We try our best to hold it together as we discuss the episode of Gap that neither one of us could bear to rewatch until now. Khun Sam is stuck in the middle of her grandmother and Mon, having to decide if she will continue the path of dutiful granddaughter or walk away from her family at a shot for true happiness with Mon.
Part 1: Mon struggles with her feelings of inadequacy when it comes to her relationship with Khun Sam, but thankfully she has Cher and Risa to remind her what matters most is the love they share. Mon takes her apology to a whole other level when she essentially proposes to Khun Sam on the beach, confirming that she believes in their love and a future together.
Part 2: We witness Mon get a crash course on the side of Khun Sam's life she's never really considered. Not only does Mon meet Sam's estranged sister, Neung, she also gets an unexpected visit from Grandmother that has her questioning if it's the right things to stay with Khun Sam. We are frustrated with Mon's conflict avoidance that has her running away from Khun Sam's home, even if we can understand it; and we applaud how far Khun Sam has come when she shows up at Mon's house to reassure her that hey can get through this - even if this, is her own grandmother, the ultimate boss. -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Part 1: We process our heartbreak over Mon and Sam's fight. And while we feel a little bit of sadness for Kirk's complete obliviousness and impending breakup, that all disappears when assertive Mon appears making us all lose the ability to properly function.
Part 2: All secrets are finally out when Nita's arrival at the office sets a chain reaction that leads to Sam ending things with Kirk and revealing that she's in a relationship with Mon. Navigating the newness of not having to hide their relationship, MonSam test the waters by having their first vacation together. WE revel in the beauty and joy of these moments before the figurative Uhaul arrives and creates a new wave of turmoil. -
This episode we try to keep up with Sam and Mon as they move forward in their relationship, focused on the completion of their mission. Of course, they need a little help from their friends, and a few threats, before they're able to reach their goal. The joy over this new and beautiful part of their relationship is short lived though. Kirk's secrets are taking a toll on Mon and all the gossip is too much for Sam.
We stress out over Kirk's proposal which results in Mon and Sam growing distant with this bump in the road to their own relationship. Fortunately, we have the the gang of friends to plot on getting Mon and Sam in the same room so that they can admit their feelings and move on to the next natural stage of sapphic dating - a full day date. We're a little concerned that it starts at the nail salon, but then it ends with a bubble bath.
The podcast isn’t going anywhere, but this is a good-bye and the start of a new beginning. We share our bittersweet good-byes to each other. It’s difficult to capture our feelings into words so we’ll leave it to some wise words from the OGs Bert and Ernie.
Ernie: I wanted to thank you for getting balloons at the park today. They’re so beautiful aren’t they Bert?
Bert: Yes, yes they are Ernie.
Ernie: Can we keep them forever and ever Bert?
Bert: Ernie, they’re not going to last forever and ever.
Ernie: They’re not? Why not?
Bert: Well because they’re filled with air and little by little they’re going to lose their air.
Ernie: Lose their air? Oh no! If they lose their air they’ll get smaller and smaller won’t they Bert?
That’s right Ernie, that’s right.
Ernie: It’ll be so sad. When you think of a balloon that starts off all fat and floaty in the air ends up all wrinkly and small. It’s sad Bert!
Bert: Ugh, why me?
Ernie: Wait Bert, I’ve got a great idea.
Bert: Oh, yeah…
Ernie: Why don't we give our balloons their freedom?
Bert: Their freedom? What do you mean?
Ernie: We’ll open the window and we’ll let them go. So that the last sight that we see of our balloons is while they’re all fat and floaty.
Ernie: Goodbye balloons! Look at them go! Floating up to the sky...
Goodbye. Goodbye old friends, have a nice trip!
Ernie: Isn't that a great sight? -
We’re back after a little hiatus and having some fun with the new lesbian comedy fight club classic Bottoms! We talk about the journey from loser high school gays to Wesleyan munching beavers; sports gays + Marshawn Lynch, rave about Ayo Edebiri, and reveal ourselves as PJ truthers.
**We recorded this awhile ago but life got in the way of posting. we hope everyone has a happy holiday and we’ll be back in the new year! -
Khun Sam and Mon may still be struggling to define their relationship, but there's no denying the intensity of their feelings. A simple joke from Jim is enough to cause Khun Sam to act out with anger while Mon is on the brink of tears each time Kirk shows up by Khun Sam's side, reminding us all that he's still in the picture. As if there isn't enough happening in this episode, we also have an exciting announcement for you all!
Hard to believe it’s our 5 year anniversary this month and the OGs are back together to celebrate. We have some water cooler talk about the writers strike and why it’s important for LGBT fans to support. We then dive into an unofficial oral history of gays in procedural tv which leads to all things Kacy and how they’re queering the procedural by flipping old queerbaiting tropes into the canon main romance of NCIS Hawai’i, the lesbian situationship that broke the fandom, and of course all the little things that caused one of us to fall in love with them. HAPPY PRIDE!
Is episode five everyone's favorite episode or is it just ours? This feels like a turning point for our MonSam where they both start to speak a little more freely about how they're feeling, even if they can't quite fully understand or name it just yet. They start out with a little game and end with a full on kiss, and we... well we end up on the floor.
In classic sapphic fashion, Khun Sam and Mon have their first 36 hour date. Hijinks ensue with Khun Sam being locked in a restroom while Mon encounters a friendly interrogation before being invited to a group chat. All is going well and smiles abound- until Kirk gets in the way of their second date, but Tee knows just how to get Khun Sam's attention... she just may regret it.
When the Diversity Pop's inaugural content is shared by another company, Khun Sam leads an interrogation of her staff determined to find the traitor. Unsuccessful, she decides she needs to keep a closer eye on Mon. What should you do when your boss asks your parents' permission for a sleepover? We discuss the developing feelings of our main characters as they get to know each other and grow closer, leaving all of our hearts feeling those palpitations.
Mon and Khun Sam face their first lover's quarrel, even if neither of them know that's what it is just yet. Fortunately, Kirk decides to help his fiancee make up with her crush and they begin to learn more about each other.
The first Thai GL series is here and we're ready to dive into the pink world of Mon, a young woman who's spent her life following in the steps of her idol Khun Sam all to get to this moment - an internship with her. She's dreamt of this for years, but when the time finally arrives, she finds that Boss Sam is no longer the same person she'd met in her youth.
To open we reminisce on our journey of making 100 eps of TLSI (for all friends the intro lasts till 00:29)! Then we celebrate by breaking down the action-packed, but emotional Warrior Nun finale. For Ava, the fate of the world is at stake as she struggles to find a way to take Adriel down and protect her friends. For Beatrice, the fate of Ava is at stake and she is forced to face losing her world.
Ava fully comes into her own as the Halo Bearer and takes charge in their mission to bring Adriel down, while Beatrice struggles accepting the weight the Warrior Nun must bear. Elsewhere: Adriel and his hoard of creepy priests make a move against Duretti and the Church, Camila confronts Adriel, Lilith embraces her true nature, and Mother Superion is a boss bitch.
It’s time for a museum heist! Ava and Beatrice meet up with Mother Superion and Camila in the hopes of securing a secret weapon to defeat Adriel. Our heroes get separated during the mission and Ava’s on a quest to learn more about Adriel while Beatrice is on a quest to find Ava.
Season 2 picks up with Avatrice undercover in Switzerland and we start to learn there’s more they're hiding than just their identities. There’s dancing (pining), jealousy, badassery, and obviously a whole lot of heart as we start building up for the fight against Adriel. We hope you enjoy our last conversation about Warrior Nun before news of the cancellation dropped and of course #SaveWarriorNun
It’s a season 1 recap extravaganza! We jump into the lore of the show, the halo’s powers, divinium baby Michael, and of course our queen shotgun Mary. We then dive into Ava and Beatrice’s backstories and the moments that set the stage for Avatrice’s take over of the world and our hearts in season 2.
As true lesbian believers we preach the gospel of the good ship Avatrice. We set the stage for our Warrior Nun coverage as we highlight our top ship moments, dip a toe into the lore, and bask in the halo of our new favorite show.
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