Munich, 1942. War rages across Europe. After nearly a decade of Nazi rule, Hitler is at the height of his power. Any form of opposition is unimaginably dangerous. Anyone who dares to oppose the regime risks imprisonment, deportation, and even death. To stand up and speak out would take incredible strength and courage. There were some willing to take that risk.
Brought to you by SANSARA and the White Rose Project, Traces of the White Rose is a podcast series telling the story of the White Rose resistance: five students and a professor who stood up to Nazism and paid with their lives. Through newly-translated letters, diaries and resistance pamphlets, hosts Tom Herring and Dr Alexandra Lloyd trace the story of the White Rose resisters in their own words, alongside powerful and moving choral music by English and German composers from SANSARA’s acclaimed album 'Traces'.
The series was made with support from the University of Oxford’s Public Engagement with Research Seed Fund, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, the Higher Education and Innovation Fund, and the Genesis Foundation Kickstart Fund.
White Rose Project webpage: http://whiteroseproject.seh.ox.ac.uk/
SANSARA choir homepage: https://www.sansarachoir.com/
'Traces' album listening link: https://platoon.lnk.to/traces
Full credits, references, transcript: https://www.sansarachoir.com/towr-podcast