Marxism, Imperialism, and War Dorian Bon Nisha Bolsey Socialism 2017 Socialism & Marxism
What is imperialism? For Marxists, starting with Lenin and Bukharin, imperialism represents a necessary stage in the development of world capitalism, which consists of not simply competition between firms, but between states over world domination.
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Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation Fred Magdoff Michael Ware Socialism 2017 Environment
Sickened by the contamination of the water, the air, of the Earth itself, more and more people are coming to realize that capitalism, quite literally, is killing them along with all life on the earth. Capitalism’s imperative—to make profits at all costs and expand without end—is destabilizing the Earth’s climate, while increasing human misery and inequality on a planetary scale.
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Free Speech and the Socialist Movement Sam Farber Monique Dols Socialism 2017 Socialism & Marxism
Socialists historically have always considered free speech and other democratic rights important. But right wingers—who happily support laws suppressing democratic freedoms—are today trying to present protests against them as denying their free speech--views that are backed, funded, and broadcast at the highest levels.
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Making Black Lives Matter in the Trump Era Brian Jones Umi Selah Socialism 2017 Racism & Civil Rights
When Barack Obama was first elected in 2008, the national debate was about whether or not the U.S. was becoming a “post-racial” society. Eight years on, we could not be further from that conversation. Now, an unabashed racist, xenophobe, and sexual predator sits in the White House.
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How Marxists Responded to the Rise of Fascism John Riddell Mike Taber Jen Roesch Socialism 2017 Socialism & Marxism
“Worker-Communists,” wrote Trotsky in a letter to German workers on the eve of Hitler’s seizure of power in 1931, “should Fascism achieve power it will ride over your skulls and spines like a frightful tank. Your salvation lies in merciless struggle.
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Night Thoughts: A Conversation with Wallace Shawn on Politics, Socialism, and Art Wallace Shawn Anthony Arnove Socialism 2017 Art & Culture
Famed actor and playwright Wallace Shawn is known for his iconic Hollywood roles—but in his latest book, Night Thoughts, he grapples with an attempt to find his own answers to the most essential questions about the world he lives in.
Three Generations: Athletes and Activism Wyomia Tyus Craig Hodges Dave Zirin Socialism 2017 Art & Culture
The recent explosion of athlete activism is part of a lengthy tradition of political athletes standing up against racism and injustice. Olympic Gold Medalist Wyomia Tyus and NBA veteran Craig Hodges will speak in conversation with The Nation Sports Editor Dave Zirin on the role of athletes in the fight for a better world.
Songs of Struggle: Protest Songs in American History Eli Smith Ernesto Gomez Socialism 2017 Art & Culture
This session will feature a history of songs that have been part of the development of social movements in the United State from the 19th century up to the present day. The presentation will be accompanied by listening to significant historical recordings and will include some live performance, followed by a question-and-answer session with the presenters.
Reversing the Backlash: Building a New Woman's Movement Leia Petty Socialism 2017
Party Politics in the New Gilded Age: The Crisis of Democracy in the U.S. Today Lance Selfa Socialism 2017 U.S. Politics
Donald Trump is the most unpopular president since public opinion polling was invented—and millions continue to ask how it could be that Hillary Clinton could have lost to him. But polls consistently show that millions of ordinary people feel that neither party speaks to the issues that affect them—like the fight for decent jobs, affordable health care, or an end to U.S. wars.
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Assessing the Pink Tide in Latin America Jeffrey Webber Socialism 2017 International
In the mid-2000s, an explosion of struggle against neoliberalism translated into the parliamentary halls and presidential palaces of many South American countries, as center-left and left parties were elected to office.
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A Beautiful Ghetto: Baltimore and the Uprising Devin Allen Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor Socialism 2017 Art & Culture
On April 18, 2015, the city of Baltimore erupted in mass protests in response to the brutal murder of Freddie Gray by police. Devin Allen was there, and his iconic photos of the Baltimore uprising became a viral sensation.
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From Brexit to the 2017 General Election: Corbynism and the Return of Class to British Poltics Neil Davidson Socialism 2017 International
Britain’s vote to leave the European Union last year was a watershed event that exposed the economic, political, and social contradictions of the twenty-four year old alliance. Driven largely by economic nationalism and playing upon xenophobia toward immigrants, the vote gave confidence to other far right wing forces in Europe hoping to use the same methods to gain prominence.
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What do Socialists Say about Privilege? R.L. Stephens Socialism 2017 Socialism & Marxism
Under capitalism, multiple power structures shape individuals’ lived experiences. Those structures provide and withhold resources to people based on factors like class, disability status, gender, and race. On the left today "privilege" is often deployed to describe and explain these inequalities. Privilege discourse has made its way into mainstream discussions.
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Incarceration Nation: Drugs, Detention, and Discrimination Lily Hughes Socialism 2017 Criminal Justice
The "world’s greatest democracy" is also the world’s largest jailer—with more than 2 million people behind bars in the U.S. Large numbers are there for non-violent drug offenses, with people of color, especially young Black men, disproportionately locked up.
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The Civil War and Reconstruction: The Second American Revolution Michael Ehrenreich Socialism 2017 U.S. Politics
The events of 1861-1877 were the pivotal years in determining the course of the United States of America. These years did more to forge the modern American state, society, and class system than scarcely any other era. The Reconstruction period of 1865-1877 inaugurated an unprecedented moment of Black self-determination and multiracial democracy. No aspect of U.S.
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Women in the U.S. Labor Movement: 1840 to the Second World War Dana Blanchard Socialism 2017 Labor & Unions
At the IWW founding convention in 1905, Lucy Parsons called women workers the “slaves of the slaves…exploited more ruthlessly than men.” Women have always had to fight on two fronts—for equal pay, conditions, and dignity on the job, as well as confront the burden of housework and childrearing.
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M.N. Roy, the Comintern, and the Politics of National Liberation Pranav Jani Socialism 2017 Socialism & Marxism
Manabendra Nath Roy was an Indian revolutionary and political activist and theorist. He was a founder of the Mexican Communist Party in 1919 and the Communist Party of India in 1920.
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Labor and Environmental Justice: History, Debates, and Possibilities Sean Petty Elizabeth Lalasz Socialism 2017 Environment
One of the key features of our economic system is exploitation, not just of human labor but of many aspects of our natural world. In particular, capital's reliance on fossil fuels to create massive profits and perpetual economic expansion has created the most significant threat to human existence on the planet.
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