In this episode, Drew concludes Season 7 of Weathering the Storm by looking back to the great example of Joshua who took a stand (Josh. 24:15)! After bringing the study to a close, he previews Season 8. Be sure to listen so you know what will be the theme for next season!
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In this episode, Drew concludes his final series of the season. Gene Hill graciously joins Drew again to close out the importance and impact of weathering the storm in the home by putting on and keeping on the “whole armor of God!”
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In this episode, Drew continues his study of Ephesians 6:10-18 with the help of Gene Hill. Join these men as they examine the importance of “putting on the whole armor of God.”
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In this episode, Drew continues his study of “Putting On The Whole Armor of God” (Eph. 6:10-18). Gene Hill, who was on last week’s episode, joins Drew yet again to discuss the text.
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In this episode, Drew begins a four-part series entitled, “Put On The Whole Armor of God” (Eph. 6:10-18) in the context of weathering the storm in the home. Drew is joined by a Gospel preacher Gene Hill who is the associate preacher for the Quitman church of Christ where Drew has been laboring since 2019. Join Drew and Gene as they overview the text and discuss this important topic.
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In this episode, Drew concludes his series on “Satan’s Plan of Attack for the Home” by discussing the “pros and cons” of Social Media. While Social Media can be a great tool, it can also be very dangerous if used incorrectly. Parents and young people need to be aware of the dangers so they can fight against the evil motive of the devil!
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In this episode, Drew continues his study of “Satan’s Plan of Attack for the Home” by examining what he calls, “Satan +.” This is a play on words as the dangers of immoral entertainment are under consideration. Satan wants to infiltrate the home through the TV screen and will through his influence if we allow it. This episode aims to educate and encourage!
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In this episode, Drew continues his study of “Satan’s Plan of Attack for the Home” by discussing the danger of giving into forbidden sexual lust. Hebrews 13:4 is the main passage under consideration, but a host of passages will be considered.
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In this episode, Drew continues his study examining “Satan’s Plan of Attack for the Home.” Satan wants your schedule. The danger of giving in to worldly things over spiritual things can certainly bring on a “storm” in the home. While it is not a sin to be “busy,” if you get too busy to “seek first the Kingdom of God,” it can be eternally dangerous!
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In this episode, Drew begins a five-part series on “Satan’s Plan of Attack for the Home.” Drew discusses the danger of the man being taken out of the equation as weak leadership opens the door to a great deal of problems.
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In this episode, Drew concludes his series on “Redeeming the Time” by looking at the importance of children listening to and respecting their parents. The text under consideration is Proverbs 3.
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In this episode, Drew continues his series on “Redeeming the Time” by examining the role of the wife/mother and how they can make sure they are using their time wisely to the glory of God. Drew discusses the example of Hannah who redeemed her time (1 Sam. 1-2).
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In this episode, Drew begins a three-part series on “Redeeming the Time.” Time is so precious but it is also fleeting. The Bible teaches the importance of “redeeming the time” (Eph. 5:15-16), and in the context of “weathering the storm in the home,” it is essential that husbands and fathers use their time wisely to lead, teach, and train “because the days are evil” (Deut. 6:4-6). Drew looks to the example of David in his final moments with Solomon (1 Kin. 2:1-4).
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In this episode, Drew concludes his series on the “Roles in the Home” by discussing the importance of the mother’s role and place in the home. He looks to the Biblical example of Jochebed, the mother of Moses (Exo. 2).
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In this episode, Drew switches gears in his series on “Roles in the Home” by discussing the role of the wife in the home. There are two main passages under consideration; one from the Old Testament (Proverbs 31) and one from the New Testament (1 Peter 3:1-7).
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In this episode, Drew continues his series on “Roles in the Home” by examining the role of a father. Fathers have an incredible responsibility to bring their children up in the “training and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). If you are a father, please apply these Biblical principles to your life to be the father God the Father would have you to be.
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In this episode, Drew begins a four-part series on “Roles in the Home.” He discusses the importance of the husband’s role in the home and some practical points of application for men striving to be godly husbands.
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In this episode, Drew looks at the danger of taking marriage lightly. The “cost” includes broken homes, damaged hearts, and eternal consequences. God is very serious about marriage and we should be too. Join Drew in 1 Kings 11 as he examines the example of Solomon.
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In this episode, Drew examines several passages and three key words to keep in mind if you want to sustain a healthy, godly marriage. These words are (1) Honesty, (2) Communication, and (3) Forgiveness. Doing marriage right comes at a high cost, but it is worth it!
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In this episode, Drew discusses important things you need to know before saying, “I do.” In our society, marriage is not recognized or respected as being sacred. According to Scripture, marriage is extremely important, and who one decides to marry can impact where they spend eternity! Drew has been married for nine years and shares some advice to those who are engaged to be married or are thinking about “popping the question.”
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