
  • It’s time to shake things up! Listen to an insightful chat with Gil Broza

    How to break silos, foster creativity, and enhance value delivery.

    This conversation is GOLD!

    It was outstanding—roughly 50 minutes of a valuable lesson - Link in the comments.

    A few key links:

    * Follow Gil

    * Get this book's first chapter

    Here are the main takeaways

    1. Embrace Flexibility

    Avoid prescriptive rules that limit creativity and flexibility in getting things done. That will cripple your chances of driving REAL value.

    2. Simplify Complex Processes

    When everyone tries to complicate things, come in and kick things out!

    You will benefit from simplifying what gets unintentionally too complicated.

    3. Foster Cross-Department Collaboration

    Encourage seamless integration between product, engineering, and business teams to improve communication and execution.

    When you collaborate, everyone wins.

    4. Value People Over Processes

    Focus on leveraging your team member’s strengths and skills rather than sticking to nonsense processes.

    Don’t ever call people RESOURCES!

    That’s not how we want to treat each other.

    5. Develop a Holistic Value Delivery System

    Understand the big picture. Know how the organization collaborates to create value and how decisions impact different teams.

    6. Lead Proactively for Continuous Improvement

    Shift from reacting to problems to proactively improving how you work in anticipation of future needs.

    Act today for a better tomorrow!

    7. Customize Processes to Fit Team Needs

    Don’t let frameworks limit how you work. You may start with them, but don’t let them block you. Do what is necessary, not what’s easy.


    My final thought, a rather obvious one:

    To get where most teams don't get, you need to do what most teams don't do!

    You will benefit a lot from stepping back, understanding your situation, and acting to make it better. Wanna know more about it? Get my book, Untrapping Product Teams

    Let's rock the product world together!

    Here are a few ways I can help you even more:

    * Get my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    * Upgrade your subscription to Premium and get one deeply thought newsletter per month (20+ minutes reading) plus access to 300+ episodes

    * Learn How to Craft a Product Strategy that Works

    * Develop the Necessary Skills to Beat B******t Management

    * Join my cohort, Product Discovery Done Right

    Have a lovely day,


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  • Are your Scrum practices silently sabotaging your team's success?

    It shocks me how some teams get bugged with Scrum and fall prey to a process instead of using it to create value. I’m not claiming Scrum is bad, but limiting it to a process is definitely a bad choice.

    Untrapping Product Teams is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    A few weeks ago, I chatted with Stefan Wolpers, author of "The Scrum Anti-Patterns Guide" book. We explored what gets in the way of driving value with Scrum. My favorite part of our talk:

    Our job isn't to do Scrum well. It's to create value for customers and the business.

    The whole conversation lasted roughly 50 minutes. You can watch the recordings here. However, you may be busy, so let’s break it down into 7 key points.

    Here are 7 takeaways from our conversation:

    1 . Scrutinize Established Processes

    Regularly evaluate and potentially eliminate processes that block progress. If something hasn't been useful for months, it's likely no longer relevant.

    Don't be afraid of removing processes.

    Be afraid of being limited by outdated processes.

    2. Understanding the Big Picture

    Effective teams understand the complete path from product vision to delivery. Ensure everyone knows key business metrics and how their work contributes to the larger goal.

    Give teams a reason to come to work.

    Without purpose, people will limit their creativity.

    3. Involving Developers in Product Discovery

    Involve software engineers early in the product discovery process for feasible and innovative solutions.

    Let those who create the solution be part of understanding the problem space.

    4. Cultivating a Failure-Friendly Culture

    Encourage a culture that values learning from failures. This approach fosters innovation and risk-taking, which are crucial for navigating complex environments.

    The question isn't if we will fail; it's when.

    Make failures smaller and digestible, treating them as learning opportunities.

    5. Stakeholder Engagement

    Be different. Introduce regular stakeholder retrospectives and get them actively involved in product development. That fosters collaboration and builds trust.

    Business stakeholders aren't your enemies.

    They are your partners.

    6. Prioritizing Technical Health

    Continuous attention to technical standards ensures the team can efficiently adapt and implement new ideas.

    Teams need to find a sustainable balance between new ideas and keeping the product maintainable. Either extreme won't work.

    Start small, learn what's worth investing further, and ditch what's proven useless.

    7. Effective Backlog Management

    Maintain a concise and actionable product backlog. Overloaded backlogs with outdated items can significantly impede progress.

    Your trash bin is your friend.

    If you haven't touched something in the last three months, throw it away.

    Whatever matters will come back anyway.


    Watch the whole interview for more insights.

    Let's rock the product world together!

    Here are a few ways I can help you even more:

    * Get my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    * Upgrade your subscription to Premium and get one deeply thought newsletter per month (20+ minutes reading) plus access to 300+ episodes

    * Learn How to Craft a Product Strategy that Works

    * Develop the Necessary Skills to Beat B******t Management

    * Join my cohort, Product Discovery Done Right

    * Pre-order my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    Have a lovely day,


    Untrapping Product Teams is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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  • Podcasting with Jim Highsmith, co-author of Agile Manifesto, is an honor.

    Jim is more than a legend to me, he’s a great person. Can you imagine that he helped me with my book without even knowing me? That’s what happened.

    Some time ago I wrote something quite provocative, “Agile Manifesto Is Long Gone! We Need a Product Manifesto!” Jim dropped me a message and we chatted about it.

    After some time, I decided to write a book. Then, I asked Jim to have a look at it. He shared his honest feedback, which helped me improve the structure, content, and flow. After that he gave me a generous foreword. I’m humbled.

    You can learn more about my book, launched two months ago. The feedback has been awesome. Get the book if you’re up for defeating b******t management.

    Coming back to the podcast. It’s a 55 minutes of insights, history, and personal stories. In case you’re not up for that, here are 5 key takeaways directly from this talk:

    1. Embrace Change

    The future is uncertain. Nobody knows what and how will change for businesses and roles within the fast-paced advancement of AI and Biotech. Being adaptable is crucial for future success.

    2. Values First

    If you want a new way of working, start with the values, then you can work out a process from that, not the other way around.The agile movement's core strength lies in its values and principles, not methodologies. Stick to the basics for meaningful progress.

    3. Communication is a Core Skill

    Effective communication is what opens your doors and helps you grow. Communication tops the list of desired skills, even above technical capabilities.

    4. Leadership Evolution

    Future leaders must create environments that foster innovation and autonomy. The way forward is to manage through intent rather than control.

    5. Lifelong Learning

    Continuous learning and adapting are vital. Do what boosts your energy, and don't be afraid of reinventing yourself, be afraid of becoming outdated.

    Let's rock the product world together!

    Here are a few ways I can help you even more:

    * Get my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    * Upgrade your subscription to Premium and get one deeply thought newsletter per month (20+ minutes reading) plus access to 300+ episodes

    * Learn How to Craft a Product Strategy that Works

    * Develop the Necessary Skills to Beat B******t Management

    * Join my cohort, Product Discovery Done Right

    Have a lovely day

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  • Stop focusing on features. Start driving value.

    How a lean mindset can help you break free from creating waste. An insightful conversation with Ash Maurya, whom I tremendously respect and was honored to receive a foreword to my book, Untraping Product Teams.

    Before we jump into the chat with Ash, let me tell you one important thing.

    In a special collaboration with Pearson, the book publisher, we’ve extended our offering of a 35% voucher until the 30th of June. You can benefit from this offer here by using the code PEREIRA. Shall we rock the product world together?

    Now, going back to this episode.

    A few weeks ago, I had an extraordinary with Ash, the pioneering mind behind Lean Canvas and author of influential books like "Running Lean" and "Scaling Lean." We talked about the power of lean and how that can help product teams create valuable products faster.

    Here are 7 Key Takeaways from this inspiring conversation:

    1. Lean Misconceptions

    Lean isn't about being cheap but about the speed of learning and making informed decisions quickly.

    Contrary to what many think, lean isn't about cutting everything; it's about wisely using time to avoid waste. For example, invest strongly to test your riskiest assumptions before building a product.

    2. Customer Conversations

    Talk to the right customers and understand their true needs versus wants. Potential customers may tell you what your product is missing so they will buy it, while current customers will tell you how your product helps them.

    Move away from hypothetical conversations to real stories.

    3. Feature Overload

    More features do not equal more value. On the contrary, overloading your product with unnecessary features may confuse users and reduce value creation.

    Less is more.

    4. Jobs to Be Done

    Focus on the jobs customers truly care about rather than just delivering features. Strive to understand what customers aim to achieve instead of building solutions they ask you.

    5. Minimizing Waste

    It's not about accelerating transforming ideas into features. It's about testing ideas fast enough to pivot to what works in reality.

    70-80% of your ideas won't work as you imagined.

    6. Outcome-Driven Development

    Encourage teams to balance the value created and the effort invested. Until teams can measure the outcome created, they will fall prey to creating features customers don't need.

    7. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

    Product teams need to embrace a mindset of continual learning and readiness to pivot. Striving to implement ideas will inevitably lead to waste.

    The key is to keep a learning mindset, be open to listening to signs, and have the courage to pivot when you learn you're wrong, which is just a matter of time.


    Watch the video on Youtube.

    Stay bold, stay innovative!

    Let's rock the product world together!

    Here are a few ways I can help you even more:

    * Get my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    * Upgrade your subscription to Premium and get one deeply thought newsletter per month (20+ minutes reading) plus access to 300+ episodes

    * Learn How to Craft a Product Strategy that Works

    * Develop the Necessary Skills to Beat B******t Management

    * Join my cohort, Product Discovery Done Right

    * Pre-order my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    Have a lovely day,

    Get full access to Untrapping Product Teams at
  • How can we accelerate product delivery?

    Often, I stumble upon this question, but it’s the wrong one. A feature factory company would ask that, while a product company would ask a different question.

    How fast can we drop bad ideas?

    Before I answer this question, let me say thanks to everyone who messages me and supports me with my book. It’s amazing!

    For those curious, here’s where you can read a sample chapter. Let’s rock it together.

    Now, back to dropping bad ideas fast enough.

    Recently, I had an amazing chat with Itamar Gilad, author of Evidence Guided: Creating High-Impact Products in the Face of Uncertainty. We explored the challenges of bringing product discovery to life and where to start with it.

    The interview took around 50 minutes; you can watch it for free on my channel, but I care about your time. Here are the 5 key takeaways:

    1. Embrace the Art of Removing Ideas

    Itamar emphasizes the power of discarding 90% of ideas. This approach isn’t about being negative; it’s about focusing your energy and resources on the truly impactful ideas that can drive success.

    2. Human Judgment Over Process

    In a world increasingly powered by AI and structured methodologies, Itamar reminds us of the irreplaceable value of human intuition and judgment in product development.

    3. Evidence-Based Innovation

    The balance between creativity and evidence is delicate. Itamar advocates for an approach where innovation is guided and validated by solid data, ensuring that new ideas have a foundation in reality.

    4. Understanding User Needs is Key

    Knowing your users is not just a part of the job—it’s the essence of it. Deeply understanding user pain points and desires is critical for creating products that truly resonate and provide value.

    5. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

    The product management landscape is ever-evolving. Itamar’s insights remind us that staying adaptable, learning continuously, and being open to changing our methods are crucial for staying relevant and successful.


    Watch the full video:

    Let’s rock the product world together!

    Here are a few ways I can help you even more:

    * Upgrade your subscription to Premium and get one deeply thought newsletter per month (20+ minutes reading) plus access to 300+ episodes

    * Learn How to Craft a Product Strategy that Works

    * Develop the Necessary Skills to Beat B******t Management

    * Join my cohort, Product Discovery Done Right

    * Pre-order my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    Have a lovely day,


    Untrapping Product Teams is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to Untrapping Product Teams at
  • Output-oriented roadmaps.

    Stakeholders pressure.

    Longing for predictability.

    Exhausting planning meetings.

    All the above cripple product teams. It removes the chances of creating value fast enough while increasing the odds of delivering crap.

    Sadly, that’s the reality of many product teams. I don’t want to make you feel powerless. I want to empower you to overcome significant traps like these, so let me help you out.

    A few weeks ago, I had an insightful conversation with Maarten Dalmijn, Author of Driving Value with Sprint Goals. We explored how humble plans can help teams beat the feature factory. Maarten is candid and direct while giving applicable insights.

    You can watch the whole episode here; it’s about 48 minutes of insights :)

    Before I share the key takeaways, let me tell you one thing: my book is out in digital format. Last week, it was released and labeled as the #1 New Release on Amazon. You can get your digital copy now or pre-order the printed one. If you’re tired of nonsense, this book equips you to defeat that, but if you’re searching for the perfect process, skip the book. Let’s rock it together!

    Now, back to my chat with Maarten Dalmijn, here are the five key takeaways from this conversation.

    1. Humble Planning

    Use what you do know to discover what you don’t. Commit to an ultimate goal and clarify the first step, not all steps.

    Adjust and refine as you step into the unknown, staying agile and responsive.

    2. Proactive Develop Relationships

    Establish a relationship with stakeholders before you need to work with them. This approach facilitates smoother collaboration when you do need to work together.

    3. Impact Over Quantity

    Shift focus from adding multiple features to driving customer and business value. Start with the end in mind, and then explore alternatives to reach your ultimate goal.

    4. Apply FOCUS to Your Sprint Goals

    No fluff. Make your goals valuable, concrete, and inspiring.

    * Fun: Make it memorable so people don’t forget

    * Outcome-oriented: Know what to achieve so people can orient

    * Collaborative: Do it together as a team

    * Ultimate: Clarity on why it matters

    * Singular: One goal at a time

    5. Fast Failure and Iteration

    Don’t let teams fall prey to endless discussions.

    Don’t let teams inject speculation and forget about reality.

    Help teams progress with what they know and learn from reality so they can adapt the course towards what truly matters.


    Watch the whole interview to gain more insights.

    Let's rock the product world together!

    Here are a few ways I can help you even more:

    * Upgrade your subscription to Premium and get one deeply thought newsletter per month (20+ minutes reading) plus access to 300+ episodes

    * Learn How to Craft a Product Strategy that Works

    * Develop the Necessary Skills to Beat B******t Management

    * Join my cohort, Product Discovery Done Right

    * Pre-order my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    Have a lovely day,


    Untrapping Product Teams is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to Untrapping Product Teams at
  • A few weeks ago, I had an insightful conversation with Shyvee about how PMs can best use AI. This talk is a goldmine for anyone looking to leverage AI's potential in their work.

    Shyvee is a product lead on LinkedIn and co-author of Reimagined: Building Products with Generative AI. She was more than generous in sharing incredible knowledge during this 50-minute chat.

    Before I share the knowledge nuggets from this interview. I’m excited to share that my Product Discovery Cohort is open for subscription. I have a 20% voucher for the early birds until the end of the day. Shall we rock it?

    Voucher: defeatfeaturefactory20

    I imagine you might be busy, so I summarized the seven key takeaways for you :)

    1. AI as a Co-Pilot, Not a Competitor

    AI is an enabler and helper in product management, enhancing your skills rather than replacing them.

    2. Focus on Problem Solving Over Titles

    Emphasize addressing problems and challenges rather than getting hung up on job titles or roles.

    3. Continuous Learning and Adaptability

    Staying adaptable and continuously updating your skillset, especially in AI, is crucial for success in the modern product management landscape.

    4. The Importance of Prompt Engineering

    Learning to craft effective prompts for AI can significantly improve the quality and relevance of its outputs, making it a more useful tool.

    5. AI's Amplifying Capabilities

    AI can amplify human capabilities, making tasks like data analysis, content creation, and decision-making more efficient.

    6. Maintaining Human Judgment

    Despite AI's advancements, human judgment and critical thinking remain irreplaceable, especially in complex decision-making scenarios.

    7. Embrace the 'Permanent Beta' Mindset

    View yourself as a perpetual work-in-progress, always evolving and adapting, mirroring the continual development cycle of AI and technology.


    Watch now to boost your AI knowledge.

    Let's rock the product world together!

    Here are a few ways I can help you even more:

    * Upgrade your subscription to Premium and get one deeply thought newsletter per month (20+ minutes reading) plus access to 300+ episodes

    * Learn How to Craft a Product Strategy that Works

    * Develop the Necessary Skills to Beat B******t Management

    * Join my cohort, Product Discovery Done Right

    * Pre-order my Book, Untrapping Product Teams

    Have a lovely day,


    Get full access to Untrapping Product Teams at