The Crystal Vanguard finally investigates the home of Spots the cow for clues as to what befell their owner. Uncover more of the Far Realms influence on Valstiba this week with our intrepid adventurers.
As Hermitha catches up with an old friend, Torben and Ra'la visit a taxidermy shop to sell the hydra head harvested back at the bridge. After collecting a few items from the Feywild, they rejoin Hermitha and Clera just at Luian wakes up from a nap. Join us as our party learn the next steps they must take on this path of mysteries.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Our party faces the consequences of disturbing large creatures in bodies of water before the return to Crystalbrook Village. What new clues or companions await them in town? Tune in to find out!
After stopping Karsis from a bloody end and bringing him out of possession, The Crystal Vanguard receives magic items created by the crocodile man. They begin their journey back to Crystalbrook village escorted by Karsis and his kobolds.
After learning what happened to the crystal dragon our party heads back to Karsis battered but alive. We finally have a name for our group - The Crystal Vanguard! As Karsis agrees to create some items for the party will they survive the night in the Kobold camp?
Our intrepid adventurers must fight through a crystal golem and some small facehuggers to free the crystal dragon. Why have the creatures of the Far Realms infected this creators? What larger machinations are in place in the realm of Valstiba? Join our adventurers as they continue to uncover the mysteries plaguing the land.
Karsis sends our adventurers on a quest to collect crystals which fuel his magical creations. A crystal wyrmling is discovered; it asks for help saving his mom who seems to be diseased. Can the party discover the source of this infection?
Finally leaving Zorzula's Rest behind, the group encounters a diseased cow on their road back to Crystalbrook Village. They reunite with Karsis to discover what items he can procure for them.
After defeating the Unicorn Man, the party must find their way out of the cavern alive along with nearly a dozen captives of the goblins. Gina Darling (@missginadarling) guest stars in this episode to help guide our party out alive.
The identity of the Unicorn Man is finally revealed; the party must fight for their lives to defeat him! Join us as we begin to uncover a Far Realms infiltration in the land of Valstiba.
Our beloved party infiltrates Zorzula's Rest under the guise of Blob's devoted followers. Who is the Unicorn Man? Who provides their powers? Will our party make it out alive?
Our as yet unnamed adventurers deal with the fallout of a nighttime ambush on their camp. They encounter a curious merchant who strikes a deal to provide them with supplies. What awaits them at the goblin hideout? Tune in to find out!
After almost burning down the Sleeping Giant Inn, our adventurers interrogate two goblin's to discover what the heck is going on. Join our group as they travel to the goblin hideout!
The SERIES PREMIERE of War of the Realms! Located in the Dicecream Sandwich's homebrewed world of Valstiba, meet our adventurers: Clera, Torben, Hemitha, Luain, and Ura'la as they embark on the journey of a lifetime. The events in this campaign are inspired by the Shattered Obelisk publications from DnD.