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As-salamu alaykum loves! Welcome to e-Muslimah. An empowering podcast for Muslim women aspiring to be the best version of themselves whilst navigating the depth of self-love, self-growth, spirituality, relationships + more whilst strengthening their love for Islam. A podcast that will speak unfiltered truths about issues young Muslims face in today's society and how to overcome these issues through the evolving love of Islam. This podcast will delve deeper into meaningful and insightful topics that relate to Muslimahs around the world whilst strengthening the bond within the sisterhood.
These sermons are not just sermons, but the operation of a gift of God through an earthly vessel.
May this be a blessing on your heavenly walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
If any sermon is missing, please let me know. I will try to upload it as well.
No Ads enabled by me! Raw sermons, unedited. -
Do you want to change and improve your life? Listen to this podcast every day.
Successful is dedicated to providing access to personal empowerment tools to create the beautiful life you desire!
We strongly dedicate ourselves to sharing the appreciation of life, acknowledging the abundance of love, prosperity and happiness.
✉️ -
A podcast hosted by Zakeeya Ali for Muslim women to find tranquility in wifehood, motherhood and how to be a real lady. Support this podcast:
Waxaa bilowday Podcast Cusub oo Aan ugu Magac bixinay Qorshaha Nolosha ..
Si,guud Ujeedada iyo Hadafka Barnaamijkaani Waxaan rabnaa inaan dhisno ,
Bulsho Fahansan Qorshaheeda Nololeed Si,aan Uga badbaadno Qorxumo Haysata dadkeena taas oo keenta Guuldarooyin waa wayn oo ku yimaada Maaraynta nolosha
iyo Habdhaqanka'
Barnaamijka waxaa daadihinaya Ustaad Ali Mohamed Jama
Our goal is to spread peace, unity, awareness, and a better understanding of the peaceful religion (Islam).
Our content is based on the Quran and Authentic Hadith books which include the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we do include opinions from scholars and speakers who try their best to explain the meanings of the verses and narrations.
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest (13:28)
Any support is appreciated, if you’d like to help:
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Welcome to the Bigger on the Inside Podcast. On this Podcast Gibson Anduvate, senior pastor at ICC Nairobi, discusses his first book with Stephen Wangara, youth pastor at ICC Nairobi and Praise Gichuru, our host.
The book “Leading Young” was released in 2013 with its emphasis on leadership.
Pastor Gibson shares the importance of being grounded internally so external factors don’t begin to sway your leadership style. -
Acton Unwind is a weekly roundtable discussion of news and current events through the Acton Institute's lens on the world: promoting a free and virtuous society and connecting good intentions with sound economics. Host Eric Kohn is joined by Acton Institute experts for an exploration of news, politics, religion, and culture.
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:29
I am a Christian, and I do my best to think only on what is “true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy” (Phil 4:8). It’s hard to find media out there these days that adheres to these standards… and when it does, more often than not, it isn’t very good! I think this is why many of us have given up and just accepted what’s available in mainstream popular culture, attempting to overlook the increasing amount of objectionable material. We think it’s that, or nothing.
But we have power: we can vote with our dollars. Supply follows demand!
My (admittedly lofty) goal is to do my small part in encouraging our culture to accept nothing less than excellent, clean art—particularly for kids, young adults, and new adults. My blog and podcast are designed to be a resource to help young adults, and families of young adults, find entertaining and clean reads that do not compromise their standards. I also want to help great authors get the recognition they deserve!
Disclaimer: my books do occasionally use the words ‘damn’ and ‘hell.’ I don’t have a problem with this, but if you do, then they’re not for you. 😉 -
Welcome to Brilliant Gaze, a podcast for everyone seeking the Kingdom of God and the abundant life to be found there. I’m your host, Max Wilkins, a fellow pilgrim on the Kingdom journey. As we pursue the Kingdom life together we will discover a profound truth: in seeking first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, we receive everything we need for life and meaning as well. My guests and I are here to encourage you along the way, and to help you live life to the full.