I am so grateful that Freddy so willingly gets on this show because we always end up with so much wisdom.
Today we talk about the parenting that needs to happen before the parenting can happen - building the trust in the relationship.
I couldn't help but let the conversation go on a bit longer than usual, it was just too good! Enjoy! To reach Freddy: Find him on Social Media or email him at
In this candid and open conversation, Josh shares that what surprised him most about the Nurtured Heart is that is applies everywhere, all the time.
Join as we travel through layers of depth in what's possible with this simple yet infinitely wise approach.
You can find Josh at and check out his book “Stop Accidentally Making Things Worse: How to Approach Emotional Outbursts: Rewiring the Brain to Promote Regulation, Recovery, and Good Decision Making” here:
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this episode Jennifer spells out what it was about NHA that made sense to her after having tried and failed at so many other approaches.
Join our candid conversation about embracing NHA fully and the transformation it brings.
If you'd like to find out more about Jennifer or her services, check out her website at or look up Jennifer Nathanson on Social media.
Thank you Chaya for hopping back on to give our listeners even more understanding and practical tips and strategies to help keep ourselves regulated!
As you said so brilliantly, a dysregulated adult cannot regulate a dysregulated child.
To reach out to Chaya email her at
Katja is a therapeutic coach who helps people connect with their inner emotions. In this episode, she discusses the importance of accessing our hearts and feelings and responding instead of reacting as parents and with ourselves.
To reach Katja, go to
Lillian Reekie, a seasoned parenting strategist, is back for part 2 of her personal story of transformation.
You can email Lillian at or check out her website for more resources and information:
Lillian has been happily married to her husband, Andrew, for over 33 years with 2 adult sons. Originally a Primary school Teacher, she became a Parenting Strategist because of her journey with her youngest son, who was diagnosed over 25 years ago with ADHD, ODD, and Childhood Depression at age four.
Lillian and her husband, Andrew, decided to take a more holistic approach to helping their son after medication was recommended on several occasions for both her youngest son and herself. It is this very journey and the rollercoaster ride they have experienced over the years that makes them so relatable to so many families struggling with their children today.
Over the past 25 years Lillian has been featured many times on TV, radio, and as an expert guest on parenting summits and podcasts. She has written 6 books based on her family’s journey and has also conducted hundreds of seminars, workshops, and courses both live and online.
Lillian has a HUGE passion for empowering parents to enjoy happy and healthy children and relationships. She now partners with her eldest son, who is a Naturopath, Herbalist, and Nutritionist, and conducts online masterclasses and Parenting courses.
Being a Mum of a now adult son who was diagnosed in preschool, she has many years of experience and now specializes in helping other parents and caregivers of children who are neurodiverse or who may have special needs.
She teaches all caregivers, parents, and educators to develop positive and heart-centered relationships and to help nurture and grow emotional stability and social connection with their children. As Parents of special needs, and all children, growing and maintaining positive and healthy relationships throughout childhood and into adulthood is imperative.
Lillian is also an Advanced Trainer in the ‘Nurtured Heart Approach’ (NHA), a beautiful heart-centered way of communicating and relation-shipping that she believes EVERY family should understand and learn. She LOVES to share her passion for NHA with as many families as possible!
You can download her book ‘The Revolting Child, A Blessing in Disguise’ for free at her website, book a complimentary 30-minute consultation, and watch one of her recent Masterclasses.
Lillian Reekie, a seasoned parenting strategist, joins us this week to share her personal story of navigating her own child's challenging behavior during his formative years. With vulnerability and expertise, Lillian recounts her journey from feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn, to finding a path towards a strong, connected relationship and equilibrium in her home.
You can email Lillian at or check out her website for more resources and information:
Lillian has been happily married to her husband, Andrew, for over 33 years with 2 adult sons. Originally a Primary school Teacher, she became a Parenting Strategist because of her journey with her youngest son, who was diagnosed over 25 years ago with ADHD, ODD, and Childhood Depression at age four.
Lillian and her husband, Andrew, decided to take a more holistic approach to helping their son after medication was recommended on several occasions for both her youngest son and herself. It is this very journey and the rollercoaster ride they have experienced over the years that makes them so relatable to so many families struggling with their children today.
Over the past 25 years Lillian has been featured many times on TV, radio, and as an expert guest on parenting summits and podcasts. She has written 6 books based on her family’s journey and has also conducted hundreds of seminars, workshops, and courses both live and online.
Lillian has a HUGE passion for empowering parents to enjoy happy and healthy children and relationships. She now partners with her eldest son, who is a Naturopath, Herbalist, and Nutritionist, and conducts online masterclasses and Parenting courses.
Being a Mum of a now adult son who was diagnosed in preschool, she has many years of experience and now specializes in helping other parents and caregivers of children who are neurodiverse or who may have special needs.
She teaches all caregivers, parents, and educators to develop positive and heart-centered relationships and to help nurture and grow emotional stability and social connection with their children. As Parents of special needs, and all children, growing and maintaining positive and healthy relationships throughout childhood and into adulthood is imperative.
Lillian is also an Advanced Trainer in the ‘Nurtured Heart Approach’ (NHA), a beautiful heart-centered way of communicating and relation-shipping that she believes EVERY family should understand and learn. She LOVES to share her passion for NHA with as many families as possible!
You can download her book ‘The Revolting Child, A Blessing in Disguise’ for free at her website, book a complimentary 30-minute consultation, and watch one of her recent Masterclasses.
Josh Kuersten is a behavior specialist who works with adults struggling with kids’ challenging behavior. Join us in exploring why the Nurtured Heart Approach “just clicked” for Josh and how he implemented it in his work and personal life.
You can find Josh at and check out his book “Stop Accidentally Making Things Worse: How to Approach Emotional Outbursts: Rewiring the Brain to Promote Regulation, Recovery, and Good Decision Making” here:
My sister Rivkie is back to give more ideas for maintaining an organized home and schedule and avoiding stress while on family trips. In this episode, she also explains how it is possible to quickly and easily feed yourself well-balanced, nourishing meals so that you're your best self for your kids.
Rivkie is a born organizer, and her tips and tricks have been very helpful to me throughout this parenting journey.
If you are ready to get tailor-made organizational coaching, reach out to Rivkie at
Jennifer Nathanson's story is so relatable... exploring so many approaches in parenting and falling off the wagon each time. Even Nurtured Heart felt like that in the beginning, until the essence of this approach started seeping through, and her whole evaluation scale flipped on its head.
Now the success of her parenting doesn't lay in her never making mistakes, but rather in her ample moments of showing up in greatness.
If you'd like to find out more about Jennifer or her services, check out her website at or look up Jennifer Nathanson on Social media.
And she's back! Part three with Sarah Baila Teleshevsky. Her inspiring and practical stories are chalk full with so many lessons, and so much love.
If you would like to connect with Sarah Baila, reach out to me at and I'll make it happen.
Sarah Baila's book, Born to Serve, can be purchased on amazon here:
More about the book:
Who does not want to live a healthy, happy, and purposeful life? Is this simply an unachievable dream? Are we all doomed to live our lives with a grin and bear it attitude? Or is it really possible to find true fulfilment and purpose within our daily struggles?
Author Sarah Teleshevsky's Born to Serve is a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking a healthy, happy, and purposeful life. She provides a tried and tested system that enables those who seriously want to affect a change to progress from level to level in the attainment of personal growth, emotional healing, and satisfying relationships. You will discover some surprising keys to achieving a deeper, richer, more vibrant connection with loved ones, friends and acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues, and business associates.
Born to Serve will bring you to a state of real harmony with your inner being and the personal and wider world you share with others. In addition, parents and educators will find a simple formula for healing and transformation which will positively influence children, and properly prepare each one for a life of purpose and success, discernment and wisdom.
Tziporah is back with stories to share from her life long passion and commitment to trusting and nurturing children of all ages.
To reach Tziporah you can email her at
To find out more about her 3 phenomenal "raising a mensch" series, go to
I was the best parent in the universe, till I had kids, right?
It's all so nice in theory and mind, but when we have little mini's of ourselves that trigger buttons we never knew we had, what then?
Chaya Wilhelm really breaks it down to a practical and empowering clarity - it's all about regulating ourselves, and here's how.
I'm so thankful for all her tips and wisdom, and I'm excited to let you know that a second episode with her is in the works!
To reach out to Chaya email her at
Most of us operate best in a neat and tidy environment, (kids included!) but how in the world are we meant to maintain order AND actually live with kids?
So often a happy, stress-free family culture feels mutually exclusive to an organized space.
And that's where my sister Rivkie come's in. She is just a born organizer and her tips and tricks have been so helpful to me throughout this parenting journey.
If you are ready to get tailer made organizational coaching reach out to Rivkie at
This is episode 2 of this MUST LISTEN conversation. Sarah Baila has shared such pearls of wisdom and truth in a way that is so succinct and relatable, I am so grateful!
Sarah Baila gets these difficult kids, she even was one! And the way she breaks down the problem with education just makes SO MUCH SENSE!
Her ideas about how to transform these kids and classrooms are nothing short of amazing. Anyone with ADHD or otherwise difficult and gifted child this is for you, and everyone else it's for you also!
Sarah Baila had so many important and brilliant things to say, I had to split it into 3 episodes!
Part 1&2 will come out this week and next week, and part 3 will be her incredible stories of transformation.
If you would like to connect with Sarah Baila, reach out to me at and I'll make it happen.
Sarah Baila's book, Born to Serve, can be purchased on amazon here:
More about the book:
Who does not want to live a healthy, happy, and purposeful life? Is this simply an unachievable dream? Are we all doomed to live our lives with a grin and bear it attitude? Or is it really possible to find true fulfilment and purpose within our daily struggles?
Author Sarah Teleshevsky's Born to Serve is a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking a healthy, happy, and purposeful life. She provides a tried and tested system that enables those who seriously want to affect a change to progress from level to level in the attainment of personal growth, emotional healing, and satisfying relationships. You will discover some surprising keys to achieving a deeper, richer, more vibrant connection with loved ones, friends and acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues, and business associates.
Born to Serve will bring you to a state of real harmony with your inner being and the personal and wider world you share with others. In addition, parents and educators will find a simple formula for healing and transformation which will positively influence children, and properly prepare each one for a life of purpose and success, discernment and wisdom.
This is a MUST LISTEN conversation. Sarah Baila has shared such pearls of wisdom and truth in a way that is so succinct and relatable, I am so grateful!
Sarah Baila gets these difficult kids, she even was one! And the way she breaks down the problem with education just makes SO MUCH SENSE!
Her ideas about how to transform these kids and classrooms are nothing short of amazing. Anyone with ADHD or otherwise difficult and gifted child this is for you, and everyone else it's for you also!
Sarah Baila had so many important and brilliant things to say, I had to split it into 3 episodes!
Part 1&2 will come out this week and next week, and part 3 will be her incredible stories of transformation.
If you would like to connect with Sarah Baila, reach out to me at and I'll make it happen.
Sarah Baila's book, Born to Serve, can be purchased on amazon here:
More about the book:
Who does not want to live a healthy, happy, and purposeful life? Is this simply an unachievable dream? Are we all doomed to live our lives with a grin and bear it attitude? Or is it really possible to find true fulfilment and purpose within our daily struggles?
Author Sarah Teleshevsky's Born to Serve is a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking a healthy, happy, and purposeful life. She provides a tried and tested system that enables those who seriously want to affect a change to progress from level to level in the attainment of personal growth, emotional healing, and satisfying relationships. You will discover some surprising keys to achieving a deeper, richer, more vibrant connection with loved ones, friends and acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues, and business associates.
Born to Serve will bring you to a state of real harmony with your inner being and the personal and wider world you share with others. In addition, parents and educators will find a simple formula for healing and transformation which will positively influence children, and properly prepare each one for a life of purpose and success, discernment and wisdom.
You may remember Nara Derapelian from the episode she did with her adoptive mother Dorothy. There they gave us a glimpse into their turbulent journey of adoption.
Well, if you found that impactful, buckle your seatbelts because Nara's transformation through her greatness journal takes impact to the next level.
It's hard to believe that she was ever the insecure girl she describes.
Thanks to Nara and Dorothy you can now buy the greatness journal yourself on amazon and enjoy the transformation yourself!
Go to
To reach Nara:
This beautiful friend of mine has taken her journey of self-acceptance and love and channeled it outward to help others.
She describes so eloquently how the path to accepting others is really learning to accept ourselves.
Listen to her graceful and relatable journey, and the Happy Heart Method that she has created to help others find the same joy and connection with the people they love.
To reach Tziporah you can email her at
To find out more about her 3 phenomenal "raising a mensch" series, go to
My sister Chanie grew up with a keen awareness that she was different.
Her experience in the world and the way she felt her emotions seemed so much more acute and profound than most. And moving through it meant a lot more processing and sharing than what most people were comfortable.
The good news is that we now know that different isn't bad, and as a highly sensitive adult, Chanie is using her Somatic therapy practice to help other's learn to embrace their own intense experience with empathy, love and compassion.
Listen to this incredible episode understanding the HSP and how Somatic Experiencing can be an incredible asset in healing.
To reach Chanie:
On Instragram or Facebook @liveloveinnerpeace
Listen to her podcast - reclaim your voice Spotify : Apple: Google:
Or anywhere else podcasts are streamed.
Email her:
My brother Avrohom intuitively knew how to effectively listen and create a safe space for healing and change for others.
But his way wasn't always popular or accepted by the main stream "helpers" he was exposed to.
Listen to his journey of following his intuition, finding success, and learning that modern progressive research actually supports and validates his natural approach.
Best of all, learn about what makes this approach so effective.
To work with Avrohom please reach out to him at or message him at 201-870-1770
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