
  • Discover the clues you’re clenching that you’d NEVER GUESS are rooted in your perfectionistic tendencies. Plus how Perfectionism Optimized client Molly reversed her Osteoporosis diagnosis and regained her sex drive. Learn why we clench, what’s happening inside your body + brain, the 5 core pillars key to releasing the clench

    You don't have to white knuckle your perfectionism. And if you feel like you are, I invite you to come coach with me 1-on-1 inside Perfectionism Optimized, where you'll learn how to take charge of your perfectionistic tendencies, which means you'll finally feel as awesome as your life looks and stop trying to control everyone in your orbit. Get your stress-free start today at

    Perfectionism Rewired ep. 411 on Fascia Truth + Accuracy Brought To You By:Chiara Ghetti, Skoczylas, L. C., Oliphant, S. S., Nikolajski, C., & Lowder, J. L. (2015). The Emotional Burden of Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Women Seeking Treatment. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery, 21(6), 332–338., Z. A., C. Whittal, S. Mansol, Osborne, L. A., Reed, P., & Emery, S. (2013). Effect of depression and anxiety on the success of pelvic floor muscle training for pelvic floor dysfunction. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 33(7), 710–714., B. J., Griffith, J. W., Weaver, C., & Kenton, K. S. (2020). Enhancing behavioral treatment for women with pelvic floor disorders: Study protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 17, 100514–100514.
  • Signs you’re programming your kids for anxiety without knowing it, how children pick up anxiety from perfectionistic parents, why traditional methods like therapy are 15x slower at achieving results, what *actually works* for caring, busy, perfectionist parents who want a physiology of excellence and how developing a physiology of excellence gives you unrivaled resilience, presence, and emotional intelligence

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at

    Preventing passing of anxiety to your kids starts with understanding how your own physiology affects theirs. Children are always parroting you, especially how you carry worry, anxiety and guilt. Making it vital to learn how to metabolize your emotions efficiently with daily practices instead of shutting down or sweeping it under the rug. Learn how implementing a daily hygiene practice, like the patented E.P.I.C. Skills framework, you free up energy for what matters most and create a healthier environment for your whole family.

    Perfectionism Rewired episode 411 on Fascia Truth + Accuracy Brought To You By:Bordoni, B., & Simonelli, M. (2018). The Awareness of the Fascial System. Curēus., H. M. (2022). Making Connections to Improve Health Outcomes - Helene M. Langevin, 2022. Retrieved June 22, 2024, from Global Advances in Health and Medicine website:, D. (2018, April 6). Fascia: What it is and Why it Matters. Retrieved June 22, 2024, from ResearchGate website:
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  • Fascia is the Wi-Fi of your insides, with over 250 million sensory receptors weaving through its matrix - it’s how emotions are made and where we feel our sensations, instincts and intuition. But if you tend to overthink, ruminate, catastrophize or stress out, you're compromising your fascia which impacts your body's ability to function optimally + think clearly. Discover why fascia is the missing puzzle piece for perfectionists and how to detect if there's dead zones in your own fascial network- where your sensations, instincts and intuition intersect.

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at


    01:38-The Role of Fascia in Mental Clarity and Confidence
    02:10-Where fascia is found and its impact on your body
    03:03-Fascia's Role in Breaking Generational Belief Patterns
    04:06-How fascia sends and receives information at the speed of light
    05:01-Wi-Fi of your Insights + Intuition
    06:10-What Skin is to Touch, Fascia is to Your Feelings
    07:25-How To 10x Your Emotional Intelligence
    09:18-The flexibility of fascia for quick improvements
    10:15-Benefits of upgrading your fascia's communication system.

    Truth + Accuracy Brought To You By:Bordoni, B., & Marelli, F. (2017). Emotions in Motion: Myofascial Interoception. Complementary Medicine Research, 24(2), 110–113., B., & Simonelli, M. (2018). The Awareness of the Fascial System. Curēus., C., Petrelli, L., Guidolin, D., Porzionato, A., Pirri, C., Fan, C., … Stecco, C. (2021). Evidence of a new hidden neural network into deep fasciae. Scientific Reports, 11(1)., N., & Katrin Amunts. (2021). A short review on emotion processing: a lateralized network of neuronal networks. Brain Structure & Function, 227(2), 673–684.
  • Stressed out, frustrated or having trouble sleeping? Stress is physiological for perfectionists and our physiological stress impacts our brain, our ability to speak, to think and our emotional agility. So if you want to have the ability to take charge of perfectionism, you gotta solve stress at the source. Bc you don't have time to do 20 minutes of deep breathing when stressors pop up, you need a personalized process that works instantaneously fast. And that's the first thing I teach Perfectionism Optimized clients, how to de-stress level in any moment, so they can get back in charge. Discover how to solve stress at the source and the exact clues to identify if you need a process to help you handle your stress ASAP.

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Apply today at

    Mentioned In This Episode:Why Perfectionists Burnout (Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 176)When Deep Breaths Aren't Enough (Perfectionism Rewired Ep. 192)EP 227 TIMESTAMPS:

    00:00-The Most Important De-Stress Skill Nobody Taught You
    00:47-Why Intellectual Solutions Don't Ease Stress
    02:10-The Impact of Stress on the Body's Systems
    03:55-The Looming Shadow of Chronic Stress
    06:38-Recognizing Stress Eruptions
    07:30-Patterns of Self-Destructive Stress Behavior
    09:48-Physical Manifestations of Unresolved Stress
    11:17-Rewiring Perfectionistic Habits

    Truth + Accuracy Sources:Chu, B., Marwaha, K., Sanvictores, T., Awosika, A. O., & Ayers, D. (2024, May 7). Physiology, Stress Reaction. Retrieved June 14, 2024, from website:, A. K., Egan, S. J., Kane, R. T., & Rees, C. S. (2014). The relationships between perfectionism, pathological worry and generalised anxiety disorder. BMC Psychiatry, 14(1)., Roja, and Mohammad Ali Besharat. “Perfectionism and Coping Styles with Stress.” Procedia—Social and Behavioral Sciences 5 (2010): 623–27., F. M., J. Monforton, and M. Simpson. “If Only I Had Done Better: Perfectionism and the Functionality of Counterfactual Thinking.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36, no. 12 (2010): 1675–92.
  • Racing through your days on hyper-speed but still not present for any of it? Discover how high-achieving architect Jessica went from pushing through "everything will be better once..." to being present during the most challenging time of her life, her mother’s passing. Hear from Jessica how Perfectionism Optimized coaching gave her the tools to stop the worry/wish cycle, metabolize her stress an handle excruciating times with confidence and grace, and why it's "the best thing I've ever done for myself, I think, in my entire life."

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Whether it's becoming much more DECISIVE in everything you do, PRESENCE with your family on vacation or turning down the volume on self-criticism, Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at

    Episode 226 Timestamps:
    00:41-Pushing Through: Super Ineffective Perfectionistic Strategy
    01:32-Recognizing Pushing Through in Your Own Life
    03:00-The Exhausting Game of "Whack a Mole"
    04:54-Chasing the Illusion of "Once It Gets Better"
    05:54-Living in Fast Forward or Slow Motion
    07:58-Being Present For Meaningful Moments
    09:04-Fueling Fierce Ambition in a Grounded Way
    10:53-How To Be More Present

  • Feeling like you can't relax on vacation? As perfectionists the way we relax is completely different than other people. Learn why and how to start relaxing on your own terms.

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Whether it's becoming much more DECISIVE in everything you do, PRESENCE with your family on vacation or turning down the volume on self-criticism, Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at

    Listen To The Full Episode To Learn:

    Why You Can't Relax on VacationStep-by-step to stop putting pressure on yourselfHow to cultivate the skill of relaxing

    Episode 225 Timestamps:
    00:00-Why Perfectionists Struggle to Relax on Vacation
    01:45-Athleticism of Relaxing: Training Your Mind to Unwind
    05:41-How can I clear my mind and relax
    06:50-Dissolve Pressure and Anxiety While Relaxing
    08:53-Getting an A+ in Relaxing as a Perfectionist

  • Take the overwhelm out of perfectionism, starting today with the one SKILL SET you’ve never been taught. #truthbooth it’s the only skill set that’ll save you from a life that feels frustrating - like you’re always chasing happiness. Because when you put yourself in charge of your internal world and remove overwhelm- the way you show up in the world shifts. Like you're no longer snapping at your partner or seizing up with anxiety when looking at your email.

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Whether it's becoming much more DECISIVE in everything you do, PRESENCE with your family or turning down the volume on self-criticism, Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to exude confidence in each + every part of your life and *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at

    Listen To The Full Episode To Learn:

    Why Outsourcing Increases Overwhelm For PerfectionistsWhat you Gain by Developing resilience and inner calm instead of depending on controlHow to Feel Amazing Right Now - No More Overthinking or Doubting
  • Feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world? You want to be a present parent, crush it at work, keep it fresh with your partner, call your bestie back and drink your water, BUT when you compartmentalize and be whoever you need to be to get the result, you end up exhausted. Say goodbye to the exhausting cycle of squishing yourself to fit in. Trade being contrived for exuding confidence, with the only sustainable solution for ambitious perfectionistic people. Plus hear about that one time CLG sharted in her jumpsuit🤣

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Whether it's becoming much more DECISIVE in everything you do, PRESENCE with your family or turning down the volume on self-criticism, Perfectionism Optimized, private 1-1 coaching gives you the life-long skills to exude confidence in each + every part of your life and *finally feel* as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside. Get your stress-free start today at

    Sneaky Peek at What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Why compartmentalizing parts of yourself leads to burnout, disconnection and resentment in your relationships.How to be grounded and solid in who are, without the wishy-washy contorting yourself to meet external expectations.Giving yourself permission to experience joy without conditions
  • Feeling Clenchy? Discover the truth about what *really* happens when you let go of rigid rules that've made you super successful. I'm giving you the uncensored inside scoop on exactly wha happened when I stopped fisting, opened up to new possibilities and began to surf my own ocean--my achieving + energy increased 80%!!!!! If you're exhausted or feel like it's always something, this episode will give you the fuel to rise up.

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Whether it's becoming much more DECISIVE in everything you do, PRESENCE with your family or breaking generational cycles of Self-Criticism, Perfectionism Optimized private 1-1 coaching is how you expand your confidence, make your choices aligned with your values and *finally feel* as amazing as your life looks. Get your stress-free start today at

    Sneaky Peek at What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Why wayyy too often perfectionists overwork while oblivious to our own underperforming (aka sunk cost fallacy)How to know if you're fistingWhere you can go to get unrivaled support designed specifically for high performance people who want to feel good again without sacrificing
  • If you've ever felt trapped in a cycle of I should be past this and using your intellectual smarts as evil tools to hammer yourself with, this episode is for you.

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Whether it's becoming much more DECISIVE in everything you do, PRESENCE with your family or breaking generational cycles of Self-Criticism, Perfectionism Optimized private 1-1 coaching is how you expand your confidence, make your choices aligned with your values and *finally feel* as amazing as your life looks. Get your stress-free start today at

    Sneaky Peek at What You'll Learn In This Episode:

    Unconscious Competence: Understanding embodied knowledge vs mental masturbation How telling yourself "I should know this" is the cowardly response (and what the courageous one is)Why knowing something intellectually doesn't translate to action
  • Fighting against yourself IS playing life on torture mode AND entirely OPTIONAL. Most solutions for overcoming perfectionism suck. They're not empowering, efficient or any FUN, plus research shows Overcoming Perfectionism simply *doesn’t work*when you are driven, ambitious, caring, high-performer. That’s WHY I’m revealing how you can take your frustrating perfectionistic tendencies—like catastrophizing, people-pleasing and overthinking— and remix them with refreshingly practical perspectives from our neurodiversity neighbor, ADHD.

    Want to feel as incredible on the inside as your life looks on the outside? Then you gotta check out Perfectionism Optimized, the only 1-1 private coaching backed by SCIENCE for driven, ambitious, Type-A high performers with perfectionistic tendencies. Inquire today over at:

    Perfectionism Rewired podcast is brought to you by America's leader on rewiring perfectionism, Courtney Love Gavin (CLG) and is committed to neuroscience truth + accuracy through a perfectionist affirming lens.

    WTF does Perfectionist Affirming mean? Perfectionist affirming is an empowered view where perfectionistic tendencies are not seen as deficits to be “fixed” - no victims, powerlessness or fighting against. Instead your perfectionism is leveraged to work for you. Part of neurodiversity movement that sees humans as uniquely wired individuals who all experience the world differently.

    Truth + Accuracy In Episode 220 Is Brought To You By:

    Curran, T., & Hill, A. P. (2019). Perfectionism is increasing over time: A meta-analysis of birth cohort differences from 1989 to 2016. Psychological Bulletin, 145(4), 410–429.

    Daniilidou, A. (2023). Understanding the relationship between the multidimensional perfectionism and self-compassion in adults: The effect of age. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 19(4), 371–386.

    Otsuka T. (2023). ADHD For Smart Ass Women (1st ed.). William Morrow

  • Feel like Perfectionism is controlling you? That you’re at the mercy of your perfectionist tendencies? Or that life would be easier if you weren’t such a perfectionist? Perfectionism is not a choice. But you can choose how you want to navigate through it, and that choice is powerful. Discover how the greats Dolly Parton, Serena Williams, Kobe Bryant, Sara Blakely, Marie Kondo have leveraged their perfectionism to shine. Through scientific research and personal experiences, you'll discover step-by-step how it's possible to rewire your perfectionistic habits from the inside out, just like CLG did.

    Rewire the right way (not the hype way) inside Perfectionism Optimized, the only 1-1 private coaching backed by SCIENCE + exclusively designed for driven, ambitious + type-A high achievers with perfectionistic tendencies who want to feel as incredible on the inside as their life looks on the outside. Melt your stress away starting today over at:


    00:00-Understanding Learned Helplessness Embedded In Perfectionism Recovery

    01:28-Challenging Lies About Perfectionists with Science

    02:16-Celebrating Famous Perfectionists Behind World-Changing Innovation

    03:55-WTF Are Enduring Identity Markers + Why Do They Matter?

    05:12-Unlearning Learned Helplessness with Dr. Martin Seligman (Godfather of Positive Psychology)

    06:11-The Problem With Blaming Perfectionism

    07:03-Flipping Helplessness to Empowerment

    08:46-Rediscovering Being In Charge and Response-ability

    10:12-Helplessness + Feeling Out of Control Re: Childhood Conditioning

    11:58-Reframing Perfectionism as an Empowerment Journey

    13:20-How To Quit Fighting Against Your Perfectionism + Work WITH It

    15:05-What incest + perfectionism recovery have in common

    16:40-Getting Your Perfectionism Right

    17:25-Quality Questions To Snuff Out Helplessness

    Truth + Accuracy In Episode 219 Is Brought To You By:

    Abramson, L. Y., Seligman, M. E., & Teasdale, J. D. (1978). Learned helplessness in humans: Critique and reformulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 87(1), 49–74.

    Quchani, M. (2023). The mediating role of coping styles in the association between perfectionism and learned helplessness in students’ population. Annales Médico-Psychologiques, 181(7), 619–627.

    Woodfin, V., Binder, P. E., & Molde, H. (2020). The Psychometric Properties of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale–Brief. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1860.

  • Got resentment? Uncover where resentment is hiding in your home responsibilities and the No. 1 mistake you're probably making when it comes to communicating your frustration (this takes you out of black and white thinking). Plus the ONE TOOL that makes you 90% less resentful towards your partner + makes 100% sense as to why you feel like it's all on your shoulders. This TOOL is like having the power to show upcoming storms in your relationship, dissolve them ahead of time and avoid saying mean things you feel guilty about later – for both you + partner!

    Upgrade from resentment to reconnection inside Perfectionism Optimized, the only 1-1 private coaching backed by SCIENCE + exclusively designed for driven, ambitious + type-A high achievers with perfectionistic tendencies who want to feel as incredible on the inside as their life looks on the outside. Melt your stress away starting today over at:

    🎁➡️ 🎉 Rewire the Resentment in Your Relationship with this Top-Tier TOOL I created for private clients. Yours to enjoy as a gift for my bday
    Truth + Accuracy In Episode 218 Is Brought To You By:Graff, T. C., Birmingham, W. C., Wadsworth, L. L., & Hung, M. (2023). Doing it all: Effects of Family Responsibilities and Marital Relationship Quality on Mothers’ Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 58(1), 67–78., N., & Ivanova, K. (2023). Changes in Perceived Fairness of Division of Household Labor Across Parenthood Transitions: Whose Relationship Satisfaction Is Impacted? Journal of Family Issues, 44(4), 1046-1073., M. H. (2022). Resentment Is Like Drinking Poison? The Heterogeneous Health Effects of Affective Polarization. Journal of Health and Social Behavior/Journal of Health & Social Behavior, 63(4), 508–524.
  • Building Resilience IRL Intimate, all access behind-the-scenes look of how I get my anxious, overthinking Type-A high performance perfectionistic brain to calm TF down *when Anxiety strikes*. Previously only available on the Private Client Podcast, sharing with you in celebration of my birthday AND to show you there IS a MUCH better way to deal with your perfectionism. Where you're in charge, confident and connected to YOUR values. If you want to get out of your own way and be more present, this is the episode for you!

    On paper, you’ve got it together— isn’t it time you felt like it? Build confidence, courage and conviction in yourself while you playfully take charge and get out of your own way, with Perfectionism Optimized private 1-1 coaching exclusively for driven, Type-A, high achieving perfectionists who are committed to excellence. Get your stress-free start, today at

    Listen to the full episode to hear:

    Two biggest mistakes Perfectionists make when anxiety, panic, overwhelm strikesHow Courtney Love Gavin changed from a life filled with fear and self-criticism to one of joy, resilience and strengthThe importance of LSD in overcoming anxiety and annoying perfectionistic tendencies.Truth and Accuracy In This Episode Is Brought To You By:Handley, A. K., Egan, S. J., Kane, R. T., & Rees, C. S. (2014). The relationships between perfectionism, pathological worry and generalised anxiety disorder. BMC Psychiatry, 14(1)., C. J., & Hooven, C. (2018). Interoceptive Awareness Skills for Emotion Regulation: Theory and Approach of Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy (MABT). Frontiers in Psychology, 9., Félix & Haar Horowitz, Adam & Jain, A. & Maes, Pattie. (2019). Enhancing human emotions with interoceptive technologies. Physics of Life Reviews. 31. 10.1016/j.plrev.2019.10.008.
  • Discover the extraordinary scientifically proven benefits of rewiring your perfectionism with special guest and former #recovering perfectionist, CEO Dylan. Plus the hidden costs of unchecked perfectionism and how it's sucking the life out of you (literally).

    Ready to leverage your perfectionism in WAY YOU LOVE WITHOUT all the victimy #recoveringperfectionist, be less ambitious BS you've been told all your life? Enter Perfectionism Optimized, the ONLY high-integrity private coaching program for perfectionists that empowers neurodiverse, high-achieving and Type A individuals to quit fighting against their perfectionism forever using proven neuroscience so that you can *FINALLY* feel as amazing as your life looks and embody the powerhouse you’re designed to be. Get your stress free start today at

    Listen to the Full episode to Hear:How to harmonize your high standards with a high-stakes career and transform your perfectionistic drive into a source of strength and resourcefulness.Why rewiring your perfectionism creates breakthroughs in perception and efficiency, empowering you to approach challenges with curiosity and creativity.Uncover the reasons why perfectionists often overwork yet remain oblivious to their own underperforming, and how you can develop a keen sense of self-awareness to break free from this cycle of striving and self-criticism.

    TIMESTAMPS Ep. 216:
    00:00-The Perfectionist's Dilemma: Chasing Satisfaction
    01:55-Meet Dylan: Seeing Problems Everywhere
    03:37-Overworking To Distract From Self-Criticism
    06:19-Interoceptive Awareness Shifts Anxious to Excited
    08:04-IRL Rewired Perfectionist Success: Dylan's Journey Continues
    09:47-Why Achievements Feel Empty and How to Change That
    10:12-Science of Feeling Good: Dopamine and Serotonin Explained
    11:55-Building Emotional Agility and Resilience
    15:24-How Rewired Perfectionism Enhances Mental Focus + Confidence
    17:59-Courageously Running Towards vs Fearfully Running Away
    21:53-Dropping contempt and judgment that blocks change

    Truth + Accuracy In This Episode Is Brought To You By:

    Do You Play to Win—or to Not Lose? (2013, March). Retrieved January 29, 2024, from Harvard Business Review website:, Martin V., and Kimberly J. Müeller. “Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation: An Approach/Avoidance Reformulation.” Educational Psychology Review 13, no. 2 (2001): 157–76. doi:10.1023/A:1009009219144.Sirois, F. M., J. Monforton, and M. Simpson. “If Only I Had Done Better: Perfectionism and the Functionality of Counterfactual Thinking.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36, no. 12 (2010): 1675–92., H., Gnilka, P. B., & Rice, K. G. (2017). Perfectionism and well-being: A positive psychology framework. Personality and Individual Differences, 111, 25–30.
  • For driven perfectionists self-sabotage often appears as status quo success and our unfulfilling choices are applauded. Bc these self-sabotaging perfectionistic patterns go undetected, you’re off chasing an illusion of control, achieving under pressure with an overcrowded schedule, snipping at your spouse, thinking I'll be happy when..." only to find the goalposts keep moving. Discover precisely how to recognize your own self-defeating perfectionism patterns, exactly what's driving your self-sabotaging behaviors and the perfectionist's guide to stop self-sabotage..

    If you're committed to intentionally moving beyond autopilot and Perfectionism Optimized high-integrity private coaching is for you! Sumptuous, science-backed solutions designed specifically for tenacious Type-A perfectionists. Get your stress free start today at

    Truth + Accuracy In This Episode Is Brought To You By:

    Do You Play to Win—or to Not Lose? (2013, March). Retrieved January 29, 2024, from Harvard Business Review website:, Martin V., and Kimberly J. Müeller. “Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation: An Approach/Avoidance Reformulation.” Educational Psychology Review 13, no. 2 (2001): 157–76. doi:10.1023/A:1009009219144.Sirois, F. M., J. Monforton, and M. Simpson. “If Only I Had Done Better: Perfectionism and the Functionality of Counterfactual Thinking.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36, no. 12 (2010): 1675–92., H., Gnilka, P. B., & Rice, K. G. (2017). Perfectionism and well-being: A positive psychology framework. Personality and Individual Differences, 111, 25–30.
  • What if your self critic is actually a caring signal from your unconscious, warning you of danger ahead + to get off this path? Your self critic is not the enemy; it's an alarm bell from your body. But it's near impossible to listen to it with all the NOISE + stigma surrounding criticism, self-love and self-compassion. Discover the health consequences of self-criticism and lessons from pro-athlete perfectionist who finally figured it out. This is the third episode in the self-criticism trilogy.

    I'm inviting you into the one place that can make your self critic a thing of the past— all you gotta do is take the first step. Go for it today at

    Ep. 214 Timestamps

    02:04-The Iceberg of Self-Criticism

    03:27-Why Traditional Self Critic Approaches Fail Perfectionists

    04:37-Lessons From Pro-Athlete Perfectionism Optimized Client

    07:07-Link Between Cancer + Inner Critic

    08:02-From Criticism to Critical Condition IRL

    09:11-Making the Choice to Change

    Truth + Accuracy In This Episode Is Brought To You By:

    Campos, R. C., Holden, R. R., Caçador, B., Ana Sofia Fragata, & Baleizão, C. (2018). Self-criticism, intensity of perceived negative life events, and distress: Results from a two-wave study. Personality and Individual Differences, 124, 145–149., M., Ciarrochi, J., Yap, K., Baljinder Sahdra, & Hayes, S. C. (2022). Embracing the Complexity of our Inner Worlds: Understanding the Dynamics of Self-Compassion and Self-Criticism. Mindfulness, 13(7), 1652–1661., N., & Baumann, N. (2022). Breaking the anxious cycle of self-criticism: Action orientation buffers the detrimental effects of a self-critical personality style. Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, 30–35.
  • The massive opportunity-costs you are blind to every time you self criticize, how habitual self-criticism creates insidious patterns of self-sabotage and 3 simple steps to be high-quality in all areas of your life WITHOUT self-criticism. This is the second episode of the trilogy on self-criticism iceberg.

    Ready to liberate yourself from perfectionism prison? If you want to know how to work WITH YOUR brilliant perfectionistic brain, feel as amazing on the inside as your life looks on the outside and live unapologetically true to who you be + what you value Perfectionism Optimized 1-1 coaching is for you! Here's where you start

  • Is your Self-Criticism only getting worse? Overthinking a million ways you suck your mind's go-to? If your self-criticism cycles JUST won't quit, it's not bc you need more self-compassion, self-love or a less tragic childhood. It's simply bc you're focusing on the wrong problem and by misidentifying your problem, you're missing out on all the super simple solutions. That silliness ends NOW. Discover the 8 undercover forces driving your self-criticism cycles AND exactly how to solve each one.

    If you're DONE with self-criticism holding you back + want to remember what playfully proud of yourself feels like and gain lifetime skills that make you stronger, happier, braver, calmer + more resilient Perfectionism Optimized 1-1 coaching is for you! Sumptuous, science-backed solutions designed specifically for YOUR perfectionistic tendencies. Get your stress-free start today at

    Ep. 212 Timestamps

    00:00-Identifying WHY You Self-Criticize
    02:46-The ROOT of Self-Critical Pattern No. 1
    05:10-How ADHD Feeds Off Self-Criticism
    07:20-Why Am I So Hard On Myself? SOLVED
    09:55-When Your Career Demands Your Self Critic
    11:45-Solutions That Actually Work for Overly Critical Achievers
    13:25-Criticizing Yourself to Create Change
    16:45-Hyper Critical Power Dynamics
    18:33-How To Stop Beating Yourself Up

    Truth + Accuracy In This Episode Is Brought To You By:

    Campos, R. C., Holden, R. R., Caçador, B., Ana Sofia Fragata, & Baleizão, C. (2018). Self-criticism, intensity of perceived negative life events, and distress: Results from a two-wave study. Personality and Individual Differences, 124, 145–149., M., Ciarrochi, J., Yap, K., Baljinder Sahdra, & Hayes, S. C. (2022). Embracing the Complexity of our Inner Worlds: Understanding the Dynamics of Self-Compassion and Self-Criticism. Mindfulness, 13(7), 1652–1661., N., & Baumann, N. (2022). Breaking the anxious cycle of self-criticism: Action orientation buffers the detrimental effects of a self-critical personality style. Journal of Affective Disorders, 301, 30–35.
  • How raising your standards solves the perfectionistic tendencies that've been holding you back. Hear from Perfectionism Optimized client Brian who was exhausted from being everything to everyone while pulled in a million directions and how making this ONE swap immediately created a cascade of less stress, more presence and legit enjoyment in his dynamic life.

    Whether it's spending quality time with your family, stop dreading the guilt you’ll feel on vacation or dealing with the pressures of being excellent at everything, this episode gives you a step-by-step guide on the inner workings of perfectionist brains and how to easily structure your days around what's most meaningful to YOU.

    Why lower your standards when raising them upgrades your entire life? If you're committed to being stronger, happier, braver + more resilient and want the only tools designed specifically for driven overachievers to feel as amazing as their life looks Perfectionism Optimized 1-1 coaching is for you! Get your stress-free start today at

    Listen to the full episode to learn:

    Empowering strategies for setting boundaries and honoring your needs without guilt or resentmentHow making a 1% shift in your standards creates a 100% difference in your daily lifeStep-by-step to structure your days around what's most meaningful to YOU Ep. 211 Timestamps

    00:00-Raising standards for perfectionists = upgrades relationships + focus
    02:29-Brian's Story: Client Case Study on Changing Life Dynamics
    04:16-The True Meaning of Raising Your Standards
    06:15-What Raising Your Standards as a Perfectionist Is Like IRL
    09:00-The EPIC Framework™ Empowered Presence and Interoceptive Connection
    11:09-Action Steps to Identify + Attune Your Own Standards
    13:45-Trying to Control vs Being in Charge
    15:17-Constantly battling your own unrealistic expectations?