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True horror stories written by those who made it out alive. First-person accounts narrated and produced by Andy Tate in an anthology of terror and suspense. To hear your story on the show, send it to [email protected]
The official podcast of The Last of Us - critically-acclaimed winner of over 200 Game of The Year Awards - offers an immersive experience that blends dynamic conversations and the cinematic storytelling that changed gaming forever. Featuring writer and creative director Neil Druckmann, Part II co-writer Halley Gross, stars Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey as well as other talents and visionaries who brought the games to life, The Official The Last of Us Podcast will take listeners through the groundbreaking journey of Part I and the making of the highly-anticipated Part II.ESRB RATING: Mature 17+ with Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
Den 4. Væg er en podcast om dansk scenekunst. Vi taler om teater og med teater. Hver anden uger udgiver vi en podcast, der både indeholder anmeldelser, reportager fra det danske scenekunstliv og interviews med relevante personligheder. Vores mål er at kunne åbne scenekunstens magiske verden op for endnu flere – og særligt unge! Gennem vores anmeldelser håber vi at kunne fungere som guider for, hvor det er allerfedest at smide sine måske sparsomme kroner henne.
Bawdy Storytelling – dubbed 'The Moth for pervs' by the LA Weekly – is the nation’s original sex and storytelling series. Founded, emcee’ed and curated by sexual folklorist Dixie De La Tour, Bawdy Storytelling features real people and rockstars sharing their bona fide sexual exploits. Bawdy Storytelling’s one-of-a-kind approach to sex-positive personal narrative has coaxed liberating tales out of everyday people, creating unforgettable experiences for performers and audiences alike. These stories aren't memorized. Storytellers aren't reading from cue cards. This is honest-to-badness story time with true sexcapades and poignant, hilarious, transformational tales at each and every show.
Welcome to Mastering the Knits with Natalie and Alicia, inspiring each other to go outside our comfort zones to master our crafts. Our goal is to connect, inspire, and encourage each other as we take on the Master Knitter Program. We also want to build a community and connect with other fiber artists and those taking the Master Knitter journey!
Træd med ind i troldmandens hule til en uformel snak om tryllekunst i selskab med Nicolaj Christensen, Anders Lilleøre og Mads Fencker.
Mønterne er palmerede, kortene lagt i stack og tryllestaven er skruet op på 100%
Igennem diskussioner, lege og kreative øvelser bliver tryllekunsten i det 21-århundrede taget til et kærligt eftersyn. -
QueenPod: The Queen Podcast is your official one-stop shop for everything related to the world's greatest rock band. Joined by comedians and Queen superfans John Robins and Sooz Kempner, host Rohan Acharya and Queen archivist and documentarian Simon Lupton will take you through all of Queen, track by track, album by album, listening along to the tunes and analyzing them (well, at least talking about how awesome they are). We'll also have news and stories about the band, fan questions and queries, and some very special guests!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Bilsnobberne er for dig, der elsker biler og ikke er ligeglad med, hvad du kører i - uanset om det er dyrt eller på budget.
I episoderne taler vi altid over en flaske vin, og sammen gennemgår vi gæstens Bil-CV og ikke mindst historierne om bilerne og tiden hvor vi havde dem. I andre udsendelser kommer vi også til at behandle aktuelle og uaktuelle emner fra bilernes verden, hver gang med en ”ekspert” som medvært der har fremlagt sit Bil-CV.
Bilsnobberne er den podcast, der giver sig tid til at gå i detaljen også selv om det bliver nørdet indimellem. Din vært er Stefan Kaas, der med 47 år som bilsnob og 25 år i bilbranchen, tager dig med til bilsnobbernes verden med afstikkere og røverhistorier om biler, mennesker og bilbranchen.
Har du lyst til at deltage i en episode kan skrive til os på Facebook, Instagram eller send dit Bil-CV til [email protected]. Du behøver hverken være kendis, eller have haft mange og meget dyre biler, bare du elsker biler, og vil dele din historie med andre entusiaster.
Velkommen til Bilsnobberne ! -
The Roma Army Podcast
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Weekly, episodes about board games and the board game hobby.
We dive in to a wide selection of game mechanics, themes, and reviews. We discuss game news, gaming highlights, and the people who make our games amazing.
Come join us at the game table.
Hosted by Nathan Howard, Andy Holliday, Douglas Stewart, David Holliday, and Logan Howard.