
  • In this episode, we resume our insightful discussion with Katya Fuentes from Amplitude, focusing on how to implement Product-Led Growth (PLG) strategies effectively.

    Katya shares the transformative challenges and strategies Amplitude faced while integrating PLG and sales-led growth.

    Learn about the critical role of patient leadership, the strategic importance of pricing and value metrics, and how aligning sales with self-service can propel business growth. This episode is packed with actionable advice, whether you're refining an existing PLG approach or starting fresh.

    Key Insights:

    * Embracing Hybrid Models: For companies looking to integrate PLG with traditional sales methods, consider Amplitude's approach which combines the strengths of both strategies. This blend can significantly enhance flexibility in customer adoption and support sustainable growth.

    * Strategic Pricing to Encourage Upgrades: When designing your pricing structure, aim to align your offerings closely with customer value realization, similar to how Amplitude incentivizes users to ascend to higher tiers as their engagement increases.

    * Strengthening Sales and Product Team Alignment: Ensure your sales and product teams work closely to create a seamless customer experience. This integration can lead to better retention and upsell opportunities by presenting a united front that addresses customer needs comprehensively.

    * Leadership Patience in PLG Transformation: Leadership patience is pivotal when shifting towards a PLG model. It’s essential to manage the transition thoughtfully, as demonstrated by Amplitude, ensuring changes are sustainable and align with the organization's long-term objectives.

    Key Timestamps:

    * 0:00 Introduction and recap of previous discussion

    * 0:33 Deepening the PLG model integration at Amplitude

    * 1:20 Insights on structuring pricing and value metrics

    * 3:15 Lessons learned from Amplitude's journey in balancing sales and product strategies

    * 5:40 Discussing the alignment of sales and product for unified growth strategies

    * 8:22 Final thoughts and actionable takeaways

    * 10:50 Closing and invitation for feedback

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: Katya Fuentes

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    Part 1 of the series:

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Embark with Esben Friis-Jensen on a journey through innovation and strategic thinking that took Userflow from a nascent idea to a success story worth $4.6M revenue with a 3 member team.

    In this episode of Thrivecast, Esben shares the milestones and tactics behind their product-led growth, offering insights into the world of SaaS user onboarding. Weekly episodes promise to ignite your entrepreneurial spirit with stories and strategies that shaped their path to acquisition.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key takeaways:

    Choosing Product-Led Growth

    Userflow team made a bold move by fully adopting a product-led growth strategy.

    * Shift to PLG — The team’s strategic decision was influenced by the potential for scalable growth and enhanced customer experience.

    * Self-Service at the Forefront — Userflow focused on developing intuitive self-service capabilities that empowered users to engage with the product directly.

    * Benefits of PLG — Insights reveal that this approach not only streamlined the onboarding experience but also aligned closely with contemporary user expectations for SaaS platforms.

    Implementing a Self-Serve Model

    Userflow's implementation of self-serve capabilities was a game-changer in their growth trajectory.

    * Building the Foundation — The initial features were carefully chosen to enable users to serve themselves, reflecting a commitment to usability.

    * Streamlining Onboarding — Boldly minimizing barriers to entry was a critical step in Userflow's PLG strategy.

    * Rapid Iteration — The agility of the team allowed for quick adaptation and enhancement of self-serve features based on user feedback and analytics.

    By focusing on these elements, Userflow crafted a user-centric product that naturally encouraged growth and user retention.

    Building the PLG Mechanism

    Esben outlines the strategic construction of Userflow's product-led growth engine.

    * Initial tools were chosen for their simplicity and effectiveness.

    * Focus was on features that enhanced user experience and enabled quick feedback.

    Customer Insights and ICP Discovery

    Insights from direct user engagement played a critical role in shaping Userflow’s strategy.

    * Feedback mechanisms were crucial for gathering actionable insights.

    * Analysis of user behavior helped define the Ideal Customer Profile focusing on product managers and customer success managers.

    * Userflow adapted its offerings to meet the demands of its core users efficiently.

    Growth Drivers: Knowledge and Networking

    Expanding Reach Through EngagementEsben highlights the use of industry events and webinars as pivotal for networking and spreading brand awareness. Userflow utilized these platforms to share valuable insights, which significantly helped in attracting a broader audience.

    Strategic content marketing was crucial in establishing Userflow as a thought leader in the SaaS sector.

    Pricing Strategy and Evolution

    Userflow's approach to pricing was carefully crafted to foster growth and accessibility.

    * Introduced scalable pricing tiers to serve diverse business needs effectively.

    * Adjustments to pricing were made based on customer feedback and enhancements to the product, ensuring alignment with market dynamics and value delivery.

    Reflections and Recommendations

    "Adopting a customer-centric approach from the outset not only shaped our product development but also ensured that we remained agile and responsive to market needs," - Esben

    He underscores the importance of staying adaptable with agile practices that allow for rapid responses to user feedback and market shifts. This mindset, he suggests, is crucial for any startup looking to make a significant impact.

    Key Timestamps

    * (00:00) Missteps companies make and identifying Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) through direct customer engagement

    * (00:34) Welcome to the show: Esben Friis-Jensen's journey with Userflow

    * (01:53) Userflow's inception and rapid revenue growth

    * (05:03) The decision to adopt a PLG-first approach

    * (07:51) Formulating a lean team and self-service infrastructure

    * (10:27) The transition from product conception to market launch

    * (15:09) Discovering the right customer profiles and initiating conversations

    * (17:25) Methods for understanding customer needs and defining ICPs

    * (20:38) Incorporating thought leadership and SEM into Userflow's growth strategy

    * (22:26) Pricing strategy: Transparency and value proposition

    * (25:31) User adoption strategies and expanding within customer accounts

    Where to Find the Guest:

    LinkedIn: Esben Friis-Jensen


    Where to Find the Host:

    LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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  • Step into the world of SaaS growth with Mariano, a seasoned strategist from Lisbon, Co-founder of SaaS-HQ and the force behind SaaStock, as he breaks down the metrics that shape successful go-to-market strategies. In this episode, we focus on the pivotal roles of awareness, acquisition, and activation, dissecting how they contribute to scaling SaaS businesses within PLG and SLG frameworks.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key takeaways:


    Developing customer awareness sets the foundation for any successful SaaS venture. It's a multi-faceted domain where metrics like website traffic, social media engagement, and brand awareness intersect to create a comprehensive picture of a company's reach.

    For PLG-focused businesses, these metrics are fine-tuned to foster organic growth through product use and referrals.

    In contrast, SLG-oriented companies might weigh these metrics alongside direct outreach efforts.

    Regardless of the approach, enhancing awareness is pivotal, involving tactics that range from content marketing to strategic partnerships.


    * Common metrics for measuring acquisition include signup rates, Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), lead quality, and firmographics.

    * For a PLG company, key measures might focus on the rate of organic signups and the efficiency of product-led conversions.

    * SLG companies may prioritize metrics like lead quality and CAC to ensure the effectiveness of sales-led initiatives.

    * To enhance acquisition, tactics differ:

    * In PLG, it might be about refining the product experience to encourage signups.

    * For SLG, the focus could be on targeted sales strategies and personalized outreach.

    Optimizing acquisition is crucial for growth. Whether through refining the product to boost organic signups in PLG or enhancing targeted outreach in SLG, the goal is to attract quality leads efficiently. These efforts lay the foundation for a robust user base and sustainable business expansion.


    * Activation metrics center on how users are onboarded, their engagement levels, and how they utilize key features.

    * A PLG approach to activation looks at how intuitive and compelling the product is for new users to begin engaging immediately.

    * In an SLG model, activation may include hands-on guidance from sales teams or personalized onboarding processes.

    * Improving activation involves:

    * Designing an onboarding process that quickly showcases product value, often referred to as the 'aha moment'.

    * Continuous product analytics to refine and expedite the user journey to value.

    Optimizing acquisition is crucial for growth. Whether through refining the product to boost organic signups in PLG or enhancing targeted outreach in SLG, the goal is to attract quality leads efficiently. These efforts lay the foundation for a robust user base and sustainable business expansion.


    (00:00) Introduction: Mariano's background and PLG skepticism

    (01:27) Welcome Mariano: Discussion on SaaS metrics for awareness and activation

    (03:23) Setting the stage: Importance of the customer journey in SaaS

    (06:04) Experimentation in the early stages of a startup

    (09:11) Focusing on a single marketing channel for growth

    (13:22) Product-Led Growth vs. Sales-Led Growth

    (17:36) Quality of leads and customer segmentation

    (21:04) Tactics for user activation and measuring the aha moment

    (27:04) Strategies to enhance product experience and activation

    (30:28) Closing thoughts on building systems for company growth

    Where to Find the Guest:

    LinkedIn: Mariano Martene



    Where to Find the Host:

    LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Step into the world of strategic growth with Jason, a leading voice from Live Data Technologies, who brings his deep understanding of human capital to the forefront of product-led growth strategies.

    In this episode, we explore how live data transforms the landscape of SaaS marketing and sales, paving the way for smarter, more effective user acquisition and retention.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key takeaways:

    The Role of Lead Enrichment in PLG

    * Enriched data tailors the user experience, allowing for interactions that meet specific customer needs

    * Better targeting is achieved with detailed lead information, enabling effective customer segmentation

    * Understanding customers leads to crafting messages that resonate, improving conversion rates

    * Marketing and sales efforts are supported with insights that align strategies to customer behaviors

    Enrichment Tools and Timing

    Choosing the right enrichment tools captures real-time, actionable customer data. Automation integrates these insights seamlessly into the customer journey.

    At every touchpoint, targeted enrichment tactics enhance understanding and engagement. Data appending provides contact details, firmographic enrichment offers business context, and behavioral insights reveal customer intentions and preferences.

    Timely interventions at stages like signup, trial, and upgrade to paid plans ensure a data-driven understanding of the customer, setting the stage for personalized experiences and informed sales conversations.

    Account-Based vs. Individual Enrichment

    Real-World Impact of Lead Enrichment

    Beyond the strategies, lead enrichment's value shines in its tangible impact on PLG initiatives, transforming user engagement and product evolution.

    * Enriched data drives user engagement, guiding product iterations with deep insights.

    * Marketing campaigns become sharply targeted, closely aligning with the audience's needs.

    * Sales conversations evolve into consultative interactions, rich with contextual understanding.

    * The result is a notable increase in product adoption and customer satisfaction, significantly contributing to the company's growth.

    Key Timestamps

    * (00:00) Introduction to Jason and Live Data Technologies

    * (02:01) Discussing the shrinking universe of SaaS seat licenses

    * (03:09) Definition and significance of lead enrichment in PLG

    * (06:08) Transition from SLG to PLG and the role of data enrichment

    * (07:40) Importance of implicit data signals in PLG

    * (10:01) Personalizing customer experience through enriched data

    * (13:01) The impact of job change data on account-based selling

    * (15:01) Real-time data's role in identifying key sales opportunities

    * (17:35) Utilizing job change signals for strategic account growth

    * (19:52) How data enrichment tools are used by different company roles

    * (21:38) Who typically buys data enrichment tools in SaaS companies

    * (23:00) Summary of key points and concluding the discussion

    Where to Find the Guest:

    LinkedIn: Jason Saltzman

    Live Data Technologies:

    Where to Find the Host:

    LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this insightful episode, we welcome Kevin White the marketing maestro at Common Room, as he explores the strategic choices that propel a SaaS company's journey from a nascent stage to a robust scale-up.

    Armed with years of expertise in fueling product-led growth, Kevin shares the critical decisions and pivotal shifts necessary to scale effectively in today's vibrant market.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key takeaways:

    From Seed to Scale

    * Initial GTM strategies focus on product and market validation, emphasizing speed and learning.

    * Growth involves shifting GTM to optimize customer acquisition costs and lifetime value.

    * Critical decisions include when to expand the target market and adjusting pricing and product offerings.

    * Achieving sustainable scale requires balancing a lean startup mentality with investing in processes for reliable growth.

    Acquisition Strategies

    * Open Source: This model can dramatically increase product distribution and user adoption, particularly effective for tools aimed at developers. It allows for rapid community-led growth and significant scaling potential.

    * Freemium: Offers a no-cost introduction to the product, converting users to paying customers by showcasing value. It's especially powerful when there's a clear upgrade path tied to product usage or advanced features.

    * Beyond Traditional Models: As startups evolve, they often need to look beyond traditional models and innovate in their acquisition strategies, considering industry shifts, customer behavior changes, and emerging technologies.

    Integrating Sales into a PLG Model

    * Identify Demand Signals: Look for increased inquiries, higher usage rates, or specific feature requests indicating readiness for sales engagement.

    * Define Sales Role: Clearly outline whether the first sales hire will focus on closing deals, supporting existing users, or a mix of both.

    * Establish Sales Goals: Align these with the overall PLG strategy to ensure complementary efforts.

    * Prepare Product and Support: Ensure the product and customer support teams are ready to work closely with sales to facilitate a smooth transition for users from self-service to sales-assisted experiences.

    Reconciling PLG and SLG Playbooks

    * Assess Customer Journey: Understand where sales can add value in the PLG journey without disrupting the self-service experience.

    * Set Clear Objectives: Define what success looks like for both PLG and SLG efforts, ensuring they contribute to a common goal.

    * Communicate and Train: Ensure both product and sales teams are well-versed in each other's strategies and how they intersect.

    * Monitor and Iterate: Continuously review the impact of integrating SLG into the PLG model and adjust strategies as needed.

    Fostering Collaboration Between PLG and SLG Teams

    * Align on Metrics: Establish common KPIs for both teams to work towards, fostering a sense of shared purpose.

    * Regular Cross-Team Meetings: Schedule consistent check-ins between teams to share insights, challenges, and progress.

    * Create Feedback Loops: Implement mechanisms for ongoing feedback between sales, product, and marketing teams to refine strategies and tactics.

    * Celebrate Combined Wins: Acknowledge and reward achievements that result from PLG and SLG collaboration, reinforcing the value of integrated efforts.


    * (00:00) Introduction to the GTM Journey from Seed to Scale

    * (03:14) Acquisition Strategies: Open Source, Freemium, and Hosted SaaS

    * (05:26) Open Source vs. Freemium vs. SaaS Models in PLG

    * (07:01) The Complexity of Product and Customer Onboarding in PLG

    * (10:07) Hiring the First Salesperson in a PLG Framework

    * (13:15) Handling Conflicts Between PLG and SLG Strategies

    * (16:00) Identifying the Right Time to Scale Sales in PLG

    * (19:10) Permission and Access: Key Factors in PLG Adoption

    * (21:00) The Impact of Permissions on PLG and Sales-Assisted Growth

    * (23:05) Marketing's Role in Balancing Inbound and Outbound Strategies

    Where to Find the Guest:

    LinkedIn: Kevin White

    Common Room:

    Where to Find the Host:

    LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Welcome to our latest episode, where we spotlight Katya Fuentes from Amplitude and the strategic shift that's reshaping the SaaS world. With roots in Ukraine and now innovating in the Bay Area, Katya has been instrumental in advancing product-led growth at Amplitude. In this episode, she shares insights on the Plus plan's launch, a key initiative under her stewardship, which marks a new chapter for Amplitude in enhancing user experience and driving growth.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    The Evolution of Amplitude

    Launching the Plus Plan

    The introduction of the Plus plan at Amplitude was a strategic move to extend its offerings to startups and SMBs, previously underserved by the platform's pricing and plan structure.

    * Market Gap: Recognized the need for an affordable, self-serve option to attract startups and SMBs.

    * PLG Escalator: Aimed to facilitate growth from individual users to enterprise-level engagement with a starting price of $49 a month for 1K MTUs.

    * Development Journey: The Plus plan was shaped over two years, from initial concept through beta testing to refinement.

    * Launch Timing: After careful analysis, the launch was set for October 17, 2023, ensuring the plan met market needs.

    * Collaborative Effort: The launch was a concerted effort by product, marketing, growth, engineering, and sales teams.

    Team Structure and Dynamics Post-Plus Plan Launch

    In response to the Plus plan's rollout, Amplitude experienced a dynamic shift, driving collaboration and adaptation across its teams.

    * Teams across product, marketing, and growth aligned under shared goals, focusing on the Plus plan's success metrics.

    * The growth team evolved into specialized pods, including acquisition, retention, and monetization, each laser-focused yet unified in purpose.

    * Initial sales team resistance transformed into acceptance as clear guidelines and strategic enablement clarified the Plus plan's role in Amplitude's ecosystem.

    * A revised compensation structure motivated sales teams to identify prospects for whom the Plus plan was an ideal fit, marrying individual incentives with company-wide objectives.

    This approach showcases Amplitude's internal pivot towards a more integrated and goal-oriented structure following the Plus plan introduction, emphasizing the active roles and adaptability of its teams.

    Plus Launch Campaign Highlights

    * The launch campaign was highly cross-functional, bringing together multiple departments to ensure a cohesive message and strategy.

    * Employed a dual strategy targeting both new prospects and existing customers to drive self-serve monetization.

    * Featured an engaging homepage modal with a hype video that effectively communicated the benefits of the Plus plan and got people excited about it.

    * Live demos were key, offering a practical showcase of the Plus plan, leading to higher engagement and interest.

    * Utilized personalized in-product nudges and a customized pricing modal, guiding users seamlessly towards the Plus plan.

    Key Timestamps

    * (00:00) Aligning Teams with Unified Pipeline Metrics

    * (00:49) Introducing Katya Fuentes

    * (03:11) Amplitude's Growth Strategy Evolution

    * (07:41) Strategic Shifts and Organizational Changes for the Plus Plan

    * (10:20) Sales Concerns and Compensation Structure Adjustments

    * (13:47) Launching the Plus Plan: Strategies and Outcomes

    * (18:21) Engineering's Crucial Contribution to the Launch

    * (21:00) Mapping the Customer Journey Post-Plus Plan Launch

    * (25:30) Marketing Tactics and Market Response to the Plus Plan

    * (30:00) Synergy Between Engineering, Product, and Growth Teams

    * (34:00) Reflecting on the Launch and Looking Ahead

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: Katya Fuentes

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    Reference Links

    * October 17th, 2023 post by Spenser Skates, the CEO of Amplitude

    * Amplitude’s pricing page

    Prepare for Part 2 in our series with Katya Fuentes, where she'll share essential tips for SaaS companies on blending PLG with SLG strategies. Subscribe now to catch these invaluable insights and transform your SaaS strategy.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Welcome to our latest episode where we're thrilled to have Francis Brero, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer of MadKudu, share his insights on Revenue Intelligence for PLG-first SaaS companies.

    Francis started in engineering and later moved into data science. He co-founded MadKudu with Sam Levan. Their vision was clear: leveraging data science to enhance go-to-market strategies for SaaS businesses. Join us as Francis shares his experiences from the early days at TechStars to becoming a leading figure in revenue intelligence, offering a fresh perspective on the growth strategies reshaping the SaaS industry.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key takeaways:

    Market Trends in SaaS Growth Strategies

    * A strong movement towards PLG as companies seek scalable, user-driven growth avenues

    * The emergence of hybrid models combining PLG with traditional SLG to meet diverse scaling needs

    * Increased discussions around PLG and SLG, finding the optimal balance for efficiency and growth

    * A clear trend in recent years shows traditional SLG companies starting to layer PLG strategy

    * Anticipation of a future where PLG and SLG coexist seamlessly, leading to more dynamic SaaS growth strategies

    Overview of Startup Growth Strategies

    In the early stage, startups must decide between a Product-Led Growth (PLG) and Sales-Led Growth (SLG) approach, more often recently, opting for PLG due to its scalability and customer-centric nature. The critical decision between building in-house solutions or buying external ones can significantly impact the startup's agility and growth potential. Initial solutions should be developed in-house to ensure they closely align with the startup's unique value proposition and customer needs.

    As startups transition to the mid-stage, the focus shifts towards strengthening the team and product offerings. Hiring decisions become crucial, with an emphasis on finding individuals who can thrive in a growth-stage environment and contribute to a culture of innovation and adaptability. Enhancing product capabilities to include features that support sales efforts, such as advanced user analytics and integration options, becomes imperative.

    In the growth stage, startups leverage data to inform strategic decisions, focusing on identifying opportunities for expansion through upselling and cross-selling. The integration of PLG and SLG strategies can create a powerful engine for growth, allowing startups to maintain the agility of PLG while capitalizing on the targeted opportunities provided by SLG. This stage is about fine-tuning the balance between product innovation and market expansion to achieve sustainable, scalable growth.

    For more details review MadKudu’s PLG Maturity Model

    Future Outlook

    As the SaaS industry continues to evolve, understanding the trajectory of go-to-market strategies becomes essential for startup sustainability and growth.

    * Responding to Market Shifts: The ability to remain agile and swiftly adapt to market changes is critical. Continuous evaluation and adjustment of GTM strategies to match the latest customer preferences and industry trends are vital.

    * Hybrid Approaches Gain Traction: The convergence of PLG and SLG suggests a move towards hybrid strategies, blending the strengths of both to optimize market reach and customer relations.

    * Data-Driven Insights: Harnessing data for strategic decision-making will grow in importance. Startups need to prioritize investments in analytics and intelligence platforms to extract actionable insights for product and sales optimization.

    * Prioritizing the Customer Experience: In an increasingly competitive landscape, focusing on customer experience can set startups apart. A culture that actively seeks customer feedback and addresses user needs is key to building lasting relationships.

    The future of GTM strategies in the SaaS sector points towards a blend of adaptability, data intelligence, and an unwavering focus on delivering superior customer experiences.


    * (00:00) Introduction to revenue intelligence for startups

    * (00:38) Introducing guest Francis Brero

    * (02:15) Background and journey of starting MadKudu

    * (02:40) The shift towards leveraging first-party data in marketing

    * (03:55) The importance of a good buyer experience over go-to-market efficiencies

    * (05:38) Transition from sales-led to product-led growth in companies

    * (07:04) Predictions on the coexistence of PLG and SLG strategies

    * (09:24) Challenges for SLG companies adopting PLG

    * (10:06) Advantages of PLG companies introducing SLG elements

    * (12:00) The role of analytics in early-stage startups

    * (15:03) Hiring strategies for mid-stage companies

    * (18:05) Identifying best signals for cross-sell and upsell in growth-stage companies

    * (28:21) A fail story: The importance of a differentiated Enterprise plan

    Where to Find the Guest:

    LinkedIn: Francis Brero


    Where to Find the Host:

    LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Welcome to an exploration of innovation with our esteemed guest, David Yockelson from Gartner, a beacon in the tech community for his insightful analysis and foresight.

    In this episode, we're investigating the essence of Product-Led Growth (PLG), a strategy that's revolutionizing the SaaS industry. With David's extensive expertise, we'll shed light on the reasons SaaS companies are increasingly adopting PLG, its relationship with traditional sales-led approaches, and its significant influence on the growth paths of tech businesses today.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Why PLG?

    PLG is rapidly becoming the go-to strategy for SaaS companies, driven by its promise to revolutionize growth and customer acquisition.

    * PLG attracts companies with its promise of scalable growth and deeper user connections

    * Emphasizing product value upfront leads to natural, sustainable growth patterns

    * Efficiency in reaching new customers makes PLG a compelling model for SaaS enterprises

    * The strategy aligns with a wider industry move towards customer-centric development

    * Significant uptake of PLG across B2B SaaS indicates its growing relevance and success

    This shift towards PLG opens up a broader discussion, prompting a closer look at its relationship with Sales-Led Growth (SLG). Up next, we examine the interplay between PLG and SLG, introducing a nuanced comparison: PLG vs SLG.

    PLG vs SLG

    Distinction between PLG and Self-Serve

    The conversation around PLG often intertwines with the concept of self-serve models, raising questions about their overlap and distinctions.

    David articulates that PLG, with its broader scope, encompasses a variety of GTM tactics, including self-serve elements, yet it extends beyond to embody a comprehensive product-led approach to growth.

    * PLG's Broad Reach: PLG is not limited to self-serve but includes it as part of a broader strategy that leverages the product's inherent value to drive growth.

    * Self-Serve as a Component: Self-serve models, characterized by direct customer engagement with the product without sales intervention, fit within the PLG framework but do not encompass its entire scope.

    * Strategic Integration: The integration of self-serve within PLG strategies offers a seamless path for customer acquisition and expansion, particularly for straightforward solutions.

    * Adaptation Across Stages: As SaaS companies evolve, the blend of PLG and self-serve adapts, ensuring alignment with changing customer needs and market dynamics.

    Closing Advice

    For startups witnessing a wave of signups yet facing a trickle of revenue, the path forward involves more than persistence. It's about understanding the 'why' behind the numbers and adapting strategically.

    "The first counsel I would give is patience. There are a lot of companies, executives, and board members in many companies that say, 'Hey, PLG's been the motion for a quarter; how come things aren't working?' Guess what, it takes longer than that. In my view, it takes at least six months for the motion to start to take hold, and that assumes that the company is doing enough on awareness and driving demand."

    — David Yockelson

    * Patience Is Key: Initial enthusiasm for PLG needs to be tempered with patience. The real impact of PLG strategies may take time to materialize.

    * Assess User Engagement: Dive into the data. Understand how users are interacting with your product during trials or freemium offerings.

    * Guidance Within the Product: Ensure users are not just left to explore on their own. Guide them towards realizing the value your product promises.

    * Strategic Triage: If signups are not converting to revenue, it's time for a strategic review. Look at your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and usage patterns to identify gaps. Analyze whether your most engaged users align with your ICP and if not, consider how your product or messaging can be adjusted to better meet the needs of your target market.

    * Revisit Your Value Proposition: Make sure that the value your product offers is clearly communicated and understood by users during their initial interactions.

    * Feedback Loops: Implement mechanisms to gather user feedback during the early stages of product use to identify barriers to full adoption or payment conversion.

    * Iterate and Innovate: Use insights from user behavior and feedback to iterate on your product and marketing strategies, ensuring they're aligned with user needs and expectations.

    * Engage with Your Users: Consider direct engagement strategies for users who show high engagement but haven't converted to paying customers to understand their needs and barriers better.

    Key Timestamps

    * (00:00) PLG strategies for startups

    * (01:05) Guest introduction: David Yockelson

    * (02:00) PLG and SLG strategies

    * (04:00) PLG adoption rates

    * (05:04) PLG in various company sizes

    * (07:04) Defining PLG strategy

    * (10:02) PLG's impact on buyer behavior

    * (15:03) PLG in large enterprise SaaS

    * (18:16) Role of interactive demos in sales

    * (20:28) Transition from SLG to PLG

    * (22:01) Large companies adopting PLG

    * (25:20) Advice for startups on revenue

    * (29:38) Recommendations for SaaS companies on PLG

    Reference articles from Gartner

    You might have to be a member to access some of these:

    * How Product-Led Should Your Go-to-Market Strategy Be?

    * 2024 Tech Provider Top Trends: PLG and Value Converge for Hybrid GTM

    * Product Leader Self-Assessment: Performance of Product-Led Growth

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: David Yockelson

    * Gartner Expert: David Yockelson

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Ever wondered how startups transform their product strategies and organizational structures as they grow?

    In this insightful episode, we sit down with Elena Avramenko to decode the complexities and dynamism of scaling startups. Elena brings her extensive experience in nurturing innovation to shed light on the evolving roles, challenges, and strategies that define the startup journey. Immerse yourself in a conversation that bridges theory and practice, offering a beacon for businesses navigating their path to success.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key takeaways:

    Evolution of Startup Product Strategies

    Startups often begin intuitively, relying on agile development and quick pivots without a set product strategy. As growth demands, the transition to a structured product strategy becomes critical, guiding decisions and aligning teams. Bringing in external advisors can provide fresh insights, helping to refine and clarify the product strategy. A successful product strategy remains flexible, allowing for adjustments while staying aligned with the company's core vision.

    Organizational Structure's Impact

    Significant shifts in organizational structure mark the journey from a startup's inception to its growth phase. Initially, startups thrive on generalists — versatile individuals capable of wearing multiple hats. As the startup matures, the shift towards hiring specialists for niche areas becomes imperative to delve deeper into specific aspects of product development and market expansion.

    Role Evolution and Team Dynamics

    * Early Stages: Teams are small, with members juggling multiple roles.

    * Growth Phase: Introduction of specialized roles to focus on core areas like product management and market analysis.

    * Scaling Up: Formation of dedicated teams for growth hacking, focusing on customer acquisition and retention strategies.

    Adapting to Change

    Adaptability is the cornerstone of a startup's evolution. The ability to pivot strategies, integrate customer feedback, and embrace technological advancements ensures that the startup remains relevant and competitive. This dynamic environment fosters innovation and drives startups towards achieving their long-term goals.

    Common Challenges and Lessons Learned

    Startups often face the dilemma of balancing customer-centric development with data-driven decisions. A notable challenge arises when companies prioritize AB testing and metrics over genuine customer value, leading to a focus on micro-optimizations that fail to deliver substantial value to the customers. This approach can trap companies in a cycle of insignificant improvements without meaningful growth.

    Personal Lessons from Failures:

    Elena shares a candid glimpse into her entrepreneurial journey, highlighting a pivotal lesson from her venture.

    Despite achieving early success, the intense pace led to burnout, underscoring the delicate balance between passion and well-being. This narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the sustainability of one's efforts and the importance of self-care in the relentless pursuit of innovation.

    Future Outlook

    The ability to adapt and innovate remains paramount. Looking forward, key considerations for startups include:

    * Adaptability: The most successful startups will be those that can pivot quickly, integrating new technologies and responding to market shifts with agility.

    * Customer-Centric Innovation: Staying closely aligned with customer needs and feedback will drive the development of products that truly resonate and provide value.

    * Emerging Technologies: Leveraging advancements in AI, machine learning, and blockchain could unlock new opportunities for startups to innovate and differentiate.

    * Sustainability and Ethics: As global challenges intensify, startups prioritising sustainable practices and ethical considerations will stand out and contribute to a better future.


    (00:00) Introduction to the evolution of roles in tech companies

    (01:03) Background and career journey of Elena Avramenko

    (05:07) Transition from intuition to structured product strategy

    (10:17) Definition and components of a product strategy

    (13:58) Example of a product strategy in practice

    (17:30) Execution and ownership of product strategy in startups

    (22:55) The evolution of product roles and the importance of generalists

    (26:35) The trend towards more generalist roles in companies

    (29:01) Introduction of the "Full Stack Product Manager" role

    (29:50) External vs. internal focus of product managers in different company stages

    Where to Find the Guest:

    LinkedIn: Elena Avramenko

    Where to Find the Host:

    LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this enlightening session, Nalin Senthamil, co-founder of Storylane, shares the narrative of pioneering interactive demos in the B2B sector. With a decade's journey through the startup ecosystem, Nalin takes us through the inception of Storylane, emphasizing the strategic embrace of a product-led growth model. This episode offers a glimpse into the challenges and victories encountered while championing a bottom-up motion in the PLG landscape.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key Timestamps

    * (0:00) Introduction highlighting PLG success with enterprise adoption.

    * (1:58) Background on Nalin's journey and the inspiration behind StoryLane.

    * (3:03) Challenges in B2B sales and the move towards interactive demos.

    * (5:39) Trust Radius report on changing B2B buyer patterns.

    * (7:10) Adoption of interactive engagements across all market segments.

    * (8:41) Role of interactive demos in both PLG and sales-led growth.

    * (11:31) Enhancing content engagement through interactive demos.

    * (15:56) Iterative product development based on customer feedback.

    * (18:00) Strategies for effective onboarding and user engagement.

    * (21:22) Learning from onboarding challenges to improve the process.

    * (25:38) Introduction of free demos to reduce friction and engage more companies.

    * (28:20) Experimentation with pricing and the shift towards a more structured approach.

    * (30:05) Insights from failures in onboarding and the importance of analytics.

    * (30:46) The importance of iterating product features and engaging with different customer segments.

    * (31:04) Special offers for listeners and concluding remarks on StoryLane's PLG strategies.

    Phase 1: Laying the Foundation

    In the early stages of Storylane, Nalin Senthamil and the team focused on creating a solid base for their innovative product. This foundational phase was crucial for setting up the core functionalities and establishing the initial user base, which laid the groundwork for Storylane's growth.

    * Free Signup from Website: Enabled potential users to sign up directly, facilitating easy access to the platform.

    * User Waitlists: Implemented waitlists to manage user onboarding, ensuring a smooth introduction to the platform's features.

    * Core Features Development: Concentrated efforts on developing a few essential features that demonstrated the value of Storylane, making it easier for users to understand and engage with the product.

    This phase was about building the initial structure of Storylane, focusing on accessibility and core functionality to attract early users and set the stage for future growth.

    Phase 2: Enhancing Engagement and Onboarding

    As Storylane progressed, the team, led by Nalin Senthamil, shifted their focus to enriching user engagement and streamlining the onboarding process. This phase was critical for deepening user interactions and refining the transition from interested prospects to active users.

    * In-App Demo Scheduling: Introduced the capability for users to schedule demos within the app, providing personalized assistance and a touch of human interaction to guide them through the product's features and capabilities.

    * Pricing Strategy Evolution: Transitioned from a freemium model to a free trial approach, focusing on converting free users to paid customers by demonstrating the product's value within a limited time frame.

    * Feature Enhancements: Rolled out significant productivity enhancements, including a multi-player mode, to improve collaboration and user experience, making the platform more versatile and appealing to a broader audience.

    This phase was characterized by strategic enhancements aimed at making the platform more intuitive and user-friendly, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion and fostering a growing user base.

    Phase 2+: Scaling and Customer Understanding

    As Storylane advanced into the next phase, the focus shifted towards scaling the platform and deepening the understanding of its user base. This stage was instrumental in refining the product and tailoring it to better meet the needs of an expanding customer segment.

    * Simplified Onboarding: The onboarding process was further streamlined to ensure users could quickly grasp the platform's value, leading to better user retention and engagement.

    * Customer Success Team: The hiring of Customer Success Managers (CSMs) played a crucial role in enhancing user support and engagement, fostering a more personalized experience for customers.

    * User Enrichment and Insights: Implementing strategies to gain deeper insights into the customer base, such as analyzing user behavior and feedback, which informed continuous product enhancements.

    * Potential ProductHunt Launch: Consideration of strategic moves like a ProductHunt launch to increase visibility and attract a broader user base.

    This phase marked a significant period of growth for Storylane, where the emphasis was on understanding user needs and scaling the product to cater to a wider audience while maintaining a high level of user satisfaction.

    Reflections and Future Outlook

    As we wrap up this insightful journey with Nalin Senthamil, it's clear that Storylane's venture into the PLG world has been marked by strategic decision-making, innovative product development, and a keen focus on user engagement. Nalin reflected on the critical lessons learned through various phases of growth, from initial user acquisition and onboarding enhancements to scaling the platform and deepening customer understanding.

    * Key Learnings: Nalin highlighted the importance of embracing a product-led growth strategy from the outset, the value of customer feedback in shaping the product, and the challenges and successes encountered along the way.

    * Future Aspirations: Looking ahead, Storylane aims to continue innovating and expanding its reach in the interactive demo space, with a focus on further enhancing user experience and exploring new markets.

    Nalin extends a warm invitation to the audience to connect with Storylane and explore their offerings, including a special deal for listeners: 20% off the first year with promo code THRIVE20.

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: Nalin Senthamil

    * Website: Storylane

    * 20% Off 1st year with promo code: THRIVE20

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In our latest episode, we sit down with Jake Stein, the CEO of Common Paper. He sheds light on their journey of adopting a product-led growth approach within the SaaS landscape. From the initial stages of customer engagement to developing a robust, self-serve platform, Jake shares the strategic pivots that helped scale their customer base. Hear firsthand how Common Paper's innovative take on contract standardization is carving a new path in the industry.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key Timestamps

    * (0:00) Introduction: Discussing the importance of customer interactions in PLG.

    * (0:50) Background: Jake Stein's journey from Wharton to founding CommonPaper.

    * (1:58) CommonPaper's Inception: Addressing the inefficiencies in traditional contracts.

    * (3:21) Vision and Strategy: Transforming contracts into digital interfaces for efficiency.

    * (4:01) PLG Decision: Choosing PLG over SLG based on past successes and strategic goals.

    * (8:57) User Re-engagement: Strategies to bring back users who had previously signed up.

    * (10:58) Community Building: Creating a committee of over 45 attorneys for feedback and standardization.

    * (13:18) Product Development: The transition to self-serve capabilities and early user feedback.

    * (14:37) Early user engagement: Strategies for re-engaging users who had previously signed up but dropped off.

    * (15:34) Product Hunt launch: Significant impact on user sign-ups and the role of investors in promotion.

    * (16:45) Mixed feedback from Product Hunt: Initial product limitations and user engagement.

    * (18:01) Rapid feature implementation: Strategy of quickly adding features based on user feedback.

    * (20:10) User onboarding: Strategies for early user engagement and customization.

    * (22:12) Outreach customization: Tailoring outreach based on user engagement and potential.

    * (24:25) Evolution of pricing strategies: From answering early user queries to structured monetization.

    * (26:30) Per-seat pricing model: Transition to a more effective pricing model for better conversion.

    The Genesis of Common Paper

    * Foundation: Jake Stein and Benjamin's search for a streamlined contract process led to the creation of Common Paper.

    * Vision: Transform contracts into API-like interfaces, making them structured and understandable.

    * Challenge: Standardizing legal agreements was the first hurdle, aiming to make them as universally understandable as API documentation.

    Embracing a Product-Led Growth Model

    * Strategic Decision: A deliberate move towards PLG, leveraging Jake and Benjamin's past experiences with successful ventures.

    * Customer Development: Over 100 early conversations shaped the product strategy, setting the foundation for a scalable PLG model.

    * Transition: The gradual shift from initial high-touch interactions to an automated, self-serve platform that facilitated growth.

    Evolving Product and Market Fit

    After a foundational period of direct customer engagement, Common Paper began fine-tuning their product, informed by robust feedback. The journey from a rough initial offering to a more polished, self-serve platform marks a critical phase in their growth story.

    * Early Engagement: Extensive one-on-one discussions laid the groundwork for a self-serve model.

    * Product Refinement: Feedback from 100+ customer development calls shaped the platform's evolution.

    * Market Alignment: The team's efforts led to a product that resonated well with users, reflected by increased adoption.

    Scaling and Community Building

    As Common Paper's product matured, the focus shifted towards scaling and leveraging community input for further development. This stage was pivotal in expanding the customer base and refining the product to meet a wider range of needs.

    * Community Collaboration: Formation of a committee comprising legal professionals to contribute to the platform's development.

    * User Growth: Transition to a more automated system, leading to a doubling of the customer base within months.

    * Feedback Loop: Continued reliance on customer feedback ensured that the product remained aligned with users' evolving needs.

    Reflections and Future Directions

    Reflecting on the journey, Jake Stein acknowledges the pivotal moments that have defined Common Paper's trajectory. From the initial customer feedback that shaped the product's early version to the strategic pivots that spurred growth, Common Paper has embraced change while adhering to its vision of simplifying contracts.

    Looking ahead, the focus is on refining their platform, expanding the user base, and continuing to innovate in the contract standardization space. The goal remains steadfast: to deliver a product that not only meets the current demands of the market but also anticipates future needs.

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: Jake Stein

    * Website: Common Paper

    * 15% Off 1st year on Commonpaper with promo code: THRIVE15

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Welcome to the latest episode of our podcast featuring Arjun Saksena, CEO of Humanic, who brings his extensive experience from leading tech giants like Adobe and Yahoo. Arjun delves into how PLG is reshaping sales and marketing strategies, emphasizing the power of data and collaboration across organizational silos to drive growth.

    Whether you're deeply embedded in the tech world or just keen on the latest in SaaS innovation, this discussion offers critical insights into the evolving landscape of tech marketing.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key Timestamps

    * (0:00) Introduction: Overestimation of PLS adoption in sales​.

    * (0:57) Arjun Saksena's background and the inception of​.

    * (4:56) The challenges of onboarding complexity due to feature proliferation​.

    * (7:04) Evolution of SaaS from siloed departments to an interdependent model​.

    * (8:08) The rise of companies building bridges between Salesforce, Adobe, and Atlassian​.

    * (11:23) Discussion on the interconnectedness required in SaaS and the limitations of current bridges​.

    * (13:18) The importance of understanding sales dynamics and the disposable income aspect​.

    * (14:00) Challenges in adopting PLS signals by sales teams and the approach towards data people​.

    * (16:24) The specificity of PLS models to companies and the difficulty in creating general-purpose models​.

    * (19:08) PLS companies struggle with enterprise go-to-market strategies and the overestimation of sales adoption​.

    * (24:39) The potential improvement in sales by combining multiple bridges like MQL and product usage data​.

    * (26:23) The need for partnerships and strategic alignment in evolving the sales and PLS landscape​.

    * (29:42) The shift towards a partnership model and the challenge of adopting new technology in a market resistant to change​.

    Journey into PLG

    Arjun begins with his early experiences in the tech industry, where he observed the initial challenges companies faced in adopting PLG. He shares stories from his time at Adobe and Yahoo, highlighting the pivotal moments that shaped his understanding of PLG's potential and pitfalls.


    * Importance of flexibility and adaptability in sales roles within PLG models.

    * Leveraging user behavior data to redefine sales strategies.

    Challenges and Realizations

    Through anecdotes, Arjun examines the common misconceptions around sales roles in PLG and the transformative realization of the importance of data-driven strategies. He shares a pivotal moment when data debunked longstanding hypotheses at Adobe, leading to significant shifts in approach.


    * Challenging and changing long-standing industry norms with data.

    * The pivotal role of data in driving cross-functional collaboration.

    Building Bridges

    Arjun's narrative then transitions to the core of his mission – dismantling silos within organizations. He recounts his journey of developing strategies to foster collaboration between departments, using real-world examples from his career to illustrate the challenges and solutions.


    * Strategies for fostering collaboration across departments.

    * Overcoming organizational silos through unified strategies.

    Innovative Solutions

    The discussion culminates in Arjun's insights into creating innovative PLG strategies that leverage data and cross-functional collaboration. He shares success stories and lessons learned, offering listeners actionable advice for implementing PLG in their organizations.


    * Developing user-centric product features based on data analytics.

    * The impact of PLG strategies on user retention and conversion.

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: Arjun Saksena

    * Company Website:

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode, we explore Pierre-Jean's evolution from a technology aficionado to a leading growth strategist at BlaBlaCar. His story is one of passion for technology, keen insights into SaaS growth, and a relentless pursuit of innovation. Pierre-Jean's approach combines a deep understanding of technology with a visionary outlook on how to scale SaaS platforms effectively, making his journey a beacon for anyone looking to drive growth in the tech sector.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key Timestamps

    * (00:00) Introduction of Pierre-Jean Hillion; his background, role at BlaBlaCar, and his Substack insights.

    * (02:00) Exploring the growth mindset concept and its critical role in startup environments.

    * (04:30) Impact of a growth mindset on team dynamics and individual performance.

    * (07:00) The ideal timing and criteria for the first growth team hires in startups.

    * (09:15) Key roles and skills essential for growth team members.

    * (11:00) Discussing effective KPIs for growth teams and insights into what works.

    * (13:30) The influence of leadership in cultivating a growth-driven culture.

    * (16:00) Success stories from startups that embody a growth mindset.

    * (18:30) BlaBlaCar's approach to growth and operational insights from the growth team.

    * (21:00) Challenges in building a growth team and strategies to overcome them.

    * (23:30) Recommendations for listeners on structuring their growth teams.

    * (26:30) Advice for instilling a growth mindset and fostering continuous improvement.

    Growth Mindset

    Pierre-Jean shares his thoughts on growth mindset, focusing on a user-centric approach and the value of continuous experimentation. He believes understanding user needs is crucial for SaaS growth, advocating for a strategy that prioritizes customer feedback and adapts quickly to their evolving demands.

    His approach involves constant testing and learning, ensuring that every decision is informed by data and real user interactions, setting a foundation for sustainable growth and innovation at BlaBlaCar.

    Building the Growth Team

    Pierre-Jean underscores the strategic importance of assembling a diverse growth team at BlaBlaCar, emphasizing the need for skill diversity and a shared vision for growth. This approach fosters an environment where:

    * Various talents and backgrounds converge to drive innovation.

    * The team plays a pivotal role in executing BlaBlaCar's growth strategy.

    * Creativity and collaboration flourish, contributing to the company's success.

    Challenges and Solutions

    Pierre-Jean offers a candid look into the hurdles faced during BlaBlaCar's scaling journey and the dynamic solutions devised to surmount them. He dives into:

    * User Onboarding Complexity: Unpacking the challenges of onboarding users effectively and unveiling strategies for streamlining the process.

    * Simplifying the onboarding journey to enhance user experience.

    * Implementing personalized onboarding approaches tailored to user segments.

    * Enhancing User Engagement: Exploring innovative methods to boost user engagement and sustain long-term interaction.

    * Leveraging gamification techniques to increase user involvement.

    * Establishing community-driven initiatives to foster user interaction.

    * Scalability Strategies: Addressing scalability hurdles and adopting adaptable solutions to accommodate rapid growth.

    * Implementing scalable infrastructure to support increased user demand.

    * Embracing agile methodologies to iterate and evolve with changing needs.

    * Experimentation and Adaptation: Emphasizing the role of experimentation in overcoming growth obstacles and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

    * Encouraging a mindset of experimentation to identify effective growth strategies.

    * Iterating based on data insights to refine approaches and drive sustainable growth.

    Future of Growth in SaaS

    Looking ahead, Pierre-Jean offers insights into the future of growth strategies in the SaaS domain, foreseeing a landscape characterized by:

    * Data-Driven Decision-Making: The increasing reliance on data analytics to inform strategic choices and drive impactful growth initiatives.

    * Integration of AI and ML: The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies into growth strategies, revolutionizing user engagement and retention efforts.

    * Personalization Paradigm: A shift towards personalized user experiences driven by sophisticated data analysis, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    * Agility and Adaptability: The importance of agility and adaptability in responding to evolving market dynamics and staying ahead of the competition.

    * Continuous Innovation: The need for a culture of continuous innovation to remain at the forefront of the rapidly evolving SaaS landscape.

    Where to Find the Guest:

    LinkedIn: Pierre-Jean HillionSubstack: The Growth Mind

    Where to Find the Host:

    LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi


    * The Full Funnel Growth Skills Test -

    * Full Funnel Growth Skills Map -

    * Growth in Early-Stage vs. Scale-Up Companies -

    * Choosing North-star metrics -

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this episode, we explore Sophia Solanki's journey from her engineering roots at IIT Delhi to becoming a leader in the SaaS industry. With a background in business consulting and content marketing, Sophia brings a wealth of experience to her latest venture, Narrato, an AI-driven platform designed to revolutionize content creation for SaaS companies. Her story reflects a blend of technical expertise and entrepreneurial spirit, setting the stage for an analysis of the world of AI-enhanced content strategies in the B2B SaaS sector.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Overcast, Google and YouTube.

    Key Timestamps

    * (00:00) Introduction of Sophia Solanki; background and the inception of

    * (01:28) Narrato's mission and leveraging AI for content creation.

    * (03:47) Evolution and implementation of AI tools in Narrato.

    * (07:50) The potential of AI across sectors.

    * (09:16) Choosing PLG over SLG, influenced by the founder's expertise.

    * (11:34) Self-serve implementation strategies and user sign-up experience.

    * (16:17) Product feature evolution and user onboarding improvement.

    * (20:01) Initial customer acquisition and transitioning to paid plans.

    * (23:14) Narrato's milestones and strategic development.

    * (25:22) Shift from freemium to free trial models.

    * (28:46) Understanding users without extensive data collection.

    * (35:25) Product Hunt launch experience and community engagement.

    Phase 1: The Freemium Frontier (4-6 months)

    In the nascent days of Narrato, the approach was nimble - a freemium model designed to captivate and engage. Sophia recounts the early strategy, a testament to smaller investments with grand ambitions, laying the groundwork for what was to become a content marketing powerhouse.

    Phase 2: The Free Trial Challenge (~6 months)

    As Narrato matured, the narrative took a turn towards a free trial model, a resource-intensive gambit aimed at conversion. Sophia shares the trials and triumphs of this pivotal period, where customer feedback and data-driven iterations (Iteration-1) were instrumental in sculpting the product's trajectory.

    Phase 2+: The Conversion Crucible (~6 months)

    With the free trial as the proving ground, Narrato steered towards the holy grail of SaaS - the free-to-paid conversion. Sophia extrapolates the second iteration (Iteration-2) of Narrato's growth story, where larger investments began to bear fruit, and the company's PLG strategies were refined to perfection.

    A Vision Emboldened

    Sophia's vision for Narrato is clear - to stand at the vanguard of content marketing, with AI as the cornerstone. Her foresight is not just about adapting to change but about being the harbinger of it. As the conversation concludes, we're left with a sense of anticipation for the future - a future where Narrato's journey continues to be a beacon for innovation in the content marketing domain.

    About Sophia

    * LinkedIn: Sophia Solanki


    * Website -

    * Link to AI Content Genie -

    * Promotion offer: 20% Off 1st year with promo code: THRIVE20

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Yaakov Carno, a strategist in PLG and user onboarding, clarifies the intricacies of Product-Led Growth in this insightful podcast. He addresses the pivotal role of user activation in SaaS success, combining theoretical insights with practical strategies. His expertise offers valuable takeaways for SaaS companies seeking to optimize their PLG approach.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Google and YouTube.

    Key Timestamps

    * (00:00) Introduction to the podcast; focus on PLG activation and customer retention.

    * (00:37) Introduction of Yaakov Caro, his background in PLG, SaaS startups, and his journey in PLG.

    * (02:12) Yaakov's transition from sales to PLG activation and his learning process.

    * (05:57) Discussion on market trends in PLG and its increasing significance.

    * (07:01) Explanation of PLG and its importance in the current market.

    * (09:47) Challenges in SAS companies regarding activation and the 'insecure product trap'.

    * (13:47) Strategies for personalizing the user journey using data and analytics.

    * (17:10) Creating effective onboarding experiences and common pitfalls to avoid.

    * (22:12) Advice for early-stage companies on implementing PLG and managing features.

    * (26:59) The role of appropriate friction in onboarding for user attachment.

    * (30:09) Transitioning from traditional SLG to PLG models and associated pitfalls.

    The Activation Challenge: Where Many Stumble

    Activation is the pivotal moment in a customer's journey, yet it's a common stumbling block. Carno identifies key challenges:

    * Feature Overload: Overwhelming users with too many features at once.

    * Unclear Value: Failing to communicate the product's value proposition clearly.

    * Ineffective Onboarding: An onboarding process that doesn't guide users effectively.

    * Ignoring Feedback: Overlooking valuable user feedback that can enhance the product.

    A Roadmap for Early-Stage SaaS Companies

    For early-stage companies, Carno provides a roadmap to enhance user activation:

    * Simplify the user experience to highlight core functionalities.

    * Articulate a clear value proposition from the start.

    * Develop an intuitive onboarding process.

    * Regularly incorporate user feedback.

    * Educate customers to maximize product utilization and engagement.

    Measuring Success and the Art of Strategic Friction

    Carno stresses the importance of measuring activation success through metrics like engagement levels and conversion rates. Interestingly, he advocates for strategic friction in onboarding—introducing elements that deepen user engagement and filter out less committed users, enhancing overall user investment in the product.

    Concluding Wisdom: Avoiding Pitfalls and Staying Adaptable

    In his closing remarks, Carno reflects on common onboarding mistakes:

    * Overcomplexity: Making the onboarding process too complicated.

    * Disregarding User Feedback: Missing opportunities to align the product with user needs.

    He emphasizes staying adaptable and user-focused. For further insights and guidance, Carno remains accessible through his blog and social media channels, continuing to support SaaS companies in steering the PLG landscape.

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: Yaakov Carno

    * Substack: Product Led Growers

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi


    * Product-Led Onboarding OS:

    * PLG Visual Value Pack:

    * Easiest way to get new users to activate:

    * Why friction can help users convert quicker:

    * How to figure out what users want:

    * How to personalize user onboarding:

    Enjoyed this episode? Don't miss out on our insightful conversations and expert insights. Stay curious, stay informed, and keep thriving!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • In this Thrivecast episode, David Zeff, CEO of Whistle, joins host Gururaj Pandurangi to explore the evolving role of Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) in the SaaS industry. David brings a rich background in tech startups to discuss how sales strategies are adapting in a product-led business landscape.

    Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Overcast, Google and YouTube.

    Key Timestamps

    * (00:00) Introduction to David Jeff and Whistle's role in tech startups.

    * (02:05) Inspiration behind Whistle's inception.

    * (03:25) Evolution and significance of SDR role in product-led growth.

    * (05:08) Strategic importance of SDRs in SAS companies.

    * (07:20) Impact of PLG on SDR strategies in SAS space.

    * (10:04) Role of SDRs in PLG companies and sales personalization.

    * (13:20) Emerging roles and sales strategies in PLG-driven firms.

    * (16:00) Differentiating product-led sales assist from traditional SDRs

    * (18:00) Details of product-led sales assist role and structure.

    * (21:05) Understanding customer journey in PLG strategies.

    * (24:06) Key responsibilities and challenges in product-led sales-assist.

    * (27:30) Team structuring and reporting in PLG-centric organizations.

    * (30:02) Insights from failed PLG implementations.

    * (32:05) Final thoughts on successful PLG infrastructure building.

    The Inception of Whistle

    David's journey to founding Whistle reflects his deep involvement in building and scaling SDR and sales functions in various tech companies. His experiences led him to identify the demand for a refined approach to sales development, especially in product-led companies.

    Why Product-Led (PL) Sales Assist?

    * Identifying the Need: David highlights the emergence of the Product-Led Sales Assist role, differentiating it from traditional SDRs, and emphasizing its importance in companies shifting focus from product-centric to sales-driven approaches.

    * The Role's Significance: The PL Sales Assist role plays a pivotal part in this transition, bridging the gap between product engagement and sales processes.

    Optimal Timing for PL Sales-Assist Integration

    David advises that the integration of PL Sales-Assist teams should align with specific stages of a company's growth. He stresses the importance of these teams fitting seamlessly into the existing company structure and their interaction with other departments.

    Defining the PL Sales-Assist Role and Its KPIs

    * Unique Responsibilities: David details the specific tasks of PL Sales-Assist, including their involvement in customer engagement and nurturing leads, which differ significantly from traditional SDR roles.

    * Key Performance Indicators: The success of PL Sales-Assist is measured by metrics such as customer engagement levels, conversion rates, and contribution to sales pipeline growth.

    Essential Skills for PL Sales-Assist:

    * Core Skills: Effective communication, customer empathy, and product knowledge are crucial for PL Sales-Assist, as outlined by David.

    * Engagement Strategies: These professionals employ unique strategies to interact with customers, focusing on enhancing the sales process through personalized engagement and understanding customer needs.

    Looking Towards the Future

    David discusses the changing landscape of Go-To-Market strategies in the SaaS sector. He highlights the shift from a focus on rapid growth to sustainable, profitable growth models.

    In this evolving context, he emphasizes the critical role of personal engagement in Product-Led Growth (PLG) strategies, especially in maintaining and expanding client relationships. This approach, he suggests, is vital for sales teams to bridge the trust gap in a market increasingly leaning towards PLG.

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: David Zeff

    * Company website:

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

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    In this insightful episode, we explore the world of Product-Led Growth (PLG) Infrastructure, a key element for SaaS companies at various stages of their journey. Featuring the seasoned expertise of Hila Qu, this podcast provides a comprehensive overview of the intricacies involved in constructing a solid PLG foundation, vital for fostering sustainable growth in the competitive SaaS landscape.

    This podcast builds upon blog post from titled - Five steps to starting your product-led growth motion and focuses mostly on the PLG Infrastructure that Startups need to build and manage for implementing growth strategies.

    Early Stage: Finding the Product-Market Fit

    At the onset, startups grapple with identifying their market fit. Here, PLG plays a pivotal role, offering a low-touch yet high-impact approach to understanding and catering to customer needs.

    * User Experience Design: Ensuring the product is intuitive and offers immediate value.

    * Data-Driven Strategy: Utilizing Salesforce for CRM and Amplitude for analytics to translate user interactions into actionable insights.

    * Team Composition: Forming a dynamic, cross-functional team combining product design, marketing intelligence, and data analysis.

    Growth Stage: Refining and Expanding

    As companies transition to the growth stage, the focus shifts to refining the PLG strategy. This phase is marked by enhanced customer engagement and sophisticated product offerings, laying the groundwork for a broader market reach.

    * Deeper Data Analysis: Using sophisticated analytics tools for an in-depth understanding of customer behavior.

    * Strategic CRM Integration: Managing and nurturing the expanding customer base.

    * Monetization Approaches: Experimenting with various models to identify the most effective strategies for different segments.

    Scale Stage: Maximizing Reach and Efficiency

    In the scale stage, SaaS companies fully leverage PLG infrastructure to maximize market penetration. Advanced tooling and strategies come into play, streamlining processes and scaling operations efficiently.

    * Enhanced Tooling and Data Platforms: Implementing CDPs for a centralized customer data view and leveraging AB testing for product optimization.

    * Strategic Team Composition: Forming dedicated growth teams and emphasizing the leadership role in championing PLG.

    * Data-Driven Decision Making: Adapting and evolving strategies effectively based on market and user feedback.

    Throughout these stages, an underlying shift towards a hybrid growth model emerges, blending the strengths of PLG with Sales-Led Growth (SLG) strategies. This nuanced transition forms the backbone of sustainable and scalable growth in the SaaS domain.

    Key Timestamps:

    * (00:02) Introduction and the role of PLG in AI product development.

    * (01:01) Overview of Hila Qu's background and her insights on PLG infrastructure.

    * (02:39) Discuss the trends in PLG infrastructure and its adoption by early-stage startups.

    * (04:01) Challenges faced by early-stage startups in implementing PLG and the necessary infrastructure.

    * (07:37) The importance of PLG in the scaling process of startups.

    * (10:00) Debunking the myth that PLG should start only after achieving PMF (Product-Market Fit).

    * (12:26) Recommendations for early-stage startups on building a PLG infrastructure.

    * (17:09) Team composition and leadership roles in implementing PLG strategies.

    * (21:13) Transitioning from the early stage to the scaling phase in PLG implementation.

    * (26:08) Advanced tooling and strategies for startups in the scaling phase.

    * (31:25) Final insights and closing remarks.

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: Hila Qu

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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    In this episode, we're joined by Chetan Rawal to dissect the intricate process of integrating Product-Led Growth (PLG) strategies atop existing Sales-Led Growth (SLG) frameworks.

    Chetan shares his perspective on why and how these two approaches should be managed by distinct teams and leadership within an organization. For further insight, don't miss Chetan's recent post, "Common Myth Amongst Sales-led Orgs: Stagnating Growth?", which explores some of the misconceptions surrounding SLG.

    He dissects the idea that while PLG and SLG might initially compete, they eventually find synergy. He advocates for the establishment of PLG teams that operate with the agility and innovative spirit of a startup, emphasizing the need for rapid iterations and a focus on product evolution


    Here's What's in Store for You:

    [0:42] Chetan introduces the primary challenges of transitioning from SLG to PLG.

    [6:36] Analysis of which teams struggle the most with the adoption of PLG.

    [9:09] Chetan's perspective on how deal sizes and sales structures influence the move to PLG.

    [11:04] Exploring the role of Customer Success Managers (CSMs) and designers in PLG.

    [12:20] Understanding the difference between good and bad tech debt in PLG.

    [13:36] How practically every department grapples with the shift to PLG.

    [16:45] Strategies for hiring and positioning for PLG readiness.

    [18:38] The significance of generalists in the initial phases of PLG adoption.

    [19:19] Necessary changes in monetization models for a PLG approach.

    [23:38] Case studies of companies transitioning from SLG to PLG.

    Identifying the Challenges

    Leadership Influence

    * Accepting New Principles: The switch to PLG requires leaders to evolve from a sales-first mindset to one that places the product and user at the forefront. It's about embracing a philosophy where product quality and user satisfaction drive growth.

    * Instilling a PLG Mindset: Founders and executives must champion this shift, promoting a culture that values product innovation and customer experience as the new engines of revenue and expansion.

    Resource Allocation

    * Funding the Transition: Redirecting the financial stream is pivotal. It involves moving the budget away from traditional sales departments to areas essential for PLG such as product development, user interface enhancement, and customer support.

    * Securing Commitment: A major part of this transition is convincing stakeholders of PLG's long-term benefits. Detailed projections and success stories from PLG approaches can help underline the potential for sustained growth and profitability.

    Departmental Challenges

    Engineering: Building for the User

    * User-Centric Development: Engineers are tasked with shifting their focus from feature-heavy releases to building functionalities that directly address user needs, enhancing the user experience.

    * Iterative Feedback Loop: Incorporating user feedback into the development cycle becomes paramount, demanding more agile and responsive engineering practices.

    Product Management: Steering the Vision

    * Data-Driven Decisions: Product managers must utilize product usage data to inform the roadmap, ensuring that enhancements are aligned with user behavior and preferences.

    * Cross-Department Collaboration: They need to facilitate collaboration between departments, making sure that product developments are in sync with marketing, sales, and customer service initiatives.

    Marketing: Communicating Value

    * Educating Users: Marketers need to pivot from broad messaging to educating potential users on the product's value, utilizing insights from user data to tailor communication strategies.

    * Driving Adoption: The goal shifts from lead generation to driving product adoption and user retention, emphasizing the product's practical benefits and user success stories.

    Sales: Adapting to a Consultative Role

    * Guiding, Not Selling: Sales teams adapt to a more consultative role, helping prospective users understand how the product can solve specific problems rather than pushing for a hard sell.

    * Leveraging Usage Data: Utilizing product usage data to identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities, providing tailored solutions based on how customers are using the product.

    The Role of Analytics

    * Informed Strategic Moves: Across all departments, the analysis of product usage data is not just a task—it's the cornerstone of strategic decision-making, providing insights into user engagement, feature popularity, and the overall health of the product.

    The PLG Implementation Checklist

    Case Studies of Transition

    Adobe and Figma

    * Approach: Adobe's acquisition of Figma showcased a strategic shift towards PLG.

    * Focus: Emphasizing user-centric design tools and collaborative features.

    * Outcome: Enhanced market position in the design space with a broader, more engaged user base.

    Microsoft and OpenAI

    * Collaboration: Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI represents a significant move into AI-driven PLG.

    * Integration: Leveraging OpenAI's capabilities to enhance Microsoft's product offerings.

    * Impact: This partnership has not only expanded Microsoft's technological frontier but also attracted a diverse new user demographic.

    Learning from Upwork's Strategic Growth Approach

    Conscious Hiring for Growth Upwork, known for its Product-Led Growth (PLG) alongside an enterprise Sales-Led Growth (SLG) approach, made a strategic move to develop its Growth team. Initially, they focused on hiring generalists. These versatile team members were not only adept at identifying key growth levers but also skilled in implementing strategies to leverage them. This approach allowed the Growth team to gain trust within a company that was initially hesitant about expanding beyond its original five-person investment.

    Transition to Specialization As the Growth team proved successful in launching new products, Upwork's hiring strategy evolved. They began recruiting specialists to sustain and build upon the growth foundations laid by the generalists. This shift in focus ensured continued development and expansion in subsequent growth phases.

    Strategic Recommendations for Managing PLG and SLG

    Establishing Independent Teams

    * Distinct Functions: Initially set up PLG and SLG teams with separate goals and strategies. This allows each team to focus on their strengths without interference, much like specialized units within a larger army, each with a specific mission.

    * Cultivating Expertise: Encourage each team to develop deep expertise in their respective domains. For PLG, this means a strong focus on product development and user experience, while SLG teams concentrate on customer relationships and market expansion.

    Integration Over Time

    * Gradual Synergy: Over time, these independent teams should start to find points of synergy. It's like two different musical instruments playing their tunes and slowly harmonizing into a cohesive melody.

    * Cross-Functional Collaboration: Encourage regular cross-team collaborations and meetings to share insights and strategies. This can lead to innovative approaches where PLG insights inform SLG strategies and vice versa.

    Leadership and Vision

    * Guiding the Harmony: Leadership plays a crucial role in guiding this process. They should act as the conductors, ensuring that both teams are in tune and working towards the overarching objectives of the company.

    * Long-Term Strategic Planning: Incorporate both PLG and SLG perspectives in long-term planning, ensuring that decisions are made with a holistic view of growth, customer engagement, and market dynamics.

    Measuring Success

    * Balanced Metrics: Develop metrics that measure the success of both PLG and SLG strategies. This ensures a balanced view of performance and helps in making informed decisions about resource allocation and strategy adjustments.


    In closing, effectively merging Product-Led Growth (PLG) with Sales-Led Growth (SLG) is about finding the right balance. It starts with setting up separate teams focused on their specific strengths and then gradually bringing them together to work as one. Led by clear and focused leadership and evaluated through well-defined metrics, this strategy can open new opportunities for innovation, improve customer relationships, and drive market expansion.

    Learning from other companies' experiences and following these strategic steps, businesses can smoothly transition to this combined approach, laying a solid foundation for continuous growth in the B2B SaaS sector.

    Where to Find the Guest:

    * LinkedIn: Chetan Rawal

    Where to Find the Host:

    * LinkedIn: Gururaj Pandurangi


    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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    Summary:Join us for an insightful discussion with Mario Araujo, the Vice President of Growth at Graphext, as we explore the complexities and evolving maturity of Product-Led Growth (PLG). We examine the evolution of PLG, its adoption challenges, and the journey towards achieving high maturity, enriched by insights from Mario's extensive experience in the field.

    Here's what's in store for you:

    (00:00) Welcoming Mario Exploring His Journey in Product and Growth Advisory

    (01:00) Discussing the Evolving Field of PLG and Mario's Role in It

    (03:00) The Dynamics of PLG for Startups Challenges and Initial Steps

    (08:00) Key Strategies for Early PLG Adoption and Success Indicators

    (18:00) Progressing to Advanced PLG Identifying Maturity Indicators

    (25:00) Defining High PLG Maturity Data-Driven Decisions and User Insights

    (30:00) Personal Insights Mario Shares Quotes and PLG Failures

    (34:00) Contact and Further Engagement with Mario

    About the Speaker:Mario Araujo, as the Vice President of Growth at Graphext, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in product growth. In his current role, Mario focuses on simplifying data exploration and creating predictive models. His authority in the PLG community is further bolstered by his previous transformative work at Outsystems and the insights shared on his 'PLG False Starts' podcast.

    Where to Find the Guest:


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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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    Join us in this episode of Thrive Cast as Gururaj Pandurangi sits down with Achintya Gupta, the visionary Co-Founder of In an industry where understanding the developer's mindset is key, Achintya sheds light on the unique challenges of Developer Go-to-Market strategies. With a wealth of experience in fintech and developer tools, Achintya offers actionable insights into crafting GTM strategies that resonate with both developers and buyers. From discussing the success stories of HashiCorp, Elastic, and Confluent to highlighting the importance of data-driven decision-making and cross-departmental collaboration, this episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to make an impact in the developer-focused product space.

    Here's what's in store for you:

    (0:00) Introduction and Background

    (3:59) Developer GTM: Overview

    (6:40) Challenges in Developer GTM

    (9:05) Developer vs. Buyer Motivations

    (10:51) Developer Experience Importance

    (14:15) Success Stories in GTM

    (18:30) Users vs. Buyers: Differences

    (20:00) Targeting Strategies

    (23:20) Avoiding GTM Mistakes

    (25:57) Closing Thoughts and Advice

    About understands the unique needs and challenges of developers in the market. By providing revenue intelligence specifically tailored for DevTools and Developer Facing Marketing, ensures that developers have the necessary tools and insights to succeed in their buying journey. With a focus on Dev GTM and DevTool Sales, empowers businesses to effectively reach and engage with developers, ultimately driving revenue growth in this specialized market. : Revenue Intel for Developer focused Go-To-Market

    Where to find Achintya Gupta:

    Where to find Gururaj:

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit