What does it mean to feel OK? The answer isn't always very clear...
This week, AC explains what "OK" means to him, in this moment...
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This episode marks a shift of direction for this show. This is a rip of the audio from my first YouTube offering of Turn Up The AC...
Grief takes many forms so how we deal with it must do the same. This week, I share how the most simple advice on how to do so is actually the best...
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
A birthday is a perfect opportunity to reflect on where we've been, and how our experiences and influences have shaped us...
This week, AC shares his own birthday experience...
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What is trauma? The dictionary offers a cold, generic definition but the reality is much more personal...
This week, AC shares what trauma looks like from his perspective...
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When our actions don't match our words, there are often unanticipated, or even unnoticed consequences...
It hurts when the people we count on aren't invested in us...
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Anyone can count how many seeds are in an apple but how can we possibly know how many apples are in a seed?...
If you'd like to record your own episode of Turn Up The AC, send me an email to find out how
Thanks to itsjustnikia for introducing this episode!
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What can I tell you about someone who is both my friend and my hero?...
Be sure to check out my other podcast What I Like About You...
If you'd like to record your own episode of Turn Up The AC, send me an email to find out how
Thanks to itsjustnikia for introducing this episode!
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What does AC have in common with members of the British royal family? A lot, actually...
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What is Hell, and why don't I want to escape it? This isn't going where you probably think it's going...
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The Dalai Lama once said that “holding on to unforgiveness is like drinking poison, and expecting the other person to die.” What does this actually mean? Why do we hold grudges? Most importantly, how do we let go? AC shares his thoughts...
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How much better would life be if we all had theme music that played whenever we entered or left a room? You know you want to hear AC's thoughts on this!...
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Grief is as much about staying connected as it is about letting go. This week, AC shares some of the details of his journey...
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Does your story begin on the day of your birth, or some time before that? For the first time, AC realizes that this is a question worth answering...
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On February 15 of last year, I wrote this episode for my love Alexis. She managed to give me everything I needed, on a day that used to leave me feeling overlooked, forgotten, ignored, and unappreciated. Valentine's Day will always be a reminder of her love for me...
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AC explores the ways being partially invested in his relationships affected them...
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What happens when we try to embrace change without actually changing what's important? AC shares an important realization...
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What do rigged carnival games have in common with matters of the heart? AC explores this sugar-fueled train of thought...
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“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
― George Bernard Shaw...
There is a lot of room for us to misunderstand each other. As frustrating as it can be, there are things we can do about it. AC Explores some of these...
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"I don't know" doesn't always feel like the best answer, but sometimes it's all we have to offer. Should we feel comfortable with offering or receiving it? AC weighs in...
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AC shares a lesson he learned from his father about what it means to fit in, and what it can cost...
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