

    Kiki is an intuitive eating health coach who’s laser focused on helping women connect with their own version of the “skinny bitch” many of us secretly want to be. She's designed a completely unique program called 10/10 [with no annoying food restriction or ridiculous gym requirements] that allows women to finally turn off the “how do I lose those last 10 pounds” soundtrack that’s been playing in their head on repeat for years. She's a committed practitioner of the “eat dessert after every meal” food philosophy, and is currently traveling the world on her “live my best life” worldwide tour. 

    Join us as we chat all things Intuitive eating, the stigma around the cancelled word "skinny", and how you can actually start to live and feel good in your body by following your own cues!

    Connect with Kiki:

    Calendar Booking Link: Discovery Call

    IG: @kiki_athanas

    TikTok: @kiki_athanas

      Apply To Work With Kiki 

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to share and rate and review 💛

    P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

     Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

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    Do you feel like intuition is only for "certain people?"-- That no matter how hard you try, you're not getting the guidance you've been searching for? If yes, don't quit yet!! There are 10 key areas you can address to help yourself get more connected to your intuition. 

    In this episode I'm sharing reasons why you might not be be able to tune in-- why you might feel like your "intuition isn't working", and how you can overcome these challenges to better support your intuitive development. 

    Book Referenced: INTUITION RETREAT by Max Highstein

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to share and rate and review 💛

    P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

     Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

    FREE COURSE- 3 Steps to Mastering Confident, Conscious Leadership 


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    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

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  • ➜Join the Conscious Leadership Academy ⭐️

    Do you feel like you're playing it safe? Are you afraid to take risks.. big or small? Do your goals feel SO far out of reach? Then ask yourself this: where in your life are you locking yourself in the comfort zone area?

    In this episode I'm sharing all the tips for how to recognize when you're stuck and how to start taking the necessary steps to get you moving. Let's face it-- NOT stepping outside of the comfort zone (what you perceive to be safe for you) is actually holding you back from growth.  Join me as we dive into: why you actually enjoy your comfort zone, why it's so difficult to step out of it, and 6 tips on how to make some steps in a new direction. 

    Thanks for listening! Don't forget to share and rate and review 💛

    P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

     Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

    FREE COURSE- 3 Steps to Mastering Confident, Conscious Leadership 


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

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  • ☀️Book a FREE Confidence Call 

    This one's for those of you who are DONE feeling like you aren't good enough-- you know, that feeling that you just can't shake around putting yourself out there or stepping outside of your normal routine... this episode is all about how to release your self doubt, FOR GOOD-- so that you can relish in the beauty of Confidence!!

    I delve into the foundational steps of releasing self-doubt and igniting self-confidence, by understanding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, and how this can help you break free from negative self-talk, indecision, and procrastination. I share powerful journaling and mindfulness practices that enhance self-awareness, allowing you to uncover and tackle the root causes of your self-doubt.

    But that's not all – we can't forget the importance of self-compassion-- and treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during your most vulnerable moments.

    I'm sharing some concrete tips as well-- such as how to set and achieve small, meaningful goals that build confidence and prove your capability. (So be prepared to make notes!!)

    This episode is all about empowering you to become the most confident and authentic version of yourself. Tune in and take the first step --- your journey starts now!


    Thanks for listening! P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

     Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

    FREE COURSE- 3 Steps to Mastering Confident, Conscious Leadership 


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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  • Book a CONFIDENCE CALL to Learn More about the Conscious Leadership Academy 

    Are you someone searching for balance in your work, life and/or other areas? Have you ever stopped to think about what exactly this kind of balance looks like? What does it MEAN to you? 

    In this episode of TUNING IN, I'm talk all about the "unattainability" of "work-life" balance, and how it's not even something we can achieve with "balance".

    Join this deep dive into how creating more balance in your life all comes down to MINDSET, and the exact areas you should be focusing on INSEAD. 

    Thanks for listening! P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

     Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

    FREE COURSE- 3 Steps to Mastering Confident, Conscious Leadership 


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

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  • In this episode of TUNING IN, I'm chatting with the lovely Rachael Hunt- Founder & CEO of personal development brand, Freedom School Co., creator of The Freedom Method™️ and the host of The Cycle Breakers Podcast.  Rachael is an Intuitive Indigenous Mentor helping women thrive in business, relationships, finances and personal well-being through subconscious reprogramming. She is an award-winning certified master NLP practitioner, specializing in Timeline Techniques, EFT, and hypnosis.

    Join us as Rachael shares about her personal transformation through the re-discovery of her SELF, finding alignment and purpose, and her homecoming journey to reclaiming her indigenous roots. 

    Follow along here:  

    [00:04:49] Returning to indigenous roots.

    [00:09:26] Identity crisis and transformation.

    [00:15:35] Breaking free from conformity.

    [00:19:36] Tulum's transformative vortex.

    [00:24:29] Relationship with drinking shifted.

    [00:29:02] Indigenous cultural exploration and learning.

    [00:35:14] Embracing Indigenous Business Practices.

    [00:39:13] Ancestral and generational healing.

    [00:42:38] Intergenerational healing journey.

    [00:47:24] Past lives and indigenous connection.

    [00:51:32] Indigenous prosperity and healing.

    [00:56:32] Leading with authenticity and heart.

    [00:57:48] Ancestral connections and soul resonance.

    Connect with Rachael: 




    Book a 90-min Elevated Ascension Session: 


    Thank you so much for listening! xx


    P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. 

    Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

    FREE COURSE- 3 Steps to Mastering Confident, Conscious Leadership 


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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  • Are you tired of trying to "think positively" or "shift your mindset" to be happier, less angry or feel more aligned with what you want?? I'm guessing these haven't worked very well for you in the past if you keep having to "TRY" at them...

    What if I told you that you could completely REWIRE your brain to think differently? Thoughts and beliefs that are actually EMPOWERING you to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life--- without having to "TRY". 

    Sounds good right? 

    This is exactly what I'm talking about in this episode of TUNING IN--- learn how you can rewire your subconscious mind using different techniques that are proven to help create new neural pathways in your brain (for the science geeks out there)..and for my woo woo friends-- techniques that can clear the negative energies these thoughts and beliefs carry to make room for something new. 

    These are tools and practices that you can bring into your routine TODAY so start changing the way you think about yourself and the world around you. 

    Thank you so much for listening! xx

    P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. 

    Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

    💗Join the Self Love Activation Experience Waitlist 💗

    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

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  • This week on TUNING IN I'm speaking with this incredible Barbara With--  a renowned peace activist and psychic channeler. Barbara shares her fascinating journey from being a musician to channeling messages from figures like Albert Einstein, and she introduces us to her method "Conflict Revolution" aimed at resolving inner conflicts to achieve global peace.

    This episode bridges science, spirituality, and personal growth, underscoring the impact of inner peace on global harmony. Barbara's work demonstrates how individual efforts can contribute to a more peaceful world.

    [00:03:37] International peace activist and psychic.

    [00:05:30] Psychic abilities and music.

    [00:08:49] Psychic channeling beginnings.

    [00:14:21] Channeling and psychic abilities.

    [00:18:50] Einstein's Unified Field Theory.

    [00:21:39] Einstein's influence without scientific background.

    [00:27:32] Quantum energy shifts.

    [00:31:48] World peace within us.

    [00:32:53] The power of self-awareness.

    [00:37:02] Unified field theory and gravitational wave.

    [00:43:49] Profound personal transformations.

    [00:47:54] Channeling work and investigative journalism.


    To learn more about Barbara’s work or participate in her workshops, visit her websites listed here:

    Book with Barbara:



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    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

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  • LAST CALL: Join INTUITIVE QUEEN 👑We start May 6th 2024

    Have you been feeling blocked from your intuition? Unable to connect with yourself, and making decisions that turn out to be flops? Then you're going to want to listen up! 

    I this episode of TUNING IN I'm sharing 7  key tips and techniques to help you activate and balance the third eye chakra-- the energetic seat of your Intuition.

    Join me as I dive into how the typical practices of meditation, yoga, journaling, crystals, connecting with nature and more can support third eye chakra activation and boost your intuition! 

    AND If you're ready to ignite the intuitive queen within and join a community of like-minded souls, CLICK THIS LINK or DM me with the code "IQ" on Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama. We start on May 6th, and I can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you!!

    P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. 

    Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

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    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

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    Hello, lovely angels! We are back this week diving into the world of intuition and the signs and synchronicities that have shaped my spiritual journey. I share personal anecdotes from my childhood to adulthood, highlighting how intuitive gifts have always been a part of my life, even before I fully understood them.

    From predicting pregnancies to sensing spirits and auras, I've experienced several intuitive moments that, in hindsight, were guiding me towards a deeper understanding of my abilities. I discuss the significance of numbers in my life, the power of songs popping into my head, and the profound messages I've received in dreams from souls who have passed on.

    I also touch on my initial envy of psychic mediums and the realization that everyone- YES EVERYONE has the potential to tap into their intuition. It's not an exclusive club; it's a universal power that connects us all, including the spirit realm. 

    Most excitingly, I announced the launch of my new program, Intuitive Queen, a one-week intensive designed to skyrocket your intuition into the next dimension. It's about empowering you to recognize and harness the intuitive power within you, to co-create with the universe, and to live your highest vibing life.

    If you're ready to ignite the intuitive queen within and join a community of like-minded souls, CLICK THIS LINK or DM me with the code "IQ" on Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama. We start on May 6th, and I can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you!!

    P.S. Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. 

    Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

    💗Join the Self Love Activation Experience Waitlist 💗

    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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  • Do you ever wonder if the "guidance" you're following is truly coming from your intuition? Like maybe it's something else all together? Being able to understand the difference between your intuition and the other "voices" in your mind let's say-- your EGO, can be tricky-- it's not always clear where the intentions are coming from! In this episode of TUNING IN, I'm breaking down several ways you can discern the difference between the two, and start living more in alignment with your HIGHER SELF! 

    I hope these takeaways resonate with you and help you navigate the fine line between ego and intuition in your daily life. If you want to dive deeper into this topic and enhance your intuitive abilities, don't miss out my the brand new program starting MAY 6th--- INTUITIVE QUEEN! 👁️👑 Join me for a one-week intensive where we'll explore everything you need to discover, harness, trust and follow your inner wisdom! THIS is the program your intuition has been telling you about! Can't wait to see you there! XO


    Want 10% off any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. 

    Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off  

    💗Join the Self Love Activation Experience Waitlist 💗

    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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    Are you tired of making decisions that leave you feeling disappointed or regretful? This was me--impulsive, misaligned choices that would stay with me--that I would have to energetically "pay the price for" long after the decision was made...I'm talking everything from major business investments to having one too many glasses of wine. I used to think I just wasn't any good at making the "Right" choices...or that I just didn't have the "self-control"...until I realized that the actual issue was: I wasn't following my intuition in my decision making. I was letting my ego take charge, or some form of outside influence, and I wasn't listening to how the outcome would really make me feel-- from within. 

    This week's episode is all about how to start tapping into your intuition-- that inner knowing you have to make choices that are aligned with your HIGHEST SELF-- and how when I personally started to do this, my whole life changed. It's when I started manifesting things like years of travel, a condo in Mexico, rental home by the beach in Ontario, my Spiritual Coaching business and more!

    Intuition is one of the greatest superpowers we have, yet it's WAY under-utilized. We have access to KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM that can guide us in living our most aligned lifestyle. It's so important to me that everyone feel empowered in making decisions. In TRUSTING their intuition and following it WITHOUT question or hesitation. 

    So if you are ready to strengthen your intuition, trust your inner knowing, and start living with confidence, freedom and ease, I invite you to join me for my brand new one-week intensive:👑👁️INTUITIVE QUEEN. This transformational program will help you tap into your intuition, make aligned decisions, and embody the intuitive queen within you. Think of it like the week-long INTUITION PARTY that you didn't (or maybe you did) know you needed!!

    Click HERE for more information. We start May 6th. 


    Want 10% of any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. 

    🎧📓Download Your FREE TUNING IN Practice Journal + Meditation

    Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off 


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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  • Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you just can't get ahead? You have all these goals but they keep inching further and further away.. WHY? Do you ever feel like time is against you? If only you had just a little bit more time, if only there were more hours in the day...I get it-- we can get SO busy that the days fly by and what did we even accomplish? And did it even move us toward our goals?

    But what if it wasn't time that was blocking you- what if it wasn't something outside of you at all? What if all these blocks - like time, money, other people, no certification...etc were actually not blocks at all, and instead were excuses that you make to justify something EVEN DEEPER? 

    In this episode of TUNING IN I explain how there is a ROOT to every excuse, and how THIS is where we will find our blocks. I share the exact process I use with myself and my clients called "The Block Regression",  to uncover the true blocks in order allow them to be cleared and worked through. In doing this, we get to accomplish everything we desire AND MORE! 


    Liked this episode and want 10% of any Mind Body Spirit Mama Regular-Priced Offering? All you have to do is take a couple minutes to rate and review TUNING IN on Apple Podcasts-- take a screen shot of your review and send it to [email protected] or DM it to @mind.body.spirit.mama on instagram and as a thank you for your support, you will be sent a 10% off coupon code! 

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. Plus, take advantage of the special spring deal - buy one, get one free until March 31st Only!!

    🎧📓Download Your FREE TUNING IN Practice Journal + Meditation

    Aires Tech EMF Protection Products: use code MINDBODYSPIRIT for 25% off 


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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  • BUY 1 GET 1- Intuitive Soul Sessions (until March 31st 2024)

    Do you ever feel like you're torn between trusting it's all working out and actually MAKING it work out for you? What are you supposed to choose? Are you supposed to surrender or take action? 

    In this week's episode I share a wild insight that flipped a switch for me from an account on Instagram, that I immediately had to follow-- @theklwproject. Her coaching view was that "we are constantly being given support-- God/Spirit/Source is sending us help ALL THE TIME"-- and that it's not always up to us to figure it all out for ourselves. I talk about how this resonates AND is much different than what I've been told in my coaching programs over the years about how "the CAVALRY ISN'T COMING "- no one is coming to save you, and it's all up to you. 

    My question here is--" but can we have BOTH"? Can we take responsibility, take action AND trust that we are supported and being guided and helped along the way? Can we count on NOT having to it alone? 

    Join me as we dive into this topic of faith vs action and let me know what you think!

    Thank you so much for listening and if you haven't already, please be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. 

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session with me and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. Plus, take advantage of the special spring deal - buy one, get one free until March 31st Only!!

    🎧📓Download Your FREE TUNING IN Practice Journal + Meditation

    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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    Hello gorgeous! Welcome to TUNING IN! In this episode I'm delving in to the transformative journey of living life with PURPOSE. I'm sharing my personal experiences and practical steps to help you break free from the cycle of aimless living and start intentionally creating your days. From making commitments to tuning into yourSELF, to connecting on a SOUL level, I'm providing valuable insights and tools for you to initiate positive change!! Join me on this empowering episode to discover how to align with your truest self and manifest a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

    Thank you SO much for listening, and don't forget to share and rate and review on Apple Podcasts XO

    🔮Book an Intuitive Soul Session: Ready for instant clarity and transformation? Book an intuitive soul session with me and experience the power of energetic healing and guidance. These sessions provide accountability, uncover blocks, and call in higher level support to help you quantum leap your life. Plus, take advantage of the special spring deal - buy one, get one free until March 31st Only!!

    🎧📓Download Your FREE TUNING IN Practice Journal + Meditation

    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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  • In this week's episode of TUNING IN, I'm chatting all things LIFE, DEATH and the BEYOND with Karry Sawatsky. Karry is a death doula, death educator, published author of The Modern Deathcare End-of-Life Planning Guide, and founder of Modern Deathcare and The Life and Death Academy's Death Doula Training. Karry is passionate about completely revolutionizing end of life care. With a deep love for community, spirituality and nature, she is sought after as a leader pioneering a holistic, conscious approach to deathcare. 

    Carrie's passion for her work is just infectious, and she's pioneering a movement that's all about embracing death as a natural part of life. We dove deep into what it means to be a death doula and how Carrie's unique approach is changing the narrative around death and dying. It's not just about the end of life; it's about living fully, with purpose, and on your own terms.

    We also touched on the taboo surrounding death and how Karry's work is helping to break down those barriers. She shared her personal journey into death care, which was both moving and inspiring. It's clear that her experiences have shaped her into the leader she is today, and her stories are a testament to the power of facing life's toughest moments head-on.

    Karry's insights on living with the awareness of our mortality were a real eye-opener. She encourages us all to grasp our aliveness, to live intentionally, and to love deeply. It's about making every moment count and not waiting for "someday" to start living the life you want.

    And let me tell you, the energy in the room was palpable when Karry talked about her spiritual experiences and connections with higher realms. It's like she's got this celestial wisdom that's guiding her, and it's absolutely fascinating. 

    I'm so grateful to have had this conversation and to share it with all of you. If you're looking to be inspired, to think about life (and death) in a whole new way, and to feel that soul-deep connection, this episode is a must-listen. Trust me, it's a game-changer.

    Remember,LIFE IS GOOD, and you have the power to create your moment-to-moment. So tune in, get cozy, and let's vibe together as we explore the beauty of life and the journey beyond.

    Sending you all so much love and light. Until next time, keep shining bright! 🌟

    Found this episode insightful?? Show your support for The TUNING IN podcast by leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts and sharing it with a friend! I am SO grateful for you and truly appreciate all your love!

    Connect with Karry:




    Connect with Katherine:

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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    Book an Intuitive Soul Session 


  • Book an Intuitive Soul Session 

    Welcome back to TUNING IN! This episode is a recording of a Live Intuitive Coaching Event I hosted a couple weeks ago. Join me as I share what Intuitive coaching is all about, how I got to where I am now--as a Spiritual Coach/ Intuitive Soul Guide, and the answers to YOUR submitted questions! 

    This was such a fun event!! Those who attended even mentioned that if they didn't submit a questions, there was still SO much value in the coaching that was provided. Everything was resonating-- so let me know if you feel the same way :)

    00:04:10 - Introducing the Theme of Growth

    00:08:06 - Katherine's Journey to Intuitive Coaching

    00:16:28 - The Mind Body Spirit Method Explained

    00:18:35 - Grounding Our Energy

    00:22:24 - Addressing Personal Blocks and Safety

    00:31:23 - Believing in the Possibility of a Six-Figure Business

    00:39:48 - Confrontation in Relationships and Self-Doubt

    00:46:30- Building confidence and self-worth.

     00:51:40- Dealing with mental burnout.

    00:53:39- Boundaries and Energy Management.

    00:57:04- Connecting with spirit for support. 

    Found this episode helpful?? Show your support for The TUNING IN podcast by leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts and sharing it with a friend! I am SO grateful for you and truly appreciate all your love!

    P.S. If you're interested in having an Intuitive Soul Session click here for more information:

    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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    Get Your Free High Vibe Journaling Workbook  

    Book an Intuitive Soul Session 

  • Join the Self Love Activation Experience - NOW OPEN! 

    Welcome back to TUNING IN gorgeous! This week I'm sharing all about the foundation of Intuition --the SELF-- and how it's almost impossible to have discernment when it comes to following your intuition, if you aren't truly connected and in a "good relationship" with yourself! The first step to building your intuition is tuning in-- go figure! Understanding who you are on all levels of yourself, and then learning how to TRUST yourself. 

    How do you really know if it's your intuition "talking", or if it's something else entirely? Find out in today's episode! 


    And if you found this helpful or insightful in any way, please support The TUNING IN podcast by leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts. It really does make a huge difference in visibility and spending the HIGH VIBES! 

    Thank you so much for listening! 

    p.s. THE SELF LOVE Activation Experience is OFFICIALLY OPEN!! Are you in??  

    It's a Self Love Revolution!! Step into a world where embracing your purpose, honouring your worth, and prioritizing your well-being are the norm. Travel through the various stages of self-discovery to deepen your connection to SELF on all levels of your Being. Together, let's rewrite the narrative of self-love and empower each other to shine brightly. Build your confidence, and TRUST in all that you are and activate your innate gifts! Are you ready to transform what is possible for you?

    JOIN NOW to start living your Highest Vibing Life!


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


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    Get Your Free High Vibe Journaling Workbook  


  • DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE: 10 Questions to Uncover Your Self Love Goals

    Hello loves! In today's episode of TUNING IN we explore the theme of self-love and its profound impact on our lives--how self-love isn't just a fleeting trend, but a potent FORCE that everyone should be talking about!

    I talk about the misconception that self-love isn't as "sexy" as other topics like money and abundance, and I challenge that belief by highlighting how self-love is the foundation for all other forms of success and happiness. YA BABY!

    To help you on your self-love journey, I've created a fantastic little resource – a booklet with 10 key questions to uncover your self-love goals. It's a free guide to help you reflect on where you're at with self-love and where you want to be. You can find the link HERE to download.

    The highlight of the episode is our journey through the chakras and how each one can be activated to enhance self-love. From grounding ourselves with the root chakra to expressing our truth through the throat chakra, and connecting with the divine through the crown chakra, I share tips and practices to help you tap into the energy of each chakra for a more profound self-love experience.

    If you're feeling the call to dive deeper, the waitlist for the Self Love Activation Experience is open! It's a transformative program that includes guided self-reflection, empowering coaching sessions, and heart-opening activities. Join the waitlist for special perks and discounts when we launch.

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to share with your bestie and rate and review on Apple Podcasts

    XO Katherine 

    Join The SELF-LOVE Activation Experience WAITLIST:

    LAST CHANCE TO JOIN THE WAITLIST (no commitment necessary + bonuses and discounts to be announced)

    It's a Self Love Revolution! Step into a world where embracing your purpose, honouring your worth, and prioritizing your well-being are the norm. Travel through the various stages of self-discovery to deepen your connection to SELF on all levels of your Being. Together, let's rewrite the narrative of self-love and empower each other to shine brightly. Are you ready to transform what is possible for you?

    JOIN NOW to start living your Highest Vibing Life!


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


    Join the VIP Email List 

    Book a Free Discovery Call 

    Get Your Free High Vibe Journaling Workbook  

    Join the Waitlist for the next SELF LOVE ACTIVATION EXPERIENCE 

  • **TRIGGER WARNING** sexual assault 

    Join the Waitlist: SELF LOVE Activation Experience 

    In this episode of TUNING IN, I'm taking you through my transformative journey from a place of pain and disconnection to true alignment and self-love. It's my experience with sexual trauma at the age of 21, that I am now feeling called to share. For the first time in 13 years I feel grounded and actually pretty neutral about it all--- I've done a lot of healing around this experience, and despite my initial feelings of shame and guilt, I'm now choosing to release the grip it's had on me. And part of that release is speaking it out-- the more I do, the less power it has over me. 

    SO here I am-- sharing my experience with you, in hopes that it can provide an example of finding true Self Love--in overcoming a difficult situation and reclaiming personal power, worthiness and VALUE.

    Through all of this, I've learned that self-love is an inside job, and it's this love for myself that has transformed my life and relationships. My healing has allowed me to feel more supported, not because those around me changed, but because I found that value within myself.

    I share this story to let you know that healing is possible, and it starts with you. If my journey resonates with you and you're seeking guidance on your path to reclaiming your power and self-love please reach out. I'd absolutely love to hear from you. 

    I'm so grateful for this space to be vulnerable and authentic. Thank you so much for listening. 

    And if you know someone that might benefit from hearing this episode today, please share with love. 

    P.S. Download your Free copy of the High Vibe Journaling Workbook and learn the 3 specific steps to manifesting everything you desire in life through tuning in to raise your vibration!

    💗The SELF-LOVE Activation Experience💗:

    Are you looking to uncover your truest self at a soul level? Do you want to understand yourself on all levels of your being and learn how to show yourself love in the ways that best support YOU? The SELF LOVE Activation Experience offers various steps and methods to connect you with all aspects of yourself to heal, grow, and expand. When SELF LOVE is activated, you will radiate love within you, and towards all others to contribute to healing and positive change in the world! JOIN NOW to start living your Highest Vibing Life!


    Connect with Katherine:    

    On Instagram @mind.body.spirit.mama 

    On TikTok @mindbodyspiritmama

    By email [email protected] 


    Join the VIP Email List 

    Book a Free Discovery Call 

    Get Your Free High Vibe Journaling Workbook  

    Join the Waitlist for the next SELF LOVE ACTIVATION EXPERIENCE