
  • Can landmark lawsuits reshape our understanding of the Fourth Amendment and private property rights? Join us on this episode of the WallBuilders Show as we bring you an exciting update on a monumental legal battle aiming to overturn a nearly century-old Supreme Court decision. We delve into the historical context and current ramifications of the 1924 ruling that allowed government agents to enter private lands without warrants, a policy that impacts the vast majority of American land. Hear personal stories of how bureaucratic overreach has affected landowners and the optimism surrounding this new lawsuit that seeks to restore Fourth Amendment protections and safeguard individual property rights against unwarranted government intrusion.

    But that's not all. We celebrate the slow, yet steady progress in achieving legal justice through the influence of constitutional principles and original intent in recent judicial decisions. We discuss a recent legal victory where the Eighth Circuit Court revived a lawsuit against the Mayo Clinic. The suit recognizes the plaintiffs' right to religious convictions after they were fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine.

    We also dive into some uplifting news from Portland, Oregon, and the stirring speech by Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, who championed traditional family values. This episode is packed with hope, legal insights, and inspiring developments that underscore the importance of due process, individual rights, and the enduring power of constitutional principles.

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  • Ever wondered why property taxes exist or what the Founding Fathers intended for our tax system? Prepare to uncover the historical roots and evolution of American taxation. From the feudal tax practices of Europe to the extreme shifts brought on by the 16th Amendment, we explore how our current tax structure came to be.

    Join us for an insightful discussion on the potential implications of a major financial reset, exploring the feasibility of bartering or using gold and silver for transactions. We tackle the challenges and practicality of a barter system and emphasize the necessity of preparedness rooted in faith and biblical principles. This episode promises a rich tapestry of perspectives on taxation and governance, blending historical insights with contemporary concerns, helping you understand how past decisions impact our present and future.

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  • What kind of resilience does it take to survive one of the most tragic events in U.S. naval history? Join us as WWII veteran Edgar Harrell paints a vivid picture of the harrowing night the USS Indianapolis was torpedoed, sinking within minutes and leaving countless sailors to fend for their lives in shark-infested waters. Edgar’s gripping narrative not only honors the fallen but also serves as a profound reminder of the sacrifices made by our military personnel.

    Beyond recounting this astonishing tale of survival, we explore the essence of leadership and valor in America. This episode is a heartfelt tribute to the unsung heroes who have indelibly shaped our nation's history. Tune in for these compelling stories and more, as we remember and honor those who served.

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  • Today's heartfelt episode unfolds with the story of the four chaplains from the USS Dorchester, whose acts of heroism during World War II exemplify the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. As we traverse the emotional landscape of America's military past, we pay tribute to these selfless servicemen and delve into the history of Memorial Day. We reflect on its transformation from Decoration Day and emphasize the profound importance of remembering our fallen heroes. We explore these narratives, reinforcing our collective duty to honor the bravery of those who have worn our nation's uniform.

    The episode takes a somber turn as we discuss the lasting scars of battle, sharing the heart-wrenching tale of Ira Hayes and his struggle with post-traumatic stress upon returning from World War II. The conversation sheds light on the significant role of faith and prayer in bolstering the spirits of these warriors amidst the horrors of combat, particularly in the challenging Pacific theater. We contrast the historical lack of veteran support with modern advancements and the invaluable assistance provided by faith-based organizations. The discussion also touches on the brutal combat tactics of the Japanese Empire, revealing the complex cultural and psychological battles faced by American soldiers.

    In a powerful conclusion, we recount the candid discussion with Brian Birdwell from yesterday, where he offered his unique insights on survival and resilience, drawn from his harrowing experiences and captured in his book "Refined by Fire." His interview was a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. We invite our listeners to immerse themselves in the wealth of historical knowledge available at and to catch up on any series segments they've missed at Join us again tomorrow as we wrap up this enlightening series, keeping the legacies of our nation's bravest burning bright in our memories.

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  • We’ve always held a deep reverence for the sacrifices made by our military heroes. This Memorial Day, we’re inviting you to join us in a special tribute, where we offer a solemn remembrance of fallen servicemen and women. With Texas State Senator and retired Lieutenant Colonel Brian Birdwell's gripping recount of surviving the 9-11 Pentagon attack, we're not just recounting history; we're connecting with the hearts behind the uniforms and we're recognizing the personal cost of our cherished freedoms.

    As we reflect on Birdwell's brush with death on that fateful September day, his journey through recovery, and the comfort of President Bush's hospital visit, we underscore the indomitable spirit that has defined America since its inception. Our conversation spans from personal testament to historical legacies, as we remember the fallen.

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  • Today on Good News Friday we look at some stories on David and Tim’s stack of good news articles- Billy Graham is honored with a statue in the US Capitol. Ohio purges its voter roll of ineligible and fraudulent voters. Companies who practice wokeness are continuing to suffer. San Francisco is requiring welfare recipients to undergo drug testing before receiving government assistance. And military aid is once again being sent to Israel.

    Discover the profound influence of faith on America's foundations for an enlightening journey through the hallowed halls of the U.S. Capitol. We're examining the spiritual messages embedded in the architecture, underscored by the recent unveiling of the Billy Graham statue. Pastors, you're especially invited to our exclusive DC briefing where we'll delve into the historical threads that weave religion and governance together. Plus, we'll tackle how Ohio's new law is setting a precedent for election integrity, ensuring that only U.S. citizens can cast their vote—commendable work that could reshape the voting landscape.

    The pulse of the public is thumping with reactions to corporate America's stance during Pride Month—with companies like Bud Light, Disney, and Target feeling the heat. We analyze the consumer backlash that is forcing corporations to realign with their customer base. Meanwhile, San Francisco's surprising political pivot casts light on shifting societal values, as voters push for stricter welfare measures and stronger police presence. Join us as we dissect these critical moments and their ramifications on our nation's dialogue between electorate, governance, and the social fabric that binds us all.

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  • Today on Foundations of Freedom Thursday, we address some listener questions- What does the term "civics" mean and what do good civics look like? What policies can be crafted for the school board that will have lasting impact on the rising generation? How are public schools funded? And what happens financially when a state switches to school-choice?

    Explore the intricate tapestry where faith weaves into the governance and engage in a reflection on how our deepest beliefs shape societal norms. Together we unravel the transformation of civics education, emphasizing the instrumental role it plays in cultivating informed leaders who can navigate the complexities of government and political engagement. This episode promises to offer educators and school board leaders alike, insightful narratives and hands-on historical perspectives that serve as a beacon for upholding the tenets of American freedom amidst educational decline.

    Delving into the realm of civic principles, we discuss the profound impact of historical figures like William Wilberforce, who exemplified the power of steadfastness within parliamentary procedures. By fostering civility and competence in the next generation, we advocate for an education system that prioritizes foundational principles over fleeting content. Our dialogue provides invaluable advice for those at the helm of shaping educational policies, ensuring that American liberties and core values are not only preserved but also flourish within our schools.

    The financial backbone of educational institutions is a complex and evolving landscape. We dissect the source of financing for our public schools. In this exploration, we also celebrate the promising outcomes of school choice programs and challenge the status quo of educational funding, advocating for competition over monopoly. This episode is not just a discussion but a call to action for listeners to engage with and support choice and empowerment in educational decision-making, setting the stage for a more informed and dynamic populace.

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  • Uncover the shadowy expansion of a 'fourth branch' of government as we probe the murky waters where bureaucracy meets accountability—or rather, where it doesn't. We're joined by Philip Hamburger, who shines a light on the administrative state's unchecked influence, especially through the lens of Obamacare. His fight through legal channels against the overreach of unelected officials is more than a crusade; it's an essential defense of the Constitution and our freedoms. With revealing insights into the organizations like the New Civil Liberties Alliance that share this battlefield, this episode is a rallying cry for every listener who values constitutional integrity.

    As we navigate the complexities of Chevron deference and its profound implications on civil liberties and our justice system, we stand at the frontlines of key legal battles. By dissecting landmark cases such as Relentless and Murthy v. Missouri, we expose the creeping influence of government overreach on private platforms and free speech. This isn't just a conversation about the separation of powers; it's a call to action, emphasizing the necessity of strategic battles to protect our civil liberties. Your support for organizations championing these causes is not mere charity—it's a vital investment in the preservation of freedoms that touch every facet of our lives.

    WallBuilders Teachers Conference
    New Civil Liberties Alliance

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  • Discover the mechanisms behind the anti-BDS movement and the legislative battles to uphold economic solidarity with Israel as we host Texas State Senator Phil King. In an episode that meshes political insight with personal anecdotes, we'll traverse the complex terrain of economic warfare and the targeted sanctions against Israel, shedding light on the strategic countermeasures employed by Texan lawmakers. Phil King brings a wealth of experience and perspective to the table, as we discuss the implications of the BDS movement not only for Israel but also for the political landscape at large, including the economic attacks akin to those faced by public figures such as former President Trump.

    We'll also venture into the realm of academia, where the lines between free speech and anti-Semitism are being navigated with precision. Senator King reflects on the creation of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Anti-Semitism Commission and the adoption of an international definition of anti-Semitism, highlighting Texas' proactive stance in protecting its educational institutions. The conversation takes a turn to the energy sector as we dissect the state's approach to integrating renewable energy and the quest for a stable electric grid amid rapid growth. Join us for a riveting discussion that not only unpacks the fight against anti-Semitism but also offers a candid look at Texas' energy evolution and the defense of academic freedom.

    WallBuilders Teachers Conference

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  • As we tread the lines where faith meets the societal fabric, we we look at how today's turbulent times can be cured with the immutable truths of the Bible, the wisdom of history, and the guiding principles of our Constitution. Joining us is Bishop Jim Lowe, whose experiences during the Civil Rights Movement and the Birmingham bombing illuminate our conversation with an undeniable glow of resilience and unity. His riveting story, one of transcending hate with love and faith, echoes throughout our discussion, reinforcing our shared vision of cementing a strong foundation for the generations to come.

    Amid a nation experiencing an identity crisis, we confront the silent void where American flags once waved on college campuses, and we grapple with the fading echoes of our historical struggles. The critique of Israel, the erosion of our founding principles, and the emergence of a two-tier justice system prompt us to weigh the scales of social justice against those of biblical justice. Bishop Lowe's insights challenge us to consider the enduring importance of truth as the bedrock of our society, while we ponder the potential repercussions of straying from these core values.

    Finally, we acknowledge the critical role of pastors and faith leaders, who, like the influential figures of bygone eras, wield the power to shape politics and culture. Bishop Lowe's dynamic engagement with legislators through the Alabama Policy Institute serves as an emblematic example of the transformative influence these leaders can exert. As we engage with the creeping shadows of socialism threatening freedom of speech in America, we underscore the urgency for resources and support for the steadfast, who dare to stand strong against the tides of societal pressure.

    WallBuilders Teachers Conference

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  • Discover the power of perseverance. Today is Good News Friday, so we will take some time to go through our stack of good news articles. From incremental victories akin to John Quincy Adam's anti-slavery stand, to new pro-Israel sentiments in college campuses, and even the realization among European nations that there are two genders. We cover the whole range of encouraging news, today.

    Our journey through the intersection of faith and culture reveals historical giants like John Quincy Adams, whose unwavering fight against slavery resonates with our modern-day struggles to uphold truth and justice. Adams' story, a testament to the significance of small victories, paves the way for current triumphs in patriotism and conservatism, and encourages us to persist in the face of adversity. Join us as we reflect on the echoes of Adams' legacy in the voices of today's youth, bravely championing their beliefs on college campuses across the nation.

    Feel the pulse of change as we examine the UK's National Health Service's bold move to recognize biological sex, upending former gender ideology. This episode is not only about looking back but also casting a gaze forward, where courageous public figures like JK Rowling inspire a cultural shift towards honesty and integrity. The conversation extends beyond individual courage, probing into the collective impact of standing firm against the prevailing winds of societal pressure. Tune in for an invigorating discussion on how these cultural and medical landmarks shape our path towards a more truthful and grounded future.

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  • Can our nation's challenges actually fuel a hopeful outlook for the future? That's the promise we're holding on to on the WallBuilders Show, where we not only tackle the issues head-on but also celebrate the active engagement and victories of our fellow patriots. This episode takes you through a journey from the intersection of faith and culture to the high-stakes arena of judicial roles and the rich tapestry of contributions from early American figures. We will lift your spirits with success stories that prove the power of principled action in upholding our nation's values.

    Today is Foundations of Freedom Thursday, which means we take the time to address some questions from the audience. First, we look at Judges. How neutral should a judge be in their decisions? As we dissect recent judicial elections, we uncover the constitutional expectations for judges as impartial interpreters of law.

    In response to a listener question, we honor Mother Cabrini's legacy and the roles Catholics played during America's founding, highlighting the diverse mosaic of individuals who have shaped our country. Every story we share is a testament to the enduring spirit of those who've left their mark on history, inviting you to join the ranks by becoming Constitution coaches and active stewards of our biblical and constitutional heritage.

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  • Jody Hice, a man of faith turned political force, joins us to unpack the complex interplay between spirituality and civic duty. His unique transition from pastoring to legislating, sheds light on the critical nature of election integrity. Our conversation takes us from the pages of his enlightening new book to the practical steps each of us can take to preserve the bedrock of our republic. Drawing from Hice's journey, we examine the powerful blend of prayer and action, proving that when it comes to shaping the future of our society, the duty is ours to engage, even as we trust the results to God.

    The episode also casts a spotlight on grassroots organizations like Faith Wins, showcasing their commendable work in ensuring that every vote is legitimately cast and counted. These stories not only honor the unsung heroes of the past but also serve as a clarion call to action in the present, urging us to uphold the sanctity of our electoral process. Tune in for a stirring reminder that the strength of our nation lies in the hands of its people—people who are informed, involved, and impassioned by the calling to maintain a government of, by, and for the people.

    Sacred Trust: Election Integrity and the Will of the People
    WallBuilders Teachers Conference

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  • Discover how a commitment to praying for Israel can transform your understanding of global events and spiritual fulfillment as we welcome Jonathan Feldstein on the WallBuilders Show. Together we dissect the impact of American foreign policy on Israel and confront the unsettling rise of Marxist thought within academia, which sows division and distorts public perception. Learn why the biblical charge to support Israel is more critical now than ever, as we navigate through the administration's mixed messages and examine the troubling trend of on-campus agitators fueling anti-Israel sentiment.

    This episode isn't just a political discourse; it's an invitation to explore the profound spiritual connection between Christians and the Holy Land. Unpacking Romans chapter 11, we illuminate the theological concept of believers being grafted into the Jewish covenant, emphasizing the scriptural mandate to pray for Jerusalem's peace. Join us on a journey through personal stories of church involvement and support for Israel, igniting a conversation on the indispensable role of believers in advocating for this nation amid today's geopolitical challenges.

    Education, truth, and prayer are at the heart of our discussion in this episode. We express gratitude for initiatives that foster educational innovation. Highlighting an upcoming global prayer event, we invite you to join hands in unified supplication for Israel. By aligning prayer with action and informed advocacy, we can ensure governmental policies reflect divine intentions for peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

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  • Embark on a historical voyage with David Barton, America's premier historian, as we uncover the profound influence of prayer and fasting during the American Revolution. Unveil the tales of fervent faith and providential storms that shaped battles and bolstered the spirits of a fledgling nation. From lesser-known victories aboard ships to the miraculous fog that saved Washington's troops at the Battle of Long Island, these narratives are not merely chronicles of warfare, but testaments to the deep spiritual convictions of our forebears.

    As we navigate through the icy waters of the Delaware River, the miracle at the Battle of Trenton looms into view. Hear how General Washington's audacious Christmas attack on the Hessians, aided by the cloak of a severe winter storm, turned the tides of war and reinvigorated a weary Continental Army. These moments weren't just military maneuvers; they were synchronized steps in a divinely choreographed dance of victory and hope.

    Concluding our journey, we reflect on the transformative power of prayer and fasting in the birth of a nation. We call upon modern-day patriots to carry the torch of our founders. At, we offer resources to fuel personal growth and community engagement—because the legacy of liberty is a flame that must be kept alive across generations. Join us as we honor the past and chart a course for the future, standing firm on the foundation of faith that has sustained us through centuries.

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  • Discover the untold power of prayer and fasting as David Barton takes us through the corridors of American history, where these spiritual disciplines have left an indelible mark on the nation's direction. Step into the past where President Abraham Lincoln's call for a National Day of Fasting and Prayer changed the tide of the Civil War, and where the devout pilgrims, referred to as 'people of the book', laid down the foundations of Thanksgiving. These stories aren't just about faith; they're about the key moments when seeking divine guidance proved to be a turning point in history.

    We then journey back to the roots of the American Revolution and the profound Christian faith that guided our founding fathers. Amidst the backdrop of battlefields and the formation of a new nation, the reliance on divine wisdom is both inspiring and thought-provoking. With artifacts like Buzz Aldrin's Communion chalice and space-traveled Bibles, featured in our DFW museums, we invite you on a reflective voyage to grasp the miraculous feats achieved through faith. As you listen, consider how these historical insights might influence your appreciation of prayer and fasting in our lives today.

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  • Embark with us on a powerful exploration of faith's influence on history and culture, guided by the wisdom of David Barton. Our three-part series unravels the threads of historical prayer practices, their role as spiritual resets, and the transformative power of becoming a biblical citizen. As we traverse the landscapes of time, from the fasts of biblical figures to the pious actions of American leaders, we uncover a past rich with lessons and warnings, inviting us to fine-tune our spiritual and civic engagement for a more harmonious future.

    Witness the profound evolution of one of America's most iconic figures, Abraham Lincoln, as personal tragedy and intellectual challenges catalyze his journey from skepticism to devout belief. This transformation underscores the necessity for Christians today to be well-equipped in apologetics, amidst the intense scrutiny from the intellectual arenas of modern academia. The narrative then shifts to dispel myths surrounding the Founding Fathers, revealing their deep-seated faith, and how it shaped the nation during its birth and through the trials of the Civil War.

    As we wrap up this episode, we reflect on the critical Union victories that have left indelible marks on American history. Lincoln's leadership during these times, punctuated by his calls for national fasting and prayer, exemplifies the undeniable impact of faith in guiding nations through crisis. We invite you to continue this compelling journey with us, and for a deeper dive into these transformative events, make your way to the WallBuilders Show's website. Join us as we continue to unravel the profound legacy of prayer and faith in the making of history.

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  • The heart of Texas pulses with stories of political awakening, and our guest Joeylynn Mesaros is a testament to that spirit. Once an undecided voter, her journey to becoming a fervent participant in the political process is as inspiring as it is cautionary. Her recounting of the Trump train event and the subsequent lawsuit she faced under the Ku Klux Klan law is a chilling example of the risks that come with exercising free speech in today’s charged political landscape. Joeylynn transformation from political indifference to active engagement is both a warning signal and a rallying cry for the rights we hold dear.

    But there is hope on the horizon, and it lies in the hands of just and wise legal professionals guided by principles of righteousness. Drawing on the wisdom of Isaiah 1:26, we discuss the pivotal role judges play in shaping legal outcomes and the pressing need for informed citizen involvement in electing local judges. The judicial system, at its core, should reflect the constitutional and biblical values that underpin our nation. For those brave enough to stand for free speech, we offer support and resources to join in the essential work of upholding justice and liberty. Join us in this crucial conversation and become part of the movement to restore faith in our justice system.

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  • Have you ever felt lost trying to navigate the sea of modern churches, seeking a haven that resonates with timeless biblical truth? Look no further. On our latest episode, we're thrilled to introduce you to, an innovative platform designed to steer you toward non-woke churches that embrace Scripture and address cultural issues with boldness. From the historical echoes of American revivals to the transformative power of true spiritual awakening, we discuss the heart of Jesus and the search for a church home in Texas, Florida, and beyond.

    Joining us is the remarkable Neil Mammen, whose journey from a family of atheists and Marxists to a Christian entrepreneur and conservative activist is nothing short of inspiring. Neil's insights into the crucial blend of Christianity and politics are drawn from his compelling book, "Jesus Is Involved in Politics," fueling our discussion with thought-provoking anecdotes and a fervent call to action for believers in the public square. His story is a rallying cry for all who believe that faith should shape every facet of life, including the political realm.

    We round off our conversation by tackling the role of pastors and churches in today's cultural dialogue. With historical precedent as our guide, we ponder the impact that a politically active Christian minority could achieve. The episode encourages resiliency in the face of resistance, likening it to the consistent efforts required in strength training. For those eager to see churches lead with conviction and Christians living out their faith unapologetically, this episode is an indispensable resource.

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  • Uncover the disturbing truth about the Capitol security failures with Congressman Barry Loudermilk as we dissect the events of January 6th. Our compelling conversation reveals the depth of the security lapses and the unsettling trend of political leaders sacrificing constitutional principles for appearances. We dissect the layers of misinformation and highlight the importance of whistleblowers in our relentless quest for transparency. Historical precedents from Andrew Jackson to Joe Biden are scrutinized as we confront the worrying pattern of image trumping integrity within the political spectrum.

    This episode goes beyond surface-level narratives as Congressman Loudermilk shares exclusive committee findings that challenge the prevailing stories about January 6th. With new information at the brink of making headlines, we celebrate the courage of those who prioritize honesty in politics, and we acknowledge the meticulous labor that goes into unearthing the full extent of such a pivotal day in American history. Our discussion hails the unsung heroes who've come forward, offering a fresh perspective and ensuring that the true story does not remain shrouded by mainstream media’s incomplete reporting.

    The delay in the National Guard's response during the Capitol chaos and the worrisome actions of figures like Mike Milley and Nancy Pelosi receive a critical examination. We explore the significance of civilian control over the military and the essential nature of the separation of powers, calling attention to the constitutional breaches that may have occurred. Each revelation underscores our mission to foster a more informed public, one that demands accountability and adherence to the foundational principles that safeguard our nation's security.

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