
  • In this episode, Laura dives in with J.D. Rose who is a Financial Well-Being Coach with a passion for helping women thrive. J.D. shares insights on cultivating financial well-being for sensitive souls, starting with creating safety in the body to receive abundance. She discusses shifting stories about money "blocks," recognizing hidden financial traumas, and the importance of language in shaping our experience with money. We explore how avoidance can be a trauma response, linked to disempowerment and even diet culture, and highlights money as energy connected to our personal power. She also shares a gratitude practice that transformed her relationship with abundance. J.D.'s unique approach helps sensitive souls demystify financial systems and foster an empowered connection with money.

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  • In this episode, Jo and I dive deep into how to stay with your heart (when all you want to do is run) or numb or distract or… You get the point! You can probably relate. Haven’t we all done this at some point? The trouble is the longer we run, the less time we spend with our heart, the less we really know ourselves...The less connected we are to the most important part of us. Connecting to your heart is THE most important work you will ever do. Can we teach this in school please? In my dream world, every child would be taught how to listen, how to connect to and how to protect, nurture and trust their own heart and value their own voice. Talk about a mission! That is mine. To empower all voices, beginning with WOMEN. The impact of this is endless.

    Resources & Links Mentioned In The Show:

    Jo’s Oil Practice to diffuse fear and feel grounded:

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    Link to August 23rd Nashville Breathwork/Sound Workshop:

  • In this episode of "Unleash Your Light," Laura interviews Bonnie Wan, author, speaker, and head of brand strategy at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners. Bonnie discusses her journey as a mother of four and sole breadwinner, and a pivotal moment of clarity that led to her own transformation and subsequent creation of "The Life Brief," a practice for discovering one's deepest truth and living intentionally.

    Laura and Bonnie explore together the most important question we can ever ask ourselves, what really matters to me? Their conversation blends strategy and emotion, emphasizing the importance of connecting with one's heart. Bonnie shares how the practices from The Life Brief have transformed her life, saved her marriage, and improved her parenting. She highlights the importance of transparency in relationships and living one's truth, despite societal pressures and fears.

    Listeners will find inspiration in Bonnie's openness about her challenges and her commitment to intentional living, offering insights into personal growth, resilience, and self-discovery.

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  • In this enlightening episode, host Laura Lee sits down with Ashley Torrent to explore the profound connection between our hearts and souls, how to awaken our intuition and how this connection can guide us in our daily lives. Ashley is an intuitive medium, psychospiritual counselor, spiritual guide, homeschool mom, and most importantly, a woman on a journey of evolution and self-discovery. Her intention is to help people remember their magic. Ashley also shares her unique experiences working with horses and how these majestic animals have helped her navigate her own journey of grief and healing.

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  • In this episode, Laura Lee is joined by Psychospiritual Astrologer and Intuitive, Milly Murillo. Milly brings the profound study of Astrology into your everyday life and teaches you how to use it in a practical way. She also shares her unique journey of growing up in a household deeply rooted in astrological and esoteric practices, but as she grew older, feeling the need to hide this part of her life, fearing it might scare off others. Coming out of hiding, allowed her to embrace her unique lineage and integrate this powerful tool that is vital to who she is and her work in the world. Her story of unshaming this part of her life and embracing her gifts is a powerful testament to leading with heart.

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  • In this episode of "Unleash Your Light,” Laura explores the theme of threshold moments, pivotal opportunities where we are asked to confront our discomfort and fear to embark on a journey to expand into our soul.

    Inviting us into the question, “What is my life trying to show me?” She shares a personal story of learning how to stop “numbing” to feel, step towards our soul’s call and find true aliveness and authenticity.

    A significant part of the episode centers around the analogy of the hero’s journey, referencing Joseph Campbell’s work and the idea that the challenges we fear most often hold the greatest treasures for our transformation. Laura shares her own journey of releasing alcohol as a coping mechanism, discovering the power of telling the truth out loud and finding it led to a path of wholeness and a world full of every possibility.

    Resources & Links Mentioned In The Show:
    “The Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell

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  • In this episode of the Unleash Your Light podcast, host Laura Lee is joined by Lyria Pascal, an energy practitioner specializing in Qigong. They delve into the essence of heart-centered leadership and the transformative power of energy healing. The conversation navigates through personal stories, highlighting Lyria's journey from dealing with severe rheumatoid arthritis to her current practice and teachings in Qigong. Listeners are introduced to the concept of 'neutral compassion' and the significance of having a relentless practice for personal growth and healing. Lyria shares a practical technique called 'The Breath of Gratitude,' encouraging listeners to incorporate it into their daily routine for emotional and physical well-being. The episode emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, continuous learning, and the potential for universal healing through intentional practices. Lyria also offers insights into her teaching approach and extends an invitation for a free Qigong class to listeners.

    What you’ll learn:
    You’ll learn about neutral compassion and how relentless practices (of your choice) can truly transform you and help you heal.

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    Email: [email protected]

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  • In this episode of the Unleash Your Light Podcast, host Laura Lee interviews Ashley Paquin, a master NLP practitioner and mindfulness teacher. Ashley talks about integrating heart-centered solutions with science to help people at life crossroads. She shares her journey to heart-forward practices, aiding in personal and client transformation. The discussion covers heart-led leadership, embracing all human experiences, and the importance of courage, vulnerability, and inviting all feelings into the healing process.

    Full Show Notes

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  • In this episode of the Unleash Your Light podcast, host Laura Lee explores leading from the heart with guest Dessa Rose, a heart-led strategist and coach. They discuss personal evolution, aligning actions with inner joy, and understanding one's needs and sensitivities. Through personal stories, they cover tuning into one's energy, the challenges of life changes like divorce, and the importance of being attuned to one's desires for authentic growth and leadership.

    Full Show Notes

    💖 Connect with Dessa:
    Dessa is offering 50% off a Soul Strategy Session.

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  • In this episode of the Unleash Your Light podcast, host Laura Lee talks with holistic psychotherapist and leadership coach Caroline Lewis. Recorded on Earth Day, they discuss leading with the heart, healing grief, and reconnecting with nature. Caroline shares her methods for empowering sensitive women through creativity, leadership, and nature immersions, including river trips. The conversation emphasizes vulnerability, inner child work, intuition, and the collective healing power of nature.

    Full Show Notes

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  • In this episode of the Unleash Your Light Podcast, host Laura Lee is back with season 2 and diving into a 4 episode series on Heart-led leadership. Laura’s journey toward heart-led leadership began after a life-changing experience, underscoring the importance of honesty and staying true to oneself. Leading with heart is essential for a fulfilling, soul-powered life. It means aligning your decisions with both your emotions (heart) and logic (head), fostering authentic and conscious leadership. Heart-led leadership starts with self-leadership and naturally allows you to draw others close and build genuine connections. Laura also gives tips on how to practice heart coherence in your daily life to move towards creating this life you desire. Check out the other episodes in this series with guests Caroline Lewis, Dessa Rose and Ashley Paquin as we explore Heart-Led Leadership even deeper.

    Full Show Notes

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  • For the 23rd episode of 2023, I’m here to share 10 things I learned (again) this year. 🙂

    In my experience, the lessons we get to learn again hold a certain magic for us. That they are our soul’s way of tuning us in just a little bit more to the magic we hold inside and the ways we are meant to share.

    It’s not that we may learn new information each time, but we get to install the new awareness and expansion on new layers like rings inside a tree. We keep traveling on the next layer of the spiral of life and encountering more of ourselves each time.

    We get to be shaped and molded as each timeless truth resounds again, is recognized in new ways and under new circumstances.

    As we scan our lives for our recurring lessons, learning to embody these truths helps not only to heal us, but to restore the “whole” of us, as a community of truth-seekers.

    So, as a final gift to wrap up the year, I offer you, 10 things that I’m taking in again in a deeper way.

    What do these truths spark in you? Where do you feel your soul calling you to go deeper in 2024?

    Lastly, if you’re longing to unleash more of your own true essence into your life and work, I have an exciting offering to share with you!

    Starting February 7th, I am launching a 6-week voice igniter, Free Your Voice. (registration is OPEN NOW)

    In this 6-week program you will start the new year supported and guided to go from:

    -doubting your inner voice to clarity and trust

    -fear of speaking up to feeling free to share exactly what’s on your heart.

    -staying small to expansion and full expression or

    -uncertainty you have anything to share to empowered and inspired and a clear YES - you do have something to share!

    If this is something you feel that your essence has been longing for, you can register today, here:

    If you want to discover more about the igniter, please email me: I’d love to hear from you. Reach out to [email protected] for more information.

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  • Every journey starts with a single step.

    The journey to uncover and free your own voice is the most important journey you will ever take.

    Today, I speak with Amy Neyer: prolific writer, social introvert, recovering people-pleaser, and full-time medical mom for her special needs child.

    Amy’s writings help her to process her experiences with motherhood, which is what she divulges on the episode this week. She explores with us the tense reality of neurodiversity, both in children and in parents, while generously disclosing her powerful insights about how her particular life circumstances have brought about some incredible measures of self-acceptance, growth, and embrace of her own voice in the past several years.

    Amy joins us to inspire curiosity and courage to learn about and explore ourselves, and to create space for the things often overlooked in motherhood: rest, enough-ness, and the practice of nurturing yourself…

    Her journey reminds us that when we make an effort to peer inside of ourselves, we become the best caregivers, not just for our children, but for ourselves too.

    This story has something in store for all of us: what will it be for you? Tune in this week to find out more.

    Resources & Links Mentioned In The Show:

    💖 Connect with Amy:

    Follow Amy on Instagram: @amy_neyer

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  • Have you ever been frustrated with a situation, but didn’t know where to begin to change it?

    Or sat in the frustration longing for it to change, but kept doing the same things so nothing changed?

    Are you tired of waiting?

    What if I told you, you can create the change and unleash a miracle….

    And that it is fully within your grasp.

    Today, I am sharing a process, that when you make it a practice, you can stop sitting in frustration or waiting on things to change and create your own 20 minute miracle.

    Your miracles are activated by your magic; it all starts with you. Find out more by tuning into this week’s episode.

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  • What’s in a voice?

    Yes - it is the cadence of notes that fall from our lips.

    And yes - it is the audible expression of our feelings and thoughts.

    But a voice is already so much in and of itself, before we even say a word.

    In today's episode, I am sharing on a topic that I feel is a fundamental part of every person’s experience of being human: the origin and innate power of a voice before a word is even spoken.

    This episode is for anyone who has ever struggled with imposter syndrome, insecurity, feelings of self-worth, or has experienced the phenomenon of having lived a life constantly trying to match your voice to the pitches of those around you.

    Your voice is your divinely-gifted wisdom.

    Your voice is your personal heritage.

    Your voice creates and manifests

    Your voice connects..

    What could it look like for you to drop into your heart, and to embrace the gentle whispers of your soul?

    What healing could this have in store for you?

    What impact could this have on the world?

    Join me in this week’s podcast episode to begin a journey of discovering the depths of your most authentic self and to reclaim your birthright of expression.

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  • Our bodies are messengers. They guide us to joy, share messages of self love, and teach us to trust, if we listen closely.

    In this week’s episode, I speak with Viki Brown, a Sensual Movement Life Coach. Viki is someone who has learned to intimately cherish, connect, and communicate with her body, which has given way to her mission to help more women in their journeys to know their bodies and connect to their bodies on a radical level, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Practicing sensual movement can take many forms and lead to many beautiful outcomes, such as developing a deepened sensitivity to life, love, and pleasure, and reclaiming experiences of self trust and confidence.

    If you’re curious to learn more about how connecting with your body can lead to unlocking your voice and reclaiming self trust, I hope you’ll join us and listen in.

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    Book reference: Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good, by Adrienne Maree Brown

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  • Lately I’ve been deep in gratitude for the abundance of relationships in my life that are full of magic, depth and deep reciprocity -true soul connections.

    Cultivating divinely aligned, soul connected relationships is a vulnerable mystery and a beautiful gift that is widely available to us ALL, if we choose to receive it.

    But the secret to receiving starts with us.

    In this week’s episode, I invite you into an intimate conversation to discover more about divinely aligned relationships, what can block them, and how we all can learn to welcome more of them into our lives with open arms.

    Discover a process of offering radical self love to yourself that will open you up to receive love and genuine connection from others and propel you into deeper layers of self discovery.

    If you are ready and willing to believe that you are worthy of this kind of love, this conversation is for you!

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  • What does it mean to be alive?

    In this episode, Alex Howard and I contemplate the meaning of “aliveness.” Alex is a transformational life and mental health wellness coach, mindfulness trainer (and student), and runs a private coaching practice of which aliveness is at the heart of. Together, we examine the journey toward activating a new part of yourself, as Alex reflects on her personal vehicle toward aliveness and shares some of her practices that have enabled her to connect with her life force.

    Every gateway toward aliveness looks different: what does yours look like? What is stopping you from living a life that is fully alive, today? Find out what it means to answer your heart’s call, by practicing radical honesty and accountability with yourself, carried by the intention to change the trajectory of your life and set off on a new path.

    If you’re ready for more aliveness in your life, join us for this liberating conversation.

    💖 Connect with Alex:

    Alex’s Website:

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    Host of the “Aliveness Habit” Podcast

    Receive a free gift! “Reclaim You Energy: 5 Breakthrough Mindset Shifts”

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  • When was the last time you found yourself at the crossroads of a death and rebirth experience?

    It’s likely that you are going through one even now…in the midst of challenges, trials, and pain of all varying degrees. Life is full of endings and beginnings and that liminal space of the unknown between can feel the hardest, the most vulnerable, and wildly uncomfortable.

    Yet how we navigate this liminal space means everything to our rebirth, where new layers of your divine soul self can be unleashed!

    In this week’s episode, I share my own personal experience of the past few months, navigating this space myself and how I was cracked open (both literally, and spiritually), only to discover that this experience would pave the way toward healing and a spilling over of sacred truth and transformation in my life.

    My greatest intention for sharing part of my experience is for you to know that this is available to you too.

    What I know is that even in the midst of extreme vulnerability and painful experiences, we can choose to feel. That we can learn to surrender control, stop fighting against what is and instead learn to listen. That we can learn to trust the process and see everything in our path as a divine message that just might be there to unleash new levels of our divine soul selves.

    If you’re going through a death and rebirth cycle, I also offer some illuminating questions in the episode, so that you can receive any divine messages that may be trying to make their way to you now.

    Feel free to meditate on these questions, journal your thoughts and reach out to share anything you find that feels important to your journey!

    -What feels like it’s ready to die in my life? An old identity, an old habit, a relationship?

    -What is showing me or telling me, “this is ready to die”?

    -In what way am I delaying or resisting this death?

    -How is holding on to this thing costing me in my life?

    -Is there something in my life that still has life left in it, and it’s showing me it needs to be nurtured, to be able to grow to its full potential?

    -Is there a part of me that is being called to wake up? What is that part of me?

    -Are there signs or impacts that have a chord in my life that I sense have an important message for me right now? What is that message?

    -Am I willing to surrender what was in order to receive what wants to be?

    -Where am I being asked to trust more?

    -Am I willing to surrender control, and trust that all will be revealed in divine timing?

    -Is there support I’m being called to reach out and ask for in my death and rebirth cycle? Will I ask for that support?

    -What am I willing to remember about this death and rebirth cycle in my life?

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  • Do you ever feel like the stories you tell yourself are holding you back?

    In this episode, Cara Jones and I explore the power of owning your story and how it can be the key to transforming your life. We'll dive into the stories that run our experiences and offer practical tips on how to stop them. We'll also discuss the role of courage in freeing yourself and share a powerful daily practice to help you untether your voice and alchemize your soul work into something visible in the world.

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