What if you could double your gym’s size without spending a dime on advertising?
Today on “Run a Profitable Gym,” Mike Warkentin talks with top-earning gym owner Travis Laufle of TRVFIT in Detroit, Michigan.
In just one year, Travis doubled his gym’s size with zero ad spend and earned a spot on the net owner benefit (NOB) leaderboard.
Travis reveals the simple but effective strategies he used to attract and retain clients, including creating a referral program, implementing Goal Review Sessions and focusing on organic social media.
He also explains why shifting from free trials to free consultations was a game changer for his gym and how focusing on retention and high-value services produces more revenue than constantly chasing new leads.
Tune in to this episode to hear proven strategies for growing your gym without paid ads.
Gym Owners United
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03:14 - Growth without paid ads
07:42 - TRVFIT’s business model
13:37 - Net owner benefit strategy
22:21 - Referrals and bring-a-friend days
28:18 - Top tips for increasing NOB -
Greg Glassman’s new venture, MetFix, has generated monster buzz across the fitness industry, and current and former CrossFit affiliate owners are particularly interested.
So what exactly is MetFix, and how does it compare to Glassman's other major creation, CrossFit?
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Two-Brain Business founder Chris Cooper sits down with Glassman’s partner in MetFix, Emily Kaplan, to find out.
Emily provides the project's background and lays out MetFix's focus on combatting chronic disease through diet and exercise.
She explains why the program is designed to complement CrossFit rather than compete with it and offers her perspective on the broader health and fitness landscape.
Chris and Emily also discuss how MetFix approaches coaching and education, and they dig into its affiliate model, which many gym owners want to know more about.
If you are curious about MetFix, tune in to hear insights directly from one of its founders.
To learn more, visit the MetFix site via the link below.
MetFixGym Owners United
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00:52 - What is MetFix?
17:04 - MetFix certification & affiliates
26:08 - Adherence to nutrition plans
36:47 - Goal of the affiliate program
56:54 - Support for MetFix affiliates -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Most gym owners don’t start their businesses to get rich, but that doesn’t mean they should struggle to make a living.
In fact, the better a gym pays its owner, the more likely it is to stay in business and change more lives.
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper reveals the Top 10 gym owners for net owner benefit (NOB)—take-home pay. More importantly, he breaks down exactly what the top earners are doing to bring home between $19k and $30k per month.
These gym owners have a few key things in common: They repeat simple, effective habits instead of constantly chasing new tactics; they raise rates annually to account for inflation; and they focus on retention and delivering exceptional value to clients.
Chris also explains why NOB is the best measure of a gym’s health and covers some of the biggest mistakes gym owners make—like adding more members without increasing NOB—and how to avoid them.
If you’re tired of just getting by, tune in to hear proven strategies for increasing your income.
Gym Owners United
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01:51 - Our Top 10 earners
04:23 - What they have in common
07:54 - Retention and service delivery
12:37 - Reputation and social media
16:36 - Smart financial planning -
Some CrossFit affiliate owners believe the CrossFit Games are a powerful marketing tool for their gyms.
But is that really true?
In this special episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper challenges the idea that the Games help affiliates and explores what must change to make them a win for more than just elite athletes.
Coop explains why Games exposure doesn’t translate to measurable benefits for affiliates and encourages CrossFit to look to other fitness competitions that are thriving.
He highlights what Hyrox, Spartan Races, the Rogue Invitational and fitness festivals such as the Arnold are doing well, and he explains how CrossFit can learn from them.
It’s time to rethink who the Games are really for. Tune in to hear Chris’ take.
If you missed any of the other episodes in this special series, check them out via the links below.
How to Save CrossFit
Q&A With Coop
Save the Affiliate Movement
Gym Owners United
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00:47 - The purpose of the Games
3:15 - Should HQ scrap the Games?
4:22 - Hyrox and Spartan
6:20 - The Rogue Invitational
7:43 - Fitness festivals -
CrossFit’s future depends on its affiliates—but right now, they’re struggling. The public message is that the brand is thriving, but behind the scenes, thousands of gym owners are fighting to stay afloat.
In today’s special episode, Chris Cooper explains why CrossFit affiliates are closing at an alarming rate and outlines what must change if CrossFit LLC wants to save them.
For years, CrossFit HQ said that great coaching would lead to strong businesses. But as Coop shares, great coaching is not enough: Affiliate owners need the tools and strategies to build financially sustainable gyms.
Coop outlines a plan to rebuild the affiliate program, starting with business education, real mentorship and leadership that prioritizes sustainable gym success over short-term revenue grabs.
If CrossFit is going to survive long term, the affiliate model has to change—tune in to hear Coop’s full plan.
If you missed the first two episodes in this special series, check them out via the links below.
How to Save CrossFit
Q&A With Coop
Gym Owners United
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1:48 - Clarify the mission
2:53 - Rebuild CrossFit media
5:53 - Prequalify “mentors” on the platform
7:44 - Track & publish affiliate metrics
9:50 - CrossFit business course? -
Last week, Chris Cooper published a blog titled “How to Save CrossFit,” and the response was massive—affiliate owners, coaches and industry leaders reached out with questions and concerns.
Today, in this special episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris answers their questions.
Coop addresses why he deaffiliated from CrossFit and why the method must evolve, then he digs into a question many have asked him: Would he ever buy CrossFit LLC?
Chris also defines what real change would look like in a complete overhaul, including how to rebuild CrossFit Media, redefine the purpose of the Games, and offer affiliates real education and mentorship to help them succeed.
Stay tuned for upcoming episodes in this series: Chris will explain how affiliates can be saved and lay out a plan for the evolution of the CrossFit Games.
And if you missed the first part of this special series, it's linked below.
How to Save CrossFit
Gym Owners United
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5:33 - First 90 days of complete change
10:21 - What about Europe?
14:42 - Is CrossFit in danger?
17:34 - Affiliates’ concerns
20:35 - Could Coop buy CrossFit? -
Free trials might seem like a great way to attract new members, but they’re actually hurting your gym.
Instead of bringing in long-term, high-value clients, they often lead to price-based decisions and short retention—and they have low conversion rates, too.
Today on “Run a Profitable Gym,” host Mike Warkentin and gym owner and mentor Nick Habich break down why free trials no longer work and lay out exactly what to do instead.
They explain why shifting to the Prescriptive Model—where you meet with clients to identify their specific goals and prescribe a personalized solution—results in higher close rates, longer retention and increased revenue. To back it up, they share key sales and retention data.
Tune in to learn how to implement the Prescriptive Model in your gym and provide increased value for clients while boosting your bottom line.Links
"Help First" by Chris Cooper
Gym Owners United
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01:02 - Why are free trials bad in 2025?
03:35 - Better close rates with free consultations
06:49 - Stopping free trials and pushback
13:01 - Move from free trials to consultations
18:54 - New clients may not be the right fit -
CrossFit is at a crossroads. With affiliate numbers shrinking and Berkshire Partners looking to sell, the future of the brand is uncertain.
In this special episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Two-Brain Business founder and CEO Chris Cooper lays out a plan to save CrossFit—the company and the broader community of gym owners and trainers who depend on the brand.
Chris was an affiliate owner for 14 years and worked for CrossFit HQ for six. Now, through Two-Brain, he mentors more CrossFit affiliate owners than anyone else in the world.
Coop’s seen firsthand what makes affiliates successful—and why so many are struggling.
Today, he breaks down why great coaching alone isn’t enough, how outdated business advice led many affiliates to financial instability and why the future of CrossFit depends on strong, profitable gyms.
He outlines specific steps a new CrossFit LLC owner should take to turn things around, including revamping the affiliate model and redefining the brand in today’s fitness industry.
Stay tuned for the next three episodes in this series: Chris will answer the top questions he's received about CrossFit, he'll explain how affiliates can be saved, and he'll lay out a plan for the evolution of the CrossFit Games.
Gym Owners United
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00:36 - CrossFit is shrinking
03:56 - How we got here
08:45 - The brand is built on affiliates
11:09 - How to fix CrossFit
19:20 - What real change requires -
Many gym owners still rely on free trial classes to attract new members, but do samples actually help your fitness business? The data says "no."
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper explains why free trials are ineffective, how they hurt long-term retention and what to replace them with.
Instead of creating a race to the bottom by commoditizing coaching, gym owners can improve close rates by using the Prescriptive Model, starting with a No Sweat Intro—a consultation that helps potential members understand how the gym will help them get real results quickly.
Chris walks you through the steps of the Prescriptive Model and shares data comparing retention rates produced by free trials and No Sweat Intros. (Spoiler: Consultations generate length of engagement that's three times longer!)
It’s time to ditch free trials and start using a system that actually works—tune in to learn how.
Want to learn more about the Prescriptive Model? Click the link below.
The Prescriptive Model
Gym Owners United
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01:16 - The history of free trials
05:12 - The close rate of free trials
11:02 - The commodity effect
13:40 - What to do instead
19:19 - Free trials are bad for clients -
What happens when every coach at your gym operates at an A+ level?
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” host Mike Warkentin sits down with Two-Brain Business mentor Kenny Markwardt to discuss the massive rewards of developing your training staff.
As the owner of Sandpoint Strength Conditioning in Idaho and co-host of the “Strength Coach Collective” podcast, Kenny is passionate about coach development and shares how investing in his staff’s growth transformed his gym.
He breaks down how coach ascension improves retention, gym culture and revenue—in fact, one of his coaches now generates a third of the gym’s total revenue!
Mike and Kenny talk about how to evaluate and mentor coaches to build long-term careers at your gym, how to shift from a transactional to a relationship-based coaching practice, and how to establish a structured training system for your staff.
To hear interviews with some of the top coaches in the fitness industry, subscribe to the “Strength Coach Collective” podcast, using the link below.
Coach Ascension With Karl Solberg
Strength Coach Collective Podcast
Gym Owners United
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01:13 - All coaches delivering at A or A+
05:02 - Good coaching helps all
09:33 - Evaluating your coaches
13:10 - Improving your coaches
18:14 - Get results today -
Good coaching is necessary but insufficient for a world-class fitness business.
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper breaks down why a gym owner must first focus on building a strong foundation for their business before working to improve their coaching.
In the early stages, most gym owners are good coaches but weak entrepreneurs, so they must upgrade their business skills first. Once strong business systems are in place, gym owners can pivot to service delivery as the next big opportunity for growth.
Chris shares six key client outcomes that define great coaching and explains why earning more certifications isn’t always the best way to achieve these results.
He also introduces the “Strength Coach Collective” podcast and free public group, designed to help coaches bridge the gap between advances in training science and real-world application.
Use the links below to check out the “Strength Coach Collective” YouTube channel and join the collective’s free group to connect with other coaches, share insights and help your team grow. Invite your coaches to join, too!
For more support on the business side, join Gym Owners United, also linked below.
Strength Coach Collective Podcast
Strength Coach Collective Group
Gym Owners United
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02:18 - How important is coaching?
04:17 - When to elevate coaching
05:33 - Getting clients results
10:39 - The gap between science and coaching
12:05 - Strength Coach Collective -
Raising rates at a gym can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be—if you have help from a business expert. When done correctly, a rate increase can strengthen your business and allow you to provide greater value to your members.
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” host Mike Warkentin talks with Chris Lomen, owner of Ripple Effect Community Fitness, who raised his rates by 15 percent and didn’t lose a single member.
Chris shares exactly how he planned and communicated the price change, why annual increases are a smart business move, and how he overcame his fear of upsetting clients.
He and Mike also discuss common pricing mistakes, how to phase out discounts and why keeping rates too low actually hurts both gym owners and members.
If you’re hesitant about increasing your prices, tune in to hear this gym owner’s top tips, then get a mentor's help to plan a rate increase that will improve your P&L statement so you can serve members better.
To learn more, check out our episode with Greg Strauch, a Two-Brain mentor who has helped nearly 100 gym owners implement successful rate increases, linked below.
Greg Strauch Episode
Gym Owners United
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01:45 - Real rate increase numbers
08:24 - Planning the rate increase
13:38 - How members responded
17:11 - Why remove discounts?
19:52 - No. 1 tip for gym owners -
Most gym owners don’t make enough money—not because they need more clients but because their rates are too low.
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper explains how to set your prices the right way so your gym becomes profitable and pays you what you deserve.
Too many gym owners copy their competitors’ pricing or assume their clients can’t afford to pay more. Chris walks you through a better approach, starting with using the Rule of 50 to determine your minimum membership price.
He explains how to set a target for average revenue per member (ARM) and why constantly chasing more clients won’t increase your gym’s profitability if your rates are too low. Using a profit-and-loss statement (P&L), he shows you exactly how to calculate rates that cover your gym’s expenses with 50 members so you can build a strong, profitable business.
To download Chris’ sample P&L, join Gym Owners United.
And find out what other gyms are charging in our “State of the Industry” guide, linked below.
"State of the Industry" Guide
Gym Owners United
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03:35 - Find your break-even point
08:17 - Average revenue per member (ARM)
14:12 - Do you need more clients?
18:00 - Increase ARM without raising rates
20:29 - Recap: How to set rates -
When a nearby gym shuts down, its members risk losing their momentum—but you can step in to offer them a welcoming community where they can continue their fitness journeys.
That’s just what Matt Michaud, owner of EverProven, did when two gyms in his area closed their doors.
This influx of new members helped his gym earn a spot on all three of our sales leaderboards: set, show and close rates. In one month, Matt's gym closed a whopping 22 sales in 28 appointments.
The key is that Matt led with a Help First mindset: He and his staff focused on helping displaced members keep their fitness on track, without being pushy or “salesy.”
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” host Mike Warkentin talks with Matt, who details the exact steps he took to ensure a seamless transition, from initial communication with the previous gyms’ owners to adjusting his systems to handle rapid growth.
You never know when a gym near you might be forced to close, so tune in to ensure you’re ready to help.
“Help First” by Chris Cooper
Gym Owners United
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01:08 - Helping displaced gym members
08:12 - Mechanics of outreach
14:15 - Prescriptive Model with groups
20:46 - Avoiding staff overwhelm
23:51 - Long-term lead nurture -
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper reveals the monthly leaderboards for set, show and close rates in top gyms around the world.
These gyms aren’t just getting a ton of leads—they’re following through by booking appointments, getting people to show up and closing sales.
Chris shares the exact strategies these top performers are using, from lead-nurture systems to high-converting sales processes.
He also highlights four owners whose gyms landed on all three leaderboards. You’ll hear from one of them, Matt Michaud, in our next episode, airing Feb. 27.
Tune in to learn how some of the best gyms in the industry are dominating sales and marketing, then take action to improve your sales funnel.
Gym Owners United
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00:51 - Key marketing metrics
03:44 - Leaderboard breakdown
07:36 - Gyms on all three leaderboards
11:37 - Tips from the leaders
18:54 - Where to learn more -
If your leads are “bad” but you aren’t publishing solid organic content regularly, you're missing a key part of your marketing plan.
Why should complete strangers give you the time of day? They don’t know you, like you or trust you.
The solution: Use organic content to build trust before your conversation starts. Leads who have already seen your face, your business and your happy clients will be much more inclined to respond when you reach out and offer help. And when they need help, they’ll come to you first.
In this episode of "Run a Profitable Gym," gym owner and marketing expert Kieran O’Dwyer joins host Mike Warkentin to present a simple but incredibly effective four-post content cycle fitness entrepreneurs can use over and over to warm leads fast.
If you follow Kieran’s detailed instructions, you’ll build trust, earn better leads and dramatically improve conversion rates in the sales office.Links
"The Golden Hour" by Chris Cooper
Gym Owners United
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0:43 - Are there bad leads?5:32 - Great organic marketing
7:54 - Social-media content plan
19:29 - Content production and AI
24:08 - Next-level content
Want to get 30 new leads for your gym in 30 days without spending a dime on ads?
Today on “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper walks you through 10 proven no-ad tactics for generating more leads—including selling by chat, making "5130 posts," actively generating client referrals and creating lead magnets.
Chris breaks down each tactic step by step, showing you how to use them to start more conversations, generate interest and bring in clients organically.
You might decide to try all 10 or go all-in on just one. The key is to take action, track your results and repeat what works.
If you’re a gym owner who’s tired of chasing after leads and coming up empty, tune in now and grab your free guide in Gym Owners United, using the link below.
Gym Owners United
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01:13 - Sell by chat & 5130
04:08 - Generate referrals
09:38 - Old leads & former members
12:44 - Happy clients & lead magnets
15:33 - Host a seminar or event -
Growing a gym from $800 to $25,000 per month doesn’t happen by accident.
Gym owner Ian Smith achieved this revenue increase by working with a Two-Brain mentor to refine key entrepreneurial skills.
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Ian breaks down the five skills that fueled his gym’s growth: objective reflection, focus, tact, forward thinking and an abundance mindset.
Objective reflection has allowed him to make data-driven decisions instead of emotional ones, and focus has helped him eliminate distractions and dial in on the work that moves his business forward.
Practicing tact has empowered him to better handle tough conversations, and he’s used forward thinking to plan for long-term growth.
Finally, by adopting an abundance mindset, he’s become more confident in his gym’s ability to provide value to clients—and ensure they see that value.
Tune in to learn how to apply these skills and grow your gym.
“The Golden Hour”
Gym Owners United
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02:25 - Objective reflection
05:05 - Improving focus
09:10 - Tact and de-escalation
13:02 - Forward thinking
17:34 - Abundance mindset -
Here’s a hard truth: You might be the main reason your gym isn't more successful.
Today on “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper shares five essential entrepreneurial skills that will help gym owners break through self-imposed limits:
- Focus
- Objective reflection
- Tactful action
- Forward thinking
- Cultivating an abundance mindset
He also explains why knowledge alone isn’t enough and provides practical tips for honing these skills and applying them to your business.
You’ll learn how to better handle tough conversations, make proactive decisions and develop a mindset that fosters long-term success.
Tune in to learn how to master these skills and remove the ceiling on your gym's growth.
Gym Owners United
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03:23 - Focus and do the work
6:52 - Objective reflection
10:05 - Tact and de-escalation
14:12 - Forward thinking and problem solving
16:18 - An abundance mindset -
As a gym owner, you understand the value of coaching. In fitness and business, the right coach will accelerate your success.
In this episode of “Run a Profitable Gym,” Chris Cooper leads you through a simple exercise for finding the best business mentor for you.
You’ll be prompted to reflect on wins throughout your life and identify coaching styles that helped you achieve them.
Chris also explains some of the most common mistakes gym owners make when choosing a business coach and shares tips for ensuring you find someone who can actually deliver the results you need.
By the end of the episode, you’ll know what to look for in your ideal mentor.
Use the link below to download your Mentor Match Worksheet.
Mentor Match Worksheet
Gym Owners United
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02:33 - Reflect on your wins
04:27 - Who were your coaches?
06:32 - Identify leadership styles
07:56 - Look for common themes
11:14 - Find the right mentor - Laat meer zien