja hyvinvointi, tyyli, sisustus ja parisuhdeteemat. Jos kaipaat arkeesi vertaistukea, hyvää fiilistä ja inspiraatiota, ota Papupata kuunteluun!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information. -
The Lets Read Podcast centers around narrating True Scary Experiences from real people, just like yourself. Ranging from creepy stalkers to paranormal encounters with the other side. My goal is to lull you into beautiful nightmares.
This Podcast updates every Tuesday at 12pm EST!
Catch all the new stories, Mon & Thursday at 7pm EST on my YouTube channel, Lets Read! -
Suomi tarvitsee enemmän positiivista puhetta perhe-elämästä. Ruuhkavuosirakkautta-podissa keskustellaan perheestä, työstä, parisuhteesta, taloudesta, hyvinvoinnista ja koko elämän ihanasta härdellistä.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Kun Rosanna Kulju ja Niko Saarinen pistetään samaan studioon, voi syntyä mitä tahansa. Syntyi Kulju x Saarinen. Eli uusi podcast, joka yhdistää kaksi ykkösrivin somevaikuttajaa ja kuuntelijat. Rosanna Kulju ja Niko Saarinen keskittyvät joka jaksossa yhteen teemaan, johon myös kuuntelijat ovat osallistuneet ääniviesteillä. Luvassa on tunnustuksia ja hauskoja tarinoita muun muassa kännimokailuista, kaameista lahjoista sekä salaisista teoista ja paheista. Taatusti tunteita herättävä podcast.
Synkkiä ja mieltä kutkuttavia mysteerejä netin syövereistä, kauhutarinoita, urbaanilegendoja ja kaikkea ihmettelemisen arvoista. YouTuben puolella tunnetaan nimellä Finntop5. Yhteys: [email protected]
I nya podden Mer än bara morsa! pratar Kenza Zouiten Subosic & Ines Kokic om livet som 3-barnsmorsor och allt vad det innebär. Med en öppensinnad inställning och nära till skratt tar de er bakom kulisserna i både familjekaoset och influencervärlden. Förhoppningsvis leder denna resa till att hitta tillbaka till sig själv utöver mammarollen, för man är ju mer än bara morsa. Eller?
Nytt avsnitt varje torsdag!
Följ oss på instagram:
Klipps av Victor Ganguly
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Off the Cuffs: a Kink and BDSM podcast, for those in the lifestyle and those who are curious. Each week, hosts Dick Wound and minimus maximus, sit down for a discussion with a new guest, covering topics such as their journey into kink, scenes they’ve been involved in, and the importance of consent and communication. Episodes tackle the entire spectrum of kink, from the sensual to the sadistic, and the bizarre to the vanilla.
Welcome to the Survival and Basic Badass Podcast, where we dive into the world of off-grid living, guns, prepping, survival, and a touch of intriguing conspiracy theories. Join us as we explore the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to navigate an unpredictable world.
Each week we delve into a wide range of topics designed to empower you with practical tips and insights. From mastering self-sufficiency in off-grid living to honing your firearm skills, we leave no stone unturned when it comes to preparing for any situation life throws your way.
Our discussions on off-grid living encompass everything from building sustainable shelters, harvesting natural resources, and harnessing alternative energy sources. Whether you're a seasoned homesteader or a curious beginner, we'll equip you with the know-how to thrive independently in harmony with nature.
Guns are a crucial aspect of self-defense and personal security, and we explore various firearm types, their uses, and proper handling techniques. Our aim is to educate listeners on responsible gun ownership while debunking myths and misconceptions surrounding firearms.
Prepping is a lifestyle we embrace, and we share invaluable tips on creating emergency kits, stocking up on essentials, and developing survival plans. From natural disasters to societal disruptions, we arm you with the knowledge needed to safeguard yourself and your loved ones.
And of course, we can't resist delving into the intriguing world of conspiracy theories. We navigate the labyrinth of enigmatic ideas, examining claims that challenge mainstream narratives. While we encourage critical thinking and open-mindedness, we approach conspiracy theories with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Join us on the Survival and Basic Badass Podcast as we empower you to become self-reliant, resilient, and well-informed. Whether you're a wilderness enthusiast, a prepping aficionado, or simply curious about alternative perspectives, our show offers practical guidance and thought-provoking discussions to fuel your badass journey.
Disclaimer: The information we provide is based on our experience however should not be taken as legal, tactical, or medical advice because we do drink a lot. -
René Coman sits down with the original Troubled Man, Manny Chevrolet, over cocktails at the Ring Room, in the heart of an old-school New Orleans social haunt.
Manny is an L.A. native who had been through the Hollywood wringer by his late 20s. He then moved to New Orleans to become a perennial candidate for mayor and make a feature film about it.
René is a New Orleans native who's been in the music biz wringer since he was a child. They are the Troubled Men for Troubled Times. -
A storytelling podcast, with first-hand amazing stories presented by Scott Johnson and Meredith Hackwith Edwards. Each storyteller tells their own personal true story, with all the details of what happened. Animal attacks, plane crashes, mass shootings, and more – you'll hear what happened directly from the person who experienced it, and the inspirational outcome of how they came out on the other side.
Riktigt Viktigt är en podcast som baseras på intervjuer med både kända och okända personer, där vi lägger fokus på den tabubelagda psykiska ohälsan och grottar mer i vad som faktiskt är viktigt på riktigt. En naken, sårbar och förhoppningsvis inspirerande podd för människor som kan relatera och kanske läka med hjälp av denna podd. Vill man stötta vårat arbete med podden så kan man bli medlem på eller ge en gåva direkt här på Acast. Tusen tack för att du lyssnar.
Post-production by Threshold Audio
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Kjos & Myran är en podcast där vännerna Ida Kjos och Andrea Myrander diskuterar allt från personlig utveckling och relationer till karriär och hälsa. De delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och insikter, samtidigt som de bjuder in gäster för att fördjupa samtalen. Podcasten har en varm och öppen ton, och den syftar till att inspirera och motivera lyssnarna att leva sitt bästa liv.
Tired of breaking your promise to go easy on the drinks tonight? You know your nightly habit isn’t great for your health or waistline, but it’s so hard to say no.
Sound familiar? Then you need Rachel. She knows what it’s like to be fed up with your drinking, worried about judgment from others, and turned off by approaches that focus on a higher power instead of brain science.
Learn the exact steps she used to change her relationship with alcohol. Discover how the brain works, the real reason you crave a drink, the key to changing your desire, and how to decide what’s right for you.
Create a life that is fun, spontaneous, relaxing, and, most importantly, pleasurable (no buzz necessary).
For her latest free class, visit or check out for show notes and more. -
If Oprah and Howard Stern had a baby it would be Good Moms Bad Choices. Meet Erica and Milah, two uncensored sex and cannabis-positive parents who are redefining what modern motherhood looks like. Warning, this is not your everyday mommy Podcast! This audio diary is not only for parents but women who feel alone in their good and bad choices. Prepare to laugh, cry, and be inspired. Fellas, you’re invited too!
New episodes drop every Wednesday. Welcome to the Tribe!
Instagram: @goodmoms_badchoices
Watch our episodes on Youtube
For bonus content ---> -
Welcome to Real Talk with Rachel Awtrey (formerly Behind The Bliss), the podcast that feels like having a heart-to-heart with a friend. Mama, wife, and blogger Rachel Awtrey leads conversations around the ups and downs of life, from practical tips to relatable stories that'll leave you thinking, "oh, I'm not the only one?" With a witty sense of humor and a knack for bringing out the best in her guests, Rachel invites you to join her on a faith-based journey of growth and self-discovery. Listen in each week for a peek behind the curtain of life with Real Talk with Rachel Awtrey!