
  • We made it to 100!

    Corissa and Tom look back over the year and a bit of podcasting and talk about what they've learned, some anecdotes, and some highlight episodes from along the way. They talk about allowing something to unfold into what it's meant to be, rather than trying to force a specific framework or result.

    Expect some of the usual themes: constraints, complexity, experimentation and psychology. And shout outs to Anna Brook, Louis Childs, Paul Tevis and all our lovely listeners.

    Linky goodness:

    Visakan Veerasamy's Do 100 Thing: Rao's Portals and flags: Snowden's Cynefin framework: Karlsson's Unfolding: in JP Castlin's Strategy in Praxis:

    Episodes mentioned:

    006: OKRs, moon landings and oil fires:

    018: a blustery annotated reading - A/B testing ain’t for settling your disagreements:

    019: North Star Metrics and Framework - are they “dumb”?:

    032: How Capable Leaders Navigate Uncertainty and Ambiguity - an annotated reading - Part 1:

    039: Bounded Applicability:

    040: Why isn’t [Role] doing what I think they should?:

    043: Do 100 Thing:

    044: The one with the bees:

    053: Smell the roses:

    058: Reflections from UX London:

    060: Chesterton's vestigial doorman:

    061: Tumbling into the Vision Chasm:

    069: The alignment problem (not the AI alignment problem):

    070: Lobster dinner with a toddler:

    081: Alignment alignment alignment:

    086: How big things get done (part 1):

    090: Should changing your mind mean changing your past work?:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • We talk about signals. Specifically, how can you settle on success signals when your wider context is always changing?

    We talk about a small example: setting Pivot Triggers for our Multiverse Mapping course, while our context is always changing in terms of overall cashflow. When the runway is tight, we wish the course would hurry up and sell more, but how do we avoid over-reacting or putting all our eggs in one basket?

    We map that onto what happens in organisations when they need a new value stream to spool up quickly, how they can set unrealistic expectations, and how you can use something like Multiverse Mapping to figure out what's reasonable, and something like Pivot Triggers to help avoid sunk cost bias without having to be "the negative one".

    Linky goodness:

    J P Castlin's Strategy in PraxisGary's Economics – interview with Krishnan Guru MurthyIntro to Multiverse MappingMaster Multiverse MappingNotes on Chasm Crossing – a "better" version of the S-curve, because it shows the dip you'll feel in the early part of the curveSignals > Stories > OptionsEpisode 095: Enshittification

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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  • With one exercise, we can't predict whether your startup will succeed, but we can reliably predict if you're going to fail through procrastination.

    In this episode, we talk about mental blindspots. Corissa and Tom rib each other about their own mental blindspots. And we discuss how to pronounce the word "satiety".

    "It's more comfortable to fail when it's something you yourself have caused than when you fail at the hands of something that's outside your control." – Corissa

    “Hmm, I dunno, do you have any solutions that involve me doing everything 100% exactly like I'm doing it right now, and getting better outcomes?” – from Experimental History's So you wanna de-bog yourself.

    Can you detect any of these mental blindspots in yourself?

    Linky Goodness:

    Finish Your Projects - great, if winding article that inspired this episodeSo you wanna de-bog yourself - awesome articleTime Machine exercise Front | BackSnyder's Law neatly encapsulates one way founders procrastinateEpisode 077: Do you have to spend years in the pain cave?Can you stop the pendulum swinging? – where both ends of the pendulum swing encourage procrastination because they give you the illusion (or fact) of control and are comfortable to an MBA-worldviewBelief Whack-a-mole from David McRaney is in either You Are Not So Smart or How Minds Change ... anyone know for sure?Load bearing copes from Visakan Veerasamy

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A lovely, meandering conversation about the nature of success, the binds we often put ourselves in and more.

    Along the way, we touch on maverick musicians, maddening constraints, and McDonald's coffee.

    Linky Goodness:

    Henrik Karlsson's note: note on his note: Millerd's Pathless Path: https://newsletter.pathlesspath.comNotes on an introduction to Christopher Alexander:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • In this one, we answer a question:

    "I recently attended your Intro to Multiverse Mapping event and really enjoyed it. I'm also looking into Dave Snowden's Estuarine Mapping and noticed on your website that you facilitate that as well! What's the difference between Multiverse and Estuarine Mapping?"

    Linky goodness:

    Estuarine Mapping resourcesMaster Multiverse MappingBent Flyvbjerg's How Big Things Get Done in episode 86 and episode 87

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Corissa and Tom talk through some examples of enshittification and the opportunities hidden within!

    Linky Goodness

    Cory Doctorow and EnshittificationAdam Mastroianni and Experimental History – and the article we were referencing a lotThe pile of sand and the edge of chaosDouglas Squirrel's Three Laws of AIHiut Denim – Do One Thing WellBen Mosior's Learn Wardley MappingInnovation Tactics card deck

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • We discuss the Honest Prioritisation Matrix

    For some reason, the podcast description space here doesn't like images, so you can see it in this article about OKRs:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • “How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress” – Niels Bohr

    In this episode, we answer a question from friend of the pod, Brian: "Have you discussed that bit about being intentionally confused before? I am intrigued."

    We talk about why you might want to trigger intentional confusion (aporia) and what the risks can be.

    And we talk about how to trigger intentional confusion by zooming in or out – to get more specific or more abstract. And also by collectively making predictions to generate error signals that we can't ignore.

    Linky Goodness

    Episode 088: Complex isn't the same as complicatedMaster Multiverse MappingSpecificity and the power to judge startup ideas - Liron ShapiraThree Future Frames by John V Willshire of Smithery

    “Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context – a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a city plan.” ― Eliel Saarinen

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Brief notes today. This is kind of a wrap up of 2024 but not like others.

    TL;DR: a garden decking disaster becomes a meaningful framing for rearchitecting our business.

    What metaphor can you use to reframe your 2024?

    Linky Goodness

    Episode 043: Do 100 ThingThe Choice by Eli GoldrattMaster Multiverse Mapping

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A lot of tech companies have bought into the idea of Build > Measure > Learn.

    But the "Build" bit always takes longer than anyone's anticipating, so the "Measure" and the "Learn" get squeezed out.

    Even though many of the people working in that system aren't happy that they're building crap and would love to be measuring and learning.

    In this episode, we talk about using Multiverse Mapping to help you prioritise your work so you benefit from uncertainty instead of being blown up by it.

    With real world examples, references to angry Lebanese people, a detour through performance management and another celebrity monster,

    We get back to Antifragile Prioritisation at 23:10.

    At the beginning of any project, we know the least we'll ever know about this project. So we should assume that we're going to learn important things as we do the project. But you can't just wait until you know the answers, because you'll only learn them through doing the project.

    Expirere: you need either experience or experimentation.

    In brief: create a model for how you're going to succeed, break that down into a level of granularity where you can identify critical behaviours, identify where you're facing the most uncertainty, then probe there first. Sounds trickier than it is – if you use Multiverse Mapping it's quite simple.

    Uncertainty is not the same as risk – uncertainty is generative, so you'll often get new, exciting ideas by running into the uncertainty. AND you'll also reduce your risk.

    And then we kinda debate around how much of the process of Multiverse Mapping can be explicit vs implicit. You do need to create a record for accountability, but don't make the mistake of trying to write down everything. Like all processes that support emergence: it's not that everything will just happen by itself, it's that you make something explicit and you get a happy side effect of updating lots of your tacit (shared) understanding.

    And we talk about using your Multiverse Map to set Pivot Triggers, which enable you to talk more strategically with stakeholders.

    And so you won't be doing Build > Measure > Learn – you'll be doing all three at the same time.

    Finally, we talk about using Multiverse Maps at a higher level of granularity to help you decide between different strategies.

    Linky Goodness

    Master Mutliverse Mapping: Skin in the Game review: of Luca Dellanna's introductions to antifragility: Complexity by Liz Keogh: Tan's Generative Uncertainty:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • If you're someone who puts ideas out into the world, how do you manage the fact that you change your mind over time? What if someone comes across an article or podcast you no longer agree with and takes the wrong idea from it?

    Should you maintain a living knowledge base or leave a trail of past articles like breadcrumbs in the forest?

    Does the burden of assessing information fall on the author or the reader?

    And what if the problem is that your material references someone who now you realise is not great?

    We think through all this and come to a tentative conclusion, for the moment at least.

    Linky goodness:

    Annotated reading of A/B tests are not for settling your disagreements (podcast)Demolish your Creative Block with Graham Linehan and the Power of the SFD (article)Innovation Tactics (Tom's card deck)When your hero is a monster (YouTube video)

    Gaiman's Law:

    “Remember: when people tell you something's wrong or doesn't work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.” – Neil Gaiman

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • "Every student is looking for a great teacher. What a lot of students don't realise is that every teacher is looking for a great student." – Ron Leslie

    We're talking here about a dance workshop Corissa attended. But really this is about how to seek out and handle feedback in all kinds of situations.

    How do you evaluate whether feedback is helpful or not?How do you handle feedback or advice that's not constructive?What do you do with people who throw their opinions around confidently even though they're wrong?Challenges in evaluating your own level of experience or skillWhen you ask for feedback, do you really want to learn – or do you secretly want to be validated?Two ways to receive feedback badlyChoosing a team based on their ability to take feedback on boardAn example of a teacher deliberately showing a class that they don't know as much as they thoughtFeedback is taken differently by professionals vs hobbyistsPutting yourself out of your depth to trigger your lazy brain to want to put the effort in to learnSome teachers/bosses are trying to challenge you; others are abusiveSome options to try if you want to challenge yourself more

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • "We often give building a house as an example of something in the complicated sphere. But then we talked in recent episodes about the nightmare build of the Sydney Opera House – that was complex, but people were treating it like it was complicated. What's the difference? What makes one complicated and one complex? Is it a sliding scale from one to the other? How do you know which realm you're in?"

    This broad question comes up a lot when people encounter complexity.

    Hello again, CynefinThe phase shift from complicated to complexYou're not "in" any domain: instead, you decompose a project or situation into smaller chunks, distribute those chunks into domains, and then you can use applicable methodsThen your job is to move those chunks from one domain to another – like constraining something complex and unpredictable so you can make it more predictable for youEstimating Complexity by Liz Keogh: have you done this before?Light switches vs electricity substations vs energy markets vs power failures.Fun with etymology"An aeroplane is complicated; a mayonnaise is complex"The role of connectednessGlobal warming and a social ice ageMany folks are intuitively good at handling complexity without knowing all the words and that's OKProcesses and procedures to make things less unpredictable ... until they stop workingMethods to achieve the liminal complex to complicated phase shiftA Simon Wardley example of waste in an organisationThe surface layer of a thing is not necessarily everything that thing doesBoeing and the slip over the cliff from Clear to ChaosChesterton's aeroplane seatSeeds vs SoilThe liminal complicated zone where experts disagree and people have Opinions.If there's disagreement about an element of a project, decompose it until the disagreement goes awayIs there always a level of decomposition where you stop disagreeing? Football example ... Jefferson Fisher's courtroom example ...The move into Aporia and the EU Field Guide for Managing Complexity

    Linky Goodness

    CynefinEstimating ComplexitySeeds vs Soil – front | backJefferson FisherEU Field Guide for Managing Complexity

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • More thoughts from How Big Things Get Done while on the way to brunch.

    (You'll need to have listened to part 1 for some of the references in here.)

    The fight between data and storiesJimi Hendrix's Electric Lady recording studioSounds obvious that you should think slow act fast, but most projects don't go like thatThe political utility of sunk cost biasTom dramatically underestimated how long it would take to make his Innovation Tactics Pip DeckRobert Caro dramatically underestimated how long it would take to write The Power BrokerInternal forecasting vs Reference Class Forecasting, and the problem of uniqueness biasForecasting and iterating a solo jazz dance workshop ... based on Ashtanga yogaMaster Multiverse Mapping and fighting the Inherent Bigness of Ideas by asking, "how could we deliver the value to one person, right now?"Forecasting example: how long will kitchen remodelling take?

    Linky Goodness

    How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg: Tactics by Tom Kerwin: Power Broker by Robert Caro: Hop classes – Multiverse Mapping Course: Inherent Bigness of Ideas: Strategy Group:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Tom finally read this book about mega projects and was surprised to find how relevant it was to the kind of work we do.


    stories of the Bilbao Guggenheim vs Sydney Opera Housea reference to Bernard's Watchcontrasting processes for "think slow build fast"Pixar PlanningSnowflake Method and UnfoldingLinks with Multiverse Mapping

    Linky goodness

    How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg: Multiverse Mapping Course:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – the Serenity Prayer

    The concept of “High Agency” burst into the online leadership conversation in recent years. And it sounds good, doesn’t it? Who wouldn’t want to be high agency? Who wouldn’t want to have high agency employees?

    As with many such “obviously good” concepts, turns out it’s not that simple.

    In this episode, Corissa and Tom also look at the other side of hopes for high agency.

    We talk about how some leaders might wish for high agency employees, but would balk at what a very high agency employee would do in reality.

    And we talk about what you need to know if you’re an employee being expected to demonstrate more agency.

    And we signpost a whole load of lovely rabbit holes to go explore.

    “imagine that I could sell you a magic pill and you could give it to two of your employees and overnight they would suddenly become high agency. What would be the first thing you’d notice was different when you went into work the next day?”
    Linky GoodnessMushfiqa Monica Jalamuddin - the Estuarine coach you’re looking forEstuarine MappingMultiverse Mapping (free course)Venkatesh Rao’s Gervais PrincipleJeffrey Pfeffer’s Leadership BSBrendan Reid’s Stealing the Corner OfficeLuca Dellanna’s 100 Truths You Will Learn Too Late
    Timecodes to help you navigate

    00:00 Introduction

    00:28 What is High Agency?

    01:10 The Serenity Prayer

    02:00 Estuarine Mapping is the Serenity Prayer in map form

    03:45 High agency as a positive trait … & its permeation into leadership mythology

    04:06 “Sound like a challenger, but be an obedient drone”

    06:20 Perhaps it’s about not waiting for permission, while also not doing silly things

    08:09 Tools to create higher agency if you want that – including Multiverse Mapping

    13:01 What if the traits we want in leaders are not the traits that get you promoted?

    17:31 A magic question for you to use

    18:34 What would have to be true for that stupid thing to make a lot of sense?

    19:42 “You can choose the game you play, but not its rules”

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Surveys are almost always biased in several ways, notably both the way questions are asked but also sample bias: who in the population even answers surveys?

    In this episode we discuss: is the SenseMaker collector we shared biased just the same as any other survey? And if so, is that a problem? And if so, what can we do about it?

    Plus stories about skullduggery in presenting data, hiding gorillas in radiologist scans and the "magic" or standard questions:

    What's similar, different and surprising?What, so what, now what?

    Linky goodness:

    Don't send that survey! Here's what to do instead.Complex facilitation principles and the standard questions

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • It's a rain-soaked chat this time as Tom and Corissa wander through Bournemouth in a downpour.

    We tackle a thought-provoking LinkedIn question from WP Engine's Jason Cohen – a question about how to listen to customers when they ask for features.

    00:29 LinkedIn inspiration and the big question we're tackling today

    02:28 Customer feedback creates an apparent puzzle

    03:40 Mistakes we've made by asking people what they want

    05:14 Secret 1: what do people already do?

    07:37 Secret 2: imagine your company is a big metal box

    10:50 You're always limited by your own internal perspective, and that's OK

    16:51 Secret 3: there's no such thing as a feature

    19:48 The story in your customer's head is different from the story in your head

    20:18 Don't make things look simpler than they are

    20:48 "Feature" is just a label to make your own life easier

    21:41 Secret 4: build as little software as possible to enable the most behaviours that create value

    23:32 When customers are reduced to a metric

    24:18 Why an Impact/Effort Matrix to decide on features will fool you

    27:32 Real-world example: a Calendly integration project

    33:33 Unfolding ideas by soaking in rich customer context

    36:25 SenseMaker for generating insights in a very different way

    38:30 When you try to make too much explicit, you get in trouble

    Jason's original post

    "Ask a customer if they’ll use a feature…They say “yes” but don’t use it.Ask them to name a feature they actually want and there’s the “faster horse” problem of incremental improvement instead of vision.What’s the answer? Just “gut feel” and sometimes you’re right?"

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Jamie asked: "anyone got good exercises for evolving your brand (and in particular visual identity) in-house? Did I remember you (Tom & Corissa) mentioning an exercise like clustering examples into "we want to be more like this" vs "we want to be less like that"?"

    So we wanted to give the exercise we designed its own special episode.

    Time and again, we saw projects get in a pickle when people tried to choose adjectives to define things like brand qualities, tone of voice, product principles or corporate values.

    This kind of ambiguous, subjective stuff is impossible to define perfectly with words, especially upfront.

    You could choose to work with a grizzled expert who can read between the lines of what you're saying to intuit what you really want.

    But if you're on a shoestring and want to figure out this kind of thing with your team, then the exercise we share in this episode is for you.

    Here's simplified instructions on a card:

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • We talk about alignment. Especially, we talk about relaxing our beef with the word alignment, and embracing the reasonable desire for alignment.

    00:00 Welcome!

    00:28 Alignment in companies

    00:49 Challenges and misconceptions about alignment

    04:07 Coherence vs. alignment; JP Castlin's ABCDE framework, and one line in the sand vs two lines in the sand

    08:27 A real-world example of a misaligned project

    10:38 Strategies for effective alignment, including "via negativa" alignment

    12:52 Aligning teams with reality as well as intent

    13:25 The role of the "strategy whisperer"

    13:47 Empowering teams to find alignment

    13:58 Back briefing for effective communication

    16:13 Understanding the need for leadership governance vs the needs of teams

    17:30 Challenges with leadership expectations

    19:49 Navigating company growth realities

    20:37 Dropping our beef with alignment and going vegetarian

    23:34 Are you clearly a berry? Clear communication taps the forager's gathering instinct

    24:41 Exploring alignment beyond the team

    25:42 Final thoughts

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.