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The Ancestors are either the wind at your back or a lead weight at your feet.
In this podcast we explore how our Ancestors shape our fate, and thus by extension...our destinies. A big part of the message we inherit in modern culture is that of ‘individual choice’, which has wonderful gifts… and large gaps, for it misses how our lives occur in a continuum.
In today's world devoid of practices that tend to the dead, we're often left ‘grappling’ with the legacies we've inherited, instead of being supported by them. In indigenous cultures, with healthy ancestral lines, the blessings of the dead, flow like a fertile river.
Most of us are asleep to the gifts, and curses carried in the energetic signature of familial stories, hungry ghosts, or the loving dead (sometimes they are all the same thing).
The fate bestowed upon us by our Ancestors can be expressed in many ways, but in this podcast, I cover how they do so through:
* Genetic gifts and debilitations
* Emotionally charged narratives & the energetic signature they carry
* The ‘unlived destinies’ of our line, seeking to live through us
Fate, destiny and Ancestors are all interrelated in crucial ways. In this podcast, I invite you to consider the possibility that a part of your destiny is to ‘awaken’ to these ancestral influences and actively engage with them.
Understanding that your personal story is intertwined with the stories of your ancestors—which is further woven into the broader story of life and death itself—can empower you to actualize your own individual destiny, which paradoxically always ties into a greater whole.
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Have you ever heard of Kintsugi? It is the art of purposefully breaking pottery and repairing the cracks with gold. I can envision no metaphor better suited for describing the creative process.
Creativity is not replicability.
Creation is (in part) the filling of cracks with gold…our gold.
In today’s podcast, we explore how critical it is to liberate ourselves from the relentless pursuit of perfection in our creativity.
What I have come to learn is that flaws and imperfections are not just inevitable; they are essential. They are a feature and not a bug, and they are present in all works, traditions, and methods.
For years, I found myself ensnared in a pattern: I would discover someone's work, become enamored, dive deep into it, only to eventually become disillusioned by its flaws and imperfections.
Yet, it is the cracks and flaws that make work unique.
In this podcast, we’ll explore how to appreciate the imperfections in our work and the work of others.
We’ll dive into the foundational elements of creativity, discussing how flaws shape and enrich the message, much like the art of kintsugi, where broken pottery is mended with gold, creating something uniquely beautiful.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
The concept of finding and following one's "North Star" is central to navigating fate and destiny.
The North Star serves as an internal guiding light, representing a clear unifying direction in life. Metaphorically, it represents an inner sense of guidance analogous to the stable north star already in the sky: Polaris. As there is an outer sky, there is an inner sky.
Just as the North Star aids navigation by bringing a ships crew into alignment with a singular direction, identifying one's personal North Star helps unify and synchronize life's disparate aspects toward a chosen path.
Everyone already has an innate North Star, that is usually overshadowed by fate and conditioning. To transmute fate into destiny involves consciously aligning with this innate guiding light.
Practically, the North Star translates into day-to-day actions and routines, guiding all aspects of life—health, vocation, relationships, and spirituality. When each aspect aligns with this guiding light, life becomes cohesive and purposeful.
Traditional teachings emphasize this coherence, offering cosmologies, disciplines, and moral frameworks that align individuals with a cohering direction.
In modern contexts lacking such traditions, many experience desynchronization, with different aspects of life moving disjointedly.
Ultimately, walking in alignment with one's North Star is akin to walking the path of destiny daily, embodying the journey and destination simultaneously.
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In today’s world, there is an idea that you can just eat ‘content articles’ for breakfast, get certified, and then go on to have a fulfilling practice regurgitating the same tired information.
In this world, genuine articles are few and far between. It’s no surprise that imposter syndrome is so common as to be a household term.
While most sources out there will try and sell you some kind of ‘workaround’ so that you don’t feel like an imposter, (or not let the feeling stop you from acting), I suggest that this feeling is ‘actually’ a signal giving you valuable insight.
Instead of running from or ignoring the feeling, I suggest doing this instead…
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The language of offerings and sacrifice is a part of being human. Every indigenous and tribal culture on earth gives offerings and makes sacrifices: to give thanks, to bring to the rains (or stop the rains), to appease the spirits, to bring the animals, to heal the sick, to connect with the land, and to mark the times. Instinctually we know this, it lives in our bones.
Each of us is called to a greater version of who we currently are, not just for the evolution of our own soul, but for the gifts we have to give the world. Often, what stifles us from fully embodying this greater version of us, is an unwillingness to make a sacrifice of who we currently are at the altar/alter of becoming. Yet it is this sacrifice, this release, this letting go…that is required.
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Free will is the ability to choose outside of one’s conditioning. Yet ‘choice’ and ‘control’ are not the same thing. Choice is often about direction. What ship are we deciding to become a traveler on? Which direction are we to sail in? We cannot control what the ship will encounter on the open sea.
Storms, sunshine, shipwreck, or sirens in the night.
Some would say, only the fates know, and others would say... it’s what you make of it. The wiser among us might question whether there is a difference. In this episode, I discuss why I decided to stop teaching and become a trader in the stock market full-time. A painful decision, born from ‘free will’, and yet connected to being raised in a magical and divinatory tradition from Africa. Why did I do it and more importantly, what is the role of choice in realizing one’s destiny?
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Myths all around the world tell us that fate and free will dance together in the ongoing genesis of life and death, and yet, fate, which is the circumstances, universal laws, and divine order already in place when we arrive, determines the context that one can even choose within. Different cultures have held either fate or free will as more important. Some cultures fully embrace fate, whereas others (like Western culture) herald free will. In the end, we ask what is choice?
What are the greater and lesser parameters of that choice?
Do we choose to play the game, embracing what has already been woven, or choose to resist the will of fate?
And if we do, where does that lead?
To gladly embrace fate is to accept that your life is not just about you, and it might just unlock your destiny.
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A core principle in shamanism is that the more profound layers of power are found in relationship, and what we are connected to. As we cohere at deeper levels with these relationships, our life becomes a node for power sources. This is what energizes you. We are shaped (and also in turn shape), that which we connect to and express.
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What do fate, family ties and Christmas trees, have to do with each other? For many of us in the modern western world…a lot.
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For those of us who are called to the path of the golden thread, understanding, inhabiting, and embodying your authentic authority is one of the most important aspects of the path to devote yourself to. The reason for that is that our authentic authority is the power that we have to bring into the world in order to help shift it in the direction that is aligned with the soul's purpose, with the soul's calling, and with our destiny.🌩️ Join me @ My Substack:
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Talent is a gift that often points us toward aspects of our destiny, and while “hard work” can help us excel in arenas that we are not talented within, the path of destiny, the golden thread, asks us for both.
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These days, you are expected to have an opinion about everything and all current events. It is a way for you to "be empowered" the popular collective says, when in fact, it reduces your real power in the world, for you waste energy having an opinion in fields you do not understand. Authentic power is found at the intersection of your gifts, and what you have cultivated.
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In this podcast we dive deeper into destiny. What is destiny and how does it relate to our choices and what we choose to do? Often, the idea is that destiny is predetermined. Yet it is fate that is predictable and mechanical. Destiny is a conscious choice that requires engaging deeply with life to feel the calls it gives us. To explore the wounds, challenges and limitations, and to weave into the larger story a golden thread with our innate love and inspiration.
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