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    Welcome back to another episode of the Treat Your Business podcast with me, Katie Bell! This week, we’re exploring why being a “Jack of all trades” can be detrimental to your business.

    We’ll discuss the importance of focusing on a specific niche in your practice, rather than catering to everyone. I’ll share insights on how specialising in one area can make you the go-to expert, attracting clients seeking your expertise. We’ll also tackle the fear of missing out (FOMO) when narrowing your focus.


    Introduction and Myth-Busting: Debunking the myth that offering a wide range of services is the best approach for your clinic.The Power of Specialisation: Learn why positioning yourself as an expert in a specific field, such as sports rehabilitation or women's health, can attract more clients.Marketing to One Ideal Client: Discover how speaking to one ideal client in your marketing efforts can create more compelling messages and stronger connections.Real-Life Success Story: Hear about a physioclinic that transformed its business by focusing on a niche market, leading to a significant increase in enquiries and bookings.Creating an Ideal Client Profile: Understand the importance of identifying your passion, strengths, and conducting market analysis to pinpoint the right niche for your clinic.Adjusting Your Tactics: Tips on reviewing and refining your current marketing strategies to ensure they are targeted and effective.

    Key Takeaways

    Focus on a Niche: Specialising in a specific area makes you the expert clients seek out, leading to more targeted and effective marketing.Avoid Diluted Messaging: Trying to serve everyone dilutes your message, making it hard for potential clients to see how you meet their unique needs.Ideal Client Profile: Creating a detailed profile of your ideal client guides your marketing efforts, addressing their specific pain points and needs.Consistent and Targeted Marketing: Ensuring your marketing messages are consistent and targeted to your ideal client results in stronger connections and increased trust.Real-Life Application: Practical examples show how focusing on a niche leads to significant business growth and client satisfaction.

    Thank you for tuning in to this week's episode of the Treat Your Business Podcast. If you found this episode helpful, make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for our upcoming episodes where we’ll continue to share valuable insights to help you build a thriving clinic.

    Keep your calendars marked for October 25th, as we h


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    Hello everyone! Katie Bell here, and welcome back to another episode of the Treat Your Business podcast. Today, we're diving deep into a topic that's often whispered about but rarely confronted head-on: the importance of money in running a successful clinic. So, buckle up and get ready for some eye-opening insights that might just transform your approach to business!

    Episode Summary

    In this episode, I explore the critical role of financial health in maintaining and growing a successful clinic. I passionately discuss why money should not be a taboo topic and how it is essential for solving business problems and achieving personal and professional goals. Drawing parallels to the importance of oxygen on an aeroplane, I emphasise that a profitable business allows you to help more people and contribute positively to society. I share real-life examples, industry insights, and practical advice on how to shift from just getting by to thriving in your business. This episode is packed with actionable tips to help you improve your clinic's financial performance and overall success.

    Key Takeaways

    Money as Oxygen for Your Business: Just like oxygen is vital for survival, money is crucial for a business to thrive. Without it, you can't help others or sustain your operations.Changing the Mindset Around Money: Many in the industry feel uncomfortable talking about money, but it's important to shift this mindset and recognise that being profitable enables you to deliver better services and create a greater impact.Business Skills Over Technical Skills: Having excellent clinical skills is not enough. Successful business owners also need strong business skills. Investing in your business education is crucial for long-term success.The Importance of Marketing: Great products and services are essential, but without effective marketing, potential clients won't know you exist. Focus on building relationships and educating your audience to convert them into loyal customers.Customer Acquisition and Retention: Understand the different stages of the customer journey—prospects, leads, and customers—and tailor your marketing strategies to address each stage effectively.Building a Sustainable Business Model: To achieve financial freedom and personal fulfilment, it's important to create a business model that supports reasonable working hours, continuous growth, and a healthy work-life balance.Upcoming Live Event: Mark your calendars for October 25th for a live, in-person event that promises to be a game-changer for clinic owners. Stay tuned for more details!

    This episode is a must-listen for


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    Katie here, welcoming you back to another episode of the Treat Your Business podcast. Today we delve into the importance of visibility for your clinic or studio. Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey to ensure you’re seen not just seven times, but twenty or even thirty times by your potential clients.

    Episode Summary

    In today’s episode, we explore the critical topic of visibility and why being seen consistently is crucial for the success of your clinic. Drawing from personal experiences and real-world examples, I discuss how frequent visibility impacts client recognition and business growth. We also examine various strategies to enhance your presence, ensuring a constant flow of leads into your business.

    Key Takeaways

    The Rule of Seven: Traditionally, it’s believed that a person needs to see your brand seven times before they take action. However, due to the increasing volume of information, this number has risen significantly.Consistency is Key: Sporadic efforts do not yield results. Whether it’s social media posts, Google Ads, or collaborations, maintaining a consistent presence is essential.Multi-Layered Marketing: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your marketing strategies to include both online and offline efforts.Know Your Audience: Understanding where your ideal clients spend their time helps in targeting your marketing efforts effectively.Track and Adapt: Always track your marketing efforts to identify what works and what doesn’t. Adjust your strategies based on this data.Real-World Examples: Hear about the diverse strategies we’ve implemented at our clinic, from sponsoring local events to collaborating with golf clubs and running online ads.Impactful Messaging: Your marketing message should resonate with the needs and desires of your clients. Avoid jargon and focus on the benefits they seek.Learn from Failures: Don’t be afraid to fail. Each failure is a learning opportunity that brings you closer to success.

    Remember, being visible in your community and online is not just about putting up a flyer or posting on social media sporadically. It’s about showing up consistently, understanding your audience, and adapting your strategies to stay ahead. Thank you for joining me today, and I look forward to our next episode where we’ll dive deeper into offline marketing strategies.


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    Hello and welcome to Treat Your Business! I’m your host, Katie Bell. In today’s episode, I have a very special treat for you. We're joined by Chris and Naomi, a wonderful couple who transformed their business through the Thrive Coaching Program. Within just 30 days, they shifted from a pay-as-you-go model to a more fulfilling and profitable approach. If you’re feeling stuck, burnt out, or uncertain about how to move forward, this episode is for you. Let’s dive into their inspiring journey!

    Episode Summary

    Chris and Naomi, who felt trapped in a cycle of exchanging time for money, share how they transformed their healthcare practice with the help of the Thrive Coaching Program. Chris, a long-time practitioner, was burnt out and disillusioned, while Naomi supported the business from behind the scenes. They reveal the challenges they faced, the strategies they implemented, and the remarkable results they achieved in a short time. This episode is packed with insights and actionable advice for anyone looking to revitalise their business and achieve sustainable growth.

    Key Takeaways

    Breaking Free from Burnout: Discover how Chris and Naomi moved away from a pay-as-you-go model to a more sustainable business structure, resulting in doubled income and improved work-life balance.Importance of Coaching: Learn about the benefits of personalised coaching, including accountability, mindset shifts, and strategic business changes.Community Support: Understand the value of being part of a supportive coaching community where members encourage and inspire each other.Taking Action: Chris and Naomi emphasise the importance of taking decisive action and investing in the right support to achieve business transformation.Personal and Professional Growth: Hear how their journey not only improved their business but also had a positive impact on their personal lives and overall well-being.

    Join Us Next Time

    I hope you found Chris and Naomi’s story as inspiring as I did! Remember, transformation is possible, and sometimes all it takes is that first step. Join me next time as we explore more strategies to help you build a thriving business. Until then, take care and keep moving forward!


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    Hello and welcome back to the Treat Your Business podcast! I’m Katie Bell, and I am thrilled to have you join me today. Over the past few weeks, we've delved deeply into the Profit First model, and today, we are wrapping it up with a very special guest who brings a wealth of knowledge and practical tips.

    In this episode, I sit down with Annette Ferguson, CEO of Annette & Co, a UK-based accountancy firm that operates on the Profit First model. Annette is a certified Profit First professional and a financial strategist, making her the perfect guest to help us understand how to manage our business finances effectively.

    Annette breaks down the complexities of the Profit First model into simple, actionable steps. We discuss the importance of having a cash management system, how to identify and fix money leaks in your business, and the transformational impact of consistently building profit into every transaction. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by your business finances or unsure about how to ensure you’re actually making a profit, this episode is a must-listen.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding Profit First: Annette explains how the Profit First model differs from traditional accounting and why it's crucial for ensuring long-term financial health.Cash Management vs. Transaction Management: Learn the difference between these two systems and why both are essential for your business.Identifying Money Leaks: Annette provides a practical exercise to help you find and fix financial leaks in your business.Making Profit a Habit: Discover how to consistently set aside profit from each transaction and why this habit is vital for business sustainability.Operational Efficiency: Understand how to streamline your business operations to enhance profitability.Personal Experience: Annette shares her own journey with Profit First, including the challenges and successes she faced.Three Top Tips: Annette's three actionable tips for implementing Profit First in your business immediately.Mindset Shift: The importance of changing your mindset towards money management and profit-taking in your business.

    To learn more about Annette’s services or to get in touch with her, visit You can book a call or send a message directly through her website.


    Join our waiting list for CLINIC GROWTH LIVE Join this months FREE masterclass Score App: Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business If you've found value in this podcast, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback helps others discover the show and join our community. Thank you for your support!:

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    Hi, I'm thrilled to have you back with us. In today's episode, we're diving deeper into the Profit First system. If you tuned in last week, you'll remember we discussed using multiple bank accounts to help manage and control your spending. This week, we're taking it a step further by exploring categories and something called CAPS and TAPS.

    I’ll start by sharing an inspiring story about a client who turned her business around using these principles. She faced significant challenges with her staffing model and overheads but made incredible progress by implementing the strategies we’ll discuss today.

    In this episode, we delve into the details of the Profit First system, focusing on how breaking down your finances into smaller, manageable accounts can lead to better financial health for your business. We cover the concepts of CAPS (Current Allocation Percentages) and TAPS (Target Allocation Percentages), and how they can be used to streamline your expenses and increase profitability.

    I also share real-life examples and provide practical advice on how to start implementing these changes. Whether you're a solopreneur, a small practice, or managing a large group practice, this episode offers valuable insights tailored to your business size and needs.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding Profit First: Learn the basics of the Profit First system and why multiple bank accounts can help manage your spending.Client Success Story: Hear about a client who transformed her business by cutting overheads, streamlining admin processes, and reducing unnecessary expenses.CAPS and TAPS Explained: Discover what CAPS and TAPS are, and how they help you set financial targets and allocate resources effectively.Practical Implementation: Get practical tips on how to implement the Profit First system in your business, from setting up accounts to determining your target percentages.Overcoming Resistance: Learn how to deal with the overwhelm and resistance that often come with making significant financial changes.Tailored Advice: Advice for different business sizes, from solopreneurs to large group practices, ensuring relevant tips for everyone.Future Insights: Preview of an upcoming episode featuring Annette, a Profit First accountant, who will provide expert insights and answer common questions.


    Join our waiting list for CLINIC GROWTH LIVE Join this months FREE masterclass Score App: Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business If you've found value in this podcast, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback helps others discover the show and join our community. Thank you for your support!:

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    Hello again! I hope you're ready for my second bonus episode packed with actionable insights to turbocharge your business! Did you take up the challenge from our last bonus episode and dive into your business health check?

    In today's episode, I'm diving deep into the results of your business health check. Whether you're soaring with high scores or feeling a bit deflated, there is valuable wisdom to be gleaned. From mindset mastery to knowing your numbers inside out, we'll explore the common challenges and key areas for improvement that emerged from your scores.

    Key Takeaways:

    Mindset Mastery: Your mindset sets the tone for your business success. Learn to manage it like a pro to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities.Know Your Numbers: Understanding your business's financial health is non-negotiable. Dive into your numbers to make informed decisions and drive profitability.Systems and Processes: Transform your business into a well-oiled machine by implementing efficient systems and processes. Free up your time and energy for what truly matters.Taking Action: Don't let your business health check results gather dust in your inbox. Take inspired action to address areas for improvement and propel your business forward.

    Ready to turn your business's potential into reality? Dive into today's episode for practical strategies and insights to elevate your business game. And remember, the journey to success is a marathon, not a sprint. Let's thrive together!


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    Hello, it's Katie Bell here, and welcome to a special bonus episode of the Treat Your Business podcast. Today, I've got something crucial to share with you. Ever found yourself neglecting your lawnmower until it's sputtering and wheezing? Well, I've been there, and it got me thinking. If we're diligent about servicing our household gadgets, why do so many of us neglect to service our businesses?

    In this bonus episode, I delve into the importance of giving your business a thorough health check. Just like your car or lawnmower, your business needs regular maintenance to thrive. I'll walk you through why this is crucial, what it entails, and how it can save you time and money, and boost your profits.

    Key Takeaways:

    Mindset Shift: Move from survival mode to thriving mode. Your business shouldn't just survive; it should flourish.Data Insights: Shocking statistics reveal that many businesses don't survive beyond five years. But it's not just about survival; it's about growth.Actionable Steps: Take two to four minutes to complete our Business Health Check. It's free, simple, and offers invaluable insights into five critical areas of your business.Personalised Feedback: Receive a tailored action plan based on your results. Whether you're a green, amber, or red, we've got strategies to help you level up.

    Don't let your business stagnate or falter. Tune in to learn why your business needs an MOT and how it can propel you towards success. And remember, the only way is up!


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    Hey there, it's Katie Bell welcoming you back to another insightful episode of Treat Your Business. If you're ready to revolutionise the way you handle your finances, you're in the right place. Today, we're diving deeper into the Profit First approach and how it can transform your business.

    In this episode, we explore the four principles of Profit First, a revolutionary method that flips traditional accounting on its head. Katie breaks down the fundamental steps to achieve financial mastery in your business, starting with the concept of separating your funds into different "plates" or accounts.

    Multiple Plates, One Buffet: Just like you wouldn't serve all your food on one giant plate, you shouldn't keep all your business funds in a single account. Learn how dividing your money into different accounts can help you gain clarity and control over your finances.Pay Yourself First: Discover why prioritising your own pay is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and sustaining your business long-term. Katie explains why this principle is non-negotiable and shares strategies to implement it effectively.Removing Temptation: By setting up a structured rhythm for managing your money, you can remove the temptation to overspend and ensure that funds are allocated where they're needed most. Learn how to establish a consistent schedule for transferring funds and gain insight into managing expenses.Building Profit: Explore practical steps to start building profit in your business, even if you're starting from scratch. Katie shares strategies for allocating funds to different accounts, setting aside money for taxes, and ultimately, reaping the rewards of a profitable business.

    Key Takeaways:

    Implementing the Profit First model can provide clarity and control over your finances.Prioritise paying yourself to maintain a healthy work-life balance and sustain your business.Establishing a structured rhythm for managing money removes the temptation to overspend.Start building profit in your business by allocating funds strategically and setting aside money for taxes.

    Join us next week as we delve into the specifics of allocating percentages to each account and fine-tuning your financial strategy for success. Get ready to take notes and transform your approach to money management!


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    Hello, my lovely listeners! Welcome back to another episode of Treat Your Business. This month, we're diving deep into the heart of your clinic's financial health. Whether you're cruising along smoothly or feeling a bit strapped for cash, this is the month to roll up your sleeves and join me as we tackle all things money-related. So, if you're listening while on the road, give me a honk or a hearty "hell yes" if you're ready to explore the financial landscape of your business!Summary:

    In this episode, we're getting real about money. Whether it's flowing in or causing a few headaches, your clinic's profitability is at the forefront. I'm here to guide you through shifting your mindset around profit and understanding its crucial role in your business's success.

    First things first, let's debunk the myth that profit is a dirty word or something reserved for big corporations. Profit isn't just about making money; it's about creating impact, achieving your goals, and sustaining a thriving business that serves both you and your community.

    We're shaking off the therapist guilt and diving into the Profit First model, where income minus profit equals expenses. It's a game-changer, giving you clarity on where your money is going and how to prioritize profitability in every transaction.

    By embracing profit as a positive force in your business, you'll gain the freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment you deserve. So, let's kick off this month-long journey to financial empowerment and start reaping the rewards of a profitable clinic!

    Key Takeaways:

    Mindset Shift: Embrace profit as a positive force for achieving your goals and making a lasting impact.Profit First Model: Prioritise profitability by allocating income to profit first, then covering expenses.Therapist Guilt: Overcome undercharging behaviours and set boundaries to ensure fair compensation for your valuable services.Service Pricing: Recognise the value of your expertise and price services accordingly to ensure profitability with every appointment.Financial Management: Gain clarity on your clinic's financial health by tracking expenses, setting budgets, and prioritising profit generation.

    Get ready to transform your clinic's financial health and unlock the true potential of your business. Join me next week as we delve into Profit First principles and discover practical strategies for maximising profitability in your clinic. Don't miss out on our upcoming masterclass in May—register now to reclaim your time, boost your profits, and take your clinic to new heights!


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    Welcome to another episode of Treat Your Business! I'm your host, Katie Bell, and today we have an inspiring chat with Ruth Sudol, a clinic owner who has transformed her business and life in just three months with our Thrive Coaching Programme.

    Do you ever feel buried under appointments and overwhelmed by your business? You're not alone. Ruth shares her journey from feeling stuck and buried in her business to finding clarity, focus, and freedom. She talks about the catalyst that made her seek help and how the Thrive Coaching Programme has been a game-changer for her. From understanding her mindset to building a strong foundation for growth, Ruth's story is a testament to what's possible when you invest in the right support and strategies.

    Key Takeaways:

    Recognising when you're stuck and seeking help is the first step to change.Building a strong foundation with clear strategies and structures is essential for growth.Mindset work is ongoing; as you grow, new challenges and self-doubts will arise.Accountability and focus are crucial for staying on track and achieving your goals.It's okay to say no to distractions and shiny objects that don't serve your growth plan.

    If you're feeling stuck in your business and wondering if coaching could be the answer, Ruth's story is a must-listen. She's proof that with the right support and mindset, you can break free from the hamster wheel and create a thriving business that aligns with your values and vision.


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    Welcome to another episode of Treat Your Business with Katie Bell! I'm Katie, your host, and today we've got an incredibly insightful discussion lined up. We're diving into the world of leadership, hiring, and what truly makes a great leader tick.

    In this episode, I'm joined by Nichola Page and Philippa Aldridge as we unpack some of the most common mistakes businesses make when hiring new team members. We'll also delve into the importance of aligning values over skills, the financial planning behind hiring, and the essential role of effective onboarding


    Hiring for Values: We stress the significance of hiring based on values rather than just skills. A mismatch in values can spell trouble for team cohesion and morale.Financial Planning: Nichola shares insights into the importance of financial planning for hiring. Understanding the return on investment (ROI) from a new team member is crucial for business growth.Onboarding: We highlight the common mistake of neglecting proper onboarding for new hires. Making them feel valued and connected from day one is essential for long-term success.Leadership Qualities: We explore what makes a great leader. From vision to care for people and the ability to listen and empower, we discuss the traits that set exceptional leaders apart.Personal Experiences: Each of us shares stories of leaders who've made a lasting impact on our professional lives, offering valuable lessons for aspiring leaders.

    Key Takeaways:

    Prioritise values over skills when hiring.Understand the financial implications and ROI of hiring.Invest time in effective onboarding for new team members.Great leaders possess vision, empathy, and the ability to empower.Learn from both good and bad leadership experiences to shape your own leadership style.

    Thank you for tuning in to this enlightening episode of Treat Your Business. If you're a business owner looking to enhance your leadership skills and build a high-performing team, we're here to support you. Reach out to us to learn more about our transformational coaching programmes.

    Stay tuned for our next episode where we'll be tackling the topic of spring cleaning in your business to boost profitability. You won't want to miss it!


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    Hello, and welcome back to the Treat Your Business podcast with me, Katie Bell. In this episode, we're diving deep into the essential aspects of keeping great people in your team. As a leader, it's not just about hiring; it's about nurturing and empowering your team to thrive. Join me as we explore the five key strategies that can transform your leadership and create a world-class team that drives consistent, sustainable success. So, are you ready to elevate your leadership game? Let's dive in!

    Summary and Key Takeaways:

    Clear Plan and Vision: A lack of a clear plan and vision is detrimental to your team's success. As a leader, it's your responsibility to articulate a strategic vision that guides your team towards common goals and objectives.Empowerment and Delegation: Micromanagement stifles creativity and hampers productivity. Empower your team members by delegating tasks according to their strengths and expertise, and trust them to take ownership of their work.Authentic Leadership: Lead by example and foster a culture of transparency, authenticity, and ethical decision-making. Your behaviour sets the tone for the entire organisation, so demonstrate the values and behaviours you expect from your team.Effective Communication: Poor communication breeds confusion and undermines productivity. Establish clear channels of communication and encourage open feedback within your team. Prioritise continuous improvement and growth through constructive feedback.Recognition and Reward: Recognize and reward your employees for their contributions, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation. Fair compensation and opportunities for growth are essential for employee engagement and retention.

    By focusing on these key areas of leadership development, you can cultivate a positive and productive work environment, driving success and inspiring your team to achieve their full potential.

    Don't forget to check out our free Business Health Check tool, designed to assess your business across key areas and provide tailored feedback for improvement. Take the first step towards unlocking your business's full potential today!

    Thank you for listening to the Treat Your Business podcast! Remember, the journey to success is ongoing, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. Reach out to me to continue this conversation and explore how we can unlock your business's full potential. Together, let's thrive!


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    Welcome to the Treat Your Business podcast with Katie Bell! I'm Katie, and I'm thrilled to have you join me on this wonderful Wednesday morning. Whether you're in your car, at home, or wherever you may be listening, I'm grateful for your time and attention.


    In this episode, we delve deep into the often challenging world of hiring for your clinic. Katie shares invaluable insights into why traditional hiring methods may be setting both you and your team up for failure. She stresses the importance of strategic planning and forward-thinking in the hiring process, emphasising the need to hire for where you want your clinic to be, not just for current needs.

    Katie introduces the concept of the "Zog Exercise," a simple yet powerful tool to assess where your time is best spent within your business. By identifying tasks that fall within your "Zone of Genius" versus those in your "Incompetent Zone," you gain clarity on where to focus your efforts and where to delegate.

    Furthermore, she highlights the significance of hiring slowly and meticulously, taking candidates through a thorough 12-step hiring process to minimise the risk of bad hires. By aligning hiring decisions with your clinic's long-term goals and diligently assessing your staffing needs, you can set your clinic on a path to sustainable growth and success.

    Key Takeaways:

    Strategic Planning: Plan your hiring needs based on future projections rather than current demands.Assessing Need: Use financial projections and capacity assessments to determine when and who to hire.Zog Exercise: Identify tasks within your Zone of Genius and delegate tasks outside this zone to optimize your time.Hiring Process: Implement a thorough 12-step hiring process to ensure the right fit for your clinic's growth.Forward-Thinking: Embrace a proactive approach to hiring, focusing on building a team aligned with your long-term vision.

    Feel free to reach out to me and continue this conversation. Your feedback is invaluable, so don't hesitate to leave a rating or review. Remember, real change comes from action, so let's commit to transforming your clinic for success starting today!

    Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!


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    Welcome to the Treat Your Business podcast with me, Katie Bell. In this episode, I delve into the crucial aspects of hiring that every clinic owner should master to drive growth and success in their business.

    In this episode, I share insights from a recent masterclass where I addressed the fears and challenges clinic owners face when it comes to expanding their teams. I discuss the importance of overcoming hiring obstacles to achieve sustainable business growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    Building a successful clinic requires strategic hiring, regardless of whether you're bringing on your first or tenth team member.Effective hiring starts with clear job descriptions and compelling job adverts that attract the right candidates.Consistency and visibility in your recruitment process are key to attracting quality candidates amidst the noise of job market.Avoid hiring out of panic; take the time to assess candidates thoroughly to ensure they're the right fit for your clinic's culture and objectives.Implement a structured hiring process, including assessments tailored to each role, to ensure you're selecting candidates who are not only skilled but also aligned with your clinic's values and goals.Embrace the shift from self-employment to employing staff, understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each model for clinic sustainability and growth.

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Treat Your Business podcast. Remember, true change comes from action, so apply the insights shared today to enhance your clinic's hiring process and drive towards success. Join our thriving community and access valuable resources to support your business journey.


    Join our waiting list for CLINIC GROWTH LIVE Join this months FREE masterclass Score App: Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business If you've found value in this podcast, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback helps others discover the show and join our community. Thank you for your support!:

    This podcast is sponsored by HMDG

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    Hello, and welcome back to the Treat Your Business podcast! I'm Katie Bell, and I'm thrilled to have you here with us today. If you're new to the podcast, a warm welcome to you too. Today's episode marks the final installment of our special series dedicated to exploring the fundamental pillars of business success. If you've missed any of the previous episodes, don't worry - you can catch up at any time.

    Summary and Key Takeaways:
    In this episode, we delved deep into one of the most crucial yet often overlooked aspects of entrepreneurship: mindset. I was joined by the incredible Philippa Aldridge, our holistic and mindset coach at Thrive, we embarked on a journey to uncover why you, as the business owner, are the cornerstone of your business's growth and success.

    Here are some key takeaways from our conversation:

    You Are the Foundation: Your business is a reflection of you. Your values, beliefs, and mindset are intricately woven into every aspect of your venture. Recognising this truth is the first step towards unlocking your full potential as an entrepreneur.The Power of Mindset: Your mindset can either propel your business forward or hold it back. Investing in your mindset is not just about personal development; it's a strategic move that can drive tangible results in your businessBreaking Free from Limiting Beliefs: Fear of failure, fear of success, and fear of self-awareness are common barriers that entrepreneurs face. By identifying and addressing these fears, you can pave the way for growth and transformation.Mindset + Strategy = Success: While strategy is essential, it's your mindset that ultimately determines your success. The synergy between mindset work and strategic planning is the secret sauce for sustainable growth and fulfillment.

    As we wrap up today's episode, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on what you've learned. Are there any mindset shifts you can make to propel your business forward? Remember, change begins with a single decision. If you're ready to take your business to the next level and need guidance along the way, I'm here to help.

    Don't forget to check out the show notes for additional resources and to book a complimentary business and marketing audit call with me. Your journey to success starts now!

    Thank you for tuning in, and remember, true transformation begins with action. Until next time, keep thriving!

    Remember to leave a rating or review if you found this episode helpful. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to grow and evolve together. Talk soon


    Join our waiting list for CLINIC GROWTH LIVE Join this months FREE masterclass Score App: Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business If you've found value in this podcast, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback helps others discover the show and join our community. Thank you for your support!:

    This podcast is sponsored by HMDG

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    Welcome to another exciting episode of "Treat Your Business" with me, Katie Bell! In today's episode, we're diving deep into the foundations of building a resilient and sustainable business model for clinic and studio owners.

    In this episode, I address the common challenge of inconsistent income faced by many business owners in the healthcare industry. We explore the root causes of this issue, including inconsistent revenue, marketing strategies, sales approaches, and team performance.

    I share insights into the importance of transitioning from a pay-as-you-go model to structured programs or packages, allowing for more predictable revenue streams and better client retention. By delivering exceptional results and creating a business model that aligns with both client needs and business sustainability, we can achieve long-term success.

    Throughout the episode, I offer practical advice and examples of creative ways to work with clients, such as incorporating online elements and implementing subscription-based models. These strategies not only improve client satisfaction but also contribute to a more stable and thriving business.

    In summary, mastering business resilience involves rethinking traditional approaches and adopting innovative strategies tailored to the needs of both clients and the business. By making these shifts, clinic and studio owners can create consistent income streams while delivering exceptional results.

    Remember, the journey to business success is ongoing, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. Don't forget to check out this link for additional resources and support. Let's build a thriving business together!


    In "Treat Your Business EP69," Katie Bell explores strategies for building a resilient and sustainable business model for clinic and studio owners. She addresses the challenge of inconsistent income and offers insights into key areas such as revenue, marketing, sales, and team performance. By transitioning to structured programs and incorporating creative elements like online services and subscriptions, business owners can achieve consistent income while delivering exceptional results.

    Key Takeaways:

    Identify and address the root causes of inconsistent income, including revenue, marketing, sales, and team performance.Transition from a pay-as-you-go model to structured programs or packages for more predictable revenue streams.Embrace creative approaches like online services and subscription-based models to enhance client satisfaction and


    Join our waiting list for CLINIC GROWTH LIVE Join this months FREE masterclass Score App: Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business If you've found value in this podcast, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback helps others discover the show and join our community. Thank you for your support!:

    This podcast is sponsored by HMDG

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    Hi there, and welcome back to another exciting episode of the Treat Your Business podcast with me Katie Bell! I'm thrilled to have you join me today as we delve deeper into the crucial foundations of business success.

    In this episode, we're shifting our focus to the second key foundation every business owner needs: the visibility strategy. As I always say, "Visibility is currency in your business." Without a clear strategy to make your presence known, you risk getting lost in the noise and missing out on valuable opportunities.

    Key Takeaways:

    Know Your Audience: Whether you're a seasoned clinic owner or just starting out, understanding your audience's pain points and motivations is essential. People are driven to move away from problems, so tailor your marketing to address their specific concerns.Marketing Precision: Avoid the trap of trying to be everything to everybody. Instead, focus on speaking directly to the needs of your ideal client. Craft a clear elevator pitch that highlights who you serve and how you can help them.Consistent Visibility: Marketing should never stop, even when you're busy. Consistency is key to maintaining a steady flow of clients and income. Don't rely solely on word of mouth—invest in a multi-layered marketing strategy to reach your target audience effectively.Track and Adapt: Keep a close eye on your marketing efforts and track where your inquiries are coming from. This data will help you refine your approach and allocate resources to the most effective channels.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Thank you for tuning in to today's episode! Remember, content consumption alone won't drive change—take action on what you've learned. Whether it's implementing new marketing tactics or exploring our transformational coaching programs, commit to moving your business forward.

    Don't forget to join our thriving community in the Treat Your Business Facebook group, where you'll find a treasure trove of business masterclasses and valuable insights. And if you enjoyed today's episode, I'd love to hear your feedback—leave a rating or review to let me know how the show has impacted you.

    This is just the beginning of our journey together, so let's keep the conversation going. Reach out to me at or via the links in the show notes—I can't wait to connect with you!

    Until next time, here's to unlocking your business's full potential. Keep thriving!


    Join our waiting list for CLINIC GROWTH LIVE Join this months FREE masterclass Score App: Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business If you've found value in this podcast, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback helps others discover the show and join our community. Thank you for your support!:

    This podcast is sponsored by HMDG

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    Welcome back to another episode of "Treat Your Business". I'm Katie Bell, and today, we're diving into the core of business fundamentals. Lately, I've been engaged in enlightening discussions with clinic owners like you during our business and marketing audit calls. Something intriguing emerged during these conversations – the absence of essential elements in their business strategies. Today marks the beginning of a series where we revisit some crucial business basics.

    In this episode, we explore the vital yet often overlooked aspects of running a successful clinic business. Amidst the daily grind of patient care, administrative tasks, and marketing efforts, it's easy to lose sight of foundational principles. Through insightful anecdotes and practical examples, we unravel the significance of strategic planning, profit prioritisation, and aligning business decisions with long-term goals.

    Key Takeaways:

    Strategic Planning: Stepping off the treadmill of daily operations to focus on strategic planning is imperative for business growth.Profit Prioritisation: Revenue alone is not indicative of success; prioritising profit ensures sustainable business growth.Financial Projections: Establishing clear financial goals and projections helps guide strategic decisions and resource allocation.Time Management: Being proactive rather than reactive is crucial; effective time management allows for strategic decision-making and business development.Business Vision: Revisiting and realigning with your initial business vision is essential to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities.Business Support: Seeking external support, such as business and marketing audit calls, can provide valuable insights and strategic guidance for business improvement.

    Remember, embarking on a business journey without a clear plan is akin to setting off on a trek without a map – you'll likely lose your way. Take the first step towards strategic business growth by booking your complimentary business and marketing audit call today. Here's to transforming your clinic's future!


    Join our waiting list for CLINIC GROWTH LIVE Join this months FREE masterclass Score App: Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business If you've found value in this podcast, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback helps others discover the show and join our community. Thank you for your support!:

    This podcast is sponsored by HMDG

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    Hello, and a warm welcome to the Treat Your Business podcast. I'm Katie Bell, your host. If you've been following our February series on boosting business revenue without drowning in marketing, you're in for a treat today. We're diving into actionable strategies to bring retention points closer in your customer journey.

    In this episode, I unveil the Emotional Cycle of Change, a powerful concept by Kelly and Connor. Understanding your clients' emotional journey is key to reducing churn. From uninformed optimism to the Valley of Despair and eventually reaching informed optimism, each stage demands tailored strategies for client retention.

    Key Takeaways:

    Recognising Uninformed Optimism: Clients start enthusiastic but uninformed about the challenges ahead.Navigating Informed Pessimism: The critical point where many consider quitting; address this with proactive support and encouragement.Conquering the Valley of Despair: The toughest phase; share success stories and testimonials to inspire and uplift.Celebrating Informed Optimism: Acknowledge progress, set new goals, and elevate your clients from good to exceptional.Encouraging Continuous Commitment: As clients cycle through success, they'll commit to higher-level goals and remain loyal.

    Your business success is our goal. Take a closer look at your customer journey, identify the pivotal churn points, and implement tailored strategies. And, a little favour to ask – share the love by writing a review, and let's help others find their way to success. Until next week, stay tuned for more valuable insights!


    Join our waiting list for CLINIC GROWTH LIVE Join this months FREE masterclass Score App: Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business If you've found value in this podcast, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a review. Your feedback helps others discover the show and join our community. Thank you for your support!:

    This podcast is sponsored by HMDG