
  • Hey you

    When you call out a greater version of You to express Itself as your life there must be a shedding of the old self.

    This may very well feel as if an actual Death is taking place.


    Yes, all of your previous work has helped you. It was not a waste. You are supposed to change. In fact, it may hurt way worse trying to hold onto something or some way of being that you have outgrown.

    We are made to transform continuously.

    Please take a moment to yourself and listen in. This episode was recorded after processing, thanks to God alone, one of the most excruciating weeks. I died last week. I believed all of the work I've done was absolute shit. These old thought bodies swarmed my being. Like nagging mosquitos. I have not felt so utterly powerless in a very long time. My body was telling me to die. Literally. Just kill me already. I was latching on to old belief systems and ways of responding in a highly limiting fashion. This way of poor thinking is something that I used to use for myself to cope with trauma. I would put myself down and blame myself for all of the hurt around me. I would take all of this preconceived weight of the world and claim it. Or try to.

    Well, for f$%%$ sake. Of course the body would want to die. I was mentally fueling it with garbage.

    Whenever we take on a story of blame and victimhood the body begins to feel awful. It is so far from what we truly are which is the Presence of God. However, We have the freewill as sovereign beings to choose what follows the statement.... I AM.......... and whatever is used as the personality thereafter will determine the level of freedom the human experiences.

    Quick update: I am now beginning to share some of the body movement and prayer flows I've been incorporating into my practice. Brooke Louise on youtube. The videos are called ANONAME. Feel free to drop a comment and let me know what you've been using yourself to work through these growing pains.


    Stay sharp x

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  • Hey you.


    Are you navigating through any sort of habitual or addictive behavior?

    It's a thing, ya, but turns out, there's GOLD in it.

    There's gold all over it.

    In this episode I share an audio entry from my own personal workshop in the development of self awareness. I dig into exposing, working through and transforming my own judgement on the use of marijuana.

    It turns out to be a quite revealing experience for me. I was not in any way shape or form planning on sharing this. I find this practice to be deeply personal and intimate but it is helping me so darn much in the process of rediscovering what is underneath the story I carry and creating the reality of MY ULTIMATE FUC8ING DREAMS that I find it necessary to put my feelings aside and share it anyway.

    There is something Alive and GRAND amidst you now. It is a field of intelligence that is brimming with life. I'm not a perfect orator nor do I speak in a structured common way in these episodes. Far from that. All of that. Haha. These audio clips are sometimes from my very own self work. Tangible tools I personally use to help me navigate through life and create more consciously.

    It is absolutely incredible what continues to unfold itself as my life. It's like I'm writing it out. Speaking it into existence.

    This episode has been prepped and edited for the past 3 weeks yet it's taken until now to have the audacity to share. It has been a vulnerable, beautiful, and wild experience and I love that I found this tender spot in myself to work through and love.

    Enjoy your nows


  • Audio transcribed aqui:

    "Instead of teaching each other about the quantum world, about how the universe works and energy works.... As energy,
    as vibrating beings... we emit certain frequencies with our thoughts and with our emotions. Instead of teaching each other how to do this, as we
    have come upon it, or rediscovered it or remembered it in a sense, instead of sharing it, we've used it. A select few people have used it to create target marketing, and has targeted each person to consume and focus on and completely immerse themselves in those things that they like and that they want and that they desire to have in their lives. Target marketing is genius for business. Of course, anyone's going to use it.
    You're going to use it because it works.
    Target marketing is about numbers. Numbers don't lie. They're black and white, they're numbers, it's not personal. And so for business, how we've been running it, that's great for profits but for the masses, for the individual, not so great. Because our weaknesses have been targeted. Our focus has been a weakness. We have been so immersed in the circus world that we'll focus on anything that crosses our path. We don't have a straight, narrowed focus on a mission or a direction or, you know, a vision for the future. We're just kind of half assed and lazily focused, and that's okay, that's fine. It's just that it's been taken advantage of by big business. And so we can't, we can no longer point the finger at business and tell them how bad they are, and continue to consume the exact same things and stay the exact same way and talk about the exact same things and complain about the exact same things. If we want something to change, we have to stop pointing the finger and start realizing that we're pointing at ourselves, our own focus. Every time we point the finger, there's three pointing back at us, it's ourselves.
    Us x 3 have to take our own advice. So whenever we're pointing the finger, and we're looking at someone outside
    of us, whatever that advice is multiply that times three, because it's three fingers pointing back at us. That's how much we have to take our own advice. Whenever we have the gift of being able to see something that frustrates us or if you see anything that creates some sort of contrast that you don't like, and you're annoyed or frustrated, or it ignites some sort of emotion, just know that it is showing and presenting itself to you for you to focus on what your advice would be. What is your observation? When you look at this thing, when you experience this thing, if there is any sort of emotional discord, that means that there is emotional discord inside of your being. It wants to be balanced out. This world works as a big pile of smoke and mirrors, it's genius. And anytime we're looking outside of us, we're actually seeing an aspect of ourselves, everything is reflecting the next. Our bodies and even the earth reflect our thoughts. They both have energy points. Energy centers. They shift and move as we do. And when we work with the systems of nature, within our bodies, and within the earth, we get the best of both worlds every single time. But when we try to fight against the body, when we try to fight against nature, we make it really fucking difficult for ourselves. And now's the time, now's the time to take our focus back, take our power back. And when we change the way the consumer consumes, we change the masses, each being changes one by one, then business will change. We can't point at the businessman and tell him how bad he is for using business, they are algorithms. They're just numbers. But do we want to continue to be good at business? Or do we want to continue to advance as a species or do we want to do both? I think that we have the power of visioning, of calling out a future that is mighty available and readily available for every single person to create the reality of their dreams. And we start that by taking our focus back by putting our feeling tone on an inward journey. If we continue to look outside of ourselves and just consume, consume, consume, consume, consume, consume, consume, consume, consume, we're going to continue to grow but we're gonna, we're gonna like drag our feet while doing it. Imagine if you can grow while running. Imagine if there wasn't a thing such as time in this creation of life, and the more we embody what we want to experience, the more we acknowledge that we're doing it already, whether we realize it or not, the more we consciously focus on being and feeling as if it's already happened. It will magnetize in your physical reality faster than time can exude.And boom it'll be there! In your reality! We're so far, we're so far into this advancement, we're so advanced as a species. But instead of sharing with everyone, about our advanced technologies that we have access to, and instead of sharing this with one another, we've just been bastardizing it and using it to target market and gain a massive, massive amount of money. As said before, that's great, but only for a select few. So now it's time to use the system. Continue to use the system, but to teach everyone how to use it. You know,
    we can all
    there's enough pie here for everyone. Okay, so the people who are doing really well, in business with the way things are set up, you know, you're not going to lose anything. You're not going to lose anything. We all have massive amounts to gain from leveling out the playing fields, lifting our neighbor up, lifting our brothers and sisters up ard treating everyone as if they are an extension of you. And you know, I realized that we've been saying that for a long time now. And I think we need to start looking at how do you really view yourself because how you treat others is a reflection of how you treat yourself. So instead of complaining about someone else being
    not on their A game..Why don't we just use it as a mirror to
    touch base with our own advice for them? Touch base with whether or not we're eating our own words. It's just a reflection of where we are. And where we can balance out where we can love more purely. See, everyone's focused on pointing their fingers. It's not just in business, it's on an individual level, everything's reflecting one another. And so we're just learning how to take our focus back. Take our own advice. Own our happiness, generate our happiness on an individual sovereign level. And we're right on time. We're right on the fucking mark.
    Everything's perfect. Everything's
    right on time. We're exactly where we're supposed to be. We're calling it out. We're calling out the good. We're calling out the bad. We're acknowledging that there's a Oneness available. There's unity in this. And don't forget.... good.... bad.... light... dark... opposite sides of same pole. Okay. It's one. Bye"

  • Since the vision came through via meditation of doing hands on vibratory work with people to assist in their healing and enhancement, I'm planting the seed to work with those who feel inclined to do so. This body is a vehicle for the prime creator to flow through. As I drop into a coherent field of heart and mind, I open up for the greater aspect of me to reveal itself. I am you. We are one. We each have access to direct source energy to balance out and enhance every single aspect of our lives. It starts with you and your relationship with self. If I may be of assistance in any way shape or form, please feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected]

  • I didn't think I'd be sharing this due to the poor audio in the first few minutes but this podcast, beyond anything else, is an outlet for me to document creating the reality of my dreams. Enjoy making coffee with me in my home :) This is how I speak with myself. And yes, that's my cat Pablo. He says Hello.

  • Hi :) This audio was shot as I was sitting around a fire in Joshua Tree California. After this recording, my partner got back from the store and joined me around the fire. We began to hear LARGE BOOMing sounds underneath of us and with each POUND the earth shook under us! WTF. All the dogs and coyotes instantly began to howl at the same exact time. This scared me and to be quite frank really alerted my nervous system. I went to our van to chill and neutral out. This sound was so grand and large and powerful. It felt like something was under the ground. WAY different feeling than an earthquake. Since then, there have been accounts of large underground JOLTS that shake the earth under them in both Redondo and up to Studio City. We have friends/family in both areas who just reported these experiences on January 20 2021. The said it felt like something was underneath of them and nothing like they have ever experienced in Cali before. This audio 'JT fire recording' and earth movement event was on December 10 2020.

    Here is the transcript of the episode. If you have any similar experiences please feel free to reach out to me and we can share and compare notes.

    "So I'm sitting here around a beautiful fire in Joshua Tree. The stars are insanely beautiful. There are so many of them. We got a handful of Joshua trees lit up right now, so you can see them with the lights on. It's so beautiful. You can
    hear the neighbor in the back move his trash bin. Hello, neighbor. So I'm sitting here. And for a moment, I thought I was by myself, but I am totally not by myself. I am surrounded by divine intelligence. And we're sitting here together in counsel, in a circle around this fire, enjoying this ultimate flame and decided to record our conversation.
    welcome. Welcome in.
    Get comfy,
    There's something about this bag of marshmallows, it says white and strawberry marshmallows. But if you try them blindfolded, I really doubt that you would ever tell the difference, I think that they are the exact same thing. They're just different colors. So there's that. But you know, I prepped myself with imagining that the strawberry is kind of bad and if so I would throw it into the fire. And even though it didn't taste like anything except Marshmallow, I still threw it in the fire. I think that's interesting. The other one was really good. It was exactly what I expected it to be nice, perfect marshmallow.
    nothing is as it seems. Nothing. In fact, where you place your attention that's where your momentum follows. You will build momentum with wherever you're placing your attention, your focus.
    Other people are in your life only to show you where your beliefs are. They mirror your beliefs. So anytime you experience someone in your life who is frustrating to deal with, they're actually showing you an aspect of you and what you're holding on so tightly that wants to be let go. We're holding on so tightly that we see life in that constricted manner. And we're going to continue to see it. If we hold on to that belief system as a definite truth. We're basing everything off of our circumstances. What we physically see in that person or situation. So to the personality, it justifies why we should be mad or frustrated with that person or thing. Because this, this and this. But there's more to all of this than meets the eye. You're not as physical as you seem. You are an interdimensional being that is having a physical experience. The physical is an experience
    and what's bridging the two to give you an experience Are your senses. When people only use their five senses, they get trapped in this physical world. And they completely forget that they are interdimensional that they are spirit that they are energy that they are more than this physical body. So it feels like a trap, it feels like a prison to some. But that's only because we're using only a portion of our senses. We have more than five senses. When we awaken to the fact that there's more to all of this than meets our five senses, then we start to open up our minds and our hearts to other possibilities, other realms other states of being. And when we open up into other states of being we start to perceive this space as an interdimensional space. It's, it's, it's much more than a physical world. And the inter dimensionality of it is also right here right now, regardless if you see it or not. If you don't see it, if you don't experience it, it's because you're only using five senses. But when you open up yourself
    to intuitive senses, the I AM senses. Your inner dimensionality is remembered, and you get to experience something beyond this physical world right here, right now. It's in the air. It's with us, it's sitting here, among this fire.
    It's in the flame, sitting here with me in a circle. It's above me, it's glistening, it's sparkling in the stars. It's breathing in the Joshua trees. And there's way more life in this field of intelligence. And when we use our higher senses, senses beyond our five senses. We start to perceive these interdimensional aspects of the one that we are. You are right on track. There's nothing wrong with you. Even if you've never even heard of anything beyond our five senses. You are perfect right now and we are going through an experience together where we are remembering that there's more to all of this. And so by asking the questions, like, what else is there for me to experience? What Good is here for me? What gifts Do I have that are waiting to be expressed through my body? When we start asking those questions, these higher senses begin to reveal themselves. You can look at different artists over the times, all the geniuses, the masterminds, the creators, they started to tap into a different set of senses. And you can see this in their creations. Now, these people, these creators, these artists, these professionals, they're no different than you and I. They just started to hone in on different senses, different ways of expressing. And we all have the ability to tap into senses, abilities, beyond our five senses, and that's going to look very unique to each person. It's, it's a beautiful space, in the evolutionary process of human consciousness. We're remembering that there's more to this and thus activating a higher potential. Now this potential has always been there. It's just that we're now stepping into more of what we're made of. And so we're gonna start seeing more and more things being created that are revolutionary.
    system doesn't even know what to do right now because things are happening So fast. And so, right now it is imperative to touch base with your mind, your emotions, your nervous system. Slow down, take care of yourself, nurture yourself. There is a lot of stuff that is happening. And we are being primed to access more of our potential that has always been here. We have to prime ourselves. We have to prime our mind. We have to prime our emotion. We have to prime what we believe is possible for human consciousness, for human expansion all together. We have to prime ourselves to start visioning higher for the world! Higher for our species. When we start visioning together, on a higher aspect of expression, we will begin and I believe it's already begun, to move exponentially fast. And, you know, I peek my head over the fence, and I'm looking at what the years have, have accumulated, what the years have shared with us, and it's that we're moving rapidly. The internet, I mean, the past 30 years, it's 2020. The past 30 years, it's really been the biggest leap in technological advancement that we have ever seen. I mean, every 10 years, we're learning more about the brain than we've ever known ever. And it's incredible the steps we're making. It's so unbelievable, in a sense, because there are a lot of people not focused on the growth aspect in which we are really, really, really, really good at. We are growing you guys and it's fast. It's amazing. If you start looking for it then you're really going to start seeing it. Just a side note, we are incredible focusers. But very lazy ones. If we don't consciously focus, anything can take our focus. And when we just focus on whatever passes by, then we're just blindly giving our energy to this and that and what have you. But when we focus when we hone in all of our senses, and beyond, on an aspect of life, and excuse me, when we hone in on an aspect of life, when we allow ourselves to start feeling that, it begins to magnetize. We draw that experience into existence. And so I'm saying this, because if we have numerous people, all sovereign focusers focused on a vision, a higher vision for humanity, we're really going to speed up the process. Like I said, this is already happening. It's amazing, and it feeeeeels amazing. And there's so many amazing people here and they're doing incredible work! They're healing themselves through the source in which they are! They're accessing infinite intelligence that resides in every fiber of their being. And they are talking about it! and they're sharing!! They're seeing it in their meditations, their visioning, they are having out of body experiences. They are astral projecting the remote viewing. We have people in our government remote viewing and practicing these super sonic ways of being. It's called ESP. It's happening right now. People are talking about it. There are documents released on the website, talking about these inter dimensionalities and the fact that we have access to them. This stuff is released. We have talked about it. We are talking about it. It's growing and I'm so excited to see what this upcoming year reveals to all of us, because it's something so good. It's something beyond our wildest imaginings and it's amazing. It's so so so good. Plug in. Plug into that world. Imagine it into existence, feel into it because it is being created. Through your own focus. You're going to be walking across the bridge that is created by all of us together into that world. It's happening here now among us. We are at we are this bridge, we are the light. We are the ones that are visioning this new future for the world. It's with our focus that is so powerful. We put our focus together in our one mind and connect through this space, the ethers. This pod mind. We will transform in the blink of an eye. It's already done.
    Holy crap.
    We are here. Wow, holy crap. We are here. We have been here. It's you that are now seeing us here to you that are now perceiving us! You! You have to use your senses that are beyond your five. And then you access more of who you really are. Which is the inter dimensionality in which you speak of. It is here. It is you it's you revealing more of you. Isn't it time? Isn't it time to get to know more of you. The time is now. We are awakening through you. We rise all together. One mind. One heart. One now. stars are fucking incredible. Seemed like three shooting stars. I saw one while speaking.
    So good. It's
    happening. It's happening right here right now. The story is being written Wow."

  • I didn't want to share this. I didn't even want to bring any content I had from 2020 into 2021. Then I listened to the audio of mining the past for gold. Hah! I didn't want to drag in anything old and not serving me... meanwhile listening to my own words reminded me of all the gold sprinkled within chaos and hardship. We just have to go get it.

    How do you use your story?

    I used to be so focused on the hardships in life that it almost kept me stuck in the muck. It wasn't until I started to change the inner dialog that I saw any significant change in my life. And let me state that it's not that life doesn't happen.... LIFE HAPPENS. But, how are we responding to it??

    The only power we have is the power of our inner dialog. The internal focus. I must say that most people have given away their power to external circumstances. Sure, it's totally justifiable but it's only going to continue to create similar experiences in the future for said individual. Your choice.

    Below is the transcript from the episode. Enjoy the documentation.

    "I've created this obsession with understanding personality and why we act the way we do. And this has stemmed from a space in me that I observed
    years ago
    when I used to play soccer in college. I was a great athlete, but I was really hard on myself. I was going through a bunch of stuff, just like anyone. But I really didn't know how to handle the emotional toll. At this point, I had a coach that was even harder on myself than I was on myself. And I just shut down. I shut down mentally, emotionally and I completely lost my game. Man, I couldn't even kick the same. It fucking sucked. And it felt so awful so I was even more hard on myself, and Oh, God, it was just a mess. At this time in life, I didn't know anything about alternative medicine. So I went to my trusted family doctor that I went to growing up and over a course of about three or four months, I ended up on like, five, six different medications. It was a shit show. I became really numb. Man oh man. It's crazy how things happen. But um, but the beautiful thing that came from this destructive time in my life, is that after I hit a pretty solid low, I got kicked while I was down and got kicked off the soccer team my senior year. It was actually the biggest blessing in disguise. What this did for me was that it opened up a space for me to find an identity that had nothing to do with soccer. And I felt stripped, I felt bare, felt naked. And and I went through a little mini death, I guess, is the best way to describe it.
    A lot of things came into perspective from this death, because I didn't realize that, you know, my personality kind of had to die to the smallness in which it was in order for me to rise through the ashes, if you will, and realize that I had this whole new world to experience. Oh man, you know, this hurt so bad. I mean, there are so many things that are that are left unsaid, so many justifiable things I could point out to express to you why I was feeling so fucking low. But I guess that stuff, all those details don't really matter. I don't have to go into all of them. And the reason why I'm even bringing this up is because that time in my life was such a low that it catapulted me into this space of really wanting to figure out who I am. And I started asking questions like, what is this? There has to be more to this. What else is here for me? And everything changed after I started asking those questions. You know, I ended up moving all the way to the other side of the country, from Pennsylvania to California. And I kept those questions in mind. And since then, it's been about six years since I've lived in California now, and those questions I can still give them credit to creating this beautiful life. This beautiful way of experiencing life and seeing life. It seems like my perspective on life keeps getting broader and broader and broader. And more just delectable because I'm not as narrowly focused on pain. I still have the ability to do that, of course, and just feel everything so deeply. It's beautiful. It's a gift. But now I have to say that I have more space, more freedom to look at any type of tumultuous experience and see the gold in it. I could see it from a higher perspective, I can see it from a clearer perspective. You know, it's kind of like, for example, the perspective of me looking back at those times that are hurt really bad throughout college and whatnot, and I was really at just an ultimate low emotionally. I'm able to see that from a clearer perspective now. Okay, I'm able to look back, years back, and see that everything was happening for a reason. Well, that perspective is what I have now.
    And whenever chaotic things happen, now, I still have that vision, that perception, available here and now. So it's like, I really don't have the option of playing victim for too long. For example, that time throughout college really dragged on a bit, like months and months. I ruined a relationship. Man, I ruined so many relationships, my significant other at the time, I just ran it into the ground. All of my friendships, just ran it right into the ground. There were a few new ones that started then that have been a huge pillar in my life. Thank you, you know who you are. And for everyone else, thank you. Because all of those hard times where I was pointing my finger at everyone, all of you guys, and feeling very victim-like it really has served a huge purpose. So I know, I wasn't the easiest thing to handle back in the day. But thank you for all of those souls who held space for me and quit on me and turned a cold shoulder to, you know, the relationships that we had. Because without that, I wouldn't have felt so low. And I really, really, really needed to go that low. I needed to go that low because I never asked the questions. And I believe that sometimes there are certain kinds of people that create pain for themselves, and I have always been one of them. What I've noticed is that I create it because I use it. I use it to jump forward in life. And I see that so clearly now that I'm actually trying to be more present in my life, in my decision making in my life, in my daily life so that I may kind of weave around these pain bodies. It doesn't have to be painful. We don't have to use pain as fuel. We can use something way more sustainable and way less aggravating. I'm slowly but surely dropping the fight. It seems like it's always accessible though. I have this fire and with this fire I'm down to throw down. Like I'm too down to throw down. That's why I've really had to look at my own personality and dig into a practice that allows myself to focus on the presence of creator, of source of God within me. To stop running my life by the personality because Jeez, oh man, anytime that girl, that version of me would get triggered by something emotional it would bring up some memory of the past and then I would paste that feeling all over my future. My now experience, and it would make it even that much more painful. Oh my gosh because I wouldn't work through emotional things as they happened, I would bury them. My personality would bury them and compartmentalize this pain. And then when something triggered in my present day life when something would trigger this emotion, the same kind of feeling oh my gosh, Pandora's box are would open. Yeah, all of these things explode and come out of the woodwork with these memories. "You did this on a Thursday at two in 2016 blah, blah". I mean, like we get Crazy. But you know, it's not you that is crazy. It's the aspect of us attaching ourselves to this little part of the personality and running with it as if we are not this larger, grander perspective. We play as if we are only this tiny aspect of the personality. When it is in any sort of fight or flight mode, it really feels like it has to protect it's life, it's down to fight, it's down to throw down. It's down to fuck everything up. At least in my perspective, my personality was just like a little Tasmanian devil thing. Oh man, just slowing down and getting to know all these different aspects of personality that I have access to playing with and expressing with has really given me this whole different way of living. And it's accessible. It's here, it's now. We just have to dance with it. We have to take that director's chair and own it rather than the victim seat and blow it. It's cool because it's always accessible. Either one. You can play whatever role you want to in your life. But just remember that you're playing a role. Don't get too attached to it there little Brookie Brooke"

  • In this episode I switch it up a bit. I want to preface with right before this audio was recorded, an uncomfortable situation presented itself. I was given the opportunity to either emotionally respond OR dig into my own practice and consciously respond..


    I chose to consciously respond and rather than lashing out in any manner I chose to create some space for myself. I went outside to the back of my place and sat down. I started recording my process and began with a summarized quote by Neville Goddard. I had just started to listen to his lectures the past several weeks and they've had a mightily peaceful impact on my psyche. Anywho, below is the dictation from the recording :) Enjoy the riff

    "Neville Goddard says that trying to change circumstances before you change the imagination will never create that into existence. It's trying to fight the forces of nature itself. When you try to physically manipulate circumstances, without changing the way you think about yourself, your life, what you deserve, Everything in your external world, including your circumstances, will reflect you. And so if you wait for circumstances to change, you're going to be waiting for a very long time.

    You really have to take a look at the way you're speaking to yourself in silence.

    How do you think about the world outside of you? How do you think about your partner?

    Do you see them in the highest light? In their highest light?

    Or do you point your finger at their flaws? Or do you poke at them?

    The way we treat other people in silence, in our own imaginings, is the way we are pasting on our reality. Often times without even realizing how powerful we are. And then when something uncomfortable happens, say in a relationship or a friendship, the ego, it's super easy to just point the finger and expect them or demand them to change.

    But the power lies in the imagining.

    What we believe is true.

    Can we see through the flaws? Can we see the perfect expression of source itself underlying all chaos?

    There's a stillness behind all movement.
    And it's accessible always.

    It's always there.

    It's always perfectly orchestrating everything. In relation to the way we imagine life to be, what we imagine ourselves to be worth what we imagine ourselves to be or embody, our world, our life, our immediate reality is always going to reflect these imaginings.


    I've been having a lot of fun with taking my power back in the sense that when I observe something that's uncomfortable, I can stop feeding it emotionally. And go find solitude. Go find clarity. And from that space, I'm able to touch base with what I'm imagining.

    Okay, what's the best case scenario, what gold is here?

    What good is here for me?

    Ask empowering questions! Because IT REALLY IS POWERFUL.

    By redirecting my mind, redirecting my focus as fast as I can, I completely nullify the situation. *And I might not nullify it for the other person, but I nullify it for myself*. And that's where my power lies.

    Because if I can take my focus back, I take my energy back.

    I take my life back.

    And then I can start consciously dreaming up the reality in which is ideal for me! And it's so palpable, it's so real. If any of this resonates at all, just start trying it with yourself. Start asking empowering questions and see what happens. Because for me, you know, when they say 'ask and it is given', I keep finding that it's true! And things are moving so fast, in a momentum that feels good. And when there's anything that doesn't align with this highest version of my life that I'm imagining, it starts to feel off. It lets me know. And I'm becoming more aware of that, of what happens when I feel off, and then I can redirect. Redirect my focus. Redirect my mind on focusing on something that is one neutral and neutralizes and then something that feels a little bit better, and then a little bit better and a little bit better.

    And then the next thing I know, I'm on point again. I'm in alignment.

    I'm in alignment with this bird's eye view, that can see all angles instead of just a focused emotional point, an aspect of the personality, an aspect of the character that I'm observing. And through this space, through this analysis from this bird's eye view, this super neutral zone is entered, and it feels really calm and peaceful and collected. Then I can navigate from there to a space that feels really good. I can start to imagine or talk about or think about and feel something that feels really good. Like 'what would be the best case scenario?' and I start dreaming up with what would be the best case scenario. Even if something say traumatic happens, I'm able to start visioning or maybe if it's not even that traumatic if it's just like a disagreement, I can start visioning what it would feel like to have the best case scenario, the best outcome come from that disagreement, meaning some sort of clarifying conversation or something.

    I imagine how that would feel to actually be on the same page with that person and be very clear.

    Maybe we agree to disagree or, you know, agree that each person's opinion or viewpoint is valid. There's no competition.

    When I start imagining that space, especially if there's a disagreement between me and another person, it starts to feel really good, and oftentimes, I find that the very next time I have an encounter with that person, it's way better! It's way better and we're able to have a higher elevated, conscious conversation about what took place, or we're already in a progressive moving space where we're talking about the next thing that feels good. Then we can actually go back and reflect on that from this neutral space and take the gold nuggets and actually both analyze where our triggers were, and why it got uncomfortable n' whatnot.

    Anytime that you're passionate about something, it can easily get into a disagreement when one person feels triggered. Then if two people are triggered, it can really blow up. And it's usually just our communication! We understand words in a certain way thats connected to our own blueprint, our own way of speaking. This stems from our education, our parents, where we grew up, our cultural experiences. The way we speak is unique to our own being. So with one person, what one word means to them might mean something completely different to another person. If you don't know that, you might be using this one word in feel good way, and the other person might be feeling like that's an attack. Why is that?

    Well, it's because we have different experiences with it! With Words. It's so beautiful, it's so epic, but it's so easy to miss. We think that people understand life in the exact same way that we do. When we communicate with them, our vision of life, sometimes they don't see it in the same way or experience it in the same way because of their own discrepancies because of their own biases, their own experiences with their definitions of words. Sometimes we have to dig into that and look at that. Just opening up a space to look at that really enhances communication. If you can do that with one person, that's going to pour over to every other relationship you have. A friendship, a family member, a loved one, in any color, it's going to help. It's so amazing what we can do ourselves with our focus and our own communication. Our own thoughts. Our own feeling body.

    Our power lies in what we're doing right now

    What we're doing as an individual sovereign being. An individual, sovereign expression of Creator.

    We have the power of infinite possibility within us.

    When we get caught up on one way of life, or one circumstance that we don't like, it starts to feel really bad, because what we're doing is we're just playing with that one tiny aspect of personality that is focused on a specific circumstance. And we're briefly (and sometimes not so briefly) forgetting about this infinite pool of potential that we actually always have access to source from, to pull from, to co create with. We forget about that. And so when we're focused on circumstances, we cut ourselves off from that infinite side of our natural state of being.

    It's our birthright to tap into infinite potential and create whatever reality we want to create here on Earth.

    Earth is an amazing, magnificent space. A creation station. I like that term. Creation Station. Earth is the most magnificent creation station and it is here for you to create whatever world you can imagine. And that's where it really starts.

    What are you imagining for yourself?

    What are you saying to yourself about the world and those around you in silence

    In your own heart?

    In your own imagination?"

    There you have it folks! A real-time re-DIRECTion of focus and attention. This riff has really been a tool I've used multiple times since recording. A little reminder that you're creating this. If it's uncomfortable, slow down, take space. Pause on action. Come back to the stillness within you. The presence that is never in absence. The infinite nature of your be-ing! Find your center, and from that space of wholeness, make your move.