S2 - Episode 33. On today's podcast, Michele talks about individuation. What it is and why it's important for the Twin Flame Journey.
"The Twin Flame journey is a journey of love. It's a soul journey back to one's true self. We may start the journey and think it's about love for another person—our Twin Flame. But overtime we realize it's about finding that same love for ourselves.
Individuation is the psychological and energetic alignment of the personality. Individuating is when our unconscious self is brought into consciousness. It's when our masculine and feminine energies are in balance. And it's when we are differentiated from unhealthy beliefs, dogmas, behaviors and conditions.
When we become individuated we are whole and complete as an individual and we don't need anyone to complete us.
Join me as I dive deeper into this concept. Thanks for listening!"
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Podcast: Twin Flames Awakening Channeling by Mane Esperia
Amanda on IG @mylifeilluminated
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S2 - Episode 31 - On today's podcast, Michele dives into the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies of giving and receiving and the dance between them.
"I want to talk about what I feel is one of the most important aspects of Divine Feminine energy—and that is the ability to receive. In order to talk about receiving — I have to also talk about giving — which is one of the most important aspects of Divine Masculine energy. Although we want both giving and receiving energy within us and within any relationship — it’s important to know the primary energy that each polarity carries and how this can affect our Twin Flame dynamic.
Also, don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll get to hear another Twin Flame journey share.
In any relationship — there is both giving and receiving. And ideally we want a balance of both within each person and each relationship.
Masculine qualities and aspects are action oriented and forward moving. Doing. Thinking. This energy is a giving energy. Think of the sun. Think of the positive energy on a battery. It moves toward the negative to ignite the charge.
Feminine qualities and aspects are more about being rather than doing, listening and being in the body and being receptive. Think of nature — receiving the sun’s energy, warmth and nutrients. Think of the negative energy on a battery. It has to receive the positive energy for the charge to ignite.
Now this has nothing to do with your gender or how you identify. But I’m referring to the masculine and feminine aspects and qualities we all have within us.
When we’re perfectly balanced within we are doing and being - we are giving and receiving — and there’s a flow between them.
Join me as I dive even deeper into these energies and find out how to create balance and avoid over-giving.
Thanks for listening!"
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Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
S2 - Episode 29 - On today's podcast, Michele talks about breaking relationship patterns and how these directly relate to your Twin Flame and the Twin Flame journey.
Also don’t forget to stay to the end. We have our third Twin Flame share in the form of a song.
"Have you ever felt like you’ve recreated the same problems in relationships or have had the same types of relationships over and over again? Or the same problems show up in friendships or with your siblings? Or even at the workplace?
Maybe at some point you even recognized this as a pattern. Maybe you’ve even tried to change it. And yet it keeps happening over and over again.
Well, just know that you’re not alone.
I know for me - In the past I could see where I was creating the same patterns over and over. And no matter how much I understood these cognitively - and even behaviorally - I couldn’t change them. They kept me stuck for a long time. What I eventually learned - is that there were unconscious patterns taking place that were buried in my body.
In fact these unconscious patterns are one of the main reasons that stop many of us from manifesting the life we want.
I want to talk about why this is and what we can do about it. I believe and have experienced that understanding this somatically is one of the most powerful ways we can heal.
Also - Chances are good - that whatever pattern you feel you can’t change - is being reflected back to you by your Twin Flame.
Remember this pattern is not literal or cognitive or may not even be reflected in the same behavior - but it is energetic.
Join me as I dive deeper into this topic.
Thanks for listening!"
Song: "Meeting You" by Molly Fiorentino IG @mollyfiorentino
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Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 32. On today's podcast, Michele talks about unity consciousness. This topic feels so relevant with everything that is going on in the world—and it is also relevant to the Twin Flame journey.
"One of the first concepts we learn on the Twin Flame journey is that Twin Flames are one soul that has split in two. Now I think there’s a lot of misinterpretation of this concept.
From my experience and understanding—this doesn’t mean we share the same soul. It means that we share the same soul blueprint. That is different.
We aren’t incomplete and we aren’t half of a whole. And most importantly we don’t need our Twin Flame to compete us.
In order to understand this completely and understand unity conscious completely—I feel it’s useful to look at what souls are and where we come from.
Join me as I dive deeper into the topic of Unity Consciousness and how it's different from separation consciousness. I'll look at this on a global level and in regards to our Twin Flame.
Thanks for listening!"
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Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 30 - On today's podcast, Michele sits down with healer and yogi, Hillary.
Join us as Hillary shares her extraordinary Twin Flame healing journey.
Hillary is dedicated to helping her clients reclaim their power to heal. As a complex trauma survivor, and spending years struggling with addiction and compulsive behaviors, her mission is to share her experience, strength and wisdom with others.She has always had a strong connection to all aspects of the human body, beginning her career as a classically trained dancer before falling in love with Yoga. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Relations and has worked as a Professional Counselor in the fields of child abuse/ neglect, drug/alcohol addiction and disordered eating. After the birth of her daughter, Hillary began pursuing her passion as a Yoga instructor, Thai practitioner, personal trainer, and empowerment coach, helping others to feel safe and strong in their bodies.She now combines her wide range of skills into her work with trauma survivors, as well as those suffering from obsessive or compulsive thoughts and behaviors, drug + alcohol addiction, body dysmorphia, self-sabotaging behaviors, chronic pain, anxiety + depression, and general nervous system dysregulation. She is a practicing NeuFit Practitioner and has added the FDA approved Neubie device's unique capacity for nervous system reeducation and regulation to complement her existing work and help her clients heal at a neurological level.
Connect with Hillary:
Instagram: @hotyogamama75
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S2 - Episode 28 - On this podcast, Michele addresses the question many listeners want to know - which is - What is going on with the Divine Masculine?
Also don't forget to stay to the end to hear another Twin Flame song submission.
"I have found that many DF's want to know what’s going on with their DM. What are they doing? What’s their process like? Why aren’t they changing? Why aren’t they healing? Why aren’t they calling? etc.
When I refer to Feminine and Masculine - these are energies and not gender specific. They are represent the primary essence of the Twin Flame template that you carry.
I’ll try not to use her and his - although this may slip in occasionally. And instead I will use DF and DM to represent the two polar energies of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.
I'm going to start with a question I invite you to think about. Why do you want to know what’s going on with either your DM or the DM collective?
Here’s what I know. The DMs focus goes where the DF's focus is. For instance - If the DF focuses on themself—the DM is pulled in that direction. If the DF focuses on the DM - The DM focuses on themself.
And I want to be clear. I’m not talking about love here. I’m referring to the energetics of the feminine energy and the masculine energy and how they differ and the natural and inherent direction they flow. The love between you and Twin Flame is already there. That’s a given. However, if you do question it - I invite you to see where the belief around that is coming from.
Join me as I share a myth and describe two other ways this flow of energy works.
Thanks for listening!!
YouTube video with Richard Grannon
YouTube song Imprint by Danielle Daniel Music
Imprint on Spotify
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Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 27 - On today's episode, Michele sits down with Galactic Astrologer, healer and spiritual teacher, Shannon Rooney.
Shannon shares with us her Twin Flame story as well as the ground breaking discovery she has made with Twin Flames and Galactic Astrology.
Join us for this deep and beautiful conversation about Twin Flames and more.
How to work with Shannon:
Instagram: @shannonlrooney
Podcast: As a Woman
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S2 - Episode 26 - On today's episode, Michele talks about beliefs and attachments on the Twin Flame journey.
Also - don't forget to stay to the end to hear a special Twin Flame share.
"Our limiting Beliefs and our attachments to these beliefs are what keeps us anchored in a lower vibration.
Our bodies are always changing. Cells are dying and growing. Even at the subtlest level. Nothing in our body stays the same. Nature is always changing. The weather is always changing.
But our minds - quite often - resist change and hold on tight.
Especially when it holds onto a belief, ruminates about the past - or worries about the future - our mind keeps us stuck in a loop. This is the matrix.
How do we get unstuck so we can expand our consciousness in a greater way and move easily into 5D?
We have to let go of our attachments to the past and to a fixed outcome in the future.
Join me as I dive deeper into this topic.
Thanks for listening!"
Miqael Persson (KashKow Music) video on YouTube:
Walking Medicine
Walking Medicine on Spotify
WALKING MEDICINE (lyrics)Deep in my soul I am your brotherDeep in my heart I am your manI can't steal you from anotherTrust and follow life's planWith you I want to reach much higherWith you i fall in love with meWay beyond burning desireLove don't come with guarantiesWalking MedicineWalking MedicineI surrender here tonightI'm giving up I'm giving in without a fightYou and me Walking MedicineI saw the light there in the distanceI heard a voice inside of meI give away all my resistanceSometimes it's better just to breathI don't need to walk beside youBut it's where I rather beIt's a spiritual I doLove's supposed to set us freeChorus:
Walking MedicineWalking MedicineI surrender here tonightI'm giving up I'm giving in without a fightYou and me Walking Medicine
Website: MicheleLynchHealing.comTransformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 25 - On today's episode, Michele talks about into Spiritual Discernment and why it's important for Twin Flames.
Also, don't forget to stay to the end to hear another Twin Flame share their journey so far.
"I feel it's important to not only cultivate discernment on this journey, but to navigate the differences between fantasy and visions as well as obsessions and knowings.
Spiritual discernment comes from the heart--as the heart will never lie to you. Fantasy and obsession come from the mind and an over-active imagination and these are not always based in reality. Visions and knowings carry a vibration of truth. It's usually our attachment to a certain outcome and our fears of abandonment that take us into fantasy and obsessive thinking.
The Twin Flame experience is a 5d journey. We can’t hold on to our Twin Flame in 5d. We can’t hold onto any attachment. We don’t necessarily want to detach from our Twin Flame. But we want to hold the space of non-attachment. This requires spiritual discernment to let go, stay present, and align with our truth.
Join me as I dive deeper into this concept.
Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 24 - On today's episode, Michele talks about signs, symbols and obstacles and what those mean on the Twin Flame journey.
Also, don't forget to stay to the end where you'll get to hear another Twin Flame share their journey so far.
"The Universe is always speaking to us. It speaks to us in signs, symbols, metaphors, music, geometry, animals, sound, etc. It speaks to us just like dreams speak to us. Even obstacles are the Universe speaking to us. In order to understand the language of the Universe - we have to align with that energy.
Join me as I dive deeper into what all of these mean and how we can use them on our soul journey.
Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 23 - On today's episode, Michele sits down with Reiki Master and Healer, Devon.
Join us as Devon shares her beautiful and powerful healing journey.
"Devon is one of the most determined, passionate, kindest, and loyal and loving people I know. Devon came to me in August of 2021, looking for support in her Twin Flame relationship. She came in with a powerful intention - to build trust in herself, her Twin, their connection, the Universe and the Divine.
In her words ~ she was trying to understand why she wasn't able to hold onto the things she wanted, why she lacked an inherent sense of trust in herself and others. She was heading into her 6th year as a Special Education teacher, & had recently become certified as a Reiki Healer.
Through her Reiki healing work & Inner Child Healing & Somatic Work with me, she began to heal her deep-seated abandonment wounds & unravel all the conditions she had placed on love. This journey inspired her to start her own spiritual business, Enlighten & Empower Energy Healing. She retired from her teaching career 1 year ago & now helps others heal through Reiki healing & spiritual coaching."
How to connect with Devon:
Instagram: @enlightenandempower
Meant for More 12-Week Group Mentorship Website -
Enlighten and Empower Energy Healing Website
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S2 - Episode 22 - On today's episode, Michele talks about going beyond the illusion and what that means in regards to Twin Flames, unity consciousness and the new earth.
Also, don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll hear another Twin Flame share their story so far.
Science will tell us that we currently live in a 3D world where everything is measured by the three dimensions of height width and depth and the linear construct of time. However, if you’ve experienced deep meditations or dreams or plant medicines you’ve probably experienced moving beyond the 3 dimensions of space and the illusion of time.
In this moment in our lives — we're experiencing huge shifts as the earth is transitioning out of 3D and into higher dimensions — and therefore higher vibrations. In fact, some spiritual teachers say, she is already in the 4th dimension. This time on earth has been prophesied from almost all ancient religions.
We're all going through this transition together. We’ve all been witnessing and experiencing some old constructs and beliefs that can’t hold this new vibration and dimension — implode, crumble and fall apart. Basically, anything that isn’t based in love is coming up to be cleared.
When I refer to love I’m referring to exchanges that are free of power over and power under dynamics, free of inequality, free of bias, free of separation, free of control, free of privilege, free of codependency and free of fear.
The implosions we are seeing in the world today are just like when we personally obtain a higher level of vibration - we then experience all of our lower vibrational energies and any stories and beliefs that aren’t rooted in unconditional love to start coming up to the surface to be released, healed and cleared.
Any unhealthy patterns and wounding can’t live in our body if we’re holding a higher frequency.
That’s why when we meet our Twin Flame we often go through the dark night of the soul. Our Twin Flame triggers our soul resonance — which is the highest resonance and vibration we can hold. And then, consequently, all of our lower vibrational memories, thoughts and energies come up to the surface to be healed and released. Meeting our Twin Flame awakens us to see beyond the illusion of the life we were living.
Then, what usually happens, is that after failing in love with our Twin Flame - we attach to them and just by that attachment alone - we replace our old illusions of love with a new illusion of them.
Join me as I look at the illusions of love and how our Twin Flame is the path to unity consciousness.
Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 21 - On today's episode, Michele talks about how the Twin Flame journey is an activation of your authentic self.
Don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll hear another Twin Flame share their journey so far.
"You’ve met your Twin Flame and this meeting activated something inside of you.
This activation looks differently for everyone. Perhaps you’ve experienced a kundalini awakening or a spiritual activation. But quite often what is activated is the vibration of unconditional love. The vibration of unconditional is the most authentic vibration in the world as it is the vibration that is at the core of everything in existence.
This vibration is already within all of us. It’s the vibration of our soul and the vibration of the divine - it’s the vibration of the consciousness and love of all that is and all that ever was and will be.
When we meet our Twin Flame - we get a feeling of home. This vibration of home is an activation to remember who we really are. The pull to them is really a pull for us to step into our highest vibration.
Yet - so often our highest vibration has been dampened down. This usually happens in childhood when we were told we were too much or we weren’t accepted just as we were. Or we had to adhere to our family’s system and rules- or for many of you - society’s systems and rules -- and so just to survive - we learned to dim our light and adjust to the status quo.
Then our Twin Flame shines a light on us - and somewhere inside of us - we remember and we wake up.
They're reflecting ourselves back to us by shining a light that says — come on out from hiding who you truly are. Get rid of anything in your life that isn’t aligned with unconditional love. Stop playing it small and step into your authentic self.
And then - there are all these obstacles that prevent us from being with them.
I can say this from working with so many Twin Flames and my own lived experience that these obstacles are perfectly and divinely designed for each person's own specific spiritual journey.
Join me as I dive deeper into what stepping into your authentic self truly means. Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 20 - On today's episode, Michele talks about the zero point field and why this field is important for Twin Flames.
Don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll hear another Twin Flame share their story so far.
"The zero point field is a field that’s devoid of any matter and therefore devoid of time and memory or anything dense that could slow it down.
It is where you find the Divine and where pure love exists without any interference. It’s also a field where miracles exist and where you can create anything. It’s a field where you meet the Divine in yourself.
Scientifically and in the quantum field it’s the field that has the lowest possible temperature in the universe - a temperature of zero - yet this vacuum field is also the field that contains the highest energy possible.
The reason this field is important for Twin Flames is because it’s where we find and experience not only the Divine — but also where we feel and experience unity consciousness. In this field there is no separation.
The Twin Flame connection is not a “normal romantic” connection. It is first and foremost a spiritual connection and this journey is a spiritual journey. It is a journey back to the Divine in ourselves.
The reason we have the terms Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is because we are being invited to restore the Divine to those energies.
Divine/source energy — as you know — is pure love. Pure love consciousness. However, here on earth love has been confused with controlling and unloving behaviors.
Join me as I dive deeper into the zero point field and its significance. Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 19 - On today's episode, Michele sits down for Part 2 of her interview with Energy Healer, Kris Ferraro.
This special interview with Kris is a Master Class in healing and prayer.
Join us for Part 2 — as Kris shares with us her wealth of wisdom on healing, manifesting and Twin Flames. Kris also blesses us at the end with an affirmative prayer for Twin Flames and their Divine partner.
Kris Ferraro is an International Energy Coach, Speaker, and Author of 3 books. She left a career in social services to lead folks in the energy practices she uses for her own wellbeing. Kris is a true believer in everyone’s innate ability to heal. A former punk rock radio DJ and performance artist, it was in releasing her severe social anxiety that she was finally able to uncover her true purpose and share a message of hope and possibility. As an Accredited Certified EFT practitioner, with 20 years of tapping experience, and a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, with over 25 years in metaphysics, Kris creates healing curriculum that allows true transformation in mind, body, and soul. Her 1st book Energy Healing was a #1 Amazon bestseller. Manifesting, her 2nd book, is now its 6th printing, and her latest, Your Difference is Your Strength, a love letter for anyone who has ever felt left out, debuts in October 2023. When not traveling, Kris lives in Montclair, NJ, with her cats Ling and The Baby Cheetah.
The surf movie is "Momentum Generation."
Energy Healing:
Your Difference is Your Strength: Pre Order at Barnes & Noble—
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S2 - Episode 18 - On today's special episode, Michele sits down for an in depth interview with Energy Healer, Kris Ferraro.
In her book, Energy Healing, Kris tells us that "from a healing perspective - all problems are caused by congestion and all healing or relief comes from flow."
Join us for Part 1 of 2 — as Kris shares with us her incredible knowledge of energy, healing and Twin Flames.
Kris Ferraro is an International Energy Coach, Speaker, and Author of 3 books. She left a career in social services to lead folks in the energy practices she uses for her own wellbeing. Kris is a true believer in everyone’s innate ability to heal. A former punk rock radio DJ and performance artist, it was in releasing her severe social anxiety that she was finally able to uncover her true purpose and share a message of hope and possibility. As an Accredited Certified EFT practitioner, with 20 years of tapping experience, and a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, with over 25 years in metaphysics, Kris creates healing curriculum that allows true transformation in mind, body, and soul. Her 1st book Energy Healing was a #1 Amazon bestseller. Manifesting, her 2nd book, is now its 6th printing, and her latest, Your Difference is Your Strength, a love letter for anyone who has ever felt left out, debuts in October 2023. When not traveling, Kris lives in Montclair, NJ, with her cats Ling and The Baby Cheetah.
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S2 - Episode 17 - On today's episode, Michele talks about two types of spiritual surrender that can be helpful and ultimately imperative on the Twin Flame journey.
Also, don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll hear another Twin Flame share their story.
"As you may have experienced - the Twin Flame journey is arguably the most challenging thing you may have ever gone through while also being the most magical and beautiful. And the truth is - this Twin Flame journey can also be confusing. Because It can be hard for our logical 3D mind to understand - we often try and figure this Twin Flame thing out.
As my guides tell me - it’s not meant to be figured out - it’s meant to be lived. Just like life. Philosophers are always attempting to figure out life. But life is meant to be experienced and lived rather than figured out.
It’s our egos that want to figure it out so we can know we are safe. If we can figure it out — we can control it and then we can believe are safe.
But what this Twin Flame journey is asking of us — is to remember who we are. We are divine beings of light and love. When we are in union with that divine part of us - we don’t need to do anything or figure anything out. We are just being. And in that place we are fully present.
However - in order to fully be present there has to be a surrender of control. A surrender of attachment. A surrender of clinging to anything.
Join me as I dive in further to the two types of spiritual surrender and how this helps us on our Twin Flame journey.
Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 16 - On today's episode we have a special podcast takeover with Michelle Valenzuela Wolf.
Michelle is the Founder of EmpowHer Purpose an integrated business and wellness community, Top Transformational Coach, Wellness Warrior including yoga, reiki and channeling the Akashic Records and host of the Opportunity Knocks Podcast by EmpowHer Purpose.
On this special podcast, Michelle shares an interview she did on her podcast about Angel Messages with Celebrity Medium, Debbie Johnson.
"How much do you know about mediums and psychics? Debbie Johnson is a Psychic/Medium with a special connection to the Angelic Realm and has been working with clients all over the world for 20+ years. She brings messages from your Angels to you. These messages include information about your future, your health, and any other subject where guidance is needed.
Debbie not only delivers messages, but she is also able to see into the spirit and physical body if needed and channel powerful healing energy that clears blockages and entities that can sometimes be the cause of physical and mental illness.
Debbie is a Reiki Master/Teacher who has been practicing Reiki for 20+years. Combining her connection to the Angels along with her Reiki training, she can produce healing music and guided meditations to aid both the spirit and body in maintaining health and happiness.
Want to work with Debbie? Get in touch via"
About Michelle Valenzuela Wolf and Empower Purpose:
"When I chose to leave the corporate world, I vowed to address my fear, to own all parts of myself head-on and move into opportunities in all forms. I believe in reinvention for life-long learning.
EmpowHer LA was born in November 2017 with my passion and desire to serve women in all life transitions from business to spirituality and to see them strive to reach their goals and dreams. It wasn’t until my mother fell ill with Alzheimer’s that I took steps to bring my idea to a larger audience. So many talented women sit with gifts and ideas at their feet, waiting. I knew I would never forgive myself if I didn’t try to bring this concept forward.
Empower Purpose is an integrated business and wellness community focused on whole life transitions from personal to professional to spiritual. My goal is to guide you to define your purpose and pursue your path to create your vision and achieve your goals in your way. I see each person at their highest potential and partners with them to bring their dreams to reality. My motto is Discover. Pursue. Achieve."
Want to work with Michelle?:
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S2 - Episode 15 - On today's episode, Michele talks about the Twin Flame Narrative.
"I’d like to start with the well known Albert Einstein quote: "We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
Along those same lines - we can’t get to the new earth and 5d with a 3D narrative.
Today I’m going to go beyond the common Twin Flame narrative and invite us to expand and create a new narrative of this journey and who we are in it.
The Merriam Webster dictionary tells us: a narrative is a story. It’s a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values.
We all carry narratives around what love is. Some of those are conscious and most of them are unconscious and are tied to the beliefs of love that we witnessed growing up as well as those that are in the collective. We're also taught what love was through fairy tales and romantic love stories. And as the definition says - a narrative reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values.
When we learn of the Twin Flame concept we are hearing this concept through the lens of our beliefs around love as well as the lens of what we are hoping for when we started searching and discovered what Twin Flames were.
The basic Twin Flame concept is this: Twin Flames are two people who share the same soul. And then the narrative expands out from there.
Join me as I challenge the common concepts and invite us to look at the Twin Flame journey through a new lens and expanded narrative.
Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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S2 - Episode 14 - On today's episode Michele talks about the Divine Feminine and 5D and what that means for Twin Flames.
Also, don't forget to stay to the end where you'll her another Twin Flame share their journey so far.
"We are in 5d when we're in the present moment - at all times - with mind, body and soul aligned. We probably have all felt this at one time or another - and meeting our Twin Flame and dealing with all the challenges the journey brings us - is all to get us to 5d. Union with the divine source of all love and consciousness. Our soul is already aligned with that divine energy and ascension and enlightenment is getting our mind and body to that resonance of pure presence and consciousness.
In order to get to 5d and have the mind and body able to live in the present moment — there's a big invitation to let go of what is no longer serving us. This encompasses a lot of things - such as old beliefs, any attachments, as well as anything we’ve repressed, denied, shoved down.
However, there’s also a big collective energy that is pulling the Divine Feminine back into the past and challenging our ability to let go and be present.
This energy and way of being has been with the feminine for a very long time and this is the energy I want to talk about today.
What is this energy you may be asking? Well - the Divine Feminine is being asked to lay down their burden.
Join me as I dive deeper into this topic.
Thanks for listening!"
Transformational Dreamwork -
Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet
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