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Tento podcast věnujeme všem ŽENÁM a všemu, co nás zajímá - od duchovna až po business. Jsme nejlepší kamarádky, v mnohém stejné a zároveň úplně odlišné a takové jsou i naše pohledy na svět, které tady s vámi budeme sdílet. A+M | [email protected]
Podcast Podnikání pro Holky je zde od toho, aby ti předal vše, co potřebuješ k vybudování úspěšného podnikání znát. 👋🏼
Kvalitní informace, ověřené strategie, podporu a také pochopení, které nám na naší cestě za úspěchem tak často chybí.
Pokud jsi tedy připravena růst, a to nejen po té byznysové stránce, ale i té osobní, jsi zde na tom nejlepším místě. ☕️
// hosted by Markéta Baginská -
Slovo má je podcast o inspiraci. Každý týden si Petr Schwank zve na rozhovor přední české osobnosti z byznysu i veřejného života a probírá s nimi jejich cestu. Častokrát zazní příběhy, které jinde neuslyšíte. Součástí podcastu jsou i segmenty a hry s hosty a samozřejmě do podoby pořadu významně promlouváte i vy, naši posluchači. Máte na hosty otázku? Položte ji na webu Nechte se inspirovat a příjemný poslech!
Poslouchejte podcasty ze světa módy - na rozhovory si zvu majitele módních značek, butiků, e-shopů, modní poradce, stylisty a kohokoliv, kdo se pohybuje ve fashion byznysu a má co říct. 𝐙𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐤 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐑 & 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 & 𝐂𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇 CEO of @rinascimento_czsk & @steinermedia 📩 [email protected]
Facebook ads strategist, Liz Melville, shares her top strategies and killer tips for running Instagram and Facebook ads that get results. Whether you're creating your first Facebook ad, or are a more seasoned advertiser, you'll discover how to write ad copy that gets clicks, make sense of your ads manager dashboard, and learn simple tips to help you feel confident about setting up your ads, and making the right decisions about your ad performance. Liz breaks it all down into plain English, so you can take action today to get more leads, fill your online courses, and build your personal brand using Facebook ads.
Empowering you to live a life of abundance, wealth, and vitality. We grow up with a scarce money mindset. What if you could manifest all the things that the universe has been waiting to give you? Hosted by Award-Winning Filmmaker and Founder of Monawar Studios and professional motivational speaker, Arsalan Monawar shares his wisdom, knowledge and hacks into the world of living a life of abundance (through the Law of Attraction). Through each episode, you will be able to apply this wonderful knowledge to your business, your finances, your health, your relationships, and more! Arsalan's goal is to educate, empower and inspire you to be successful and do GREAT things in life. As the child of an immigrant, the stories and insights related to a "Desi" (translation: Living abroad), the unique take on the abundance mentality will transform your life. Get ready to manifest your passion into profit.
InspirED's SparkCast hosts deep conversations about private school marketing and communications with administrators and consultants at the top of their game. For more brilliant ideas and brain food to make your job easier, visit InspirED is home to the annual Brilliance Awards, celebrating private school marketing worldwide.
What is globalisation? What are the key factors of the current financial crisis? What are key institutions like the World Bank, the G8, the G20 and the IMF? In this series, Global Economic Governance Program Director Ngaire Woods and doctoral student Jeni Whalen and research assistant Christina Ward discuss these questions and try to understand the current financial crisis and globalisation
Ignite your influence. Burn your limitations. Spark your success. Females on Fire® is your new go-to podcast for all things business and personal growth. No fluff and no BS - just real, relatable founders and entrepreneurs sharing their tangible advice and action steps that helped them build profitable businesses, make massive impact while chasing their audacious dreams, and become the best version of themselves. Host, speaker, and coach Hayley Luckadoo also shares behind-the-scenes insights into building a media brand and how she's navigating life's adventures in real time. If you want a binge-worthy podcast with episodes 3 times a week and a supportive community behind it, then you're in the right place! Check out more at
Potkávám lidi, se kterými si povídám o osobní produktivitě a tématech s ní spojených. Rád totiž teoretické informace porovnávám s praxí. Řekl jsem si, že je škoda nemít ze setkání hromadu poznámek, se kterými bych dál pracoval. A tak jsem si začal rozhovory natáčet. Věřím, že z nich můžete čerpat i vy. A třeba si hned zítra vyzkoušet pár postřehů ve vlastním životě.
Align your passion with your purpose with the Social Change Career Podcast. PCDN sits down with the world’s top professionals in the social change field to learn how they are changing the world while making a living. Honest conversations turn career advice for the global changemakers.
Pravidelné informácie zlepšujúce finančnú gramotnosť, vrátane možností efektívneho investovania. Všetko očami špecialistov. Obsah vhodný pre ľudí so záujmom o svoje vlastné financie a individuálne spôsoby tvorby finančnej rezervy. Jednoducho, zrozumiteľne, profesionálne. S nami bohatnú najlepší.
A business and lifestyle podcast for creative entrepreneurs, dreamers, and doers who want to make the most out of their life. Consider us your newest BFF's who are in your corner (and your ear buds!) giving you practical tools to use in your business and life, while empowering you with some spit fire truths that will ignite you to go get it. Each Tuesday & Thursday's, Evie & Lindsey bring you tangible and actionable tips to up level your business and life while giving you some laughs and encouraging you to chase after your God given dreams. We believe you have ONE life to live, and YOU get to choose how you want to live it. Ya ready to run your business like a rockstar and own who you were made to be? Perf. Chat with you there!