

    Dr. Luigi Espasiano

    Welcome to our event, where we delve into the profound intersections of science, technology, and the human experience. Today, we are honored to have Luigi Espasiano, a physician driven by an insatiable curiosity and a deep desire to enhance the human condition. Luigi’s journey traverses diverse realms: from the cutting-edge neuroscience of psychedelics and meditation to the promising fields of longevity medicine, Python, and machine learning.

    With a career spanning four different healthcare systems—Italy, the UK, Switzerland, and Portugal—and personal experience as a patient in Spain and Portugal, Luigi offers a unique perspective on the challenges faced by both doctors and patients. His dual perspective, coupled with a passion for technology, fuels his mission to improve well-being for healthcare providers and outcomes for patients.

    Outside his professional endeavors, Luigi finds solace in trail running, archery, and exploring obscure books. He often contemplates the future, projecting himself 50 years ahead to ponder the essential question: what truly matters? Guided by the wisdom of Yoda’s words, “Do. Or do not. There is no try,” Luigi embodies a commitment to action and impact. Today, he joins us to share his insights and vision for a better tomorrow.


    **Introducing Marieke van der Spec: A Pioneer in Psychedelic Assisted Coaching**

    We are thrilled to welcome Marieke van der Spec, a visionary in the field of psychedelic assisted coaching from the Netherlands. With a profound belief in turning potential into reality, Marieke guides individuals in overcoming personal growth barriers and exploring the limitless possibilities within themselves.

    Drawing from her extensive experience as a Psychedelic Assisted Coach at The Matter, Marieke has been transforming lives since June 2018. Her innovative approach is further enriched by her role as a trainer and coach with Mind Work Productions, where she has been a freelance coach since September 2021.

    Marieke’s professional journey is distinguished by her previous leadership roles in human resources, including senior HR positions at adidas Group, Nutricia, and Reebok Asia Pacific. This diverse background equips her with unique insights into personal development and growth.

    Join Marieke, Eric, and Noor at their upcoming psychedelic retreat from June 14-16, where they will welcome you to The Matter’s beautiful setting in Culemborg, Gelderland. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a transformative journey.

    Curious to learn more? Check out the video below and visit [this link]

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    🎙️🎙️Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to embark on a journey that challenges convention and embraces the transformative power of nature. Today, we introduce a true maverick of the media world, a visionary who has dedicated over three decades to captivating audiences through the lens of television. Cesar Marin, a stalwart in television production with an uncanny visual acumen and a knack for innovative storytelling, now channels his boundless creativity into a revolutionary new venture.

    After twenty years of steering live sports broadcasts, Cesar has traded the fast-paced newsroom for the boundless possibilities of entrepreneurship. His mission? To enlighten and inspire through a lifestyle and apparel brand that champions the life-changing potential of microdosing psilocybin.

    With a career built on crafting compelling narratives and orchestrating seamless productions, Cesar brings unparalleled expertise in project management and team leadership to his latest endeavor. His new venture isn’t just a business; it’s a bold declaration. It’s a call to awaken the dormant curiosity within us all, to explore the healing journey of plant medicine, and to manifest a life transformed by the subtle yet profound impact of microdosing.

    Join us as Cesar Marin, with clarity, passion, and the rebellious spirit of a true Gen-X revolutionary, guides us through his visionary path. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and awakened to new possibilities. Welcome to the revolution.

    ***Exclusive New Book/Website

    Microdosing over 50


    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is an honor and privilege to introduce our esteemed guest today, a luminary in the field of entheogen provision and harm reduction advocacy, based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Garyth Moxey stands at the forefront of psychedelic therapy, armed with a profound commitment to education, healing, and transformation.

    Garyth's journey is one of relentless dedication and growth. Trained as a psychedelic therapist at the prestigious Synthesis Institute, he has become a beacon of hope for many, specializing in the application of Ibogaine for addiction detoxification, particularly for opiate addiction. His expertise extends to the realms of 5-MeO-DMT and Psilocybin, substances he employs to facilitate deep psychospiritual exploration.

    With decades of experience and rigorous training, including certifications from the Orenda Institute and the F.I.V.E. education program at Tandava Retreats in Mexico, Garyth is a master in guiding individuals through transformative journeys of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. His work transcends the clinical; it is deeply rooted in advocacy and awareness-raising within the psychedelic community. Garyth has been instrumental in documentary projects like "Dosed," which illuminate the profound healing potential of psychedelic medicines.

    Beyond his psychedelic therapy work, Garyth is also a passionate advocate for medical cannabis, producing high-grade cannabis oil tailored to the specific needs of his clients. His extensive knowledge of cultivation and extraction techniques ensures the highest quality of medicinal products.

    Together with his partner Blair and their beloved canine companion Millie, Garyth continues to create holistic healing experiences in Vancouver, BC. Their offerings include comprehensive Ibogaine and Iboga treatments, psilocybin therapy, and 5-MeO-DMT sessions, empowering individuals to embark on profound journeys of healing, transformation, and self-discovery.

    Please join me in welcoming Garyth Moxey, a true pioneer in the realm of psychedelic therapy and holistic healing.

    Garyth Moxey - Inner Realms Center


    Today, we are honored to welcome Danielle Nova, a pioneering force in the field of psychedelic recovery and a beacon of transformative healing. Danielle is the Founder of Psychedelic Recovery and Executive Director of the San Francisco Psychedelic Society, an organization that has become a cornerstone of support and education for those exploring the profound depths of altered states of consciousness. Danielle is the co-founder of the Microdosing Facilitator Training, pioneering the first training program in north america that trains facilitators and clinicians how to properly and ethically guide individuals through microdosing experiences. This training program is the only training program in the world that teaches people how to interrupt addiction and safely withdrawal off of medications through the use of microdosing. The Microdosing Facilitator Training has an incredible faculty of world-leading experts, psychedelic researchers like Dr. Jim Fadiman and clinicians in the field.

    With a deep commitment to addiction recovery, Danielle has specialized in harnessing the healing potential of psychedelics to guide individuals through their journeys towards wellness and spiritual growth. Her work as a transformational guide and microdosing facilitator trainer at San Francisco Psychedelic Society and Psychedelic Recovery has empowered thousands of people to navigate their personal and collective evolution with grace and insight.

    Danielle’s dedication extends beyond the individual to the community and global levels, honoring the Indigenous lineages that have long understood the sacred power of these substances. Under her leadership, the San Francisco Psychedelic Society and Psychedelic Recovery have flourished as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, weaving together a diverse community united by a shared interest in consciousness exploration.

    Their mission is profound: to destigmatize all drugs, provide vital support and integration resources, and promote harm reduction. They advocate for access without dogma, ensuring that the transformative potential of psychedelics is available to all who seek it. Psychedelic Recovery is creating a new paradigm for how we understand, heal and treat addiction and the role psychedelics can play in the recovery process.

    As we delve into our discussion today, let us open our minds and hearts to the possibilities that Danielle and her work reveal. Her journey is not just about the substances themselves, but about a deeper quest for healing, understanding, and unity in a world in desperate need of all three.

    Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Danielle Nova.



    Rev. Dr. Jessica Rochester is the Madrinha and President of Céu do Montréal, a Santo Daime (Ayahuasca) Church she founded in 1997 in Montréal, Canada.

    She is a transpersonal counselor, she trained in the work of Dr. Roberto Assagioli and trained with Dr. Stanislav Grof.

    She worked with Health Canada from 2000 until 2017 to achieve an Section 56 Exemption to import and serve the Santo Daime

    Sacrament (Ayahuasca).

    She is an ordained Interfaith Minister with a Doctorate in Divinity.

    From 1986 to 2018 she has been a workshop leader, teacher, and in private practice.

    She is the author of Ayahuasca Awakening A Guide to Self-Discovery, Self-Mastery and Self-Care, Volume One and Two.

    She continues to lecture on consciousness, non-ordinary states of consciousness, self-discovery, spiritual development, health and well-being and personal transformation.


    Brian Esposito

    Aloha, and welcome to an exploration of entrepreneurial excellence and visionary leadership. Today, we are honored to introduce a remarkable guest who exemplifies the essence of innovation and connectivity in the modern business world—Brian Esposito.

    Brian Esposito is more than a name in the global entrepreneurial landscape; he is a force of nature. At just 42, this US citizen has meticulously crafted an empire that reflects his relentless drive and unparalleled ability to forge powerful connections across a myriad of industries. As the Founder and CEO of Esposito Intellectual Enterprises, LLC (EIE), Brian’s story is a testament to the power of vision and perseverance.

    Over the past two decades, Brian has not only founded numerous startups but has also made strategic investments that have influenced sectors ranging from manufacturing and media to technology and real estate. His vast and varied expertise, combined with his exceptional networking skills, has made him a sought-after leader and advisor worldwide.

    In reflecting on Brian’s journey, one is prompted to consider the deeper implications of entrepreneurship in today’s interconnected world. How does one harness such diverse expertise and apply it with precision across different fields? What does it mean to be a connector of executives and ideas in an era defined by rapid technological advancement and global challenges?

    Brian Esposito’s life work invites us to ponder these questions and more, encouraging us to think about the transformative potential of strategic vision and the human connections that drive it. Join us as we delve into the mind of a true modern-day polymath and uncover the philosophies and practices that have shaped his extraordinary path.

    Home - Esposito Intellectual Enterprises, LLC


    Lena Franklin

    Welcome, dear audience, to an extraordinary encounter with the profound and transformative wisdom of Lena. As a Medicine Woman, Transpersonal Psychotherapist, and Transformational Speaker, Lena bridges the ancient and the modern, offering the timeless practices of meditation, energy medicine, and psycho-spiritual healing. Drawing from her rich heritage in South American, Central American, and Asian medicine lineages, Lena’s ceremonial plant medicine work is a testament to her mission: to heal and transform humanity and our Earth through the power of energetic harmony.

    Raised in a hybrid Buddhist-Christian home, Lena’s early introduction to meditation blossomed into a lifelong integration of Eastern philosophy and Western neuroscience. With formal training in psychology and social work, she guides others on a journey of embodied purpose and liberated wholeness. Her global studies in Mahayana Buddhism, Mopan Maya Ancient Medicine, Q'ero Peruvian Shamanism, and Shipibo Medicine Wisdom weave a tapestry of holistic healing that resonates deeply in her teachings and practice.

    As the founder of The BEING Method and The Meditation Membership, Lena provides a systematic approach to igniting human potential through mindfulness, meditation, and energy medicine. Her transformational workshops and immersions in sacred lands across the globe have guided thousands in turning suffering into strength, revealing the multi-dimensional existence of the soul in human form.

    Featured in prestigious publications like Vogue and The New York Times, and gracing the cover of Yoga Magazine thrice, Lena’s influence extends to television networks such as Bravo and Lifetime. As the host of The Medicine Wisdom Show, she shares her deep insights and engages with other leaders in holistic medicine, illuminating paths to healing and transformation.

    Join us as we delve into Lena’s remarkable journey and explore the profound wisdom she brings to the world, guiding us all toward our highest potential and the sacred harmony of our souls.


    Welcome, dear audience, to an encounter with a mind that sees beyond the ordinary. Perry Knoppert, with over six years as a founder, board member, and philanthropist, stands at the forefront of nonlinear thinking and cognitive diversity. As the visionary behind The Octopus Movement and Brain Forest Alliance, Perry pioneers efforts to celebrate and harness the remarkable abilities of atypical thinkers, empowering them to tackle today’s and tomorrow’s most complex challenges.

    A board member at Pick My Neurodiverse Brain, Perry champions inclusivity and understanding of neurodiversity, driven by his passion for authentic, transformative conversations. His life story, rich with multifaceted experiences, serves as a beacon of wisdom and inspiration. Philosopher, multipotentialite, and octovist, Perry Knoppert redefines leadership and problem-solving, connecting deeply with others through his innovative and expansive approach.


    Aloha listeners,

    Today, I’m thrilled to introduce a guest whose entrepreneurial journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Jon Davids is a purebred entrepreneur who has mastered the art of hijacking demand on the internet, a skill that not only changed his life but also revolutionized how brands connect with their audiences.

    Let’s rewind to 2004: Jon, while still in college, built an online magazine that thrived on digital ad revenue, eventually selling it to a major publisher in 2009. But this was just the beginning. In 2011, he ventured into the then-nascent world of YouTube influencers, unlocking millions in revenue for brands through this innovative channel.

    In 2015, Jon took a bold step forward, founding Influicity, one of the earliest influencer marketing agencies. Though the early days were a grind, Jon’s vision and determination paid off. Today, Influicity boasts a client roster that includes industry giants like Toyota, Walmart, and Bank of America, offering a full spectrum of marketing services across seven countries.

    Beyond his business acumen, Jon is a passionate educator and author, reaching an audience of 2 million people each month with his insights on building $100 million brands through community.

    Join me as we delve into the mind of Jon Davids, exploring his journey, his challenges, and the wisdom he’s gained along the way. This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

    Welcome, Jon, to the show.


    Geoff Woliner- Author, Comedian, Speaker, & lover of life!

    When Geoff Woliner was 10 years old, he was asked to deliver a toast for his grandfather’s 80th birthday. A few years shy of his first Toastmasters meeting, he didn’t have a clue what to say and had to wing it. So he delivered a Dean Martin-style roast that had his grandfather and everyone in the room in stitches. And on that cold, snowy November day, a comedian was born.

    Geoff went onto a comedy and speaking career spanning nearly 20 years, being named Stand-up NY’s “Funniest Person from Queens” and leading public speaking workshops for hundreds of organizations throughout North America. He’s currently the Founder and CEO of Winning Wit, a speech writing and presentation coaching service that helps others unleash their inner performers and light up the room.


    Sofia Dagg

    Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I introduce our esteemed guest, Sofia Dagg. Sofia is not just an author but a visionary, whose transformative work in the realms of holistic healing and self-discovery has touched countless lives around the globe.

    As the author of "The Truth Within," Sofia has crafted a masterpiece that delves deep into the ancient energies of fire, air, earth, and water, offering readers a profound journey towards self-alignment and empowerment. Her words are not just ink on paper; they are keys unlocking the door to one's true potential.

    Drawing from her extensive experience running a natural medicine business and facilitating wellness retreats, Sofia has honed her skills as a coach and guide, leading individuals on transformative journeys of healing and self-discovery. Her focus on harnessing the healing power of sacred plant medicines has brought profound shifts in the lives of those she has touched.

    Sofia's impact extends far beyond the pages of her book and the walls of her retreats. Through her dedication and compassion, she has supported countless individuals worldwide on their paths to healing from within. The positive ripple effects of her work are felt not only in the lives of her clients but also in the communities they inhabit.

    Currently, Sofia resides in the lush landscapes of a medicine community nestled in the heart of Colombia. Here, she continues to share the wisdom of the elements alongside the sacred plant medicines that have shaped her practice. In this sacred space of collective healing and spiritual growth, Sofia embodies the essence of a true healer and guide.

    Please join me in welcoming Sofia Dagg, a beacon of light in the world of holistic healing and self-transformation.


    Lakshmi Narayan

    Presenting Lakshmi Narayan, a multifaceted visionary at the forefront of creative expression and social change. As a graphic designer, brand strategist, screenwriter, producer, and the founder of Awake Media, based in the vibrant landscape of Boulder, Colorado. Lakshmi brings a wealth of experience and passion to her craft.

    At the helm of, a non-profit educational corporation (pending), Lakshmi is dedicated to amplifying voices that inspire personal, social, political, and spiritual transformation. With a remarkable portfolio spanning decades, Lakshmi has collaborated with renowned organizations such as MAPS, the Psychedelic Science Conference, the Timothy Leary Trust, and the Women’s Visionary Congress, among others.

    Driven by a profound understanding of entheogens and their potential for healing, Lakshmi’s journey has been deeply intertwined with her personal experiences and professional endeavors. Through her work with Iboga/Ibogaine clinics and addiction recovery clients, she has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of psychedelic medicines.

    Join us as Lakshmi shares her insights into the filmmaking process, her personal journey with the Iboga plant, and the urgent message driving her mission forward. Prepare to be moved, inspired, and awakened by Lakshmi Narayan's unwavering commitment to healing and transformation.


    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting episode of The TrueLife Podcast! Today, we have the privilege of diving deep into the world of innovation and transformation with a remarkable guest, Alecia Maximo & Justin G Harris

    At Maxi Al, innovation isn't just a buzzword – it's a way of life. As pioneers committed to revolutionizing business operations, they specialize in crafting bespoke solutions that not only meet current needs but anticipate future ones. From workflow automation to AI integration, Maxi Al stands at the forefront of driving substantial growth and empowerment.

    Their journey embodies the very essence of transformation. Transitioning from a U.S. government travel and finance consultant to visionary entrepreneurs was more than just a career shift – it was a leap from the mundane to the magnificent.

    Inspired by the transformative power of the digital world, They founded Maxi Al, a launchpad for freedom, where cutting-edge AI empowers and liberates, turning entrepreneurial dreams into vibrant realities.

    Observing individuals redefine their lives through technology, They realized the immense potential for transformation.

    Maxi Al became not just a beacon of hope but a testament to the power of AI in breaking free from the ordinary.

    But Maxi Al isn't just about business – it's about empowerment, education, and elevation. They cater to dreamers and doers alike – startups, small businesses, and enterprises ready to embrace revolutionary change.

    Their approach is rooted in understanding unique challenges and ambitions, aiming to streamline processes, enhance customer interactions, and expand global reach.

    Knowledge and community are the cornerstones of Maxi Al's philosophy. They equip their clients with insights to excel, serving as a hub for the ambitious, the innovative, and the visionary.

    So, if you're ready to explore how Maxi Al can transform your business through AI automation, I encourage you to schedule a discovery call or visit their website. The journey to innovation and empowerment begins here!


    Rev. Dr. Jessica Rochester is the Madrinha and President of Céu do Montréal, a Santo Daime (Ayahuasca) Church she founded in 1997 in Montréal, Canada.
    She is a transpersonal counselor, she trained in the work of Dr. Roberto Assagioli and trained with Dr. Stanislav Grof.
    She worked with Health Canada from 2000 until 2017 to achieve an Section 56 Exemption to import and serve the Santo Daime
    Sacrament (Ayahuasca).
    She is an ordained Interfaith Minister with a Doctorate in Divinity.
    From 1986 to 2018 she has been a workshop leader, teacher, and in private practice.
    She is the author of Ayahuasca Awakening A Guide to Self-Discovery, Self-Mastery and Self-Care, Volume One and Two.
    She continues to lecture on consciousness, non-ordinary states of consciousness, self-discovery, spiritual development, health and well-being and personal transformation


    Milica Radovic Mandic

    Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow seekers of knowledge and transformation, it is with great honor and enthusiasm that I introduce to you a visionary pioneer in the realm of consciousness exploration and healing, Milica

    For over a decade, Milica has traversed the realms of the mind and spirit, guided by an unwavering belief in the transformative power of psychedelics. With each journey into the depths of consciousness, she has discovered profound insights into the human psyche and its capacity for evolution.

    Fuelled by a profound sense of gratitude towards the sacred gifts of plant medicine, Milica has embarked on a mission to share her wisdom with the world. She is the the founder of Psilocybin San Francisco, & Bizdelics, an organization that provides resources for the psychedelics industry.

    Milica has cultivated an educational oasis, a sanctuary where knowledge flows freely, and harm reduction is paramount. Through her tireless efforts, she illuminates the path towards responsible and intentional psychedelic use, nurturing a community of seekers dedicated to personal growth and healing.

    Milica's journey is not merely one of experiential exploration but also of scholarly pursuit. Armed with a Master of Science in Psychology from the United Kingdom, with a specialization in Psilocybin, she seamlessly weaves together empirical research and firsthand experience, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

    But Milica's brilliance extends beyond the realm of psychedelics. With a wealth of experience as an event manager, including a remarkable company exit and a distinguished tenure as a TED licensee, she embodies the spirit of innovation and leadership. Her passion for bringing people together transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries, as evidenced by her volunteer work across more than 70 countries and her fluency in five languages.

    Today, nestled in the vibrant tapestry of San Francisco, Milica continues her quest for understanding, delving deeper into the mysteries of psychedelics and their profound implications for personal growth and healing. As we embark on this journey of exploration and discovery alongside Milica, let us open our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities that await us.


    Julia Arpag

    Welcome to the TrueLife Podcast, where we delve into the depths of human experience and enlightenment, guided by the wisdom of extraordinary individuals. I’m your host, George Monty, and today, I have the distinct pleasure of welcoming Julia Arpag as my esteemed guest.

    Julia’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of faith and passion. As co-founder of Aligned Recruitment, alongside the remarkable Alanna Thomas, Julia’s commitment to people and her unwavering faith in God have been the driving forces behind her remarkable career. With a career spanning nearly two decades in recruitment, Julia’s expertise extends far beyond merely filling roles; it’s about crafting A-player teams that catalyze peak performance and drive organizational excellence.

    By day, Julia is immersed in the exhilarating world of high-growth tech companies, shaping top-tier teams and fostering genuine partnerships with clients. By night, she finds solace and joy in the embrace of her loving family, all while advocating fervently for her clients and candidates.

    Join us as we embark on a profound journey of introspection and enlightenment, guided by Julia’s unparalleled authenticity and wisdom. Together, let’s explore the intersections of faith, passion, and professional excellence, and discover the true essence of what it means to live a purpose-driven life.

    1. Julia, what pivotal moment in your career reaffirmed your faith in both yourself and a higher power?

    2. How do you navigate the fine balance between fostering professional excellence and maintaining authentic, meaningful connections with your clients and candidates?

    3. In the fast-paced world of high-growth tech companies, how do you ensure that your recruitment process remains grounded in values and purpose?

    4. Can you share a story about a particularly challenging recruitment assignment that taught you valuable lessons about resilience and determination?

    5. Julia, what core principles guide your approach to team-building, and how do you instill these values in the teams you craft?

    6. How do you reconcile the demands of your professional life with your commitment to your family and personal well-being?

    7. Julia, what role has mentorship played in your journey, and how do you pay it forward to aspiring professionals in your field?

    8. As a co-founder of Aligned Recruitment, how do you envision the future of talent acquisition, particularly in the context of technological advancements and changing workplace dynamics?

    9. Could you share a moment when your faith in humanity was reaffirmed through a transformative experience with a client or candidate?

    10. How do you stay grounded and maintain a sense of purpose amidst the ever-evolving landscape of recruitment and professional development?


    Andrew Swindells

    Today's Guest is an eclectic expert in a diverse range of fields and has an

    amazing range of life experiences. He is here to share those experiences and

    what he has learnt from his quest to overcome extreme challenges in pursuit

    of his own self-actualisation

    During that journey he completed three degrees and three books, despite

    suffering from PTSD, dyslexia and ADHD. He taught English to Japanese

    children in Tokyo, was Executive Chairman of an Aviation Safety company

    and led an international project in War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity

    in post-war Sierra Leone, West Africa involving 300 people.

    Prior to that he was a Drug Squad Detective in the Australian Federal Police

    where he was involved in shootouts, car chases and record seizures of drugs

    during the most corrupt period in Australian history.

    Our speaker later spent 15 years as a criminal defence barrister and was

    Counsel Assisting the Crime and Misconduct Commission investigating

    organised crime and bikie gangs. He was also appointed to three different

    judicial roles. He later created, wrote and hosted a TV show called Law

    Legends Lately that had a total cumulative audience of 250,000

    Most recently he spent a decade raising three daughters as a full-time stay-at-

    home Dad which he tells me was far harder than anything else he has ever


    So please welcome keynote speaker and author of ‘How to Deal Drugs and

    Get Away With It’ and ‘Dealing or Healing: Reality Checking Drug Wars,

    Drug Wonders and our Fantastic Future’ - Andrew Swindells


    Seye Kuyinu

    In the symphony of life, where each note carries the melody of existence, there emerges an author whose words resonate with the timeless rhythm of human experience – Seye Kuyinu. Through the pages of his transformative masterpiece, “This Glorious Dance: You’re the Music, I’m the Song,” Seye invites readers to embrace the exquisite harmony of self-discovery and personal growth.

    With the pen as his instrument and the pages as his stage, Seye orchestrates a symphony of wisdom, weaving together personal anecdotes, insights, and transformative strategies into a captivating narrative. Each chapter unfolds like a melodic stanza, inviting readers to dance to the rhythm of their own existence and embrace the beauty of their unique journey.

    Drawing from his own transformative odyssey and his expertise as a licensed NLP practitioner, Timeline Therapist, and Hypnotherapist, Seye offers readers practical tools and profound insights to navigate the complexities of life with grace and resilience. Through his eloquent prose, he empowers individuals to embrace failure as a catalyst for growth, to chart new pathways, and to awaken to the glorious dance of self-discovery.

    Beyond the confines of his writing, Seye’s collaborations with organizations underscore his commitment to facilitating growth and happiness on a grand scale. Through his transformative strategies, he seeks to empower individuals and teams to reach meaningful goals and unlock their fullest potential.

    As readers embark on this literary journey, they become not merely spectators but active participants in the dance of life. With each turn of the page, they discover new rhythms, new harmonies, and new dimensions of self-awareness.

    Join Seye Kuyinu in “This Glorious Dance,” where you’re the music, and he’s the song. Let us sway to the rhythm of existence together, as we unlock the secrets of self-discovery and embrace the limitless potential within.


    Introducing the enigmatic Kevin Holt, a soul who dances to the rhythm of life’s melodies and explores the mysteries of existence with an insatiable curiosity.

    As an author, traveler, and connoisseur of life’s wonders, Kevin embodies the essence of freedom, weaving his own narrative amidst the vast expanse of existence. With each step of his journey, he embraces the sweet nectar of liberation, allowing the winds of fate to guide him through the tapestry of experiences.

    Join us as we embark on a captivating exploration of the cosmos through the lens of Kevin Holt, a beacon of inspiration and a seeker of truth in the grand symphony of life.