
  • Do you BELIEVE God wants to heal you?

    Are you afraid to ask God to heal you? Do you happily join in prayer for other people over their healing and yet hold back a little for healing for yourself?

    Oftentimes because of the nature of who you are, caretaker, putting everyone else's needs above your own, get her done kind of gal…. deep down you may struggle with this… Does God really want to heal me?? WILL God really heal me??

    It's hard to trust God as our healer sometimes. In the day in day out reality of this hard life, do we really believe that God still heals today?

    Physical health can be restored, repaired, made whole, cured, healed.

    Mental health can be restored, repaired, made whole, cured, healed.

    Our spiritual health can be restored, repaired, made whole, cured, healed.

    I am sharing 3 ways God can heal with 3 very specific bible verses to back it up.

    This isn't an easy topic but I felt it needed to be addressed and I hope it brings you some encouragement.

    Grab your bible and journal for today's episode and I pray this blesses you!XO, Michelle

    If you are serious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on AND YouTube

  • Do you reach for one of those energy drinks for a quick energy boost? I am reviewing today why if you do, you should stop.

    We are reviewing 3 ways energy drinks will make you more tired and hurt you in the process. There are many other options you can reach for but I will be sharing 3 natural ways you can boost your energy that will not cause more harm to your body.

    Often, summer is a time to slow down and enjoy more time outside with family and friends. To be more social in a relaxed environment. You want to be a part of conversations and all the social events and yet you are still fighting that fatigue that you have been fighting all year.

    Trying to make wise decisions when you are also fighting fatigue can often back fire on you all the same. For instance, avoiding alcohol by the pool but choosing an energy drink that will deplete you in other ways.

    It's vital to get to the root cause of WHY you are so tired so that you can help your body to truly recover and heal.

    Quick energy boosts rarely mean natural or sustainable energy boosts.

    Try these 3 tips for boosting your energy in a natural way that won't cause more fatigue and other problems later on.

    I pray this blesses you and helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness!XO, Michelle

    If you are serious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru June 21st I am offering an amazing coaching BONUS to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on LIFE because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on AND YouTube

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  • Are you a stressed out female professional leader?

    Do you hide your stress well until you can’t anymore? Do your employees know you are freaking out inside?

    OR is it possible that you can be calm and certain in the midst of your stress?

    Can you be that shining light in the face of a stressful environment?

    Can you be bold and confident that you are in the right place for this season that God has placed you in?

    The answers my friend, can all be YES!

    God calls you higher. He wants His best for you.

    He doesn’t want you sad, sick and stuck. No matter what your career is, no matter where you find yourself in your life right NOW….God wants more for you.

    You can have peace amidst the stress. I want to share with you 2 biblical mindset shifts to bring you some peace even during the stress building inside.

    I pray this blesses you and helps you to treasure YOUR wellness!XO, Michelle

    If you are serious and not merely curious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru June 21st I am offering an amazing coaching BONUS to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on LIFE because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on AND YouTube

  • Is your daily fatigue possibly related to a spiritual identity crisis?

    Are you ready to help yourself get to the bottom of your tiredness my friend? To walk in fatigue freedom?

    YOU must address your fatigue or you WILL remain sad sick and stuck. It WILL affect every single area of your life.Here’s the cold hard truth: No one else is going to address it for you. The reality is, YOU are your own best advocate for your health.

    That includes ALL levels of health. Physical, Mental, Spiritual.

    And to TRULY address your daily fatigue you need to consider if it is a spiritual issue. Meaning, are you struggling with your IDENTITY as a Christian woman?

    Most people find their identity in WHAT they do. What their career or vocation is. Wife, Mom, employee, biz owner.....

    While there is nothing wrong with attaching those things to WHAT you DO, they aren't WHO you ARE.

    What is your IDENTITY as a daughter of the KING?

    To help you stand BOLDLY in your Kingdom IDENTITY, and help you break FREE from your daily FATIGUE, I am going to share 6 identity names and verses to back them up.

    I pray this blesses you and helps you to treasure YOUR wellness!XO, Michelle

    If you are serious and not merely curious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru June 21st I am offering an amazing coaching BONUS to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on LIFE because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on AND YouTube

  • Hey Friend, still feeling TIRED physically, mentally OR spiritually?

    What SPECIFICALLY does YOUR body need when you are healing and recovering from fatigue?

    Hint.... Your body needs to feel safe and secure… in order to truly heal and recover from debilitating fatigue.

    Your body feeling safe and secure in the healing process is SO KEY in helping you to truly BE WELL. In body, soul & spirit.

    In my training and experience over the last 10+ years, I have come to realize the human body has 7 specific essentials of health.. whether that is GOOD health or POOR health.

    We are talking about them today. 7 is the number of completion right?

    7 essentials of health that will help your body feel safe and secure so that you can heal and recover from your debilitating fatigue!

    As you listen in, think of what essential you may be lacking or where you are falling in these 7 essentials for health.

    I pray this helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness!XO,


    If you are serious and not merely curious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    Get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru May 31st I am offering 2 additional private 1 hour coaching calls to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on important events because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on AND YouTube

  • Is your FATIGUE physical, mental, spiritual or ALL THREE?

    Feeling tired is a SYMPTOM. But of what exactly?

    That is what needs to be found out… to do that we need to get to that ROOT cause of your tiredness.

    Here’s a hint…not ALL of your fatigue is physical. But you may THINK it is. Which is why you get so frustrated when your vacation doesn’t make you feel more rested, sleeping in doesn't help or your labs come back normal but yet you KNOW something isn’t right.

    Not all fatigue is physical AND fatigue is not just your new 'normal' in this midlife season. (I promise it doesn't have to be!)

    Join this very important topic as we unpack the 3 types of fatigue that many women in this midlife season are fighting.

    See where you fall into these 3 categories and what you can DO about your fatigue!

    If you are serious and not merely curious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!


    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    Get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru May 31st I am offering 2 additional private 1 hour coaching calls to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on important events because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on AND YouTube


    Do you ask yourself Why am I so tired??? OFTEN? Maybe on the daily??😅

    Get to the ROOT CAUSE of your fatigue so you can LIVE with ENERGY & INTENTION.

    Join me for the Why am I so TIRED FREE Masterclass May 16th at 7 pm est.

    Learn the 3 types of Fatigue and how you can REGAIN your Energy & REDUCE your Fatigue in all 3 areas.

    This Masterclass will be no longer than 1 hour. It will be recorded so if you aren't able to attend LIVE you can get the replay if you have registered. But it is purposefully in the evening so you busy ladies can be sure to attend!

    Come with an open heart and a desire to RECLAIM your Fatigue once and for all!


    What exactly IS Spiritual Fatigue? We are talking all about that today on the podcast.

    When you are going through Spiritual FATIGUE you are most likely feeling tired, drained, exhausted or even discouraged in your spiritual walk.

    This spiritual fatigue can have devastating consequences on your whole health: body, soul, spirit.

    As busy Christian Female Leaders you are familiar with feeling tired but have you considered that it may stem from something deeper than your general physical tiredness? Especially if your tiredness is so heavy and the fatigue is daily?

    I pray this helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness!



    Join us May 16th 7 pm EST for this 1 hour Masterclass:

    Why Am I So TIRED?

    Get to the root cause of your fatigue so you can LIVE with ENERGY & INTENTION.

    REPLAYS will be given for registered participants.


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program?

    This is THE Health Recovery program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    Get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED + FRUMPY!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru May 31st I am offering 2 additional private 1 hour coaching calls to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on important events because they just don’t have the ENERGY.


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    ***Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on AND YouTube

  • Is your brain TIRED? Today we are talking about 3 pivotal ways women in midlife are fighting mental + emotional fatigue.

    Working from home, trying to keep a balance between work and home life, worry about your family, adult kids, grandkids, aging parents, your own health….

    Feeling the never ending pressures at the office as you are multitasking and working your brain to the bone... all the while the worries of home + family are in the back of your mind...

    Do you feel fatigued emotionally and mentally? I am sure you do and I have been there so many times.

    You DO NOT have to live in a state of chronic stress and fatigue leading to burnout and emotional overwhelm.

    There is always HOPE and there is always something you can do to help yourself not only FEEL better but BE better.

    If you are fighting mental and emotional fatigue I pray this gives you some much needed support!

    Treasure YOUR Wellness!



    Join us May 16th 7 pm EST for this 1 hour Masterclass:

    Why Am I So TIRED?

    Get to the root cause of your fatigue so you can LIVE with ENERGY & INTENTION.

    REPLAYS will be given for registered participants.


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program?

    This is THE Fatigue Recovery program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    Get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED + FRUMPY!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru May 13th I am offering 2 additional private 1 hour coaching calls to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on important events because they just don’t have the ENERGY.


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Health!

    ***Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on AND YouTube

  • Are you finding yourself consistently TIRED?

    Are you more MENTALLY tired or PHYSICALLY tired? Or BOTH?

    And how can a spiritual discipline help you with your physical & mental fatigue?

    We are diving into that today on the podcast.

    You may have heard me talk before about 3 very specific types of fatigue we go through in a lifetime: physical, mental (emotional) and spiritual.

    Sometimes we can be battling all 3. When that happens it really does a number on our WHOLE health.

    Spiritual disciplines like this are part of our FUEL UP am/pm routines that we map out in the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    SO THAT you are armed with what you need to LIVE a healthy life in this midlife season and beyond.

    Reduce the amount of tiredness you are feeling every day with this ONE very important spiritual discipline.

    It's the most important step you can take for your WHOLE HEALTH.

    I pray this helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness!




    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program?

    This is THE Lifestyle change program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH.

    Reduce Your FATIGUE, Renew Your Brain + Mindset, Rejuvenate Your LIFE

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR meal plans + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life!

    Get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED + FRUMPY!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru May 13th I am offering 2 additional private 1 hour coaching calls to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on important events because they just don’t have the ENERGY.


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Health!

    ***Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on


  • Midlife STRESS really IS Affecting YOUR Health in These Specific Areas that we are going to discuss today on the podcast.

    Are both home and work obligations keeping you burning the candle at both ends? Are you going through an emotional situation that you aren’t yet seeing the end of?

    If yes, your body is greatly affected by the stress you are under.

    TAKE BACK YOUR HEALTH and help yourself feel better!

    Arm yourself with knowledge about your stress and how it is affecting your whole body.

    When you KNOW Better, you do better.

    Your midlife stress is affecting your whole health in very specific ways. These 7 key areas of your health that are being affected by your stress levels are easy to blame on other things. But what is the actual ROOT CAUSE? Very possibly the root cause is your high stress level in this midlife season.

    Is YOUR midlife health feeling the impact of your stress levels? Listen in to see where your body may be trying to tell you it is on stress overload.

    As always, I don't leave you hanging! You will walk away with 5 intentional action steps you can do right now to help your whole body reduce the effects of the stress you are under.

    I pray this helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness!




    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program?

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX heart, mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR meal plans + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life while gently cleansing your body of harmful INFLAMMATION that is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED + FRUMPY!

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God+ Implementation =Transformation

    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Health!

    ***Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on


    Related Episodes:

    Ep 234: Always have LOW ENERGY?

  • Have you been so stressed it makes you sick? Today we are talking about why women must address their fatigue + stress levels.

    Are you ready to help yourself get to the bottom of your consistent fatigue & tiredness my friend? YOU must address your fatigue and stress levels or you WILL get sicker.

    I remember when I was in your shoes slogging through the same type of day. And I greatly suffered for the time I spent ignoring my body's symptoms and signals of depletion.

    I was in survival mode. Can you relate?

    Are you pushing yourself to “just get through” to survive each day?

    When you keep pushing through in a state of maintaining or surviving instead the THRIVING that you really want, you are doing a massive disservice to your whole health.

    ASK. ME. HOW. I. KNOW.

    If you want to regain your energy naturally without another quick fix fad diet that leaves you hungry and cranky and that is impossible to stick with, if you are ready to get to the bottom of your specific midlife health issues…it’s time to take that first step.

    Listen in as we dive into the important cortisol conversation! What are some signs your cortisol is too high? What are the signs cortisol is too low?

    You will want to take note of where YOU fall into this cortisol conversation and how YOUR body is responding to the stress in your life. Yes, you may be having wonky hormones right now but not everything that goes wrong in our midlife health should be blamed on our hormones.

    Shut up all the midlife health noise out there currently and lean into what your brilliantly created body is telling you.

    You absolutely can embrace this midlife season in health clarity + confidence without the overwhelm and confusion.

    I pray this helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness!




    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program?

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX heart, mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR meal plans + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life while gently cleansing your body of harmful INFLAMMATION that is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED + FRUMPY!

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God+ Implementation =Transformation

    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Health!

    ***Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on


    Related Episodes:

    Ep 234: Always have LOW ENERGY?

  • Have you been feeling overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted? Is this exhaustion more of your norm these days?

    I invite you to consider this undiagnosed fatigue condition common in women. This fatigue condition can affect women of all ages and stages of life. However, what I am seeing is more and more women over 40 are dealing with this fatigue condition and not getting the proper diagnosis for it.

    Over the last few weeks I have had multiple calls with women who are struggling with consistent tiredness but think it is something else…. AND I would be willing to bet that you too have struggled for a few years with your own fatigue issues.

    As you enter menopause or are smack dab in the middle of menopause or perimenopause, you may be thinking it’s an imbalance of your hormones…. estrogen and progesterone is either too high or too low… it’s all hormonal… you just have to wait it out...but in reality it really could be a dysfunction in your stress hormones. Likely caused by adrenal fatigue.

    This fatigue condition related to your adrenals can actually take YEARS to become clear and officially diagnosed if it is not addressed properly. Which, often times, adrenal fatigue isn't.

    I hope that by sharing my back story leading up to my adrenal fatigue this helps you to know that you are not alone, you are not imagining your symptoms and to encourage you that you need to be your own best advocate for your health!

    AND you really can get support and help to navigate through all of the conflicting health advice to find what works for you!

    I am here for you to walk you through your personal recovery from your fatigue condition whether it is adrenal fatigue or related to something else.

    If you have been feeling overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted you will want to pay attention and ask yourself if you could be dealing with this undiagnosed fatigue condition called adrenal fatigue right now.

    I pray this helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness!




    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program?

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR meal plans + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life while gently cleansing your body of harmful toxins that are keeping you sad, sick and stuck in your health journey!

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Health!

    ***Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on


    Related Episodes:

    Ep 234: Always have LOW ENERGY?

  • Do YOU need a Biblical MINDSET Shift? Do you struggle to care for yourself WELL?

    Today we are talking about how Treasuring YOUR Temple helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness.

    Because it is VITAL that we care for ourselves and acknowledge that our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit!

    When Jesus came to earth, died for our sins and rose again he did away with the need for a physical temple. We as followers, as Christians, became the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

    Are YOU Treasuring YOUR Temple?

    We need to be renewing our minds so that our thoughts line up with what GOD says. His truth. Not the world's truth.

    Truth like, WHO you are as a daughter of the KING for starters!!

    As we just finished celebrating Holy Week with Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, this is a perfect time to sit with Jesus and reassess your MINDSET.

    Shift your mindset towards a Biblical mindset. This will help you Treasure YOUR Temple. This will help you Treasure YOUR Wellness.

    I pray this encourages and motivates you today!XO,



    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program?

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. Gently CLEANSE + DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR meal plans + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life while gently cleansing your body of harmful toxins that are keeping you sad, sick and stuck in your health journey!

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Health!

    ***Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on


    Related Episodes:

    Ep.235 Sick & Tired of poor health?

  • Do you have confidence in your closet as a busy working woman? As a professional woman who juggles so many balls every single day, is your closet a place of uncertainty? It doesn't have to be anymore!

    My special guest today is Ashli Anna Hurley and she is a Professional Wardrobe Stylist for Working Christian Women as well as one of my biz besties.

    We chat today about treasuring your right now body, right in this season of midlife as you are treasuring your health. She brings you encouragement to love your body well (this includes self care) right where you are at, even if that includes a transition in life.

    Ashli Anna will encourage you to get dressed with your kingdom calling in mind each and every day as you fuel up with the word and you dress for success WITH God.

    I pray this episode encourages you today to Treasure YOUR Wellness!

    XO, Michelle


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program?

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Health!

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on


    Related Episodes:

    Ep. 240 Too busy & too Tired to slow down for REST?

    Ep.235 Sick & Tired of poor health?

    Connect with Ashli Anna:

    Bold Faith and Fashion Core Wardrobe Checklist


  • Could you use a little rest? Ok how about a LOT of rest? What does REST look like for you?

    As a daughter of the King, the way we rest is important. The posture of our heart when we rest is telling, as to, if we are Resting WITH God or resting alone.

    It really does make a difference. So today we are going back to Mark 6 for a fresh reminder on how Jesus tells us to REST.

    Listen in also for some important changes coming to the Treasured Wellness podcast beginning TODAY!

    I pray this blesses you today!

    XO, Michelle


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program? (formerly Healthy Holistic LIFE)

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Get your application in and let's see if you are a good fit for the next round of the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on

    YouTube AND

    Related Episodes:

    Ep. 234 Always have low ENERGY levels?

    Ep. 44 Rest in Jesus FULLY

    Ep. 134 Surrendering to REST

    Ep. 160 Scared to DO what God is Calling you to DO?

  • Are you always TIRED and SICK? Your HOME could have MOLD in it. If you are always struggling to feel well, dealing with some consistent symptoms like coughing, wheezing, skin rashes, congestion, migraines, brain fog and fatigue (just to name a few) you could be dealing with something more.

    I have had a few clients and friends who have dealt with mold sickness so I know how important this topic is. I am very happy to bring Michael onto the show to share his expertise in this area.

    Michael Rubino is an air quality expert and he is sharing his life's work in mold remediation with us today. MOLD & MYCOTOXINS are a very real cause of poor air quality inside the home which can lead to sickness.

    We are diving into the details of mold: how it grows and how it affects us, mold in the home, how mold affects air quality and much more.

    You will want to ask yourself 2 very important questions as you are listening to our conversation on mold in the home:1. What's not right?

    2. Do I want to BE WELL?

    Connect with Michael and tell him you heard him on Treasured Wellness:

    Get YOUR Dust Test:

    I pray this blesses you today!

    XO, Michelle


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program? (formerly Healthy Holistic LIFE)

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Get your application in and let's see if you are a good fit for the next round of the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program

    We begin again in March!!

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on

    YouTube AND

    Related Episodes:

    Ep. 234 Always have low ENERGY levels?

    Ep. 163 Tired of low energy?

    Ep. 204 Need to REST?

  • This is DAY THREE of the Take BACK Your MidLIFE Health Workshop REPLAY.

    We are talking all about restorative sleep, planning with a purpose and even some stress perception mindset changes.

    Resting through restorative sleep is a way for your body and brain to repair and gently detox. If you are not getting quality sleep then your health is suffering. If you are constantly in a state of stress, your health is suffering.

    Creating a calming bedtime routine is a big step in helping your body to recover, repair and restore through restorative sleep.

    This is just another reason why restorative health is so important to bring the body back into a state of balance and BE-ing. The way God intended.

    Circadian rhythm may be a thing of the past as you will hear but it doesn't have to be. It's time to bring your body back into a natural state of restoration when it comes to sleep so that you can enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life like those Blue Zoner's... (spoiler alert!)

    Want longevity? Let's learn a thing or two about restorative sleep and healthy habits.

    Ready to take BACK Your MidLIFE Health?

    I pray this encourages, energizes & empowers you today!

    XO, Michelle


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program? (formerly Healthy Holistic LIFE)

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Get your application in and let's see if you are a good fit for the next round of the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program

    We begin again in March!!

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on

    YouTube AND

    Related Episodes:

    Ep. 234 Always have low ENERGY levels?

    Ep. 202 Living vs Getting Healthy

  • This is Day TWO of the Take BACK Your MidLIFE Health Workshop REPLAY.

    We talked all about FUELING UP Physically with Fun, Healthy Movement that won't bring on more FATIGUE and TIREDNESS.

    In this workshop day two we discuss 4 easy, fun and doable movements that bring BIG brain & body benefits. All in less than 10 minutes a day.

    Yep you read that right! Less than 10 minutes a day can FUEL you and ENERGIZE you.

    Even if you are struggling with chronic fatigue related to your adrenals or not, there will be something you can do that will help you to FEEL BETTER.

    Ready to take BACK Your MidLIFE Health?

    I pray this encourages, energizes & empowers you today!

    XO, Michelle


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program? (formerly Healthy Holistic LIFE)

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Get your application in and let's see if you are a good fit for the next round of the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program

    We begin again in March!!

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on

    YouTube AND

    Related Episodes:

    Ep. 236 Does your FOOD make you TIRED?

    Ep. 234 Always have low ENERGY levels?

    Ep. 202 Living vs Getting Healthy

  • This is DAY ONE of the Take BACK Your MidLIFE Health Workshop REPLAY. We talked about Fueling up Spiritually and Nutritionally as a Christian woman in this midlife season.

    AND you will discover the #1 reason why you are stuck and stagnant in your health! It's NOT what you are thinking it is!

    In this workshop we address common complaints in the female midlife season of life and we talk about how you can:

    • Restore your energy• Reduce the fogginess in your brain• Reduce the annoying belly bloat

    and so much more!

    Ready to Take BACK YOUR MidLIFE Health???

    I pray this encourages & empowers you today!

    XO, Michelle


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program? (formerly Healthy Holistic LIFE)

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Get your application in and let's see if you are a good fit for the next round of the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program

    We begin again in March!!

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on

    YouTube AND

    Related Episodes:

    Ep. 236 Does your FOOD make you TIRED?

    Ep. 234 Always have low ENERGY levels?

    Ep. 240 Too busy & too TIRED to slow down & REST?

  • Are you too busy & TIRED to Slow Down & REST? You need a biblical way for self-care my friend.

    A biblical direction that tells you what self-love and self-care looks like.

    Right from God's word.

    Today we are talking about loving yourself, honoring God through this self love and self care as you rest more and more importantly, rest in Jesus. WITH Jesus.

    Time is short. We aren’t promised tomorrow. What are you doing with the time you have? Are you giving all of your best to your career or biz? To your boss, manager or director? Your family?

    And giving YOURSELF the leftovers?

    You are trying to please everyone and the simple fact is… you are depleted. Your bucket is empty so when you dip your cup into the bucket it comes up dry.

    Dry is what you are giving out to yourself. Drips and drops are what you are giving out to others….

    There is a better way. God tells us so in His word.

    We are going to practice the art of REST this week. Resting WITH God.

    Practice the art of self-care, God's way. It's not selfish. It's a command from our Almighty God who created us.

    Let's flip the script on SELF-CARE & SELF-LOVE and embrace the art of REST.... WITH God.

    I pray this encourages you today!

    XO, Michelle


    What is the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program? (formerly Healthy Holistic LIFE)

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 access, WITH God at the center of all you do. DETOX mind & body so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman to TREASURE your TEMPLE as you TREASURE your WELLNESS.

    I NEED THIS! Intentional action+ Integration WITH-God + Implementation =Transformation

    **Get your application in and let's see if you are a good fit for the next round of the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program

    We begin again in March!!

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on

    YouTube AND

    Related Episodes:

    Ep. 161 Sick & Tired of your Fatigue?

    Ep. 163 Tired of Having LOW ENERGY?

    Ep. 204 Need to REST?