The month of November is for remembering your death and the death of those who have come before us. This may sound morbid, sad or like something we shouldn't talk or think about but as Catholics we should NOT shy away from keeping it top of mind for a few reasons. I discuss why we should remember our death and why it's important to remember those who have gone on before us and the ways we can do that.
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As with all of the Marian Dogmas, these truths say more about Christ than about Mary herself. Mary IS the Mother of God and to deny this is to deny a reality of who Christ is. In this episode I cover what it does and does not mean for Mary to be the Mother of God and why the Church made this a Dogma or something that all faithful Catholics MUST hold to.
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The Assumption of Mary can seem like some arbitrary made up dogma from the 1950's, but is it? In this video I talk about why the assumption is so important!
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What is the perpetual virginity of Mary and WHY does the Church teach it as one of the four Marian dogmas? The Marian dogmas all say more about Christ than Mary herself and in this week's video I help explain that truth in the dogma of the perpetual virginity of Mary!
In this episode I talk about the immaculate conception. This is a dogma of the Catholic Church and one that is commonly misunderstood. I talk about what this dogma is, according to the Church, as well as some evidence for it found in both scripture and Church history.
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This week we talk about the difference between how Catholics and Protestants come to the scripture to look for answers. Catholics often get accused of eisegeting scripture, but is that what's actually happening? Check out this episode to learn more!
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This week I sit down with my good friend Anthony and discuss covenantal theology and how Catholicism filled in the gaps I noticed in covenantal theology!
Be sure to check out the website to read some of Anthony's articles he's written so far and to keep up with what's going on with Unapologetically Catholic here:
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This episode we talk a little bit about the canonization of scripture. We go into a little bit of the history of it, some implications for ANYONE who reads the bible and address some common arguments I've heard when talking with protestants about the canonization of scripture. Feel free to reach out with your feedback or suggestions for future episodes at or on Instagram @unapologeticallycatholicpod!
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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Short answer to the title is, YES! Why? Because it's what scripture says. Sometimes Catholics get accused of adding other mediators in because we ask for the intercession of Mary and the Saints. When we properly understand what 1 Timothy 2:5 is saying and what the Church teaches about praying to Mary and the Saints, we understand there is no contradiction between the two.
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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This episode I talk about how Jesus is present in the Eucharist. Sometimes people will try to disprove the fact that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist by saying some of the Church fathers said it was spiritual and there for it cannot be physical. Jesus is not physically present in the Eucharist but he is substantially and really present in the Eucharist which makes the Eucharist spiritual food as well.
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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This episode seems fitting to come out on Ash Wednesday! It can seem like there are so many rules that Catholics add and some people will say were adding extra to what Christ wanted for us, but this episode talks about WHY we have the rules we have and how they are for our good!
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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This episode we talk about what worship is and what it is not! a lot of times Catholics get accused of worshipping Mary and the saints but that is not true at all. Worship is due and given to God alone.
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“Shopping Spree”
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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This episode I answer 8 different questions that were sent in by @itsnevi on Instagram! I don't go into a ton of detail on each question but I do try to answer each of them in a way that at least will get you headed in the right direction. If you have questions, send them to me on Instagram (@unapologeticallycatholicpod) or email (
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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Not all Protestants are anti-Catholic. There are some who can be VERY uncharitable and typically it can be from friends and/or family you are really close to. It can be very difficult to deal with people like that and I know this from first hand experience. This episode I talk about how I have handled it in hopes that it will help you if you experience it as well!
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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A number of people recently have asked me how I became Catholic or why I became Catholic. If you're wondering the same thing, this episode is for you! It's long but I tried to share as much detail about how I went from a Southern Baptist, to a Presbyterian to a Catholic.
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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Does everything we believe have to come explicitly from scripture? If not, does that mean that scripture isn't as important to Catholics? We look at these questions and others related to them in this episode!
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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Have you ever heard Advent referred to as "little Lent"? If you notice at Mass the priest wears the same purple vestments that he does at Lent and there's a reason for it. Advent, like Lent, is a time of preparation. This week's episode will go into more detail on that!
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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Did you know that Halloween is just one day of a three day celebration in the Catholic Church? This week we talk about All Hallow's Eve, All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day. This is a very important time of year for remembering and praying for those who have gone on before us and thanking God for what he's done in the lives of the Saints and asking God to bring those in purgatory to full union with him!
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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Have you ever wondered why Catholics call Priest Father when the bible clearly says "call no man father" in Matthew 23:9? That's what we will be talking about in this episode! We look at various bible verses and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to help explain why Catholics do (and rightfully should) call priest Father.
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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This week I got the opportunity to sit down with Fr. Gaurav Shroff and discuss what it means for the priest to act "In persona Christi capitis" or in the person of Christ the head. We talk about why there it is important to make the distinction about the priest operating in the person of Christ the HEAD and how even deacons and the laity are called to act in the person of Christ as well.
Shopping Spree by Purrple Cat |
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