
  • “The Fittest Man on Earth”. That’s the title that was bestowed upon Jason Khalipa after he won the 2008 CrossFit Games.

    That alone makes him a man worth listening to, but Khalipa’s legacy transcends the boundaries of fitness and personal development to something far more consequential.

    Khalipa retired from CrossFit in 2016 following his daughter Ava’s devastating leukaemia diagnosis. In the face of this and other challenges, Jason and his wife Ashley embraced what he calls the “AMRAP Mentality” – a philosophy drawn from the CrossFit term “as many reps as possible.”

    This mindset emphasises focusing on what you can control, earning confidence through hard work, and maintaining a positive attitude in even the toughest times. The AMRAP Mentality not only helped Jason and his family navigate Ava’s treatment but also inspired him to share this approach with others, and led to a book titled “AMRAP Mentality”, which outlines how this philosophy can be applied to overcome life’s challenges and achieve personal goals.

    His daughter’s diagnosis ultimately led to the creation of Ava’s Kitchen, a non-profit founded by Jason and Ashley which – among other things – hosts an annual benefit dinner featuring renowned chefs and live auctions to raise funds for families impacted by paediatric cancer. Partnering with the Jessie Rees Foundation, it helps to support these families through various programmes including Breakaway Adventures, which provides memorable experiences for children undergoing treatment.

    From dominating in the CrossFit Games to overcoming personal trials and now leading the charge in the fitness industry with his innovative programmes, Jason’s story is one of relentless dedication and resilience. His TRAIN HARD philosophy isn’t just about physical training; it’s about being as capable as possible to protect and provide for your family and community. Khalipa’s journey is a testament to the power of determination, the importance of a supportive community, the relentless pursuit of excellence, and the ability to turn adversity into strength.

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  • For far too long the main health and fitness message directly at women of all ages was along the lines of “move more, eat less”, thanks in no small part to the toxic diet culture and body image pressure heaped upon women for generations.

    Yet a far better mantra, and one infinitely more useful to improving the health, fitness and wellbeing of all women, is “lift weights and eat more protein”.

    Because for decades women have been told to do hours of endless and monotonous cardio on tiny amounts of food, while all the while a far healthier approach is to exercise to build muscle and bone strength, increase lean muscle mass and improve metabolic health through lifting heavy weights, eating more nutrient-dense protein, and taking science-backed supplements, such as creatine, to improve training performance.

    This is the view of Dr Abbie Smith-Ryan, PhD, a renowned researcher in exercise physiology and sports nutrition, and leading expert in women’s health, fitness and nutrition.

    In a conversation packed with invaluable insights on multiple aspects of optimising health and performance, aimed at women of all ages, Dr Smith-Ryan is keen to stress just how crucial a role all forms of strength training can play in helping women combat the natural decline of lean muscle mass as they age to stay looking and feeling younger, fitter and healthier for longer.

    And with resistance training proven to promote stronger bones, improve joint health, and enhance overall strength, it’s particularly important for women approaching or experiencing menopause to combat osteoporosis and muscle loss associated with hormonal changes.

    With many women underestimating their protein needs, Dr Smith-Ryan also highlights the importance of adequate protein intake, particularly for ageing women, for muscle repair and growth, and as we age, our bodies require more to maintain muscle mass and function.

    She discusses the benefits of creatine supplementation, traditionally associated with male bodybuilders and other strength athletes but now recognised for its wide-ranging benefits for women, including enhancing muscle strength, improving exercise performance, supporting cognitive health and function, making it an invaluable sports nutrition supplement for women wanting to maintain both physical and mental sharpness.

    Whether you're a long-term fitness enthusiast, looking to start living a healthier lifestyle or in desperate need of menopausal lifestyle advice, Dr Smith-Ryan provides clear, actionable and effective steps for incorporating resistance training, optimising protein intake, and considering creatine supplementation to enhance overall health, fitness and wellbeing.

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  • For Victoria Felkar, a front-line researcher in the fields of women’s health and training, and performance-enhancing drugs, the rise of anabolic steroid use in young women is a hugely troubling trend.

    Driven by social media personalities, photo and video editing software, unrealistic body images and the easy of accessing these substances through online chemists, Felkar reveals how fitness influencers and celebrities, often showcasing idealised physiques, are contributing to the pressure young women feel to conform to these unattainable standards, leading many of them to performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) in pursuit of rapid physical transformation.

    Ina fascinating and wide-ranging conversation around women’s health, training, drugs, celebrity and body image, Felkar explains the mental and physical health dangers these women face, including severe hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular issues, and psychological effects, such as anxiety and depression. The health risks are not limited to immediate side effects but extend to long-term consequences that can profoundly impact overall well-being.

    Education emerges as a critical solution to combat this dangerous trend, and Felkar emphasises the need for comprehensive awareness programmes that inform young women about the risks associated with PED use and promote healthier, sustainable fitness practices.

    The interview also touches on drug use in elite sports, exploring how the rise of substances like SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) and peptides blurs the line between legal and illegal performance-enhancing compounds. These emerging supplements, often marketed as safe alternatives to traditional steroids, pose their own set of risks and challenges, further complicating the landscape of PED use.

    Felkar’s insights offer a detailed understanding of the socio-cultural and economic factors that contribute to the increasing prevalence of PED use among young women. The discussion is a call to action for better regulation, education, and support systems to protect this vulnerable demographic from the allure and dangers of performance-enhancing drugs.

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  • In what’s generally regarded as one of the ultimate expressions of athleticism, Muhammad Ali in his prime could “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee”.

    It’s rare to see a 260lb (118kg) man who looks like a bodybuilder but moves like a ballerina. It’s rarer still - and perhaps even unique - when that man is a father and combat veteran in his mid-forties with a demanding full-time job.

    Enter Judd Lienhard, the former collegiate athlete and US Army Ranger officer turned speed and performance coach.

    In an Unfiltered exclusive, we speak to Lienhard to discover his remarkable story from growing up in rural Missouri, through his collegiate American football career, his time as an elite solider, right up to today, and his work with athletes - Lienhard believes everyone is an athlete regardless of competitive status - of all ages.

    We learn the secrets of his remarkable rise in social media popularity, swelling his follower count on Instagram from fewer than 10,000 to almost 600,000 people in just a few months, and his transformative exercise and coaching techniques that have captured the attention of fitness enthusiasts around the world.

    We also delve deep into Leinhard’s philosophy of “Always Be An Athlete”, exploring how his years of varied experience - and over 34,000 training hours as a coach across various demographics - shape his innovative training methods. We also discover the secrets behind his MASS Method, a holistic program emphasising movement, athleticism, strength, and speed, designed to enhance athletic performance, increase muscle mass and promote longevity.

    Leinhard shares personal stories from his military service where he earned a Bronze Star for his bravery, and discuss how these experiences have influenced his approach to training and life. His candid reflections on the impact of military life, combined with his professional insights, provide a unique perspective on resilience and personal growth.

    Wherever you are in your fitness journey, this interview has something for you. Packed full of Leinhard’s practical advice on staying motivated, overcoming challenges, and achieving peak performance, don’t miss the chance to learn from one of the most dynamic coaches in the industry as he shares tips that are as applicable to life’s battles as they are to sport and fitness.

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  • With notable exceptions - such as abortion and euthanasia - few medical interventions elicit such a polarisation of opinion as TRT.

    But why does the mere mention of testosterone replacement therapy provoke such strong views?

    In recent years the TRT market has exploded into public view. Once the hush-hush secret of Hollywood elites and high-flying CEOs, TRT has become much more mainstream, shedding its exclusive reputation to become an everyday option, much like female-focused hormone replacement therapy (HRT), a completely uncontroversial and a widely-used medical intervention for decades.

    Despite its rising popularity, TRT is often regarded with suspicion, and the increased attention has served to increase - not decrease - the many myths and misconceptions surrounding its use

    What is TRT? Is it healthy? Is it cheating? Who really needs it? Can it really revolutionise quality of life and performance inside and outside the gym? And, most importantly, is it safe?

    To shine a light on TRT, its uses and its impact, Unfiltered spoke to Ali Gilbert, a globally-recognised expert in men’s health and TRT.

    Popular on social media where she’s celebrated for both her expertise and insights as well as her unique educational style, able to break down complex information into straightforward and actionable advice, all delivered with honesty and a big helping of humour - Gilbert has forged a career debunking the most persistent and enduring myths around testosterone, and men’s health in general.

    If you have even the slightest interest in muscle, masculinity and maximising how good you look, feel and perform, this conversation is one you won’t want to miss.

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  • It’s said that the fastest way to start an argument online is to post about politics. But talking about nutrition can’t be too far behind in what’s most likely to annoy, rankle and infuriate anyone who comes into contact with your comment, however innocent or innocuous you think it is.

    Much like politics, and many other matters in the modern world, nutrition and, by extension supplementation, have become tribal topics, with specific approaches to eating now subject to a fierce and impassioned championing or evisceration by highly vocal minorities, who believe one dietary approach as not only nutritionally, but also morally, superior to all others.

    One man who has seen countless nutritional trends, fads and crazes come and go over the years - remember raspberry ketones, anyone? - is Ian Marber, one of the most respected and established voices of cool, calm and collected insight into all aspects of food, eating and nutrition.

    In an entertaining and common sense-resetting conversation with Unfiltered editor-in-chief Joe Warner, Ian details his rigorously analytical approach to dietary advice, acquired through decades of experience with thousands of clients, that cuts through the prevalent myths and misconceptions that often muddy the water of the surprisingly straight-forward nutritional sciences.

    And in an important reminder of the many nuanced roles eating plays in our life aside from providing energy and nutrition, specifically in providing the social glue that strengthens and deepens our most important connections, Ian explains how you can forge a healthier and happier relationship with food.

    Whether want to improve your diet, elevate your nutritional knowledge, or make better and more informed decisions about the food you eat, Ian Marber is the voice of reason in an increasingly noisy and unhinged diet-focused world.

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  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition most women will have heard of, but you’ll only truly appreciate just how debilitating a disorder it can be if you’re unlucky enough to be one in the 10 women globally who suffer from it. ‹‹‹

    In simple terms PCOS is an endocrine disorder characterised by a variety of symptoms that can severely impact life quality: irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, weight gain, acne, and excessive hair growth are just the tip of the iceberg.

    But in reality it’s a hugely complex condition. Beneath these symptoms lie heightened risks of developing life-changing problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and mental health challenges, making PCOS much more than a reproductive or hormonal disorder.

    Enter Dr Fiona McCulloch, whose own journey with PCOS has not only shaped her professional focus but also fuelled her passion for helping others navigate this challenging landscape.

    Her book - 8 Steps to Reverse PCOS - offers a beacon of hope for sufferers of all ages, providing actionable advice grounded in scientific research and clinical practice.

    Dr McCulloch's approach dismantles the often one-dimensional treatment strategies typically offered to PCOS sufferers. She’s particularly critical of the widespread use of the oral contraceptive pill, which, while regulating menstrual cycles, does little to address the hormonal imbalances at the core of PCOS.

    In an advice-packed conversation with Unfiltered editor-in-chief Joe Warner, Dr McCulloch explains her reasons for advocating a holistic approach to managing the condition, emphasising the power of diet and exercise in restoring hormonal balance - especially insulin resistance, a frequent companion of PCOS - and enhancing overall well-being.

    Ultimately, Dr McCulloch’s key message is empowerment to provide women with the advice, insight and confidence they need to seize control of their PCOS, rather than let the condition continue to control every aspect of their lives.

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  • How would you celebrate your 1000th birthday?

    As fanciful as it sounds, many scientists working at the cutting-edge of life-extension medicine and technology believe that milestone is in reach. Some even believe that the first human to live to reach four figures has not only been born, but is already well into middle-age.

    Which begs the question, is ageing an inevitable part of life?

    Or is it just another type of disease, not a destiny?

    Can ageing, like many other illnesses that used to cut short human lifespan, be cured? Can it be engineered into extinction? Are we really on the cusp on being able to live forever?

    Aubrey de Grey thinks so.

    A leading figure in biogerontology, the study of the biological basis of ageing and age-related diseases, de Grey has spent his professional life working to show that ageing can be first stopped and then reversed.

    By systematically identifying and repairing the molecular and cellular damage that accumulates in our bodies, he suggests we can significantly extend not just human lifespan but, far more crucially, our healthspan.

    If de Grey is right, it heralds a future where you could live in the prime of your life indefinitely as new technologies and treatments are continuously invented to stop your biological clock from ever ticking even a second forward.

    The implications are hard to fathom. Not only for you and your family, but for the entire world. The social, economic and political ramifications and upheaval would change every facet of our current world order practically overnight.

    In a fascinating conversation with Unfiltered editor-in-chief Joe Warner, de Grey reveals the latest breakthroughs of anti-ageing research - including the targeted removal of senescent cells to the repair of damaged tissues via stem cell and gene editing tools. These interventions and others, he says, will transform the way we age and live, and force us all to reconsider how we perceive and understand the boundaries of human life.

    As we stand on the brink of what would be the most significant medical breakthroughs in human history, Aubrey de Grey provides essential insight for anyone interested in the intersection of health, technology, medicine and ethics.

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  • There are few things people fear, especially once they enter middle-age, as much as major cognitive decline. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia, affect more than 55 million people worldwide, with 10 million new cases every year, according to the World Health Organisation.

    Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, accounting for between 60% to 70% of all cases – and dementia is the seventh leading cause of death globally and one of the major causes of disability and dependency amongst older people.

    But it’s not all bad news because certain lifestyle interventions can significantly reduce your risk of severe cognitive decline.

    For example, there’s strong evidence to suggest - and most experts agree - that exercise, good nutrition and learning new skills help mitigate your risk.

    One factor you might not know about, however, is educational achievement.

    Assuming smart training, good nutrition and a burning desire to acquire new skills and knowledge can ward off dementia - and potentially increase lifespan - Dr Tommy Wood's brain should be firing on all cyclinders until he’s at least 200 years old.

    The leading neuroscientist has spent his career excelling not only academically but also athletically, turning his hand from ultra-marathons to CrossFit competitions to strongman events.

    ‹In a scintillating and wide-ranging conversation with Unfiltered’s very own brains-and-brawn ambassador - contributing editor Dr Jonny Rees, PhD - Dr Wood delivers a masterclass of life-changing advice and insight.

    Not only does he provide actionable strategies and tips to reduce your risk of dementia and other types of cognitive decline, he also discusses head trauma and concussion, and what you can do in the immediate aftermath to limit the damage they cause.

    Dr Wood also demystifies some of the most frequently misunderstood concepts in the health and longevity arena, including autophagy - the process by which cells recycle their own components - and how to stimulate it for greater health (clue: it’s not fasting, despite what you may have seen on social media).

    If you’ve even been confused about the best lifestyle practices to adopt to remain fitter, healthier and happier for longer, or are constantly scratching your head about how seemingly conflicting and contradictory advice fits together, Dr Wood will set the record straight, once and for all.

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  • As the old adage goes, from little acorns grow mighty oaks.

    DeFranco’s Training Systems began life in a 500 square foot storage closet, and has grown into one of the most successful and highly regarded brands in the fitness and sports performance industry.

    Spear-headed by Joe DeFranco, a world-renowned personal trainer and educator with more than a quarter of a century’s experience in the fitness and sports performance arena, with a client list a who’s who of household names, including players from all 32NFL teams, WWE wrestlers and UFC fighters.

    In our full and frank conversation with Unfiltered’s contributing editor Dr Jonny Rees, PhD, DeFranco, a refreshingly straight-talking New Jersey native, explains how what seemed like a disaster at the time - his own career-ending injury - helped make him the world-renowned coach he is today.

    Fully loaded with advice applicable both inside and outside the gym, gain insight directly from the man behind some of the world’s most impressive athletes. We hear how there are no mandatory exercises, what it takes to be a successful coach, and what you do with your shopping cart says about your approach to life.

    Many of the lessons and insights you’ll gain from this one transcend the fitness industry, and will benefit anyone who wants to squeeze every single drop of joy, satisfaction and pride from their time on this planet.

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  • Inspired - and frustrated - by seeing the same creatine question get asked time and again on Reddit, serial entrepreneur Sol Orwell co-founded sports nutrition research service in 2011, growing from a two-man-band in Toronto, Canada, to the world’s most trusted authority on critiquing the claims made by the $380-billion-a-year global supplement industry.

    But, as he reveals in a wide-ranging interview with Unfiltered's editor-in-chief Joe Warner, internal mistakes and worldwide pandemics have pushed the business to the brink.

    Yet an uncompromising stance on employee welfare and remaining true to his “North Star” means Orwell has refused eight-figure offers for the company to maintain complete control and keep focused on what it does best. And, as he explains, he's only just getting started.

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  • It would be difficult to overstate Stan Efferding’s impact on the world of health, fitness and performance.

    Having reached the pinnacle of both bodybuilding and powerlifting - he is both a world record holding powerlifter and an IFBB professional bodybuilder - he is now one of the most highly sought after consultants to many of the world’s most popular and successful athletes across an incredibly wide range of sports. Clients include four-time World’s Strongest Man Brian Shaw, Icelandic strongman and Game of Thrones “The Mountain” HafĂŸĂłr Björnsson, and WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Stone Cold Steve Austin.

    As hard as it is to imagine now, Efferding was once considered too small for soccer, with a physique “like a number 2 pencil”. He began training at his coach’s request to bulk up while on a soccer scholarship to the University of Oregon.

    The rest is history. From weighing just 98lbs (44kg or 7st) in high school, to 135lbs in college, to a peak of over 300lbs (140kg or 22st), and a strength or physique accolade to match every pound gained, Efferding translates his unique blend of 30 years of research and application into practical actionable tips, hard-won insights, and unforgettable phrases.

    In a wide-ranging conversation with Unfiltered’s contributing editor Dr Jonny Rees, PhD, Efferding reveals his take on optimal training and nutrition for both muscle gain and fat loss. He also details the tried-and-tested principles that form the foundation of The Vertical Diet, his performance-based nutritional framework, how he successfully competed in both powerlifting and bodybuilding, and much more.

    In a health and fitness industry struggling from a plague of Instagram "experts' with few credentials and limited experience, Efferding is the cure we need.

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  • Artificial intelligence and wearable technology have already had a huge impact on improving elite athletic performance, and many of these technological breakthroughs are beginning to trickle down into the amateur athletic space.

    But if the relationship between AI, smart tech and physical performance is still in its nascency, just how big an impact can and will it have on pushing the limits of human potential to a previously unimaginable level?

    Unfiltered's editor-in-chief Joe Warner sat down with Dr Mikael Mattsson, PhD, co-founder and CEO of human performance intelligence company svexa in the heart of Silicon Valley to discover how both existing and evolving AI technology will steer and shape professional sport over the coming decade, and what it will mean for both athletes and armchair viewers.

    Svexa works with a number of top-flight teams across a number of sports, both in Europe and North America, and a key part of any conversation around AI and elite performance is the evolving role human managers and coaches will have in professional sport.

    Because if AI can monitor and analyse hundreds, or thousands, of biometric and other performance data points in real time, which it can, and then make performance or tactical recommendations based on that data, which it does, where do the humans fit in?

    Will the English Premier League become a multi billion-dollar version of the Football Manager computer simulation game, in which player recruitment, management and deployment is essentially based on marks out of 20 for a range of tangible and intangible skills, with an AI “coach” responsible for all tactical changes, decisions and substitutions?

    Will this relegate the role of a coach to little more than a friendly face who puts an arm round the shoulder after a bad day at the office?

    And, for you, what impact will AI and automated coaching have on your 5k time, or your five-a-side team’s results? Even if you reach new personal highs, can you ever love an algorithm as much as a human who’s fully invested in making you better?

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  • British army soldier. Physique athlete. Cover model. Personal trainer. Online coach. Gym owner. Author. Broadcaster. Social media superstar.

    If Jay Alderton had a business card that listed his career roles it wouldn’t fit in his wallet. In a remarkable and varied professional journey, completed with unfathomable highs and heart-breaking lows, Alderton has developed a unique online voice to distill the lessons he’s learnt – many of which the hard way – into affirmative and actionable advice for his legion of followers.

    In an exclusive interview with Unfiltered editor-in-chief Joe Warner, Alderton reveals the light-bulb moment that illuminated his path towards becoming one of the UK’s most successful social media influencers and how he uses his platform to help millions of people become the best versions of themselves possible.

    Alderton also gives his expert advice on how you can increase your online audience and reach to further your personal and professional goals, and details his mental-health-sparring strategy for dealing with the social media charlatans, fraudsters and grifters who want to separate you from your hard-earned cash.

    Watch the full video interview, and access bonus content, at

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  • “How do I introduce myself? It depends who I’m talking to and what I want to get out the conversation!”

    When you wear as many hats as Shaun Stafford it can be tricky to succinctly summarise exactly what it is you do.

    Of course, there’s the body. A two-time WBFF Physique world champion, Stafford will always be known for a muscular and lean body that’s graced multiple magazine covers and advertisements for sports nutrition supplement brands (he represented Reflex Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition and currently Ghost).

    But there’s the brain as well as the brawn. As founder and managing director of London-based personal training gym City Athletic, Stafford has proved he can build a successful business as well as a show-stopping body.

    In an exclusive interview with editor-in-chief Joe Warner, Stafford reveals how he maintains his cover model body despite the rigorous demands of running a growing business as well as raising two growing boys, and details how he bounced back from losing almost all of his social media reach – and significant monthly revenue – when Instragram updated its algorithm.

    He also explains why so many fitness models and competitors with world-class physiques struggle with mental health issues related to unhappiness with their bodies, and details the huge sacrifices required to build an incredible physique that make bodybuilding the most selfish sport on the planet.

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  • That the world is gripped by a mental health crisis is not in question.

    What remains unanswered is how we begin to solve the suffering that's affecting millions of people all around the world.

    Matias Serebrinsky, co-founder and general partner at psychedelic treatment investment fund PsyMed Ventures, believes unequivocally that the answer lies in psychedelic medicine, and that the imminent next generation of psychedelic therapies that will provide greater efficacy without any side-effects.

    If so, it will redraw the battle lines in the war against mental illness and finally give us the solution to a previously unsolvable problem.

    But is he right?

    Unfiltered's editor-in-chief Joe Warner met Serebrinsky in San Francisco to find out why he is so convinced we are close to winning the war against mental illness.For exclusive access to all Unfiltered's video interviews, features and documentaries visit

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  • Rick Collins, the world-renowned legal authority on testosterone and other performance-enhancing drugs, explains to Unfiltered's Dr Jonny Rees, PhD, where the law’s got it wrong in demonising steroids, and why the guy who wants to get jacked for his holiday should never be penalised harder than the professional sport drug cheat.

    “I was an apple in an orange parade.”

    When Rick Collins went to law school not many people there looked like him.

    As a personal trainer and competitive bodybuilder he wasn’t buying suits off the peg like his classmates. It’s this start to his legal profession that has seen him became a world-renowned legal authority on testosterone and other performance and image-enhancing drugs.

    In his extensive career he has served as lead defense attorney on countless criminal cases and doping allegations involving anabolic steroids and related drugs nationwide and internationally, including the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operartive (BALCO) scandal that shocked professional sport in the early 2000s. (BALCO, founded by Victor Conte, supplied performance-enhancing drugs to a number of household name athletes, including Olympic gold medal-winning sprinter Marion Jones.)

    He also serves as General Counsel to the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), is a legal advisor to the Pro League of the International Federation of BodyBuilders (IFBB), and his New York-based law firm, Collins Gann McCloskey & Barry PLLC, represents numerous companies in the sports nutrition industry.

    It’s this experience and insight that makes him the perfect expert to explain where he thinks we are going right and, critically, when we have gone wrong in legitimising and demonising different drugs based on their impact on performance, health and public perception.

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  • Dave Wright, as you can soon tell from the first five seconds of our Unfiltered conversation, is a straight-talking and passionate Australian who has been a vocal and impactful supporter of the fitness industry for more than three decades.

    A serial entrepreneur – he is the founder and CEO of Myzone; the owner and CEO of Creative Fitness Marketing; and the co-owner of the Voyage Fitness brand in Australia – and board director of ukactive, the not-for-profit fitness industry association, he has a unique ability of understanding the industry from all angles and a unique voice to lobby our elected officials when he believes they’re neglecting their duties.

    And it’s fair to say he’s not been best pleased with the response he’s had from politicians in both Westminster and Washington to his demands for government to act now to tackle the obesity epidemic that threatens to cripple national healthcare systems.

    But just because he doesn’t like what he’s hearing, he has no intention of shutting up until he gets what he wants.

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  • Human enhancement technologies are already changing the nature of military recruitment, training and war-zone deployment.

    And, as with everything that is invented with the primary aim of increasing the odds of military victory, it is only a matter of time before these nascent technologies trickle down to civilian life.

    For Andrew Herr, founder of performance concierge service Fount, his former professional role as a Pentagon advisor makes it clear which side of the fence he’s on in exploring the fullest potential of these technologies, both for military and civilian purposes.

    But while what happens on the front line is quite literally a matter of life and death, the stakes are high in a different way on a professional sports field or a corporate HQ board room.

    Given the inevitable rise of military-grade human enhancement hardware and software solutions into civilian populations, how concerned is he by the short-, medium- and long-term implications of significant increases in human cognitive and physiological performance?

    And how do we ensure these technologies are available to all, and not just a super-rich minority who could exploit their newfound skills and capabilities to consolidate even greater power, wealth and influence?

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  • Confidence is the cornerstone of success in any personal, professional and performance endeavour.

    But many of us get caught in a vicious cycle of telling ourselves what we can’t do, rather than what we can.

    And we repeatedly talk ourselves down in a way that we would never dare dream of speaking to our friends, family or colleagues.

    This was the case for leading strength coach Jay Ferruggia who, despite his many successes in his 30-year coaching career, wasn’t always the calm, collected and confident man we meet in our exclusive Unfiltered interview.

    In a wide-ranging conversation with Unfiltered contributing editor Dr Jonny Rees, PhD, that also covers his world-leading expertise on training, nutrition and recovery for strength, hypertrophy and optimal performance, Ferruggia explains how he built unwavering confidence and self-belief in his own abilities which propelled him to success, and how you can learn to become a master storyteller to take back control of your internal narrative to start living the life you’ve always wanted.

    Watch the full interview with bonus footage at

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