
  • This episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast features three incoming officers of Toastmasters District 46 for the year 2022-2023, Dora Maria Abreu, Evelyn Marrero, and George J. Rivera. They talk about some of the best moments they've had in Toastmasters and encourage everyone to explore the many opportunities and resources that the Pathways Program will provide.


    The challenges in the transition coming out of lockdownsTheir goals for the year as incoming officersThe Pathways program and how people can find a club of their choiceDora, Evelyn, and George's most memorable moments


    Evelynn: "There's going to be a lot of 'let's see if this works' but thankfully we have a strong leadership team and Toastmasters International gives us a lot of support towards that. So while it will be challenging I think we'll definitely come out stronger on the other end."

    Dora: "For me, it was more of just being more confident in speaking publicly. So this was an opportunity to get more confident in that space in a safe environment where you would not have had that opportunity in your work experience."

    George: "We want all members to feel that Pathways is really there to support their journey. We want to create tools that are time-saving, we want to be a source of resources, we want to be available, and we want to be personable. My approach is to be very personable."

    Evelynn: "I began to realize that I did have a leader in me. That I did have something to share that others found interesting and that they followed. Through concise communication is how you lead best."

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  • In this episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast, Anu Senan talks to Mahesh Thapa and Amha Lawson both from the Toastmasters club at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Mahesh and Amha talk about how there is technically no limit to what you can learn and improve as a member of Toastmasters. If you have the mindset, Toastmasters will provide you with all the tools and resources necessary to achieve your goals.


    Mahesh and Amha's journey to joining ToastmastersIf a 6-year old can't understand it, you don't eitherToastmasters helps people improve their leadership skillsWho should join Toastmasters?There's no limit to what you can learn


    Mahesh: "Even I was one of those in the beginning where we think that Toastmasters is a club where people who has English as a second language go and learn how to speak well. But this is about growing and making sure you're developing your communication and leadership skills and that would happen to everyone."

    Amha: "One of the best tips I got is that if you can't explain an idea so that a 6-year old can understand it, then you don't understand your own idea."

    Amha: "I'm used to being very hands-on and well just let me do it myself. But that's now you lead. You lead by empowering people in those positions and then giving them the space to shine."

    Mahesh: "As long as you have the mindset, Toastmasters has these projects and the pathways that has been designed to meet all your needs."

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  • In this episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast, Anu Senan talks to Gerlinde Brixius, a corporate banker at HSBC. Born and raised in Austria, Gerlinde had always wanted to expand her horizons by learning foreign languages. Having since studied in France, moved to Singapore, and eventually to New York, Gerlinde has learned to speak five languages: Italian, French, German, Mandarin, and English.

    Upon joining Toastmasters, Gerlinde has since acquired a new skill: to use her voice not only as a means to communicate, but to advocate for sustainable living practices. More than learning a language, Gerlinde has learned how to encourage others to reduce their carbon footprint and live in a way that’s good for the planet too.


    An appetite for learning foreign languages Healing and Hildegard of BingenJoining Toastmasters and learning how to use her voice What's for us is good for the planet tooToastmasters is a great place to learn leadership skills


    Gerlinde: "An ugly little voice started coming up saying, you have to use your voice. Because there are people out there, they're great talent. But they maybe don't have the connection or they need somebody to advocate for them. And that's going to be your role."

    Gerlinde: "There is nothing that's bad for the human being that will be good for the Earth, or the other way around. There's nothing that will be good for the Earth that will not be good for us, definitely."

    Gerlinde: "To be an officer, and the buck stops with you in the case of a club president, you learn in a low-stake environment to be the ultimate responsible person. So for anyone who wants to launch their own business, that's so invaluable. And low stake doesn't mean it's not important. And low stake means that everybody in the room and the club supports you and even the district actually for that matter."

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  • It seems that women just make everything better, including Toastmasters Clubs. In this episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast, Anu Senan talks to Sheila Oranch.

    As a pioneering female member and one of the first female club presidents of Toastmasters in New York State, Sheila Oranch has seen how the entry of women has also allowed more people from all walks of life into what was previously just a men’s club. Having been active since 1974, she has also seen how learning better communication skills have allowed people from even the worst situations to better themselves.

    When you’re given a roomful of people who will give you full attention and good feedback, there’s just no limit to what you can do.


    How women changed Toastmasters clubsTalking is not communicatingLessons learned from volunteering in a prison for womenToastmasters Clubs host youth leadership programs tooEvery speed bump is a stepping stone to success


    Sheila: "When you break any one barrier, it tends to break all the other barriers. And I don't know that it matters which is the entry point, but as soon as any self-contained homogenous group accepts any people who are different than they are ... all of a sudden, different doesn't seem so scary."

    Sheila: "Talking isn't communicating. I was born talking, apparently. That came naturally. But if you're not able to listen and understand your audience and fairly exchange concepts and understanding, then you're not communicating."

    Sheila: "When a person has a roomful of people genuinely listening to them, responding, applauding, giving constructive feedback, they get so much confidence you can see them blossom. Like that little flower that finally gets some water and sunshine. See them coming week after week and going from shuffling in like 'oh my god, do I have to be here' to like, they couldn't wait and competing with each other to get to be Toastmaster next meeting."

    Sheila: "I never forgot being a teenager, being a young person and not being listened to. Not being heard, being treated as something like a puppy or a kitten and not a thinking, caring human being who had opinions. I want the young people to gain their voice. I want them to be heard because that's how we're going to change the world."

    Sheila: "Every speed bump is a stepping stone to success. All the but-buts, all the reasons why you can't do something, that's just your to-do list. Even if something is scary or difficult, that's probably because you don't know enough about it, to know that you can do it.

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  • In this episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast, Anu talks to veteran educator Susan Baxter. Susan, who is currently president of two Toastmasters clubs, namely the Podcast Pioneers and New York Storytellers, retells the story of how she first discovered Toastmasters. She also talks about how her membership has improved both her professional and personal lives.

    Susan’s experience with Toastmasters has benefitted her immensely, and invites everyone to first determine their personal goals and then looking for the specific club that will match their interests. As Susan will tell you, there’s literally a Toastmasters club for everyone, and they will help you achieve your goals if you are willing to put in the work.


    How Susan discovered ToastmastersToastmasters can help improve both personal and professional livesTeaching in New York and joining multiple Toastmasters clubsA Toastmasters club for podcasters Why do you want to join Toastmasters?Toastmasters will help you achieve your goals if you work on it


    Susan: "Toastmasters helped me be quite successful when I was dean and helped me feel much more comfortable doing my job and meeting people and cold-calling different CEOs to come and be a part of the speaker series."

    Susan: "When I put on that suit, that armor of who I am professionally, I can be at Lincoln Center and announcing the graduate school to the college president going, there they've met all the criteria and I mean, imagine all the people in Lincoln Center, all the parents and everything, packed, standing room. I can stand on that stage and do what I need to do as Dr. Baxter. But when I'm Susan, that's when the fears hit of, am I going to say the right thing. I don't feel that way when I'm Dr. Baxter."

    Susan: "If you're looking at Toastmasters, one of the things to consider would be, why? Are you looking at it to learn another language? There's a club for that. Are you looking at it because you're trying to lighten up a little bit, there's humorous clubs. Are you terrified of speaking in front of other people, then think about you want a large club or a smaller club."

    Susan: "You can do whichever way you want. There's not a wrong way, which makes Toastmasters work for anybody. And it is the best money you will ever spend to get support to improve not only your public speaking, but you make connections with people from every walk of life, and it's fabulous."

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  • In this episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast, Anu talks to software engineer Stella Umunna. Stella, who hails from Nigeria and studied in the UK and now lives in and works in the US, is passionate about getting more girls and people of color in STEM. For Stella, getting more African people involved in STEM will mean more people working to solve important issues such as hunger, climate change, etc.

    While joining Toastmasters has improved her ability to communicate with clients as well as the people she works with, Stella also talks about how her improvements as a public speaker have also affected her personal life and advocacy work. She believes that through Toastmasters, she will be able to reach more people and achieve her lifelong dream of seeing more women of color in STEM.


    STEM needs more women of color Gamification as a delivery method for learning STEMLiving in three different countries and the lessons learned Toastmasters improves both professional and personal livesGiving and receiving feedback is a skill that can be learned It's never too late to learn and improve


    Stella: "As a female and software engineer of color, I've always wondered why there couldn't be more like me. Most of the time in any meetings I will have, you hardly see any women in our field. Also, you hardly see any people of color especially Black or African-American people. So I've made it my vision to get kids, K to 12, in to the STEM pipeline and help them develop a lifetime interest in Science and Technology, which is my specialty."

    Stella: "The difference is that a lot of places like the US and in the UK too, a lot of money has been pumped into research and technology. And I think that's a main game changer. Africa's still a developing nation, so I guess we're still trying to solve all the infrastructure problems. That's one of the reasons why technology really isn't up to snuff, because we have to provide light, we have to provide running water and electricity for people. We're still trying to solve basic problems."

    Stella: "Joining Toastmasters has helped me improve my communication skills. As part of my job, I need to communicate design plans and share ideas with my clients all the time. And now, I'm all ready to go as soon as my clients say, 'pitch me something.'"

    Stella: "I really love the Toastmasters club. I don't know why I didn't join 10 years ago. But I guess it's never too late. Life is a life-learning process. You're never too old to learn, you can always keep improving yourself."

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  • In this episode of the Transformational Pathways podcast, Anu talks to Anna Zhao. Anna is a financial management specialist by trade, but is a storyteller at heart. Growing up in China, Anna was encouraged by her parents to pursue her interests, public speaking being among the many. As an adult, she reignited that passion upon joining Toastmasters.

    Anna talks about commitment, and how her unwavering passion allowed her to continue improving her speeches virtually during quarantine. While the experience of speaking to a live audience is incomparable, her passion for the craft was not diminished and she continued to be active in her club.


    How Anna rediscovered her love of public speaking with ToastmastersEarly childhood and growing up in ChinaEntering the United States and developing more passionsIt's all about commitment: speeches in the era of Zoom meetingsPicking up leadership skills with ToastmastersA lifetime of developing passions


    Anna: "I just signed up and starting from there, I gave a speech and learned from all the excellent toastmasters members. It has been a transformative experience. Every single day, I'm inspired by the people and by the stage itself."

    Anna: "Writing a speech is a journey with ourselves. Each story is about ourselves, we just need to dig deep into our own story and then write it, rehearse it, and deliver it. It's about ourselves, it's just like a commitment. When we give a commitment, it's not about the other person."

    Anna: "If we talk about the commitment to the club, to giving a speech, to Toastmasters, it's all about ourselves. I want to get deeper into myself, to have discoveries about myself. I write about it, I contemplate it. It's about ourselves. Once we think through this, it's a natural flow from there."

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    Toastmasters goes beyond public speaking Toastmasters can be a safe space Lessons learned while doing PR during a global pandemicStorytelling can help you impact more peopleRG's transformational story


    Rose: "We tend to think of Toastmasters as just public speaking. It's way more than that. You can work on your communication skills, but what I've truly gotten out of Toastmasters is evaluation as well as leadership opportunities. And of course, a good confidence boost."

    Rose: "In my personal life, I find Toastmasters to be a safe space where you can go and bounce ideas. It could be just a rant that I just want to vent and I can wrap it up into a very nice speech and get feedback from my friends."

    Rose: "The worst that will happen is you get feedback, you get constructive criticism. Most of the time, it's very positive feedback. People will tell you what you're doing well and what you should continue doing. Other times, they will mention areas of improvement. And the sooner you get that feedback, the earlier you can start working on your other speeches."

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    You need to put in the workBuilding confidence through experienceKeep listening to others but find your own authentic voicePeople respond to vulnerabilityJust keep going, even if you miss a stepKeep your mind in the present


    Kimberly: "I really want to speak from authenticity. I want to speak like me. I want to take all of the great people that I think speak so well, and make it my own. I don't have to talk exactly like them, because I am not them. And so I want to speak from a place where it's me."

    Kimberly: “Be confident in the material that you have in its most basic form. You want to know what you're talking about. Anytime before I have a prepared speech, I will just listen to a podcast, or do my research and look at different angles of it, just so I have a holistic picture of it."

    Kimberly: "If I stumble on a word, just get past it and don't make a big deal out of it. Like when you dance, you're doing choreography and you know that you've missed a step, other people aren't going to notice it as much as you do. You just have to keep going.”

    Kimberly: "I prepare myself to think: this might not be perfect, relax, if you make a mistake, it's okay. I think people will also be a little bit more comfortable if you make some mistakes sometimes because it shows that you're human."

    Kimberly: "Don't think too much of the future, don't think of anything that's happened in the past. Just be there with your audience because they're taking the time to listen to you and so you should make sure that you're speaking to them and that you're paying attention to them."

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    What makes a relatable story? Journey with different Toastmasters clubs The power of building networks and storytellingAnu's vision for the podcast What listeners can expect for this version of the podcast and Anu as hostWhat makes a great question? Questions to look at for the new podcast formatListenership will take care of itself


    Anu: "Story building is all about building human connections. And when you are networking with people, you're telling them stories. And I think that was also part of the speech that I was preparing with. It was very powerful it helped build connections. A lot of people would come up to me after the speech, emotionally moved, telling them how much it was inspiring them and I could see for myself the power of telling stories."

    Anu: "When we say technology and storytelling or presentations, the first name that comes to mind for me at least is Steve Jobs. He did a fantastic job of never bringing up anything technical in his presentations. Kept it super simple, kept it clean and made it look so attractive to people who wouldn't understand that technology."

    Anu: "What they can expect out of this is definitely a lot of rich stories, engaging conversations with Toastmasters, and what they can bring to the table. And probably, I'm hoping out of every episode, they can take away one or two new things that they've never heard of before, something of learning value in every episode."

    Anu: "The question should really tap into the deeper narrative, the why behind whatever actions the speaker or the guest is sharing about. To understand what is driving them, to understand what are their greatest fears or what are their greatest desires, because one of these factors drive people forward and try to get into the mind of the listener, and their psyche and understand them a little bit more."

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    Toastmasters is a very diverse group Getting welcomed with open arms From New Jersey to New York clubThe youth of today are the elders of tomorrowIntroducing the Youth Leadership ProgramShaping the future one youth at a time


    Jahnavi: “While you're here in Toastmasters, you can make mistakes. Because in the real world, mistakes can cost you your job. Here, you can make a fool of yourself and we will be here to tell you what you're doing wrong in a friendly way.”

    Somesh: “It's all about, in Toastmasters club, building connection, and then having the right conversation, and collaborating. All my learnings from the Toastmasters club and senior toastmasters and having a good mentor made me serve the community and the young people by paying it back. Because as I teach, I'm enhancing my public speaking skills.”

    Somesh: “What surprised us as teachers is the discipline. They always respect each others' opinion, and more importantly, it's all about diversity, right? How do you have diverse opinions, when you are doing debates but in a healthy manner, still respecting each others' view? Sometimes it makes us adults also learn from these young people.”

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    Podcasts as a way for self-discovery Growing up in Russia and the concept of conformityLearning English and moving to the United States Joining Toastmasters and loving the sense of communitySelf-improvement and the Toastmaster processLeadership, acknowledging mistakes, and vulnerability


    Angelika: “For me, every speech, every topic that I've presented at Toastmasters is a way to relive your experiences, and to kind of underline, okay, what did I learn from them and how did that influence me as a person.”

    Scott: “The speech making process that's embedded into the Toastmasters educational curriculum, is a way to examine, reframe and process the events in our lives if we choose to make it so.”

    Angelika: “Your club, you become like a family because you bring some topics that are very vulnerable sometimes. And being that transparent with these little parts of yourself, that gives you that sense of closeness and community.”

    Angelika: “Being that open about your weak spots, that's the difficult part. But then you receive the support of the person, even of an evaluator saying, I understand, I've been through that, I know what that feels like, I got you. That gives you strength.”

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    Formative years: From journalism to teaching Learning about and joining Toastmasters There's always someone better than you What makes a story good? Leave your ego at the doorJoin Toastmasters to improve yourself Embrace your verbs


    Marc: "If you don't wanna make it yourself, you don't really want it."

    Marc: "I would say that anybody, I don't care what level you're at, there is somebody you can meet, somebody you can speak to, somebody you can come across, who will just teach you things that you did not know."

    Marc: "If I'm a great speaker, if I'm a good speaker, if I'm a compelling speaker, if I'm a helpful speaker, if I'm a transformation speaker, it's only because I've come across people who have helped me, transformed me, taught me."

    Marc: "Just pick one thing that you would like to be able to do better, one thing that would make you feel a little bit better about yourself and just focus on that. You don't have to be the next Tony Robbins, you just have to be the next version of you who's gonna tell that next story that you just heard or experienced or lived through."

    Marc: "The secret to being an effective educator is understanding that even if you are on the front of the room, whether you are on the stage or the guy by the side, that it's always about the students in the classroom. That is why as educators we always have to throw the ego out the door."

    Marc: "Sometimes, performance is a dirty word in public speaking. I say let's stop separating all these things and merge them together. Public speaking, performing, visual, verbal, we gotta put it all together."

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    From pre-Med to Wall StreetThe critical importance of listening Gains and opportunities opened by joining ToastmastersSpeaking is only one part of communicationCompetition can be supportive and nurturingLessons learned after testing positive for COVID-19Time spent with others is our best asset


    Robert: "As valuable it is to speak, probably more important to be a good listener."

    Robert: "It's not only public speaking that is the value of Toastmasters to me. It's the communication. What Toastmasters has done is to help me to crystallize my thinking, focus my comment, hopefully get rid of a lot of noise that goes on in my head, and deliver a message, whether it's table topics, a formal speech evaluation, something that people will actually remember because the message is clear."

    Robert: "Motivate/inspire the people who work with and for you, and that's what Toastmasters do. They inspire and motivate others to help them with their journeys that those people might not have been able to do if they relied strictly on their own capabilities. We are the movers, we are the accelerators. "

    Robert: "Because we are challenging one another to get better, we realize there's really no limit to our ability to improve how we speak, how we listen, and how we can better support one another."

    Robert: "I came to realize in those 10 days, my situation was not permanent. It felt permanent, while going through it, but I realize it's part of life what we go through, our ups and downs. It's a temporary situation and it will get better. Times will change and we will adapt."

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    Overcoming stage fright by honoring her father's memoryFinding her voice and starting a singing career in FloridaPaint the picture: show don't tellRecover from your falls, both literally and figurativelyTrust in the processGrowing your speaking skill with ToastmastersContest speaking vs real-world keynote speakingWhat is lateral thinking?Public speaking in the age of Zoom


    Verity: "True confidence, is when you're okay with things not being okay."

    Verity: "You've gotta live before you die, you've gotta smile before you cry, you can't fall unless you fly, you can't fail unless you try."

    Verity: "If I look back at the first time that I had my heart broken, it was the end of the world. I didn't believe that I'd ever be okay. But subsequent heart breaks -— because life is a series of heartbreaks, I've learned that I will be okay. And yes, this is hard and I might need to mourn, and I might need to cry and it's a lot of ice cream and watching Netflix. but I know that inherently inside, I will be okay."

    Verity: "Lateral thinking is just thinking sideways, off course from your normal direction of thinking, and arrive at ideas that are outside of where you would generally think."

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    06:38 How Natsuyo landed in New York

    07:31 Natsuyo's unusual family life in Japan

    15:33 How Japanese communication is very different from the New York-American way

    19:00 Getting started with Toastmasters

    24:05 Diving headfirst into competitive speaking

    25:45 Always focus on one big message

    26:44 Speaking is entertainment: Catching people's attention

    29:23 The process of improving your speech helps you grow as a person

    30:56 Natsuyo's struggle with breast cancer

    34:59 Telling a story can heal both the speaker and the audience

    38:35 Intercultural communication: Connecting with audiences of different nationalities

    41:52 Connect with Natsuyo

    42:54 Natsuyo's favorite leader and speaker


    17:58 Natsuyo: "The interesting thing about cross-cultural issues is you need to be flexible. You can't be far right or far left. You need to be able to gauge where the other person is in relative to where you are and how you wanna adjust to yourself so you are not only heard, but your message is acted upon.

    26:42 Natsuyo: "I always thought that performing arts and business don't merge. But at that moment, I figured out speaking is an entertainment, and you have to be able to entertain the listeners so that they will really hear you and act on your message."

    29:48 Natsuyo: "I really believe the speech writing process is about self-improvement or self-development because when you craft a story, you really have to go deeper into yourself, deep into your past, and really have a deep understanding of why you did what you did and what was your learning."

    34:54 Natsuyo: "I shared my story and I felt like I really felt like through stories. I can connect with the audience, heart to heart, and speaking was healing for me. So telling a story healed me and also it healed the audience to whatever they're feeling, whatever pain they had."

    36:37 Scott: "You shared something intimate about yourself. And I, as a listener, felt connected to you, not just as a talking head or someone passing on information, but as a human being. And that's where the feelings inside come out and it's a genuine connection. There's real power there.

    39:16 Natsuyo: "The message itself is really universal. It doesn't matter what country you're from. Everyone has hearts and everyone has experienced some hardship. So when you, find a universal message, that resonates with everyone in the world. that being said, the way to deliver your story may be slightly different depending on who you're talking to, especially in different cultures."

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    02:19 Seth's career: An engineer by trade, an artist and designer by heart

    06:02 A natural introvert, Seth's desire to get out of his head led him to Toastmasters

    11:08 Listening: At the core of being present and the other half of communication

    14:15 Use both sides of your brain: Get comfortable saying "I don't know"

    17:47 Building connection: Let go of ego and go from "mego" to "wego"

    19:50 To be authentic, you have to know yourself

    22:35 Who is Sherpa Seth and the secrets of a Creative Warrior

    33:21 Seth's presentation to Toastmasters District 46

    35:03 Mark Twain: It takes 3 weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech

    36:53 Connect with Seth


    08:25 "Toastmasters is to key to get out of your head. It's all about speaking in public, having confidence to speak in public. We're all about leaders who can speak, who can prepare a speech, who can speak on the cuff."

    09:10 "To understand communication, you have to first listen and then speak. And that's what Toastmasters actually has taught me because, in terms of evaluation, evaluating someone's speech, you got to listen, you got to quiet the thoughts in your head in order to do that."

    12:51 "That's what is communication is all about, A plus B equals C, right? Accept plus Build equals Collaboration and Communication."

    18:30 "If you are run by the ego, you're never going to let others in. What I like to tell my students is that you have to go from 'mego' to 'wego.' It's called a Build It Together Mindset, a B.I.T. mindset. Go from me to we, and how do you do that? You let go of your ego."

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    01:27 Working in HR and finding satisfaction becoming a private tutor

    05:16 The evaluative experience of Toastmasters equips HR for difficult conversations

    08:54 Toastmasters: A venue to receive feedback made with good intent

    15:28 Toastmasters is a family affair for Jasmin

    18:35 Becoming more open to things because of Toastmasters

    19:51 Podcast Pioneers: A tangible way to connect virtually

    22:08 Toastmasters enhances you to do better in your chosen field

    24:11 Muriel Shabazz is Jasmin's favorite Toastmaster


    05:37 "One of the things that I value most about Toastmasters is their evaluative experience. The strategies that they recommend for evaluation I found to be so useful in so many areas... because there were many situations where I had to have uncomfortable or less than favorable conversations with people."

    10:25 "Overall, learning to communicate with kindness and to be a good listener, which Toastmasters helps us do, is helpful across the board in every field because then you feel like you're talking to somebody who wants you to do well, too."

    19:10 "Toastmasters has helped me increase my confidence in my competence. And so I'm able to say yes. If someone says here's an opportunity that I think fits you, I'm less likely now to brush it off. I'll say, okay."

    22:56 "The most critical thing is the feedback because you get to hear from people who are hearing you in real time tell you how impactful you've been. Did you think that you've communicated this message? Well, they'll let you know... and now you know how to shift and rework it. So it's as effective as you want it."

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    02:25 How Matthew started out in the world of comedy

    12:58 Books, comedy, and the ability to laugh at one's self

    15:37 Highschool humiliation, memes, and being banned from announcements

    19:26 How to read the room as a comedian and a Toastmaster

    22:51 How and why Matthew ended up with Toastmasters

    28:36 Matthew's pathway: A helpful tool as a visual learner

    32:58 Icebreaker: "A little alone time isn't so bad"

    37:15 Toastmasters and comedy changed Matthew as the world is starting to open up

    44:04 The Roosevelt line Toastmasters club vibe that Matthew is in

    49:07 How Toastmasters pathway can help someone who wants to learn comedy

    54:17 Matthew's favorite comedians and leaders


    11:26 "It's important or helpful to come up with something funny to say when that bomb occurs as a way of rescuing the situation."

    13:50 "It's all about control in any public speaking situation. The audience is gonna feel more comfortable if they feel like the person talking is in control. And comedy is a way of indicating you're in control by being able to ascertain an emotional response in somebody even when you're screwing up."

    21:14 "What's great about Toastmasters is it doesn't just give you skills of how to talk to people, it gives you skills on how to listen to people. So it's a very conversational aspect to it... what people in this room and this group of what they're sensitive about. What might work and what might not."

    24:40 "The best stand-ups are the people who don't view it as a performance, they view it basically just like a conversation you would have with anybody."

    38:37 "Toastmasters to me has reignited just the love of communication with people. Just talking about anything, just being able to be out with people to talk of the cuff about anything. It not only makes you a stronger speaker as it has for me, but it also just reignited a certain for communication that maybe got lost when we were all inside or maybe never went away but now rediscovering."

    47:34 "So just the idea of knowing that, like I can talk to this person and they will feel comfortable talking to me and we can have a free-flowing conversation. Even if either one of us has maybe had a rough day or whatever.”

    50:21 "It can be a very uncomfortable, uninviting space for women in general. And also basically any marginalized group, because there are lots of men, shall we say who feel that comedy is still largely about who you can attack and who you can bring down and kind of revel in a certain amount of cruelty in their comedy."

    59:20 "Leaders tend to just kind of naturally gravitate to positions of leadership. And part of gravitating to that position is respecting the people around you and making them feel important in a way that if they are asked that question, they will point to you."

    Connect with Matthew in the links below:

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    28:05 How Adam ended up with Toastmasters after all of his experience in banking, the Royal Australian Air Force, and being an Intelligence Specialist.

    36:03 A Toastmasters club of which he was supposed to be president until the pandemic hit and how it affected the members and himself personally

    38:54 Service towards the people in Toastmasters and why it was fundamentally engrained into Adam's life

    43:04 Tactics Adam used to rebuild the club from shambles

    52:30 Adam's experience to convince young and hungry executives to join Toastmasters and why it's a must


    21:35 "I remember going to sleep one night in a pitch-black room and a rocket landed nearby and exploded. And the room went from pitch-black to as bright as the mid-day sun in a flash. As soon as it was over, I rolled over and went back to sleep. That's how you got used to it ... It was normal."

    28:36 "I lacked a lot of self-confidence and I really needed to improve my ability to communicate, and my leadership skills. And I remember someone recommending Toastmasters to me. So I joined the Toastmasters club in Wollongong, which sadly no longer exists. Its name was Collieries Toastmasters Club."

    37:47 "To give people a break from what was happening with the pandemic, in March, April, and May were particularly dark times here in New York. To give people a reprieve was my objective, to give people that space to grow. To be supported and to discover who they could be, was my plan. It was not easy but it was a lot of fun."

    39:00 "If you're in a better position than someone else then help that person to achieve, to succeed, to learn, to grow, and develop. I've always believed in it."

    41:45 "I knew the pandemic wasn't gonna last forever, I knew it was gonna finish at some point ... but I wanted to set those people up for success. I wanted to give them that foundation on which they could step forth and become better people before this was all over, or during it."

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    Toastmasters - where leaders are made.