Taggart voice There's been a murder!
Medieval life was full of murders! People were getting knifed all the time mate. But who was responsible for sorting the guilty from the innocent? What do God and intimate social knowledge have to do with it? And is this all a thinly-veiled excuse for Aran to do his incredible Poirot impression?
For more information, see the University of Cambridge's Medieval Murder Maps:
Join the official WMG Discord server!!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We've got a lovely two-parter lined up for you guys and it's all about the history of the English language during the Middle Ages! Join us as we follow English from its humble origins as a collection of Germanic dialects spoken by a bunch of illiterate, trousers-wearing mudmen from in 400AD to a real language spoken by relatively normal people who have things like books and kings and their own country, a quirky little place called "England."
For more on some of what we discuss, check out:
The University of Nottingham's interactive Key to English Place Names website translations of almost 80% of all extant Anglo-Saxon poetry, courtesy of Dr Ophelia Hostetter of Rutgers University' "On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain," translated into English by Bert Olton: the official WMG Discord server!!
Yarrrrrrrr!!!!!! Where's me BOOTY?!
We all love stories about pirates, whether they're plundering Treasure Islands, fighting an octopus man, or stealing Tom Hanks' job. But did you know that the Middle Ages had pirates? They did! And they were just as swashbuckling, mercenary and unhinged as their later successors.
Set sail with Olivia and Aran on the good ship Podcasting, as they set out to find the secret of medieval piracy! Along the way, they'll meet a vengeful MILF, a queerbaiting sorcerer, and hundreds of venomous snakes.
Further reading:
The Anatomy of Medieval Piracy:
Identity in the Medieval Mediterranean World of Merchants and Pirates
The Romance of Eustace the Monk
Gather round, rockhounds! It's time to journey even further into the past than usual by taking a look at fossils through medieval eyes. Did dragon myths come from dinosaur bones? Did cyclops myths come from elephant bones? Can rocks be Jewish? All these questions and more, answered.....
For more on some of what we discuss, check out:
Lapis Judaicus or the Jews' stone: The folklore of fossil echinoid spines by Christopher Duffin, dragons, monsters and giants: palaeoart before palaeontology by Mark P. Witton on Water: Cosmic Floors in Antiquity and the Middle Ages by Fabio BarryJoin the official WMG Discord server!!
Happy New Year to all our Weird Medieval Guys podcast listeners and welcome back to our annual Q&A session! We solicited questions about history and the podcast from our Discord community and answered as many as we could for you. Listen on to hear about why we do silly voices, whether medieval people played drinking games, and more!
Join our Discord server to be part of a wonderful community of weird medieval enthusiasts and for the chance to submit questions next year!
The days have been getting shorter, the nights longer and the wind bitter-er. Even as the winter solstice draws near, the coming months of cold and darkness make spring seem still an eternity away. Making it through winter is never easy, so how did people in the Middle Ages get by? Join Olivia and Aran as they look into how people not only survived but thrived the whole medieval winter through.
For more on some of what we discuss, check out:
A digitised version of the Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry: History of the Snowman by Bob Eckstein: poem The Menologium: for pottage: and the Early Medieval Diet by Kathy L Pearson the official WMG Discord server!!
Music used in this episode is a public domain recording of the medieval French Christmas carol "Nowell, nowell Dieu vous garde," available here:
This week, we're getting in our medieval spaceship and travelling through the medieval cosmos to find out just what medieval people thought about all of that space. We'll discuss some correct ideas they had, plenty of incorrect ones, and also how to use medieval astrology to make sure your medieval horse is in peak physical condition.
For more on some of what we discuss, check out:
The Stars and Human Sexuality: Some Medieval Scientific Views by Helen Lemay Grosseteste on Light, Truth and "Experimentum" by Simon Oliver the Future: Arabic Astrology and English Medicine in the Late Twelfth Century by Roger French sure to join the Weird Medieval Guys official Discord server!
Here's a rhetorical question: do you love your pet? Of course you do, but did you know that medieval people did too? The only difference is, these pets had jobs!
In this episode, Olivia and Aran delve into the wacky world of medieval cats and dogs, to explore what contemporary people wrote about them. Spoiler alert: they thought they were cool little guys.
Also discussed: the official WMG dogs Bonnie and Bizzy; whether medieval hunting is like football, and if they had Mormons in late-antique Arabia.
Further Reading:
Carole Rawcliffe, "Town Tykes and Butchers Hounds"
Peter Konieczny, "Why cats were hated in medieval Europe",this%20view%20of%20felines%20emerged
Edward, Duke of York, "The Master of Game":
Some lady called "'Olivia Swarthout' (never heard of her): "Medieval Muslims loved their cats so much"
The Laws of Hywel Dda:
Join the official Weird Medieval Guys Discord:
Oh my god the Weird Medieval Guys Podcast™ has gone cottagecore!
You know what clothes are, you love wearing clothes. But someone has to make them, and in the Middle Ages, they didn't have industrial-scale fast fashion sweatshops. So who made them then? Well, sit back and enjoy as Olivia spins a yarn about the medieval textile industry. It's got everything you want in a Weird Medieval Guys Podcast™ episode: gender! industrial relations! dismemberment! Ewe won't want to miss this one...
Don’t forget to join the Weird Medieval Guys discord server!
Infernal covenants, black sabbaths and missing infants; dark deeds are afoot in the forests of medieval Europe... or are they?
It's a Halloween Spooktacular! When the Devil transforms Joe Mason into an angry amphibian, Olivia and Aran must venture deep into the woods* to find a witch who can restore his humanity. But first, they have to figure out what medieval people actually believed about witches. Spoiler alert: it's not what you think! Along the way, we'll meet magical detectives, pious necromancers, and a lot of people who need to stop laundering their sexual hangups as academia.
Also discussed: caked-up frogs, the historical accuracy of Warhammer 40,000, and which Better Call Saul character is most like the Devil.
*The events of this podcast are legally distinct from any and all seasonal miniseries' produced for Cartoon Network.
Olivia and Aran are back with another zinger as they begin to start to somewhat unpack some of the absolutely insane customs and beliefs that made up the Norse pagan world view!
Check out Snorri Sturlson's Prose Edda here:
And join the official WMG discord here:
The music used in this episode is from Ísmús, an online Icelandic song and culture archive. The intro song, Óðinn gramur ása reið, can be found here:
Subsequent musical segments are from Alþingisrímur: Nú skal byrja braginn á, which can be found here:
In the mid-12th century, a mysterious letter was circulating the courts of Christian Europe. Its supposed author was Prester John, a powerful, immortal Christian king who purported to rule a fantastical empire in India.
Prester John was never real. But who wrote the letter and why? And why did Europeans spend centuries searching for him despite abundant evidence that the whole story was nonsense?
To answer these questions, Olivia and Aran will set out on a globe-trotting adventure, from the yurt-strewn steppe of Central Asia, to Italy’s city-republics, the highlands of East Africa, and even further afield. Along the way they’ll meet befuddled Ethiopian diplomats, fearsome warrior-khans, and maybe even the real Prester John himself…
Also discussed: Olivia’s love of big cans, the things you learn at Unitarian Universalist Sunday school, and why we can’t have cat-sized elephant friends.
Further reading:
The Letter of Prester John:
Devin DeWeese, "The Influence of the Mongols on the Religious Consciousness of Thirteenth-century Europe."
Matteo Salvatore, "The Ethiopian Age of Exploration: Prester John's Discovery of Europe, 1306-1458."
Marianne O'Doherty, "Imperial Fantasies: Imagining Christian empire in three fourteenth-century versions of the Book of John Mandeville."
Karl F. Helliner, "Prester John's Letter: a Medieval Utopia."
Samantha Kelly: "Ewosṭateans at the Council of Florence (1441): Diplomatic Implications between Ethiopia, Europe, Jerusalem and Cairo.",vociferous%20opponents%2C%20the%20Coptic%20patriarchs.
Unfortunately, Aran and Olivia are still recovering from one heck of a summer! Regular WMG pod episodes will resume in two weeks' time. In the interim, please enjoy another dump of outtakes that we have pieced together in order to give you all a glimpse into the depths of your two hosts' sick, twisted minds.....
Several weeks after Joan of Arc led the battle to lift the siege at Orleans, she was already famous across Europe. However, it was perhaps how her story ended that cemented her status as a hero of worldwide and eternal renown.
Our series on the Hundred Years' War concludes here, with a final episode about Joan of Arc's capture, trial, fate, and legacy....
As we continue our series on the Hundred Years' War, Armagnac cause has never seemed so hopeless. An Englishman sits on the French throne, the Scottish army has been crushed, and now the Armagnac stronghold of Orléans is about to fall.
That is, until the emergence of the most unlikely hero: a charismatic peasant girl, who claims to speak to angels.
In this episode, we chart the rise of Joan of Arc, from a normal working-class life in north-west France, to the self-appointed saviour of the nation.
For more information on what we discuss in this episode:
The transcript of the trial of Joan of Arc: of Arc and Female Mysticism used in this episode:
Our series on the Hundred Years' War continues with a deep dive into the events of the conflict and the consequences of a century of violence and death across Europe. Join Olivia and Aran as they discuss how the Black Death, rapid military and social developments, and a million succession crises almost brought France to the brink of defeat by the English. Until, somewhere in northeastern France, in a sleepy village called Domrémy, a young woman begins to have visions....
Join us in two weeks' time as we continue the series by giving you a proper introduction to Joan of Arc and her exploits! Until then, enjoy the show.
For more on some of what we discuss, check out:
The transcript of the trial of Joan of Arc: Social Impact of the Hundred Years War on the Societies of England and France Weaponry and the Rise of the Early Modern State of Arc and Female Mysticism used in this episode:
And be sure to join the official WMG Discord server!!
A new, three-part epic kicks off in this episode of Weird Medieval Guys, covering the Hundred Years War, the apocalyptic conflict which forged the modern nations of England, France and Scotland.
In this episode, Olivia and Aran chart the prelude to the conflict: the Scottish Wars of Independence. After the unexpected, heirless death of King Alexander III, Scotland is plunged into a crisis that threatens to turn into a full-scale civil war. But machinations in Paris and London will transform this dynastic feud into the spark that will set all of western Europe ablaze...
If all that isn't enough for you, we've also got a magic stone, a disembodied heart, and a kingdom saved by an army of prostitutes. Never say we do nothing for you.
The European football championships have kicked off, so it's time to talk sports! Join Olivia and Aran as they crack open a cold one or several and take a look at the long history of football in Europe, as well as the almost-as-long history of football hooliganism. In doing so, we will try to understand why there have been so many attempts to ban the sport....that is to say, why every attempt to do so has failed!
For more on some of what we discuss, check out:
Quest for excitement : sport and leisure in the civilizing process (Chapter 5) by Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning in Medieval England and in Middle-English Literature by F.P. Magoun, Jr. and Social Hierarchy in Medieval England by Thomas S. Henricks poems about James Dog by William Dunbar -
It's time to get continental because on this episode of the Weird Medieval Guys podcast, we're heading to the Holy Roman Empire! When Voltaire famously said that the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, Roman, nor an empire, he probably didn't think that his words would haunt history classrooms and conversations centuries in the future. Unfortunately they did, and so we are left to deal with the legacy of this smarmy soundbite. Join Olivia and Aran as they unpack what on earth this crazy, crazy thing really was and try to deliver a verdict on whether Voltaire was right.
For more on some of what we discuss, please check out:
Nation States as Empire, Empires as Nation States by Krishan Kumar on the Road: Itinerant Rule in the Holy Roman Empire, AD 919–1519 FANTASIES: IMAGINING CHRISTIAN EMPIRE IN THREE FOURTEENTH-CENTURY VERSIONS OF "THE BOOK OF SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE by Marianne O'Doherty be sure to join the official WMG Discord server!!
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